beeston01 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

beeston01 on Family Tree Circles

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Charles Vincent STRINGER b 1883 d 1974 married Clara Mildred LOGAN b 29 jun 1885 d 1966 Whangarei NZ

Charles Vincent Stringer was a Yates seed salesman in the Northland district. Clara LOGAN was related to the famous LOGAN boat builders and racers. Any info on either STRINGER or LOGAN required.

BEESTON NZ research progress as at 18-08-11

Thanks to this site three researchers are now working together and some great progress has been made. We now know that we have TWO John William BEESTON's. Father and son are now entered in in our computer databases and a journal with details will follow soon.
I have been chasing information for over 20 years with little luck, but within a very short time of joining this site we now have details falling into place. Thank you Family Tree Circles. One of our new contacts (neemudgway) has also been able to help with some great details about her MUDGWAY line that married into the BEESTON clan in the early 1920's. This is what it is all about and this site made it happen.

3 comment(s), latest 8 years, 9 months ago

HIRST family connection photo scan.

HIRST family connection but nothing written on back of original photo.

HIRST family connection photo scan

HIRST family connection but nothing written on back of original.

HIRST family photo scan, no further information

HIRST family connection but nothing written on back of original.

Uncle Harry DAVIES Dads sister (Susannah HIRST) husband scan of original photo.

Uncle Harry DAVIES, Dads sisters husband written on back of original photo. Harry DAVIES married Susannah (Susan) HIRST.

Uncle Fred scan of original photo, possibly HIRST

Uncle Fred is the only clue written on the back of this original photo. I will edit when I can identify further.

Cousin Sid DAVIES scan of original photo.

Cousin Sid DAVIES written on back of original photo.

Young Tom RIDDLER scan of original photo

Young Tom RIDDLER written on back of original photo.

Private Sid DAVIES 44th Reinforcements scan of original photo

Private Sid DAVIES written on back of original photo.