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A delightful read, author was previously unknown but now has been found.
Julie's Genealogy - The Story Teller
CONVICTS 'transported' to Australia 1790 (Newspaper article, plus lists of convict names)
Dear FamilyTreeCircle Members, this article is posted in journal format and is for personal use only:-
Transcript of Newsday Supplement from December, 1969
I have made no corrections to spelling or grammar. Therefore any errors in this transcription are unintentional.
"Sydney Cove Chronicle 30TH JUNE, 1790"
At last the transports are here DIABOLICAL CONDITION OF THE CONVICTS THEREON 278 died on the fearsome journey to Sydney Cove
Less than one month since, the cry of ?The flag?s up? rang upon our hopeless community and sent our Spirits soaring upwards, our hope renewed and our bellies filled.
Since the Lady Juliana hove to in Sydney Cove upon that day, four more ships have arrived in the Fleet, and our Joy at receiving the newcomers has turned to exceeding distress.
The sights that have confronted us within the month past have been sights shocking indeed to all Christian Humanity. We have seen the consequences of diabolical outrages committed in the name of Justice.
We have seen Human Beings, with minds and souls and emotions, that have suffered as greatly as their bodies, crawling upon our shores like wild beasts upon all fours, so feeble, so starved, so crippled they were.
Indeed, as our most excellent Governor Phillip was heard to remark upon observing with great distress and pity the scenes at the unloading of the transports, To bring men and women to this Colony in such a manner was like murdering them.
Six ships departed England in the Fleet, as follows hereunder:
His Majesty?s Ship, Guardian, upon September 1789, lost.
His Majesty?s Supply Ship, Justinian, upon January 1790, arrived the 20th of June.
The Transport Lady Juliana, upon the 29th July 1789, arrived the 26th of June.
The Transport, Surprize, upon December 1789, arrived the 27th June.
The Transport, Neptune, upon December 1789, arrived the 28th June.
The Transport, Scarborough, upon December 1789, arrived the 28th June.
The Transports departed from England with a consignment of more than one thousand convicts ? we find ourselves at this time unable to be more exact.
The Neptune carried 424 convicts. Upon arrival, we are informed, 147 had died during the voyage. This same ship of death carried 78 female convicts, and 11 are no more, due to the iniquitous misuse they received while upon their journey.
The Scarborough carried 259 male convicts. We learn 73 expired before the ship weighed anchor at Port Jackson.
The Surprize carried 256 male convicts and it is believed 42 breathed their last while being transported.
The remaining transport shows improvement.
The Lady Juliana carried 226 female convicts and only five failed to survive the voyage. The remainder are in remarkable health. Whilst we must stress that these figures are only such as we have been able to estimate due to the confusion that reigns upon our Settlement, and a later assessment may cause them thus to be amended, our Readers can do nothing but concur that the numbers of those expired, 278 in all, make a total shocking to any man with Human Sensibilities.
It will be remembered that only 48 persons expired upon our own voyage two years since, despite hazardous health conditions and inclemencies of the weather.
The landing of those who remained alive despite their misuse upon the recent voyage, could not fail to horrify those who watched.
As they came on shore, these wretched people were hardly able to move hand or foot. Such as could not carry themselves upon their legs, crawled upon all fours. Those who, through their afflictions, were not able to move, were thrown over the side of the ships, as sacks of flour would be thrown, into the small boats.
Some expired in the boats; others as they reached the shore. Some fainted and were carried by those who fared better. More had not the opportunity even to leave their ocean prisons for as they came upon decks, the fresh air only hastened their demise.
A sight most outrageous to our eyes were the marks of leg irons upon the convicts, some so deep that one could nigh on see the bones.
The scenes on shore at the present are truly piteous. The two Hospitals, one of which was brought by the Justinian, are filled with the screams of those in agony, and the murmurings of those in delirium. Those for whom there is no room in the Hospitals lie beneath their tents, their bodies trembling from scurvy, dysentery and fever.
Those convicts who were able to manage for themselves are stealing food from the very hands of those too ill to make protest or dying. We may expect many more to breathe their last this night, and in some instances the Fearsome Shadow will prove a most happy release from their death agonies.
We learn that several children have been borne to women upon the Lady Juliana, the cause for which were the crews abroad African slave ships which met up with the transport at Santa Cruz.
Full wonder it is, indeed, that these children have survived, and provident it is that they came into the world upon a ship whose captain was endowed with Christian rectitude and generosity.
His Majesty?s Ship Guardian is lost. We received this unhappy and tragic news with the arrival of the Lady Juliana and the ships that accompanied her from England to New Holland.
The Guardian was carrying a goodly supply of provisions to our Settlement, sufficient to last the colony two years.
On board when she struck an island of ice on Christmas Eve last, ten days out from the Cape of Good Hope, were her Commander, Lieutenant Edward Riou, her crew, and twenty-five specially selected convict artificers.
The Guardian was saved from foundering by the strenuous and heroic exertions of Lieutenant Riou, who put off some of the crew into five small boats, and off loaded many provisions into the sea.
For the ensuing eight weeks the Guardian, waterlogged in great propensity and with a damaged rudder, struggled to Table Bay in a truly remarkable fashion, but repairs to her construction were considered of exhorbitant cost, that her Commander was forced to run her aground to spare the expence.
Our distress at the loss of our provisions nevertheless does not prevent us from commiserating with the valiant Lieutenant Riou.
Deplorable paucity of provisions stores and cloathing:
So the Guardian is lost and with it our provisions. What, in the name of Heaven, is to become of us?
Our people are feeble, we have many hundreds more mouths to feed, and our larder is far from adequate.
The atmosphere that prevails in our small Settlement differs exceedingly from that joyous day near one month since, when the cry of ?The flag?s up? rang forth and a ship carrying the British colours was espied for the first time in two and one half years.
The did we present a scene of happiness, of kissing those nearest us, of being so overcome in our emotions as to make us insensible even of speech.
Today, we are a veritable picture of misery, and the distressing and deplorable condition in which our newcomers find themselves ? more of that in other columns of this Journal ? does nothing to alleviate our pitiable state.
Her Majesty?s Government must know what is going on. We cannot be left to starve.
It has been made known to the Authorities that our paucity of provisions, stores, cloathing and tools places us in a diabolical position.
It is known to them that we are dismally lacking in carpenters, brickmakers, farmers, and men capable of superintending the convicts in their labours.
It is known to them, for Governor Phillip has made them thus aware, that to trust all our provisions to one ship would be fatal were that ship to be lost.
Yet, ignoring our plight, and His Excellency?s exceeding good advice, the Ministry would seem to have turned a deaf ear and a blind eye towards the people marooned in this desolate and distant place.
We have eaten not one ounce of fresh meat these three years since ? save the flesh of the kangaroo, fish, and birds, which are variable both in quantity and quality.
Much of the livestock we brought with us has wandered off, died or been killed.
And the food, such as we have, is, apart from that carried by the storeship, Justinian, and the transports themselves, three years old.
Vast quantities of flour has been spoiled, and condemned as unfit for use, and were it not for the recent arrivals, it would have been finished in November. Likewise, our pork would have lasted only two weeks more, and our rice until September.
We have, indeed, been granted a merciful stay of time. But it must be remembered that the provisions brought by the Justinian and the transports are sufficient only to supply the newcomers for a period of several months. The provisions intended for us are most cruelly at the bottom of the sea.
No soul upon this Earth could accuse us of improvidence. Since our arrival in New Holland we have been rationed with our supplies, in the first instance to seven pounds of bread or flour weekly; seven pounds of beef or four pounds of pork; three pints of pease; six ounces of butter; and one half pound of rice.
Since that time our rations have been reduced on two occasions, until at the time when the Lady Juliana was sighted, we were receiving the miserable amount of two and one half pounds of flour, two pounds of pork and two pounds of rice, weekly.
We have become feeble, unable to work more than three hours in one day without severe discomfort. Scurvy has become rift. Our sufferings both of body and spirit have indeed been great.
Now with the arrival of the Justinian, our full rations have been resumed and our stomachs feel less infirm. But for how long? Were we not right to anticipate much? And are we not right to feel ourselves grievously ill-used?
We have looked continually to Sea since the arrival of this year, awaiting with anxious hearts, wherein hope began to vanish for our survival, for the sight of a sail. When the Lady Juliana hove to, that hope swelled once more ? only to be vanquished with the news of the loss of the Guardian.
His Majesty?s Ship, Guardian, contained provisions enough for two years for our Settlement. Also cloathing, sixteen chests of medicines, wine, blankets and bedding, tools and implements of agriculture, livestock and fruit trees. Well may be mourn its loss. The Guardian, we are told, ran upon an island of ice ten days out of the Cape of Good Hope, damaging her rudder and causing water to ship to her orlop deck.
Her excellent commander, Lieutenant Edward Riou, did, by amazing exertions, save his ship, only to be compelled to run her aground later to save the expence of effecting repairs to her. But by this time many of our provisions had been thrown into the Sea, and the remainder now lie rotting at the Cape.
Despite the malevolence of Fate, we may yet have been saved were it not for the tragic loss of His Majesty?s Ship, Sirius, in May last, which, under the command of Captain John Hunter, ran upon a reef off Norfolk Island in foul weather. Fortunate it was, indeed, that no man was lost, but some of the provisions she carried went down with her, leaving that island with much cause for concern, for it must be near a state of famine.
The Sirius had served us well. She brought us safely from England to these shores, and before, when our paucity of provisions were causing our Governor much concern, she sailed for the Cape and returned with a cargo of seed wheat and barley, and four months supply of flour ? all this noble ship could carry. Her loss is deeply felt.
Now with the expiry of our anticipations, we must do as best we can. The provisions supplied by the recent arrivals will assist for some months.
Despite that only one of the five superintendants sent out on the Lady Juliana is a farmer, we at least will benefit from his experience and tutelage.
The corn at Rose Hill, which we got in this last December, was exceedingly good, though insufficient for our needs, but it may provide us with a better harvest next summer.
The health of the newcomers is deplorable, but with the help of Him in Whom we can devoutly place our trust, the virulence of disease will pass.
We must concern ourselves with out survival, and look to the Almighty to sustain our Hope and Faith in our future.
THE 28th of June: William Whiting to Mary Williams in the presence of John Parker and Susanna Hunt.
A large modern silver watch with Inscription on back.
Whosoever may have found the same & will give Notice thereof to Mr Balmain, Surgeon, will receive a Reward of FIVE SHILLINGS
Should the above Property be withheld after this Public Notice has been give, every exertion will be made to discover the Parties by whom it may be concealed and they will be dealt with accordingly.
The less fortunate steal to stave off the hungers
Surprise has been expressed to your Correspondent by a Gentleman, recently arrived, who could not have devoted much thought to his remarks, that so little progress has been made within our Settlement, despite that we have been here for two and one half years.
While it is true that our advance has been of little consequence, such retardation is not due to a lack of diligence on our part.
We came to a country previously uninhabited by White Men. We found impassable terrain, we discovered that Nature had no intention of supplying us in abundance without much return in the manner of industrious labour on the part of many, and we have been so empty of stomach as to be unable to continue in our endeavours for more than a few hours daily.
Howsoever, we have done exceeding well despite such difficulties. The Herculean task of providing adequate housing for all as a protection against inclemencies of the skies, such as remarkable hot sun, storms, winds, rain, etc, has nearly been completed.
Our Governor has a very fine house at his disposal, being the first under construction upon our arrival.
Our Officers are comfortable in good huts, the men are in barracks providing good shelter and a convivial atmosphere, and most of our convicts have solid roofs above their heads.
The task of constructing buildings proved one of great magnitude, for the timber here is mostly hollow and not fit for much other than firewood, and we lack the stone available in England for Building.
We have, as you Correspondent has pointed out elsewhere, an abhorrent lack also of carpenters and brick-makers, and to expect us to be a complete and wholly refined township such as you may find in England is asking the impossible. It is well enough that we have been able to manage as we have.
To the question of being self-supporting: surprise is also expressed that we had depended so long upon receiving supplies from England, and that we had not done more to provide adequate food for ourselves.
This speculation is most unjust. There are those among us who have toiled long and hard, only to find that the vegetables they nursed from seedlings in their gardens had been stolen during the hours of darkness.
There has been much plundering of produce. Provisions, vegetables, and even poultry, have frequently been the subject of thievery. Yet while we must abhor such thefts, we may understand that there are those less fortunate who may be driven by their hunger to commit such crimes although it is true that some steal in order to sell at a high profit.
Apart from thieving, the stores have suffered considerably with rats, these vermin over-running the provisions and spoiling them so that they are unfit for use.
Howsoever, in April after we arrived, upon an expedition of exploration west of Sydney Cove, our Governor came upon a spot which showed remarkable good soil for cultivation.
This place he called Rose Hill, and a settlement was begun there in November of that year, when seventy-seven acres of land was cleared and put under cultivation.
The harvest that resulted therefrom was astonishing good ? two hundred bushels of wheat, thirty-five bushels of barley, and a fair quantity of maize. The quality was remarkable, and some has been set aside to plant again.
The soil has also provided us with goodly melons, pumpkins, and cabbages, though potatoes do not thrive so well.
The Governor is at present concerned in preparation for the laying out of a town at Rose Hill, the two principal streets to have huts each to house ten convicts.
Here, mention must be made of our inadequate supply of implements of husbandry. Those we brought with us have sing since shewn signs of age, and many are no longer usable. We expected more such tools upon the Guardian, but must now wait longer before we are able to cultivate our land with implements capable of doing their work well.
Our lack of superintendents with knowledge of gardening and agriculture is much to be abhorred. There are very few among us who have knowledge of planting, cropping and harvesting, and even their knowledge is scant. We have been thrown into a wilderness and have been expected to turn it into a Garden of Eden, with not one person to tell us how.
One convict, James Ruse by name, who has served his time and is now emancipated, was, upon making it known that he wished to settle here, granted one acre to clear and cultivate. The Governor promised that if Ruse conducted himself well by industrious habits he should have thirty more acres in due course.
The granting of the acre of land was an experiment by the Governor to see how long it would take a man to support himself. Ruse has already indicated that if given one more acre, he will be completely self-supporting come January next.
It must be admitted that we have been erstwhile remiss in our exploration and knowledge of the country, but again it is through little cause of our own that such explorations have been limited to an area of thirty miles.
The nature of the terrain makes the undertaking of expeditions of extreme difficulty, for the land is heavily timbered, and there are many mangrove swamps. Howsoever, Captain John Hunter and his Excellency also, have been much on the business of exploration since our arrival, up and down the Harbour and following the meanderings of the water.
Lack of water inland and the necessity for explorers to carry their own rations, our horses being limited in number and there being no natives available to perform such services, causes yet further reasons fur little exploration to have been undertaken.
Our communications with the natives have improved little since our arrival. Those we see are friendly enough, though reluctant to come too near us. Were we to have some better communication with them, it might be that they would provide themselves as guides to the interior.
For reasons such as this, Governor Phillip ordered his men to take natives by force in order to teach them English, to learn their tongue, and to discover their ways and manners. The first two such natives taken expired, but one, Bennelong by name, now lives within the Governor?s house and is making improvements in his studious endeavours.
Few women have been employed in the fields, their time being much occupied in making cloathing, and in attending to their children. But all the male convicts have been industriously employed on making bricks and tiles, erecting buildings, sawing and axeing, bringing in timber, working in the boats, gardening, shoemaking, tailoring, baking, attending the sick, and barbering.
How we fare in the future will much depend on the numbers who can be employed in work, for we must take into consideration those who cannot provide for themselves, such as the infirm, the aged, and women and children.
We had much hope that the newcomers would provide us not only with supplies, but also with industrious endeavours. Now we see that many are suffering the infirmities of old age and long-standing disabilities.
Howsoever, it is to be hoped that upon the arrival of the next Fleet from England, the expectations of those who are surprised at our lack of progress will have been realised.
A few days ago a seine was spread near the Mouth of the Cove, and many fish taken in the haul.
Some died while still in their leg irons
The Reverend Richard Johnson, whose Moral Rectitude and Charitable Forbearance are well known within this Settlement, was the first man to board the convict ship, Surprize.
In an interview later with this Christian Gentlemen, he revealed to your Correspondent his deep distress and horror at the sights he beheld below deck aboard that ship.
He remarked that it would e?er be a long time, if ever, that he could forget the misery he had witnessed.
The convicts, he said, we in a most piteous state. Some were half-clothed, some we nigh on naked. Even the dead and dying were still in leg irons.
Their discomfort, grievous as it was, was made even more so by the lack of beds or bedding.
There was much moaning and groaning from the wretched individuals, who lay in filthy heaps. Lice abounded, and the odour which arose was foul and fetid.
The Reverend Gentleman spoke of convicts who had breathed their last after the ship had entered our harbour, whereupon their lifeless and wasted bodies were thrown naked upon the rocks.
Upon Mr Johnson reporting this odious situation to His Excellency, the Governor ordered that such bodies be buried.
Mr Johnson revealed that he had been dissuaded from embarking on board the remaining transports, but indications are that the conditions below deck were, except for the Lady Juliana, as lamentable as on the Surprize.
Our Chaplain has been spoken much of in this Settlement as a physician who heals not only the Soul but also the Body. It is known that he has on frequent occasions given many of his own belongings to convicts who are sick or in need, in order to bring them comfort, and his generosity and compassion have been felt by many.
At this time he is once more at this Ministerings, and there will be mane more, expecially among the new arrivals, who will benefit from his kindliness.
It will gratify the men of our Settlement that His Majesty?s Ministers will hear of the diabolical atrocities committed in the name of the Government.
It will gratify the men of Our Settlement that the scurrilous rogues responsible for those atrocities be brought to account for their inhuman treatment of the convicts ? for Englishmen those convicts still remain, though outcast from society through their misdeeds.
Without a doubt, His Excellency, Governor Phillip, will make it exceeding plain to the Authorities the condition in which the unhappy wretches, committed already to their punishment by England?s Judges, were punished even more so within their ocean prisons.
He has already shewn his anger to the Masters of the transports on many occasions, holding them responsible for the skeletons of men they brought to us.
He treatment of the convicts on most of the transports, particularly the Neptune, has been savagely brutal.
We have learned that men were so heavily fettered below deck they scarce could move.
We have learned that those same fetters were kept upon those men despite agonising sufferings ? and that some died still in their chains.
We have learned that hundreds, through the inhumanity of their gaolers, were never to see New Holland, let alone be given the opportunity to redeem themselves in the eyes of society that banished them to these shores.
The demoniacal and barbarous treatment of not permitting convicts to take a goodly portion of fresh air daily, of keeping them below deck in foul and rancid atmospheres, of encouraging vermin and filth to accumulate in such environments, will not be tolerated by men of Sensibility.
Starvation was added to the sufferings of the wretched consignment from England. Even the men and Officers of the NSW Corps had reason to complain about the shortage of rations. Yet we know the ships must have been well-provisioned, for immediately they arrived some of the masters opened stores and exposed large quantities of goods at extortionate prices, despite which they were eagerly bought.
Captain William Hill, of the NSW Corps, who travelled upon the transport, Surprize, has described to your Correspondent the outrageous conditions on board, and added that the slave trade from Africa is merciful indeed, compared to some of the scenes he witnessed during the voyage. He states he will never recover from such sights.
It will be exceeding difficult for the villians responsible to pretend that they have not ill-treated in a bestial way the convicts for whom they were responsible.
Only one transport has a record to be proud of ? the Lady Juliana, upon which a consignment of 226 women sailed, and only 5 failed to survive the voyage. Her Master is to be much commended for his obvious humanity.
But to decide who are the villians may not be simple. Yet even so we believe that the Masters of the transports should be held account for the many deaths upon the voyage, particularly Mr. Donald Trail, Master of the Neptune, where, we are told, almost every day bodies went over the side.
The carriage of the convicts was in the hands of private contractors, and it is well known that contractors are economical fellows. They had much to gain by overcrowding conditions and by reducing supplies of rations.
We exhort His Majesty?s Government to investigate with all due care the regulations and superintendence under which the transports in future sail for these shores.
We exhort them to punish and make an example of the serpents who had charge of the convicts in the recent Fleet.
Only then can we be sure that the convicts we receive will no only be healthy upon their arrival, but also alive.
DURING the Time which that Vessel will be at Sydney Cove, a few Articles will be for SALE, namely notepaper, soap, &c.
It is required that all Persons wishing to purchase must render payment upon purchase, it being necessary to close all Transactions immediately.
Welcome to the men of the New South Wales Corps
We welcome most heartily the Officers and men of the New South Wales Corps who arrived this month, and prevail upon them to consider themselves most gladly received despite the confused circumstances with which we, at present, find ourselves confronted.
The recent arrivals are as hereunder:
Captain Nicholas Nepean and Captain William Hill
Lieutenant John MacArthur, Leiutenant Edward Abbott, and Lieutenant John Townson.
Ensign John Prentice.
Surgeon?s Mate John Harris.
Four serjeants, four corporals, four drummers and ninety-three privates.
All the Officers are from famous Regiments, as are the rank and file who have served valiantly in the American wars.
The New South Wales Corps is a unit raised in England for Service in this Colony, and are considered specially suitable for our conditions. They are to relieve the Officers and men who sailed in our Fleet, who will, if they wish, be enabled to return to England. It is believed that many of these Officers, particularly are dissatisfied with life in the Colony, especially the civilian duties which they need perform.
It is understood, howsoever, that Governor Phillip has received instructions to do all he can to induce as many of these men as possible to remain within the Colony, either as settlers, or as re-enlistments in the New South Wales Corps.
The Commander of the Corps is Major Francis Grose, a Gentleman of great Valour, who will arrive in His Majesty?s Ship Grogan shortly.
He will be accompanied by the remainder of the Corps, which numbers in all, four companies consisting of Major Grose, himself; three captains; four lieutenants; four ensigns; one chaplain; one adjutant; one quarter-master; one surgeon; one surgeon?s mate; fourteen serjeants; twelve corporals; eight drummers; and 269 privates.
We anticipate their speedy arrival.
The problems besetting Governor Phillip
Fortunate we are indeed to have Governor Arthur Phillip in this Colony, for his Noble Integrity has shewn itself in many ways during the past two and one half years.
His continual aim during this lengthy time, frustrated by hardship and miseries, has been to make our small Settlement one which will be independent and self-supporting.
His work has been difficult. Confronted with the problem of putting to industrious labour the many hundreds of convicts he brought to this distant land ? many of whom, as he himself states, would rather face punishment than hard work ? he has been thwarted in his endeavours by the lack of men capable of superintending them in their work.
Even so, the newcomer would not recognise our small township for the unsalubrious place it was when we arrived.
Not only has His Excellency put the convicts to clearing and cultivating the ground, building huts, etc., but he has got us through the most unhappy period of near starvation, by rationing us with exceeding sound discipline. While we murmured our dissent against that discipline, had he permitted us to fill our stomachs willy-nilly while we could, we should not have been alive today.
Governor Phillip?s labours are not yet done with. In fact, with many hundreds more descended upon us without sufficient provisions and in ailing health, they may be worse than before.
It is believed he has still to receive instructions from His Majesty?s Government regarding what he should do with emancipated convicts. In fact, he has not even been instructed as to the terms of their sentences, and already some thirty convicts are claiming they have now served their time.
Even his instructions as to how the convicts should pursue their exile here have been scarce. We must but admire the way he has already put them to industrious and honest toil, thereby giving them the opportunity to redeem themselves in the eyes of those they have offended by their wanton ways.
It is known that Governor Phillip recently received instructions to grant every non-commissioned officer settling within the Colony one hundred acres of land, and to every private man, fifty acres. This will do much to ensure the cultivation of the country and to provide good harvests to feed us.
His experiment with the convict James Ruse shews signs of being most successful, and it is possible that further land grants will be made to convicts as and when they become emancipated.
Governor Phillip, it is believed, has oft spoken of his desire to return to England, and may approach His Majesty?s Government with a view to returning home.
If his request is favourably considered, we trust that our next Governor will have the uncommon Courage and Christian Bearing of our present Governor.
DURING the last week several muskets were very improperly discharged after dark, expressly contrary to Regulations of the Colony. On Thursday night a marine was taken into custody on the occasion, and the morning following ordered to deliver into the Store an article that had been so imprudently used.
SEVERAL prisoners are now in custody at Parramatta charged with Outrages committed in a convict hut; another, apprehended for the same offence, found means to escape. We conclude, as no account has been received of his capture, that he has fled to the woods as a last resort.
Hereunder our Readers will find the names of convicts who were to have sailed, or did sail, in the transports Neptune, Surprize, Scarborough and Lady Juliana.
The information was compiled by our Correspondent in London and is complete in so far as it lists all the convicts who were recently landed upon our shores. It also, howsoever, gives the names of convicts who, for various reasons of death &c., did not travel with the Fleet to New South Wales. Unhappily we find ourselves at this time unable to indicate who sailed and who did not.
We look to our Readers for their indulgence to involuntary errors, though they will find no omissions, and trust general attention will secure us from trespassing on their kindness too often.
NAME Where Sentenced Term
ABBOTT, William, Norfolk 7
ADAMS, William Life
ADAMS, George, Kent 7
ASSER, Henry Life
AIKEN, John Life
ALDER, William, Middlesex 7
ALLAM, Francis, Lincoln 5
ALLEN, George 7
ALLEN, Richard Life
ALLEN, Samuel, Stafford 14
ALLEN, Samuel, Chester 14
ALLEN, Thomas, Oxford 7
ALLEN, William 7
ALLEN, William Life
ALLEN, William, Essex 7
ALLINGTON, John, Suffolk Life
ALSOP, William, London 7
ALSWORTH, Peter, Lancaster 7
AMBLER, Benjamin, London 7
AMBROSE, Thomas, Hants. Life
AMOR, William, Wilts 7
ANDERSON, John, Bucks Life
ANTONY, Mary, Norfolk 7
ARCHER, William, Middlesex 7
ARIS, William, Surrey 7
ARBELL, Thomas, Gloucester 7
ARLOTT, Solomon, Berks 7
ARNE, John, Surrey 7
ARNOLD, Richard Life
ASPINALL, William, Lancaster 7
ASPLAND, Alexander, Cambridge 14
ATHERTON, John, Lancaster 7
ATKINS, William, Northampton 14
ATWELL, Edward, Cornwall 7
ATWOOD, John, Somerset 7
AUSTIN, William, Leicester Life
BACON, Henry, Derby 7
BADLIFE, John, Surrey 7
BAGLEY, John, Hants 7
Baker, Ann, Suffolk 7
BAKER, Elizabeth, Surrey 7
BAKER, James, Warwick 7
BAKER, William, Middlesex 7
BAILEY, Thomas, Middlesex 7
BARBER, John, Norfolk 14
alias BARNETT, Berkshire 7
BARNES, John, London 7
BARNES, John, Worcester Life
BARNES, Samuel Robert,
Middlesex 7
BATEMAN, William, Gloucester 7
BATES, Martha, Middlesex 7
BATES, Thomas, Middlesex 7
BATHER, Mary, Chester 7
BATTY, John, York 7
BARNES, William, Lancaster 7
BARNETT, Isaac, Chester 14
BARNETT, Martin, London 7
BARNICOAT, James, Cornwall Life
BARNSLEY, Thomas, Berks 7
BARRAH, Uriel, London 14
BARRETT, Jonathan, Middlesex 7
BARTHOLOMEW, Isaac, Essex 14
BARTLETT, Richard, Gloucester 7
BASSETT, William, Middlesex 7
BATEMAN, John, Middlesex 7
BATEMAN, Thomas, Lancaster 5
BEAD, William, Middlesex Life
BEADLE, Thomas, Middlesex 7
BEALE, James, Middlesex 7
BECKET, James, Radnor Life
BEILBY, Elizabeth, York 14
BELL, Adam, York 7
BELL, John, Middlesex 7
BEDLAM, Samuel, Cambridge 7
BENSON, John, York 7
BERRY, Thomas, Stafford 14
BICKNELL, John, Somerset Life
BIDDLE, Henry, Radnor 7
BINCE, Robert, Gloucester 7
BIRCH, William, Kent 7
BIRD, George, Middlesex 7
BLACKMAN, James, York 7
BLAGBOURN, James, Norfolk 7
BLACK, Richard, alias BLICK
Northampton 7
BLAND, John, Middlesex 7
BLOUNT, William, alias BRUNT
Hereford Life
BLOXWICH, Joseph, Stafford Life
BLUNDELL, John, Middlesex 7
BOCKERAH, Solomon, London Life
BOIZE, Abraham, Middlesex 7
BOLGIN, John, Berks 7
BOLIKS, William, Cornwall 7
BOLTON, Peter, Middlesex Life
BOND, Mary, Somerset 7
BOND, John, Middlesex 7
BONO, Philip, Middlesex 7
BOOTLE, John, Somerset 14
BORNHAM, John, Leicesster 7
BOTHAM, John, Nottingham 7
BOXLEY, John, Middlesex 7
BRADBURN, John, Lancaster 7
BRADLEY, Betty, Chester 7
Surrey 7
Somerset 7
BRANSLEY, William, Middlesex 7
BRANTAM, William, Lincoln 7
BRAY, Susannah, alias GAY,
Middlesex 7
BRAY, Thomas, Middlesex 14
BRIANT, Michael, Somerset 7
BRICKMAN, Benjamin, Middlesex 7
BRION, Anthony, Middlesex 7
BRISTOW, John, Middlesex 7
BROAD, Cornelius, Someret 7
Middlesex 7
BROWN, James, Middlesex 7
BROWN, John, Cambridge 14
BROWN, John, Middlesex Life
BROWN, Martha, Essex 7
BROWN, Mary, Lincoln 7
BROWN, William, Middlesex 7
BROWN, Henry, Somerset 7
BROOM, Samuel, Oxford 7
BROYDON, Scot, Cambridge Life
BRUCE, John, Middlesex 7
BRUCE, William, Middlesex 7
BRICKER, James, Oxford Life
BRUIN, John, Warwick 7
BUCKERIDGE, Peter, London 7
BUCKLES, Robert, York 7
BUGGS, Samuel, Suffolk 7
BURCHAM, Ormond, Norfolk 7
BURGYS, William, Wiltshire 7
BURMAN, Richard, Gloucester 7
BURROWS, Cornelius, Middlesex 7
BURN, John, London 7
BURT, Samuel, Middlesex Life
BURTON, George, Surrey 7
BURTON, James, York 7
BURTON, Robert, Middlesex 7
BUSHELL, Paul, Warwick 14
BUTLER, Mary, Middlesex 7
BUTLER, Joseph, Middlesex 7
BUTTERWORTH, John, Lancaster 7
Lancaster 7
BUTTS, William, London 7
BYSELL, Robert, Warwick 7
CAIRNS, Marty, London 7
CALLAHAN, Margaret, Middlesex 7
CALLOW, Josiah 7
CAMPBELL, Arthur, Lancaster 7
CARDISS, William, Shropshire 7
CAREY, Ann, Norfolk 7
CARR, Susan, Bedford 7
CARROLL, George,alias CATHAM
Middlesex 14
CARPENTER, John, Wiltshire 7
CARTER, Elizabeth 7
CARTER, John, Westmoreland 7
CARTER, John, Middlesex 7
CARTER, Thomas, Middlesex Life
CARTWRIGHT, William alias
CASH, George, London 7
CASHMORE, John, Worcester 7
CASPELL, William, Hertford 7
Lancaster 7
CHAMBERS, Daniel, Middlesex Life
CHANDLER, Thomas, Bedford 7
CHANDLER, William, Hants 7
CHAPMAN, James, Hants Life
CHANT, Joseph, Dorset 7
CHARLES, David, Bedford Life
CHARLTON, William alias
CHARRINGTON, Middlesex Life
CHEAR, Richard, Surrey Life
CHELL, Richard 7
CHESHIRE, Thomas, Surrey Life
CHESTER, Samuel, Bucks 7
CHILD, George, York 7
Warwick 7
Middlesex 7
CHITTY, George,Surrey 7
CHOPEY, Thomas, Middlesex Life
CHURCHES, Samuel, Gloucester 7
CHURCHMAN, William, Suffolk 14
CLARKE, Mary, Radnor 7
CLARKE, Thomas, Stafford 7
CLEAVER, James, Gloucester 7
COATES, James, Middlesex 7
COBCROFT, John, Middlesex Life
COCK, Aaron, Hants 7
COCUTT, Ann, Stafford 7
CODD, Jane, Pembroke 7
COE, Alexander, Northampton 7
COLDWELL, Thomas, York 7
COLE, Robert, Radnor 7
COLE, Richard, London Life
Middlesex 7
COLEMAN, Charles, Kent 7
COLEMAN, William,Gloucester 7
COLLEGE, Thomas, London 7
COLLIER, Thomas, Stafford 7
COLLIER, Peter, Lancaster 14
COLLINS, Daniel, Gloucester 7
COLLINS, Daniel, Middlesex Life
COLLINS, John, Middlesex 7
COLLINS, Edward, Middlesex [7]
COLLINS, Thomas, Middlesex Life
COLLINS, Thomas, Middlesex Life
CONE, Henry, Suffolk Life
Cornwall 7
CONNAWAY, George, London Life
CONNER, Michael, Middlesex Life
CONNER, John, Middlesex 7
CONNOR, Daniel, Devon Life
CONNOR, Patrick, Lancaster 5
CONSTABLE, William, Middlesex 7
COOK, William, Bucks 7
COOK, John, Northumberland 7
COOKSEY, Mary, alias JONES, alias
COOLEY, Samuel, Middlesex 7
COOMBES, William, Middlesex Life
COOPE, John, alias COOK,
Norfolk 7
COOPER, Edward, Lincoln Life
CORNISH, Charles 7
COUCH, William, Cornwall life
COUCH, Edward, Middlesex 7
COURT, Hames, Herts 7
COWLING, Samuel, Lancaster 7
COU?DEN, Isaac, Herts 14
COUSINS, Mary, London 5
COX, Moses, Warwick 7
COX, John, Devon 7
COX, William, Middlesex 14
CRAGG, Mary, York 7
CRAMPTON, John, Middlesex Life
CRAWFORD, John, Middlesex Life
CRAWTHER, Edward, Middlesex Life
CROSS, Charles 7
CROMER, Benjamin, alias CROMMER
Warwick 7
CROWE, John, Herts 14
CROWLEY, Catherine, Stafford 7
CROWSON, William, Northampton 7
CULLIMBINE, Samuel alias
CULLY, James, Norfolk 14
CUMPSTONE, John, Warwick 7
CUNNINGHAM, James, Herts 14
CURREY, Joseph, Middlesex 7
DAKIN, Daniel, Warwick 14
DALE, Rosamond alias Mary WOODS
Wilkinson, Lincoln 7
DANDY, John, Lincoln 7
DAVES, David, Glamorgan 14
DAVID, Lewis alias Thomas
Glamorgan Life
DAVIES, Thomas, Somerset Life
DAVIES, William Phillip, Somerset 7
DAVIS, Benjamin, Gloucester 14
DAVIS,David, Leicester 7
DAVIS, Elizabeth, London 7
DAVIS, John, London Life
DAVIS, John, London 7
DAVIS, John, Middlesex Life
DAVIS, John, alias William
ARMSTRONG, Hertford 14
DAVIS, Thomas, Hertford 7
DAVIS, William, Middlesex Life
DAVISON, James, London 7
DAWS, Thomas, Middlesex 7
DAWSON, James, Middlesex Life
DAWSON, John, Middlesex 7
DELBRIDGE, William, Devon 7
DELL, Elizabeth, Berks 7
DELL, Matthew, Berks 7
DESMONT, Mary, Middlesex 7
DICKENSON, Richard, Wilts 7
DIGBY, John, Leicester 14
DILLION, Thomas, Derby 14
DIXON, James, Middlesex 7
DIXON, Peter alias CATNA, Berks 7
DOD, James, Dorset 7
DONNOVAN, Mary, Middlesex 7
DORAN, William, Lancaster 7
DORE, Simon, Hants 7
DOVEY, William, Gloucester 7
DOUBLEDAY, William, Nottingham 7
DOURBEN, David, Denbigh 14
DRIVER, John, Gloucester 7
DRURY, Elizabeth 7
DUFF, John, Middlesex 7
DUDLEY, John, Middlesex Life
DUNCAN, James, Middlesex Life
DUNFORD, William, Middlesex 7
DUNNOVAN, Michael, alias John
WHITE, Surrey 7
DUNSTAN, George, London Life
DUNSTONE, Benjamin, Cornwall 7
DURHAM, John, Middlesex Life
DYER, John, London 7
DYER, Joseph, Middlesex Life
EASTLY, William, Derby 7
EATON, John, Derby 7
EAVES, Christopher, Middlesex 7
EDDINGTON, John, London 7
EDWARDS, Daniel, Middlesex 7
EDWARDS, Daniel, Essex 7
EDWARDS, Jane, Middlesex 7
EWARDS, John, Derby 7
EWARDS, Joseph, Derby 7
EDWARDS, Samuel, Worcs 7
EDWARDS, Thomas, Middlesex Life
ELKINGTON, Charles, York 7
ELLEY, Jane, London 7
ELLIOT, Isaac, Derby 14
ELLISON, George, London Life
ELWELL, Daniel, Warwick 7
ELWEN, William, Durham 7
EVANS, Edward, Montgomery 7
EVANS, Francis, Middlesex Life
EVANS, John, London 7
EVANS, John, Middlesex 7
EVANS, John, Surrey 7
EVANS, Sarah, Denbigh 7
EVANS, William, Middlesex 7
EVERARD, Janus, Middlesex Life
EYLES, John, Hereford Life
FAIRCLOTH, William, Herts 14
FALCONER, Alexander, Surrey 7
FARMER, Isaac, London 7
FARR, James, Stafford 7
FARRENDEAN, Thomas, Hants 7
FAY, Ann, Kent 7
FENWELL, Robert, Middlesex Life
FIBBS, William, alias FIELDER, alias
Jack the Gardener, Middlesex Life
FISH, John, Hants 7
FISHER, Thomas alias PIKE,
Worcs. 7
FISKE, Thomas, Norfolk Life
FLANNAGAN, Hugh, London 14
FLANNAGAN, Mary, Middlesex 7
FLAXMORE, Francis, Middlesex 7
FLETCHER, Charles, Norfolk Life
FLETCHER, George, Middlesex 7
FLOOD, Rose, Middlesex 7
FLOYD, William, Middlesex 7
FONSECA, Henry, Middlesex 7
FORBER, William Phillip,
Gloucester 14
FORTESCUE, William, Herts 7
FREEBODY, Leon, Middlesex 7
FREEMAN, Richard, Essex 7
FRENCH, Thomas, Middlesex 7
FORST, Mary, Norfolk 7
FRY, John, Middlesex 7
FUDGE, Henry, Middlesex 7
FULLER, John, Norfolk 7
FULWELL, Thomas, Middlesex 7
FURZE, Daniel, Wilts. 7
GAMBLE, John, Northampton 7
GANTLEY, John, Stafford 7
GARDNER, Daniel, Norfolk 7
GARTSIDE, Benjamin, Lancs. 7
GAY, Michael, Wiltshire 7
GEARY, Thomas, London 7
GELASPEE, Thomas, Hert 14
GENT, Michael, Norfolk 7
GEORGE, Charles, Hants 7
GEORGE, Richard, Kent 7
GERWALT, John, Middlesex Life
GIBBONS, Matthew, Middlesex 7
GILL, Amelia, York 7
GILLIES, Peter, alias James
DAGLISH, alias John POTTS,
Northampton 7
Girdler, Henry, Berks 7
GLEDHILL, William, York 7
GLOVER, Henry, Lancaster 7
GLOVER, William, Middlesex Life
GLOVES, Thomas, Middlesex Life
GYNN, Edward, London Life
GODDARD, Thomas, alias
GOTHARD, Devon Life
GODWIN, Elizabeth, Hereford 7
GOGAY, alias SMITH, John
Middlesex 7
GOLD, John, Essex 14
GOLDFINCH, Thomas, Middlesex 14
GOLDINGAY, John, Warwick 7
COLDSMITH, John, Middlesex 7
COODING, George, Somerset 14
GORDON, Joure, London 7
GOSPORT, Thomas, Surry 7
GOTT, Ellen, Lancs 3
GOUGH, Thomas, Stafford 7
GRAINGER, Thomas, Middlesex Life
GRANT, John, Monmouth 7
GRANT, William, Middlesex 7
GRAY, John, Middlesex 7
GREEN, James, Middlesex Life
GREGORY, Joseph, Nottingham 7
GREGORY, Mary, Middlesex 7
GREGORY, Thomas, Middlesex 7
GRIFFITHS, Ann, Middlesex 7
GRIFFITHS, David, Carmathen Life
GRIFFITHS, John, London Life
GRIFFITHS, John, Montgomery 7
GRIFFITHS, William, Devon 7
GRIFFITHS, Jonathan, Glouc. 7
GRIGGS, Sarah, Kent 7
GRIST, John, Wiltshire 7
GROCER, William, London 7
GROSVENOR, William, Somerset 7
GROVES, Thomas, Warwick 7
GUY, Robert, Middlesex Life
HACKET, Robert, Stafford 7
HAGGAR, Thomas, alias AGGAR,
York 7
HALL, Stephen, Essex 7
HAMMONDS, Thomas, Worcs. 7
HANCHARD, Daniel, Middlesex 7
HAND, William, Wilts 7
HANDLEY, Francis, Stafford 7
HANDS, Daniel, Middlesex 14
HANDS,Edward, Gloucs. 7
HANDS, James, Gloucs. 7
HANDS, John, Leics 14
HANLEY, John, alias William
Bentley, Northampton 14
HANNAWAY, Ann, Middlesex 14
HANSON, William, Norfolk 7
HARDING, Samuel, alias Hardy
Middlesex 7
HARDING, Samuel, Somerset 14
HARDINGE, John, Middlesex 7
HARDY, Francis, Middlesex Life
HARTINGTON, John, Somerset 7
HARRIS, Francis, Middlesex Life
HARRIS, Jasper, Somerset Life
HARRIS, John, alias James
Surrey 14
HARRIS, Thomas, Middlesex Life
HARRIS, William, Dorset Life
HARROP, Richard, Chester 7
HAWKINS, Edward, Bucks 7
HAWKINS, Elizabeth, Bedford 7
HAWKINS, Hannah, Stafford 7
HAWTHORN, Richard, London 7
HAY, Michael, London Life
HAYES, John, Middlesex 7
HAYNE, Nicholas, alias Hines,
Devon 7
HAYNES, Richard, Notts 7
HAYRICK, Thomas, Worcs 7
HAYWARD, Robert, Middlesex 7
HAYWARD, Thomas, Suffolk 7
HEATHCOTE, Rebecca, Chester 7
HEATHER, Thomas, Kent 14
HEMMING, Thomas, Warwick 7
HENLEY, Thomas, Bedford 7
HENLY, Daniel, Middlesex Life
HENWELL, Thomas, Middlesex 7
HERBERT, Joseph, alias Harbourn
Middlesex 7
HERBERT, Peter, Middlesex 7
HESWELL, James, Essex 14
HICKS, Richard, Somerset 14
HIGGINS, Arthur, Devon 14
HIGGINS, Thomas, Derby 14
HIGGINS, William, Middlesex 7
HILL, James, Hertford 14
HILL, Thomas, Somerset 7
HINDLEY, John, Middlesex 7
HIORNE, John, Warwick Life
HISBURN, Richard, Warwick 7
HITCHCOCK, William, Dorset 7
HIX, Robert, Somerset 7
HOBSON, William, York 7
HOCKING, Thomas, Cornwall 7
HODGETTS, Thomas, Stafford 7
HOGAN, Edward, Herts 7
OLDEN, James, Middlesex 7
HOLDING, James, Middlesex 7
HOLLAND, Thomas, Radnor 7
HOLLICK, William, Warwick 7
Middlesex 7
HOLT, Thomas, Warwick Life
HOLTON, Charles, Middlesex 7
HOLTON, William, Warwick 7
HOOPER, William, Middlesex 7
HORNSBY, James, Middlesex Life
HOSIER, Mathew, Herts 7
HOWARD, Robert, Bucks 7
HOWELL, Samuel, Hants Life
HOWITT, John, Derby 7
HUFTON, Paul, Notts 7
HUGHES, John, Chester 7
HUGHES, Thomas, Bucks 7
HUGHES, Thomas, Warwick 7
HUNT, James, Middlesex 17
HUNT, John, Hants 14
HUNTER, William, Westmoreland 7
HURWELL, John, Middlesex 7
HYDE, Joseph, Warwick Life
ICOM, Samuel, Middlesex 7
INCE, Joseph, Middlesex 7
INMAN, John, alias West, York 7
INWOOD, Philip, Middlesex 7
IPIC, Thomas, Middlesex 7
IRELAND, Elizabeth, Kent 7
JACKSON, John, Lancaster 7
JACKSON, Samuel, Derby 7
JACOBS, Abraham, Middlesex Life
JACOBS, James, Middlesex 7
JAMES, Richard, alias Thomas DALE,
Carmarthem 7
JEFFREY, Joseph, Devon 7
JENKINS, Carter, Monmouth 7
JENKINS, William, Monmouth 7
JENKINSON, Joseph, York 7
JENNINGS, John, Middlesex Life
JOHNSON, James, Surrey 7
JOHNSON, John, York 7
JOHNSON, Richard, Kent 7
JOHNSON, Simon, York 7
JOHNSON, Thomas, Surrey 7
JOHNSON, Thomas, Middlesex 7
JOHNSON, William, York 7
JOINER, Henry, Worcestser 7
JONES, David, Gloucester 7
JONES, David, London 7
JONES, Edward, Radnor 7
JONES, Elizabeth, Lancaster 3
JONES, Grace, Denbigh 7
JONES, James, Lancaster 7
JONES, James, Alias Sandy,
Middlesex 7
JONES, John, Gloucester 7
JONES, John, Worcester 7
JONES, John, Middlesex 7
JONES, John, alias Thomas
JONES, Joseph, Warwick 7
JONES, Luke, Middlesex 7
JONES, Margaret, Middlesex Life
JONES, Mary, Middlesex 7
JONES, Richard, Hertford 7
JONES, Robert, Middlesex Life
JONES, Thomas, Middlesex 7
JONES, Thomas, Middlesex 7
JONES, Thomas, Middlesex Life
JOY, Richard, Middlesex Life
JUNIPER, William, Worcester 7
KEARNS, James, Middlesex 14
KEATE, Thomas, Oxford 7
Charles, Middlesex 7
KEELE, Richard, Gloucester 7
KELLEY, Lawrence, Middlesex 7
John, Middlesex 7
KELLY, Daniel, Chester 7
KENT, George, Surrey 7
KINCAIRD, David, Middlesex 7
KINDLING, Daniel, Middlesex Life
KING, George, Middlesex 7
KING, Thomas, Middlesex 7
KING, Charles, Middlesex Life
KING, Henry, Cambridge Life
KING, Thomas, London Life
KITSON, Joseph, Devon 14
KNIGHT, William, Middlesex 7
KNIGHT, William, Middlesex 7
KNOTT, James, Hertford 7
KNOWLAND, Charles, Middlesex 7
LACEY, John, alias, James
Middlesex 7
LACEY, Jo--, London 7
LAKE, Thomas, Essex 7
LAKE, Thomas, Bucks 7
LANCASTER, Robert, Notts 14
LANE, Thomas, Devon 7
LANE, George, Middlesex 7
LANGLEY, John, Lincoln 5
LANGLEY, Samuel, London 7
LANGDON, Thomas 7
LARCOMBE, John, Wiltshire 7
LARKMAN, Peter, Norfolk 7
LATHAM, David, London 7
LAWTON, Henry, Lancs 7
LAVINDER, Simon, Middlesex 7
LEARY, Mary, London 7
LEE, Abraham, Middlesex 7
LEE, George, London Life
LESTER, Thomas 14
LETHBRIDGE, John, Devon 7
LEVELL, John, Suffolk 7
LEWIS, John, Glamorgan Life
LEWIS, Thomas, Hants Life
LEWIS, John, Wiltshire 7
LEY, Isaac, Gloucester 7
LILLIE, Nathaniel, Suffolk Life
LILLEY, William, London 7
LINDSAY, Ephriam, Northampton 7
LING, Richard, Middlesex 7
LINSLEY, Elizabeth, Wiltshire 7
LITTLEHALES, Richard, Warwick 7
LOAKE, Thomas, Northampton 7
LOCK, Matthew, Middlesex 7
LOFT, John, Surry 7
LONG, William, Hants 7
LONGFORD, John, Middlesex Life
LOVEGROVE, James, Berks 7
LOWE, Hugh, alias Cartwright
Chester 14
LOWE, Robert, Derby 14
LOWE, Robert, Notts 7
LUMBER, Isaac 14
LUXTON, Thomas 7
LUXTON, Thomas 7
LYNCH, Alice, alias Davies,
Monmouth 7
McCARTY, John, London 7
McDONALD, William, Berks 7
McDONALD, William, Middlesex Life
McDONALD, Hugh, Middlesex 7
McDONAIGH, Mary, Hants 7
McGURK, Francis, Lancaster 7
McINTOSH, John, alias Kirby,
Middlesex 7
McKAY, William, London 7
McNAMARA, Michael, Middlesex 7
MACKENZIE, John, London 7
MADELL, John, Essex 14
MAGGS, George, Radnor 14
MAISEY, William, Gloucester 14
MANLOVE, Sarah, York 7
MANYPENNY, Richard, Middlesex 7
MAPP, Luke, Herts Life
MARSHALL, Daniel, Hants 7
MARKWELL, Thomas, Essex 14
MANTON, Broughton, alias
Lawrence, Bucks 7
MARKS, William, Cornwall 14
MARTIN, John, Worcester 7
MARTIN, John, Middlesex 7
MARTIN, Mary, Middlesex 7
MARTIN, Charles, Hants 14
MARTIN, William, London 7
MASON, William, Middlesex 7
MASON, Hall, Chester 14
MASON, John, Herts 7
MASKEW, John, London 7
MATTHEWS, Isaac, Berks 7
MATTHEWS, James, Middlesex 7
MATTHEWS, Thomas, Middlesex 7
MAY, James, Middlesex Life
MAYNARD, Samuel, Middlesex 7
MAYRICK, Edward, Middlesex 7
MAYO, Elizabeth, Herts 7
MEACHAM, William, Warwick 7
MEARS, John 7
MEDLICOTT, William, Hereford Life
MEREDITH, Ann, Worcester 7
MERRICK, Joseph, Middlesex 7
MERSEY, Betty, Lancaster 7
MESSINGER, Thomas, Middlesex Life
METCALFE, James, York 7
METCALFE, John, Berks 7
MEYERS, John, Middlesex 7
MICHAELS, Michael, Middlesex 7
MIDDLEMASS, John, Norfolk 7
MILES, Thomas, Gloucester 7
MILLER, Daniel, Bucks 7
MILLER, John, Northumberland 7
MILLER, James, Bucks Life
MILLETT, John, Middlesex Life
MISHAN, William, Gloucester 7
MITCHELL, Mary, Middlesex 7
Monmouth 7
MOODING, William, Middlesex 7
MOORE, Thomas, Warwick 7
MORGAN, John, London Life
MORGAN, James, Monmouth 7
MORGAN, Martha, Pembroke 7
MORGAN, John, Somerset 7
MORGAN, Mary, Radnor 14
MORGAN, Thomas, alias Davies
Wilts 7
MORLEY, Joseph, Middlesex 7
MORLEY, Richard, Herts 14
MORRIS, George, alias Roberts
London Life
MORRIS, David, Montgomery 7
MORRISON, Thomas, Middlesex 7
MORRISON, Thomas, London 7
MORTON, William,
Northumberland 7
MORTON, Phillip, Chester 14
MOSSELL, Joseph, Middlesex Life
MOULSEY, John, Derby 7
MUGGERIDGE, William, Surrey 7
MUILMAN, John, Cornwall 7
MUMFORD, William, Warwick 7
MUMFORD, James, Warwick 7
MULLOY, Jane, Middlesex 7
MURPHY, James, Gloucester Life
MURRELL, Robert, Norfolk 14
MURRY, John, Monmouth Life
NADAN, George, Middlesex 7
NAGGS, Elizabeth, Kent 7
NASPER, Francis, Gloucester 7
NEALE, John, Middlesex 7
NEALE, John, Middlesex 7
NEALER, James, Herts 14
NEVE, Margaret, Chester 7
NEWBY, Thomas, Middlesex Life
NEWETT, John, Middlesex 7
NOBE, Thomas, Middlesex 7
NOWLAND, Michael, Middlesex Life
NUGENT, James, Middlesex 7
OAKLEY, John, Middlesex 7
OAKLEY, Joseph, Middlesex 7
OATS, John, Dorset 7
ODDY, Thomas, Middlesex 7
O?HARA, John, Middlesex 7
OKEY, James, Gloucester 14
ORMAN, William, Middlesex 7
ORME, Nicholas, Derby 7
OSMOND, John, alias Osborne,
Alias Osment, Dorset 7
OSBORNE, William, Middlesex 7
OWEN, Thomas, Radnor Life
OWENS, Joseph, alias Cucko,
Berkshire 7
PACE, John, Middlesex Life
PADDLE, George, Somerset 7
PAGETT, James, Gloucester Life
PAILD, Edward, London Life
PALMER, Henry, Middlesex 7
PALMER, John, Hants 7
PALMER, William, Kent 7
PARKER, George, Stafford 7
PARKER, Thomas, Gloucester Life
PARSONS, Anselon, Gloucester 7
PARSONS, Alias PARISH, William
Devon 7
PARTERN, Joseph, Devon 7
PASS, Charles, Stafford Life
PAWSON, William, York 7
PAYNE, Abraham, Somerset 7
PAYNE, Peter, Gloucester 7
PEACOCK, Thomas, Middlesex 7
PEARCE, William, London 7
PEASE, John, Norfolk 7
John, Cornwall 7
PENN, Joseph, Warwick 7
PENTECROSS, Joseph, London Life
PERKINS, Edward, Durham Life
PETERS, James, Gloucester 7
PETERS, Thomas, Middlesex 7
PHILIPS, Thomas, Herts 7
PHILLIPS, Samuel, Somerset 7
PHILLIPS, Thomas, Warwick Life
PHILLIPS, Sarah, Middlesex 7
PHILLIS, John, London 7
PHIPPS, Solomon, Gloucester 7
PHYEW, Edward, Middlesex 7
PIDGEON, Samue, Radnor 7
PIMLETT, William, Middlesex 7
PLACE, John, Middlesex Life
PLIMSHOLE, Abraham, Devon 7
POCTOR, Richard, Nottingham Life
PODDY, William, Monmouth 7
POLOCK, Samuel, London Life
POOL, Joseph, Gloucester 7
PORTER, George, Middlesex Life
PORTER, Thomas, London 7
POTTER, Samuel, Norfolk 14
POYNTON, William, Middlesex Life
PRENTICE, William, Essex 14
PRICE, Thomas, Wilts 7
PRICE, John, Middlesex Life
PRIEST, William, Stafford 14
PRIEST, Thomas, Stafford 14
PRINCE, Hannah, Chester 7
PROCTOR, alias Matthews, Lewis
Montgomery 7
PRYOR, John, Kent 7
PUGH, William, Stafford 7
PULLEN, James, Essex Life
QUARMAN, Robert, Somerset 14
QUINTON, John, Middlesex 7
RAND, James, Herts 14
RANSON, Thomas, Middlesex Life
RASBERRY, Phillip, Norfolk 7
RASSELL, Robert, Hants 7
RAYNARD, Henry, alias Ragber
Staffs 7
REAY, Joseph, Middlesex Life
REDFORD, John, Lancaster 7
REDMAN, John, Sussex 14
REDDY, Matthew, Norfolk 7
REDFEARNE, Joseph, York 7
REID, William, Middlesex 7
REPEAT, John, Warwick 7
REWELL, Thomas, Radnor Life
REYNOLDS, Thomas, London 7
RICE, Elizabeth, Middlesex 7
RICE, John, Devon 7
RICHARD, Christopher, Middlesex 7
RICHARDS, Joseph, Radnor 7
RICHARDS, William, Glamorgan 14
RICHARDS, William, Warwick 7
RICHARDSON, Anthony, Surrey 14
RICHARDSON, Peter, Cambridge 14
RICHARDSON, William, alias
Jones, London Life
RICHES, James, Suffolk 14
RILEY, Edward, Middlesex Life
RILEY, Thomas, Middlesex 7
RILEY, Thomas, Middlesex 7
RISOM, Elizabeth, York 7
ROBBINS, John, alias Short
Somerset Life
ROBERTS, John, York 7
ROBERTS, John, Middlesex 7
ROBERTS, William, Warwick 7
ROBINSON, John, Middlesex Life
ROBINSON, Thomas, Hants 7
ROBLEY, John, Middlesex Life
ROBNETT, James, Herts 14
ROBSON, Joseph, Kent 7
ROGERS, Benjamin, Middlesex Life
ROGERS, John, Middlesex Life
ROGERS, Thomas Charles
Middlesex 7
ROSS, John Le, Surrey Life
ROWE, John, Devon 7
ROWLEY, William, Middlesex 7
ROWLING, John, alias Rawling
Cornwall 7
ROWLEY, Thomas, London 7
RUDD, Thomas, London 7
RUDGE, William, Warwick 7
RUMBLE, Phillip, Southampton 7
RUMMING, Thomas, Gloucester 7
RUSE, Lionel, Norfolk 7
RYALL, John, Hants 7
RYAN, John, Somerset 7
RYMES, Elizabeth, London 7
SALES, Martin, Kent 7
SALTER, George, Devon 7
SANDWICK, Eleanor,
Cumberland 14
SANE, Joseph, Middlesex 7
SANSBURN, George, Gloucs 7
Middlesex Life
SARRA, James, Middlesex Life
SARVER, Thomas 7
SAUNDERS, John, Notts 7
SAVAGE, Abraham, York 7
SAVAGE, Robert, London 7
SAXLEBYE, James, Warwick 7
SAXON, Francis, Chester 7
SAXTON, Joseph, Derby 7
SAYERS, Henry, Lancaster 14
SCAMP, Lazarus, Hants 7
SCINCE, James, Middlesex Life
SCOTT, James, Gloucs 7
SCOTT, Thomas, Middlesex 7
SCUTTS, William, Wilts 7
SEABRY, Peter, Somerset Life
SEAPER, John, Middlesex 7
SEATON, Alexander, London Life
SELLICK, John, Somerset Life
SENE, James, Somerset Life
SHAW, George, Lancaster 7
SHEPPARD, George, Middlesex 7
SHIPTON, Thomas, Hants 7
SHIRLEY, Thomas, Berks 7
SHORT, Joseph, Middlesex 7
SHRIMPTON, Richard, Berks 7
SHURBURD, William, Middlesex Life
SIBLEY, James, Hants 7
SILVAN, William, Norfolk 7
Somerset 7
SIMPSON, George, Middlesex 7
SIMPSON, William, Notts 7
Sindfield, William, Middlesex 7
SMALL, John, London 7
SMITH, Ambrose, Gloucs 7
SMITH, Ann, Wilts 7
SMITH, Benjamin, Warwick 7
SMITH, Charles, Hants 7
SMITH, Charles, Middlesex 7
SMITH, Elizabeth, Middlesex 7
SMITH, George, Middlesex Life
SMITH, James, Surrey 7
SMITH, James, Wilts 7
SMITH, James, Middlesex 7
SMITH, John, Radnor 7
SMITH, John, York 7
SMITH, John, Kent 14
SMITH, Joseph, Middlesex 7
SMITH, Nicholas, York 7
SMITH, Oliver, Norfolk 7
SMITH, Robert, York 7
SMITH, Robert, alias Sains,
Essex 7
SMITH, Sarah, Essex 7
SMITH, Stephen, Notts 7
SMITH, Thomas, Middlesex 7
SMITH, Thomas, Notts 7
SMITH, Thomas, Middlesex Life
SMITH, William, Middlesex 7
SMITH, William, London 7
SMITH, William, alias White
Denbigh 7
SOAN, William, Surrey 7
SOARE, John, Derby 7
SOFTLEY, Joseph, Middlesex Life
SOLOMONS, Frederick,
Middlesex 7
SOLOMONS, Samuel, London 7
SOUTH, Elizabeth, Hereford 7
SPARKS, Benjamin, Somerset 7
SPILEYE, Traverse, Notts 7
STEELE, George, London 7
STEELE, Robert, Middlesex 7
STEPHENSON, Thomas, Lincoln 7
STERNY, Francis, Radnor 7
Middlesex Life
Middlesex Life
STEWARD, John, Warwick 7
STICKE, James, Devon Life
STILES, John, Berks 7
STILES, James, Berks 7
STOKES, Charles, Middlesex 7
STONE, George, Middlesex 7
STONE, James, Kent 7
STONE, William, London 7
STRAKER, Mathew, York 7
STRUTTON, John, London 7
STUART, John, alias Hainsworth
Bucks 14
STULTZ, Mary, Middlesex 7
SULLEY, William, Notts 7
Warwick 7
SUMPTON, John, Cumberland Life
SUTTLE, Joseph, Surrey 7
SUTTON, William, London Life
TALBOT, George, Middlesex 7
TAMBROOK, Joseph, Middlesex 7
TARR, John, Somerset 7
TAYLOR, John, Norfolk 7
TAYLOR, Joseph, Middlesex Life
TEAGUE, John, Gloucester 7
TEASDALE, Thomas, Middlesex 7
TEBY, James, Berks 7
THOMAS, David, Monmouth 7
THOMAS, James, Middlesex 7
THOMAS, John, Middlesex Life
THOMAS, John, Middlesex 7
THOMAS, John, Lancaster 7
THOMAS, William, Middlesex 7
THOMAS, William Moses,
Brecknock Life
THOMPSON, Richard, Stafford Life
THOMPSON, Robert, York 7
Middlesex Life
THOMPSON, Charles, alias Gallings
Middlesex 7
THOMPSON, James, Pembroke 7
THORN, Humphrey, Middlesex 7
THORN, William, Middlesex Life
THORNE, Richard, Berks 7
THRUSH, Thomas, alias THRUST
Middlesex Life
TILBROOK, William, Norfolk 7
TIMBRELL, George, Gloucester 14
TODD, Henry, Middlesex 7
Nottingham 5
TONGE, William, Lancaster 7
TOWERS, Robert, Lancaster 7
TOWNSEND, James, Hants Life
TOWNSENT, John, Hants Life
TRANTER, James 14
THREADWELL, William, Warwick 7
TRICKER, Edmund, Norfolk 7
TUCKER, James, Middlesex 7
TUCKER, John, Middlesex 7
Buckinghamshire Life
TUCKER, Jonothan, London 7
TUCKER, Mary, Middlesex 14
TUCKWELL, Thomas, Gloucester 7
TURNER, Francis, Radnor 7
TURNER, Mark, Surrey 7
TURNER, Richard, Somerset 7
TURTON, Samuel, Chester 14
TURWOOD, John, Middlesex Life
TYACK, Joseph, Cornwall 7
UNDERWOOD, William, Surrey 7
UPTON, Thomas, Middlesex 7
USHER, James, Middlesex Life
VALLANCE, Thomas, Middlesex Life
VENNER, Boze, Kent 14
WADE, Richard, Middlesex 7
WADE, Elizabeth Ann,
Middlesex 7
WAIN, James, Northampton 7
WALKER, Samuel, Leicester 7
WALTER, William, Berks 14
WALTERS, John, Middlesex 7
WALTERS, Mary, Middlesex 7
WALTON, Matthew, Middlesex 7
WARD, James, Middlesex 7
WARD, Joseph, Middlesex Life
WARD, William, Somerset 7
WARREN, Benjamin, Dorset Life
WARTON, William, Middlesex 7
WARWICK, William, Essex 7
WATKINS, William, Gloucester 7
WATKINS, Rachel, Hereford 7
WATKINS, John, Middlesex 7
WATSON, William, Middlesex 7
WATSON, John, Middlesex 7
WATTS, James, Middlesex Life
WEBB, Simon, Warwick 7
WESTWOOD, James, Somerset 7
Somerset 7
WESTWOOD, William, Stafford 7
WHEELER, Ann, Middlesex 7
WHITE, David, Somerset 7
WHITE, James, Middlesex 14
WHITE, David, Surrey 7
WHITE, Mary, Surrey 7
WHITE, Thomas, Wilts 7
WHITEHOUSE, Moses, Warwick Life
WHITEHOUSE, James, Warwick Life
WHITLAM, Sarah, Lincoln 7
WIEGRASS, George, Norfolk 7
WILDBLOOD, Edward, Radnor Life
WILFORD, William,Surrey 7
WILKINSON, James, Middlesex Life
WILLCOCK, Ann, Lincoln 7
WILLIAM, Edward, Glamorgan Life
WILLIAMS, Mary, Monmouth Life
WILLIAMS, John, Gloucester 14
WILLIAMS, Robert, Gloucester 7
WILLIAMS, John, London 7
WILLIAMS, Catherine, Surrey 7
WILLIS, Sarah, York 7
WILMOTT, Thomas, Middlesex Life
WILSHIRE, John, Hertford 14
WILSON, James,Middlesex 7
WILSON, Alexander, Middlesex y
WILSON, Joseph, York 7
WILSON, John, Bedford 14
WILSON, James, Berks 14
WILSON, Mary, Cumberland 7
WINBOW, John, Hants 7
WINS, Edward, Berks7
Winship, William, Durham 14
WINSTON, Thomas, Middlesex 7
WISEMAN, John, Suffolk 7
WITHERS, Robert, Middlesex 7
WOOD, George, Devon 14
WOOD, William, Lincoln 7
WOOD, William, Warwick 7
WOOD, John, Middlesex Life
WOOD, John, Middlesex Life
WOOD, Elizabeth, Middlesex 7
WOOD, James, Somerset 7
WOODGER, Charles, Middlesex Life
WOODHAM, Nathaniel, Bradford 7
WOODHAM, Edward, Gloucester Life
WOODHAM, James, Gloucester Life
WOOLEY, Joseph, Middlesex 7
WRIGHT, Thomas, Derby Life
WRIGHT, David, Hertford 14
WRIGHT, Joseph, Lancaster 7
WRIGHT, John, Middlesex Life
WRIGHT, John, Middlesex Life
WRIGHT, William, Middlesex 7
YARDLEY, William, Surrey Life
YORK, Henry, Monmouth 7
YOUNG, John, Middlesex Life
YOUNG, Michael, Middlesex 7
A list of the names of the women convicts who sailed in the Lady Juliana:
ACTON, Sarah 7
ANSELL, Mary 7
ARNOLD, Mary 7
ATKINS, Violetta 7
AYRES, Elizabeth 7
BARNES, Elizabeth 7
BARNSLEY, Elizabeth 7
BARRY, Ann 7
BEACH, Mary 7
BONE, Ann. Alias Smith 7
BRADY, Ann 7
BRAY, Susannha, alias Gay 7
BROOKS, Jane 7
BROWN, Elizabeth 7
BROWN, Grace 7
BROWN, Sarah Sophia Ann 7
BUTLER, Mary 7
CARTER, Elizabeth 7
CARTER, Margaret 7
CARTER, Sarah 7
CHAFEY, Mary 7
COTTEREL, Elizabeth 7
CURTIS, Esther 7
DANIELS, Martha 7
DAVIS, Mary 7
DAVIS, Mary 7
DAWSON, Jane 7
DAWSON, Mary, alias Bray 7
DORSET, Sarah 7
Dowling, Mary 7
EMMES, Ann, alias J?Amms 7
FARRELL, Elizabeth 7
GALE, Elizabeth 7
GEE, Hannah, alias Feesdale 7
GILES, Elizabeth 7
GITTOS, Mary 7
GOLDSMITH, Elizabeth 7
GOMER, Sarah 7
GOSLIN, Elizabeth, 7
GRAHAM, Sarah 7
HAGAR, Ann 7
HARDING, Amelia 7
HARDYMAN, Elizabeth 7
HAYNES, Alice 7
HENDERSON, Elizabeth 7
HEYLAND, Catherine Life
HIGGINS, Mary, alias Harrold 7
HODDY, Rachel 7
HOLLOWAY, Elizabeth 7
HOOK, Mary 7
HOPPER, Elizabeth 7
HOUSE, Sarah 7
HOUSUM, Catherine 7
ISRAEL, Maria 7
IVEMAY, Elizabeth 7
JOHNSON, Elizabeth 7
JOHNSON, Matilda 7
JONES, Ann 7
JONES, Elizabeth 7
JONES, Elizabeth 7
JONES, Lydia Life
JONES, Mary 7
JONES, Mary 7
JONES, Sarah 7
KELLY, Sarah 7
KEMP, Ann 7
KIMES, Mary 7
LEICESTER, Elizabeth 7
LEWIS, Mary 7
LLOYD, Jane 7
MADDOX, Grace 14
MANSON, Isabella, alias Smith 7
MARSH, Charlotte 7
McDONALD, Eleanor 7
METCALF, Elizabeth 7
MICHAEL, Sarah 14
MIDDLESEX, Elizabeth Price 7
MORGAN, Anne 7
MORGAN, Margaret, alias Mary
Jones 7
NASH, Mary 7
OAKLEY, Mary 7
PARRY, Elizabeth 7
PEALING, Hannah 7
PENNINGTON, Elizabeth 7
PICKETT, Sussanah 7
REID, Mary 7
ROBERTS, Sarah 7
ROBINSON, Elizabeth 7
ROCK, Ann 7
ROSTER, Elizabeth 7
ROWNEY, Hannah 7
SANDERS, Jane, alias Norris 7
SHAKESPEAR, Elizabeth Life
SIMPSON, Charlotte, alias Hall 7
SMITH, Elizabeth, alias Carr 7
SMITH, Elizabeth Life
SMITH, Mary 7
SMITH, Sarah 7
SONG, Mary Life
STEEL, Ann Life
STEEL, Elizabeth 7
STEWART, Susannah 7
SULLEY, Elizabeth 14
SUTTON, Sarah 7
SYONS, Sarah 7
Tips for researching your Texan Genealogy
This is just a starting point for those interested in Texan Genealogy....
Texas Genealogy Forum
Genealogy - Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Cyndi's List - US - Texas
Texas Almanac
Texas Genealogy - The TXGenWeb Project
Texas Death Records/Obituaries
Texas Genealogy
The USGenWeb Project
Texas Genealogy Resources
Relatively speaking....
I am my own Grandpa...
By Dwight B. Latham
and Moe Jaffe
"Many many years ago when I was twenty three,
I got married to a widow who was pretty as could be.
This widow had a grown-up daughter
Who had hair of red.
My father fell in love with her,
And soon the two were wed.
This made my dad my son-in-law
And changed my very life.
My daughter was my mother,
For she was my father's wife.
To complicate the matters worse,
Although it brought me joy,
I soon became the father
Of a bouncing baby boy.
My little baby then became
A brother-in-law to dad.
And so became my uncle,
Though it made me very sad.
For if he was my uncle,
Then that also made him brother
To the widow's grown-up daughter
Who, of course, was my step-mother.
Father's wife then had a son,
Who kept them on the run.
And he became my grandson,
For he was my daughter's son.
My wife is now my mother's mother
And it makes me blue.
Because, although she is my wife,
She's my grandmother, too.
If my wife is my grandmother,
Then I am her grandchild.
And every time I think of it,
It simply drives me wild.
For now I have become
The strangest case you ever saw.
As the husband of my grandmother,
I am my own grandpa!"
ENGLAND: The Weald of Kent, Surrey & Sussex (updated)
Dear FamilyTreeCircle Members, Hi there. Hopefully you've all been enjoying my website links...
If your ancestors came from these areas, please do have a look at this beautifully constructed website. It contains clickable data such as: Census; Maps; Documents; Pictures; Genealogy; People of Note; and more importantly has Genealogical Pedigrees of more than 1500 families.
Areas of the Weald: Ashdown Forest, Frant, Sevenoaks, Buxted, Groombridge, Speldhurst, Crowborough, Hartfield, Tonbridge, East Grinstead, Hever, Tunbridge Wells, East Hoathley, Horsted Keynes, Uckfield, Edenbridge, Isfield, Wadhurst, Eridge, Little Horsted, Waldron, Fletching, Maresfield, Westerham, Forest Row, Mayfield, Withyham, Framfield and Rotherfield.
UPDATED ... Link to 'The Weald'
A few skeletons in my tree
I started researching my family tree when I was just a kid after my grandpa died in the 80s. I began by asking my grandparents who their brothers and sisters were, their parents' names and from whence they came. Then they started giving me their old photos.
Using what information I was starting to obtain as a child, the family tree was written out on pieces of A3 paper stuck together with lots of stickytape. Unfortunately I had a lot of blank spots where names should have been, luckily that is not the case now.
I consider myself quite fortunate indeed to have a photograph of all my eight great grandparents and seven of my 16 great great grandparents. That in itself is quite an achievement. TIP: I notice that it is usually the eldest child in the big families and their descendants that have all the photographs!!!!!
It was only the beginning of 2006 that I computerised everything because I was starting to become slightly overwhelmed by all the information that I had. PAF or Personal Ancestral File is the best software I've come across so far, and free too, available from FamilySearch.
I've found the usual and not so usual in my tree:-
Gold Miners
Coal Miners
Soldiers in the First World War and Second World War
Farmers / Ag Labs
Convicts (illegally swearing oaths, Ireland; and stealing wheat, England)
One known bigamist..oops (not my relation though...and he went to prison)
Yeomen/Bailiffs of Knights
Military men in the Kings Own 4th Regiment of Foot
Paid mercenary/soldiers for Napoleon
Australian LightHorse
Sugar workers
Brewery Workers
Newspaper men
Lithographic Printers
Electric Light Wire Men
and much more besides.
GERMANY: Did your ancestors come from the Port of Hamburg?
If in researching your German ancestors, you think they may have come from the Port of Hamburg, this website link is for you.
Although it is user-pay service once you commit can actually do as many searches as you like first up.
Make sure you have as much information at your fingertips on your ancestors as you can. Because any concrete details that you have will decrease your genealogical expenses.
Link to your Roots in Hamburg-Emigration Research in Archives THIS LINKS SEEMS TO HAVE DIED ... try this one:-
Emigration Port Hamburg
Emigrants from Germany to Australia
These sites do a lot to explain about the arrival of the Germans in Australia.
German Australia - German Speakers in Australia
(Click on Issues, Reasons for Emigrating, What effects did WWI have on German speakers in Australia...)
German Settlers in South Australia
Immigration Museum - Immigration to Victoria 1850s Australia
General reading...The Nieder-Weisel Story
And if you want to research how your forbears arrived in Australia,-
National Archives of Australia
(click on 'record search', 'search now as a guest'...)
If you have some joy in finding your ancestors, look at the relevant State Records Offices of the various states in Australia, particularly New South Wales and Victoria. There may be passenger arrival details, etc.
Family Trees in Cyberspace
Caution is generally advised to all who enter their precious family tree data on the internet in general.
I have seen all too many details on the living at the various gene sites such as genesreunited, gencircles, rootsweb world connect family tree projects, just to name a few. These details have included full dates of birth, marriage info etc.
Most family tree sites have a little disclaimer requesting users to ask permission of their living relatives before they enter their data, but I'm sure this is not always the case.
It would be all to easy for one unscrupulous person to use data on the living to another's disadvantage.
A simple rule of thumb is the '100 Year Rule' ... let's say someone was born in 1906 we must assume that in the year 2006 they are/or could be still living. So, it's basically a good idea to either have them as 'LIVING Smith' and an appoximate year of birth if an entry is compulsory ... say, 'abt 1923'.
And everybody please remember to record your sources of data, even if it came from another genealogist. Otherwise you may kick yourself later on as we don't really have memory banks like computers.
Looking for ancestors/descendants of Ernest JAHN & Elizabeth HANSFORD
Ernest (or Ernst) JAHN was my 2g grandfather born 1851 in the Harz Mountains (Kingdom of Hanover), Germany. It is not known when he emigrated to England but he married my 2g grandmother 16 May 1875 St.Lukes Church, St.James, Westminster, England, Elizabeth Mary HANSFORD born 8 Jun 1854 47 Great Peter Street, Westminster, England died aged 71yrs 26 Apr 1923 at 34 Racton Road, Fulham, London, England from acute bronchitis. Elizabeth was the daughter of Alfred HANSFORD 1824-1858 and Ellen MCFARLANE born 1820 Harwich, Essex, England.
Another family member has supplied parents names of Ernest - August JAHN and Emma RUEPING. However I do not have any supporting documentation to back this up.
It is thought by several branches of JAHN descendants in England and also Australia that one of the JAHNs (who were bootmakers) made the shoes for Prince Albert upon his marriage to Queen Victoria.
Ernest and Elizabeth JAHN had 6 children:-
1.Louisa JAHN born 1 Aug 1876 37 Princes St, Westminster, died 4 Feb 1956 married 4 Aug 1895 Charles WOODCOCK born 18 Mar 1873 28 Wilton Street, Westminster, and had 9 children: Louise, Daisy, Macey, Margaret, Gladys, Charles, Isabella, Beatrice and Pauline. Louisa died aged 80yrs 4 Feb 1956 at 24 Pownall Place, Fulham, London, England. Charlie died aged 79yrs 3 Dec 1952 Fulham, London, England.
2.Mary JAHN born 12 Jun 1878 37A Princes Street, Westminster. Birth: GRO Sept 1878 Westminster 1a 482; Occupation: Tailoress. Note: She may be 'Aunt Polly' that is mentioned of by other family tree researchers. Polly is another form of Mary. If this is so, then she married and went to live in Switzerland and is believed to have had three sons.
3.Annie Elizabeth JAHN (my g grandmother) born 5 Oct 1879 59 Wardour Street, Westminster, England married my g grandfather 12 Apr 1903 Parish Church of St. Anne, Soho, Westminster, England Alexander WOODCOCK born 19 Jun 1877 16 Vincent Street, Westminster, England. Annie's occupation: Tailoress. Alexander's occupation: Electric Light Wireman. Annie & Alexander had 8 children: Annie, Bertha, Dorothy, Alexander, Edgar (my grandfather), Stanley, Phyllis and Betty.
4.Emily JAHN born 17 May 1885 chr. 10 Feb 1904 Soho St. Annes
5.Ellen JAHN born 14 Jan 1888 23 Great Windmill Street, Westminster, London, England chr. 10 Feb 1904 Soho St. Annes married Sept Quarter 1913 Fulham, London, England to Edward BANGETER born 1890 Sweden.
6.Ernest Alfred JAHN born 28 Jan 1892 33 Great Windmill Street, Westminster, London, England. Occupation: Bootmaker. According to family members, Ernest changed his name to Ernest JOHNS and became a singer (musical hall?).
My Genealogy Notations:-
*Two JAHN sisters married two WOODCOCK brothers. Louise married Charles WOODCOCK, occupation a lithographic printer; and Annie Elizabeth married Alexander WOODCOCK occupation an electric light wire man. They were the sons of George James WOODCOCK occupation Butcher and Isabella BUCHAN.
I have the WOODCOCK line back to 1777 Winfarthing, and the BUCHAN line back to 1600s Aberdeenshire.
Ernest Jahn - born abt 1849 Harz Mountains, Germany. Family legend has it that he came to England from Germany with his brother to escape conscription. It is said that he came from the Harz Mountains area but, in the 1891 Census for 33 Great Windmill Street, Westminster, London, his place of birth is stated to be Hamburg though this may just have been his point of departure. (Jan 1998 - not yet found in Shipping Lists for Hamburg departures). He is reputed to have made boots and shoes for the British Royal Family. His daughter, Louisa, was apprenticed to him and sewed the buckles and the gemstones on the shoes of Princess Alexandra (wife to Edward VII) and Princess Mary of Teck.
DEATH: Certified Copy of an Entry of Death, given at the GRO, Application No.G00593/B, Registration District Fulham, 1908 Death in the Sub-District of North East Fulham, in the County of London, No.307, When and Where Died: 11 Nov 1908 at 31 Racton Road, Fulham, London; Name and Surname: Ernest Jahn; Sex Male; Age 58yrs; Occupation: Shoemaker; Cause of Death: Found dead, syncope, Pneumonia, natural pm; Signature, description and residence of informant: Certificate received from C.Lusmoore, Drew Coroner for London, Inquest held 13 Nov 1908; When registered: 14 Nov 1908.
OBITUARY/INQUEST: RACTON ROAD MAN'S PEACEABLE END - The sudden decease of Ernest Jahn, aged 58, a bootmaker, of 31 Racton-road, Fulham, was inquired into at the Fulham Coroner's Court on Friday. - Elizabeth Jahn, wife of the deceased, said that her husband was a sober man. He had had a cold a fortnight before. Deceased was worried over losing his work after being constantly employed for thirty years. - The Coroner: Hadn't he a pension? - Witness: Oh, no - Proceeding, she said that on the Wednesday previously, she went to her work at a quarter to seven in the morning and did not return till eleven o'clock in the evening. She was surprised to hear of her husband's death. - Ernest Alfred Jahn, son of the deceased, said that on the Wednesday he got up at eight o'clock and called his father. He heard him stirring in his room. He had his breakfast and read the paper, and about ten o'clock went up to his father's room and found him dead, lying on his back - Mrs Deane, a neighbour, of 22 Racton-road, said she had known Mr Jahn for three years, and always thought him cheerful and healthy. - Dr A C Shaw-Mackenzie, of 2 Racton-road, said he was called to the house and found the man dead. He had made a post-mortem examination, and found that the deceased had acute congestion of the lungs and pneumonia. The cause of death was heart failure, consequent on the congestion of the lungs. - A verdict of "Death from natural causes" was returned. [Source: COPY OF THE FULHAM CHRONICLE dated 20th November 1908]
Photograph below is of Ernest JAHN, my gg grandfather. I'd only just received this portrait from another of his gg granddaughters in England via our mutual trees at Genes Reunited. The photo was in poor condition and I had it professionally restored for free - Photograph Restoration.
I might add that I'm delighted to be able to find out more on my JAHN and HANSFORD ancestors and hope to get in contact with descendants of Mary, Emily, Ellen and Ernest JAHN wherever they may be.
Alison QLD Australia.