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My sister has found me

Journal by janilye

I'm quite overwhelmed and not at all sure how she will cope with me. But gee, what a marvelous surprise!
We had no idea of her existence.
Once I reached my seventies I thought the world was all out of surprises for me but BOY oh BOY this was a beauty!
Our mother died this January past, so she's escaped my third degree; but hey what a lovely legacy.

The baby girl came suddenly to Jim and Rita, not even time to buy a cot or a pram, no knitted bootees or linen, from her poor and desperate mother; just her name 'Carol'.

Surnames: NONE
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by janilye Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2019-06-15 22:52:35

janilye - 7th generation, Convict stock. Born in New South Wales now living in Victoria, carrying, with pride 'The Birthstain'.

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by mowsehowse on 2019-06-18 16:03:23

How lovely for you Janilye.
I find the last sentence a bit cryptic, but I'm delighted by your happy news.

by janilye on 2019-06-22 10:40:33

Thank you mowsehowse, I'm delighted too.
Jim and Rita were her adoptive parents. It was a very speedy private arrangement, (pretty much overnight - 1946)
All the baby had was her name, Carol. Jim and Rita put her in the bottom drawer of a dresser to sleep until they could buy a cot.

by mowsehowse on 2019-07-13 09:05:48

Ah. I see now.

So lovely for you.

Of course I never knew why you were SO vastly dedicated to genealogy, but what a joy it has at last paid dividends.

by Scott_J on 2019-07-15 14:56:39

Wow Janilye, this is amazing. Is there any more to the story now that a month has passed?

by janilye on 2019-07-15 19:57:48

Oh Scott! It's so good to hear from you again; after all these years; another big surprise. Welcome back home.
Unfortunately Scott there is no more happening YET!
I have contact with her daughter but my sister isn't ready yet to take the plunge. She's finding it all a bit overwhelming. We have arranged for her to meet firstly, with our mother's brother and sister. Then we'll see.

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