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NELSON COLLEGE old Girls & old Boys DANCE - 1935

NELSON COLLEGE was not co-ed, but two colleges

* BOYS COLLEGE (opened with 8 students in 1856)
* GIRLS COLLEGE (opened with 68 pupils in 1883)

Evening Post - September 7 1935

... The dance held last night in St Francis Hall, (Hill Street, Thorndon), by the Wellington branches of the Nelson College Old Girls' and Old Boys' Association was a most cheerful affair. There was an excellent orchestra and the hall was crowded. Of course all the extra decorations (which always supply the necessary indivicual touch to any dance, but are scarcely needed otherwise in this attractive hall) were in the college colours, dark and light blue. Scolloped balances of crepe paper in these colours were attached to the five hugh parchment shades suspended in the centre of the ballroom and cast a pleasing light on the dancers. Panels of streamers were hung on the walls between the tall windows, and streamers, spring flowers and foliage, a college crest, and a white shield bearing the name "Nelson" in blue letters decorated the stage and showed up well against the rich red velvet hangings. There was much more accommodation for sitting out in the ballroom on this occasion as cabaret tables with comfortable chairs grouped about them were arranged all around the hall. Each table had a little centre piece of dark and light blue.
The supper room looked very gay. Silver [url-]epergnes[/url] filled with orange and yellow paper chrysanthemums and birch decorated the tables, fringes of orange and yellow streamers hung over the archways, and there were paper garlands overhead.

Mrs Camille Malfroy (president of the Old Girls' Association in Wellington) and Mr Malfroy were present; also Miss Lorimer (patron of the associaiton and ex principal of the college). Mr B. A. Moore (president of the Old Boys' Association) and Mrs Moore, and Miss Ethel Christie (secretary of the parent branch in Nelson). Mrs Malfroy wore a graceful black satin frock with a train and a shoulder spray of cyclamen and maidenhair fern, which was presented to her by the committee. Miss Lorimer, who was also presented with a shoulder spray, wore deep burgundy lace, and Mrs B. A. Moore's frock was of black chiffon

The combined dance committee comprised:
? Miss Eileen MURPHY, secretary, who wore black figured crepe marocain with crystal shoulder straps and a black velvet coatee
? Mrs H. JOWETT, cherry georgette, diamante studded
? Mrs C. L. MALONEY, figured crepe
? Mrs L. NELSON, liberty-figured georgette
? Miss Tiora MEADOWS, deep green flat crepe trimmed with gold lame
? Mr A. N. DAVIES, Secretary
? Alan MOSS

? Mr and Mrs Harry ATKINSON
? Mr and Mrs L. R. BAIGENT
? Mr and Mrs J. A. BRUCE
? Mr and Mrs James CABLE
? Mr and Mrs CAMPBELL
? Mr and Mrs COMPARINI
? Mr and Mrs J. GILCHRIST
? Mr and Mrs Harold le G. HOLTHOUSE
? Mr and Mrs L. HUNTER, Masterton
? Mr and Mrs H. JOWETT
? Mr and Mrs F. KING
? Mr and Mrs W. S. LAWN
? Mr and Mrs W. LEIGHTON
? Mr and Mrs C. L. MALONEY
? Mr and Mrs Grenfell MORGAN
? Mr and Mrs Alan MOSS
? Mr and Mrs R. MOWAT
? Mr and Mrs L. NELSON
? Mr and Mrs E. P. NORMAN
? Mr and Mrs R. PALMER
? Mrs Robert PEARSON
? Mr and Mrs PETHERICK
? Mr and Mrs E. ROTHWELL
? Mr and Mrs Harry Louis Percy SMITH, Railways District Engineer all over NZ, Auckland, Napier, Greymouth, Wellington, Invercargill. He married Isabella Lamberton COCHRANE in 1916
? Mr and Mrs S. TAYLOR
? Mr and Mrs Percy SMITH
? Mr and Mrs A. C. WILLIAMS
? Mr and Mrs G. L. WILLS
? Mrs P. H. WRIGHT

? Dr Helen Beatrix BAKEWELL (house surgeon at Palmerston North, acting director of school hygiene, school medical officer for the Hutt district, also wrote papers on the Mental Hygiene of Childhood). Born 28 Feb 1898, Helen was the daughter of Frederick Haslam Freschville Bakewell & Helen Mary Brown. She graduated from Otago Univeristy M.B. Ch.B. in 1920. Her father was a school teacher in Marlborough in 1893, later appointed first assistant master at Thorndon & later headmaster at Greytown. Helen had 2 brothers, Dr Robert Frescheville Bakewell in Christcuhrch & Dr Roger Anker Frescheville Bakewell in Petone - read also The Freschevilles
? Miss BROWN
? Nola CABLE
? D. and J. CARADUS
? Miss CHRISTIE, Nelson
? Lorna DONNE
? Jessie FORBES
? Joy GILL
? Thyra GILL
? Betty HAINES
? Miss HOGG
? Peggy HOGG
? Yvonne HOLMES
? E. MacLEAN
? Monica MALFROY
? Joyce MURPHY
? Juliet NATHAN
? Audrey RANDALL
? Zita ROWE
? Margaret SALMOND
? Joan SMITH
? Janet STELLE
? Betty WATERS
? Dianna WATERS
? Nancy WATERS
? Peggy WRIGHT

? Gordon BLYTHE
? F. J. FOOT
? Jack FOOT
? Mervyn JONES
? Athol LAWSON
? J. G. MacLEAN
? R. H. MacLEAN
? Denis McGRATH
? D. F. McLEOD
? J. de MUTH
? R. ROY
? A. R. SIMM
? P. F. SIMM
? Alan WARDELL, Masterton
? Jock WYLIE

Nelson Boys College c1890

taken from Foundation and History of Nelson College

Passengers per 'SUSANNE' South Afirca - New Zealand 26 November 1862

26 November 1862

... We are happy to announce the first arrival of immigrants from the Cape of Good Hope, yesterday, per the Hamburg brig 'Susanne,' 255 tons, Captain P. J. Moller, which sailed from Table Bay on October 5th and dropped anchor in the Waitemata.
The Cape Argus, October 4th, thus notices the departure:-
"The Hamburg brig 'Susanne' sails for Auckland, New Zealand, on Sunday. She takes with her seventy-two adult emigrants for that place". This is the first instalment, we hope, of an accession to our population from the Cape Colony. She left Table Bay on the 6th ultimo with 84 immigrants and has been fifty days out. Strong N. and N.W. winds were experienced throught the voyage. Ran down her easting in the parallel of 50? south. The Three Kings were made on Friday at midnight; North Cape was passed the following day. No vessel was sighted during the voyage, until arrival at the Bay of Islands, where, on Sunday, she sighted and boarded the American whaler, 'Roman', 375 tons, Captain Hamblin, New Bedford, 40 months out, with 2,900 barrels oil, and had at the time two large whales alongside. She is bound home. This is the first vessel arriving at this port direct from the Cape of Good Hope (war vessels excepted). She is in good trim, and is very roomy for her tonnage. Before leaving the ship an address was presented to the Captain, by the passengers, expressive of their high opinion of him, the ship, the officers, and crew, dwelling more particularly upon Captain Moller's kindness to the children and female passengers, during the voyage. She brings 316 boxes raisins, and 100 casks Cape wine. She belongs to the well-known firm J. C. Godefroy and Sohn, of Hamburg. After discharging her passengers and cargo she will proceed to Valaparaiso. Mr Charles Petschler is agent. (PETSCHLER On 25th August 1855, at St George?s Bay, the wife of Charles Petschler, of a son.)

The following address was presented to Mr P. J. Moller, captain of the Hamburg brig 'Susanne' by the passengers on their arrival at Auckland from Cape Town -
... Sir, We, the undersigned passengers per Hamburh brig 'Susanne', beg to tender you our most sincere thanks for your kindness towards us all during the passage from Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope, to this port; and to express our entire confidence in you as a master mariner. Your attention to the wants and comforts of the married portion of the passengers will ever be remembered with feelings of deep gratitude; and the interest and care taken by you for the health of the children has frequently called forth our warmest approbation.
Be kind enough to tender our acknowledgements to your chief officer, Mr Thomas Korner, and also to your second officer, Mr R. H. Menar, for their courtesy and gentlemanly bearing towards us. Your crew are all a commander could wish - civil, obliging, and orderly, of whom you have indeed reason to be proud. We could not fail in noticing, and that with feelings of pleasure, the quiet willing manner your orders were invariably carried out (indicative of that good feeling which should always exist between the employer and the employed), and that absence of obscene language, unfortunately too prevalent among seamen generally.
In bidding you adieu, and it may be forever, we cannot part from you without praying that you may long be spared to prosper in your perilous employment, and may you soon return to the bosom of your family and friends. Whatever part of the world you may be in, you can rest assured you carry with you the good wishes of all those that came with you from the Cape of Good Hope. (list of names not included in article)

? William ADAIR, cooper

? Alexander BAUDEN, sawyer
? Jane Bauden

? Edward BAWDEN, slater

? Samuel BEAUMOND, carpenter

? Benjamin BELSHAM, bricklayer
? Mary Belsham (nee Smart, sister Eliza on board)

? William BIRD, labourer

? Patrick BOLAN, labourer

? John BRETT, labourer

? Thomas BROWN, labourer
? Ruth Brown

? John CADENHEAD, stonemason (Grant under "Auckland Waste Lands Act Amendment Act 1862" of thirty-eight acres to John Cadenhead, of Tauranga, StoneMason, in the Parish of Matakohe, County of Marsden, dated 22 May 1867)

? George CHESSER, miller

? Patrick CORBOY, labourer (1834-1900, died in Whatawhata, Waikato)

? Owen CREALY, labourer

? Edwin COTTON, smith

? Thomas COX, well-sinker

? Clement CRISP, miller (in 1867 was a Bankrupt of the Whau, province of Auckland, storekeeper)
? Mary Crisp

? John CROTTY, labourer

? James DAWSON, farm labourer

? George DERBYSON, labourer

? John George FREER, printer (married Ann Josephine BETHEL in 1863)

? Charles GOODBRAND, blacksmith (in 1870 he had 125 shares in the Tararu battery Gold Mining Company, Thames at ?1.15 per share eqivalent in 2012 to $150 per share)
? Mary Ann Goodbrand
? Isabella Goodbrand

? John GRIFFON, labourer

? John HENNESSY, labourer

? William HILLSDON, labourer

? George HODGSON, labourer
? Sophia Hodgson
? Emily Alice Hodgson
? Amelia Hodgson

? Robert HOLLAR, carpenter

? James KELLS, farm-labourer

? John KING, labourer

? Patrick LEAMY, carpenter

? Robert LEESE, labourer

? John LYNCH, sawyer
? Bridget Lynch
? Pearce Lynch (went on to have the Devonport Ferry Company)
? John Lynch

? J. MARCHANT, labourer
? Margaret Marchant
? Sarah Ann Marchant

? James MARLOW, labourer
? Mary Ann Marlow
? Mary Jane Marlow

? Joseph MASLEN, labourer
? Eliza Maslen
? Joseph Maslen

? John MINOGUE, farm-labourer

? Thomas MULVIHILL, labourer

? Henry PECKHAM, labourer

? William PENDER, labourer
? Eliza Pender

? Thomas W. POLTON, wheelwright (in Freemans Bay in 1869)
? Eliza Polton
? Alfred Polton

? John RITCHIE, cabinet maker
? Marjory Ritchie
? Susan Smith Ritchie
? Mary Ann Amelia Ritchie

? Joseph RITSON, carpenter

? Andrew ROBERTSON, plasterer

? Robert Morrison SHORT, implement maker

? Eliza SMART, servant (sister of Mary Belsham)

? James SULLIVAN, labourer

? David TELLEY, argicultural labourer

? William THOMPSON, carpenter

? Mrs Mary TRENT

? Charles WELLS, labourer
? Mary Wells
? John Wells

? Patrick WELSH, farm-labourer
? Eliza Handly Welsh

? Isaac WILKINS, sawyer
? Charlotte Wilkins
? Rose Anne Wilkins
? John Thomas Wilkins
? George Isaac Wilkins

? George WILKS, clerk

? Robert WILLIS, clerk

Russell, Bay of Island c1864

taken from Sir George Grey Special Collections

Wellington Districts JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 1908

- This Year's Appointments -

* John ANDERSON, Sanson, Manawatu
* James Frank ANDREWS, Wellington (1848-1922)

* Alfred Henry BALE, Featherston (1857-1943)
* James Gardiner BALLARD, Wellington
* Edward Daniel BARBER, Wellington (1871-1945)
* Robert BARTLETT, Takaka (Nelson)
* John BOLLONES, Wellington (Captain s.s. Hinemoa)
* James BOYD, Kaikoura
* Richard BROWN, Masterton
* John BRUNETTE, Hawera

* George CHAPMAN, Nelson
* William Edward COLES, Onga Onga, Waipawa (1862-1942)
* John COLLINGWOOD, Awahuri, Manawatu
* John Francis Xavier COULAN, Himitangi, Manawatu
* Ernest Hugh CRABB, Moorfield, Feilding (1866-1931)
* Arthur Henry Pascal CROSBY, Wellington (1869-1943)
* John CROSS, Masterton
* John CUNNINGHAM, Flaxbourne, Marlborough

* John Franklin EUSTACE, Okato, Taranaki (1849-1916)

* Edward Exton FLETCHER, Wangaehu, Rangitikei (1853-1927)

* Walter GOODLAND, Normanby, Hawera (1840-1929)

* Gray HASSALL, Porirua, Hutt
* John Michael HICKEY, Opunake, Egmont (1887-1942)
* Thomas Pole HUGHSON, Rahotu, Egmont (1890-1973)
* Frederick William HENRY, Kummer, Mauriceville

* Patrick MACKIN, Wellington
* Adam McPHERSON, Mangatainoka, Pahiatua
* Andrew McWILLIAM, Omoana, Eltham

* Arthu O'DWYER, Rangiwahia, Kiwitea
* James Stirritt ORR, Puketitiri, Hawkes Bay (1867-1926)

* George Edmund PARSONS, Waiperi, Jordan, Marlborough (1870-1937)
* Collin Francis POST, Wellington (1858-1934) Captain of the ss Tutanekai

* James Ernest RODGERSON, Blind River, Marlborough (1837-1913)
* WIlliam Francis ROYDHOUSE, Carterton (1856-1939)
* Michael RYAN, Elsthorpe, Patangata

* Bernard Francis SCANNELL, Carterton (1880-1950)
* Guy Hardy SCHOLEFIELD, Wellington (1877-1963)
* Robert Blair SIM, Nuhaka, Wairoa (1864-1933)
* James Barron SPEED, Wellington (1857-1930)
* James Hopkins STEVENS, Hawera (1858-1946)
* William STRACHAN, Dunira, Rangiwahia, Wanganui

* John THERKLESON, Tariki, Taranaki

* John WHITE, Normanby, Hawera
* John Thomas WILKINS, Silverstream, Hutt (1852-1931)
* George William, Patea
* Emerson James WILSON, Waitotara (1859-1916)
* George WRIGHT, Seddon, Marlborough

George WILKINS + Mary Ann HAGAN - Upper Hutt

George Isaac WILKINS (1854-1923)
- married 10 December 1879 to:
Mary Ann HAGAN (1857-1934)

George was born in Birmingham, England. When he was about 2 years old his parents moved to South Africa. Six years later they arrived into Auckland on 26 November 1862, on the Hamburg brig, SUSANNE which left Capetown 6 October 1862. He was about 8 years old & travelled with:
his parents Isaac & Charlotte (nee Perks, formerly Townsend) Wilkins
his sister Rose Anne Wilkins (1851-1933)
his brother John Thomas Wilkins (1852-1931)
(his mother had married Thomas Townsend on 6 May 1836 in Worcestershire)

* his mother Charlotte died in Upper Hutt 29 Jan 1877 of Hepatitus aged 57

* his father remarried in 1883 to Sarah Morrall (nee Verner) & they moved to Cheltenham in early 1888
* his father Isaac died in Cheltenham 10 June 1888 aged 63 & Sarah died 13 Dec 1896 in Cheltenham aged 66. They are both buried in Cheltenham Cemetery

* his sister Rose Ann (1851-1933) married John Benge (1841-1906) on 1 May 1867 at St Peters, Wellington & had 10 children (3 of them marrying into the Mabey family). They are both buried at Taita Lawn cemetery

* his brother John Thomas (1852-1931) married Edith Elizabeth GEANGE (1858-1906) in 1876 & had 7 children (5 sons). In 1907 he was the president of the Silverstream Liberal Club
4 June 1906 The death is announced of Mrs Edith Wilkins (wife of Mr J. T. Wilkins, of Silverstream). Mrs Wilkins never recovered from a recent painful operation in Wellington. She leaves a husband and a family of grown-up sons and daughters (the youngest was 12) John remarried in 1913 to Mary GUARD.
In June 1908 John was appointed a J.P. at Silverstream. When his son, Sydney Trentham Wilkins was killed in action in Somme, France in 1916, John Thomas was then living in Fern Flats Rd., Marton

* George was an Innkeeper in Quinn's Post, Upper Hutt
* his father Isaac & brother John Thomas were also Publicans

... The application of Isaac Wilkins for a license for this hotel was granted

19 June 1879 - LICENSE RENEWAL
... The annual meeting of the Hutt Licensing Court was held yesterday, when the following licenses were renewed:-
* Henry Border, Criterion Hotel, Lower Hutt
* J. D. Fraser, Fraser's Hotel, Lower Hutt
* A. McMillen, Family Hotel, Lower Hutt
* Isaac Wilkins, Railway Hotel, Lower Hutt
* J. A. Williams, Albion Hotel, Taita
* George Wiltshire, Travellers Rest, Taita
The application of George Jones, for a renewal of the lease of the Pakuratahi Hotel, was refused, owing to the fact that the application was not sent in at the proper time

21 September 1880 STAR AND GARTER HOTEL, Cuba-Street
... J. T. Wilkins (late of the Upper Hutt) has much pleasure in informing his friends and general public that he has purchased the lease of the above well-known Hotel, and that he is now ready to receive visitors and boarders. the house is quite new, having been recently erected, no expense being spared to secure the comfort of all who may favour its proprietor with their patronage. The Accommodaiton for Travellers, Boarders, and Families is unsurpassed by any hotel in the city, while the charges are reasonable. The proprietor has decided to make the Star and Garter famous for the superiority of its Wines, Spirits, Beer, Stout, &c., &c.

... from Isaac Wilkins, Railway Hotel, Upper Hutt, to George Isaac Wilkins

20 January 1883 PUBLIC AUCTION
... George Thomas has received instructions from the Trustee in the estate of J. T. Wilkins to sell by public auction on Thursday, 25th January, at 2 o'clock, at the offices and store of W. R. Waters, Esq., Lambton-guay the whole of the furniture and fittings contained in the above first-class hotel, including a splendid billiard-table (complete, cost ?150, Jan 2013 equivalent of $24,950), superior bar requisites, stock of wines and spirits, &c per inventory, also, the goodwill and the unexpired term of license, which expires 30th June ult. The whole to be offered in one lot

5 June 1884 - RAILWAY HOTEL
... A license was issued to J. T. Wilkins in respect to the Railway Hotel at Lower Hutt

... The annual meeting of the Mungaroa Licensing Committee was held yesterday at the schoolroom, Upper Hutt. Present - Messrs Cotter (in the Chair). Whiteman, Haybittle, McCullock and Small. Renewals were granted without opposition to James Martin for the Kaitoke Refreshment Rooms and to Charles Cudby for the Provincial Hotel. The renewal of the license of Isaac Wilkins was opposed on the ground that the applicant was an invalid and that his wife had no idea of the business. It was proposed, seconded and carried, that the license should be granted conditionally for three months, on the understanding that the applicant dispose of his interest before then. The committee, however, afterwards altered its decision and granted the license on condition that the licensee employ a competent manager.

the known children of GEORGE & MARY ANN:

... 1
1880 - 1941 George Isaac Wilkins
- nothing known

... 2
1881 - 1946 John Thomas Wilkins
- born in Upper Hutt
- John married Annie McGUINNESS in 1916

... 3
1883 - 1954 William Alfred Wilkins
- born in Upper Hutt

... 4
1884 - ? Gertrude Mary Wilkins
- Gertrude married Edgar William DOBSON (1888-1931) in 1913
- Gertrude possibly remarried

... 5
1887 - 1967 Kate Wilkins
- born in Upper Hutt on 27 July 1887
- Kate married Herbert Edward EDWARDS 1 Dec 1903 in Upper Hutt
- son of Robert EDWARDS & Eliza BENGE
- their known children:
1904 - Irene Myrtle Edwards
1905 - Horace Herbert Edwards
1907 - Ivy Doris Edwards
- Kate died 5 Jan 1967 in New Plymouth

... 6
1890 - ? Nellie Wilkins
- nothing else known

... 7
1891 - ? Eva May Wilkins
- nothing else known

* George Wilkins died 7 June 1923 aged 68 in Wanganui
* Mary Ann Wilkins died 13 May 1934 aged 76
- they are buried Plot 171 at St Joseph's Cemetery, Upper Hutt (see notes)

30 Jan 1877 - DEATH of CHARLOTTE WILKINS (George's mother)
... Mrs Charlotte Wilkins, the wife of Mr Isaac Wilkins, a very old settler, died at the Upper Hutt yesterday. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock
Charlotte is buried at St John's Church, Upper Hutt

10 June 1888 - DEATH of ISAAC WILKINS (George's father)
... WILKINS - On 10th June, 1888, at Cheltenham, England, Isaac Wilkins, late of Upper Hutt
Isaac is buried at Cheltenham Cemetery, England

... The death of Mr George Wilkins occurred on Thursday last at Wanganui East, after a long and painful illness. Born in England 68 years ago, he arrived in New Zealand with his parents at the age of five years (sic). They settled in the Hutt Valley. The late Mr Wilkins followed farming for 40 years in that district and retired some ten years ago to Wanganui East. He leaves a widow and a grown-up family of three sons and four daughters to mourn their loss.
George was buried at Aramoho Cemetery, but he is also listed as being buried in 1934 in Plot 171 at St Joseph's cemetery, Upper Hutt (same year, same plot as his wife) maybe his ashes were moved ??

18 July 1931 - DEATH of JOHN THOMAS WILKINS (George's brother)
... John Thomas Wilkins died at Fern Flats, Marton, from an accidental gun-shot wound to the chest (self inflicted), he was 79.
John is buried at the Anglican Cemetery, Marton

4 October 1933 - DEATH of ROSE ANNE BENGE (George's sister)
... One of the oldest and most respected residents of Upper Hutt, Mrs John Benge, died on Sunday (the 1st) in her eighty-third year. Born in Birmingham, England, the late Mrs Benge went to South Africa at the age of five years, with her parents, the late Mr and Mrs Isaac Wilkins.
She came to New Zealand eight years later, and at the age of 16, married the late Me John Benge, who died 25 years ago. Engaged in farming and sawmilling Mr and Mrs Benge lived at Te Marua, but at the death of her hisband, Mrs Benge moved to Martin Street, Upper Hutt.
Of a family of nine, seven survive their mother. They are Messrs J. T. and George Benge (Upper Hutt), H. V. Benge (Feilding), Ernest and Alfred Benge (Hamilton) and Mesdames J. Mabey (Taihape), L. Jackson (Hopeland) and F. Heard (Hastings).
Rose Ann is buried Taita Lawn Cemetery

13 May 1934 - DEATH of MARY ANN WILKINS (George's wife)
... On Sunday, May 13, 1934. at the *Lewisham Hospital, Mary Ann, relict of the late George Wilkins, late of Trentham; aged 76 years. R.I.P. The Friends of the late Mary Ann Wilkins are invited to attend her Funeral, which will be at St Joseph's Church, Main Road, Upper Hutt, on Tuesday, May 15, 1934. Requiem Mass 9 a.m. Funeral to follow. P ROBERTSON, Undertaker, Upper Hutt.
Mary Ann is buried Plot 171, St Joseph's Cemetery, Upper Hutt
*Lewisham Hospital Newtown, Wellington, was later named Calvary then later Wakefield)

George's sister ROSE ANN Benge (nee Wilkins)

BARNARD buried Christchurch

the BARNARD buried in Christchurch to 1963

* some birth dates may be approximate, based on age at death
* unnamed or born still babies not included

? Alice Ellen Barnard (nee Edgington? Edgerton?)
- born 1856 in England?
- she arrived on the 'Cathcart' into Lyttelton 29 Aug 1874 with her mother Rebecca and 2 sisters, Caroline & Ellen
- she married William Barnard in 1876
- Alice died 8 March 1917 aged 61
- she is buried Plot 66C, Block 0 at Addington

? Arthur Leonard Barnard
- born 1908 in New Zealand, a son of:
- Leonard Arthur BARNARD & Jane Constance DALTON
- Arthur was a Carpenter & lived in Neville St, Spreydon
- he died 7 September 1961 aged 53
- he is buried Plot 91, Block 9 at Ruru Lawn

? Charles Cooper Barnard
- born 1871 in Christchurch, 1st born of 12 children (8 sons) of:
- Charles Thomas BARNARD & Elizabeth Ann HOLLAND
- Charles was an Umbrella maker & lived in Francis Ave., Mairehau
- he married Ellen FLANNERY 25 April 1901 in St Mary's, Christchurch
- he died 18 March 1942 aged 71
- he is buried Plot 148, Block 43 at Linwood

? Charles Thomas Barnard
- born 1846 in Bermondsey London
- he arrived in Canterbury about 1855
- he married Elizabeth Ann Holland in Christchurch 12 May 1870
- Charles was a Carpenter & lived in Merivale
- he died 23 October 1892 aged 46
- he is buried Plot 25, Block 22 at Linwood

? Edmund William 'Boss' Barnard
- born Dec 1884 in Ashburton, 9th born of 12 children (8 sons) of:
- Charles Thomas BARNARD & Elizabeth Ann HOLLAND
- Edmund was a Carpenter & lived in Rutland St., St Albans
- he married Laura Ann JONES (1897-1962) in 1915
- he served in WWI as Private 65739 with the NZEF, 36th Reinforcements A Company, embarking from Wellington 23 April 1918 his next of kin was his wife Laura at 19 Rutland St, St. Albans, Christchurch
- he died 19 May 1959 aged 75
- he is buried Plot 186, Block 1B at Ruru Lawn

? Edward Albert Barnard
- born 1876 in New Zealand, 4th born of 12 children (8 sons) of:
- Charles Thomas BARNARD & Elizabeth Ann HOLLAND
- Edward was a Labourer & lived in Brougham St., Sydenham
- he died of Phthisis 13 October 1907 aged 31 in Christchurch Hospital
- he is buried Plot 128, Block 43 at Linwood

? Edward Joseph Barnard
- born 1905 in Christchurch
- Edward was a Linotype Operator & lived in Swanns Road, Richmond
- he died 14 October 1959 aged 54
- he is buried Plot 183, Block 9 at Ruru Lawn

? Elizabeth Ann Barnard (nee Holland)
- born 1851 in England, arriving in NZ about 1869
- she married Charles Thomas Barnard 12 May 1870, Catholic Church, Christchurch
- Elizabeth lived in Andover Street, Merivale
- she died of Cancer 21 January 1906 aged 54
22 January 1906 - the STAR
... DEATH - BARNARD, January 21st, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr Jacobsen, of Heywood Terrace, Richmond, Eliz. Ann, relict of the late Mr Charles T. Barnard, of Andover Street, Merivale; aged fifty-four years. Deeply regretted
- she is buried Plot 128, Block 43 at Linwood
- the 12 children of Elizabeth & Charles (see more at Charles's link above):
* 1871 - 1942 Charles Cooper Barnard
- Charles married Ellen Flannery in 1901
* 1872 - 1936 Francis Holland Barnard
- Francis married Ethel Rosendale in 1913
* 1874 - 1940 Hugh Henry Joseph Barnard
- Hugh married Eva Gertrude Hullett in 1901
* 1876 - 1907 Edward Albert Barnard
- Edward died aged 31
* 1878 - 1954 Leonard Arthur Barnard
- Leonard married Jane Constance Dalton in 1905
* 1880 - 1880 Elizabeth Barnard
- Elizabeth died in Rakaia aged 1 month
* 1881 - 1938 Elizabeth Mary barnard
- Elizabeth married Olaf Jaconsen in 1903
* 1883 - 1923 Catherine Emma 'Kate' Barnard
- Kate married Thomas Michael Devane in 1923
* 1884 - 1959 Edmund William 'Boss' Barnard
- Boss married Laura Ann Jones in 1915
* 1887 - 1919 Clara Alice Barnard
- Clara married Albert Charles Beken in 1912
* 1890 - 1976 Vincent Gilbert Barnard
- Vincent married Florence Harriett Wheeler in 1921
* 1891 - 1892 Herbert Rowland Barnard
- Herbert died aged 6 months

? Ellen Barnard (nee Flannery)
- born 1869 in Cashel, Ireland, arriving in NZ about as an infant
- she married Charles Cooper Barnard in 1901 in Christchurch
- Ellen was a widow living in Nazareth House, Brougham St., Sydenham
- she died 13 November 1953 aged 84
- she is buried Plot 148, Block 43 at Linwood

? Eva Gertrude Barnard (nee Hullett)
- born 1875 in Christchurch
- Eva married hugh Henry Joseph barnard in 1901
- Eva was a widow living in Malcolm Ave, Beckenham
- she died 19 July 1958 aged 83
- she is buried Plot 145, Block 8 ate Bromley

? Herbert Rowland Barnard
- born August 1891 in Christchurch, 12th born of 12 children (8 sons) of:
- Charles Thomas BARNARD & Elizabeth Ann HOLLAND
- he lived at 99 Salisbury Street, Christchurch Central
- Herbert died 22 February 1892 aged 6 months
- he is buried Plot 85SWC, Block 37 ate Linwood

? Hugh Henry Joseph Barnard
- born 1874 in New Zealand, 3rd born of 12 children (8 sons) of:
- Charles Thomas BARNARD & Elizabeth Ann HOLLAND
- Hugh was an Engineer & lived at Diamond Harbour, Lyttelton
- he married Eva Gertrude HULLETT Valentines Day 1901
- he died 25 April 1940 aged 65
- he is buried Plot 145, Block 8 at Bromley

? Jane Constance Barnard
- born 1875 in Christchurch
- Jane was a widow living in Swanns Road, Richmond
- she died 24 July 1958 aged 83
- she is buried Plot 77, Block 8 at Ruru Lawn

? Laura Ann Barnard (nee Jones)
- born in 1897 in Huntly, Waikato
- she married Edmund William Barnard 18 August 1915
- Laura was a widow living in Rutland St., St Albans
- she died 19 December 1962 aged 65
- she is buried Plot 66, Block 9 at Ruru Lawn

? Leila May Barnard
- born 1917 in Christchurch
- Leila didn't marry
- she died 13 August 1963 aged 46
- she is buried Plot 66, Block 9 at Ruru Lawn
- (in the same plot as Laura Ann Barnard above - daughter?)

? Leonard Arthur Barnard
- born 1879 in Chertsey, 5th born of 12 children (8 sons) of:
- Charles Thomas BARNARD & Elizabeth Ann HOLLAND
- Leonard was a hall Caretaker & lived in Strickland St., Sydenham
- he died 6 May 1954 aged 77
- he is buried Plot 77, Block 8 at Ruru lawn

? Leonard Cooper Barnard
- born Dec 1904 in New Zealand
- he lived in Andover Street, Merivale
- he died of Meningitis 12 February 1907 aged 2.3
- he is buried Plot 148, Block 43 at Linwood

? Patrick Barnard
- born 1907 in Christchurch
- Patrick was a Clothing Salesman
- he died 30 December 1988 aged 81
- he is buried Plot 34, Block 14 at Memorial Park

? Violet May Barnard
- born 1909 in Christchurch
- Violet was a Shopkeeper
- she died 24 September 1990 aged 81
- she is buried Plot 47, Block 17 at Ruru Lawn

Christchurch in 1860
from the site
About Christchurch - The Town Imagined
visit for lots about the Frontier Town 1853-1876 with many old photos

1 comment(s), latest 6 years, 11 months ago

Ralph Mine Disaster - HUNTLY, Waikato - Sep 1914 and the UPCOMING CENTENARY

NOTE You will note that there are many amounts listed (eg 200, ?576 13s 4d). These are money amounts and used to have the pound sterling sign in front of them but after a glitch on this site a few weeks ago these have disappeared. Some postings don't make sense at times because of it but I hope you will be able to work it out ...

HUNTLY, Waikato 93km south of Auckland and 35km north of Hamilton, has a large coal-fired power station, prominently situated on the western bank of the Waikato River. It is New Zealand's largest thermal power station, situated in the area which is New Zealand's largest producer of coal, producing over 10,000 tonnes a day. The area has a very long history of coal mining, with both open pit and classical mines operating or having operated here

Much has been written about the Ralph Mine Disaster which occurred on 12 September 1914, claiming the lives of 43 men when a miner?s naked light ignited firedamp. It was a Saturday, hence there were only 62 men working instead of the usual 160. Some of them were widowers who left motherless children

* On the 19 April 2009 a memorial board listing all the victims of the Ralph Mine disaster was unveiled at the Huntly Cemetery. The Huntly Lions Club would like to contact with descendants of all the families involved before the centennial in 2014


Continuing the Rescue Work, 14 September 1814


c1910 PHOTOS of the
* Ralph Mine at Huntly
* Ralph Mine at Huntly

This is a list of the full names of the victims, some of the ages differ slightly from other sites (mine taken from BDM & research from Papers Past etc)
Some bodies took over a week to recover, the rescuers sometimes spent over 7 hours down the mine searching but their work was being hampered by gas, want of safety lamps and no provision in the way of respirators or patent head gears.

? William ALLEN aged 18
- Machine Driver Boy, single
- son of Charles & Ada Elizabeth Allen
on 26 May 1915 in the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Charles Allen and his wife he jointly allowed ?200 for the loss of their son (equivalent to $28,760 in Sep 2012) Mr T. M. Wilford informed his Honour that "the compensation settlement amounts in all cases were in all respects generous"
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
In loving memory of my dear brother Will, who was killed in Ralph's mine, Huntly, on September 12, 1914
...Not gone from memory,
...Not gone from love,
...But gone to thy heavenly home above
- Inserted by his loving sister and brother-in-law, Lizzie and George Danks, Dargaville
sister Elizabeth Allen married George Danks in 1911


? Thomas BAKER aged 37
- Trucker, also listed as Robert William Baker


? William BLENKINSOP Shooter, aged 37
- leaves widow & 4 children under 14
- William married Susannah WILSON
- their known children:
1902 - 1946 Mary Elizabeth Blenkinsop
1904 - 1987 William Taylor Blenkinsop
1907 - 1973 Robert Edward Blenkinsop
1910 - 2000 Stephen Wilson Blenkinsop
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Susannah Blenkinsop he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children
- his wife Susannah remarried in 1915 to Percy Clarence SLYFIELD (1879-1919). Percy was the 6th of 10 children (8 sons) of John SLYFIELD & Augusta Louisa LINCOLN. Percy first married Euphemia McGOUGHAN in Kyber Pass, Auckland 12 Sep 1905, was jailed for 3 months in Oct 1905 for failing to pay maintenance for an illegitimate child & was divorced 15 Nov 1912. Percy was balloted for WWI in July 1917 where they were he was then a Platelayer c/o Public Works Department, Rotherham, Amuri, Canterbury. Percy died 6 June 1919 at Ohakune aged 39


? Thomas BERRY aged 29
- Winch driver, single
- body recovered 24 September, 12 days after the explosion


? John Patrick BOWLER aged 22
- born in Gisborne, son of William BOWLER & Ellen O'NEILL
- body recovered 15 Sep
- he had been at Huntly for about 4 or 5 months but had not let his parents know of his whereabouts and it was only when they saw the list of missing in the papers that they learned the sad mews
On 12 Sep 1914, John Patrick, dearly beloved second son of William & Ellen Bowler (of Kaiti), aged 22 years and 7 months. (Killed by accident, Huntly mine), Deeply regretted. R.I.P.
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Ellen Bowler he allowed her ?200 for herself the loss of her son ($28,760). She stated that her husband was a Harbour Board employee earning his own living


? William BROCKLEBANK snr, Shiftman, aged 52
- leaves widow & 1 child under 14
William married Margaret GRAHAM (1865-1937) in England and had a son William 'Billy' in Cumbria in 1887 and the following children in New Zealand:
1889 - 1947 Thomas Brocklebank
1891 - 1945 Elizabeth Ellenor Brocklebank
1893 - 1957 Mabel Brockelbank
1895 - 1940 Clara Brocklebank
1900 - 1980 Lilly Emily Brocklebank
1903 - 1988 Linda Frances Brocklebank
- his son, William 'Billy' Brocklebank jnr (single man aged 27), escaped with considerable cuts and bruises and was greeted from the cage amongst cheers and warm welcomes by anxious friends. He was sent off home in a motor-car. He was later interviewed by a reporter. He said he had sustained minor injuries to the head and hands, but his condition was not so serious as to necessitate the attention of a doctor. Relating his trying experience, he said that at the time of the accident he was moving along No 7 level to Arthur Rushton. There was an awful blast of wind and he was struck on the head with a piece of flying coal. For half an hour he was endeavouring to feel his way in the darkness and during that time he and Rushton were speaking to each other. Rushton's voice, however, seemed to get farther and farther away and that was all he remembered until he regained consciousness late in the afternoon. When he revived he commenced to crawl and went over what he took to be a body. This he attempted to carry, but had to give up the effort. After crawling for about 200 or 300 years, he heard the voices of some approaching men. He hailed them and in reply they asked who he was. The party, headed by Constable Wright, joyfuly took charge of him. Some of them assisted him up the shaft and others went in the direction he indicated as being where Rushton probably lat. He did not know what became of the party afterwards. In answer to questions the rescued man said that when he recovered consciousness the air seemed to be very much improved, and by the time he reached the rescue party it was excellent. For those reasons he thought there might be hope for the others - at least some of them. He added that his family naturally rejoiced to get him back, but his father was still in the mine
'Billy' was found crawling on hands and knees towards the shaft and brought in out, the only man who was near the scene of the explosion to come out alive. He had been many hours unconscious, but was not seriously injured.
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Margaret Brocklebank he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
BROCKLEBANK - In fond and loving memory of William, the dearly-beloved husband of Margaret Brocklebank, who lost his life in Ralph's mining disaster, September 12, 1914; aged 52 years.
...Oh, how sudden the call that took him
...From our hearth and home away.
...Oh, how deep the grief we're feeling
...As the year brings round the day.

...What peaceful hours we once enjoyed,
...How sweet his memory still;
...But death has left an aching heart
...The world can never fill.

...I do not forget you, nor do I intend;
...For daily I think of you, and will to the end.
...One years has now passed, still fresh in my mind.
...My dearest husband, who was true and kind.
- Inserted by his loving wife, son and daughters

BROCKLEBANK - In loving memory of my dear father, who lost his life in Ralph's mining disaster, September 12, 1914; aged 52 years.
...It seems but a day since he bade us good-bye,
...His heart full of hope and his spirit so high;
...How little we thought when he left us that day
...The grim hand of death would soon tear him away.

...His heart was always in his home,
...He toiled and did his best.
...Until there came a sudden call,
...And God called him to rest.
- Inserted by his loving daughter and son-in-law, C. and H. W. Stow, Huntly
(daughter Clara married Herbert William Stow in 1914)

BROCKLEBANK - In loving memory of my dear father, William Brocklebank, who was killed in Ralph's mining disaster, Huntly, September 12, 1914; aged 52 years.
...I often sit and think of you,
...And think of how you died,
...But oh, it was so hard to think
...You could not say good-bye.
...Empty is your corner, father,
...Vacant is your chair;
...It's when we got to visit home,
...That's the time we miss you there.
- Inserted by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Mabel and Alf Lowen, Huntly.
(daughter Mabel married Alfred Lowen in 1910)

BROCKLEBANK - In loving memory of my dear father, who was killed in Ralph's mining disaster at Huntly, September 12, 1914; aged 52 years.
He left his home in perfect health,
Never thinking death was near;
Not dreaming that he never would
Return to his children dear.
A painful shock, a dreadful blow,
Oh, father, dearest, we miss you so;
Our loss is great, we'll not complain,
But trust in God to meet again;
Rest, dearest father, sweetly rest,
They miss you most who loved you best.
- Inserted by his loving daughter and son-in-law, Elizabeth and John Gilbert, Huntly.
(daughter Elizabeth married John Gilbert in 1911)


? Hutchinson BURT aged 19
- Trucker, single
- brother of William
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Janet Burt, for the loss of 2 of her sons of whom she was dependent the Judge made an order for the payment of ?775


? William BURT aged 26
- Shiftman, married?/single?
- brother of Hutchinson
- body recovered from the west shaft
- along with William Kelly, they were the first 2 to be recovered


? William BURTON aged 27
- Trucker, single
- leaves widow & 2 children under 14
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Fanny Burton he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? Thomas CASSON aged 22
- Trucker, single


? James DARBY aged 58
- Deputy
- leaves widow & grown up family of 5
- identified by his son, William Thomas Darby (1883-1975)
- married Frances Mary DUNN in 1881
- known children:
1882 - 1947 Susannah Darby
1883 - 1975 William Thomas Darby
- William married Myrtle FAIRWEATHER in 1911
1885 - 1886 Frances Mary Darby
1887 - Frances Mary Darby
- Frances married WIlliam Frederick DELANEY in 1908
1890 - Elizabeth Darby


? John William DIXON aged 23
- known as Mitchell
- leaves widow & 2 children under 14 in Australia
- no pension was available for her family as they lived outside the Dominion


? William GOWANS aged 43
- Deep Mine manager, married
- still missing Sep 15
- leaves widow & 1 child under 14
- possibly married Martha Christina McDONNELL (1870-1962) in 1909
- they had Robert William Gowans (1910-2010)
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
GOWANS - In sad and loving memory of my deat husband, William Gowans, who lost his life at Huntly, September 12, 1914.
- Deeply and deservedly regretted by his wife and son, brother and sisters


? John GREENER aged 48
- Shiftman, married
- leaves a widow & grown up family
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Sarah Greener he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? William HINCHCO aged 30
- born in Huntly, son of John & Rachel (1856-1918 nee Boughey?) Hinchco. His father had an eye removed at the Waikato Hospital in Feb 1911, as a result of an accident in Ralph's Mine
- leaves a widow, 2 children & one on the way
- identified by his brother John Hincho
- he married Annie HARLOCK in 1908
- William's brother Alfred Hinchco, Private 14261 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 8th Reinforcements 1st Battalion, E Company, died from his wounds in France 27 March 1918 aged 22. His next of kin was his mother Rachel Hinchco of Hakanoa Street, Huntly. In June 1919 his parents were at 53 Esplanade Road, Mount Eden, Auckland when his father, as next of kin, received his Military Medal
- his widow Annie, remarried in 1919 to John Arthur HOWARD (1881-1944)


? James HOLDEN aged 58
- Shiftman, married
- brought over from Taupiri West Shaft on 14 Sep
- identified by Robert McEwan
- had been at Huntly for 4 years
- leaves widow & family of 5, 1 child under 14 (Agnes Elizabeth?)
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Elizabeth Holden he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? Fawcett 'Seymour' Beacham HOPPER aged 31
- Trucker, married
- leaves widow & 2 children under 14
- his body was originally thought to be that of William Smith
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Ethel Hopper he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? Alexander 'Alec' IZATT aged 17
- Onshovers Assistant, single
- Alec was related to Joe O'Brien who was engaged at the foot of the main shaft with him. Joe tried to push Alec into the manhole out of the way of the flames
- Alec died later in Hamilton Hospital
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Robert Izatt and his wife he jointly allowed ?200 for the loss of their son ($28,760)


? Henry JACKSON aged 24
- son of Samuel JACKSON & Janet ROBINS, brother of John


? John JACKSON aged 26
- Clipper, single
- died at Waikato Hospital 24 Sep
- son of Samuel JACKSON & Janet ROBINS, brother of Henry
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Janet Jackson he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? Samuel JACKSON snr aged 54
- Shiftman, married
- father of Henry & John above
- recovered from the west shaft
- his son Samuel Jackson jnr identified him
- leaves widow & 1 child under 14 (Harriet Edna)
- Samuel married Janet Robins 24 Feb 1885
- their known children:
1886 - Samuel Jackson
1887 - Janet Jackson
1888 - 1914 John Jackson
1890 - 1914 Henry Jackson
1892 - Mary Jane Jackson
1894 - Isabella Tui Jackson
1909 - Harriet Edna Jackson
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
JACKSON - In loving memory of Samuel, beloved husband of Janet Jackson, also Joh and Henry, dearly-loved sons of Janet and the late Samuel Jackson, who ere killed in Huntly mining accident, September 12, 1914.
...A painful shock, a dreadful blow,
...O, dearest ones, we all miss you so;
...Our loss is great, we shall not complain,
...But trust in God to meet again.
- Inserted by loving wife and mother, son and daughters


? John Williamson JONES aged 49
- Roadman, married
- leaves a widow, no children
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Alice Jane Jones who said that by the death of her husband she had been left a widow. She had no one depending upon her. his Honour said she was entitled to ?775 ($111,435 in 2012) but what did she propose doing with the money. Mr Wilford replied that on his advice she had agreed to pay the amount direct to the Public Trustee. It would go to the common fund, and would bear interest at the rate of 4%. The principal could be drawn upon from time to time. His Honour commended this decision, remarking that a woman was not usually able to deal with large sums of money


? William KELLY aged 36
- Contractor, married
- leaves widow & 1 child under 14
- along with William Burt, they were the first 2 to be recovered
- identified by William Riggins
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Bessie Kelly he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
KELLY - In fond and loving memory of William Kelly, who lost his life in the Huntly disaster on September 12, 1914.
Gone, but not forgotten
- Inserted by his loving friends, R. D. and E. Martin. Thames


? David Daniel 'Dan' LYONS aged 62
- Shiftman, married
- was a widower & leaves grown up family
- identified by James Douglas as aged about 50 and a machine man


? Charles Edward MALONEY aged 21
- Trucker, married
- brought over from Taupiri West Shaft on 14 Sep
- identified by Levi Allen
- leaves a widow, no children
- Charles had married Ada LOWE 27 May 1914, 4 months previously
- Ada remarried in 1917 to Alexander PATERSON


? John Crofton Reiney MARTIN aged 29
- Trucker, single
- John Martin apparently went ahead of the group with Deputy William Smith behind him. It is thought that John walked into a thick pocket of flammable gas, (methane) and as he did his light went out. When he relit the lamp the firedamp ignited and created a cloud of coal slack which exploded into a fireball that rose 100 feet above the pithead.
- he was the last entombed victim, recovered 29 Sep in No 3 level near the centre of the explosion, after vigorous efforts of the rescue party head by Messrs Bishop, Wood, Jolley and A. Penman


? William Robert MAYLAND jnr aged 18
- Clipper, single
- son of William Robert MAYLAND & Emma Charlotte ELLIOTT
- William was recovered on 15 Sep
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Emma Mayland and William Robert Mayland he jointly allowed ?200 for the loss of their son ($28,760)


? Theophilius Donaldson MOLESWORTH aged 29
- Engine-driver, married
- leaves widow & 1 child under 14
- he married Margaret Ross HOGARTH in 1909
- their known child was:
1912 - 1912 Una Margaret Molesworth, died aged 5 days


? Robert MUNSEY aged 63
- Shiftman, married
- brought over from Taupiri West Shaft on 14 Sep


? David Skinner Adie PATERSON aged 37
- Roadsman, married
- leaves widow & 5 children under 14
- husband of Janet Johnston Blyth ? (1877-1964)
- a new-comer, no one could be found to identify him. Before going to Huntly he had been a mine manager on the West Coast
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Janet Paterson he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? William PATTERSON aged 44
- Contractor, widower
- identified by James Dooley as aged 37
- William married Minnie Hinchco in 1900
- leaves 7 motherless children: William aged 14 was left to fend for himself, Maria aged 11 sent to work housekeeping, Kathleen Leonore aged 8, Margaret Lavinia 'Lily' aged 6, Bridget aged 5 and Eileen Sheilah aged 3 were sent to an orphanage in Auckland
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of the 7 orphans of William Patterson his Honour made an order for payment of ?1000 (equivalent in 1912 of $143,800) to the Public Trustee as administrator of the estate, the Public to have liberty to apply to the Court for direction as the the method of administration
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
PATTERSON - In sad and affectionate memory of my dear brother William, who met his death in the Huntly disaster on September 12, 1914 - R.I.P.
...May his soul rest in peace,
...Jesus' mercy, Mary pray.
- Inserted by his loving sister, E. Curby Hackett, Taumarunui
(sister Elizabeth Patterson married John James Curby in 1895)


? Henry William 'Harry' PECKHAM aged 47
- Senior Deputy, married
- identified by James Edkins as aged 45
- recovered from the west shaft
- leaves widow & family of 12, 7 children under 14
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
PECKHAM - In loving memory of our dear husband and father, William Henry (Harry), who was accidentally killed in the explosion in Ralph's mine, Huntly, on September 12, 1914.
...Had we been there in time of death,
...To have caught a last word of parting breath.
...One last fond whisper we might have heard,
...Or breathed in his ear a parting word.
...The shock was great, the blow severe,
...We little thought that death was near;
...Only those that have lost can tell the pain
...That is felt at not saying farwell.
- Inserted by his loving wife and family.


? Hugh RANSOM(E) aged 65 (big difference from others 39)
- Road-cleaner, married
- leaves widow & 1 grown up daughter
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Agnes Ransom, a widow with no children of the marriage, he allowed ?775


? John ROBINSON aged 37 (others have 28)
- Trucker, married
- identified by his cousin Thomas Robinson as aged 37
- recovered from the west shaft
- leaves widow & 1 child under 14
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Florence Robinson he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? William ROPER aged 36
- leaves widow & 4 children under 14 in England


? Arthur John RUSTON aged 28
- Roadman, married
- leaves widow & 1 child under 14
- he married Sarah HUGHES in 1911
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Sarah Ruston he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
RUSTON - In loving memory of my dear husband, Arthur John Ruston, who lost his life in the Huntly mining disaster, September 12, 1914.
...The midnight stars are beaming upon a silent grave,
...Where sleeping without dreaming is one I could not save;
...In dreams I see his loving face, and kiss his loving brow,
...And whisper, "As I love him then, I love his memory now."
- Inserted by his loving wife and daughter


? John Clark SKELLERN aged 36
- Deputy & Fireman, married
- recovered from the west shaft
- identified by his brother-in-law Herbert Montaque Herdson (married John's sister Cora Clark Skellern in 1914)
- leaves 4 motherless daughters: Ruth, Thelma & Elsie were raised by their grandfather, Richard Skellern, baby Mavis (the surviving twin) was adopted by their neighbour Mavis Greenacre
- he married Euphemia BUCHANAN (1880-1912) in 1903. Euphemia died 2 Oct 1912 during childbirth of twins (a daughter, Mavis, survived)
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
SKELLERN - In loving memory of my dear daddy, who was killed in the Huntly mine explosion on September 12, 1914.
...He bade no one the last good-bye,
...He waved his hand to none;
...His spirit fled before we knew
...That he from us had gone.
- Inserted by Mrs Greenacre, for his loving little daughter Mavis
(daughter Mavis (as Mavis Buckley) died 15 Sep 2000 aged 87)


? William SLAVIN aged 18
- Trucker, single
- brought over from Taupiri West Shaft on 14 Sep
- identified by William Thomas Darby, son of James Darby
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Janet Slavin he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? William SMITH aged 62
- Deputy, married
- reported missing on Sep 15
- leaves widow & grown up family


? John STEELE aged 40
- Roundsman, married
- leaves widow & 5 children under 14
- could only receive the pension for 1 child, the others born outside the Dominion
- identified by his brother Leslie Steele
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
STEEL - In loving memory of John, the dearly-beloved husband of Ellen Steel, who was accidentally killed in the Huntly disaster, September 12, 1914.
...Rest in peace.
- Inserted by his loving wife (E. Steel) and family


? Fred TAYLOR aged 29
- Winch driver, married
- leaves widow and 1 child under 14
- wife's name was Hannah
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of Hannah Taylor he ordered payment of one third of ?775 (?248 6s 8d), the remaining two-thirds (?576 13s 4d) to the Public Trustee on behalf of the children


? Jacob William THOMPSON aged 18
- Horse-driver, single
- identified by his father William Thompson
on 26 May 1915 the Auckland Supreme Court, Mr Justice Cooper apportioned compensation as agreed upon with the Taupiri Coal Mines Ltd. In the case of William Thompson and his wife he jointly allowed ?200 for the loss of their son ($28,760)


? John WHORSKEY aged 36
- Deputy, married
- in charge that day
- recovered from the west shaft & 3rd person to be found
- had been employed at Huntly for 12 years
- he was identified by his brother Patrick Whorskey, also a miner
- leaves a widow, 6 children and another on the way
- he married Martha WEAR in 1902
- their children were:
1903 - James Whorskey
1904 - Eileen Mary Whorskey
1906 - Daniel Wear Whorskey
1908 - Ethel May Whorskey
1910 - John Graham Whorskey
1912 - Blanche Unity Whorskey
New Zealand Herald, 13 September 1915 IN MEMORIAM
WHORSKEY - In fond and loving memory of my dear husband, John Whorskey, who lost his life in the Huntly mining disaster, September 12, 1914.
...What peaceful hours we once enjoyed,
...How sweet his memory still;
...But death has left an aching void,
...The world can never fill.

...If upright worth and virtue claim a tear,
...Tis due to him, a loving father dear,
...Grateful, affectionate, sincere, and kind,
...His memory's dear to those he's left behind.

...Although your hand I cannot clasp,
...Your face I cannot see,
...This little token it will show
...I still remember thee.
- Inserted by his loving wife and children.

taken from the Waikato Coalfields Museum
Ralph Mine Disaster funeral procession 1914
Huntly Post Office and Huntly Press Office in background
14 September 1914
... Quite the most affecting incident in the awful tragedy was the burial this afternoon of the twenty victims which were identified at the inquest when it was formally opened yesterday. The whole of the people of Huntly, and hundreds more from other places, assembled for the sad occasion and the passing of the cortege was so touching a spectacle that emotional outbursts were natural.
Five four-wheeled lorries from Hamilton were requisitioned as hearses and each lorry carried coffins covered with Union Jacks and other patriotic flags. Six coffins containing the bodies of adherents of the Church of England went in front.
These were the bodies of:
Then followed those who were to be buried under Presbyterian auspices. They were:
The Methodist quota followed next. They were:
Those who were to be interred by priests of the Roman Catholice Church were:
The cortege was headed by the Hamilton Brass band, which played the funeral marches en route. A firing party from the old Huntly volunteer corps marched on either side of the improvised hearses and at the grave yards, about 1? miles out of the town, fired three volleys and sounded the Last Post as a mark of respect to those of their comrades who had been members of the colunteer force

4 comment(s), latest 10 years, 2 months ago

who was WILLIAM VENEY (1831-1907) - 50th Regiment

Riverton, (38km west of Invercargill) was established by Captain John Howell (1809-1874) as a whaling station about 1837, when it was called Jacob's River. He took a Maori woman of high rank as his wife and thereby acquired a lot of land. Today, a large memorial beside the Aparima River estuary commemorates Howell. His house, (Howell's Cottage) which survives, was built about that time and is the oldest surviving building in the South Island

William Venery died on Christmas Day 1907 in Riverton aged 76
his OBITUARY appeared in the Otago Witness, 8 January 1908
... A typically colonial adventurous life closed when William Veney, aged 76, died at Riverton on Christmas Day. Veney first came to New Zealand while a soldier in the 50th Regiment, and fought under General (Duncan Alexander) Cameron after Gate Pa. He did not leave with the regiment, and made for the West Coast diggings, coming south to work on the construction of the early railways; he then went to *Orepuki and Longwood. He went south again, and afterwards worked about the Orepuki district. He was part owner of a water race, and sold his share for ?1000, which he invested - and lost - in a coasting vessel. Then he unwillingly fell back on the old-age pension, and though bent double with rheumatism contrived to find for himself till almost the last

*Orepuki, is a settlement on the cliffs overlooking the ocean at Tewaewae Bay. It is connected with Invercargill, via Riverton, and Thornbury and Makarewa Junctions, and is 43 miles from the capital of Southland.
Gold was discovered at Orepuki, in 1865

William Veney's burial not found in Orepuki or Southland District
can you help?

taken from Officers of the 50th Regiment

(William Veney not included. Added here to show the uniform etc)

John DEMPSTER + Elizabeth DUNCAN - Edendale

from WOODLAND marriages 1864 - 1920

* John DEMPSTER aged 30 (actually 37)
- John was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland in 1834
? he married 8 September 1871 to:
* Elizabeth DUNCAN aged 27 (actually 35)
- Elizabeth was born 3 May 1836 Kincardineshire, Scotland, a daughter of William DUNCAN & Isobel CAIRD. She had a son in 1857, James Duncan, who followed her out to NZ after his wife (Ann Main, whom he married in 1881), died in 1885

they lived in Edendale and are buried in Wyndham

- the known children of JOHN & ELIZABETH:
... 1
1872 - Jean Dempster

- Jean married Peter McNAUGHTON (1867-1941) 13 September 1892 in Edendale
- (Isabella Young was a witness)
- Jean & Peter moved north to Taranaki and Waikato
- their known children:
1893 - Elizabeth McNaughton
1895 - ? John McNaughton
1897 - 1972 Joseph Barclay McNaughton
1898? - ? Annie McNaughton
1899 - 1966 William George McNaughton
1900 - 1967 Peter Robert Mcnaughton
1903 - 1975 Norman McNaughton
1908 - 1991 Isabella Jane McNaughton
- Isabella married Cecil Daniel BRYANT (1906-?) in 1931
- son of Daniel Vickery BRYANT & Mary Boucher THOMPSON. Daniel Vickery Bryant was a Farmer, Live Stock Dealer & Stockman in the Waikato. On 17 November 1924 Daniel Vickery Bryant, of Te Rapa, near Hamilton, farmer, expressed his desire to give and present certain lands at Raglan together with certain stock and implements to the trustees named in the aforesaid deed of trust and also to provide money and funds for the erection of a convalescent home for children on the said lands and for the maintenance and upkeep thereof ... more. He decided to stop making money for himself so securing his family with half his worldly goods, he made over the remaining half, founding the Bryant House Trustees (Charitable Trusts).
* A good read (and photos) about Daniel (Google Book, pdf file) at
The Rotatian - Where Land makes Men
* Rosalind McCLEAN wrote a book in 2007 about Daniel entitled A Stockman's Gift
* Vickery Street in Te Rapa was named after him

... 2
1873 - ? William Dempster
- nothing known

... 3
1875 - 1948 John Dempster
- John married Dolena CAMPBELL (1879-1949) in 1898 in the Wyndham Parish
- their known children:
1899 - 1976 John Fergus Dempster
- John married Vera Elizabeth BAIRD (1897-1973) in 1926
- daughter of James Irvine Scorsby BAIRD (1862-1941) & Harriet Maria NOBLE (1872-1955) who married 24 April 1895 in Otautau parish
* another possible son, see photo
JOHN died 28 November 1948 aged 73
DOLENA died 3 April 1949 aged 70
- they are buried Plot 356, Block 33 at Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill
1 In loving memory of
John Dempster
Died 28th Nov 1948 aged 73 years
Also his beloved wife
Dolena Dempster
Died 3rd April 1949 aged 70 years
2 In loving memory
George Campbell Dempster
7.9.1915 - 1.10.1982
And his wife
Margaret Euphemia Dempster
24.11.1919 - 26.3.2003
Always remembered

... 4
1877 - 1935 George Dempster
- George was a member of the Wyndham Athletic Society & enjoyed Bicycle Racing
- he married Annie TAYLOR (1876-1958) in 1898
- their known children:
1899 - 1953 George Percy Dempster
1900 - 1985 Catherine Juanita Pretoria Dempster
1902 - 1987 Ethel Jane Dempster
- Ethel married Edward Lawson TYNDALL (1902-1984) in 1928
- Edward was a son of Arthur William TYNDALL (1857-1939) from Daisy Hill, Victoria, Australia (died in Dunedin) & Frances Ravina Vance LAWSON (1868-1961) from Tuapeka, Otago (died in Christchurch). A brother of Edward Lawson Tyndall, Arthur Tyndall (1891-1979), was a Civil engineer, public servant & arbitration court judge
1905 - 1975 John Ronald Dempster
1907 - 1977 James Douglas Dempster
1911 - ? Annie Constance Dempster
GEORGE died 22 July 1935 aged 58
ANNIE died 22 May 1958 aged 82
- they are buried 126.00 Block I at Edendale cemetery

* John died 19 January 1897 aged 63
* Elizabeth died 30 October 1904 aged 68
- they are buried 8.00 Block VIII at Wyndham cemetery

On Tuesday, 19th January 1897
, at his late residence, Edendale, John Dempster, beloved husband of Elizabeth Dempster; aged 63 years. Native of Aberdeen, Scotland. Deeply regretted
9 Nov 1904 Mrs John Dempster, who had resided at Edendale for close on 30 years, died there on Sunday last

* help would be appreciated in adding to this journal
* It is reported there was a possible child prior to John & Elizabeth's marriage

GRAVE of John & Dolena Dempster & family

Plot 356 Eastern Cemetery Invercargill
1948 - John Dempster
1949 - Dolena Dempster, wife of John
1982 - George Campbell Dempster, possible son of John & Dolena
2003 - Margaret Euphemia Dempster, wife of George

Peter John DONALDSON + Annabella FLEMING - Auckland

from WOODLAND marriages 1864 - 1920

* Peter John DONALDSON aged 25 (1861-1938)
? married 12 August 1885 to:
* Annabella FLEMING aged 22 (1862-1916)

Peter John Donaldson was born in Galsgow, Scotland
- a son of Alexander DONALDSON & Virginia SMELLIE
Annabella Fleming was born in Invercargill
- a daughter of Thomas FLEMING & Janet Gray SCOULAR

- the known children of PETER & ANNABELLA:
... 1
1886 - 1985 Janet Hilda Donaldson

- Janet married Captain Edward Carylon VELLENOWETH (1881-1967)
- Edward was first married to Bolina/Dolina HOE (1875-1951)
- this was possibly Janet's 2nd marriage
- Edward Carlyon Vellenoweth was a son of Edward VELLENOWETH & Annanella 'Anna' DASH from Cornwall who arrived in NZ in March 1862. He was a Government resident agent at Mauke, Cooks Islands and was the CaptaIn of the Tofua and other Union Steam Ship COmpany vessels

... 2
1887 - 1948 Alexander Donaldson
- Alexander married Marjory GORDON-CUMMING (1893-1970) in 1922
ALEXANDER died 25 February 1985 aged 87

... 3
1890 - 1979 Thomas Davies Smellie Donaldson
- Thomas married Edith Martha LAMBARTH (1912-1996) in 1936
- a daughter of Albert Ernest (1887-1964) & Edith Hannah (1890-1974) LAMBARTH

... 4
1892 - 1984 Virginia Donaldson
- born in Palmerston North
- Virginia married Robert RONAYNE (1888-1963) in 1919
- a son of Thomas & Ellen RONAYNE of Petone
VIRGINIA died 22 Dec 1984 aged 92 in Auckland

... 5
1896 - 1918 Ian Douglas Donaldson
- Ian was born at St Hellier's Bay, Auckland. He served in WWI as Lance Corporal 25688 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 8th Reinforcements 3rd Battalion, G Company, embarking from Wellington 23 September 1916. His next of kin was his father Peter John Donaldson of The Grange, Ranganui, North Auckland. Ian was KILLED IN ACTION 5 April 1918 in Somme, France. Grevillers (New Zealand Memorial)

... 6
1897 - Victoria Elizabeth Annabella Donaldson
- born in Auckland
- Victoria married Owen PHILLIPS (1899-1966) in 1926

... 7
1899 - 1995 James Andrew Donaldson
- James married Alice SMITH (1907-1978) in 1940 in Auckland
JAMES died 30 July 1995 aged 96 in Auckland

... 8
1906 - 2008 Moira Colina Donaldson
- Moira married Tyrell Henry Cronwell SNELLING (1901-1959) in 1928
- a son of Douglas Cromwell SNELLING & Violet Helen de LABROSE

* Annabella died 19 January 1916 in Auckland aged 53
- she is buried Block F Row 41 Plot 004 at Purewa Cemetery
* Peter John died 13 September 1938 aged 77
- he is buried Block F Row 41 Plot 003 at Purewa Cemetery


SHEARS buried Timaru

the SHEARS buried at Timaru to Sep 2010
- all interred at Timaru Cemetery unless otherwise stated -

? Alfred Shears (1851-1938)
- Alfred was buried 14 October 1938, aged 87
- Plot 368, Row 5, Block G
... buried with Jane BURFIELD, (2 Nov 1904 aged 74)

? Annie Shears (nee COOKE) (1851-1932)
- she married Benjamin Shears in Yorkshire in 1873
- Annie was buried 16 September 1932, aged 81
- Plot 366, Row 40, Block E2
In Loving Memory Of
Died May 12th 1925
Aged 78 years
Died Sept 14th 1932 aged 79 YEARS

? Arthur William Shears (1912-1947)
- Arthur was buried 19 January 1947, aged 34
- Plot 133, Row 138, Block N
In Loving Memory Of
Beloved Husband Of
Died 17th Jan 1947 aged 34
Also His Beloved Wife
Died 29th June 1953 aged 34

? Arthur William Shears (1890-1956)
- Arthur married Muriel Jane STOCKDALE in 1912
- Arthur was buried 17 April 1956, aged 65
- Plot 1465, Row 58
In Loving Memory Of
ARTHUR Loved Husband Of Muriel J. Shears
passed Away 15-4-45 aged 65
ALSO his Loved Wife
Passed Away 21-8-65

? Arthur Cecil Shears (1919-2001)
- died 13 January 2001 aged 82
- Arthur was buried 16 January 2001 at Geraldine Cemetery
- Plot 19, Row 353
In Memory Of
Elizabeth Helen Shears 6th June 1994 aged 83
Loved Wife of Arthur Cecil Shears
Arthur C. Shears 7640, 2nd NZEF, Pte, 4 FD Amb
died 13.1.2001 aged 82 years

? Benjamin 'Ben' Shears (1847-1925)
- son of Samuel SHEARS & Hannah STACEY (see SHEARS BRICKYARD link below)
- he married Annie COOKE in 1873 in Attcliffe, Yorkshire & had 13 children
their 3 Yorkshire born children:
* 1874 - Benjamin Cooke Shears
* 1876 - James Shears
* 1878 - Annie Emma Shears
their 10 New Zealand born children:
* 1880 - Mary Jane Shears
* 1883 - Florence Shears
* 1885 - Henrietta Shears
* 1887 - Elizabeth Snowdrop Shears
* 1889 - Thomas Edward Henry Shears
* 1893 - Archie 'Victor' Lloyd Shears
* 1894 - Charles William Stacey Shears
* 1895 - 1978 Samuel Shears
- born Xmas Eve 1895, Samuel served in WWI as Private 6/2753 with the Canterbury Infantry battalion, 6th Reinforcements, embarking from Wellington 14 Aug 1915, his next of kin was his father Ben of Stafford St, Timaru. Samuel married Amelia Lottie BOYCE in 1920. A son, Frederick George Shears, NZ413489 with the Royal New Zealand Air Force, 14 Advanced Flying Unit, died in WWII 2 July 1942 in the UK and buried Plot E. Div. 3. Grave 114., Orpington (St Mary Cray) Cemetery, Kent, England
* 1898 - Emily Ethel Sophia Shears
* 1900 - Joseph Emmanuel Shears
- Ben was buried 12 May 1925, aged 78
- Plot 366, Row 40

? Benjamin James Shears (1906-1983)
- married Ivy Dorothy GOULD in 1928
- son of James SHEARS & Minerva INESON
- Benjamin was buried 26 January 1983, aged 76
- Plot 750, Row 54, Block L
Kathleen Joy Shears died 1952 aged 6 days
Ellen Margaret Bray died 1981 aged 63 years
Benjamim J. Shears died 1983 aged 76 years
Florence M. T. Shears died 2006 aged 91

? Cecil Shears (1899-1899)
- Cecil was buried 30 April 1899, aged 4 months
- buried Plot 89, Row 82, Block S

? Clarence Robert Shears (1914-1999)
- died 1 August 1999 aged 85
- his ashes buried 12 August 1999
- Plot 17, Row 401, Block 1
In Loving Memory Of
Clarence Robert Shears 1914 - 1999

? Doris Amy Shears (1903-1977)
- Doris was buried 11 October 1977
- Plot 1072, Row 147, Block LB
In Loving Memory Of
dearly loved wife of
died 9th Oct 1977 - aged 74
Also her loved husband
died 14th April 1987 - aged 79
Loved By All

? Elizabeth Helen Shears (1911-1995)
- died 6 June 1994 aged 83
- she was buried 8 June 1994 at Geraldine Cemetery
- Plot 19, Row 353, Block 63
In Memory Of
Elizabeth Helen Shears
6th June 1994 aged 83
Loved Wife Of Arthur Cecil Shears
Arthur C. Shears 7640, 2nd NZEF, Pte, 4 FD Amb
died 13.1.2001 aged 82 years

? Florence Mabel Talbot Shears (1915-2007)
- died 2 October 2006 aged 91
- Florence buried 3 June 2007
- Plot 750, Row 54
Kathleen Joy Shears died 1952 aged 6 day
Ellen Margaret Bray died 1981 aged 63 years
Benjamim J. Shears died 1983 aged 76 years
Florence M. T. Shears died 2006 aged 91

? Frank Thomas Shears (1882-1901)
- Frank was buried 2 December 1901, aged 19
- Plot 436, Row 7, Block G
In Memory Of Frank Thomas Shears
Son of James and Mary Shears
Died Nov 23 1901 aged 19 years
So Loved So Mourned
ALSO our Beloved Mother
Mary Shears
who departed this life October 7th 1919 aged 63 years
Tender Mother and a Faithful Friend

? Hannah Matilda Shears (nee STACEY) (1818-1899)
- married Samuel Shears in 1839 & had 11 children prior to emigrating to NZ on the Waitangi which arrived into Auckland 20 Nov 1874. Many of their children arrvied at different times. With them were their children Alfred aged 20, William aged 19, Robert aged 12 & Henry aged 24, with his wife Mary and 3 children
- she was buried 2 August 1899 aged 81. The first arrival of this family to New Zealand was James Shears who sailed on the Carrick Castle, arriving into Otago 4 August 1871 and it was he who sent for the rest of his family in 1874. Another son, Benjamin & wife Annie and 3 children arrived into Lyttelton 21 Feb 1880 on the Westland
- Hannah was buried 2 August 1899 ahed 81
- Plot 86, Row 15, Block D
... buried with Samuel (1876) & Samuel (1899)
... This Shears family started the SHEARS BRICKYARD in Timaru in 1874 and the story of this Brickworks and of the life of the Shears is well documented at that link with lots of photos

? Henry Shears (1898-1898)
- buried 8 March 1898 aged 1 week
- Plot 116, Row 89, Block SE

? Henry Shears (1885-1910)
- buried 27 November 1910, aged 25
- Plot 434, Row 7, Block G
In Memory Of
The Beloved Son of
Robert & Matilda Shears
Died 24th Nov 1910 aged 25 years
At Rest
Robert, Beloved Husband of Matilda Shears
Died Sept. 1924 aged 63 years
Till we Meet Again
Matilda, Beloved Wife of Above
Died Dec 3rd 1
Aged 67 years

? James Shears (1876-1957)
- buried 20 December 1957, aged 81
- Plot 982, Row 55, Block L
- James married Minerva Ineson in 1904
their known children:
* 1904 - Muriel Ivy Shears
* 1906 - Benjamin James Shears
* 1907 - Walter Ineson Shears
* 1909 - Thomas Austin Shears
* 1911 - William Edward Shears
In Memory Of
Born 3rd July 1876
Died 17th Dec 1957
Also His Wife
Died 12th Sept. 1963 aged 83

? Joan Dickson Shears (1920-2010)
- died 22 August 2010 aged 90
- buried 3 September 2010
- Plot 17, Row 401
In Loving Memory Of
Clarence Robert Shears 1914 - 1999
AND Joan Dickson Shears 1919 - 2010

? Kathleen Joy Shears (1952-1952)
- buried 3 October 1952, aged 6 days
- Plot 750, Row 54, Block L
Kathleen Joy Shears died 1952 aged 6 day
Ellen Margaret Bray died 1981 aged 63 years
Benjamim J. Shears died 1983 aged 76 years
Florence M. T. Shears died 2006 aged 91

? Mary Shears (nee AIREY) (1856-1919)
- Mary married James Shears in 1879 (the founder of the Brickyard)
their known children:
1880 - Margaret Shears
1882 - Frank Thomas Shears
1884 - Mary Shears
- buried 10 October 1919, aged 63
- Plot 437, Row 7, Block G
10 October 1919 The death in Timaru on Tuesday last of Mrs Mary Shears, widow of the late james Shears, at one time a well-known brickyard proprietor, in Canterbury, and mother of Mrs Reg. Alexander, of Whangarei. News of her illness was received on Monday and Mrs Alexander left for the South on Tuesday by the Manaia, but unfortunately arrived too late. Mrs Shears has been a resident of Timaru for over 50 years, having arrived there from England as a girl with her parents. She was of a quiet and retiring disposition, but beloved and respected by all who had the privilege of her friendship. Mr Shears died in England last February during the epidemic.
In Memory Of Frank Thomas Shears
Son of James and Mary Shears
Died Nov 23 1901 aged 19 years
So Loved So Mourned
ALSO our Beloved Mother
Mary Shears
who departed this life October 7th 1919 aged 63 years
Tender Mother and a Faithful Friend

? Matilda Shears (nee LLOYD) (1862-1929)
- Matilda married Robert Shears in 1882
- she was buried 5 December 1929, aged 67
- Plot 434, Row 7, Block G
In Memory Of
The Beloved Son of
Robert & Matilda Shears
Died 24th Nov 1910 aged 25 years
At Rest
Robert, Beloved Husband of Matilda Shears
Died Sept. 1924 aged 63 years
Till we Meet Again
Matilda, Beloved Wife of Above
Died Dec 3rd 1
Aged 67 years

? Michael Trevor Shears (1968-1968)
- died 14 July 1968 aged 7 months
- he was buried 16 July 1968
- Plot 104, Row 63
In Loving Memory Of
MICHEAL (sic) SHEARS 14-7-68 aged 7 months
Dearly Loved Son Of Zita

? Minerva Shears (nee INESON) (1880-1963)
- Minerva arived into Lyttelton in Nov 1882 on the Marlborough with her parents James & Maria Ineson (1835-1892) and she attended Hilton School in Timaru
- Minerva married James Shears in 1904
- buried 14 September 1963, aged 82
- Plot 982, Row 55, Block L
In Memory Of
Born 3rd July 1876
Died 17th Dec 1957
Also His Wife
Died 12th Sept. 1963 aged 83

? Muriel Jane Shears (nee STOCKDALE) (1889-1965)
- Muriel married Arthur William Shears in 1912
- she was buried 23 August 1965, aged 76
- Plot 1465, Row 58, Block L
In Loving Memory Of
ARTHUR Loved Husband Of Muriel J. Shears
passed Away 15-4-45 aged 65
ALSO his Loved Wife
Passed Away 21-8-65

? Robert Shears (1861-1924)
- Robert married Matilda Lloyd in 1881
their known children:
* 1883 - Frances Matilda Shears
* 1885 - Henry Robert Shears
* 1888 - Louisa Shears
* 1891 - Arthur Shears
- Robert was buried 6 September 1924, aged 63
- Plot 434, Row 7, Block G
In Memory Of
The Beloved Son of
Robert & Matilda Shears
Died 24th Nov 1910 aged 25 years
At Rest
Robert, Beloved Husband of Matilda Shears
Died Sept. 1924 aged 63 years
Till we Meet Again
Matilda, Beloved Wife of Above
Died Dec 3rd 1
Aged 67 years

? Rosina Constance Shears (1919-1953)
- Rosina was buried 30 June 1953, aged 34 years
- Plot 133, Row 138, Block N
In Loving Memory Of
Beloved Husband Of
Died 17th Jan 1947 aged 34
Also His Beloved Wife
Died 29th June 1953 aged 34

? Samuel Shears (1874-1876)
- buried 10 September 1876, aged 2
- Plot 86, Row 15, Block D
... buried with Samuel (1900) & Hannah (1899)

? Samuel Shears (1816-1900)
- buried 27 February 1900, aged 83
- Plot 86, Row 15, Block D
... buried with Samuel (1876) & Hannah (1899)

? Victor Shears (1893-1900)
- buried 19 June 1900, aged 7 years
- Plot 723, Row 424 at Geraldine Cemetery

? Walter Ineson Shears (1908-1987)
- son of James SHEARS & Minerva INESON
- he was buried 16 April 1987, aged 79
- Plot 1072, Row 147, Block LB
In Loving Memory Of
dearly loved wife of
died 9th Oct 1977 - aged 74
Also her loved husband
died 14th April 1987 - aged 79
Loved By All

? William Edward Shears (1911-1978)
- buried 10 April 1978, aged 67
- Plot 163, Row 160, Block 4
111637 - CPL.
Died 6.4.1978 - 67 years
2nd N.Z.E.F.

Plot 434, Row 7, Block G at Timaru Cemetery
In Memory Of
The Beloved Son of
Robert & Matilda Shears
Died 24th Nov 1910 aged 25 years
At Rest
Robert, Beloved Husband of Matilda Shears
Died Sept. 1924 aged 63 years
Till we Meet Again
Matilda, Beloved Wife of Above
Died Dec 3rd 1
Aged 67 years