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Looking for missing BENNETT lines of North Devon

Any information on BENNETT families who originate from Appledore in North Devon. Lines moved away in the late 1800s to South Wales, Weymouth, Ilfracombe, Plymouth and Canada. One line beleived to have gone to America having lived in Wales. The majority were all connected to the sea trade and Royal Navy. Many were owners and Masters of ships in the coastal trade esp Bristol Channel area.

Any info most welcome.

Paul Bennett

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 3 months ago

Looking for Benjamin BENNETT connections of Rochester and Appledore Devon (HMS Scipio 1779)

Benjamin was born in Appledore, Devon in the 1760s and was last recorded as a Greenwich hospital pensioner aged 77 yrs. He was married with one son and they lived in Rochester.

Benjamin was a rigger on HMS Scipio and Injured whilst at sea.

Any information would be most welcome


1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 3 months ago

Bennett - Master Mariners/owners - Appledore, N Devon, England since the early 1600's

Seeking connections to Bennett Families who originated from Appledore in North Devon.
Are we connected?
Family lines in Devon,S.Wales, Southern Ireland, NewFoundland, Canada, Weymouth and Plymouth.
I am currently in the process of writing a book on the family history and any additional information will be most welcome. Info on any family crew members connected to HMS Cypher (Albert Bennett) - Tampa Bay 1883-1890. HMS Rodney (William Bennett)1700's and (Benjamin Bennett)- HMS Scipio 1700s.

Names of interest:
Muxworthy - Devon
Short - Bristol area.

Happy researching


1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago