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Looking for the family of Samuel Beckett and wife Sarah Tennell both born in Kentucky

Samuel Beckett and Sarah Tennell were married in Marion county Missouri. They were both born in Kentucky probably Bourbon county. Samuel's father was John and his mother Nancy(Fry) Beckett. It is proven that they had at least two children - Nancy Jane born Apr 1837 in Missouri and John William born 29 Jan 1849 in Wisconsin or Iowa (?)Different records show different places. With 12 years between the two known children there could possibly have been others that may have died early. Nancy Jane married William W. Shaw and John William married Anna Elizabeth Wright. The names within my family are the same as those prevelent in the Beckett family of Lewis county Kentucky. I strongly believe there is a connection between the two families but as yet have not been able to prove a link.

2 comment(s), latest 15 years, 2 months ago