Wjones on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Robert Jones Parents from England

Looking for more info on Robert Jones that married Joanne Osgood in the 1600 in Amsbury Mass. Possible father to Robert Jones may be Thomas Jones or Samuel Jones both of England.

Looking for John & Abigail Jones of Washington, Orange County, Vermont 1800's

John & Abigail Jones came from Goffstown, New Hampshire to Washington, Orange County, Vermont around 1790. All of their children were born in Goffstown, New Hampshire. They had the following children, Stephen born July 23. 1771. Molly born Feb 5, 1774, Alice born sept 16, 1776, Nathan born sept 16, 1778, Sally born april 7, 1781 Esther born March 10, 1784 and John born October 25, 1786. They are in the book The History of Goffstown, New Hampshire under Joans. Later after the moved to Vermont, the name became Jones. John Jones married Sally Youngman on January 23. 1825. Does anyone have any info on the original John & Abrigail Jones??????