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Elschner Connections - research updates


This is translated from german using google translate. Please overlook grammar or language diversions.

Ancestor list Hans and Liselotte Elschner

1a. Elschner, Hans Friedrich Wilhelm, cand.med. in Jena, * D?hringshof 09.05.1900, + St.Andresberg - Resin 03.04.1946, [] St.Andresberg - Resin
oo Landsberg Warta 15.03.1927 Sophie Kl?nne
1b. Elschner, Liselotte, * D?hringshof 12.03.1905, + 14.03.1905 D?hringshof

1. Ancestry

2. Elschner, Johannes Karl Emil, Protestant, MD. u. prakt doctor * Prettin 09/12/1869, 10/06/1869 Prettin ~, + D?hringshof, Brandenburg?
oo Brandenburg, Havel 10/03/1899 Anna Wegener
3. Wegener, Anna Elsa Matilde, * Brandenburg 2/25/1881 (or 2/12/1867?), + F?hringshof 01/26/1930
oo Brandenburg, Havel John Elschner 10/03/1899

2. Ancestry

4. Elschner, Emil Theodor, Protestant Pastor, * Wessnig 08/03/1835, ~ Wessnig 03.10.1835, + 09.07.1905 Bleddin
Pastor to Prettin, Elster and Bleddin
oo Dommitzsch 17/09/1867 Hedwig Hengesbach
Sources: progenitor of the line Wessnig - Bleddin
5. Hengesbach, Hedwig Wilhelmine Clara, Protestant, * Dommitzsch 28/02/1846, ~ Dommitzsch 16.03.1846, + 06.24.1918 Dommitzsch
oo Dommitzsch 17/09/1867 Emil Elschner
6. Wegener, Julius, sawmill owners, *?, + Brandenburg?

3. Ancestry

8. Elschner, Johann Karl, Protestant, cantor and teacher, * Schildau 10/21/1803, ~ Schildau 10.24.1803, + 07.17.1893 Lossnig
oo Beck joke 11/05/1828 Johanna Schultze
Sources: progenitor of the line Wessnig
9. Schultze, Johanna Dorothea, Protestant, Taura * 10/01/1800, 03/19/1800 ~ Taura, + Wessnig 11/03/1860
oo 05.11.1828 Johann Beck joke Elschner
10. Hengesbach, John, Cath., Merchant, Siedlingshausen * iW 05.08.1819, + 01.03.1896 Dommitzsch
and Senator
oo I. Dommitzsch 12/10/1843 Johanne Hoffmann, II Emilie Thekla
11. Hofmann, Johanne Caroline Louise, Protestant, Dommitzsch * 04/11/1819 + 30/08/1890 Dommitzsch
oo Dommitzsch 10/12/1843 John Hengesbach

4. Ancestry

16. Elschner, Johann Georg, Protestant, hoof-and weapons master blacksmith, * 02/19/1768 Taura, Taura ~ 19.02.1768, + 11.22.1813 Schildau
The hoof-and weapon smith and citizens Johann Georg Elschner Schildau has a family or domestic character, the hammer and tree as a sign of his craft contained. He died at the age of 45 years and his fourth Son Johann Christian Elschner, who later also learned the blacksmith trade, was the death of his father's only 12 years old. The forge was therefore not in the family but was sold. This course was also the old house characters are lost. Through oral traditions we were the characteristics of the sign. Johann Karl Elschner (6th child of Johann Georg) helped in 1900 than 90 years in the reconstruction of today's family coat of arms ...
oo Schildau 7/31/1791 Juliana Herber
Sources: 1 Family and domestic character of the "family Elschner" came from Johann Georg Elschner
17. Herber, Juliana Johanna, * 20.1.1772 Schildau, + Schildau 26/05/1817
oo 07.31.1791 Johann Schildau Elschner
18. Schultze, Johann Christoph, Protestant, linen weaver, H?fner and church leaders and Taura * 07.26.1769, + 01.20.1843 Taura
oo Taura 07/10/1796 Hanna Rohland
19. Rohland, Hanna Dorothea, * 1774, + Taura 05/31/1834
Taura oo 07.10.1796 Johann Schultze
20. Hengesbach, Henry, Cath., Baker, * Siedlingshausen iW 29/02/1780, 03/01/1780 ~, + Siedlingshausen i.W. 09.03.1862
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 23/06/1805 Regina Ritter
21. Knight, Regina, Cath., * Siedlingshausen i.W. 12.19.1779, + Siedlingshausen i.W. 21.10.1857
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 23/06/1805 Heinrich Hengesbach
22. Hofmann, Johann Gottlob, Protestant, innkeeper, * Roitzsch 09.04.1776, + 27.01.1847 Dommitzsch
Owner of the inn "Zum red deer" in Dommitzsch
oo Roitzsch 09/30/1804 Johanne Richter
23. Richter, Johann Christian, Protestant, Roitzsch * 13/06/1782 + 24/11/1844 Dommitzsch
oo 09.30.1804 Johann Hoffmann Roitzsch

5. Ancestry

32. Elschner, Johann Christian, landlords, Taura * 01.05.1741, + 08.25.1816 Taura
Owner of the parent material in Taura "half-H?fner"
oo Taura 16/01/1766 Hanna Beyer
33. Beyer, Hannah Sophia, * 18.5.1746 Taura, Taura + 03/16/1811
Taura oo 01.16.1766 Johann Elschner
34. Herber, Johann Christian, hoof-and armourer, * Hohenroda?, + Schildau 04/19/1791
oo Schildau 01/10/1769 Johanna Kauffert
35. Kauffert, Johanna Magdalena, * 16.11.1739 Schildau, + Schildau 04/19/1791
oo 10.01.1769 Johann Herber Schildau
36. Schultze, Johann Georg, neighbors and residents, Taura * 08.19.1741, + 21.12.1804 Taura
oo Sitzenroda 10/01/1764 Anna Hempel
37. Hempel, Anna Marie, * Sitzenroda 17.10.1744, + 25.01.1809 Taura
oo 01.10.1764 Johann Schultze Sitzenroda
38. Rohland, Johann Gottfried, Huefner, * 11.2.1739 (or 1734), Taura + 28/08/1813
oo 1770 Dorothea?
39. ?, Dorothea Elizabeth, * 13.11.1747, + 09.05.1820 Taura
oo 1770 John Rohland
40. Hengesbach, Caspar, *?, + 01/09/1824
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 09/15/1774 Gertrude Ricker
41. Ricker, Gertrud
oo Siedlingshausen i.W. 09/15/1774 Caspar Hengesbach
42. Ritter, Johann Christoph, * Siedlingshausen i.W. 1746 + Siedlingshausen i.W. December 1814
oo Theresia G?rdes
43. Gordes, Theresia, *?, + Siedlingshausen i.W. ?
oo Johann Ritter
44. Hofmann, Johann Gottlieb (or Gottfried), H?usler, * 1738, + Roitzsch 04/19/1815
oo Waidenhain 28/11/1775 Marie Thiemich
45. Thiemich, Dorothy Marie, * 1750, + Roitzsch 19/03/1816
Waidenhain oo 28.11.1775 Johann Hofmann
46. Richter, Johann Gottlob, bartender, gardener, Roitzsch * 11.17.1757, +?
oo Roitzsch 17/04/1781 Anna Heyne
47. Heyne, Anna Marie Mueller, * Roitzsch 06.30.1750, + 08.10.1797 Roitzsch
oo 17.04.1781 Johann Richter Roitzsch

6. Ancestry

64. Elschner, George, landlords, Taura * 1698, + before 1766
Owner of the parent material in Taura. Stood as a young dragoon with the Saxon troops, assaulted the success together with Prussian and Danish troops in 1715 Stralsund.
oo late married before 1741? ?
65. ? Woman *?, +?
oo married very late before 1741 George Elschner
66. Beyer, Michael, resident, * 8.2.1705, + Taura July 1761, [] Taura 18/07/1761
oo Maria K?rner
67. Grains, Maria Elizabeth, * 18.2.1708 Taura, Taura + December 1773, [] Taura 10/12/1773
oo Michael Beyer
68. Herber, Samuel, neighbor and Pferdner in Hohenroda, *?, In summer 1758 +
70. Kauffert, Johann Christian, city and town musician Pfeifer, *?, + Schildau 06/03/1765
oo Johanna?
71. ?, Johanna Magdalena, * 1700, + Schildau 06/08/1779
oo Johann Kauffert
72. Schulze, Johann Christian, Huefner, * Taura about 1715 (or 1719), + Taura March 1779, [] Taura 03/28/1779
oo Anna?
73. ?, Anna, *?, +?
oo Johann Schulze
74. Hempel, Johann Gottfried, linen weaver
and alderman in court Sitzenroda
82. Ricker, Conrad, *?, +?
oo Maria K?ster
83. Koester, Mary, *?, +?
oo Conrad Rickers
84. Ritter, Rudolph, *?, +?
oo Magdalena Schumacher
85. Schumacher, Magdalena, *?, +?
oo Rudolph Ritter
90. Thiemich, Johann Christian, Huefner, * 1722, +1798, [] willow grove 20.07/09.1798
and neighbor in Willow Grove
oo Anna?
91. ?, Anna Rosine, *?, + Weidenhain 04/01/1800
oo Johann Thiemich
92. Richter, Johann Paul, gardener, * 1731, + Roitzsch 11/06/1808
and church father Roitzsch
oo Roitzsch 02/06/1757 Marie Mueller
93. Mueller, Marie Elisabeth, *?, + Roitzsch 12/05/1760
oo 02.06.1757 Johann Richter Roitzsch
94. Heyne, Johann Christoph, gardener, * 1722, + Roitzsch 02/23/1773
and residents in Roitzsch
oo Maria before 1750?
95. ?, Maria Elizabeth, * 1720, + Roitzsch 07/11/1802
oo before 1750 Johann Heyne

7. Ancestry

128. Elschner, George, landlords, Sitzenroda * 1654, + Taura 06/03/1717
Owner of the parent material in Taura, Taura H?fner and residents in
oo 1687 Maria F?rll
129. F?rll, Maria, Taura * 1662, + 1726 Taura
1687 oo Georg Elschner
134. K?rner, Andreas, *?, +?
married to a ... Elisabeth,
184. Richter, Johann Heinrich, gardener, * 1704, + Roitzsch 12/30/1772
and residents in Roitzsch
oo Sabine?
185. ?, Sabine, *?, + Roitzsch 23/09/1764
oo Johann Richter
186. Mueller, Gottfried, gardener, *?, +?
on 07.19.1757 mentioned in Roitzsch, full translation in Wittenberg and gardeners in Roitzsch

8. Ancestry

256. Elschner, Johann Georg (II), landlords and Huefner, * Sitzenroda around 1623, + before 3.1.1698 Taura
erwab in 1666 the family estate in Taura, residents in Sitzenroda and Taura, later H?fner
oo I. Dorothea Thimich, II Magdalena?
257. Timich, Dorothea, *?, +?
oo Johann Elschner
258. F?rll, Peter, resident, *?, + Taura?
oo Maria?
259. ?, Maria, *?, +?
oo Peter F?rll


Looking closely at the small image of the family crest that is included with my mother's Ahnenpass book, I noticed this alternate spelling. Amazing. I have looked at this image dozens of times and until I was able to blow it up I never noticed this alternative spelling.
Now, it may be nothing, but I am off to search for any ELTCHNER I can find.

Other spellings for this surname include, ELSCHNER (most used), ELTZSCHNER (the 'TZ' dropped around 1780-90 when the children of Johann Joseph Eltzschner are found listed as Elschner), Oelschner which appears to predate any findings I have, and now ELTCHNER which is from the days of our early ancestors during the time when the family coat of arms was bestowed.

Wish me luck. I hope this information helps some other researcher.

Seek and Ye shall find!

And tho I search both far and wide
My relations I find in shadows hide.
A game we play of hide and seek
I think they are winning, at least this week.

Seach and you shall fine? Well, not always!

Where have all the Elschners gone?
I've found the death index listing for my grandmother, and I have some inherited information on this family, but they seem to have dropped off the face of the earth.
Oh, I have 'found' many with the ELSCHNER surname, but none seem to have any recognizable connection to my family line.
Such are the joys of genealogical research.

I can't help but wonder how many future genealogists will be similarly frustrated in their attempts when researching family connections in today's war torn countries. What is it about our leaders that makes them so intent on destroying records of the past?

It is this underlying thought that drives me to keep researching. Some day someone in my family may benefit from what little I've found. In the meantime, I am the last of this line as there are no 'sons' to carry it on.

I have, however, discovered a rich history (through marriage connections and family stories) that dates back to the middle ages. Perhaps I will never be able to fully 'verify' family stories so rich in detail that I know all about the family crest that seems non-existant but which is manifest in family heirlooms (mom's ring, a plaque, and the story for example).

While it is important to 'make verifyable connections' in doing genealogical research, I would like to stress the importance of recording all those little bits and pieces that one cannot directly verify. Why? Because there is so much more to a family's history that who was born where and when.

Our research is a voyage into the discovery of our past family. Not just who those people were, but more importantly WHO they were as people. Do I have my great-grandmother's love of _________? Where did I get my green eyes when all my sister's have blue eyes? Why am I short, tall, thin, 'round, and so forth. Yes, physical and medical traits will emerge, but for me, finding out that I have 'joinerism' (the ability passed down from great grandmother Joiner that great grand dad explained allowed her to 'talk the birds right out of the trees')has provided a connection that is almost tangable and none the less so for any lack of 'documentation'.

Keep up the search. Find those documents. But remember, genealogy is as much about the stories as it is about the 'facts'.

Happy hunting.

Dr. Hans Elschner of Ludwigsruh, Landsberg a. Warthe

My grandfather Hans Frederick Wilhelm Elschner (1900 - 1946)Practictioner , specializing in Ear, Nose and Throat.
He enjoyed small game hunting, locally as well as having a facination of air travel.
He attended any and all automobile races through out Europe.
Although forced to join the Nazi party as a medical officer, Hanns never supported the policies.
He practiced primarily in Ludwigsruh (now Gorzow Poland area) until WWI. I have a copy of his diploma and a photo of his headstone and documentation of birth in the Ahnenpass of my mother's. I would like to uncover some information on his military involvement (Nazi Medical Corps) and/or something about the fate of the family home. On a visit a few years ago, some locals told my aunt there had been a fire and it had burned down. Also said that during the war (after my mom's family left) the Nazi's used there home as a headquarters and hung some people from their balcony. This really bothers my mom and I would like to prove, or disprove the story.
Any help would be appreciated.

2 comment(s), latest 17 years, 4 months ago


Looking for my mother's gggrandparents and back.
Clara Hedwig Wihelmine HENGESBACH 1846 - ? married Emil Theodore ELSCHNER 1869 in Dommitzsch, Germany.
her father was Johann HENGESBACH 1797 - 1896 Siedlinghausen, Germany, son of Henrich HENGESBACH 1780-1862 and Regina RITTER (or RIDDER or RIFFER)1779 - 1857 son of Casper HENGESBACH 1745 - ? and Gertrude RICKERS abt 1750.

all from Germany in Siedlinghausen.
Any help greatly appreciated.

1 comment(s), latest 18 years, 5 months ago


ELTZSCHNER is an alternate spelling for the surname ELSCHNER. In the Elschner family history book I have both spellings are used. It appears as if there were two branches of the family (one 'ELSCHNER' woman married an ELTZSCHNER man - possible cousins).

A story circulating in the family is that two ELSCHNER/ELTZSCHNER brothers had a falling out and split the family into two branches which never seemed to reconnect. Possibly brothers named Max and Morris, although these do not seem to be family names and I cannot find a reference to them.

There are also several other spelling options,but the only one I have reference to in the family history book is OELSCHNER.

The Elschner family has (in its possession) a Coat of Arms, but no references can be found that tell us what it was awarded for or when or any history of it. (Image with my profile).
There is a family 'story' about the Coat of Arms, but I have yet to be able to substantiate it.

Anyone with anything that may help, please contact me.
Thank you

2 comment(s), latest 18 years, 5 months ago