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Journal by mmc9002

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by mmc9002 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-11-27 11:14:14

mmc9002 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2012.

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by mmc9002 on 2012-11-27 11:57:36

To all HANRIGHT researchers;

As a Greatgrand Son of Thomas Hanright's first family, I would like to add my two bits worth into the mystry of my Greatgrand Father:

My Grandmother, Louisa Albeon Hanright was the d/o Thomas. She was born 8 Oct 1851, died 13 Oct 1916. She was the mother of my father Carl Marinus Mortensen.
She married my Grandfather Thomas Christian Mortensen on 29 Apr. 1885 in Dover, NH
They moved to Amherst, NS and had four children.

Where did the name Rice come from? I think he added it after he landed in NZ.
Thomas was born in Ireland in 1822,per 1861 census of Hants County, NS.
Thomas married Albeon Chappell on 18 Aug 1845 at Tidnish, NS. They had four children, Jane Eliza Hanright b 1846, Elijah Bostford Hanright, b 1848, Louisa Albeon Hanright b 1851, unnamed child b & d 20 Feb 1854. Albeon died the same day.
Albeon was the sister of Susan who married Thomas' brother William. Thomas farmed out the children to relatives per 1861 census. He married his second wife Cassandrea "Cassie" Fielding 19 Apr 1858 in Windsor, NS. They had two childeren Fredrick and Jessie. Fredrick became a barrister in Halifax, NS.
Thomas' oldest child Jane Eliza Hanright married Benamin McGlaskin in 1865. The had two children. Elijha Bostford Hanright was found in Iowa living with Harry Hanright working in a livery.

Thomas & William had a sister Mary Ann Hanright who married Richard Robinson in 1834.

Thomas applied to almshouse on 19 May 1876 in Onondaga, NY, stating his age as 50 and had 2 borthers and one sister. May not be the same person. There is a ship manifest where Thomas sailed from Pectou, NS to Boston, MA in 1854.

Thomas sure was a mystry. He added to his name , became a bridgebuilder in NZ. Where did he get his education, if any ? Is there a ship manifest from US or Danada to NZ or Australia for Thomas or any other records?

by mmc9002 on 2012-12-06 14:46:37

by mmc9002 on 2012-12-06 14:49:38

Hanright researchers; I submit my e-mail address as mmc9002@gmail.com. Awaiting your response.

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