ships into WELLINGTON NZ, 1840 -1885<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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ships into WELLINGTON NZ, 1840 -1885

Journal by ngairedith

the following is a list of ships into Wellington NZ from 1840 to 1885

it was taken from NZETC White Wings Vol II
.. part I - Founding the Provinces
.. part II - Old-TIme Shipping
.. part III - Passenger Ships to 1885

into LYTTELTON (Christchurch)
into NAPIER (Hawkes Bay)
into NELSON (Marlborough)
into NEW PLYMOUTH (Taranaki)
into PORT CHALMERS (Dunedin)
- (most of the ships are links at the above site)

Lady Nugent, 500 tons, arrived from Gravesend, October 1st.

The Cuba sailed from Wellington during May with stores for the purchase of Chatham Islands from the natives. Captain Heale and Mrs. Diffenbach were passengers to negotiate with the Maoris.

Essex, 329 tons, Captain Oakley, arrived January 4th.

Thomas Sparks, Captain Sharp, from London, via Cape of Good Hope, arrived January 31st. This vessel brought a number of passengers, including a few immigrants for Nelson. She made a long voyage, the run from the Cape occupying 50 days. When entering Wellington Heads she was fouled by the brig Margaret, from Sydney. The Thomas Sparks had a portion of her bulwarks stove in, and the brig lost her bowsprit.

Tyne, 500 tons, Captain Robertson, sailed from London February 12th, arrived 11th August with 17 passengers. She called at Cape of Good Hope May 12th, and Hobart Town July 31st. The barque was compelled to put into Hobart to replenish her water supply. Here some of the passengers, who had booked for Auckland, were informed of a Maori massacre in New Zealand and refused to come on to the Dominion. Mr. J. Stewart, second officer, fell overboard at the mouth of the River Derwent on July 31st, and was drowned.

Ursula, 490 tons, Captain Martin, sailed from London May 24th, arrived September 12th.

Mandarin, 650 tons, Captain Smith, sailed from London, via Hobart and Auckland, arrived December 10th.

Bella Marina, 600 tons, Captain T. Ashbridge, from London, via Hobart, arrived May 31st.

Sydney, 450 tons, Captain White, from London, arrived May 31st.

Raymond, 489 tons, Captain M'May, sailed May 5th, via Taranaki, arrived September 5th.

Caledonia, Captain Case, sailed from Plymouth August 24th, 1844, arrived January 11th.

Louisa Campbell, 350 tons, Captain Darby, sailed from London March 18th, arrived July 24th.

Mary Catherine, 385 tons, Captain Howlett, sailed from London, 1845, via Nelson, arrived February 2nd.

Madras, 450 tons, Captain Hilbery, from London, via Nelson, arrived September 3rd.

Hope, 500 tons, Captain Marshall, from London via Nelson, arrived January 7th.

Clara, 420 tons, Captain Crow, from London, via Sydney, arrived January 10th.

Elora, 313 tons, Captain Turnbull, from London, via New Plymouth and Nelson, sailed October 12th, arrived February 19th.

Saghalien, 377 tons, Captain Jones, from London, via Nelson, sailed May 27th, arrived October 14th.

Ralph Bernal, 400 tons, Captain Maclaren, from London, via Nelson and New Plymouth, sailed July 23rd, arrived December 17th.

Indian, 591 tons, Captain English, from London, sailed November 18th, 1847, arrived April 2nd.

Elora, 340 tons, Captain Turnbull, from London, sailed February 10th, arrived May 27th.

Bernicia, 548 tons, Captain Arnold, sailed from London July 7th, arrived, via Taranaki and Nelson, November 20th. She brought 78 passengers for Wellington, and 153 all told. Captain Arnold was formerly in command of the Fifeshire, the first Nelson immigrant ship.

Duke of Portland, 533 tons, Captain Cubitt, from London, via Auckland, arrived February 17th.

Mary, 533 tons, Captain Grant, from London, via Nelson and Taranaki, arrived March 14th.

Lalla Rook., 530 tons, Captain Hains, from London, sailed November 8th, 1848, arrived March 15th. Called at Table Bay on January 12th, and resumed the voyage four days later.

Jane Catherine, 420 tons, Captain Wilson, from London, via Auckland, arrived August 16th.

Pilgrim, 450 tons, Captain Francis, from London, sailed April 26th, arrived August 20th.

Cornwall, 580 tons, Captain Dawson, from Deal, sailed April 20th, via New Plymouth and Nelson, arrived September 9th. Landed 90 passengers at Wellington.

Enterprize, 253 tons, Captain Lovering, sailed from London June 9th, arrived September 30th.

Larkins, 700 tons, Captain Bruton, from London, via Otago, arrived October. 21st. 54 passengers.

Kelso, 567 tons, Captain Innes, from London, via New Plymouth and Nelson, arrived November 4th.

Pekin, 562 tons, Captain Whitby, from London, sailed August 9th, via Otago, arrived December 26th.

Thames, 407 tons, Captain Hedley, from London, via Auckland, arrived December 27th.

Cornelia, 372 tons, Captain Mickleburg, from London, via Melbourne, arrived February 9th.

Poiotiers, 750 tons, Captain Beale, from London, via Taranaki and Nelson, arrived August 2nd.

Phoebe Dunbar, 704 tons, Captain Michie, from London, via Otago and Lyttelton, sailed July 10th, arrived November 14th. The Phoebe Dunbar was a new ship on her maiden voyage, and brought 94 passengers. She arrived at Otago on October 24th, and Lyttelton on November 7th.

Barbara Gordon, 338 tons, Captain Lilley, from London, via Auckland, arrived November 23rd.

Eden, 522 tons, Captain Murdoch, from London, via New Plymouth and Nelson, arrived November 28th.

Emu, 382 tons, Captain Smith, from London, via Hobart, arrived March 13th, with passengers, including 15 Native Infantry of Bengal Army.

Cornelia, 372 tons, Captain Mickleburg, from London, via Nelson, arrived April 10th.

Cresswell, 574 tons, Captain Williams, from London, via Auckland and New Plymouth, arrived April 22nd.

Clara, 360 tons, Captain Potter, from London, via Nelson, arrived October 6th.

Chieftain, 382 tons, Captain Chalmers, from London, sailed September 1st, 1851, arrived January 3rd. This vessel brought no passengers. She called at the Auckland Islands, where she picked up the captain and crew of the schooner Countess of Minto, which had been carried on to Macquarrie Island by swell and become a total wreck.

True Briton, 685 tons, Captain Norris, from Deal, sailed August 15th, arrived December 13th. Brought 251 passengers, including officers and men of 58th and 65th Regiments.

Minerva, 829 tons, Captain Johnston, from London, via Melbourne, arrived March 6th.

Tasmania, 542 tons, Captain Norris, from London, arrived March 30th.

Royal Albert, 662 tons, Captain Norris, from London, via Otago, arrived March 30th with 75 passengers.

Admiral Grenfell, 500 tons, Captain MacClennan, sailed from London May 14th, arrived August 12th.

Cornwall, 580 tons, Captain Dawson, from London, arrived August 13th with 112 passengers.

John Taylor, 788 tons, Captain Cawkitt, from London, via Melbourne, arrived November 2nd with 89 passengers.

Constantine, 608 tons, Captain Rogers, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 4th.

Duke of Portland, 600 tons, Captain Seymour, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 12th with 48 passengers.

Norman Morrison, 529 tons, Captain Maundrell, from London, via Hobart, arrived July 29th with 42 passengers.

Cordelia, 378 tons, Captain McKenzie, from London, arrived September 29th.

Thetis, 468 tons, Captain Pook, from London, via Melbourne, arrived October 15th.

Gipsey, 426 tons, Captain Bolton, from London, via Auckland, arrived November 13th.

Pudsey Dawson, 800 tons, Captain Davies, from London, via Otago, arrived December 23rd.

Sea Snake, 500 tons, Captain Gilbert, from London, via Otago, arrived May 25th.

Surge, 543 tons, Captain Jarvis, sailed August 31st, arrived December 16th. 89 passengers.

New Era, 820 tons, Captain Rhind, sailed from London March 20th, arrived June 27th. 180 passengers.

Monsoon, 296 tons, Captain Turnbull, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 23rd.

Westminster, 731 tons, Captain Westgarth, from London January 7th, arrived April 16th. 132 passengers. New ship on maiden voyage.

Libertas, 602 tons, Captain Dobson, sailed from London March 20th, arrived July 8th. 38 passengers.

Lancashire Witch, 1368 tons, Captain Mollison, from London, via Australia, arrived July 20th. Brought 226 passengers, including 149 men of 65th Regiment. Another vessel of the same name, a ship of 1574 tons, made several voyages to New Zealand in the 'sixties. Details are given in White Wings, Vol. I.

Hastings, 596 tons, Captain Carew, from London, via Cape, sailed June 4th, arrived October 14th. 51 passengers.

Philip Laing, 547 tons, Captain Cadenhead, sailed July 31st, arrived December 23rd, after a tedious passage of 146 days. First of the Black Ball Line. She came via Cape of Good Hope. Arrived at Cape October 13th, and left 23rd. Passengers, 56.

Rose of Sharon, 788 tons, Captain Southeron, sailed from London October 1st, 1856, arrived January 19th. 100 passengers.

Indian Queen. 1050 Tons, Captain D. F. Jobson, sailed from London November 5th, 1856, arrived January 30th. 451 passengers.

Myrtle, 621 tons, Captain Mordue, sailed from London, arrived January 31st. 25 passengers.

Heroes Of Alma, 651 tons, Captain Silk, sailed from London January 16th, arrived May 3rd. 37 passengers.

Alma, 1070 tons, Captain Ross, sailed from Liverpool February 14th, arrived May 15th. 405 passengers.

John Mcvicar, 648 tons, Captain Allen, sailed from London August 6th, arrived November 12th. 66 passengers.

Gleaner, 485 tons, Captain Pentecost, sailed from London July 29th, arrived November 19th. 158 passengers.

Ashburton, 689 tons, Captain King, sailed from London August 7th, arrived November 26th. 102 passengers.

Cresswell, 671 tons, Captain Barnett, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 14th. 25 passengers.

Hastings, 800 tons, Captain Carew, sailed from London November 18th, 1857, arrived February 16th. Made New Zealand seventy-eighth day out. Large number of passengers.

Acasta, 387 tons, Captain Halliday, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 27th.

Burmah, 718 tons, Captain Norris, from London, arrived April 16th. 52 passengers.

Ambrosine, 450 tons, Captain Leeman, sailed from Deal February 27th, arrived June 21st.

Harkaway, 658 tons, Captain Graham, sailed April 17th, arrived August 14th. 96 passengers.

Indiana, 852 tons, Captain McKirdy, from London, via Lyttelton, arrived December 14th.

Equator, 480 tons, Captain Sellberg, from London, arrived January 22nd.

Midlothian, 392 tons, Captain Grant, from London, via Nelson, arrived February 5th.

Eclipse, 254 tons, Captain Elliott, from London, November 8th, 1858, arrived March 7th. Called at New Plymouth March 3rd.

Acasta, 385 tons, Captain Halliday, from London, January 7th, arrived April 11th.

Alfred the Great, 649 tons, Captain M'Intyre, from London December 7th, 1858, arrived April 17th. 69 passengers. Contrary weather caused her to put into the Cape on February 26th; remained there 10 days.

Minerva, 600 tons, Captain Merryman, sailed from London March 22nd, arrived July 12th. 70 passengers.

Reullura, 292 tons, Captain Gibbs, from London, arrived June 18th. 24 passengers.

Eaglet, 396 tons, Captain Butcher, sailed March 23rd, arrived August 25th. Long and boisterous passage of 155 days. Several spars carried away. Put into Cork to refit, leaving April 11th. On 13th same month, while lying-to in a gale, foretopmast, jibboom, foretopgallant yard carried away, and foretopgallant mast sprung.

Hastings, 519 tons, sailed June 10th, arrived October 20th, with 39 passengers. Delayed in the Channel 14 days by heavy weather. Captain pitched overboard and drowned off Cape on August 20th. Ship going ten knots at time, and a gale blowing. Captain was a young man, and married only a few days before sailing; formerly first officer on Joseph Fletcher.

Christopher Newton, 417 tons, Captain Menzies, sailed from London July 27th, arrived November 20th.

Countess of Fife, 510 tons, Captain Collie, from London, via Otago, sailed May 26th, arrived September 21st.

Viscount Sandon, 600 tons, Captain Hughes, sailed October 22nd, 1859, arrived February 13th. 76 passengers.

Constantine, 623 tons, Captain Wrangles, sailed February 8th, arrived June 22nd. The Constantine ran to the equator in 26 days, and was then delayed by calms and light winds until rounding the Cape. The New Zealand coast was sighted on the 6th June, when she encountered a succession of S.E. gales, amounting at times to hurricane force. The heavy seas carried away bulwarks, stanchions, skylightspage 222 and boats. The gales continued for 14 days, when land was again sighted on the 20th, and Wellington reached on the 22nd June.

No Ships.

Albemarle, 536 tons, Captain Meritt, sailed August 13th, 1861, took final departure from Dungeness September 2nd, arrived January 5th.

Maria, 747 tons, Captain Teulon, sailed March 6th, arrived June 27th. 20 passengers.

William Carey, 589 tons, Captain Williams, sailed May 18th, arrived September 20th. When off Cape Leuwin encountered heavy storm, during which she shipped heavy seas, carrying away bulwarks and smashing boats.

Bride, 500 tons, Captain Gibson, sailed August 13th, arrived January 3rd. In the vicinity of the Cape experienced two severe hurricanes, but escaped damage. Hove to for four days off Tasmania in gale, and becalmed for eight days off Cape Leuwin. 149 days' passage.

West Australian, 600 tons, Captain Luke, sailed March 23rd, arrived July 1st. Passengers, 87.

Adelaide Baker, 809 tons, Captain Baker, sailed May 6th, arrived October 6th. Pleasant but protracted voyage?156 days.

James Lyster, 950 tons, Captain Linklater, sailed July 31st, arrived December 13th. Detained three weeks in Channel. 23 passengers.

Commodore, 562 tons, Captain Colville, sailed October 4th, 1865, arrived January 12th.

Weymouth, 830 tons, Captain Norris, sailed April 1st, arrived July 3rd. Ship suffered considerable damage owing to furious gales after rounding the Cape. Three boats completely smashed, and nearly all port railing carried away. This vessel brought a submarine cable for Cook Straits.

Lord Raglan, 477 tons, Captain Williams, sailed March 3rd, arrived July 29th.

Ensign, 431 tons, Captain Sangster, sailed May 20th, arrived September 9th. Captain Black, who was in command, died at sea, and the chief officer, Mr. R. Sangster, then took charge.

Coleroon, 760 tons, Captain Montgomery, sailed December 6th, 1866, arrived March 29th. 83 passengers.

Henry Adderley, 687 tons, Captain Hartman, sailed April 5th, arrived August 7th.

Cambodia, 806 tons, Captain Escott, sailed November 16th, 1868, arrived March 22nd.

Moss Trooper, 510 tons, Captain McKenzie, sailed December 15th, 1868, arrived June 11th. Until her arrival fears were entertained for her safety. The vessel was detained in the Downs until January 9th. Experienced average weather during passage. The length of the passage was attributed to the manner in which the vessel was loaded, a want of dead-weight in her bottom making it impossible for her to carry much sail.

Firth of Clyde, 689 tons, Captain Dodds, sailed June 17th, arrived October 6th.

No Ships.

No Ships.

Breechim Castle, 1000 tons, Captain Smith, sailed from Greenock December 20th, 1872, arrived March 19th.

Jubilee, 764 tons, Captain Monckman, sailed March 8th, arrived June 21st. 52 passengers.

Cissy, 634 tons, Captain Spencer, sailed October 4th, 1873, arrived January 13th.

Salisbury, 1094 tons, Captain Clare, sailed October 5th, 1873, arrived January 20th. Put into Plymouth, leaving again October 24th. 264 passengers.

Mccallum More, 1668 tons, Captain Smith, sailed February 4th, arrived April 27th. A new ship on her maiden voyage; Made the run from Glasgow to New Zealand coast in 76 days; crossed the line in 23 days.

La Hogue, 1331 tons, Captain Carvasso, sailed February 20th, arrived May 26th. Passengers, 500.

Inverallan, 660 tons, Captain McCann, sailed February 14th, arrived May 28th.

Strathnaver, 1017 tons, Captain Devey, sailed June 2nd, arrived August 31st. The vessel narrowly escaped going on Barrett's Reef, being towed to safety by s.s. Stormbird. Six births and six deaths during the voyage. 391 passengers.

Howrah, 1097 tons, Captain Greeves, sailed August 26th, arrived November 30th. Ten deaths and four births during the voyage. 380 passengers.

Collingwood, 1014 tons, Captain Black, sailed April 16th, arrived July 10th. Nineteen deaths resulted from an outbreak of fever, and one male passenger committed suicide. On arrival there were 50 cases under treatment for scarlet fever. 293 passengers.

Teviotdale, 1260 tons, Captain Nicol, sailed May 15th, arrived August 26th. 24 passengers.

Rodney, 1447 tons, Captain Louttit, sailed from the Downs June 7th, arrived August 29th. 510 passengers. Passed the Lizard June 10th; crossed the Line July 17th; rounded the Cape July 23rd; and made Cape Farewell on August 27th?a run of 77 days from the Lizard to Cape Farewell. 11 deaths.

Dilawar, 1306 tons, Captain Dice, sailed May 11th, arrived September 5th. Severe gales towards end of voyage smashed long boat and damaged bulwarks, etc.

Kilfauns Castle, 800 tons, Captain Kidd, sailed July 4th, arrived October 5th.

Border Chief, 1011 tons, Captain Leslie, sailed July 3rd, arrived October 9th. Met with very heavy weather on August 23rd, which necessitated a cargo of gunpowder being thrown overboard, and the hatches battened down. Cargo greatly damaged by water getting below. 30 passengers.

Howrah, 1098 tons, Captain Greeves, sailed July 30th, arrived November 9th. A male passenger was caught stabbing a cat; captain ordered it to be thrown overboard. In accordance with a nautical superstition, the passengers attributed the succession of unfavourable winds which followed to this incident.

Commissary, 900 tons, Captain Hunter, sailed September 4th, arrived December 11th. A saloon passenger fell overboard. When the boat was being launched to pick him up, forward tackle ran out, and the carpenter was also thrown into the water. The second officer had a narrow escape. Passenger and carpenter were drowned. 45 passengers.

Commonwealth, 1343 tons, Captain Cooper, sailed November 1st, 1875, arrived February 5th. 45 passengers.

Penshaw, 740 tons, Captain Airey, sailed from Glasgow January 10th, arrived March 29th. A new vessel, which made rapid passage of 79 days port to port?73 land to land. Made the south-east end of New Zealand March 24th.

Midlothian, 1084 tons, Captain Griffiths, sailed May 19th, arrived August 25th. The vessel left Gravesend on May 7th, but shortly afterwards it was found that the steering gear was out of order. She put back, and sailed again on May 19th.

Dunbritton, 1478 tons, Captain Kennedy, sailed May 3rd, arrived August 4th. 50 passengers.

Camperdown, 1487 tons, Captain Paton, sailed April 14th, arrived July 9th. Brought 181 immigrants, 170 of whom were landed at Nelson.

Howrah, 1098 tons, Captain Greeves, sailed July 29th, arrived November 18th. Called at Nelson on November 9th to land 200 immigrants; 86 immigrants were brought to Wellington.

Ben Ledi, 1056 tons, Captain Boyd, sailed January 31st, arrived May 13th. The captain was congratulated for bringing the ship into port without assistance on a very boisterous night. The ship originally left on January 27th. Two days later she encountered a heavy gale. Four men and an apprentice went on to the jibboom to save a jib that had been blown away. A heavy sea struck the ship, and washed three of the sailors and the boy from the boom overboard, and, although the ship was hove-to and boats lowered, no sign was seen of them. The ship put back to the Downs for more hands.

City of Madras, 999 tons, Captain Grainger, sailed April 14th, arrived July 12th. 39 passengers.

Renfrewshire, 890 tons, Captain Peattie, arrived February 13th, via Napier, where she landed immigrants. Trip occupied 97 days to Napier. As there were several cases of scarlet fever on board, the ship was quarantined for several weeks.

Gainsborough, 974 tons, Captain Carter, sailed October 23rd, 1877, arrived March 8th. She called at Nelson February 29th to land immigrants. She had a total of 230 on board for both ports. On November 3rd the bowsprit carried away, and before the ship paid off before the wind she lost her foretopmast and main royal mast. A jury bowsprit and topmast were rigged.

Araby Maid, 837 tons, Captain Cromarty, sailed October 30th, 1877, arrived January 22nd.

Rialto, 1165 tons, Captain Babot, sailed October 9th, arrived January 22nd. Brought a number of passengers. On October 14th a hurricane took away three topsails and the maintopsail yard; hove-to for 14 hours with seas sweeping the decks. Animal pens and several cases of acid were washed overboard, and glass in the skylight was broken by the force of the spray. The gale moderated at noon next day. A smart gale was experienced off Cape Leeuwin, and a number of cabin windows were stove in.

Craigee Lee, 624 tons, Captain Winther, sailed February 26th, arrived October 3rd. Put into Fremantle a complete wreck, sailing again August 29th.

Abeona, 997 tons, Captain Groshard, sailed May 1st, arrived August 19th.

Medea, 1065 tons, Captain Coles, sailed May 1st, arrived August 4th.

Caithlock, 1264 tons, Captain Phillips, sailed March 30th, arrived July 12th.

Firth of Forth, Captain Cowper, sailed March 27th, arrived July 4th.

Duke Of Athole, 963 tons, Captain Elliott, sailed October 31st, 1878, arrived January 29th.

Lorraine, 829 tons, Captain Grondsund, sailed November 2nd, 1878, arrived March 2nd.

City Of Madras, 999 tons, Captain Houston, sailed March 7th, arrived June 20th. Two deaths on voyage.

Beemah, 953 tons, Captain Prideaux, sailed April 29th, arrived August 2nd.

Abethusa, 1272 tons, Captain Stiven, sailed September 3rd, arrived December 7th. There were four deaths and three births during the voyage.

Scottish Prince, 894 tons, Captain Searle, sailed October 3rd, 1879, arrived January 5th. 100 passengers.

Eastminster, Captain Mosey, sailed October 25th, arrived January 18th. Brought a number of passengers for Nelson and Wellington.

Buttermere, 993 tons, Captain Ogilvie, sailed December 3rd, 1879, arrived March 2nd.

Rodell Bay, 1080 tons, Captain Lindsay, sailed from Glasgow May 6th, arrived August 12th. After passing Tasmania experienced a gale which increased to hurricane force. A fierce squall swept away the main topsail yard and the mizen topmast, although there was no canvas set; portion of rail also lost. Weather improved next day.

Stirlingshire, 1178 tons, Captain Alexander, sailed from Glasgow June 11th, arrived September 10th. 53 passengers.

Hannah Landles, 1271 tons, Captain Grey, sailed August 5th, arrived November 13th.

Isle of Erin, 726 tons, Captain McCartie, sailed from Glasgow October 5th, 1880, arrived January 26th.

Wigtonshire, 1000 tons, Captain Mowat, sailed October 30th, 1880, arrived February 1st,

City of Carlisle, 876 tons, Captain Stooks, sailed February 23rd, arrived June 11th.

Mary Low, 855 tons, Captain Alexander, sailed March 30th, arrived July 13th. Severe weather after passing Tasmania. One sea broke three cabin doors and a lifeboat. On arrival, two of crew were handed over to police for refractory conduct.

Unicorn, 449 tons, Captain McCallum, sailed from Glasgow July 9th, arrived November 7th.

Perthshire, 594 tons, Captain Sember, sailed October 29th, 1881, arrived January 23rd.

Port Glasgow, 909 tons, Captain Nicholl, sailed May 2nd, arrived August 24th. Vessel successfully weathered two severe storms, but lost her jib and main topmast staysail when off Wellington Heads.

Montrose, 987 tons, Captain Billett, sailed December 7th, 1882, arrived March 4th. 37 passengers.

Perthshire, 596 tons, Captain Sember, sailed September 8th, 1882, arrived January 3rd.

Duncraig, 669 tons, Captain Storm, sailed October 13th, 1882, arrived January 15th.

Closeburn, 876 tons, Captain Anderson, sailed November 29th, 1882, arrived March 18th.

Villalta, 876 tons, Captain Thompson, sailed October 1st, 1883, arrived January 11th.

Peebleshire, 866 tons, Captain Miller, sailed November 9th, 1883, arrived February 15th.

Peter Stuart, 1447 tons, Captain Vanstone, sailed May 3rd, arrived August 25th.

Cape Clear, 853 tons, Captain M'Lean, sailed June 7th, arrived September 13th.

Dunscore, 1000 tons, Captain Hind, sailed December 30th, 1884, arrived Apri1 1st.

Villalta, 876 tons, Captain Thompson, sailed December 22nd, 1884, arrived April 9th.

Highland Glen, 982 tons, Captain Crane, sailed January 23rd, arrived May 28th.

City of Florence, 1199 tons; Captain Leask, sailed March 26th, arrived June 29th.

Earl Derby, 961 tons, Captain Kerr, sailed April 11th, arrived July 23rd.

Scottish Admiral, 939 tons, Captain Ross, sailed May 22nd, arrived September 4th.

Formosa, 915 tons, Captain McGowan, sailed May 28th, arrived September 4th.

Surnames: NONE
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on 2011-04-15 10:02:27

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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by ngairedith on 2014-07-23 00:56:12

by ngairedith on 2017-07-12 15:48:32

very comprehensive lists (divided into 7 districts pages) with most having passenger lists at first link

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