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Looking for the death certificate for Silas Marion Wilkerson, TX or AR

Silas Marion Wilkerson was born in Aug 1867 in Smith Co TN to Dock Wilkerson and Annie S. Wilkerson. Silas died after 1930. He was in Wise Co TX in 1900 and 1910. In Washington CO Arkansas in 1920-1930.
His wife Melissa died in Wise Co TX in 1958. Can't find death of Silas or his children.
His children:
1. Earl C. Wilkerson b. 1908 Wise Co TX
2. Clark E. Wilkerson b. 1909 TX
3. Ina Bell Wilkerson b.12 July 1911 TX
4. W. Wayne b. 1913 TX
5 Maly? b. 1916 Arkansas
Melissa had been married before to a MR Clifton because in the 1910 census James C. Clifton age 9(b1901) is listed a a stepson to Silas.

2 comment(s), latest 17 years, 6 months ago