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New Zealand QUEENS FIRE SERVICE MEDAL recipients

the following is a list of men who were recipients of the QUEENS FIRE SERVICE MEDAL for Distinguished Service

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT

BARR Andrew, Volunteer Senior Station Officer

BICKNELL Garth Winston, Chief Fire Officer

BLEWETT David William, Chief Fire Officer

BRAITHWAITE Bernard Ralph, Senior Station Officer

BURTON-WOOD Peter Kenneth, Chief Fire Officer

BUSH Ronald Charles Sylvester, Deputy Chief Fire Officer

CARN-BENNETT James Edward, Chief Fire Officer

CHAPMAN Alan Ewart, Senior Fire Safety Officer

CLARKSON William, Fire Force Commander

CORNES Clement Augustus, Chief Fire Officer

DALTON John Edward, Chief Fire Officer

DAVIDSON Robert Allan, Chief Fire Officer

DOUCHE Philip Hori, Fire Force Commander

DRUMMOND Gordon, Chief Fire Service Officer

EASTON Arthur James, Chief Fire Officer

EVANS, Emrys Griffith, Chief Fire Officer (Area Commander)

FLANAGAN Colin James, Divisional Officer

GIRLING-BUTCHER William, Chief Fire Control Officer
- Bill is still considered to be the 'father' of NZFS fire control by most people. Following war service, Bill joined NZFS, and eventually became D.R. Kaikohe. He later moved to Kaingaroa as Fire Control Officer (FCO)

GLEN Noel Cecil, Divisional Officer

HABIB Peter, Fireman

HALLETT Donald Leslie, Chief Fire Officer

HARDY Frank Albert, Chief Fire Officer

HARRISON William John, Senior Station Officer

HEAVEN George Raymond, Chief Fire Officer

HENDERSON William James, Fire Commissioner

HIDE Sidney Raymond, Senior Station Officer (Officer in charge)

HOOKER Howard Leonard, Deputy Chief Fire Officer

HOUSTON Leslie George, Volunteer.Station Officer

HOWEY Graham Charles, Chief Fire Officer

IRVINE Samuel Brown, Chief Executive (Technical)

LUCKIE Thomas Richard, Chief Fire Officer

MAcGREGOR George Mortimer, Foreman

MANNING Walter Jacob, Chief Fire Officer

MASON Andrew Russell, Station Officer

McMILLAN Randolph William, Chief Fire Officer

MORRIS Eric Merriman, Chief Fire Officer

OLIVER Hector Vincent Sylvester, Chief Fire Officer

O'MALLEY Phillip Ernest, Chief Fire Officer

PLUMMER Arthur William James, District Officer

QUINLAN Elvyn Francis, Secretary

ROBERTSON Desmond Maurice, Chief Fire Officer

SAUNDERS Edwin Wallace, Chief Fire Officer

SKIPAGE Robert Stanley, Chief Fire Officer

STEPHENS Geoffrey Cyril, Chief Fire Officer

STRINGER Frederick William, Station Officer

THOMPSON George Joseph, Third Officer

THOMPSON Peter Henry, Chief Fire Officer

TRASS Lumsden Vickers, Chief Fire Officer

WALKER Ian James, Chief Fire Officer

WALLIS Bruce McKenzie, Chief Fire Officer

WESLEY Ivor Charles, Chief Fire Officer

WHITE Albert William, Station Officer (Volunteer)

WILSON Lloyd Foster, Chief Fire Officer

WISHART Charles George, Chief Fire Officer

New Zealand BRAVERY DECORATION recipients

the following is a list of men who were recipients of the NEW ZEALAND BRAVERY DECORATION

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT some names lead to bios
BENNETT, Craig David
- On 7 May 2005 at about 7.15 a.m., Constable Bennett was off duty and driving past 36 Cooper Street, in Dunedin, when he noticed that the house was on fire. By his exceptional bravery he was able to effect the rescue of three people from the blazing building .. more at site

BERTRAND, Ngakina Jane
- On 17 and 18 January 2005, there were riots at Yandina in the Solomon Islands during an industrial dispute. Ngakina took the risk of placing herself at the front to protect the children and calling upon those slinging stones to cease their activities .. more at site

CANTLEY, Allan Donald
- At Morrinsville on 29 July 1993, a mentally deranged man with a number of explosive devices strapped to his body, entered the Police Station. He held both the Police and three members of the public hostage and threatened to detonate bombs attached to his body. Sergeant Cantley entered the building and confronted the man and was able to facilitate most of the hostages escapes, including his own. Sergeant Cantley then re-entered the building in an attempt to release the remaining hostage and overpower the man. Together with two other members of the Police he was able to achieve the release of the hostage but during this another Police Constable was wounded and the offender was fatally shot by Police. Throughout the incident Sergeant Cantley showed complete disregard for his own safety

CREAN, Christopher Michael
- On 13 March 1996 Mr Crean witnessed a confrontation between two gangs in the New Plymouth suburb of Marfell where he lived. A young man was severely beaten in front of a number of people. Mr Crean was the only witness to this brutal assault who was prepared to testify against the assailants. Despite enormous intimidation, including verbal death threats made by gang members at the Court, Mr Crean did not waver and he insisted on giving evidence against the gang members involved. His performance of his civic duty encouraged other witnesses to come forward, as a result of which gang activity in the area was curtailed and successful prosecution of two of the three defendants ensued. However, on 6 October 1996, Mr Crean, then aged 27, answering a knock at the front door of his home, was gunned down in the presence of his wife and young children. Four members of a gang are now serving life sentences for his murder. Mr Crean's performance of his civic duty undoubtedly placed his life in danger, with subsequent tragic consequences.

FA?AUI Pes Sia?atoutai
- On the afternoon of 28 November 2005, Pes Sia?atoutai Fa?aui, an environmental officer employed by the Waitakere City Council, was on duty in Railside Avenue, Henderson. Nearby, a man with a knife had stabbed and injured a sport shop owner, who had to flee his shop after receiving stab injuries to his back, stomach, arm and hand. The offender then crossed the road and fatally stabbed a 65-year-old man who was getting into his car. Mr Fa?aui?s act of exceptional bravery led to the arrest of a dangerous offender and possibly saved a police officer from serious injury .. more at site

GIBSON Robert Bruce
- On 5 June 2005 at 9.20 am, a man drove into the St Lukes shopping centre carpark in Auckland after being pursued by Police for driving dangerously through inner-city Auckland. Once in the carpark the offender, who was armed with a cut-down AK47 style assault rifle, tried unsuccessfully to hijack a car occupied by a mother and her six year old daughter. The offender then tried to hijack a second car, but was distracted by the arrival of a Police car driven by Constable Pennington and Constable Gibson .. more at site
- see Karl Hugh PENNINGTON above also

HOOD, Terence Albert
- On the evening of 4 July 1989 Mr Hood, a security guard, accompanied an electrician as he carried out routine tests on newly installed 11,000 volt oil circuit breakers in the MED substation located in an area under construction at the Defence Department Building, Stout Street, Wellington. The electrician noticed there was a serious problem as one of the circuits breakers had been installed with no oil in the contact chamber. As he switched off the circuit breaker it exploded throwing out molton copper and flames. It also threw the electrician against a wall opposite the exit and blasted Mr Hood backwards out of the door. However, hearing the cries from the electrician, who was on fire he came back into the room past the burning equipment and dragged the electrician to safety and used his bare hands to extinguish the man's burning hair and clothes. Mr Hood's actions saved the life of the electrician

HUNT, Graeme James
- At Flaxmere on 21 April 1996 Mr Hunt was at his home when he heard a noise like a gun shot. Going outside, he saw a police car on the street in front of his house. He ran to the vehicle, accompanied by his two daughters, aged 12 and 10 years, where they discovered a shot police officer lying by the car. As Mr Hunt attempted to assist the officer, another bullet travelled in front of Mr Hunt, lodging in the driver�s door of the car. Looking up, he saw a man in another car pointing a rifle at him through the vehicle's window, only some 5 to 6 metres in from of the police car. At this time Mr Hunt was with the constable between the two doors of the police car, the eldest daughter was standing in front of the car and the youngest behind her father. Mr Hunt moved quickly to the rear corner of the police car, before a further shot was fired, which also lodged in the driver's door. The other car then left the scene, after which Mr Hunt returned to the constable, whose wounds were unfortunately fatal. Mr Hunt placed his own life at risk to help the fatally wounded police officer

JONES, Heath Courtenay
- On 7 May 2009, Sergeant Heath Jones was one of the first Police Officers to arrive at the scene of the fatal shooting of Senior Constable Len Snee, and the wounding of Mr Len Holmwood, and Senior Constables Grant Diver and Bruce Miller, by Mr Jan Molenaar in Chaucer Road South, Napier .. more at site
- see also Anthony MILLER

KNIGHT, Geoffrey Frank
- of Tapanui. Shortly after midnight on 4 June 2001, Constable Knight attended a violent domestic incident near Tapanui. The two occupants of a house had been traumatised by the actions of the male occupant's brother, who had broken into the house and assaulted the male occupant, causing serious injury. He threatened to kill the female occupant and her children and had unsuccessfully attempted to open their fire-arms cabinet. By this time, the female occupant and children had sought safety in a bedroom. Unable to gain access to them, the intruder retreated, armed with a knife and threatening to kill. At this point, Constable Knight arrived alone and called for Police backup, which he knew would be up to 30 to 40 minutes away. The intruder reappeared, resisted arrest and engaged in a violent struggle with Constable Knight, who managed to restrain him for approximately 30 minutes until local Fire Brigade members arrived to assist. The offender was subsequently charged with numerous offences

MILLER, Anthony James
- On 7 May 2009 Senior Sergeant Anthony Miller was one of the first Police Officers to arrive at the scene of the fatal shooting of Senior Constable Len Snee, and the wounding of Mr Len Holmwood, and Senior Constables Grant Diver and Bruce Miller, by Jan Molenaar in Chaucer Road South, Napier
- see also Heath JONES

MILLSOM, Anthony Frederick Ronald
- On 26 April 2008 Anthony Millsom, then a Wing Commander serving in the Royal New Zealand Air Force, was at home at Whenuapai when he heard the sound of a small aircraft as it nose-dived into the ground from a low altitude. Looking out of the window, he saw billowing smoke and immediately ran from his house towards the crash site, which was inside the perimeter of the Air Base. As he approached the crumpled aircraft he saw it engulfed in flames. The surrounding grass, which extended to the concrete base of a nearby building, was also burning. Wing Commander Millsom recognised the building as one used to store highly inflammable liquid oxygen .. more at site

MUIR, James Alexander
- At 3.00 a.m. on 23 June 2007 a stolen vehicle was observed entering Mt Maunganui. The vehicle was being driven by two 14-year-old youths who had escaped from a Child, Youth and Family residential bush programme in the Upper Ruatoki Valley. They had burgled two rural residences, from which they had obtained firearms and ammunition, as well as the car, and had committed further offences in Whakatane. Constable James Muir, aged 41 years, and his Police dog, Neo, were called out to join the pursuit .. more at site

NEIL Mervyn Raymond
- At 4.00 p.m. on Saturday 5 April 2008 two Hamilton fire crews responded to a monitored smoke alarm at the cool store complex in Tamahere. Senior Firefighter Mervyn Neil was a member of one of those crews. Immediately after the crews gained entry to the cool store a massive explosion occurred with flames and debris propelled tens of metres into the air. The officer in charge was killed in the explosion and seven other firefighters were severely injured. The most severely injured survivor was Senior Firefighter Neil who received burns to 73% of his body .. more at site

O'LEARY, Michael Ross
- At 3.55 p.m. on 24 April 2009 Inspector Michael O'Leary was off duty and driving with his family along State Highway One some 17km north of Taupo, when the vehicle in front of him, a Toyota van, crashed head-on with a black sedan coming the opposite way. The Toyota, which contained six people, flipped into the air, landed on its rear, and rolled four times before going off the road and down a grass embankment and bursting into flames .. more at site

- photo and bio at site
- see Robert Bruce GIBSON also

- of Rotorua. On 25 September 2000, Mr John Painting and his son Matthew were tramping in the Kaimanawa Ranges. At an altitude of almost 5,000 feet, they were caught in what was later reported as a "50 year storm" with freezing temperatures, 70 knot winds and blizzard conditions. They were found by chance in a distressed condition and suffering from hypothermia by Mr Brian Pickering, who was on the first day of a six day journey into the Kaimanawa Forest Park. Using his skill and experience, Mr Pickering positioned the two men below a track, placed them in their sleeping bags and gave them food. He also tried to wrap them with a tent to shield them from the driving wind. He then dialled 111 on his cell phone and alerted the Police to the situation. He was able to provide details of their location and names, and requested assistance from the search and rescue organisation. He managed to get both men into one sleeping bag and remained with them, keeping them as warm as possible until help arrived. Throughout the incident he kept in regular contact with the search and rescue headquarters. Mr Pickering put his own life at risk by staying with the two men, who would have died in the storm had it not been for his actions

POMARE, Hakihana Jackson
- At Matauri Bay, on the evening of 21 June 1997, Hakihana Pomare, aged 11 years, rescued his younger brother from their burning temporary accommodation. He re-entered the burning structure, amid thick smoke and intense heat, to rescue another brother and his sister but all three tragically died in the fire. He displayed exceptional bravery

ROONEY, Kevin Lawrence
- On 7 May 2009 Constable Kevin Rooney was one to the first Police Officers to arrive at the scene of the fatal shooting of Senior Constable Len Snee, and the wounding of Mr Len Holmwood and Senior Constables Grant Diver and Bruce Miller, by Jan Molenaar in Chaucer Road South, Napier .. more at site

SLOSS, Warren Gilbert
- of Wanganui. On 12 October 1996, Constable Sloss responded to a call from a woman about the presence of her former boyfriend at her house. After accompanying her there from another address, he followed her inside. The boyfriend appeared from behind a door and attacked the woman with a large knife. Constable Sloss intervened and was himself attacked with the knife. The woman, who had suffered repeated blows from the knife in an attempt to kill her, was able to leave the house to get help, convinced that the Constable was about to be killed. Constable Sloss was then engaged in a fight for his life, being stabbed three times in the back, once in the abdomen, once in the right forearm, and a serious injury to his left hand. However, he succeeded in overpowering and handcuffing the man, before calling for assistance. The Constable�s actions saved the life of the intended victim at the cost of his own severe injuries

- On 21 January 2003, following a bizarre mutilation of two women in the Thames area, the offender fled to South Auckland. Once there, he shot and killed a man outside a cinema and restaurant complex, then left the scene in a motor vehicle. Sergeant Templeton, then Senior Constable, was on duty with his police dog nearby and came across the offender fleeing the scene .. more at site

WHITE George William
- On 17 and 18 January 2005, there was a riot at Yandina in the Solomon Islands during an industrial dispute. On 17 January, Constable Ngakina Jane Bertrand had been assaulted during an incident and Sergeant White, then an acting inspector, together with another officer went to her assistance, using pepper spray to force a number of strikers to withdraw. They were punched and kicked while doing so .. more at site


the following is a list of men who were MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES in WWI

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT some names lead to bios





BEANGE JH, 16 Field Regiment

BELL WJ, 16 Field Regiment




BOLTON GA, 16 Field Regiment


CARE C, 16 Field Regiment


CHESSUM Robert Stanley, 16 Field Regiment


CONWAY KL, 16 Field Regiment





DUNFORD IE, Headquarters K Force

FIELDEN DS, 16 Field Regiment




GRIFFITHS HK, 16 Field Regiment


GUMMER EC, Headquarters K Force

HALL KG, NZ Base Headquarters

HASSETT RDP, 16 Field Regiment


HENDRY W, 16 Field Regiment MC


HICKEY WJ, 16 Field Regiment



HUNT EW, 16 Field Regiment


JOPLIN PWF, 16 Field Regiment








McLEOD T, 16 Field Regiment

MILLER NL, 16 Field Regiment MC






POANANGA Brian M, NZ Regiment att 3 RAR MBE

POLLARD GW, 16 Field Regiment

PORTER RKG, 16 Field Regiment

REID JF, 16 Field Regiment

RYAN CE, 16 Field Regiment


SEMMENS MK, 16 Field Regiment

SPIERS JM, NZ Regiment att 3 RAR


TAIMANA HR, 16 Field Regiment


THOMPSON GH, 16 Field Regiment




WEBB RJH, 16 Field Regiment


WILSON G, 16 Field Regiment


AINGE RWK, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment

ANARU PN, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment



BOYD B, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment MBE

BOYLAND H, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment


BUTLER GE, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment

BUTSON TB, att Kings Own Scottish Borderers

CARRINGTON PRK, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment

CASSIDY RH, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment

FAULKNER DWJ, 2nd Battalion, NZ Regiment

FAULKNER Graeme Cecil,

FERGUSON WRK, 2nd Battalion, NZ Regiment

FRASER AR, 2nd Battalion, NZ Regiment


GORDON KM, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment

HILL B, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment


LOW Harry John Gordon, MC






McGEE Winiwini Ahitapi,



NATHAN B, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment


POANANGA Brian M, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment MBE


SCHIMANSKI KM, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment

SINCLAIR NL, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment


WALLACE NA, 1st Battalion, NZ Regiment



BALLANCE J, att 3rd Cav RAAC

BLAIR William Anthony, W3 Company, NZ Infantry

BRISTOWE Hukarere Mamaeroa, V Company, NZ Infantry

DALZIEL Gordon John, V Company, NZ Infantry

DARGAVILLE Richard Dick, V Company, NZ Infantry

DOHERTY WG, V Company, NZ Infantry

DOUGLAS David Maihi, V Company, NZ Infantry

FAULKNER Graeme Cecil, V Company, NZ Infantry

FLUTEY Trevor Neil, W Company, NZ Infantry

HARDIE James Ross, W Company, NZ Infantr

HUGHES David Ralph, 161 Battery, RNZ Artillery

KAHIKA Wiki, V Company, NZ Infantry

KINGI Raumoa Te Rangiataahua, V & W Company

MacKENZIE Alastair Ronald, V Company, NZ Infantry

MARTIN Russell James, 161 Battery, RNZA

METCALFE Richard John, att USAF

MORROW DT, 161 Battery, RNZA


MURPHY KP, 161 Battery, RNZA

PAREKURA Charlie T, V Company, NZ Infantry

PENDREIGH John Lambert Alexander, RNZAF

SINCLAIR Barrie Davidson, W Company, NZ Infantry

STEEDS Martin James, 161 Battery

TELLER William Charles, W3 Company, NZ Infantry

TORRANCE Evan John, W3 Company, NZ Infantry

WALKER William G, 161 Battery, RNZA

WHITWORTH John Russell, V Company, NZ Infantry

WILSON Howard Owen, V Company, NZ Infantry


YANDALL Jersey Bassett, W3 Company, NZ Infantry


the following is a list of men who were MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES in WWI

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT some names lead to bios




AICKIN FW, Major (27764) New Zealand Engineers

BALLANTYNE LB, Lieutenant (1398) New Zealand Cavalry

BARRETT D, Warrant Officer class 2 (1062) New Zealand Cavalry


BEECH FR, Corporal (1093) New Zealand Cavalry

BUTTERWORTH ARA, Signalman (4587) New Zealand Signals

DAVISON GL, Corporal (1349) New Zealand Cavalry

DUFF Charles Staunton John (999) Lieutenant Colonel, 4th Field Regiment, NZ Artillery

ELWORTHY Samuel Charles (36056) Wing Commander

FLANNERY CJ, Sergeant (27392) New Zealand Engineers

GOOD GG, Captain, New Zealand Army Service Corps

HARCOURT E, Private (7346) New Zealand Infantry

HICKS RW, Sergeant (2122) New Zealand Engineers

HOPE G, Lance Sergeant (2450) New Zealand Engineers

HUMBERSTONE LH, Sapper (2219) New Zealand Engineers

KENDALL F, Lance Corporal (1019) New Zealand Cavalry

KNOWLES JA, Corporal (4660) New Zealand Signals

LOMAS AL, Captain (4297) New Zealand Medical Corps

MATHER LF, Trooper (1250) New Zealand Cavalry

MATTHEWS SH, Sergeant (3545) New Zealand Army Service Corps

McDONAGH WGS, Captain (6067) New Zealand Army Service Corps

McINNES DJ, Private (8651) New Zealand Infantry

McNEIL TB, Trooper (1253) New Zealand Cavalry

McQUEEN RB, Lieutenant (1401) New Zealand Cavalry

MOORE RJ, Trooper (1248) New Zealand Cavalry

MORRIS LC, Sergeant (2391) New Zealand Engineers

MORRISON, William Richard Kimmet, 25 Battalion, NZ Infantry

PAGE James Russell (1524) Lieutenant Colonel, 26 Battalion, NZ Infantry

PUSSELL OT, Corporal (4492) New Zealand Army Service Corps

PUTTICK Edward (6190) Lieutenant Colonel, NZ Rifle Brigade, WW1

ROBINSON AB, Sergeant (34644) New Zealand Engineers

ROBINSON Hugh Amuri (1046) Lieutenant Colonel, 20th NZ Armoured Regiment

RUDD LF, Major (2116) New Zealand Engineers

SHEPHERD JR, Sergeant (1328) New Zealand Cavalry

STEELE DG, Lieutenant (8855) New Zealand Infantry

STEWART Keith Lindsay, Colonel, Headquarters, 2nd NZ Division

STOCK IE, Captain (7130) New Zealand Army Service Corps

SULLIVAN John Grant, Captain

TANKARD VS, Sergeant (4735) New Zealand Signals

TINKER RA, Private (7483) New Zealand Infantry

TWHIGG John Martin, Lieutenant Colonel, NZ Medical Corps

UPTON Geoffrey Thompson, Lieutenant Colonel

VOELCKER Francis William, Lieutenant Colonel

WALLACE JT, Lieutenant (4513) New Zealand Army Service Corps

WATTS Stephen Delaney, Acting Wing Commander

WEBB Richard, Acting Wing Commander

WEIR (Stephen) Cyril Ettrick, Lieutenant Colonel

WELLS Edward Preston, Acting Wing Commander

WHITLEY Eric William, Wing Commander

WIKIRIWHI Matarehua, Lieutenant

WILLIAMS James Rutherford, Captain temp Major

YANKO AQ, Signalman (4762) New Zealand Signals


the following is a list of men who were

the names were taken from the site:
The PRO PATRIA PROJECT some names lead to bios

ABBEY Alexander William (1891-)
4/85A, Sergeant, 1st Field Company, NZ Engineers
* born in Gitusberg, Russia

16801, Private, NZ Medical Corps, NZEF
* NOK, W. H. Ryott (cousin), Solicitor, Collingwood St, New-castle-on-Tyne

ABEL Charles Mervyn (1893-1979)
12/1018, Armourer Sergeant, New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps, Att New Zealand Divisional Headquarters
* born Auckland, died Auckland

ACLAND Leopold George Dyke (1876-1948)
620, South African War
WWI 14/97, Major, NZ Army Service Corps

ACTON-ADAMS Percy Morland (1878-1927)
7/297, Major, Canterbury Mounted Rifles
* born Nelson, died Kaikoura

ADAMS Cedric Gilbert (1892-1916)
2/180, Lieutenant, New Zealand Field Artillery
* born Auckland, died of wounds England

ADAMS Florence Alford (aka Florence Bagrie 1885-1965)
22/178, Sister, New Zealand Army Nursing Service
* born Dunedin, died ?

AICKIN Francis William (aka Swish, 1894-1982)
WWI 4/66 2nd Lieutenant, Signals Service, NZ Engineers
WWII 27764 Lieutenant Colonel/Military

AICKIN Thomas Reginald (1886-1948)
23/49 Staff Sergeant Brigade Headquarters Staff, New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 1st Battalion

ALDERMAN Walter William (1874-1935)
15/5, Lieutenant Colonel, Australian Commonwealth Force, att 1 Auckland Regiment
* born Hobart, died Brisband

ALDRED Ernest (1889-1918)
28847, Corporal, 2nd Battalion, Otago Regiment
* born Dunedin, died Somme, France

ALDRED Maxwell (1879-1970)
13/2510, Captain, Auckland Mounted Rifles, WW1
48641, Colonel, New Zealand Home Guard, WW2
* born England, died Auckland

ALEXANDER Frederick Rewi (1894-1972)
11/1770, Corporal/Military, Wellington Mounted Rifles, 7th Reinforcements

ALEXANDER Gavin Douglas (1893-1916)
4/513, Second Lieutenant, NZ Engineers

ALEXANDER Harold Gilbert (1889-1962)
7/1325, 2nd Lietuenant, NZ Divisional Signals Company
* Burial & Probate, Masterton

ALEXANDER Heber Maitland (1881-)
Major, Supply and Transport Corps
* In the Edinburgh Gazette 12 Nov 1915 as Captain Heber Maitland Alexander to be Companion of the Distinguished Serve Order
* Wrote On Two Fronts - Being The Adventures Of An Indian Mule Corps In France And Gallipoli by Major Heber Maitland Alexander with Rakuten Kobo
* Alexander, Maj. Heber Maitland, DSO. S. & T. Corps, Indian Army. On Two Fronts (ebook at that link)
* born England

ALLEN Robert Candlish (1881-1942)
12/3538, Lieutenant Colonel, 1st Battalion, Auckland Regiment
* born England, died England

(Sir) ALLEN Stephen Shepherd (1882-1964)
Lieutenant Colonel, Auckland Regiment
* KBE CMG VD, Lawyer, military leader, farmer, local politician, public administrator. born at Cheadle, Staffordshire, England, the 7th of 10 children of MP William Shepherd Allen and his wife, Elizabeth Penelope Candlish, herself the daughter of an MP. Stephen first came to NZ with his family as a child in 1892. Mayor of Morrinsville. Administrator of Western Samoa. Resumed command of the 1st NZ Infantry Brigade from 1933 to 1937

ALLEY Eric Buckingham
Captain 9/239 Otago Regiment
* Son of Frederick James Alley & Clara Maria Buckingham, Christchurch. Wounded at Gallipoli and at Armentieres. Died of his wounds in France 17 June 1916 aged 23

ALLEY George Edward (1894-1963)
* Son of Charles Alley & Emily Nicholas
Staff Sergeant 24815. NZ Army Pay Corps
* married Ava Lilian Archibald 1915

ALLEYNE Mabel Eliza
Sister 22/97 NZ Army Nursing Service
* born 18 Sep 1876 in Adelaide to Francis Alleyn & Eliza Clements. Trained at Adelaide Hospital. Registered Nurse 1906. Enlisted from Wanganui College
* NOK mother, Mrs E. Alleyne, George St., St Peter's, Adelaide
* In 1932, at the death of her mother, she was living in Adelaide
The Advertiser, 19 Dec 1932 OBITUARY Mrs Eliza Alleyne, who died on December 11, at George street, St Peters, at the age of 81, landed in South Australia with her parents at the age of two years. For many years she resided at Wallaroo, where her husband, who was employed in the Railways Department, died about 25 years ago. She leaves a son, Mr Ernest Alleyne and three daughters, Misses Mabel, Eleanor and Ada Alleyne, all of St Peters. Misses M. and A. Alleyne, rendered distinguished service as war nurses

ALLISON Cecil Howard Malbon
Lieutenant Wellington Mounted Rifles

Lieutenant Auckland Mounted Rifles

ANDERSON Cora Beattie
Matron NZ Army Nursing Service

ANDERSON Forbes Herbert (1887-1955)
5/830, Major, NZ Army Service Corps
* born Scotland, died Cambridge

Private NZ Medical Corps

ANDREWS Alfred Nind
Bombardier 2/1751 NZ Field Artillery
* born 21 Dec 1894 to George Andrews & Elizabeth Nind
* NOK Mrs Elizabeth Andrews, St Clair, Dunedin
* Died of his wounds in France 17 June 1917 aged 22
London Gazette, 16 Aug 1917 DCM For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He showed the greatest coolness and contempt for danger on three separate occasions, when his mortar had been put out of action by hostile fire, repairing it himself and getting it back into action. On another occasion, although wounded himself, he assisted to carry one of his comrades back to the dressing station. His cheerful disposition and pluck at all times inspired great confidence in his men. He has since been seriously wounded.

ANDREWS Sydney Henry
Lance corporal Otago Mouned Riflrf

ANDREWS Thomas Sydney
Sergeant NZ Veterinary Corps

Captain NZ Engineers

APPLEBE William James
Sergeant NZ Machine Gun Corps

ARCUS William Norton
Lieutenant NZ Engineers

ARDAGH Patrick Augustine (1891-1944)
3/2859, Captain, NZ Medical Corps att 1 Auckland Regiment
* born Ngapara, died England

ARDEN Neville Henry (1889-1917)
23/1288, Captain Otago Infantry Regiment, 3rd Battalion

ARMSTRONG Leonard John (1888-1975)
13/5 Trooper (later Lieutenant) DCM, MID., Auckland Mounted Rifles and 1st Machine Gun Squadron. His brother was 13/2013 Trooper Arthur Meredith Leslie Armstrong, Auckland Mounted Rifles

ARNOLD Albert Craig (1894-)
10/734, Corporal Wellington Regiment

ARTHUR Norman Alfred (1895-1968)
WWI 10/750, 2nd Lietuenant Wellington Regiment
WWII 818120

ASHWELL Leslie Vernon (1886-1960)
7/691, Trooper Canterbury Mounted Rifles, 2nd Reinforcements

ASHWELL Sydney Herbert (1889-1918)
21762, Sergeant NZ Machine Gun Battalion

ATKINS Cedric James
BSM NZ Field Artillery

Captain, temp Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Army Service Corps, att NZ Army Service Corps

AUBURN Herbert William
Corporal NZ Field Artillery

AUHANA Rawhiti
Sergeant NZ (Maori Pioneer Battalion

AULD William
Private Canterbry Regient

AUSTIN William Semmers (1871-1931)
23/2, Major, 1 NZ Rifle Brigade NZ Rifle Brigade (13th North Canterbury & Westland Regiment
* born England, died Wellington

AVERY Henry Essau (1885-1961)
11/420, Major, 1 Company, Divisional Train, New Zealand Army Service Corps
* born Wellington, died Wellington

AVERY Norris Charles
5/437, Company Sergeant Major, NZ Army Service Corps

BADER Theodore
Corporal, NZ Rifle Brigade

BAILEY Albert Lionel
Sergeant, NZ Rifle Brigade

BAILEY Alan Reynel
Corporal, NZ Rifle Brigade

BAILEY Joseph James
Corporal, Wellington Mounted Rifles

BAILEY Stephen George
Sergeant, NZ Rifle Brigade

BAIN Lachlan (1890-1966)
* sometimes incorrectly spelt Laughlin
7/4 2nd Lietuenant, Canterbury Mounted Rifles
* born Timaru, died NZ

BALE Richard Francis
temp Captain, NZ Engineers

BALL Douglas George (1895-1986)
WWI 26/44 22nd Lance Sergeant, 4th Battalion, Advance Party, B Company NZ Rifle Brigade
WWII 57064
* born Wanganui, died Eastbourne, Wellington

BALL George
1914 - 11/468 Trooper Wellington Miunted Rifles
1918 - Lieutenant 43rd Reinforcements, Mounted Rifles

BALLE James Theodore
Sergeant, Auckland Regiment

BANKS William
Sergeant, NZ Field Artillery

Lieutenant Colonel, NZ Engineers

BARGH William
2nd Lietuenant, Wellington Regimrnt

BARKER Charles Robert (1894-1962)
10/1731, Private, Wellington Battalion
Private, Wellington Regiment
* born Onehunga, died New Plymouth

BARR George Walter
2nd Lietuenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

BARR James Alfred
Sergeant, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

BARR John Haddin
Lieutenant, Otago Regiment

BARROWCLOUGH Harold Eric (1894-1972)
Major General Sir Harold Eric Barrowclough KCMG, CB, DSO & Bar, MC, ED, PC (23 June 1894 – 4 March 1972) was a New Zealand military leader, lawyer and Chief Justice from 1953 to 1966
* son of Alfred Ernest Barrowclough & Hannah Sibthorpe (nee Gault) of Masterton
* married Mary Ogilvy Duthie of Dunedin in 1921
* 24/16 Commanding Officer of New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 4 Battalion
* Commanding Officer of Otago Infantry Regiment, 1 Battalion, New Zealand, July 1924 - June 1929
* Commanding Officer of 3 New Zealand Infantry Brigade, 1930-31
** Became a partner in Russell, McVeagh, Bagnall and Macky law firm in 1931
* 31490 Commanding Officer of 7 New Zealand Infantry Brigade in UK, 1940
* Commanding Officer of 6 New Zealand Infantry Brigade in Middle East, May 1940 - February 1942
* General Officer in Command of 3 New Zealand Division (Pacific Section of 2nd NZ Expeditionary Force), August 1942 - October 1944
** Elected Chief Justice of New Zealand in 1953 and became a member of the Privy Council in 1954. He also received his KCMG in 1954
* born Masterton, died Auckland

BARRY Charles
Lieutenant, Otago Regiment

Lieutenant, NZ Machine Gun Corps

BAUCHOP Arthur (1871-1915)
* Major, 4th & 7th & 8th Contingents, South Africa
* WWI - 9/534, Colonel
* born Port Chalmers, Dunedin, died Lone Pine

BAXTER Erasmus
Lieutenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

BAXTER James Neil
2nd Lietuenant, NZ Field Artillery

BEASLEY Samuel Charles
Lieutenant, NZ Machine Gun Corps

BEAUCHAMP Harold Rolf Haultain
2nd Lietuenant, NZ Mounted Field Ambulance

BECK William Thomas (1866-1947)
15/12, Honourary Captain, NZ Ordnance Corps
* born Victoria, Australia, died Wellington NZ

BEERE Rawdon St John (1879-1968)
24/3, Lieutenant Colonel, 4 Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade
* born Wellington, died Wellington

BEETHAM Ralph Fitzroger Bidwell
Captain, Wellington Regiment

BEGG Charles Mackie
Colonel, NZ Medical Corps

BELL Albert Edward

BELL Peter Harvey (1886-1963)
23/27, Lieutenant Colonel, 3 Battalion, New Zealand Rifle Brigade
* born Wanganui, died Auckland

BENNETT Philip Henry George (1891-1962)
10/274, Corporal, Wellington Infantry Battalion
* born Foxton, died Waikanae

BENNETT Raymond Arthur
Lieutenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

BENTINCK Lord Charles Cavendish
Lieutenant Colonel, AMS, NZEF

BICK Harry Arthur
CSM, Wellington Regiment

BIGGAR James Edward
Lieutenant, Otago Mouned Riflrs

Corporal, NZ Medical Corps

BIGGAR William Oliver
2nd Lietuenant, NZ Pioneer Battalion

BIGG-WITHERS Clifton Vernon
Captain, Auckland Mounted Rifles

BILTON Francis John
Trooper, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

BINGAY Herbert/Hubert Lyle (1880-)
* British Loans Officer
Major, Acting Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Engineers, att NZ Engineers, DSO, RE, CRE, MID x 2
* also in the Territorial Force, trained at Featherston.
* Major (temp Lieut-Colonel) to be Lieut-Colonel in the N.Z.E.F. Engineers and C.R.E., N.Z. Dividion, 27 July 1917
* Received DSO from London Feb 1919
* born England, died ?

BIRDLING Arthur John Ware
Lieutenant, Canterbury Regiment

Sergeant, NZ Field Artillery

BISHOP John Joseph
2nd Lietuenant, Otago Regiment

BISHOP William George
Major, NZ Rifle Brigade

BISHOP William Gibson Allen
Major, Otago Regiment

BISS John Albert
Private, NZ Medical Corps

Lieutenant, NZ Machine Gun Corps

BLACK John Lionel
Sergeant, NZ Medical Corps

Sergeant, Canterbury Regiment

BLACKETT George Raymond
Major, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

BLACKWELL Robert Mountford
2nd Lietuenant, NZ Field Artillery

BLAIR Duncan Barrie (1873-)
* 343. South Africa. Served with NZ Volunteers from 1891. Served with NW Mounted Police, 1899. North Island Regiment - B Squadron, 8th. Promoted to Lieutenant with Volunteers, 1903
* 7/309, Lieutenant Colonel, 3rd Battalion, Auckland Regiment 8th Contingent, NZ Mounted Rifles.
* Joined NZEF as Captain, 5 August 1914. Enlisted from Canterbury. NOK, Mrs Agnes Blair, care of Henry Galpin, Esq., Marton
* Wounded at Gallipoli. Promoted to Major, October 1915; Lt Colonel, 15 March 1917. Officer Commanding (OC) of NZ Machine Gun Battalion, March 1918
* Mentioned in Despatches 3 times
* born Papanui, Wanganui to Duncan Blair (1833-1913) from Scotland & Agnes Barrie (1839-1914) from Massachusettes, USA
* Duncan Barrie Blair married Suzanne Gadra

Lieutenant (temp Captain), Wellington Regiment

BOATE Percival Cyril (1876-1925)
8/1370, Acting Sergeant Major, Otago Battalion
* born England, died Auckland

BOEUFVE Alie Eugene Charles Henry Eustace (1890-1928)
Sometimes spelt Beaufve, son of Ida and Robert Beaufve. Robert was the French consul-general in NZ.
* NOK Mrs Ida I. Boeufve (mother), c/o G. H. Fell, Solicitor, Wellington
9/1625, Lieutenant, Otago Mounted Rifles att Staff
* married Marguerite Marie Lefebre in Paris 1017
* born Paris, committed suicide in Paris 1928

Captain, NZ Medical Corps

Captain, NZ Army Ordnance Corps

Private, NZ Rifle Brigade

Trooper, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

SSM, NZ Army Service Corps

Captain, NZ Medical Corps

Captain, Wellington Regiment

Captain, NZ Field Artillery

Staff Sergeant, NZ Engineers

Major, NZ Medical Corps

CSM, Wellington Regiment

BOWRING Walter William
Captain, 3rd Auckland Regiment

Corporal, Auckland Regiment

Staff Sergeant, NZ Rifle Brigade

Corporal, Wellington Regiment

Brevet Colomal, Commander, 2nd NZ Infantry Brigade

Lieutenar, NZ Divisional Signals Company

2nd Lietuenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

Lieutenant, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

2nd Corporal, NZ Engineers

Lance Corporal, NZ Machine Gun Corps

Staff Sergeant, Wellington Mounted Rifles

Captain, Otago Regiment

2nd Lietuenant, Wellington Regiment

Matron, NZ Army Nursing Service

Captain, NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion

Lieutenant Colonel, Commander, 1st NZ Infantry Brigade

Corporal, NZ Rifle Brigade

Sergeant, Otago Regiment

Captain, Otago Regiment

Captain, NZ Rifle Brigade

Major, NZ Medical Corps

Corporal, NZ Field Artillery

Lieutenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

Major, NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion

Sergeant, NZ Medical Corps

Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

BULL Lindsay Kingscote Grenville
Lieutenant, Wellington Mounted Rifles

BURGESS CG, 2nd Lieutenant, Wellington Regiment

BURLEIGH Cecil Wills, Commander, Royal Naval Reserve

BURR TG, Rifleman, NZ Rifle Brigade

BURROWS E, Lieutenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

BUSH A, Captain, NZ Rarotongan Company

BUSHELL AR, Captain, NZ Army Service Corps

BUSHELL DFW, Gunner, NZ Field Artillery

BUTLER RTRP, Hon 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Engineers

CACHEMAILLE ED, Lieutenant, NZ Medical Corps

CADE JR, Captain, Wellington Regiment

CADE PM, 2nd Lieutenant, Canterbury Regiment

CADNESS RE, Staff Sergeant, NZ Army Service Corps

CALVERT FE, Driver, NZ Field Artillery

CAMERON FG, Major, NZ Medical Corps

CAMERON NMcN, Matron, NZ Army Nursing Service

CAMPBELL A, Sergeant, NZ Clerical Section

CAMPBELL A, Private, Auckland Regiment

CAMPBELL D, Corporal, NZ Machine Gun Corps

CAMPBELL DR, Sapper, NZ Engineers

CAMPBELL H, Captain, Canterbury Regiment

CAMPBELL J, Sergeant, Otago Mounted Rifles

CAMPBELL M, Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

CARBERY ARD, Lieutenant Colonel, NZ Medical Corps

CARBINES AV, Private, Wellington Regiment

CARDNO J, Private, NZ Medical Corps

CARLYON S, Sapper, NZ Engineers

CARR C, Corporal, NZ Engineers

CARRINGTON AH, Major, NZ Rifle Brigade

CARTER JC, Lieutenant, Auckland Regiment

CHADWICK J, Sergeant, Wellington Mounted Rifles

CHAMBERLAIN NF, Lieutenant, Wellington Regiment

CHAMPNEY HD, Trooper, Auckland Mounted Rifles

CHAPMAN F, Major, Auckland Mounted Rifles, 4th Waikato Mounted Rifles

CHAPPELL FE, Corporal, Wellington Regiment

CHARTERS AB, Lieutenant Colonel, Otago Regiment, 17th Ruahine Regiment

CHAYTOR D'A, Lieutenant Colonel, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

CHAYTOR EWC, Major General, GOC, ANZAC Mounted Division

CHAYTOR FC, Captain, Wellington Regiment

CHERRY CE, Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

CHESNEY RO, Major, DAA & QMG, NZ Infantry Reserve Group

CHILDS TWJ, Captain, NZ Medical Corps

CHISHOLM DS, Captain, Otago Regiment

CHRISTIE WE, Captain, NZ Rifle Brigade

CIMINO LS, Captain, NZ Machine Gun Corps

CLARK N, Fitter, NZ Field Artillery

CLARK PJ, 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Machine Gun Corps

CLARKE FJ, Lance Corporal, NZ Rifle Brigade

CLARKE RA, 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Engineers

CLARKE SB, Sergeant, Auckland Mounted Rifles

CLARKSON E, SSM, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

CLEMETT CE, Private, Canterbury Regiment

COBB HF, Acting Bombardiier, NZ Field Artillery

COCKERELL AR, Lieutenant, Otago Regiment

COIRA PF, Corporal, NZ Divisional Signals Company

COLBECK WS, Captain, NZ Rifle Brigade

COLEMAN WS, Sergeant, Wellington Mounted Rifles

COLLINGE LR, Staff Sergeant, NZ Army Service Corps

COLQUHOUN D, Lieutenant Colonel, Otago Regiment, 14th South Otago Regiment

... nothing else at the site until R surname of:

ROW Robert Amos, Lieutenant Colonel, 3rd Battalion, Canterbury Regiment
- born 1888 in Christchurch
- died 1959 in Lower Hutt

... no S surnames on the site
... (may still be in progress as at June 2011)

TRUMBLE LM, Staff Nurse, NZ Army Nursing Service

TUCK GA, Lieutenant, Auckland Regiment

TURNBULL FK, Lieutenant Colonel, Wellington Regiment

TURNBULL W McG, Major, Otago Regiment

TURNER JLH, Captain, NZ Field Artillery

TURNER HA, 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

TURNER WI, Staff Sergeant, Auckland Regiment

TURNER WW, Major, Otago Regiment

TWISLETON Francis Morphet, Major, NZ Rifle Brigade

TYLER EH, 2nd Lieutenant, Canterbury Regiment

TYLER SV, 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Field Artillery

URQUHART Murray, Major, Wellington Regiment

VALPY, Ernest Noel, Staff Sergeant, Army Service Corps

VARNHAM Frederick Stuart, Captain, Wellington Regiment

VENN WH, Lance Corporal Fitter,

VERCOE HR, Captain, Auckland Regiment

VERNON RG, Lieutenant, NZ Field Artillery

VIAL RF, Lieutenant, NZ Field Artillery

VICKERMAN H, Major, NZ Engineers

WAIHAPE P, Private, NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion

WAINOHU RW, The Reverend, NZ Chaplains Departmant

WAINSCOTT AG, Lieutenant, NZ Divisional Signals Company

WAITE F, Captain, NZ Engineers (No2 Field Company)

WAKELIN FNG, Corporal, NZ Engineers

WAKELIN WR, Captain, Canterbury Regiment

WALKER WH, Captain, NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion

WALLACE A, Sergeant, NZ Engineers

WALLINGFORD JA, Major, NZ Staff Corps

WALTON RH, Lieutenant Colonel, NZ Medical Corps

WARAHI R, Private, NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion

WARNER A, Sergeant, Canterbury Regiment

WARD W, 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Engineers

WARNOCK HP, Major, NZ Field Artillery

WATKINSON H, Captain, NZ Engineers

WATSON FW, 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Machine Gun Corps

WATSON LC, Private, NZ Medical Corps

WATSON SV, Sergeant, Auckland Regiment

WATT M, Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

WEBSTER DR, Sergeant, Wellington Mounted Rifles

WEBSTER HN, Major, NZ Field Artillery

WELLS CM, 2nd Lieutenant, Wellington Regiment

WELLSTED AW, Captain, Canterbury Regiment

WEST B, Lieutenant, NZ Engineers

WEST LA, Staff Sergeant, NZ Field Artillery

WEST TS, Lieutenant, Canterbury Regiment

WESTMACOTT HS, Captain, Auckland Regiment

WESTON CH, Lieutenant Colonel, Wellington Regiment

WESTON GT, Lieutenant, Canterbury Regiment

WHITE AT, Captain, Wellington Regiment

WHITE D, Major, Otago Regiment

WHITE WF, Sergeant, NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion

WHITE WJ, QMS, NZ Field Artillery


WHYTE JB, Major, NZ Army Service Corps

WHYTE JH, Lieutenant Colonel, Wellington Mounted Rifles

WICKENS RC, Major, NZ Field Artillery

WIDDOWSON EA, Major, NZ Medical Corps

WIGHT D, Sergeant, NZ Engineers

WILDER AS, Major, Wellington Mounted Rifles

WILDER JW, Sergeant, Wellington Mounted Rifles

WILDING HG, Major, NZ Field Artillery

WILKES TM, Captain, Staff Captain, 2nd NZ Infantry Brigade

WILKIE AH, Captain, Wellington Mounted Rifles

WILKIE CF, 2nd Lieutenant, Otago Regiment

WILKIE G, Lieutenant, NZ Rifle Brigade

WILKIE MH, Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

WILKINSON R, Trooper, Auckland Mounted Rifles

WILCOX EF, SQMS, Canterbury Regiment

WILLIAMS AB, Major, NZ Field Artillery

WILLIAMS AG, Captain, NZ Army Pay Corps

WILLIAMS AJ, Lieutenant, Wellington Regiment

WILLIAMS EG, Lieutenant, Wellington Mounted Rifles

WILLIAMS TH, QMS, Wellington Regiment

WILLIAMS WA, Staff Sergeant, NZ Medical Corps

WILLIS IG, Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

WILSON AW, Lance Sergeant, Wellington Regiment

WILSON ER, Lieutenant, Wellington Regiment

WILSON FC, Captain, NZ Engineers

WILSON FW, Lieutenant, Canterbury Regiment

WILSON HM, Major, NZ Rifle Brigade

WILSON JD, The Reverend, NZ Chaplains Department

WILSON LG, Captain, Otago Regiment

WILSON F, Matron, NZ Army Nursing Service

WILSON NR, Major, Canterbury Regiment

WILSON RL, Lieutenant, Canterbury Regiment

WILSON SA, Gunner, NZ Field Artillery

WIMMS J, Corporal, NZ Army Service Corps

WINKLER ER, Lieutenant, NZ Field Artillery


WINTER JH, Trooper, Wellington Mounted Rifles

WINTER-EVANS A, Lieutenant Colonel, NZ Rifle Brigade

WITHERS RL, Major, NZ Medical Corps

WOOD Mrs A, Sister, NZ Army Nursing Service

WOOD FA, Major, Auckland Mounted Rifles

WOOD FR, Squadron Sergeant Major, Canterbury Mounted Rifles

WOOD GH, Captain, NZ Medical Corps

WOOD O, Sergeant, NZ Rifle Brigade

WOODS C, Captain, NZ Field Artillery

WORLEY R, Lieutenant, Otago Regiment

WORLEY RP, Lieutenant, Auckland Regiment

WORSLEY RS, Major, NZ Army Service Corps

WRIGHT HF, Lieutenant, NZ Field Artillery

WRIGHT SL, Lieutenant, Auckland Mounted Rifles

WRIGHT T, Private, NZ Medical Corps

WRIGHTSON RW, Captain, Wellington Regiment

WYLIE LT, 2nd Lieutenant, Auckland Regiment

WYMAN R, Major, 3rd Auckland Mounted Rifles

YOUNG AR, Lieutenant Colonel, NZ Veterinary Corps

YOUNG EH, 2nd Lieutenant, Auckland Regiment

YOUNG John, Squadron Sergeant Major, Wellington Mounted Rifles

YOUNG John George, 2nd Lieutenant, NZ Engineers

YOUNG Robert, Lieutenant Colonel, Commander 3rd NZ Brigade (7th WWCR)

YOUNGMAN Arthur Henry, Sergeant, NZ Field Artillery

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 2 months ago


the following is a list of men who received the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER in WWI

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT some names at that site lead to photos and bios



ABEL-SMITH Geoffrey Samuel (see SMITH)

ACTON-ADAMS Percy Morland, Major

ALDERMAN Walter William, Lieutenant Colonel

ALEXANDER Heber Maitland, Major

ALLEN Robert Candlish, Lieutenant Colonel

ALLEN Stephen Shepherd, Lieutenant Colonel

ANDREW Leslie Wilton, Lieutenant Colonel

ARDAGH Patrick Augustine, Captain

ATKINSON John, Lieutenant Colonel

AUSTIN William Semmers, Major

AVERY Henry Essau, Major

BARROWCLOUGH Harold Eric, Captain (temp Major)

BECK William Thomas, Honorary Captain

BEERE Rawdon St John, Lieutenant Colonel

BELL Peter Harvey, Lieutenant Colonel

BENTINCK Lord Charles Cavendish, Captain and Brevet Major (temp Lieutenant Colonel)

BINGAY Hubert Luke, Major, Acting Lieutenant Colonel

BLAIR Duncan Barrie, Lieutenant Colonel

BRANDON Alfred de Bathe, Second Lieutenant (RFC)

BROWN Charles Henry Jeffries, Major

BUCK Peter Henry (Te Rangi Hiroa), Major

BURGESS William Livingstone Hatchwell, Major

BURLEIGH Cecil Wills, Commander

CAMERON Frederick, Major

CHARTERS Alexander Burnet, Lieutenant Colonel

CLARK-HALL Robert Hamilton, Wing Captain

COCKERILL Allan Richmond, Second Lieutenant

COLQUHOUN Duncan, Lieutenant Colonel

CONINGHAM Arthur, Second Lieutenant (RFC)

COOK Charles Frederick Denman, Lieutenant Colonel

CRAIG George, Lieutenant Colonel

CRITCHLEY-SALMONSON Arthur Cunliffe Bernard, Captain

CUNNINGHAM William Henry, Lieutenant Colonel

DALTRY Henry James, Major

DENNISTOUN George Hamilton, Lieutenant Commander

DIGBY-SMITH Alfred, Major

DUIGAN John Evelyn, Major

DUTHIE Norman Alexander, Major

EASTWOOD Thomas Ralph, Captain and Brevet Major (temp Lieutenant Colonel)

EDWARDS Henry Molesworth, Captain and Brevet Major

ENNIS William Oliver, Major

EVANS Charles Hellier Davies, Major

FALCONER Alexander Smith, Captain

FALLA Norris Stephen, Major

FARR Thomas, Major

FINDLAY John, Lieutenant Colonel

FINN Bertram Sibbald, Captain

FREYBERG Bernard Cyril, Lieutenant Colonel

GARDNER Duncan Eric, Major

GARD?NER Murray Menzies, Lieutenant Colonel

GIBBS David John, Major

GLENDINING Halbert Cecil, Major

GRANT-DALTON Stuart, Captain (RFC)

GRIGOR Robert Renton, Lieutenant Colonel

HAMILTON Norman Chivas, Major

HAND-NEWTON Charles Treweeke (See NEWTON)

HARDIE Robert Davies, Major

HARGEST James, Major

HARPER Robert Paul, Captain

HART Herbert Ernest, Major

HASTINGS Norman Frederick, Major

HASTINGS William Holland, Captain and Brevet Major

HERBERT Alfred Henry, Lieutenant Colonel

HERCUS Charles Ernest, Major

HERROLD John Henry, Major

HEWLETT Francis Esme Theodore, Lieutenant Colonel (RAF)

HOLMES John Dudley, Captain

HULBERT Edward James, Major

HURST Herbert Clarence, Major

HUTTON George Frederick, Captain (temp, Lieutenant Colonel)

JARDINE Leonard Handforth, Lieutenant Colonel

JENNINGS William Ivan Kirke, Major

JOHNSTON George Napier, Lieutenant Colonel

JORY Philip John, Major

KENNEDY Donald, Lieutenant

KING George Augustus, Major

LAMPEN Francis Henry, Major

LOW Ernest Edward, Engineer Commander

McCARROLL James Neil, Lieutenant Colonel

McCLELLAND Charles Harold, Major

MacCORMICK Kenneth, Major

McCRAE John, Major

McGAVIN Donald Johnstone, Lieutenant Colonel

McGILP Clyde, Major

McKENZIE Alexander George, Major

MacLEAN Cuthbert Trelawder, Lieutenant Colonel (RAF)

McNAB Alexander Alan, Major

McQUARRIE Robert Stirrat, Lieutenant Colonel

MACKESY Charles Ernest Randolph, Lieutenant Colonel

MASSEY Frank George, Lieutenant acting Major

MEAD Owen Herbert, Lieutenant Colonel

MELDRUM William, Lieutenant Colonel

MELVILL Charles William, Lieutenant Colonel

MIDDLETON John Rickards, Lieutenant Commander

MILES Reginald, Major

MILLIGAN Robert Gracie, Major

MITCHELL George, Lieutenant Colonel

MITCHELL Gordon Ross, Major

MURCHISON Donald Sinclair, Major

MURRAY Donald Norman Watson, Lieutenant Colonel

NEIL James Hardie, Lieutenant Colonel

NEWMAN Clarence Nathaniel, Major

NEWTON Charles Treweeke, Lieutenant Colonel

NICHOLLS Stephen Charles Phillip, Major

NORTHCROFT Erima Harvey, Major

O?NEILL Eugene Joseph, Major

OLPHERT Wybrants, Lieutenant Commander

ORR Eric Hamilton, Major

PINWILL William Richard, Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel

POW James, Major

POWLES Charles Guy, Captian temp Lieutenant Colonel

PRIDHAM Geoffrey Robert, Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel

PUTTICK Edward, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

REID Hector Gowans, Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, temp Lieutenant Colonel

REILLY Hugh Lambert, Captain and temp Brevet Major (RFC)

RICHARDSON Harry McKellor White, Captain temp Major

RICHMOND James MacDonald, Major

ROACHE Joseph Garrett, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

ROGERS Victor Aaron Francis, Captain

ROW Robert Amos, Lieutenant Colonel

SANDERS William Edward, Lieutenant Commander

SAUNDERS John Llewellyn, Major

SAXBY Conrad Gordon, Major

SHEPHERD Norman Francis, Lieutenant Colonel

SINCLAIR-BURGESS William Livingstone Hatchwell (see Burgess)

SINEL Wilfred Courtney, Major

SMITH Geoffrey Samuel, Major

SMYTHE Rayner Barrington, Lieutenant Colonel


SOMMERVILLE John Adam, Captain temp Major

STAFFORD James, Major

STANDISH Ivon Tatham, Major

STARNES Fred, Captain

STEWART Alexander Edward, Lieutenant Colonel

STEWART Hugh, Lieutenant Colonel

STITT Alan Duncan, Major

STOUT Thomas Duncan MacGregor, Major


SWABEY George Thomas Carlisle Parker, Commander

SYKES Francis Bernard, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

SYMON Grant, Lieutenant Colonel

TEMPERLEY Arthur Cecil, Major

TEWSLEY Cyril Hocken, Major

THOMS Nathaniel William Benjamin Butler, Major

TURNBULL Frank Kingdom, Major

TURNBULL William, McGregor, Major

VERCOE Henry Te Reiwhati, Captain


WAITE Frederick, Major

WESTON Claude Horace, Lieutenant Colonel

WHYTE James Binnie, Major

WHYTE James Henry, Major

WICKENS Robert Charles, Major

WIDDOWSON Eric Arthur, Major

WILDER Alan Standish, Major

WILDING Henry Gordon, Major

WILLIAM Alan Bernard, Major

WILSON Henry Maitland, Lieutenant Colonel

WILSON Newman Robert, Major

WILSON Robert Adams, Major

WINTER-EVANS Alfred, Lieutenant Colonel

WORSLEY Frank Arthur, Lieutenant Commander

WORSLEY Richard Stanley, Major

WRIGHT Hubert Howard, Major

WYMAN Ralph, Major

YOUNG Robert, Major

New Zealand BRAVERY STAR recipients

the following is a list of men who received the NEW ZEALAND BRAVERY STAR

the names were taken from the site: New Zealand DEFENCE FORCE which includes bios

Constable Michael John BURNE, New Zealand Police
- date of act: 7 May 2009
- year of award: 2011

Walter Bruce BUTLER
- date of act: 7 December 1998
- year of award: 1999

Peter James DEAM
- date of act: 9 April 2000
- year of award: 2005

- date of act: 10 December 1999
- year of award: 2005

Robert Edwin (Rob) HALL, M.B.E. (Deceased)
- date of actions: 10-11 May 1996
- year of award: 1999

Andrew Michael HARRIS (Deceased)
- date of actions: 10-11 May 1996
- year of award: 1999

Austin Bernard HEMMINGS (Deceased)
- date of act: 25 September 2008
- year of award: 2011 (Posthumous)

Leonard Rex HOLMWOOD
- date of act: 7 May 2009
- year of award: 2011

Senior Constable Dennis Michael HURWORTH, New Zealand Police
- date of act: 7 May 2009
- year of award: 2011

Constable Damian Peter John KLAVS, New Zealand Police
- date of act: 16 June 1999
- year of award: 2005

Anthony McCLEAN (Deceased)
- date of act: 15 April 2008
- year of award: 2011 (Posthumous)

Trevor Francis MOKARAKA (Deceased)
- date of act: 10 December 1999
- year of award: 2005

Anthony Walter MULDER (Deceased)
- date of act: 15 April 2008
- year of award: 2011 (Posthumous)

Sergeant Jeanette Ruth PARK, New Zealand Police
- date of actions: 5 July 2002
- year of award: 2005

Detective Sergeant Timothy Nigel SMITH, New Zealand Police
- date of act: 7 May 2009
- year of award: 2011

Senior Constable Paul Anthony SYMONDS, New Zealand Police
- date of act: 7 May 2009
- year of award: 2011


the following is a list of men who received the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER in SOUTH AFRICA + KOREA + MALAYA

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT ALL names for these 3 wars lead to photos and bios




ABBOTT Frederick William, Major

BARTLETT Edwin, Major

BRAITHWAITE William Garnett, Captain

BURNETT-STUART John Theodosius, Lieutenant

FULTON Harry TownsendLieutenant, Acting Captain

HICKEY Daniel Aloysious, Lieutenant

HUGHES John Gethin, Lieutenant

LIVESAY Robert O?Hara, Lieutenant

MAJOR Thomas Charles, Captain

MOORE Athelstan, Lieutenant

POLSON Donald, Captain

PONSONBY John, Captain

STEVENSON Robert, Captain

TODD Thomas John Marr, Lieutenant

TUDOR Piers Lloyd, Lieutenant

WALKER George Henry, Captain


BURNS John, Lieutenant Colonel

KING Peter Frank, Captain

MOODIE John William, Lieutenant Colonel

PATERSON Robertson McKay, Lieutenant Colonel


LOW Harry John Gordon, Lieutenant Colonel


the following is a list of men who received the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER in WWII

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT some names at that site lead to photos and bios




AGAR George Lwrence, Lieutenant Colonel

ALDRIDGE Francis Albert, Major

ALLEN Trevor Windsor, Flight Lieutenant

ANDERSON John Nesbit, Major

ARMSTRONG George Kent, Major

ASHWORTH Arthur, Squadron Leader

AWATERE Arapeta, temp, Lieutenant Colonel

BAGNALL Douglas Rivers, Wing Commander

BAIGENT Cyril Henry, Acting Wing Commander

BAKER Frederick, Lieutenant Colonel

BARNES Cecil Edward, Captain

BARRINGTON Benjamin, Colonel

BARRON James Fraser, Acting Flight Lieutenant

BARROWCLOUGH Harold Eric, Captain (temp Major)

BARY Ronald Edward, Acting Wing Commander

BELL Gladstone Henry, Major

BENNETT Charles Moihi Te Arawaka, Lieutenant Colonel

BENNETT Philip Lyell, Lieutenant Colonel

BEVAN Thomas Henry, Major

BLAKE Minden Vaughan, Acting Wing Commander

BONIFANT Ian Lambert, Lieutenant Colonel

BOXER Alan Hunter Cachemaille, Wing Commander


BRASS Donald Morrell, Acting Wing Commander

BRIDSON Gordon, Lieutenant Commander

BROWN Kelvin Lloyd Forrest, Major

BULLEN Arthur Beecher, Major

BURROWS James Thomas, Lieutenant Colonel

CADE George Palmer, Major

CAMPBELL Thomas Coats, temp Colonel

CHECKETTS John Milne, Acting Squadron Leader

CLIFTON George Herbert, Lieutenant Colonel

CLOUSTON Arthur Edmund, Wing Commander

COCHRANE Alfred William Gordon, Squadron Leader

CONOLLY Jack, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

CRAWFORD-COMPTON William Vernon, Wing Commander

CRUMP Stanley Herbert, Colonel

CULLIFORD Stanley George, Flight Lieutenant

CURRIE Archibald Russell, Major

DAWSON Robert Boyd, Captain

DEERE Alan Christopher, Wing Commander

DINSDALE John Swire, Acting Wing Commander

DITTMER George, Lieutenant Colonel

DONALD Haddon Vivian, Major

DONKIN Peter Langlon, Group Captain

DUFF Charles Staunton John, Lieutenant Colonel

ELWORTHY Samuel Charles, Wing Commander

ENSOR Maechel Anthony, Acting Squadron Leader

EVERIST Anthony Maurice, Major

FAIRBROTHER Monty Claude, Lieutenant Colonel

FERGUSON John Burns, Major

FINLAY Wallis George, Acting Squadron Leader

FLEMING Yorke Kingsley, Major

FOUNTAINE Denver James, Lieutenant Colonel

FREEMAN Trevor Owen, Acting Wing Commander

FREYBERG Bernard Cyril, Lieutenant Colonel

GAINSFORD Arthur Percy, Acting Squadron Leader

GARDINER Noel Frank, Lieutenant

GENTRY William George, Colonel

GIBSON John Albert Axel, Squadron Leader

GILBERT Herbert Ellery, Major

GILL Thomas Francis, Flying Officer

GLASGOW Keith William Rutherford, Lieutenant Colonel

GOURDIE Rona McLeodCaptain (Chaplain class IV)

GRAY Colin Falkland, Squadron Leader

HAMMOND Derek Harold, Squadron Leader

HANDYSIDE Miles Hugh, Major

HANSON Frederick Melrose Horowhenua, Lieutenant Colonel

HARDING Harold Frederick, Major (Chaplain class III)

HARDING Ralf Walden, Lieutenant Colonel

HARFORD Eric Roy, Captain

HARGEST James, Major

HARRISON James Arnold, Squadron Leader

HARTNELL Sidney Frank, Lieutenant Colonel

HAWKESBY George Henry, Major

HAYTON Ernest Walter, Major

HEAD Malcolm Robert, Flight Lieutenant

HEGMAN John Alfred, Acting Squadron Leader

HENARE James Clendon Tau, Major

HENEY Harold Wright Bruce, Acting Squadron Leader

HEWITT John Graham, Commander

HOGG Richard John Kitchener, Squadron Leader

HORTON Thomas Welch, Acting Wing Commander

HUTCHENS Richard Lewis, Lieutenant Colonel

INGLIS Lindsay Merritt, Brigadier

JAMESON George Esmond, Flight Lieutenant

JAMESON Patrick Garaint, Acting Wing Commander

JARMAN Geoffrey Twyford, Wing Commander

KEARNS Richard Stansfield, Derek, Acting Flight Lieutenant

KELLY Charles Wynne Brunsdon, Acting Flight Lieutenant

KEMP William Papillion, Squadron Leader

KING Russell David, Major

KIPPENBERGER Howard Karl, Lieutenant Colonel

KOFOED William Robert, Acting Squadron Leader

LAMBOURN Albert Ernest, Major

LESLIE Roy Alexander, Acting Squadron Leader

LINDELL Gordon Anderson, Major

MacDONALD George James, temp Sub Lieutenant, R.N.Z.N.V.R

MacINTYRE Duncan, Major

MacKENZIE Russell Merriman, Wing Commander

MACKIE Evan Dall, Acting Squadron Leader

MacRAE Alexander Bulkley, temp Lieutenant (A)

McELROY Henry Michael, Major

McGAFFIN Robert Leslie, Lieutenant Colonel

McGREGOR Hector Douglas, Squadron Leader

McHARDY Edric Hartgill, Acting Wing Commander

McKAY John James, Wing Commander

McKEE Andrew, Group Captain

McMILLAN Brian Watson, Acting Wing Commander

McNAUGHT Gifford John, Lieutenant Colonel

McPHAIL Edward Allan, Lieutenant Colonel

MALT Leslie Cyril Ellsworth, Major

MANDENO Graham Lloyd, Squadron Leader

MARCHBANKS Donald Stuart Gore, Major

MATICH Nicholas Joseph, Flying Officer

MAX Roy Douglas, Wing Commander

MAXWELL Peter Ballantyne Hilary, Captain

MILES Reginald, Major

MILLER Denis, Acting Squadron Leader

MITCHELL John Morgan, Lieutenant Colonel

MOORE Valentine Stuart, Pilot Officer

MORGAN George Brotherton, Captain

MORRISON William Richard Kimmet, Major

MORTEN Thomas Bassett, Major

MOWAT Noel Joseph, Squadron Leader

MUNRO John Leslie, Acting Squadron Leader

NELSON George Baillie, Major

NEWMAN Ralph, Commander

NICHOLLS Charles William Kelvin, Wing Commander

NICHOLSON Shirley Whitfield, Lieutenant Colonel

NOLAN Henry Terence Wyckham, Lieutenant Colonel

NORMAN Edward Kinsella, temp Lieutenant Colonel

OLSON Edward George, Group Captain

PAGE James Russell, Lieutenant Colonel

PARATA Hoani Haereroa, Lieutenant Colonel

PARKER Charles Graham, Flying Officer

PARKINSON Graham Beresford, Brigadier

PATRICK George Alfred, Squadron Leader

PATTERSON Ian Costin, Squadron Leader

PATTISON John Gordon, Acting Squadron Leader

PEART Joseph Norriss, Lieutenant Colonel

PHILIP William Denzil, Lieutenant Colonel

PLAYER John Howard, Wing Commander

PLEASANTS Clive Lochiel, Lieutenant Colonel

POTTER Leslie, Brigadier

PRITCHARD David Leatham, Flying Officer

PURCELL Harold Albert, Lieutenant Colonel

PUTTICK Edward, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

QUEREE Raymond Candlish, Brigadier

REED Charles Kingsford, Major

REYNOLDS John Wilson, Major

RICHARDS Edwin Ernest, Lieutenant Colonel

RICHMOND Maxwell, Commander

ROBINSON Hugh Amuri, Lieutenant Colonel

ROMANS Reginald Everard, Lieutenant Colonel

ROW Robert Amos, Lieutenant Colonel

RUDD Lawrence Frederick, Major

RUSSELL John Tinsley, Major

SANDERS Guy Priestley, Lieutenant Colonel

SAVAGE Warwick Copeland, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

SAWYERS Claude Herman, Major

SCOTT Desmond James, Acting Squadron Leader

SEAWARD Cyril Frederick, Lieutenant Colonel

SHARP Geoffrey Stanton, Acting Squadron Leader

SHUTTLEWORTH Clayden, Lieutenant Colonel

SISE Gage Derwent, Acting Squadron Leader

SMITH William James Lanyon, temp Sub Lieutenant

SPROSEN James Frederick Roy, Lieutenant Colonel

St JOHN John Ramsey, Wing Commander

STARKY James Buyntum, Acting Squadron Leader

STEWART George James Oliphant, Major

STEWART Keith Lindsay, Colonel

STOTT Donald John, Lieutenant

SULLIVAN John Grant, Captain

TACON Ernest William, Wing Commander

TANNER Victor Joseph, Captain temp Major

TAYLOR Henry Gordon, Captain (Chapain class IV)

THIELE Keith Frederick, Flight Lieutenant

THODEY John Ingle, Major

THOMAS Walter Babington, Captain temp Major

THOMPSON Samuel Bruce, Captain

TRIPP Charles William Howard, Captain acting Major

TWHIGG John Martin, Lieutenant Colonel

UPTON Geoffrey Thompson, Lieutenant Colonel

VOELCKER Francis William, Lieutenant Colonel

WALTER Charles Lockhart, Lieutenant Colonel

WASHBOURN Richard Everley, Lieutenant

WATTS Stephen Delaney, Acting Wing Commander

WEBB Richard, Acting Wing Commander

WEIR (Stephen) Cyril Ettrick, Lieutenant Colonel

WELLS Edward Preston, Acting Wing Commander

WESTMACOTT Herbert Patrick, Lieutenant Commander

WHITE Duncan Urquhart, Captain temp Major

WHITLEY Eric William, Wing Commander

WIKIRIWHI Matarehua, Lieutenant

WILDER Nicholas Perry, Lieutenant temp Captain

WILLIAMS James Rutherford, Captain temp Major

WILSON Stanley Livingstone, Major

WRIGHT John Leonard, Acting Flight Lieutenant

YOUNG Russell Richard Thomas, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

YULE Robert Duncan, Wing Commander


the men who received the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER in WWI

the names were taken from the site: The PRO PATRIA PROJECT some names at that site lead to photos and bios



ABEL-SMITH Geoffrey Samuel (see SMITH)

ACTON-ADAMS Percy Morland, Major

ALDERMAN Walter William, Lieutenant Colonel

ALEXANDER Heber Maitland, Major

ALLEN Robert Candlish, Lieutenant Colonel

ALLEN Stephen Shepherd, Lieutenant Colonel

ANDREW Leslie Wilton, Lieutenant Colonel

ARDAGH Patrick Augustine, Captain

ATKINSON John, Lieutenant Colonel

AUSTIN William Semmers, Major

AVERY Henry Essau, Major

BARROWCLOUGH Harold Eric, Captain (temp Major)

BECK William Thomas, Honorary Captain

BEERE Rawdon St John, Lieutenant Colonel

BELL Peter Harvey, Lieutenant Colonel

BENTINCK Lord Charles Cavendish, Captain and Brevet Major (temp Lieutenant Colonel)

BINGAY Hubert Luke, Major, Acting Lieutenant Colonel

BLAIR Duncan Barrie, Lieutenant Colonel

BRANDON Alfred de Bathe, Second Lieutenant (RFC)

BROWN Charles Henry Jeffries, Major

BUCK Peter Henry (Te Rangi Hiroa), Major

BURGESS William Livingstone Hatchwell, Major

BURLEIGH Cecil Wills, Commander

CAMERON Frederick, Major

CHARTERS Alexander Burnet, Lieutenant Colonel

CLARK-HALL Robert Hamilton, Wing Captain

COCKERILL Allan Richmond, Second Lieutenant

COLQUHOUN Duncan, Lieutenant Colonel

CONINGHAM Arthur, Second Lieutenant (RFC)

COOK Charles Frederick Denman, Lieutenant Colonel

CRAIG George, Lieutenant Colonel

CRITCHLEY-SALMONSON Arthur Cunliffe Bernard, Captain

CUNNINGHAM William Henry, Lieutenant Colonel

DALTRY Henry James, Major

DENNISTOUN George Hamilton, Lieutenant Commander

DIGBY-SMITH Alfred, Major

DUIGAN John Evelyn, Major

DUTHIE Norman Alexander, Major

EASTWOOD Thomas Ralph, Captain and Brevet Major (temp Lieutenant Colonel)

EDWARDS Henry Molesworth, Captain and Brevet Major

ENNIS William Oliver, Major

EVANS Charles Hellier Davies, Major

FALCONER Alexander Smith, Captain

FALLA Norris Stephen, Major

FARR Thomas, Major

FINDLAY John, Lieutenant Colonel

FINN Bertram Sibbald, Captain

FREYBERG Bernard Cyril, Lieutenant Colonel

GARDNER Duncan Eric, Major

GARD?NER Murray Menzies, Lieutenant Colonel

GIBBS David John, Major

GLENDINING Halbert Cecil, Major

GRANT-DALTON Stuart, Captain (RFC)

GRIGOR Robert Renton, Lieutenant Colonel

HAMILTON Norman Chivas, Major

HAND-NEWTON Charles Treweeke (See NEWTON)

HARDIE Robert Davies, Major

HARGEST James, Major

HARPER Robert Paul, Captain

HART Herbert Ernest, Major

HASTINGS Norman Frederick, Major

HASTINGS William Holland, Captain and Brevet Major

HERBERT Alfred Henry, Lieutenant Colonel

HERCUS Charles Ernest, Major

HERROLD John Henry, Major

HEWLETT Francis Esme Theodore, Lieutenant Colonel (RAF)

HOLMES John Dudley, Captain

HULBERT Edward James, Major

HURST Herbert Clarence, Major

HUTTON George Frederick, Captain (temp, Lieutenant Colonel)

JARDINE Leonard Handforth, Lieutenant Colonel

JENNINGS William Ivan Kirke, Major

JOHNSTON George Napier, Lieutenant Colonel

JORY Philip John, Major

KENNEDY Donald, Lieutenant

KING George Augustus, Major

LAMPEN Francis Henry, Major

LOW Ernest Edward, Engineer Commander

McCARROLL James Neil, Lieutenant Colonel

McCLELLAND Charles Harold, Major

MacCORMICK Kenneth, Major

McCRAE John, Major

McGAVIN Donald Johnstone, Lieutenant Colonel

McGILP Clyde, Major

McKENZIE Alexander George, Major

MacLEAN Cuthbert Trelawder, Lieutenant Colonel (RAF)

McNAB Alexander Alan, Major

McQUARRIE Robert Stirrat, Lieutenant Colonel

MACKESY Charles Ernest Randolph, Lieutenant Colonel

MASSEY Frank George, Lieutenant acting Major

MEAD Owen Herbert, Lieutenant Colonel

MELDRUM William, Lieutenant Colonel

MELVILL Charles William, Lieutenant Colonel

MIDDLETON John Rickards, Lieutenant Commander

MILES Reginald, Major

MILLIGAN Robert Gracie, Major

MITCHELL George, Lieutenant Colonel

MITCHELL Gordon Ross, Major

MURCHISON Donald Sinclair, Major

MURRAY Donald Norman Watson, Lieutenant Colonel

NEIL James Hardie, Lieutenant Colonel

NEWMAN Clarence Nathaniel, Major

NEWTON Charles Treweeke, Lieutenant Colonel

NICHOLLS Stephen Charles Phillip, Major

NORTHCROFT Erima Harvey, Major

O?NEILL Eugene Joseph, Major

OLPHERT Wybrants, Lieutenant Commander

ORR Eric Hamilton, Major

PINWILL William Richard, Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel

POW James, Major

POWLES Charles Guy, Captian temp Lieutenant Colonel

PRIDHAM Geoffrey Robert, Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel

PUTTICK Edward, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

REID Hector Gowans, Major and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, temp Lieutenant Colonel

REILLY Hugh Lambert, Captain and temp Brevet Major (RFC)

RICHARDSON Harry McKellor White, Captain temp Major

RICHMOND James MacDonald, Major

ROACHE Joseph Garrett, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

ROGERS Victor Aaron Francis, Captain

ROW Robert Amos, Lieutenant Colonel

SANDERS William Edward, Lieutenant Commander

SAUNDERS John Llewellyn, Major

SAXBY Conrad Gordon, Major

SHEPHERD Norman Francis, Lieutenant Colonel

SINCLAIR-BURGESS William Livingstone Hatchwell (see Burgess)

SINEL Wilfred Courtney, Major

SMITH Geoffrey Samuel, Major

SMYTHE Rayner Barrington, Lieutenant Colonel


SOMMERVILLE John Adam, Captain temp Major

STAFFORD James, Major

STANDISH Ivon Tatham, Major

STARNES Fred, Captain

STEWART Alexander Edward, Lieutenant Colonel

STEWART Hugh, Lieutenant Colonel

STITT Alan Duncan, Major

STOUT Thomas Duncan MacGregor, Major


SWABEY George Thomas Carlisle Parker, Commander

SYKES Francis Bernard, Major temp Lieutenant Colonel

SYMON Grant, Lieutenant Colonel

TEMPERLEY Arthur Cecil, Major

TEWSLEY Cyril Hocken, Major

THOMS Nathaniel William Benjamin Butler, Major

TURNBULL Frank Kingdom, Major

TURNBULL William, McGregor, Major

VERCOE Henry Te Reiwhati, Captain


WAITE Frederick, Major

WESTON Claude Horace, Lieutenant Colonel

WHYTE James Binnie, Major

WHYTE James Henry, Major

WICKENS Robert Charles, Major

WIDDOWSON Eric Arthur, Major

WILDER Alan Standish, Major

WILDING Henry Gordon, Major

WILLIAM Alan Bernard, Major

WILSON Henry Maitland, Lieutenant Colonel

WILSON Newman Robert, Major

WILSON Robert Adams, Major

WINTER-EVANS Alfred, Lieutenant Colonel

WORSLEY Frank Arthur, Lieutenant Commander

WORSLEY Richard Stanley, Major

WRIGHT Hubert Howard, Major

WYMAN Ralph, Major

YOUNG Robert, Major