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Hillmans of Elgin County, Ontario

The Hillman family originally came from the village of Westbury, Wiltshire county. George Hillman and Sussana Browne with their children emigrated from England sometime around 1829 to Mosa Township, Middlesex County in what was Upper Canada(Ontario) at that time.
They had 7 children one of whom John who married Isabella May moved to a farm in Clathan, Elgin County, Ontario in 1859. Members of that branch of the family have been there ever since.
It is that branch that I am directly related to.
It is especially interesting to link their lives to the times. To the changes in rural Ontario,to local and world events, and even to the increased popularity of hockey in Canada. The family have always been enthusiastic participants of hockey since the 1920's.
Other names that are associated directly with this family are Peckham, May, Turner, McKay, McCallum, Shoemaker, Steele, Thomas, McClellan, Rickard and Wallace.

4 comment(s), latest 13 years, 12 months ago