Strzelczyk on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Anderson, Simon (Sweden to NJ?) & Son Joseph

Seeking info on Simon Anderson Emigrated from Sweden sometime prior to the Revolutionary War and settled in New Jersey near where the city of Camden now stands. Of his family, we have very little record except his son Joseph born in 1770.

Joseph Anderson...STORY: Native of NJ; removed to this county (Luzerne) in 1815, locating in Kingston township, on the farm now occupied and owned by A.J. Good. After spending some years there, he removed to Dallas, where he purchased another farm which he cleared during his lifetime. He was a very stout, robust man, a hard worker, and a person who believed in practicing the "Golden Rule" in his everyday life. He reared a family of FIVE children by two marriages. His wives were sisters, whose maiden name was Keiser. p 674 (1) ..He had SIX children by two marriages.. p. 676 (1)
!SOURCE: History of Luzerne Co. (1)
MARRIED: One wife was Catherine Keiser, c 1773-c 1860/70. (1)

Joseph m (1) Keiser, 3 children - Simon 1800, Margaret 1802, Barbary; m (2) Catherine Keiser - John 1811, James, Henry 1814, Charlotte 1817

Seeking ancestors & descendants of this family

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 10 months ago

The Crispell Family in America

Currently working on "republishing" five volumes of "The Crispell Family in America", while adding information for Volume 6