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"52 Weeks"

Journal by taxisixo

Hi, when family have been in Australia since early white settlement, searching can be quite easy, and after all there are still only 23 million people here, so it's a relatively small country. The only State that charges for basic information is Victoria, but all the rest are free. My husband has complained that I had all the intersting characters and when was I going to have a look at his lot. So I caved in and found it was a relatively easy task given that we lived in the Region where his family settled when they arrived here and they didn't stray far. They were in fact considered "pioneers". He had the usual mix of convict (Irish) and free settlers and it was the convicts that were of particulart note. I discovered that he had a cousin, Edward Rennix "Teddy" LARKIN, the grandson of an Irish convict William RENNIX. William RENNIX's daughter Mary Ann married a William LARKIN and apart from "Teddy" they had four other children. Teddy and his siblings although born near Newcastle NSW were raised in an inner suburb of Sydney, Newtown. Teddy and his brothers went to St Joseph's Hunters Hill. When Teddy left school he became a Policeman, he was a "capped" Rugby International, then in 1909 after Rugby Union broke away from Rugby League he became their full-time Secretary (they were in financial trouble. In 1913 Teddy LARKIN was elected to the NSW Parliament and when WW1 broke out in August 1914, while still a serving member of the Parliament he enlisted, saying that he was setting an example. He embarked from Australia and landed at Gallipoli and was killed on the 25/04/1915 along with his brother Martin LARKIN they have no kinown grave. Teddy was still a serving Member of the NSW Parliament. He left a wife and two small boys aged 6 and 3 years. Last year on Rememberance Day 11/11/11, I received a random email from a lady claiming to be the daughter of Teddy's son Howard Rennix LARKIN, after some enquiries we discovered that indeed she was Howard's daughter, that she was only a young women, and that her father had died when she was 3 years old (history repeating itself). Her father, Howard, had been a pilot in the RAF (UK)in WW11 and was captured by the Germans at Dunkirk in 1942 and was interned in Stalag Luft 111 (Sagen), the "Great Escape" camp. Howard's daughter was keen for information about her father but we were unable to help her, since all the information that we had was what was a matter of public record. The young lady has choosen not to stay in touch with us, and that's sad, but my husband is very proud and happy about his cousin "Teddy" LARKIN and his contribution to public life. It was quite a "find" and probably by best accomnplishment to date. Cheers, Sue.

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by taxisixo Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-10-18 01:02:52

taxisixo , from Aberdare, NSW Austrralia, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2011. is researching the following names: BOWEN.

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by mwg1 on 2012-10-18 19:31:49

Hi Sue,

I'm also related to William RENNIX, he was my 3x Great Grandfather. My information is also mainly public record, but I would like to know more about the Howard Rennix LARKIN story. My notes show him dying in 1980 Henley on Thames Oxfordshire, aged 67. I have names for 4 children to his first wife and a second wife that he married 4 years before his death.

Kind Regards,

by taxisixo on 2012-10-19 01:10:29

Hi Mark,
My husband, Peter, is a 2 x Great Grandson of William RENNIX, Teddy LARKIN's mother Mary Ann RENNIX was the sister of Hannah Agnes (Dolly) RENNIX who married Daniel John CARMODY whose daughter Cecelia Jane CARMODY was my husband's Grandmother. Now, you are correct with the death date for Howard Rennix LARKIN, and I was not aware of any previous children to his first marriage, his first wife I have as Eileen Lillian TOMKINS, who was Married previously to Eric FARROW in 1931, and then to Howard in 1947. It would be a guess that Eric FARROW died in WW11. Howard's daughter by his last wife, whose name I don't know,is Sarah Larkin SMITH, she was born in 1977 and lives in Oxfordshire with her husband and two children. Sarah has a Facebook page. You are probably aware that Teddy's wife May Josephine YATES remained in Australia while the boys completed their education at St Ignatius, Sydney. Edward Henry Matriculated at 16 years and went to Sydney University to do Medicine, Howard returned to school at North Sydney Boys High School to improve his Matriculation score. The family moved to the UK in 1932, mainly I gather for Edward to continue his Medical studies. Howard joined the RAF and in 1935 was graded "Pilot Officer", by 1939 he was acting Flight Lieutenant and by 1940 Wing Commander, in 1941 he was awarded the "Air Force Cross". Howard's Service Number was 37048. On the Australian National Archives Site you will find his POW card but the information on it is scant. One item of interest is he states his "family" name as TULLOCH, which was in fact his Grandmother's maiden name, and that's a whole other story if you don't already have it. We just couldn't help Sarah with any personal information regarding her father, but we got the impression that she was an only child, and she was unaware that she had relatives in Australia. There are actually quite a lot. Anyway do get back to me with any information that you have or let us know what we can tell you about the family.

Kind regards

Sue Simmonds

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