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by Trumble 18 years, 4 months ago
I am trying to find more information on Goldie Moffit nee Baum. She was born in Arkansas 1910. Social Security had her in Kentucky and died 1992. Her mother, Addie Baum nee Trumble was born in Indiana 1894. father was Christopher Baum, born...
1 comment, latest 18 years, 4 months ago
Fort Worth, Texas Search
by jones daughter 18 years, 4 months ago
My dad was the youngest child born on his family. He was born in 1906/1907 in Erath County Texas. His name was Tom Watson Jones. I am in the process of finding out his parents name. It is unusal for a grand child not to at least know their grand...
Fort Worth, Texas Search
by jones daughter 18 years, 4 months ago
Family Gaps/Missing Links In A Golden chain
by jones daughter 18 years, 4 months ago
My dad was born in Erath County, Texas in 1906/1907. He married his first wife there in Erath county in the early 1920's and my oldest brother was born. I only saw him once when I was about eight years old in Roswell,N.M. I recently found him...
Looking for relations of one Homer C. Purdin, and or Maple Grace Rhodes.
by Anna Terebessy-Lisa Fetter 18 years, 4 months ago
I am seaching for my grandfather(Homer C. Purdin) and my grandmother(Maple Grace Rhodes) They had seven daughters, Shirley(Crest), Lethe(Miller), Emma Louise(Davis), Hazel Caplinger, Marie(Miller) and Ermiline(Wilkin). I am a daughter of Wanda...
Looking for John G Henderson 1793-1858
by grandmamainor 18 years, 4 months ago
I am looking for information on John G (middle name may be Grant) Henderson b.May 4 1793, believed to be born in Pennsylvania (the 1850 census shows Kentucky), he married Hannah Dinwiddie (b. Feb 8, 1796/VA; d.Apr. 9 1833/IN) in 1816 in Scott...
Wilkins of Cambridgeshire, England.
by wm 18 years, 4 months ago
Would love to hear from anyone who may be related or researching into the Wilkins Family which originated from Arrington, Cambridgeshire. So far I've managed to find William Wilkins(born1824) and his son Isaiah(born1857). Both William and...
Looking for information Patrick Dunn(e) Bridgett (Kelley) Dunn
by mdunn 18 years, 4 months ago
Patrick and Bridget arrived in Philadelphia, PA in April / May 1883 on seperate ships. They are my great grandparents. Accompaning Bridget were their three daughters and a Margaret Dunn(e), who we believe moved to the New York area shortly...
Looking for Koumoutsis
by Koumoutsis 18 years, 4 months ago
I am George Koumoutsis and i want find and others guys with the same surname
Conrad, Henry, and Adam Weiler
by pammy 18 years, 4 months ago
Three brothers came to America at different times. Conrad lived Tuscola, Michigan. Henry lived in Stephenson County, Illinois. Adam lived in Carroll County, Illinois. My journey is to connect them through geneology. Henry Weiler married...
Herbert Wade Clements
by jckstrssr 18 years, 4 months ago
Herbert Wade Clements; born 06 Dec 1907, and died 13 Sep 1995 in St. Joseph Co. IN. Buried at Highland Cemetery. He was the son of David Hatton Clements and Hannah Olive Masterson. He married Ethel Dude Schell 20 Aug 1925 in St. Joseph. Co. IN She...
Strasser Name History
by jckstrssr 18 years, 4 months ago
Strasser's come from the village Strass near Ulm. The village goes back to the Limes Road of the Roman empire. A thousand years ago there lived a half dozen families without last names in the village. They were owned by Cloister Elching and a...
Hopkins of Alberta,Manitoba, Michigan, Hopkins judge in Mass usa early 1900s
by hopsub 18 years, 4 months ago
1 comment, latest 18 years, 4 months ago
Looking for confirmation on marriage between William Burton and Elizabeth Alice Story
by Kimberly Burton 18 years, 4 months ago
Both from England. I have 800 in tree so far. But would like to confirm marriage.
Cooling's of England and Kansas
by judylehman 18 years, 4 months ago
There is a listing of this family on Family Tree Maker's world Tree Vol. 2. I am a descendent of John William Cooling of Valley Falls, Jefferson County, Kansas.
Looking for info on Harrison family.
by Debbie123 18 years, 4 months ago
My great grandmother was a Harrison. Her name was Gladys E. Harrison.(b.4-1894) Her parents were Benson M. Harrison (b.11-1863) and Florida F. (Orr) Harrison. His Parents were J.C. Or George C. Harrison. In a census done in 1880 it had J.C. or...
Looking for info on Dorothea Holt born in Morgantown WV.
by Debbie123 18 years, 4 months ago
My grandmother was born Dorothea Holt in Morgantown WV. Her parents were Charles Holt and Anna Willis. Charles and Anna had seven children, Dorothea, Francis, Charles, Betty, Walter, Eldon, Jane. They have all passed away now and I can't get any...
Looking for Barrett of Missouri.
by tifandwilly 18 years, 4 months ago
I know my great grandmother was naoma barrett. I do believe her maiden name was hopkins. She married Harry Barrett ( I think).... any info is useful......
Elizabeth Neal
by kms101 18 years, 4 months ago
Looking for information on Elizabeth Neal. She was listed in the 1870 census for Pike County, GA. She was living with her brother James Nelson and mother Fanny Neal.