Valentine's MARINE RETREAT Hotel, Petone<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Valentine's MARINE RETREAT Hotel, Petone

Journal by ngairedith

The Hotel of Nathaniel Valentine (1828-1892)
Mr Valentine was born near Chatham, England and came out to New Zealand as a member of the band of the 65th Regiment, which landed in Auckland from the ship Java on the 26 Nov 1840, his brother Mr John Valentine, of Oriental Bay and Mr Hugh Curry, of Courtenay place, also being members of the band.

Wellington Independent, 30 January 1858

ANNIVERSARY REGATTA - The Committee will meet at Mr N. Valentine's Coach & Horses, Manners street, on Friday evening mext, the 20th instant, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of Settling, &c. R. LUCAS, Hon Secretary and Treasurer
NOTE: The Coach & Horses later owned by George Death in 1864, J. J. Whyte in 1867 then John Barlow in 1871, later became Fowlds

Wellington Independent, 27 Feb 1858

Possession may be had immediately. A very comfortable 3-roomed Cottage, with a Good Well of Water and Garden attached; situated in Ghuznee-street, Te Aro. for particulars apply to the undersigned, who resides on the premises, or to Mr N. Valentine, Coach and Horses, Manners-street. GEORGE HESSLEWOOD

Wellington Independent, 12 Feb 1859

A small bullock cart, with harness. For particulars apply to N. VALENTINE, Coach & Horses

Wellington Independent, 20 May 1859

The Public are respectfully informed that a Ball will take place on Monday, the 23rd of May, at the Ordnance Stores, to celebrate the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Odd Fellows Hall. Tickets 10s 6d each to admit a lady and gentleman, to be had at Mr N. Valentine's Coach and Horses; Mr P. Laing's, Mr S. Levy's, the "Independent Office' and of the Committee. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock. Admittance by Tickets only. C. SAWYER, Sec Ball Committee

Wellington Independent, 9 April 1868

VALENTINE - On Saturday, April 4, at Valentine's Family Hotel, Hutt, the wife of Mr N. Valentine, of a son

Evening Post, 5 Jan 1876

Mr James Smith reports that, notwithstanding the unfavourable weather, there was a very good attendance at the sale held by him at the Hutt yesterday in resumption of the old Hutt market. . An excellent luncheon was served by Mr Nathaniel Valentine at his Hotel...
The prices realised were as follows:
COWS -₤5 5s to £6 10s
BULLOCKS - £6 10s to £12 15s
TIP CART £10 10s
HORSES - £5 to £16

Evening Post, 3 Oct 1877

We learn by a telegram from our own correspondent at the Hutt that a melancholy case of suicide occurred there last night, Mr. Daniel Cooley, who has been for a long time past in the employ of Mr. Nathaniel Valentine as gardener, having been found dead with his throat cut across, the gash being such a fearful one that his head was nearly cut off. The circumstances appeared to show conclusively that the deceased died by his own hand. An inquest is to be held to-morrow.

Evening Post, 9 Aug 1879

Nathaniel Valentine of the Hutt, licensed victualier, has assigned his estate to Mr G.Crawford, of Wellington, merchant, for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors to assent to the deed will be held at the Supreme Court House on Monday, 25th August, at 2pm.

Evening Post, 2 Sep 1879

A meeting of the creditors of Nathaniel Valentine, hotelkeeper, of the Hutt, was held yesterday afternoon, Mr. A. A. Barnett in the chair. The chairman and Mr R. Cleland, who had been appointed at a previous meeting to investigate matters connected with the estate, brought up their report, which was to the effect that the liabilities amounted to £2100 and the assets to £2000. They advised the creditors to wind up the estate, and finally close it at the end of three months. After a short discussion the meeting was adjourned until this afternoon

Evening Post 26 Feb 1880

Valentine-Hood - On the 26th February, at the residence of Mr J.Valentine, Oriental Bay, Nathaniel Valentine (late of the Railway Hotel, Hutt) to Sarah Hood, widow of the late Mr. Hood, of Porirua Bay.

Evening Post, 9 March 1881

At the sitting of this Court to-day Mr Gully applied on behalf of Mr George Scott and Mr Fitzherbert for Mr Nathaniel Valentine, for new licenses for houses to be erected according to plans produced. Both applications were opposed by Constable Withers, who was instructed by the Native office, on the ground that injury would be done to Maoris (sic) living at Petoni. They were also opposed by Mr. Gear's foreman. The Court adjourned for fourteen days, to allow the Native Department and Mr. Gear to place before the Commissioners the nature of their objections more fully. The Court suggested that plans should be so improved that houses might be made more suitable for the accommodation of Wellington families. . A transfer was granted from Isaac Wilkins to George Isaac Wilkins, Railway Hotel, Upper Hutt.

Evening Post, 3 July 1882

N. Valentine has much pleasure in announcing that he opened the above Hotel on Saturday, 1st July.
The house, which has just been erected, in quite close to the Petoni Railway Station, and therefore very easy of access. It affords all the comforts of a home to those who are desirous of spending a few days, or weeks, in the country for the benefit of their health or recreation.
A most magnificent is obtained from the balcony, embracing the City of Wellington, Valley of the Hutt, the Wellington Heads and harbour.
The charges will be moderate and the Proprietor, under whose personal supervision the business will be carried on, begs to assure all those who may favour him with their patronage that no trouble will be spared to ensure the comfort of his customers

Evening Post, 15 June 1883
The chess match between the Petone Chess Club and Wellington Chess Club, third-class players, took place last night at Valentine's Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, the Petone Club being the victors, Messrs. Comber and Kirk winning their games against Messrs Wright and Collins

Evening Post, 5 Sep 1883
, a good General servant. Apply Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone

Evening Post, 25 July 1885
is hereby given that the under-mentioned goods of Robert Mangles King, late of Petone, Surveyor, left by him in the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, will be sold by public auction by Messrs J. H. Bethune & Co., at their sale-rooms, Brandon street, in the City of Wellington, on Tuesday, the 25th day of August, 1885, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, unless the debt due by the said Robert Mangles King to Nathaniel Valentine, the licensee of the said hotel, for board and lodging is before that date paid:- One theodolite and stand, one small black bag, one canvas bag, one bag containing clothing, one tin box containing books, & c., one case of books, one box of paints, one album, four boxes of surveyor's tools, one coat, one brass rule, sundry maps. NATHANIEL VALENTINE

Evening Post, 17 Aug 1885
, I.O.O.F., M.U.
ANNIVERSAY DINNER to be held at Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, Wednesday, 19th Aug., at 7p.m. sharp. Visitors will find 10:15 late train suitable to return. Tickets, 4s 6d each. H. M. WILLIAMS, Secretary

Evening Post, 9 Oct 1885
Mr Valentine, of the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, desires to remove a misconception with regard to the statement that he refused a man a bed on the night previous to the fire. The person referred to asked for a shilling bed, and was informed that the establishment contained none at the price

Evening Post, 30 Oct 1885
- Tenders are invited until noon of Saturday, 7th of November next, for the erection of a Cottage at Petone. Plans and specifications to be seen at N. Valentine's Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. MOTHES

Evening Post, 18 Nov 1885

- To The Editor
SIR - I see by your paper of Saturday that the directors of the Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company, after failing to get the Governor of the colony, Sir Wm. Jervois, or Sir Julius Vogel to lay the foundation stone for the above, that they have invited the Hon. Robert Stout, the Premier, to perform the ceremony. I feel that I should be neglecting a duty if I did not call attention to the claims of one who, failing the Governor, should have been invited to lay the foundation stone, and that is Sir Wm Fitzherbert, a gentleman who from the starting up to the present time has closely identified himself with the company, and has worked energetically in promoting its interest. Sr Wm. Fitzherbert is an old and much respected colonist and one whose interest is and has been the advancement and prosperity of Wellington and its environs. Moreover he is a shareholder. Honour be to him to whom honour is due, and that in this case is Sir Wm. Fitzherbert, our old and tried friend, and I feel that passing him over is tantamount to an insult. Let it be put to the vote of the shareholders, then we shall see to whom the compliment will be paid. I am, & c., N. VALENTINE, Marine Retreat Hotel

Evening Post, 23 Feb 1886
- MOTHES-VALENTINE, On 18th February, at the residence of the bride's father, Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, by the Rev John Mori, Richard Mothes, of Petone, to Katherine Amelia, second daughter of Nathaniel Valentine

Evening Post, 24 May 1886
A death under somewhat peculiar circumstances occurred at Petone yesterday morning. It appears that on Saturday evening a man named Alfred Hemming, who came from England for the benefit of his health about five months ago, accepted the invitation of a friend named Barraclough to spend the holiday with him. Hemming has been suffering from acute asthma and was also in advanced stage of consumption. Almost immediately after his arrival at Petone he became suddenly ill and was seized with great pains. He continued to endure the most severe suffering during the night and expired early yesterday morning. It is thought by his friends that the sharp frosty air affected the little lung power that the unfortunate man still retained and thus hastened his end. An inquest will be held to-morrow by Dr Johnston, Coroner, at the Marine Retreat Hotel

Evening Post, 23 June 1886
Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company Ltd
LADIES and GENTLEMEN - At the request of a large number of Shareholders, I have been induced to offer myself as one of your Directors, at the annual meeting to be held on the 30th instant. I do not claim to be an expert in dying or in the manufacture of woollen goods, preferring to leave that branch of the business to the very clever manager and dyer who are supposed to be unsurpassed in the colonies, believing interference might cause a rupture and possibly lead to losing our good men, on whom the success of the mill greatly depends.
What we require are upright business men who will administer the funds of the Company economically and without fear or favour, remembering that at present we have only 30 looms and should be worked with a much smaller staff than other factories in the colonies having a greater number.
I would earnestly request all Shareholders who can make it convenient (before giving away their proxies) to pay a visit to the mill and judge for themselves the result of the unnecessary and wasteful expenditure of the last seven months in pulling up the old race, and leaving the mill without the beautiful water so admirably adapted for making superior dyes and now being compelled to substitute Wainui-o-mata water, for which we have to pay by metre.
I am quite opposed to a Managing Director, thinking seven Directors, with the very able gentlemen in Mr Ramsden and M Heeles, quite sufficient.
If elected I will do my uttermost to serve you faithfully. N. VALENTINE - Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone

Evening Post, 3 March 1887
Mr N. Valentine, of the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, who for some time past has been receiving subscriptions on behalf of the widow and children of harry Evans, an employee of the Woollen Company, who was drowned in a boat accident in the harbour, has handed over to Mrs Evans the sum of £6 16s 6d the total of the money subscribed

Evening Post, 16 March 1887
, Wellington Star v Christchurch Union
.. the crews stripped in the Marine Retreat Hotel and lost no time in putting their boats in the water in front of that hostelry ...

Evening Post, 31 March 1887
- The Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, has changed hands, Mr Nathaniel Valentine having disposed of the leas, stock and furniture to Mr J. R. Stancell, late of Timaru. The lease has been sold for £3500, and the stock and furniture are to be taken at a valuation. Mt Stancell takes possession on the the 14th proximo

Evening Post, 15 June 1887
The annual meeting
of the Petone Licensing Committee was held at noon today at the Town Board Office. Present - Messrs E. H. Collett (Chairman), C. S. Collett, J. Holland and E. Jackson. The only business transacted was the confirmation of the temporary transfer of the license of the Marine Retreat Hotel from Nathaniel Valentine to J. R. Stansell, and the granting of a new license. Mr Stansell applied for an extension of hours to 11p.m., but, acting on the representations of Constable Harnett, who considered the extension unnecessary, the Committee declined the application

Evening Post, 5 Aug 1887
The Friends of the late Mr Geo Ashton are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral which will leave Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, on Saturday, 6th August, at 2.45p.m. E. & A. COLLETT, Undertakers

Evening Post, 11 June 1888
- Mr J. R. Stansill applied for a renewal of his license for the Marine Retreat Hotel. The application was granted but a further application for an extension of hours beyond 10p.m. was refused

Evening Post, 27 Sep 1888
for sale by tender
Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of the valuable Business Premises erected on Section 8, Petone, fronting the main road and public road to Petone Beach Station and situate opposite the Marine Retreat Hotel.
This property is at present occupied by Mr A. Von Meyern and held on lease for 2 years at a ground rent of £12 per annum

Evening Post, 2 March 1889

A meeting of the Wellington Licensing Committee was held in the Resident Magistrate's Courthouse at noon to-day, was was attended by Messrs J. R. Blair (chairman), F. H. Fraser, J. E. Haynes, A. Young and C. E. W. Willeston. Inspector Thomson and Sergeant-Major Morice were present on behalf of the police. Andrew Barry applied for a permanent transfer of the license of the Royal Hotel to Nathaniel Valentine.
There was no objection, and the application was granted.

Evening Post, 6 March 1889

For Sale, the lease of the above well-known and favourite Suburban Hotel, having about 35 years to run. The house contains 24 rooms, including Billiard Room. The Outbuildings and Grounds comprise Stables, Coachhouse, Washhouse, Fowlhouse, Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Gardens, Tennis Court, &c.
FURNITURE AND STOCK AT VALUATION to an approved purchaser, liberal terms will be offered if required. For further particulars, apply to F. R. Stansell, Proprietor or to J. Staples & Co., Thorndon Brewery

Evening Post, 9 March 1889
Licensee of the Marine Retreat Hotel, was yesterday adjudged a bankrupt and in a statement laid before the Official Assignee sets down his unsecured debts

Evening Post, 13 March 1889
- Stansell, On the 13th March, at the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, Reginald, the youngest son of J. R. Stansell, aged 3 months

Evening Post, 15 March 1889
- The first meeting of creditors in the estate of John Rainbow Stansell, licensee of the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, was held this morning, the Official Assignee being in the chair ... more here

Evening Post, 15 May 1889
I, JOHN RAINBOW STANSELL, of Petone, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting, to be held at Petone on the 10th day of June next, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situate at Petone and known as the Marine Retreat Hotel containing 16 rooms exclusive of those required for the use of the family, the property of MARTENE te WHERA. Dated 11th day of May 1889. J. R. STANSELL (not yet verified if this was the same or a different location)

Poverty Bay Herald, 23 Sep 1889
The NZ Times tells the following tale to the end:- A young lady on horseback had a narrow escape yesterday morning at Pitone. She was crossing the railway line near the Marine Retreat Hotel about the time that a train was running into the station. The engineer shouted to her, but either she did not hear him, or woman like, had made up her mind to cross that line, and cross it she would, in spite of a thousand engineers. She did cross at last but he engine and the horse's tail came into very close contact. Fortunately neither was hurt

Evening Post, 31 Oct 1889
The crew of the Petone Naval cutter, who recently rescued Miss Spackman, the survivor of the recent boat accident, were entertained, with a few other friends, at the Marine Retreat Hotel last evening by Mr R. Mothes, who is about leaving the hostelry. The head of the table was occupied by the host and following the disposal of a capital repast, various toasts, including that of "The worthy host and his good wife." were honoured. In the course of the evening, songs were rendered by Messrs G. White, J. Edmonds, J. Woods, J. Hunt, W. Parrant, H. Whitcher, G. Lomas and others, a recitation was given by Mr E. Chatwin and several violin solos by Mr Hotop. Mr H. Manning accompanied the solos. A very jolly evening was passed

Evening Post, 19 Nov 1889

I, JOHN RAINBOW STANSELL, of Petone, being the holder of a Publican's License in respect of the house and premises situate at Petone and known as the Marine Retreat Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Petone on the 9th day of December, apply for a transfer of the said license from myself to John McIntosh, my appointee.
Dated the 26th day of October, 1889. J. R. STANSELL

Evening Post, 31 Dec 1889
., will sell by public auction, in their rooms, Lambton-quay, on Thursday, the 9th day of January, 1890, at half-past 2 o'clock in the afternoon, by direction of the mortgagee and under conduct of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington District, in pursuance of the powers contained in the Land Transfer Act, 1885 - The leasehold interest in all that piece or parcel of land situated at Petone, containing three acres one rood and twenty-three perches (3a 1r 23p), more or less, and being part of sections numbered on (1) and two (2) on the plan of the Hutt District; together with the hotel and buildings erected thereon, and known as "THE MARINE RETREAT HOTEL"
For further particulars apply to Messrs MOORHOUSE & EDWARDS, Solicitors, 12 Brandon-street OR to THE AUCTIONEERS

Evening Post, 9 Jan 1890,
The leasehold interest
in the Marine Retreat Hotel at Petone was offered at auction this afternoon by Messrs Noble Campbell and Co. There was a large attendance, but the bidding, which was commenced at £10, was confined to tow gentlemen, one of whom (Mr Nathaniel Valentine) secured the property at £750. The purchase, however, is subject to a mortgage of £1000

Evening Post, 24 Jan 1890
- Absolute Unreserved Sale of the Whole of the Valuable Household Furniture, Furnishings and Effects in and about the MARINE RETREAT HOTEL, Petone, under Bill of Sale, on Wednesday, 29th January, 1890 at 10 o' clock a.m.
T. Kennedy MacDonald & Co., are instructed to sell by public auction, as above - the whole of the valuable household furniture and effects in the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone. Comprising the contents of:
Drawing-Room, Dining-Room, Commercial-room, Bar Parlor, Billiard-room, 12 Bedrooms, Bar, Hall, Kitchen, Scullery and Outhouses.
It would be impossible to particularise a fraction of the goods to be sold, but the following are a few of the leading lines, viz.:-
Piano by Aucher Freres, suite in green rep
Tapestry Carpet
Stuffed birds in glass cases
Billiard Table by Hopkins with fixings
Telescope Dining Table
Handsome mahogany sideboard
Superior electro-late, cruets and spirit stands
Austrian chairs
glassware, table linen, iron half-tester and French bedsteads (double and singe), spring mattresses, chests of drawers, marble top washstands, sets of ware, blankets, sheets, quilts, towels, pillowslips
Whitechapel cart, set harness
Garden roller, lawn mower, hedge shears, border cutter
ALSO, Pewters, filter, funnels, spirit-measures, bottle baskets and a lot of sundries
This Hotel was originally specially furnished under the personal supervision of Mr NATHANIEL VALENTINE, and greatly extended and improved by Mr Stansill, the late landlord. It is most complete in every respect.
Every article will be sold without the slightest reserve and the sale is therefore a great opportunity for those furnishing and in search of good articles a dead bargain.
A SPECIAL COACH starts at 9.30a.m. TRAIN leaves Wellington at 9.45am.
First - YOu goods will be conveyed from Petone to Wellington by rail, free of charge
Second - A special coach will convey you from Wellington to the Hotel free od charge, starting from Messrs T. Kennedy Macdonald & Co's Exchange Buildings at 9.30 sharp, returning at the close of the sale
Third - The ordinary train Wellington to Petone starts at 9.45a.m.

Evening Post, 12 March 1890

The Works Committee recommended as follows:-
.. 10/.. that the labourer rake up the loose stones on the road from Jackson-street to the Marine Retreat Hotel crossing ...

Evening Post, 7 May 1890
WANTED, a good General Servant. Apply sharp, Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone

Evening Post, 6 Nov 1890
Last evening the Mayor of Petone (Mr R. C. Kirk) entertained the members of the Petone Football Club, of which he is President, at a dinner at the Marine Retreat Hotel. About 35 members and several guests were present and Mr Kirk sat at the head of the table

Evening Post, 19 March 1891

The report of the Works Committee contained the following recommendations:- that the suggestion of the Borough Surveyor re removing the cattle stops backward near the Marine Retreat Hotel sufficiently to allow of Main-street being carried through to its full width of one chain, be approved of, and that the Railway authorities be written to on the subject

Evening Post, 21 July 1891

It was announced that the Railway Commissioners had decided to remove the cattle stops at the crossing opposite the Marine Retreat Hotel and would shift them back 30ft, thus widening the road to that extent

Evening Post, 13 Feb 1892
In the Exchange Land
and Mercantile Auction Rooms
No 3, Panama-street, Important and Absolute Sale
The EIGHT COTTAGES containing Four and Five Rooms each, standing upon Allotments 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22 and 23 of the subdivision of part of Section No 2, Hutt District
These cottages are nearly opposite the Marine Retreat Hotel and front the main Hutt Road and the Esplanade. They will be sold separately, each being subject to a low ground rent; and as from the proximity to the Railway Workshops and the Woollen Company they always command the best of tenants, they should prove a capital investment

Evening Post, 17 March 1892
Some residents of Petone were alarmed last night by a foreigner prowling around, He entered no less than six houses, demanding food and a shake-down. The matter was reported to COnstable Lyster, who ran his quarry to earth while he was refreshing himself at the Marine Retreat Hotel, The man, who gave his name as Charles Smith, was brought into town and appeared before the Resident Magistrate this morning. He pleaded guilty to the charge of soliciting alms, but said he could not obtain work, although he had walked about looking for it, almost without food, for the past four days. The Bench sent him to gaol for 14 days, with hard labour

Evening Post, 28 March 1892
The first bicycle road race held under the auspices of the Wellington Amateur Athletic Club for some time past was decided on Saturday afternoon, when P. G. Heywood (scratch), who rode a pneumatic tyred machine, proved a somewhat easy winner ... The competitors and other cyclists present desire to thank Mr Mothes, of the Marine Retreat Hotel, for his kindness in placing bath and dressing rooms at their disposal

Evening Post, 8 June 1892
A meeting of the Petone Licensing Committee was held to-day, Mr E. H. Collett in the chair, when the following renewals were granted:- James Don, Empire Hotel; Thomas Oxenham, Victoria Hotel; Richard Mothes, Marine Retreat Hotel

Evening Post, 24 Aug 1892
We are sorry to learn that an old and respected settler in the person of Mr Nathaniel Valentine is lying in a critical condition at the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone. He is suffering from a chest complaint

Evening Post, 2 Nov 1892
VALENTINE - On the 1st November, 1892, at the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, after a long and painful illness, Nathaniel Valentine, in his 64th year; dearly beloved and deeply regretted
The death of another old resident of the Wellington district has to be recorded. We refer to Mr Nathaniel Valentine, who passed away at the Marine Retreat Hotel last evening, after a long and painful illness.
Mr Valentine was born near Chatham, England, 64 years ago, and came out to New Zealand as a member of the band of the 65th Regiment, which landed in Auckland from the ship Java on the 26th November 1840, his brother (Mr John Valentine, of Oriental Bay) and Mr Hugh Curry, of Courtenay place, also being members of the band. The deceased left the service a few years after his arrival, and came down to Wellington where he began business on his own account as landlord of the old Coach and Horses Hotel.
He built and occupied at different times the Family Hotel and the Railway Hotel at the Hutt, and some time afterwards he erected the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, remaining in possession for a number of years. Subsequently he took a lease of the Royal Hotel, Thorndon-quay, and later on he was landlord of the Club Hotel, Palmerston North.
For some months before his death he was confined to his bed at the Marine Retreat Hotel with a painful malady, and his demise was not unexpected. At one time he was band master of a volunteer corps, and at another period of his life he was a captain of the New Zealand Militia.
In 1857 he joined the Antipodean Lodge of Oddfellows, and he became Deputy Grand Master in 1874. He was also a member of the Pacific Lodge of Freemasons.
Mr Valentine was twice married. His first wife was Miss Emily Hook, of Porirua, to whom he was married in 1853 and who died at the Lower Hutt in 1876. By her he had a family of four boys and two girls. One of the sons is a coachbuilder in Victoria, another is in the same line of business in Feilding, the third is a member of the Permanent Artillery, and the youngest is a dentist in Palmerston North.
One of the daughters is married to Mr R. Mothes, Mayor of Petone, and the other is the wife of Mr Shannon, brother of Mr G. V. Shannon.
In 1880, Mr Valentine married Mrs Hood, of Porirua, who survives him.
The deceased was an upright, conscientious man, a good citizen, a faithful husband and a kind father, and his death will be deeply deplored by many of our readers.

Evening Post, 5 March 1896
Hotelkeepers will be especially interested in a case which was heard at the Lower Hutt Magistrate's Court yesterday. Two informations had been laid against Mrs Guilford, licensee of the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, under section 24 of "The Alcoholic Liquors Sale Control Act, 1895" which provides that no publican shall sell drink to Maori women, under a penalty ranging from £2 to £10. It was the first case brought under this section since the passing of the Act. The defendant pleaded ignorance of the Act and said she was unaware that she was committing an offense. She was convicted on one information and the other was dismissed. Mr Greenfield, taking into consideration the fact that this was the first case of its kind, inflicted the minimum fine of 40s and ordered the defendant to pay costs, 23s 6d

Evening Post, 21 Dec 1896
A breakfast was held at the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, on Saturday by the men engaged in the erection of the additions to the Government Printing Office. The premier was present and made a speech at the dinner. As he left for home, three cheers were given for him. The arrangements were carried out by a committee consisting of Messrs H. Warner (Chairman), W. Lark (vice-chairman)m J. Cole, J. Priddy and W. Cole

Evening Post, 21 Dec 1896
The Wellington Cycling Club
will hold a Maiden Road Race on Saturday afternoon from the Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone, to the Telephone Exchange. Members are notified that the entries close at the clubroom at 9 o' clock to-night

Evening Post, 5 Jan 1897
, a good all-round Gardener; must be ablt to milk; wages 15s with board. Apply, 7 o'clock this evening, to Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone

Evening Post, 19 Jan 1897
, at once, a Youth, about 18, to make himself generally useful; must be good cleaner. Apply Marine Retreat Hotel, Petone

Evening Post, 5 Aug 1898
Messrs Dwan Bros., hotel brokers, report the sale of the following hotel properties:-
* Mr E. Eilers's interest in the Porirua Hotel, Porirua to Mrs Margaret McKenzie, late of the Marton Hotel, Marton
* Mr E. Le Grand Jacob's interest in the Royal Hotel, Featherston to Mr John McIntosh, well-known in Wellington
* Mr Charles Cress's interest in the Thistle Inn, Mulgrave=street, Wellington to Mr John Curran, late of the Ohingaiti Hotel, Ohingaiti
* Mr William Redmond's interest in the Queen's Hotel, Masterton to Mr Jeremiah O'Neill, late of the Marine Retreat Hotel, Whakataki

Free Lance, 25 May 1901
Mr Richard Mothes, the newly-elected Mayor of Petone, enjoys one notable distinction over the other New Zealand mayors. He has already been introduced to His Royal Highness the Duke of York. That, however is a pretty old story now. It happened in the early eighties when Mr Mothes, freshly out from his native Saxony was trying his fortunes in Sydney as a merchant and general importer. He was introduced by the Prince of Battenberg to both young Prince Edie (since dead) and Prince George, who were then making their tour of Australia. Mr Mothes was born in 1852, and completed his education at the University of Saxony, afterwards receiving a thorough training in commercial life. Being enterprising, he struck out for Australia in 1880, and started for himself in Sydney. Business, however, was dull and Mr Mothes crossed the water to Wellington and settled down at Petone in 1883. He set up quite a new industry by establishing a business for the manufacture of violin strings and sheep casings, which he successfully conducted for seven years. In 1889 he purchased the Marine Retreat Hotel, and ran it for three years. In 1893 he broke fresh ground with his present flourishing business of land, estate and commission agency.
Mr Mothes was not long at Petone before he began to take an active interest in local affairs. When the borough was formed in 1886, he was one of eighteen candidates who stood for election to the first council and he was returned at the head of the poll. He became Mayor of Petone in the fourth year of the borough's life, but after a year ill-health obliged him to retire. However, as soon as he was convalescent, a few months later, he was returned again to the council and has held his seat ever since until the other day Petone omce more hoisted him into the mayoral chair.
The new Mayor is a busy man. Outside his own business, which must make large demands upon his time, and in addition to his mayoral functions, he is a J.P., a trustee of the Wellington Benevolent Institution, a school committee-man and holds office in the local cricket, football, bowling and other clubs. In Oddfellowship, he holds the rank of a past provincial grand master of Lodge Ulster, N.Z.C., and a "past officer" of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand. Mr Mothes carries all this load on his shoulders without losing his head. In fact, they will tell you at Petone that he is one of the most level-headed men to be found in those parts

Nathaniel's Hotel
Petone, 1899

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