Richard TURNER from Cornwall, England, Grandfather of Shad,, Mesh., & Abed.<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Richard TURNER from Cornwall, England, Grandfather of Shad,, Mesh., & Abed.

Journal by MSA10thGenJPTurner

It is time to correct a few myths/errors concerning our esteemed ancestor:

(1) The most common is probably that Richard Turner was from Land's End. I searched every county in that end of Cornwall over a sixty year period and found NO (zero) Turners. Land's End had a coastline unsuitable for a safe harbor and offshore featured reefs and challenging (deadly?) currents. In that day, it was a haven for PIRATES. All postings go back to a single source who I feel certain was mistaken. This posting is "off the top of my head"; I will find my written records and provide more details later. Richard TURNER would have sailed from FALMOUTH and had resided in a county north of Falmouth.

(2) Some sources claim that RICHARD Turner was the SON of ANTHONY Turner. That is INCORRRECT. Anthony was the younger BROTHER of Richard.

(3) Something I just learned, The wife of JOHN Turner (sire of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) was NOT Elizabeth BRASHEARS, as per post by JWHardin41.

Some INFO concerning RICHARD and that Branch of TURNER:

In the TURNER DNA PROJECT, this is the "TEAL" group with a Genotype A1A1, unique among the TURNERS listed in that body of research. All the others are of the A1B genotype. The "TEAL" group is descended from the KURGAN who arose in the Black Sea area about 40,000 years ago and are thought to be the progenitors of what became the Indo-Aryan language group and the first to domesticate the horse. The Kurgan migrated both East thru Asia and West into Europe and Scandinavia. Although most of the people of England trace back to Anglo-Saxon {Germanic) roots, a small percentage are of Norman (French) origin. This will require more research, but I think that the SMA TURNERS go back to a NORMAN knight that fought for William the Conqueror and came over to England in 1056.

Although some sources claim that Richard Turner was here earlier, all that I am aware of for certain is "no later than 1718" because that is when he first appears on the Tax Rolls,

Settlers at that time received 40 acres of land for each ships passage for whom they had paid. Richard Turner received 200 acres of land in that manner and thus paid for five persons. It appears then that his three sons, James, John, and Louis, were born in Cornwall, England and the three daughters were born in America.

Surnames: TURNER
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on 2020-10-31 15:25:40

MSA10thGenJPTurner has been a Family Tree Circles member since Oct 2020.

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