m_nunn on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

m_nunn on Family Tree Circles

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Photo of Mary Ann Williams -George Prudens wife

Mary Ann Williams 15 Oct 1843 -1912.

1 comment(s), latest 9 years, 9 months ago

Photograph of George Pruden

Thought I would download photo of George Pruden 2 Aug 1842- 15 Nov 1918.

1 comment(s), latest 9 years, 9 months ago

Looking for Pruden family Taranaki

My Gt Gt Grandfather was George Pruden,Bethnal Green,London who married Mary Ann Williams.Their son Albert Thomas "Bert" was my Gt Grandfather.Albert's eldest daughter Gladys Mary Pruden (Lankshear) was my Grandmother and her daughter Frances Lankshear (Grundy) is my Mother.I have just started to look in to my family tree.Very interesting so far!!Any information appreciated.Marlene Nunn. damar1963@gmail.com

Earlier photo of house at Rawhitiroa

George Pruden was my Gr Gr Grandfather.I was sorry to hear that the house at Rawhtiroa has gone.My Mother had a photo of the house as it was many years ago and I thought I would download it here. Marlene Nunn damar1963@gmail.com

4 comment(s), latest 9 years, 8 months ago