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janilye on Family Tree Circles

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Abbreviations used in my Journals

If there is no given name or title, Mr. is implied.
aft = soon after (within ~1 year), arr = arrived / arrival, dep = departed / departure
brq = barque, schn = schooner, ot = old tons, t = tons
b = born, bap = baptised, m = married / male, d = died, f = female, fmly = formerly, nee = birth name
Alf = Alfred, Art = Arthur, Ben = Benjamin, Bgt = Bridget, Crln = Caroline, Cath = Catherine, Chas = Charles, Chlt = Charlotte;
ch = children, dau = daughter(s)
Dan = Daniel, Ed = Edward, Elis = Elisabeth, Eliz = Elizabeth, Em = Emma
Fdk = Frederick, Fried = Friedrich, Geo = George, Hrt = Harriet, Hein = Heinrich, Hy = Henry
Jas = James, J = Johann, Ja = Johanna, Je = Johanne, Kath = Katherine
inc = including, jnr = junior, snr = senior, Nat = Naturalisation
Mgt = Margaret, Mtn = Martin, My = Mary, Nic = Nicholas, Ptk = Patrick, Ptr = Peter, Rd = Richard, Rbt = Robert
poss = possibly, prev = previous, prob = probably, svnt = servant(s)
Sam = Samuel, Thos = Thomas, Whm = Wilhelm, Wm = William
(w) = widowed (lower case)

Did You know ?

Please feel free to add some little known fact you may know. Here are just a few things to get it started.


1.In London the poor would collect dog turds from the pavements and sell them. You could earn 6 pence a sack in 1780. Water was added to the turds and what is known as a 'bate' was made. This was then used to soften the skins to make them supple before the tanning process.
This will give you a bit more to think about when you're handling those beautifully bound leather books.

1b. Also on the street corners, were 'piss-pots' where human urine was also collected for use as 'bate'.

1c. Oh yes 'itellya' and the washerwomen claimed it made the linens whiter than white

2. In 1667 the first act enacted requiring all burials to be in woollen cloth in an effort to protect the wool trade from imports of silk cloth. Then in 1678 the Act re-affirmed. An affidavit signed by the parish clerk was required to be made attesting to such burial. A fine was levied for failure to comply with the Act. Eventually, during 1814 this Act was repealed.

3. In 1707 'Act of Union' united Scotland with England and Wales to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain

4. From the year 1710, whenever a boy was apprenticed to a trade a stamp duty had to be paid, and these records of the binding of apprentices survive to provide the name of the apprentice, that of his father or widowed mother, and his master, as well as his parents' abode. Churchwardens and overseers of the poor were empowered to apprentice to husbandry any child under the age of 16 whose parents they judged unable to maintain him. If a master could be found in a neighbouring parish, this form of apprenticeship was often a convenient way of getting rid of a pauper child, because the apprenticeship conferred settlement after a period of forty days. "Husbandry" for a boy and "Housewifery" for a girl, simply meant being a servant on the land or in the house: later, in the industrial revolution, it might mean life in the mill, or even down the mine.

5. Change to the Julian Calendar. (24 Geo. II, c. 23)3 September became 14 September. In the middle of the 18th century, two changes were made in the English calendar. The first, moved the official start of the year from 25th March to 1st January, so changing January, February and March from being the last three months of the old year to the first three of the new year. The second, by "losing" eleven days from September, was from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian, bringing England into line with the rest of Europe where the Gregorian system had been used since 1582. As the new system was adopted by some before its official introduction, great care must be taken in transcribing extracts containing dates in January, February and March before 1752. The correct procedure is to transcribe the dates in both Old Style and New: 2nd February 1603 Old Style, should be shown as 2nd February 1603/4.

5. In 1878 The Christian Revival Society changed its name to the Salvation Army


1. For those who believe the Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar 100BC - 44BC was born by Caeserean section, you are wrong. Caesar's mother, Aurelia COTTA lived to be almost 70 and enjoyed excellent health. Since this barbaric practice of caesarean was sometimes performed back in those days, the infant sometimes lived but the mother always died.

2. The first successful caesarean was not performed until April 1876 in Pavia, Italy by Dr. Edoardo Porro 1842-1902 on Julie Covallini. The child and the uterus were both removed. Mother and child did very well.

3. Speaking of Italy, Pope John Paul II drove a light blue 1975 Ford Escort GL before he got his popemobile. The old Escort sold in Las Vegas for $690,000 on Saturday 29 October 2005 to Houston Multimillionaire John O'Quinn a 62 yr old Baptist.

4. Nero didn't fiddle whilst Rome burned. He plucked the lyre and sang. Violins weren't invented

1. In the first few years of the colony, mortality was very high, but common childhood infections were absent until the 1830's. The long journey by ship a very effective quarantine.

2.In the first 100 years of settlement in the colony there were 6,000 documented bushrangers, this includes convict bolters.

3. Many of the Irish rebels had been landed men in Ireland, unlike a lot of the other Irish convicts who had rented land and been driven off it if they could not pay the tithe. Most Irish convicts were not given large grants of land or in the position to buy large areas. They tended to live between Campbelltown and Windsor or along the Hawkesbury River.

4. The Catholic Church did not have government recognition in Australia until 1820. Irish rebel William DAVIS received 200 lashes for refusing to attend Anglican church services, and was one of the people on the committee for the building of St Mary's Chapel, which is today St.Mary's Cathedral.

5.Two of the first land owners on the Oberon Plateau were emancipated Irish rebels William Davis and Edward (sometimes called Edmund) Redmond. Both received grants of 1000 acres in the west of the shire in May 1825. Davis called his Swatchfield, and Redmond called his Bingham ? it is at Arkstone, west of Porters Retreat. (He did not secure legal possession of it until 1838). These two men were transported in 1800 for their parts in the Irish Rebellion against the abolition the Irish parliament and incorporation of Ireland into Great Britain, as well as the economic and religious oppression of the Irish by the English. Both of them were successful businessmen in Sydney, both original shareholders in the Bank of NSW, and never lived on their grants.

6.The term "Blind Freddy" was coined after Sir Frederick POTTINGER 1831-1865 the NSW Inspector of Police. Pottinger was riding in the gentlemans race at Wowingragong, unaware that the bushrangers he'd been chasing for months, Ben HALL and John Dunn were on the track watching him. Blind Freddy didn't see them. Afterward Pottinger became the subject of much ridicule, charged with neglect of duty and later accidently shot himself.

7.Australia's first bushranger was "Black Caesar" an ex slave from the West Indies said to be well over 6' tall. Somehow got to England and then transported for theft. A 'First Fleeter' born John CAESAR 1763-1796 . It was Black CAESAR who shot and wounded the feared aboriginal resistance fighter PERMULWY in 1795.

8. Australia's first novelist, and author of the first collection of literary essays was Bristol born Henry SAVERY 1791-1842. Unfortunately he directed most of his talent to forgery.

9. Australia's first produced musical comedy was staged in 1844. Titled "The Currency Lass"

10. Transported three times was Con-man and thief James Hardy VAUX b:1782 and disappeared from the pages of history in 1841. Transported on the Minorca 1801, the Retribution in 1810 and the Waterloo 1831.

11. The law stated that immigrants to Australia under 18 had to be accompanied by parents or a guardian, unless employment had been prearranged.

12. Police in the Colony in the early 19th century worked 7 days a week without a break. Were unable to vote until 1888 and needed permission to marry from the Chief Commissioner.

13. The first dogs imported into New South Wales were Captain Arthur Phillip's greyhounds who arrived with him on the first Fleet.

14. And of course the Reverend Richard Johnson brought his cats.

4 comment(s), latest 7 years, 5 months ago

Pioneers of Taralga New South Wales 1922

Speaking on Saturday 29 April 1922, at the celebration of
the 152nd. anniversary of the landing of Captain Cook,
Sir William Cullen said: "We should be proud of the pioneers,
who by their courage and energy have helped to make Australia
what it is to-day."

Taralga is not only proud of her pioneers, she honours them.
What was probably a unique gathering, as far as New South Wales is
concerned, took place at Taralga on Saturday, 29 April 1922, when
the pioneers of the district were entertained at a dinner by a committee
representing the remaining residents of the township and district.
The following were the veterans present:
John Barry, aged 89
F. Baxter, 75
J. Bee, 70
C. Blay, 70
Walter Bradbury, 87
W. H. Bradbury, 79
J. Cameron, 70
Chas. Chalker, 81
Ted Chalker, 71
John Clifton, 73
Jas. Connor, 84
J. Cooper, 72
R. Cusick, 75
Geo. Corby, 69
J. Cosgrove, 69
Mat Daulton, 84
Thos. Fitzgibbon, 83
M. Fitzgibbon, 77
T. Gorman, 71
Pat Hearley, 82
W. Horne, 72
T. Horne, 70
Jas. Keogh, 86
T. McAlister, 69
Alex. McDonnell, 80
Angus McInnes, 72
Alex. McInnes, 82
J. L. McKenzie, 93
Chas. McKenzie, 80
K. McKenzie, 75
Colin McKenzie, 69
R. McLennan, 72
P. Mooney, 74
J. Ross, 76
C. Ross, 74
F. Sullivan, 69
J. Venn, 73
J. Williams, 77
W. M. Wright, 76
The oldest, Mr. J. L. McKenzie, bears his 93 years most ably,
while the youngest, Mr. Colin McKenzie, is a boy of 68.
Scotia thus headed and "tailed" the fine procession which filed into
the hall and sat down to an excellent dinner.
Cr. C. S. Bradbury presided, and in an eloquent speech paid a tribute to
the courage and hard work of the pioneers. Cr. Walsh supported, and
the toast of "The Pioneers" was drunk amidst great enthusiasm. Among other
toasts honoured were "The Pioneer Ladies of the District."
Mr. John McKenzie, the oldest of the veterans, who arrived in Richlands
in 1861, responded to the toast of the day, and Messrs. James Connor,
A. Mc-Innes, and Charles Ross also spoke.
Speeches were also delivered by the Rev. Mr. Bramble, Mr. C. Keith,
Mr. T. M. Chalker, Dr. Lyons, and others.
After the banquet a photograph of the group was taken.
The people whole heartedly went into the matter of entertaining the
veterans, and the response of those who were invited was most encouraging.
The lunch was prepared by Mrs. Spence, of the Argyle, and favourably
known as that good hostess's reputation is, on this occasion she excelled herself.
On arrival at the hall the guests of the day were met by Crs. Bradbury and
Walsh, and Messrs. A. E. Swan, M. Fitzgibbons, J.P., J. Alders, J.P.,
and others and treated to refreshments. They then dispersed themselves
around the hall, old friends meeting old friends, recalling old and stirring
incidents of the 40's, '50's, and '60's.
"You and I," said two men, well past 80, "went picking
up fleeces at Lethbridge's woolshed at Rockwell about 1855."
"Do you remember the cricket match we had about 1860?" said "Sandy" McInnes;
"W. H. Bradbury and Walter Bradbury, both present, were there,
and Rory McKay wearing a Scotch cap was fielding at long-on when a
catcher came his way, and he caught it in his cap."
But they were mostly horsey men in their day and generation.
Practically every man had done his 100 miles almost straight
on end for doctor or clergyman, and Paddy Hearley (82) had ridden
from "Lambing Flat" to Taralga in a day getting home in good time,
and not hurting his horse.
And didn't everybody remember the races on Humbug Flat, near Taralga,
when the prizes weren't very big, no bookies, and every horse was a trier,
and nobody thought a horse worth owning unless he could do a two or three
mile gallop. And later on Davis Hannabury had "Barebones," that won hundreds
for him, and later still Hillas had "Macaroni," and Martin Gallagher, recently
deceased, used to ride in Taralga.
All the pioneers present, down to the last one, are sons of the soil.
John L. McKenzie, of Fassifern, the father of the gathering, is 93 now,
and is 83 years out. "I came in '89, and George-street was nothing much
to look at then. My family later went to Illawarra, but then, as now, the
would-be-settler could not get on the land, and one of the worst droughts
the State has ever seen was just about winding up. Work was scarce, wages low.
The progress of Macquarie's day had given place to the stagnation of Gipps' term.
After a spell at the Snowy, the family came to Richlands and still no land
available only in isolated blocks of 80 acres, till Robertson's Land Act of '61."
And so this wonderful old man, who signs his name and writes letters with
the facility of a lawyer's clerk, tells his tale. "How old is Will ?" I asked.
"Oh, the baby, he was born on the 1st January, 1850."
And John Barry, of Hill Crest (89), is hale and hearty, able to eat like a boy,
and till very recently could ride about the Cookbundoon Ranges.
He bemoans the fact that Jack Williams ("Good old Black Jack"), who is 76,
is getting fearful and is not the man he ought be, at his age. But nobody
is sure of Jack's age, and barring Sandy Mclnnes - he is easily the youngest
looking man present.
There is a tradition in the Barry family that one day there arrived at the
old homestead a black boy, wearing only a long coat and generally
in a bad way. But Jack's star was in- the ascendant that day - Barry's has
been his home ever since, and a good home he has found it, and Jack has
been a good member of the family too, for he is treated like one. Jack can
still "shin" up an apple tree to get ripe apples for the kiddies, and any
day he will ride fifty miles for a pup. Recently Jack was confirmed by his
Lordship Dr. Gallagher, and he took a few days off to prepare. Anyhow Jack
reckoned the Bishop would not be "hard on him," because "once, when the
Bishop was only a young chap," said Jack, "I boiled his billy for him,
and he won't forget." Jack is a pious man still, and the only thing
worrying him on Pioneers' Day was the fact that there was Mass at
Myrtleville, but anyhow he felt pretty confident that Father Ryan
would give him a "Dispensation" if it was needed."
Walter Bradbury (87), of the Paling Yards, came to Taralga in '47 in Oct.
Grass was four feet high. The township was then called Trialgang, and
later Trialga and Taralga. It got its name from the three round hills
near the township. "The first races were on Humbug Flat. There was a
large tribe of blacks in the district, Miranda was the king. He was
buried at the Paling Yards, and I was at his wake," says Mr. Bradbury.
"There was a large ring made, and the body of the king was placed in it,
and fires were lighted all round to keep the 'Debil Debil' away.
The Macarthurs were at Richlands in these days, and left a good record
behind them. Sir Charles Cowper, who was Premier, had Chatsbury, and
the McAlisters had Strathaird and Lethbridge's at Rockwell."
James Connor (84) and M. M. Daulton (84) were both born in Taralga district,
and Sandy McInnes (82), who is the oldest native of Taralga present, was
christened in the old Strathaird Arms, Myrtleville, now John Miskelly's.
Pat Hearley (82) was born in Goulburn. Tom Fitzgibbon, Golspie (83), has
spent nearly all his life here, and it is not an unusual sight to see him
a dozen miles from home with a mob of fat bullocks at nine o'clock in the
John Keough (86) is still farming on The Meadows, but feels that he is
getting the old man on him a bit. W. H. Bradbury (79), C. Chalker (81),
M. Fitzgibbon (77), W. M Wright (73), John Ross (Hanapool (78),
Charles Ross, J.P.(75), as well as practically all the younger men present
are natives. John Ross, of the Abercrombie (73), rides in and out from
Goulburn when he has business to do, and practically every man in the
70's is actively engaged in farming, dairying, and grazing pursuits
The combined ages of these old people total 3645 years, an average of
76 years, or, taking a few of the youngsters out, the average is 80 years.
An analysis of the ages shows one over 90, 5 over 85, 7 over 80, 11 over 75, and
16 over 70.

Taralga Post Office Directory 1872


Greville's Post Office Directory 1872 TARALGA

Page 487
Distance 156 miles South of Sydney
Mail closes at General Post Office Tuesday, Friday 4 pm.
Mail arrives at Post Town Wednesday, Saturday 10.30 am.
Mail leaves for Sydney Monday, Friday 9 am.
Mail arrives at Sydney Tuesday, Saturday 7.15 am.

Route Rail Goulburn, 28m. Taralga.

ARMSTRONG Philip splitter Bolong
ALDERS James sawyer Bunnaby
ALYARD John farmer Meadins
ARNETT Edward jun. carpenter Taralga
ARNETT Edward sen. storekeeper Taralga
BAILEY George farmer West
BANNON James blacksmith Taralga
BARRETT John farmer Meadow West
BARRY James farmer Bloomfield West
BARRY John farmer Strathand
BAXTER T. farmer Abercrombie
BERGEN James farmer Strathand
BERGEN Patrick farmer Strathand
BIRMINGHAM Thomas farmer West
BLAY George miller Taralga
BRADBURY Walter jun. farmer Carraweelin, West Richlands
BRADBURY W. sen. farmer Carraweelin Ck.
BUCKMAN Gideon farmer Bolong
BURNETT James farmer Leighwood West
BURNS --- farmer Abercrombie
CAMERON Alexander farmer Bolong
CAMERON Alex. farmer Kelungrove West
CAMERON Allen farmer Springfield, Bolong
CAMERON Archibald farmer Highfield, West Richlands
CAMERON D. F. farmer Bolong
CAMERON Donald farmer Bolong
CAMERON Duncan farmer Bolong
CAMERON James farmer Monkey Ck., West
CAMERON John farmer West Richlands
CAMERON Rev. John (Presbyterian) Taralga
CAMERON J. farmer Lake, West Richlands
CAREY Daniel farmer West
CAREY James farmer West
CAREY John farmer West
CASEY J. farmer Galbraith, West Richlands
CASS Edward farmer West
CASS James farmer West
CASS Patrick farmer Meadow West
CASSARA Peter butcher Taralga
CHALKER Charles --- Mares Forest, West
CHALKER E. farmer Mares Forest, West
CHALKER John farmer Taralga
CHARTERS W. M. farmer Summer Hill, West
CLACK Charles farmer West
CLIFTON Patrick farmer Green Hills, West
CONFOY Patrick jun. farmer Myrtleville
CONFOY Patrick sen. farmer Myrtleville
CONFOY Thomas farmer Myrtleville
CONLAN John farmer Bolong
CONNERS J. jun. farmer Newfoundland, West Bunnetz
CONNERS J. sen. farmer Newfoundland, West Bunnetz
CONNERS W. farmer Eaton Park, Bunnaly
CONSIDINE M. farmer Stone Quarry West
COOPER Peter farmer Stone Quarry West
COWARDINE T. carpenter & farmer West
CRAMPTON William farmer Richlands
CREE William farmer Green Hills, West
CROAK Ellen farmer Cobbodong, West Richlands
CROAK Michael farmer Cobbodong, West Richlands
CROAK Patrick farmer Cobbodong, West Richlands
CROAK Thomas farmer Currawicla, West Richlands
CROKE Daniel farmer Strathand
CUMBERLAND Samuel farmer Bolong
CURRAN John farmer West
CUSACK J. jun. farmer Stone Quarry West
CUSACK James sen. farmer Stone Quarry
CUSACK John farmer Stone Quarry
DARCY Hugh farmer Taralga
DAVIS Thomas & William masons Taralga
DENNING Edward tanner Taralga
DENNING John carpenter Taralga
DONOVAN Denis farmer Taralga
DOUGLAS Grace farmer Grace Mount, West Bunnaly
DUNNE Patrick farmer Strathand
ELLICK John farmer Bolong
ELLIOTT Lettie --- Bunnaly
ELLIOTT W. farmer Eaton Park, West Bunnaly
ELLIOTT William splitter Bunnaly
ELLWOOD John farmer Meadows West
EVANS John tanner Taralga
FITZGIBBONS Michael farmer Bolong
FITZGIBBONS Thomas bootmaker Bunnaly
FITZGIBBONS Thomas jun. farmer West
FITZGIBBONS Thomas sen. farmer Bolong
FLANIGAN John farmer Yorkborough, West Richlands
FLETCHER Thomas farmer West
FULLAM D. auctioneer & farmer West
GRACEY Robert constable Taralga
GRUNDY Thomas farmer Bolong
HALES John farmer Bolong
HALL John sawyer Bunnaly
HANSFORD William farmer Galbraith
HANLEY Philip farmer Bunnaly
HANNABURY Denis farmer Bolong
HEARLEY Michael bootmaker Stone Quarry
HILLAS Matthew farmer Bunnaly
HORNE William farmer Red Bank
HOWARD & SON bootmakers Taralga
HUGHES James farmer Summerlee, West
HUGHES John farmer Summerlee, West
HUGHES Michael storekeeper Taralga
HUGHES William constable Taralga
HULL Jacob farmer Red Bank, West
JARVIS William farmer West
JORDAN John farmer Leighwood, West
JORDAN William farmer Leighwood, West
JUTSON A. T. shepherd Tyil Tyil
KELLY Patrick farmer Stone Quarry, West
KEOUGH James farmer Abercrombie, West Richlands
KEOUGH James farmer Stone Quarry, West
KEOUGH John shepherd Bolong
KEOUGH Mary farmer Abercrombie. West Richlands
KING Edward H. teacher Taralga
LANG Charles farmer Eastern Park
LARKIN William farmer Green Hills, West
LAWLER Michael farmer Bolong
LENNAN Daniel farmer Giningo, West
LOADER J. farmer Rockwell, West Richlands
LYNAM George farmer West Richlands
LYNCH J. J. farmer West
MAHER Martin farmer Giningo, West
MAHER Martin farmer Meadows, West
MAHER Patrick farmer Giningo, West
MARMONT John farmer Bolong
MARMONT Thomas farmer Bolong
MARSHALL Edward farmer Bolong
MAYERS Edward farmer Galbraith West
MAYNARD George farmer Bolong
MAYNARD Henry farmer Galbraith West
MILLER John farmer Chatsbury
MILLER John steam mill Taralga
MINSEY John farmer Bunnaly
MISSKELLY Henry farmer Myrtleville
MOLONEY John farmer Stone Quarry, West
MOLONEY Thomas baker Taralga
MOLONEY Thomas farmer Stone Quarry, West
MOONEY John farmer Meadows, West
MOONEY Patrick farmer Giningo, West
MOONEY P. jun. farmer Meadows, West
MOONEY P. sen. farmer Giningo, West
MOONEY Thomas blacksmith Taralga
MOONEY Thomas farmer Giningo, West
MOORE Martin farmer Reedy Ck., West
MORAN Thomas tailor Stone Quarry, West
MUNN George poundkeeper Taralga
MUNN Charles painter Taralga
MUNROE Thomas farmer West Richlands
MURDOCH John farmer West
MURDOCH Thomas carrier Taralga
MURRAY George farmer Bolong
MCALEER Cormack farmer Woodhook
MCALLISTER Charles innkeeper Strathand
MCALLISTER Thomas farmer Galbraith, West Richlands
MCALLISTER William farmer Galbraith, West
MCALLISTER William farmer Strathand
MCALLUM D. F. farmer West
MCCORMACK M. farmer Meadows, West
MCCORMACK Patrick farmer Giningo, West
MCCRAE John farmer Clear Hills, West
MCCUMACK John blacksmith Taralga
MCDONALD Alexander farmer Bolong
MCDONALD Donald farmer West
MCDONALD John farmer Mount Weerong, Abercrombie
MCDONALD Malcom farmer Strathand
MCDONALD Mrs. farmer Butchers Station West
MCDONNELL John farmer Tyil Tyil, West Richlands
MCDONNELL Mrs. John farmer West Richlands
MCGRAIL James farmer Myrtleville
MCGUINNESS John farmer Seably Flat, West
MCINNES A. & D. farmers Butchers Station West
MCINTYRE John farmer Richlands
MCJEFFERY Elizabeth innkeeper Taralga
MCKAY Donald farmer Galbraith, West Richlands
MCKAY Duncan farmer Galbraith, West Richlands
MCKAY John farmer Galbraith, West
MCKENZIE Alex. farmer Marmont Flat, West Richlands
MCKENZIE Captain farmer Sutton Springs, West Richlands
MCKENZIE John farmer Marmont Flat, West Richlands
MCKENZIE L. A. farmer Sutton Springs, West Richlands
MCKINNON Hugh farmer Seably Flat, West Richlands
MCKINNON Jas. farmer Boree, Abercrombie
MCKINNON Jas. farmer Galbraith, West Richlands
MCKINNON J. farmer Paling, West Richlands
MCKINNON James farmer Paling Yards
MCKINNON Lachlan farmer Paling Yards
MCKINNON John farmer Paling Yards, West Richlands
MCKINNON Norman farmer Galbraith, West Richlands
MCLEAN Allen farmer Mount McLean West
MCLEAN A. M. farmer Red Bank, West
MCLEAN Charles farmer Taralga
MCLEAN Hugh farmer Seably Flat, West Richlands
MCLEAN John farmer Rose Hill West
MCNEELY Hugh farmer Taralga
MCQUEEN David farmer Rose Hill West
NICOLLS George butcher West
NORTH Francis farmer Richlands
OCONNERS Denis farmer Bunnaly
OKEEFE Andrew storekeeper Taralga
OKEEFE Michael jun. farmer Giningo West
OKEEFE Michael sen. farmer Giningo
PEARCE Matthew farmer Worragureo
PHILLIPS Stephen storekeeper Taralga
POLLOCK Collin farmer Strathand
POLLOCK John farmer West Richlands
PURCELL John farmer Myrtleville
PURCELL Michael farmer Cobodong, West Richlands
PURCELL Robert farmer Myrtleville
PURCELL William farmer Myrtleville
QUIN John blacksmith Stone Quarry, West
QUINNE John farmer Myrtleville
RANKEN Donald farmer Duh Flat, West
RANKEN Duncan farmer Duh Flat, West
RICHARDS Octavius farmer Abercrombie
RIDER Bartholomew farmer West
ROBERTSON R. jun. farmer Meadows, West
ROACH Thomas farmer Strathand
ROBERTSON R. sen. farmer Meadows, West
ROBINSON Neil farmer Red Bank, West
ROOK George farmer Lake, West Richlands
ROOK John farmer Red Bank, West
ROSS Alexander farmer West Richlands
ROSS Charles farmer Harrapool, West
ROSS David farmer West Richlands
ROSS Donald farmer Harrapool, West
ROSS James bootmaker Red Bank, West
ROSS John farmer Harrapool, West
ROSS Lachlan farmer Strathand
SALAME Joseph teacher Taralga
SELL George farmer West
SHAW Henry farmer West Richlands
SINCLAIR James farmer Bolong
SMITH John carpenter Bolong
SMITH Thomas farmer Stone Quarry, West
STAMFORD Samuel farmer West Richlands
STARKE Andrew farmer Abercrombie
STEPHENSON Philip farmer Bunnaly
SULLIVAN Daniel farmer West
SULLIVAN Robert farmer Rockwell
TAYLOR Thomas farmer Taralga
TYNAN Martin innkeeper Taralga
VENN James farmer Abercrombie
WALSH John bootmaker Stone Quarry, West
WEAKES John farmer Red Bank, West
WEAKES T. farmer Red Bank, West Bolong
WEAKES W. farmer Red Bank, West Laggan
WEBSTER Jeremiah saddler Taralga
WEBSTER John farmer West
WEBSTER William farmer Monkey Ck., West
WHIP Robert jun. farmer Bunnaly
WHIP Robert sen. farmer Bunnaly
WHITEMAN George farmer West Richlands
WHITEMAN Henry farmer Taralga
WHITING & SON storekeepers Taralga
WILLIAMS John farmer Red Bank, West
WILLIAMS W. H. farmer Abercrombie
WINTERS George carpenter West
YANSON C. farmer Galbraith, West Richlands

1 comment(s), latest 7 years, 1 month ago

R.M.S.S. OROYA from London 1888

Oroya, R.M.S.S (Orient line), 6,184 tons, James Brunton Park, commander, from London March 11, Plymouth
12th ult, Naples 18th ult, Port Said 22nd ult, Suez 25th ult, Aden 29th ult,
Albany (W. A.)15 December, and Adelaide 18 December.
Passengers—saloon: For Melbourne. From London
Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker, Miss Armnell, Mr. R. Bleasby and Miss Bleasby,
Mr. and Mrs. Friedlander, family and servant, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hughes and family,
Mr. and Mrs A. S. Low, Mr. and Mrs J. C. Patterson and son, Rev. Dr. Marshall Lang,
Messrs. W. G. Brittan, W. D. Craig, W. Dougall, A. Farries, C. S. Green,
A. G. Hanbury, E. O. Hanbury, J. H. Downer, G. Offor, jun., A. Palmer,
E. B. Robertson, and H. B. Rowan,
also 54 in the second saloon, and 21 in the third cabin and steerage.
From Adelaide —Mr. Gibson.
For Sydney.—From London —Right Rev. Dr. Camidge. Bishop of Bathurst, and Mrs Camidge,
Sir Patrick Jennings, K.C.M.G., Lady Jennings, Miss Jennings, Mr. J. Jennings, and Mr. A. Jennings,
Sir Robert Wisdom and Lady Wisdom, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wisdom, Mr. and Mrs Bailey and Misses Bailey,
Mr. and Mrs B. Burt, family, and servant. Mr. and Mrs H. J. Dodson, Mrs Dickson, Mr. A. Dickson,
and Mr. W. J. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kemp and child, Mr. and Mrs Lane and child,
Mrs Reade and Miss Reade, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Smith, Mr. and Mrs J. H. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Wyness and family, Dr. R. A. Wilson, Messrs W. S. Bird, G. H. S. Boyd,
H. Brandon, E. Dunfee, W. A. Hillock, Jenkins, J.E. Le Mesurier, Pearson, R. Silver,
F. M. Studdert, and F. J. Studdert;
also 66 in the second saloon, and 240 in the third cabin and steerage.
Dr. L. T. Ward, medical officer.

OROYA 1886
6,057 gross tons, length 474ft x beam 49.3ft (144.47m x 15.03m), two funnels, four masts, single screw, speed 12 knots, accommodation for 126-1st, 154-2nd and 412-3rd class passengers. Launched by the Barrow Shipbuilding Co, Barrow on 31st Aug.1886 for the Pacific Steam Navigation Co, she started her maiden voyage on 17th Feb.1887 between London - Suez - Melbourne and Sydney for the Orient Line service.
On 4th Mar.1895 she went aground in the Bay of Naples and was severely damaged, but repaired.
In Feb.1906 she was transferred to Royal Mail Steam Packet Co ownership, but continued on the
Australia service until commencing her last voyage on 16th Apr.1909.
She was then scrapped at Genoa.
[SOURCE: Merchant Fleets, vols.1 & 8 by Duncan Haws]

decendants of ALLAN LAYFIELD Melbourne, Victoria

age 45 with wife, Sarah Anne 37 and children, Gordon 1, John 3, Alice 5, Hubert 7,
Percy 9 and Lawrence 11. arrived from London on the mail steamer R.M.S.S. OROYA, (Orient Line)
Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Origin: -; Master: James Brunton PARK;
Origin port code: B; Fiche number: 491; Page of list: 3,

Born ALLAN LAURENCE LAYFIELD, in 1842 at Darley, North Yorkshire. and according to the 1881 census was a Corn Miller, Journeyman. Allan was the son of James LAYFIELD and Ellen MOORE, Allan LAYFIELD died at the Austin Hospital in Melbourne, January 1899 and is buried in the Paupers Grave Section at the Warringal Cemetery, Heidelberg, on Upper Heidelberg-road.

Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Age: 37; Origin: -; Master: PARK JAS BRUNTON;
Sarah Annie LAYFIELD, nee MORLEY born at Birstwith, Yorkshire in 1851, died at East Melbourne Hospital in 1892, age 40

Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Age: 11.
Laurence James Edwin LAYFIELD born in Darley, Yorkshire, 1876, firstly married Elizabeth JOYCE b. 1876, in 1894.
The children of Laurence and Elizabeth were:-
Rosalie Joyce b. 1895 Carlton. In 1913 'Rose' married Fredrich FITT 1891-1930. Fred was the son of Fredrick and Emily Rebecca, nee Locke and killed when he was knocked off his bicycle on Dandenong-road on the 7 October 1930.
The Age, Wednesday 8 October 1930
FITT.— On the 7th October (suddenly),Frederick Fitt, dearly beloved husband of
Rose, and loving father of Roma, Jean, Joyce. Lance, and loving son of
Frederick and Emily Fitt
In 1939 Rose next married Henry Percy Ingham. 1877-1958 . Rose died at Caulfield in 1961 age 66.
Her mother, Elizabeth died at the Alfred Hospital in 1896.
Laurence next married Alice Mary WATT in 1900.
The children of Lawrence and Alice Mary, nee WATT were:-
Grace Beatrice 1900, Carlton. m. Connor d. 1963 at Heidelberg
Laurence 1902,Carlton. m. Ida May HANLEY 1897-1978 in 1924 d. 1985 Carlton
Mabel Eveline 1904, Geelong. In 1922 Mabel married Leslie Ormond HUNT 1893-1959 the son of John HUNT
and Bertha, nee LUCAS,
Sydney Allan 1906, Geelong. d. 1962 Parkville
Ivy Margret 1906, Geelong. m. Richard Baden LOH,at St.Matthew's, Prahran on 5 January 1929.
Stanley 1909, Geelong.
Leonard 1913, Geelong.
Laurence LAYFIELD died at Moolap, Geelong on 6 January 1940 age 64.
The Age (Melbourne, Vic.) Monday 8 January 1940

LAYFIELD.— On January 6, at his daughter's residence,
6 Alexandra-avenue, East Geelong;
Laurence James Edwin, loved father of Rose (Mrs. Fitt),
Grace, Laurence, Mabel (Mrs.Hunt), Ivy Margret (Mrs. Loh), and Sydney;
—Inserted by Laurence, Mabel, Margret.

Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Age: 9;
Percy Morley LAYFIELD born in Birstwith, Yorkshire, in 1877. Percy married Letitia STONE in 1905.
Children of Percy and Letitia were: -
Hubert Vincent b.1914 d.19 September 2000 at Austin Hospital Heidelberg, married Gwendoline ?
had a grandson, Allan. Gwendoline died 18 April 2000, at Elizabeth House, Rosanna
Alfred Morely married Edith Mary Livingstone BABIDGE in 1932 d: 1982
Percival James, married Linda Charlotte CLAYFIELD in Melbourne in 1934.
Linda Charlotte CLAYFIELD was born in Port Melbourne in 1906. The daughter of William Edward CLAYFIELD and Elizabeth Emma GOWTY(Linda was also a hairdresser)

Percy died at his home at 3 Spring-street, Port Melbourne on the 28 October 1945.
Record (Emerald Hill, Vic.) Saturday 3 November 1945
THE FINAL CALL Mr. Percy Layfield

The death occurred at his home, 3 Spring-street, Port Melbourne, on Sunday of
Mr. Percival Morley Layfield at the age of 68.
Six years ago he was severely injured in a motor accident and had been
an invalid ever since. For many years he was scorer for the S.M.C.C. Second
Eleven, and at its meeting on Tuesday night the club committee passed a motion
of sympathy with the bereaved family.
A widow, Mrs. Letitia Layfield, and three sons, Percy, Alfred and Hubert, survive.
Deceased was an elder brother of Cr. H. A. Layfield, of South Melbourne.
The remains were interred at the Melbourne Genera] Cemetery, Carlton, on Tuesday afternoon

Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Age: 7;
Three times Mayor of South Melbourne, Hubert Allan LAYFIELD was born Allan Hubert Vincent Layfield in Wetherby, Yorkshire on the 11 February 1879;
and in 1905 at the Presbyterian Church in Dorcas-street, he married Margaret Josephine PRATT.
Margaret was the daughter of Alexander PRATT 1829-1903 and Alice Susannah FINLAY 1849-1932
(Alice Finlay arrived with her parents at Geelong on November 1, 1853, by the 'Credenda').
Margaret was born in Clarendon-street, South Melbourne in 1883, and Christened at the Dorcas-street Presbyterian church. Margaret Josephine LAYFIELD died on Sunday 27 July 1952, Her funeral service at McKenzie's Chapel took place about 50 yards from where she was born. The LAYFIELDS had been living in Foote-street, Albert Park, when she died. Margaret had three times been Lady Mayoress of South Melbourne;

H. A. LAYFIELD known as 'Harry' to his friends, was a hairdresser in City Road, South Melbourne and secretary of the Victorian Master Hairdressers' Association. Few could forget when he played the tearful mother-of-the-bride at a pageant before a large crowd of residents in the Dispensary Hall in July 1920. He, along with the South Melbourne Council and the Education Department established a Boys’ Club, The Montague Youth Centre, at Montague which included a gymnasium as well as teaching automotive skills, boot repairing, carpentry, tin work and toy making. He was vice-chairman of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works and had been an unopposed member of South Melbourne City Council for 35 years, and Mayor in 1929-30, 38-39, and 49-50. A staunch Labor supporter, and chairman of several committees from 1925 until 1963. H. A. Layfield died in Armadale, Melbourne on 10 June 1966, before Layfield Court at 150 Victoria Avenue, was completed in 1967. The informant on his death registration incorrectly places his birth as being in South Melbourne.
Layfield said in later life that "he had seen the first cable cars run in the area, and the last,
and had been Mayor when the Spencer Street Bridge was opened, and also the first man to pass
over it in a motor car." *References: Miles; Priestley

born the last quarter of 1880 in Wetherby, Yorkshire. Died in the first quarter of 1881, in Wetherby, Yorkshire.

Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Age: 3;
Ernest John LAYFIELD Born in Wetherly, Yorkshire in February 1884, he married Alice Lavinia BOWERS in Melbourne in 1910. Alice was born in Balmain, Sydney, in 1887, the daughter of George Rueben Peeke BOWERS and Charlotte Ruth LEER.
On the 22 August 1914 Ernest John enlisted in the A.I.F. at the local South Melbourne office giving his occupation as 'Rubber Worker and his wife as next-of-kin. At the time they were living in Tribe-street, Sth. Melbourne
Ernest John died in Coburg in 1947.
Alice Lavinia LAYFIELD, nee BOWERS died in Baxter, Victoria on 10 April 1969.
The children of Ernest and Lavinia were:-
1.Raymond John Layfield b: 1915 South Melbourne d. 10 June 1989, at Peninsula Private Hospital m. Jessie RUSSELL in 1942

Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Age: 5;
Alice Gertrude LAYFIELD born in Yorkshire in 1882 married James JOYCE in 1899 and died in Armadale, Melbourne in 1963 age 81.

7. GORDON LAYFIELD 1887-1888
Ship: OROYA; Arrival Year: 1887; Arrival Month: DEC; Age:1;
Gordon LAYFIELD born 1887, died soon after arrival in 1888 in South Melbourne age 1

born in South Melbourne in 1888. On 9 August 1916, Alexander married Lena Myrtle OWEN, the daughter of William James OWEN and Bertha LAMBERT.
The Age, Saturday 25 November 1916
Husband's Contribution Equals One Penny Per Week.

At South Melbourne on Wednesday, Lena Myrtle Layfleld proceeded against her husband,
Alexander Layfield, for the maintenance of her child
It was stated in support of the claim that the parties were married in August last,
but two years previously complainant gave birth to a child, of which defendant was
the father. They made up their minds quite suddenly to get married, and after the
ceremony defendant had no home for her except a room at his brother's house. As there
were only four small rooms to accommodate the brother, his wife and three other
children, she refused to live there, and defendant agreed to pay her 10/ per week,
on the understanding that he saved and made a home.
In the meantime. he gave her one 10/-, but there his effort stopped. No other money
had been paid her at any time by defendant.
For the defence it was held that the offer of a home was bona flde. Defendant
earned £2/7/- per week on permit at Kitchen's (soap works), and the offer he made was the best
he could make.
Mr. Moore, P.M: We do not consider the offer bona fide. In two years this man pays 10/-,
less than 1d. per week, and then has the impudence to come here and say he has offered
a home. Defendant is ordered to pay 10/ per week.
Mr. Stevens: You are keeping them apart forever.
Mr. Moore, P.M.: From what. I see of defendant, I think the order is more likely to
bring them together.
An order was made for the payment of 10/ per week, with £2/5/ - costs.

The children of Alexander and Lena were:-
Rose born 1915 and died 31 October, 1925 at Alfred Hospital, Prahran, Alexander and
Lena were living at 67 Elizabeth street, North Richmond at the time.
James Allan b; 1922, died in 1924 at Prahran.
Margaret Derry born 13 July 1925 at the Queen Victoria Hospital, Melbourne,
lived 12 hours.

Lena Died in 1968 and Alexander in 1969 at Castlemaine, Victoria.

9. THOMAS LAYFIELD 1890-1890
born in South Melbourne in 1890 and died soon after birth.

Publicans Licence Hobart 1871

The annual meeting of Justices of the Peace for the consideration of applications
for certificates of approval of persons receiving public-house and packet licences,
for the district of Hobart, took place this morning at the Court Room, Town Hall,
at 10 o'clock.
The Justices in attendance were, Messrs. G.Wilson, H. L. Crowther, Hon. Mr. Fysh,
Tarleton, Hopkins, Robertson, Belbin, Hon. Mr. Kennnerley, Risby, Pearce, Ferguson,
Cook, and Major Douglas. Mr. D. Lewis sent an apology for his unavoidable absence.
Mr. R. P. Adams was present in his capacity of Clerk of the Peace ;
as also Mr. Superintendent Propsting, Mr. C.D. C. Quodling, Mr. C. D. C. Innes, and
Mr. Reynolds, Police Clerk.
On the motion of Mr. Tarleton, Mr. Kennerley was called to the chair and that
gentleman reported that the Police Committee had within the last few weeks visited
the licensed houses, and the Superintendent of Police would be able to give any
information that information that might be required.
The Clerk of the Peace then called over the names of the applicants seriatim.
In cases where there was nothing calling for remark, and no objection was made, the
applications were granted. In others the Chairman read for the information of the
Bench the remarks appended to the list.
According to custom the Hobart Town applications were first heard, commencing
with applicants for houses already licensed.


The following renewals were granted without comment :—
Anderson, William, Woodpecker, Harrington-street.
Andrews, James, Kensington Inn, Argyle-street.
Allen, Philip, Royal Exchange Hotel, Campbell-street.
Burt, George, Turkish Bath Hotel, Harrington-street.
Billing, Henry Charles, Park Hotel, Colville-street.
Brown, George, Sir John Falstaff, Campbell-street.
Burgess, William, Prince of Wales, Hampden-Road.
Bromwich, John, Lord Melbourne, Melville-street.
Bye, Jane Caroline, Man of War, Argyle-street.
Cousins, James, Man of Ross, Liverpool-street.
Chesterman, Henry, Union Club Hotel, Murray-street.
Clarke, Thomas Henry, Marine Hotel, Murray-street.
Cook, William, Ocean Child, Argyle-street.
Collins, Robert, York Hotel, Brisbane-street.
Cowburn, William, Jolly Hatters, Melville-street.
Crane, George, White Pheasant, Goulburn-street,
Childs, Mary Ann, Sailors' Return, Old Wharf.
Chapman, Edward Samuel, Angel Inn, Argyle-street.
Cresswell, William, Bridge Inn, Macquarie-street.
Cullen, Thomas, McLaren's Hotel, Collins-street.
Downie, Thomas, Custom House Tavern, Murray-street.
Eady, Charles Golding, Albion Hotel, Elizabeth-street.
Edmonds, Ann, Young Queen, Lower Collins-street.
Easton, George, Eardley Arms, Melbourne-street.
Ferguson, William, Alabama Hotel, Liverpool-street.
Featherstone, John, Featherstone's Wine and Spirit Store,
formerly Grey Hound Inn, Antill-street.
Fulton, William Bell, Old Commodore, Brisbane-street.
Gill, James Blake, Duke of Wellington, Barrack-street.
Grainger, Thomas, Steam Hammer, Macquarie-street.
Hyams, Israel, Rose and Crown, Elizabeth-street.
Hartam, Charles, Ship Hotel, Collins-street.
Hurst, James, British Hotel, Liverpool-street.
Hammond, James, Lord Rodney, New Wharf.
Hill, Thomas, Sir William Don, Elizabeth-street.
Isherwood, James, Fountain Inn, Argyle-street.
Jones, Thomas, Eagle Hawk, Elizabeth-street.
Knowles, George, George and Dragon, Elizabeth-street.
Lawton, John Holmes, New Market Inn, Argyle-street.
Lilley, Edward Mulhearin, All Nations Hotel, Elizabeth-street.
Latham, Frederick, Rainbow Inn, Liverpool-street.
McLaren, Ellen, Telegraph Hotel, Morrison-street.
Moore, Joshua, Rock Hotel, Elizabeth-street.
McDonnell, John Patrick, Lloyd's Galatea Hotel, Argyle-street.
Morton, William, Black Prince, Elizabeth-street.
Mashall, Henry, Star Inn, Goulburn-street.
Miller, Charles Henry, Star of Tasmania, Battery Point.
Mackrell, Amos, Plough and Harrow, Murray-street.
Norton, James, Joiners' Arms, Macquarie-street.
Oldham, Edwin, Nautilus Hotel, New Wharf.
Oldham, Peter, Bird-in-Hand, Argyle-street.
Priest, James, Davey-street Inn, Davey-street.
Paterson, John, Thatched House, Argyle-street.
Poulton, Elizabeth Maria, Bull's Head, Goulburn-street.
Prentis, Ann, Duke of York, Hampden Road.
Quinlan, Michael, Montpelier Retreat, Montpelier-street.
Robertson, James Thomas, Criterion Hotel, Liverpool-street.
Riley, Lewis, Victoria Tavern, Murray-street.
Robinson, Ann, Prince Napoleon, Hampden Road.
Seton, Henry, White Conduit Houso, Murray-street.
Screen, Mary Ann, Sir George Arthur, Campbell-street.
Spence, James, Royal Standard, Elizabeth-street.
Stanton, Job, Hope and Anchor, Macquarie-street.
Smith, William, Marquis of Hastings, Brisbane-street.
Shrimpling, Ann, Stowell Arms, Elizabeth-street.
Swann, George, Rear Admiral Hornby's Hotel, Salamanca Place.
Sanders, Jane, Steam Packet Tavern, Old Wharf.
Simmons, Julia, City of Norwich, Argyle-street.
Smith, Margaret, Old Bell, Elizabeth-street.
Smith, Maria, Railway Inn, Molle-street.
Thompson, Thomas, Holyrood Houso, Murray-street,
Tynan, Francis, Albemarle Arms, Goulburn-street.
Tapping, Mary Ann, Freemasons' Hotel, Harrington-street.
Turner, John, Denison Hotel, Macquarie-street.
Thompson, Henry, Phoenix, Old Wharf.
Wilson, William, Brunswick Hotel, Liverpool-street.
Wiggins, James, Wiggins' Hotel, Murray-street,
Wiggins, Robert B., Builder's Hotel, Bathurst-street.
Watchorn, John, Royal Hotel, Liverpool-street.
Watkins, Mary Amn, Derwent Hotel, Murray-street.
Weare, Thomas, Vine Tavern, Harrington-street.
Webb, John, Webb's Hotel, Murray-street.
Wilson, Joseph, Wheat Sheaf, Macquarie-street.
Woods, Alfred, Prince Alfred Inn, Macquarie-street.
White, Thomas, Waggon and Horses, Argyle-street.
Webb, William, Elephant and Castle, Bathurst-street.
Watson, Frederick, Lime Kiln Inn, Veterans' Row.
Corkery, John Wright, London Vaults, Liverpool
This application was withdrawn by Mr Graves

The Mercury, Hobart, Tasmania
Monday 4 December 1871
Page 2
Transcription, janilye, 2013
Publicans licences Hobart, 1846
Publicans Licence Hobart 1898
Below; Sketch of the Fountain Inn on Argyle Street, near Brisbane Street

1 comment(s), latest 7 years, 8 months ago

Publicans Licence Hobart 1898

Ainslie, Joseph Raymond, Globe Hotel, Antill-street
Abbott, Samuel, City of Hobart Hotel, Harrington street
Atwell, George, Eardley Arms, Melbourne Street
Boland, David, Canterbury Inn, Elizaeth street
Boyle, George, Cornwall Holel, Argyle street
Beck, Charles, Rainbow Hotel, Liverpool street
Beaumont, Charlotte Virginia, Holyrood House, Murray street
Barber, Annie Alma, Hobart Hotel, Macquarie street
Batchelor, James Daniel, Rear-Admiral Hornby Hotel, Salamanca Place
Billinghurst, James, White Pheasant Hotel, Goulburn street
Brown, Sydney F., Telegraph Hotel. Morrison street
Chaffey. Henry Frederick, Woodpecker Inn, Harrington street
Cross, John Edward, Lord Rodney Hotel, Salamanca Place
Cherry, Henry, Carlton Club Hotel Liverpool street
Cooney, Edward Francis, Rose and Crown Hotel, Elizabeth street
Cullen, Joseph James, Sir John Franklin Hotel, Murray street
Cross, John, Phoenix Hotel, Old Wharf
Chidgey, Arthur, Prince Alfred Hotel, Macquarie street
Cuthbert, Richard, Marine Hotel Murray street
Dove, Samuel, Tattersall's Hotel, Murray street
Davern, John, All Nations’ Hotel, Elizabeth street
Davis, George, Dallas Arms, Elizabeth street
Davis, James Michael, Alabama Hotel, Liverpool street
Evans, Sarah. Freemason's Arms, Murray street
Evans, John, Crescent Hotel, Burnett street
Enright, Thomas James, Montpelier Retreat, Montpelier street
Rosworthy, William Thomas, Popular Hotel, Melville street
Rady, William George, Federal Hotel, Liverpool street
Foley, William Henry, Hope and Anchor Hotel, Macquarie street
Freeman, Jobn J., Royal Standard Hotel, Elizabeth street
Foster, Annie, Stowell Arms, Elizabeth street
Finnigan, Denis, Shamrock Hotel, Liverpool street
Ford, Abraham, Prince of Wales Hotel, Hampden road
Foster, Charles, Waggon and Horses, Argyle street
Green, Elizabeth Jane, Rob Roy Hotel, Liverpool street
Green, Henry William, Liverpool Hotel, Liverpool street
Geary, Robert, Salutation Inn, Liverpool street
Heathorn, Thomas, Heathorn’s Hotel, Liverpool street
Hope, George, Metropolitan Hotel, Murray street
Hadley, Howard Henry, Orient Hotel, Murray street
Hughes, Frank, Ship Hotel Collins street
Harris, Jobn Walter, Bright Smile Hotel, Molle etreet
Hands, William Robert, Star Inn, Goulburn street
Hurt, Frederick, Sydney Hotel, Bathurst street
Harvey, Emily Louisa, Royal Exchange Hotel, Campbell street
Hart, Henry, Old Commodore Hotel, Brisbane street
Harrison, John, Cornish Mount Hotel, Barrack street
James, Thomas Alfred, Royal Hotel, Liverpool street
Jones, Albert Edward, Queen's Arms, Harrington street
Kelly, John, Huon Hotel, Argyle street
Kerr, Hugh Smith, Sir George Arthur Hotel, Campbell street
Lewis, John, Marquis of Hastings, Hill street
Langdon, Eliza Jane, Franklin Hotel, Elizabeth street
Lawton, Mary Ann, Rock Hotel Elizabeth street
Love, Henry, Terminus Hotel, Collins street
Langford, Catherine, McLaren’s Hotel, Collins street
McAllister, Highfield Hotel, Murray street
Mead, Herbert, Angel Inn, Argyle street
Martin. Charles Joseph, Sir William Don, Elizabeth street
Mead, James, Man of War Hotel, Argyle street
Mallott, George, Mountain Retreat Hotel, Macquarie street
Myers, Charles, Duke of Wellington Hotel, Barrack street
O’Doherty, Hugh, West Coast Hotel, Elizabeth street
O'Shea, Michael, Oporto Wine Vaults. Liverpool street
Parker, David, Shipwrights' Hotel, Trumpeter street
Ross, Sarah Agnes, Albion Hotel, Elizabeth street
Ring, Thomas, Queen’s Head Hotel, Elizabeth street
Reid, William Henry, Criterion Hotel, Liverpool street
Read, John Henry, Man at the Wheel Hotel, Liverpool street
Smith, John, Caledonian Inn, Elizabeth street.
Smith, Arthur Alexander, Old Bell Hotel, Elizabeth street
Sanders, Alexander, Steam Packet Hotel, Hunter street
Shaedel, Harriet Laurence, Brisbane Hotel, Brisbane street ,
Tapping, Caleb Pryor, Freemasons Hotel, Harrington street
Talbot, Arthur John, Howard's Family Hotel, Argyle street
Turner, Edward, Joiners' Arms, Macquarie street
Wilson, William, Brunswick Hotel, Liverpool street
Westbrook, Frank Ernest, Victoria Tavern, Murray street
Wakeham, William Henry, Argyle Hotel, Argyle street
West David, Palace Hotel, Murray street
Wilson, Thomas, Derwent Hotel, Murray street
Wilson, Arthur A.,Theatre Royal Hotel, Campbell street
Wood, Alfred, Elephant and Castle Hotel, Bathurst street

Clayden. Alice Ada, Kensington Hotel Argyle street
Denholm, Alexander, Denison Hotel, Macquarie street
Ellen, John Harding, Park Hotel, Letitia street
Essen, William, Goulburn Inn, Goulburn street
Furk , Henry David, Customs House Tavern, Murray street
Grant, George Alexander, Goean Child Hotel, Argyle street
Goodison, Harriet, Prince Napoleon Hotel, Hampden Road
Goldsmith, Thomas David, Tasmanian Inn, Campbell street
Jones, George Henry, George and Dragon, Elizabeth street
Ledwell, Edward Henry, Flemington Hotel, Argyle street
Lipscombe, Thomas Meredith,Wheat sheaf Hotel, Macquarie street
Lee, Thomas, Lord Nelson Hotel, Salamanca Place
Symmons, Henry Nathaniel, Tramway Hotel, Macquarie street
Webb, Samuel. Bird-in-Hand Hotel, Argyle street

Chamberlain, John Henry, Cornish Mount Hotel, Barrack street
Green, Robert, Eaglehawk Hotel, Elizabeth street
Instance, Richard George, Steam Hammer Hotel, Macquarie street
Kemp, Charles, British Hotel, Liverpool street
Long, Charles Camps Nightingale, Waratah Hotel, Murray street

Tasmanian News Hobart, Tasmania.
Wednesday 9 November 1898
Page 4
Transcription, janilye 2013

Publicans licences Hobart, 1846
Publicans Licences Hobart 1871.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this document contains names of people who have since passed away.

Farewell to all the games on earth,
Where honestly thou play'dst thy part,
Then let me sing the native worth
Of Jackey Taylor's cricket art.

The willow-bat he handled well,
And urged afar the flying ball ;
His bowls dead on the wicket fell—
Best all-round player of them all.

We'll miss him at his wonted place,
When the next Wagga match is play'd ;
And see no more the Darkey's face
When friendly after-feast is laid.

Now sports he's in another land—
Perchance a spirit fair and bright
As any of the chosen and—
Among the happy sons of light.

Within the many-mansion'd hall
I feel there is a place for thee ;
Blackfellow of the white man's fall
Thou'lt rise as sure and fair as he.
June 29 1875
THE following article and lines on the death of John Taylor,
a native of Gininderra, have been handed to us for publication,
and are taken from the Tumut and Adelong Times

"Taylor was brought up on the
station of Mr Davis, of Gininderra, in
the Queanbeyan district, where he remained
till he was thirteen years of age.
He then came to Tumut, and
entered the service of Mr E. G. Brown,
of Blowering , in whose employ he was
till within a month of his death.
He was well tended but, like all his race,
the moment sickness overtook him, his
physical energies became paralysed—
he had no power, did not even "make
an effort to shake himself up," but
quietly lay down and died.
In a cattle muster, in a drafting-yard,
or in travelling with stock he was perfectly
at home, and his services always valuable.
Besides, he was thoroughly trustworthy —so much so,
indeed, that Mr Brown has frequently given him
charge of a mob of cattle, and even empowered
him to sell.
In all athletic exercises he excelled ; few could beat
him in a foot-race, and he was the best
all-round cricketer in the district. His
funeral, which took place on Monday,
was attended by fifty or sixty respectable people,
not ashamed to pay the last tribute of respect to a
fellow being, though his skin was black. Not
the least affecting sight at the funeral
was the solitary representative of the
male aboriginals in the district following as chief mourner.
There was no deception about his grief ; he could
not hide it, and lacked the policy to feign it.
The Rev. Mr. Jones read the impressive funeral service.
We hope to see a move among the townspeople
to erect some simple memorial over his grave."

TAYLOR JOHN 387/1875 187500387 159AGE 28 YEARS DIED TUMUT

Life-Saving Certificates - Portland N.S.W. 1944

Pupils of the central school, Portland, who were awarded resuscitation certificates
from Royal Life Saving Society, at life-saving examinations in 1944 were: —
Anne McAlpine, Valerie McGuiness, Betty Matters, Iris Miller,
Kath Montgomery, Joyce Nicholson, Yvonne Nolan, Shirley Nugent,
Ivy Parker, Valerie Penrose, Patricia Robertson, Vivienne Robertson,
Margaret Staines, Joan Sutton, Shirley Taylor, Rhona Tonkin, Heather Wighteman,
Ethel Williams, June Williams, Joan Bretherton, Edith Sharpe, Lesley Farrimond,
Elizabeth Harland, Betty McDiarmid, June Nicholson, Joan Ogle, Marjorie Elton,
Elma Casey, Fay Core, Beryl Smith, June Adams, Mavis Andrews, Eileen Bennett,
Joan Bennett, Diana Blackley, Winifred Burroughs, Hazel Clarke, Marjorie T. Clinton,
Colleen Crane, Nellie Clarke, Joan Coleman, Nancy Davis, Kathleen de la Mare,
Thelma Dowling, Dorothy Eldridge, Norma Eldridge, Zela Firkin, Lona Fitzgerald,
Nancy Frew, Shirley Garrard, Joan Hall, Jessie Jones, Betty Bridge.
Junior Section.
Leslie W. Collins, Keith W. Tonkin, George . A. Ausburn, Leslie Montgomery,
Leslie E. Stait, James G. Willis, Sidney W. Anlezark, Desmond L. Thorp,
Keith Eldridge, Donald G. Stait, Jack ,H. Stewart, Donald J. Hibbard,
Edward E J. Lancaster, Jack Elton, Keith L. McGuinness, Arnie D. Stait,
Ernie W. Stait, Kevin J. Southcott, Harold H. Smith, Leonard M.Bennett,
Harry R. Kearns, Noel S. W Fisher, George Rowland, Norman D. S. Bellamy,
Norman H. Smith, Robert Crawford, Kevin L. Seymour, Vincent. R. Blackley,
William R. Hewett, John L. Jones, Barry Simpkins, Gregory L. Smith.