Trafalgar arrived South Australia 1849<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Trafalgar arrived South Australia 1849

Journal by janilye


Wednesday, January 17th 1849 The barque Trafalgar, 718 tons, Richardson, master, from London and Plymouth.
Passengers;? Mr and Mrs S. G. Dorday and five children, and ? Tweedale. Esq., Surgeon Superintendent in the cabin.
the following Government emigrants in the steerage :?
James Allen, Wm. Henry Brown wife and child, Sarah Babbs, Robert Babbs, Mary Ann Baker, Emma Bacon, Caroline Bacon, Sophia Bailey and infant (Mrs Bailey's husband died at sea on the 16th December, aged 26), John Tallant Bee wife and three children (one, a girl, born at sea 4th January), Wm. Beesley and wife, Henry Bevan, John Bullock and wife, H. W. Burrall, James Childs, Thomas Clarke, Henry J. Congreve, Wm. Congreve, Maria Connor, Robert Cook wife and six children, Joseph Cross, Simon Clark wife and five children, James Davidson, Ann Davis, Charlotte Dodd, Thomas Dyke wife and two children, Bennett Dunstan wife and five children, Richard Dunstan and wife, Thomas Davey wife and four children, John Dewey wife and six children, Eliz. Fitch, John Forby wife and three children. James Foster and wife, Robert Fox, Peter Fox wife and five children, Edward Frost wife and four children, George Frost wife and two children, Mary Ann Gibson, Caroline Goldring, Richard Greaves, Henry Green, Jacob Green, Mary S. Hall, John Harrison wife and three children, Jane Hunt, Emma Hyams, Elizabeth Hyams, John Jones wife and child, John Julian wife and four children (one, a daughter, died at sea 10th January), Ann Kelly, Jane Kitts, Wm. Lanyon, Jane Lock, Louisa Lord, Walter Long wife and child, James Lawson wife and two children, Robert Mactaggart wife and three children, Martha Mawditt, Wm Morton, Thomas May and wife, Samuel Olley and wife, Ann Peatfield, Hezekiah Painter, Mary Ann Pash and child, Mary Ann Payne, Thos. Peacock and four children, Robert Pilbeam, Wm Pointon and wife, James Pollard wife and eight children, Edward Poulton and wife, Wm. Prestidge, Thos. Penny wife and four children, Peter Perring wife and four children. Wm. Rowe wife and two children, Richard Roads wife and eight children, Sarah Shore, Catherine Shuttleworth, Augusta Shuttleworth, John Spencer wife and child, Wm. Spriggs and wife (their infant daughter died at sea on the 9th November), Emily Stapleford, Susannah Stone, Sarah Summers, Joseph Taylor wife and two children, Emma Thacker, Thos. Tucker, John Thompson, Wm.Thomas wife and two children, Wm. Vince wife and four children, Samuel Webb and wife, Maria Welch, Sarah Wheatley, Ann Whitfield, Catherine Whitfield, John Whittle wife and five children (one, a son, born at sea on the 23d of December), James Wigley wife and three children, Charles Winchester wife and four children, James Wright wife and six children, Elizabeth Walters, John Walters, Joseph White, Thomas Williams, Mary Woolf.

Cargo of the Trafalgar? 69 cases, Order; 40 packages, M. & S. Marks ; 1 bale, 7 cases, R. Miller & Co. ; 5 cases, M'Nicol & Young; 1 ditto, John Calder ; 3706 bars, 268 bundles, 451 deals, 30 hhds, 180 casks bottled beer, 20 cases wine, 39 hhds rum, 10 ditto brandy, 5 qr.-casks ditto 1 case, 20 barrels tar, 10 ditto pitch, C. & F. J. Beck ; 200 - packages luggage.
South Australian Register
Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900
Saturday 20 January 1849
Page 4
Transcription, janilye 2012.

by janilye Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2013-07-16 20:50:50

janilye - 7th generation, Convict stock. Born in New South Wales now living in Victoria, carrying, with pride 'The Birthstain'.

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