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"Ya Hoo - Ring the dinner bell!"

Journal by 1bobbylee

"In my short story, "Uncle Clyde, Please! Drive the boat" I described the nostalgic feeling I received when I viewed the white two story country store at Cross Springs, S.C. As noted in the journal, I had a delightful visit with a sweet lady. The store had been in her husband's family for four generations. A wide assortment of 19th century items were displayed for sale and purchased by many South Carolinians.

I came across the 19th century recipes below while surfing the internet.
I thought they might be a delightful addition to complement the 19th century era.

Listed are three 19th Century recipes.


Beat one egg and stir in 2 cups of cornmeal, 3/4 teaspoon salt, and 1 1/2 cups milk. This is your batter. Drop spoonfuls of this batter on a well-greased pan, and fry until they are brown on both sides.
Serve them hot with butter, sugar, or honey. Yield: 10-12 cakes.


Cook a cup of wild rice in 2 1/2 cups of water, with a pinch of salt, for about 45 minutes on low heat. It will be ready when all the water is absorbed and the rice is soft. Stir in one cup of blue berries, and serve warm. Serves 4-6 people. (May add some sugar)
(You know, a little milk poured in may have the taste buds popping.)


Boil about 4 cups of chicken broth and 2 cups water in a covered pot, then add a cornstarch mixture (2 tablespoons cornstarch, with 4 tablespoons water) while stirring add two slightly beaten eggs. Finally add a tablespoon of chopped scallions.

Here are three recipes that are inexpensive and easy to prepare. Try something "Way Out." You may be surprised how good it tastes.

You folks way up in the north country may appreciate these stomach warming recipes. "Well", "I think just about anyone would."


Source: I discoverd these 19th century recipes on the internet.. Unfortuntely, I did not write down web site address.

Surnames: NONE
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by 1bobbylee Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-07-15 01:46:55

Ancestry information on Surnames - Waters, White, Vaughan, Willis.

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by janilye on 2011-07-15 02:35:46

mmmmmmmm now I'm hungry. I'm a virtuoso of the Johnny cake.
We call them pikelets down.

by 1bobbylee on 2011-07-15 03:04:49

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm me too. Just checked the cupboard. Need to get some cornmeal. Try the wild rice and blueberries. Might out do dry cereal and milk. Rice for energy and blueberries for complex vitamin.
It is 3 am 7/15/2011 here in US Carolina country. About 3 hrs till breakfast. 3 pm your time. But hey, this dish can be eaten anytime. I woke up sonner than intended. Should not have drank that 2nd cup of coffee. G'Nite all. Have a wonderful day!

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