CandiceTraylor on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

CandiceTraylor on Family Tree Circles

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How I got into Genealogy

My husband Glen Traylor and I "Candice" were sitting in the living room just talking to one another when out of the blue the phone rang. My husband picked it up and thought it was my mother on the other end and he told her you sound bad like you have a cold Maxine. The other end said no this is not Maxine this is Candice's real mother Dolores, I would like to speak to her please. He handed me the phone and told me that it was my real mother Dolores. My mouth fell open because I had not seen her or spoke to her in 36 years. Ever since my father Frank Reinbold and she divorced. I took the phone and we visited for a while I then told her that dad had died six months ago and that was when she told me, "Oh honey he was never your father Ted Morriss was your real father". I then got quite from the shock of the news. She then said that she was doing genealogy and that she would like me to take over for her but to keep her informed on anything new that I find. I told her I would and we both said our good-by's. When we both said our good-by's. I told my husband what she had told me about my real father Ted Morriss and said why didn't anyone in the Reinbold family ever say anything to me about not being a Reinbold. But then my husband told me that behind every cloud their is a silver lining. He said you have a computer start doing genealogy on it. Since then my mom sent all the genealogy that she had and opened up more family than I ever realized and I am still finding family and very proud to have them. I found I had three sisters and another brother, an Aunt and an Uncle and lots of first and second cousins. I love having family.

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 3 months ago

Looking for Edward Morris 1455 Great Coxwell Berkshire England

I have been looking for this man for two days.

I have seen his Genealogy of Brothers and sisters and his parents names all in Welsh but his name was the first Morris.

Is their anyone out there that can help me with this? Or has seen this information?

Thank you
Candice Traylor

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 3 months ago