SMITH burials - Hamilton Waikato - KATE to KEVIN
from the SMITH burial database of New Zealand
the SMITH buried in Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand cemeteries
- (as at March 2011):
Individual details (where available) like: Last Address, Occupation, Burial type and Burial Location can be found by searching
Hamilton Cemeteries
Aaron to Augustina ... Barbara to Bruce ... Cameron to Cyril
Daisy to Duncan ... Edgar to Evelyn ... Fanny to Frederick
Gabriel to Gwyneth ... Hannah to Humphrey ... Ian to Ivy
Jack to June ... Kate to Kevin ... Lavina to Lynley ... Mabel to Myra
Nancy to Norman ... Olive to Pira ...Rachel to Ruth ... Sally to Sylvia
Tamaru to Trevor ... Una to Vivian ... Waldo to Yvonne
Kate Patience Smith Age: 70 Years Died: 11-June-1953
Katerina Joy (Twin) Smith Stillborn 01-August-2005
Kathleen Smith Age: 78 Years Died: 28-October-1982
Kathleen Agnes Smith Age: 5 Months Died: 30-May-1949
Kathleen Emily Smith Age: 65 Years Died: 12-September-1986
Kathleen Frances Smith Age: 82 Years Died: 25-February-2007
Kathleen Lillian Miriam Smith Age: 92 Years Died: 25-January-1998
Kathleen Mary Smith Age: 42 Years Died: 31-October-1960
Kathleen Maude Smith Age: 90 Years Died: 26-December-1989
Kathlyne Blanche Smith Age: 90 Years Died: 10-July-1994
Kathryn Leigh Smith Age: 6 Days Died: 15-May-1961
Keith Bolton Smith Age: 73 Years Died: 20-August-2004
Keith Steele Smith Age: 87 Years Died: 16-July-2010
Kenneth Alfred Smith Age: 58 Years Died: 15-May-1990
Kenneth Arthur Smith Age: 66 Years Died: 30-November-1990
Kenneth Arthur Smith Age: 70 Years Died: 28-June-1994
Kenneth Fredrick Smith Age: 93 Years Died: 01-October-2008
Kenneth Richard Smith Age: 59 Years Died: 26-April-1983
Kenrick Raymond Wallace Smith Age: 77 Years Died: 24-July-1995
Kevin Anthony Smith Age: 61 Years Died: 08-February-2010
on 2011-03-25 09:31:22
ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.