Cor on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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any Devine's

looking for my great grandfather, James DeVine.


In 1878 that was where my great grandfather was born. He moved to Central Lake, MI in 1900 as a lumberjack. In 1905 he married Harriett Murphy of Echo Township,MI. He moved to Charlevoix,MI in 1923 farming 40 acres in Antrim county during the summer and working the woods in the winters. He later worked at Loeb farms. He had three sons:
Gordon born in Ridgetown,Ontario
Harold of Charlevoix County
Carl who died in 1956.

Amos Mile Towsley was my great grandfather. He died in 1969. My great grandmother, Harriett lived until 1990 ( born in 1885!! You do the math!!!).

I am searching for Amos' parents and siblings. I have always been told there were hard feelings in the family because he moved to the USA. I have never been able to find a name or birth certificate...

3 comment(s), latest 12 years, 6 months ago