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Looking for information on Winterfeld, Reed, and Lewis

My Great-Grandfather Samuel M. Reed, b.1862, d. 1955,m.
Mary J. Reed, b. Nov. 29,1869, d. June 25,
I was told by my Aunt that Mary J. Reed's maiden name was
Winterfeld. Or is her real name Wilhelmina, and call her Mary
What I wnat to find out is, what is Mary Reed's Father and mother's names. And what is Samuld Reed'd father and mother's name is.
I just found this Great-Great-GrandfatherCarl Winterfeld,
b. April 1889, m. Minnie Winterfeld, b._____
Samuel Reed's Father was born in England or Pennsylvania
Mother is born in Ohio (Where?)

Their Children: Charles H. Reed,b. April 15, 4896, d. Aug. 20, 1947, Esther H. Reed, b. Dec. 10, 1903, d.______, Minnie Reed,(Mayer) b. Dec.1927, d. Aug. ___, 1989 (is her real name Wilhelmina, and they call her Minnie)
Eva E. Reed, b. Dec. 22 1906, d. Dec. 1981, (this is my grandmother)
Rose Ann Reed,( Palmer) b. March 10, 1892, d.______,
There is a Jack Reed, I don't know if that is a brother or his son.

Mary J. Reed, Father and Mother was born in PreuBen, Germany.
They lived in Spencer Township, Lucas County, Ohio. On Mikly Rd. off Angola Rd.
Does anyone have any pictures?


My Great-Great-Grandfather James Lewis m. Martha Stockhouse
( Any informationwould be great) What I have, which I dont know if it's right: b. 1823, birthplace, New Jersey (Both born their) James Farm Laborer, Martha, House keeper,c. Jasper Lewis, Wilby Lewis, James Lewis, Alice Lewis, John Lewis, Amanda Kimball (house servent) and Girtrude Kimball, age 4
The picture is Harry E. Lewis (Jasper Lewis, son) married Eva E. Reed.

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 11 months ago