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Am looking for any Family members related to the late Samuel Jacob Davis and Bessie Goldberg of DUBLIN Ireland,JACOB (1853-1930),BESSIE(1865-1933)both born in "Russia".

My Grandfather was BENJAMIN DAVIS reputed born in SUNDERLAND ENGLAND in 1869 although no record exists of same. His Father was DAVID DAVIS and Mother ETHEL HUMPHREYS (Or HUMPHRIES ) both of Jewish persuasion.Grandfather BENJAMIN was married to ISABELLA LEVENSTON of DUBLIN ( Formerly GLASGOW )and they had 9 children from 1890-1910 in either County Cork Ireland or West Derby Liverpool England.
Any connection however slight would be appreciated.


Looking for relatives of late David Davies ( d 1951) of Edinburgh who had 3 Daughters one married to R.PAPA and other two married to American Servicemen after WW2 and possibly returned to th USA.
The Daughter who married R.PAPA owned and ran a Fish & Chip Shop in Edinburgh for a number of years.

Looking for DAVIS Family members from Ireland/Scotland/England

Interested in finding Family of Benjamin Davis ( Married to Isabella Levenston 1890 Dublin ) moved to Cork, Liverpool, Glasgow , also David Davis his Cousin and David Davis his nephew who lived in GlaSGOW

2 comment(s), latest 11 years, 7 months ago