glynda on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

glynda on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

"Looking for LEWIS of Minnesota"

Looking for LEWIS family name in the Lake Crystal area. I have a wedding picture of my great-grandparents taken in Mankato. William M. James & Lydia Ann Lewis.

Daniel & Margret Owen

I have an "Owen" family Bible. On the first page is written:
"Daniel & Margret Owen
Perchenogion Y Llyfrhwn
Mach 17, 1867"

I don't know if they are my great grandparents, what the second line
says? Does anyone know who they are, and what the second line is
saying? If anyone can help, it would sure be nice.

3 comment(s), latest 14 years, 4 months ago

Looking for Owen ROBERTS

Owen ROBERTS was born May 2, 1850. The name switch was because the
maternal grandparents supposedly raised him. We were told he was a
sea captain. He was the oldest of my paternal grandfather, John OWEN
family. If there are any relatives out there, we would like to hear
from you.

Looking for David OWEN

David OWEN was born May 26, 1867. He was a younger brother to my
paternal grandfather, John OWEN. My grandfather went to Iowa to see
his brothers, David and Evan J. OWEN. He then came to Canada. I was
wondering if there were anymore relatives out there?

Looking for Evan J. OWEN

Evan J. OWEN was born January 29, 1858. He was an older brother of
my paternal grandfather, John OWEN. My grandfather had gone to Iowa
to see his brothers, Evan and David. I was just wondering if there
are any other relatives out there either in Wales or the USA?

Looking for Elizabeth OWEN

Elizabeth OWEN was born May 19, 1852. She was the oldest sister to
my paternal grandfather, John OWEN. I was just wondering if there
were any other relatives out there.

2 comment(s), latest 14 years, 6 months ago

Looking for Morgan OWEN

Morgan OWEN was born March 20, 1854. He was supposed to have had 10
children. He was an older brother to my paterenal grandfather,
John OWEN. We were wondering is there were any other relatives out
there. I would love to hear from you.

2 comment(s), latest 14 years, 6 months ago

Looking for William OWEN

William OWEN was born April 2, 1871. He was the youngest member of
my paternal grandfather family. I was just wondering is there are
other family members out there.

Looking for Ellen OWEN

Ellen OWEN was born September 22, 1869. She was the younger sister
of my paternal grandfather. I was just wondering is there are
relatives out there?

Margaret OWEN

Margaret OWEN was born August 9, 1865. She was a younger sister to my
paternal grandfather. She had sent me a set of blocks when I was
born. We lost track of her, and my parents have since past on. Just
wondering if there are relatives out there?