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David Earl LINDSAY & Elizabeth BROWN - Napier, Hawkes Bay

- born in Glasgow, Scotland
married in 1856 to ELIZABETH BROWN (1838-1911)

the known children of DAVID & ELIZABETH:
... 1
1857 - Ann Earl Lindsay
- born in Wellington

... 2
1859 - 1907 David Earl Lindsay
- born in Wellington
- David was a Mail Agent to San Francisico
Hawke's Bay Herald, 26 Feb 1898
George Bee to David Earl Lindsay, small grazing run, No 14, Moeangiangi - Approved
DAVID died 15 May 1907 aged 48
20 May 1907 - With reference to the death of Mr David Earl Lindsay, for the past ten years mail agents on the mailboats running between Auckland and San Francisco, which occurred at a private hospital in Wellington last Wednesday night, the "New Zealand Times" says Mr Lindsay entered the hospital on Thursday week for the purpose of undergoing an operation (for a hernia). The operation was performed on Friday morning, since when the patient had made steady progress towards recovery. He was visited on the Wednesday evening by his brother-in-law, Mr R. D. Kelly (of the General Post Office), and when that gentleman left him, between 8 and 9 p.m., Mr Lindsay was quite bright and cheerful. A couple of hours later he complained to the nurse about his heart, and almost immediately died, death, of course, being due to heart failure.
Mr Lindsay was a popular and capable official, who might reasonably have expected promotion in the near future. He was extremely well liked by the officers of the American liners, with whom he had so frequently crossed the Pacific. He was in San Francisco during the big earthquake and fire in April of last year, on which occasion he distinguished himself by getting the mails away from the vessel in the harbour (after all steamers had been prohibited from leaving port), carried to the ferry depot, and from there transferred to Oakland, where they were placed on a Vancouver express. This was done by Mr Lindsay entirely on his own initiative, cable communication with New Zealand having been temporarily cut off. By his flight from the flaming city with the mails, Mr Lindsay was enabled to catch the mailboat at Vancouver and the bags were conveyed to Wellington weeks before they would have arrived had there been any hesitation on his part. Mr Lindsay's friend, who was staying in the same hotel, was killed in the next room to that occupied by Mr Lindsay. For his prompt action on the occasion mentioned, Mr Lindsay received the thanks of the head of the Postal Department.
Mr Lindsay, who was forty-seven years of age, was a son of the late Mr David Lindsay, an old and respected resident of Napier, and once a well-known contractor there. He was born on Wellington, but was taken to Napier when a child. He was there educated at the Napier Grammar School and on July 26th 1875, he entered the Post Office. He was at one time in the Christchurch office, and many friends in this district. The deceased gentleman was a bachelor. Mrs R. D. Kelly, whose husband is in the General Post Office, is a sister of the late Mr Lindsay and there are two brothers living in Napier
David is buried Plot 4 M, Section PUNLIC2 at Karori cemetery
December 1907 - David's Estate was certified for stamp duty at ‎£1549 (Dec 2012 equivalent of $243,800)

... 3
1861 -1865 Elizabeth Earl Lindsay
on 19th February 1865 at Napier, Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr David E. Lindsay, aged four years

... 4
1862 - 1865 Stephen Earl Lindsay
- born in Napier
on 19 November 1862, the wife of Mr D, E, Lindsay, of a son
on 16th April 1865 at Napier, Stephen, only son of Mr David E. Lindsay, aged 2 years and 6 months
He is buried Old Napier Cemetery

... 5
1867 - Agnes Earl Lindsay
on 19th February 1867, at Napier, the wife of Mr David E. Lindsay, of a daughter
- Agnes married Robert Daniel KELLY in 1891 at St Pauls Presbyterian Church, Napier. Robert worked at the General Post Office, Wellington

... 6
1869 - 1943 Thomas Earl Lindsay
* he was an Auctioneer and stock agent
Thomas married Cecilia Mary Lee RYAN in St Pauls Presbyterian Church, Napier
on January 21 1900, at Napier, Thomas Earl Lindsay to Cecilia Mary Lee Ryan, of Auckland
their known children
1900 - 1989 Eileen Elizabeth Earl Lindsay
- born 30 October 1900
- on 16 Feb 1914 Eileen, aged 13 years 4 months, of Omakere, was a 'first-day' pupil of the new Iona College
- Eileen married Gordon Spencer CAMPBELL in 1924
1901 - 1979 Kathleen Earl Lindsay
- born 12 December 1901
- on 16 Feb 1914 Kathleen, aged 12 years 2 months, of Omakere, was a 'first-day' pupil of the new Iona College
- Kathleen married Keith William Sutherland McRAE in 1923
1904 - 1993 Douglas Earl Lindsay
1910 - Ima Earl Lindsay
* Thomas died 16 Oct 1943 in Hastings, Hawkes Bay

... 7
1870 - 1948 Rosa Margaret Earl Lindsay
Rosa was a Teacher. She married Robert Finch HARRIS (1861-1906) in St Pauls Presbyterian Church, Napier 29 Sep 1899 as his 2nd wife. He had first married Ada Kate Norris in 1885. (In 1898 Robert was in Waipiro)
on 16 Aug 1897, at the Auckland Hospital, after a long and painful illness, Ada Kate, the beloved wife of Robert Finch Harris, and eldest daughter of the late Capt. Norris, of Tauranga, aged 34
their known children
1900 - Rita Louise Harris
on 17 Aug 1906, at Timaru, Robert Finch Harris, beloved husband of Rosa Harris, 2 Bristol street, St Albans, Christchurch
Rosa died 10 Sep 1948

... 8
1872 - Stephen Earl Lindsay
27 July 1915 in Waipukurau
Stephen Earl Lindsay was charged with the theft of an overcoat, valued at £2, from a motor car at the New Plymouth railway station, the property of W. G. Cresswell.
17 Aug 1917 in New Plymouth
Stephen Earl Lindsay, labourer, New Plymouth, pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to enrol as a reservist. It ultimately transpired that the defendant, who was 45 years of age was still liable to enrolment in the First Division. His Worship said he was satisfied that the man before him, James Williams (some reports have written James Wilson), was Stephen Earl Lindsay and that he had changed his name for the purpose of avoiding servie and he was convicted and sentenced to two months imprisonment with hard labour.
5 Nov 1918 at Gisborne
An arrest was effected at Tahunga station on Sunday last, by Detective McLeod and Constable Maloney, of a man named Stephen Earl Lindsay, alias James Wilson (some reports have written James Williams) who is thought to be a military offender. Accused appeared before Mr W. A. Barton, S.N., at the Police Court this morning, and was charged with having on November 28th, 1917, at New Plymouth, been absent from camp without leave; also on a further charge that, being enrolled in the First Division, he had answered questions by Detective McLeod in a false and willfully misleading manner. Sergeant Clarkson, in applying for a remand until the 12th inst., said that accused had only reached Tahunga station the night previous to his arrest, He had in his possession a leave-with-out-pay certificate in the name of William Hall, a C2 man. The adjournment was granted

... 9
1874 - 1930 John Earl Lindsay
John was born 2 March 1874
He married Julia Catherine Torr (1883-1916) in 1903 & had 6 known children
John died 24 July 1930 in Waipawa, Hawkes Bay

... 10
1877 - 1954 Elizabeth Earl Lindsay
Elizabeth was born 31 Dec 1877.
She was a School Mistress.
She married Thomas James BOLAND (1871-1939) in St Pauls Presbyterian Church, Napier 15 June 1909
5 February 1909 Thomas James Boland, was appointed deputy of the registrar of births and deaths for the district of Hutt.
Elizabeth died 25 May 1954 in Napier

... 11
1879 - 1948 Robert Earl Lindsay
Robert was an Engineer.
He married Gladys Barbara NEILSON in 1912 & had 2 known daughters
Robert died 23 March 1948 and his ashes at in Plot 37, Row F, Columbarium Niche Wall at Waikumete Cemetery

... 12
1881 - 1977 Jane Constance Earl Lindsay
born 7 September 1881, Jane didn't marry
She died 20 Aug 1977 in Napier

1858 WELLINGTON Electoral Roll
... David Earl Lindsay is a Carpenter in Ghuznee St

Wellington Independent, 12 April 1859
* Name: Lindsay, David Earl - Place of Abode: Thorndon Flat - Nature of Qualification: Freehold - Place where Property situate: Wingfield-street, house and land

30 October 1860 - PUBLIC AUCTION, Wellington
... Messrs SMITH & Co., have received instructions from the Trustees of the Land on Deferred Payments Society, to see by Public Auction at their Mart, Willis street, on Tuesday, 13th November, 1860 all that Freehold House in Molesworth street lately occupied by David E. Lindsay, with the land thereunto appertaining, having a frontage of 30 feet by a depth of 100 feet, now let for two years from 1st January, 1860, to L. Lewis, at a rental of ‎£50 per annum (equivalent to about $6000 in 2012). The above Lots are mortgaged to the Trustees of the Land on Deferred Payments Society, who will allow a large portion of purchase money to remain on mortgage if desired by the purchaser

11 January 1862 - Letter to His Honor Capt. Carter, Napier
... Sir, We, the undersigned, respectfully request your Honor to convene a Public Meeting, at as early a date as possible, for the purpose of discussing a system to be proposed for leasing the Agricultural Lands of this Province from their Native owners, and effecting an organization by which the views of the settlers on that subject may be laid before His Excellency Sir G. Grey.
We have the honor to remain, Sir, Your most obedient servants,
* Thomas Andrew Bridge
* John Buchanan
* W. Colenso
* G. Faulknor
* T. H. Fitzgerald
* John Garry
* V. Janisch
* J. J. Kelly
* David E. Lindsay
* Edward Lyndon
* W. Maltby
* Charles Mogridge
* W. Miller
* T. K. Newton
* W. Routledge
* H. B. Sealy
* James Symonds
* Thomas Dawson Triphook
* John Wilkinson
* Edward G. Wright

Hawke's Bay Herald, 8 April 1863
LIST OF THOSE PERSONS who during the months of January, February and March sent in the CLAIMS to the District of NAPIER for the purpose of having their NAMES placed on the ELECTORAL ROLL for the year 1863-64
Name: Lindsay, David Earl - Place of Abode: Napier - Nature of Qualification: Freehold -
Place where Property situate: Milton Road, Napier, part of Suburban Section No 24, consisting of a quarter acre with buildings thereon

30 May 1863 - O'CONNELL MONUMENT, Napier
... On Monday next, the 1st June, at ½-past 7 p.m. a Preliminary Meeting of persons disposed to co-operate with the Dublin Committee for the erection of a National Monument to the Memory of O'CONNELL, will be held at the Star Hotel, to arrange proceedings
* John Buchanah
* M. Boylan
* James Hoherty
* Alexander Browne
* R. D. Maney
* David E. LINDSAY
* Martin McNalty
* John Curling

13 June 1868 - in NAPIER
... It is hereby agreed by and between the undersigned WILLIAM MILLER and DAVID EARL LINDSAY, both of Napier, in the Province of Hawke's Bay, Builders, hitherto carrying on business in co-partnership together, at Napier, aforesaid, under the style or firm of "Miller and Lindsay," that the said partnership shall cease, determine and be dissolved by mutual agreement, as and from the fifteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight
- WILLIAM MILLER & DAVID EARL LINDSAY. Witness, Joshua Cuff, Solicitor, Napier
... In reference to the above notice of dissolution of the partnership hitherto existing between us, the undersigned, it is requested that all accounts against the late firm be sent in forthwith for liquidation, and that ll monies due to the same be paid without delay, to either, whose respective receipt shall be a sufficient discharge for all moneys paid to him on account of the said firm
THE undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that the business heretofore carried on by the firm of "Miller and Lindsay," will for the future be conducted by himself alone; and trusts to merit as large a share of the public patronage as has been bestowed upon the late firm. DAVID EARL LINDSAY, Napier, June 11, 1888
- THE Undersigned, William Miller, in retiring from the late firm of "Miller and Lindsay," begs to thank the public for the support received during the time they have carried on business in Napier; and trusts that a continuance of that support will be bestowed upon his late partner, David Earl Lindsay, who will for the future carry on the said business on his own behalf. WILLIAM MILLER, Napier, June 11, 1868

... David Earl Lindsay applied to have his name erased from the list, as he was neither the owner nor the occupier of the section for which he was assessed. Name erased

... The following jury was impaneled:- David Earl Lindsay (foreman), J. Harris, C. Saunders, W. C. Hunt, C. Lamb, G. E. Toop, J. Wall, G. Clifton, T. Hyde, W. Tuckwell, J. Cooper and J. Morgan

... GENTLEMEN, My intention to stand at the approaching Municipal election is already known to you; and I now beg respectfully to solicit your votes. That the outlying parts of the Town and the Hill sections have not in the past had that fair attention which their due is a feeling no confined to myself. Representation on the subject have been made to me, and it will be my special care, if favored with your support, to endeavor to secure consideration for the wants of every part of the Borough in some degree proportionate to its contribution to the rates. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, DAVID EARL LINDSAY

21 March 1879 - IN THE SUPREME COURT
... This is to notify that David Earl Lindsay, of Napier, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay, and Colony of New Zealand, Builder, has this day filed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Wellington District, at Napier, a Deed of Assignment, whereby the said David Earl Lindsay has conveyed all his property real and personal to John Buchanan, of Napier aforesaid, Gentleman, and Walter Guthrie, of Dunedin, Timber Merchant, as trustees for the benefit of all his creditors, and a meeting of the Creditors of the said David Earl Lindsay is hereby convened to be held at the Court House of the Supreme Court, at Napier aforesaid, on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1879, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of the said Creditors assenting to the said Deed. - Dated this 20th day of March, 1879, DUNCAN GUY, Registrar

... An arranging Debtor - Mr D. E. LINDSAY, is authorised to collect all Debts due to the Estate and to sufficient receipts for the same. All accounts must be paid forthwith. W. K. REES, Solicitor for trustees

7 December 1892 - DEATH of David Earl Lindsay
... At his late residence, Shakespeare-road, Napier, on December 7th, David Earl Lindsay, aged 68. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Friday), at 3 p.m.
... Mr David Lindsay, who has passed away to the unknown land, was for many years in business here as a builder, first in partnership with Mr William Miller, and later on singly. Mr Lindsay came to New Zealand from America some 30 years ago, in company with Mr Miller. Till a few years ago the deceased was a very prominent figure in local politics, taking a very deep interest in all that affected the well-being of the district. Mr Lindsay leaves a widow and grown-up family to mourn his decease, the news of which will be heard with regret by a large circle of friends and acquaintances

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 9 months ago

WOON marriages New Zealand 1852 - 1932

the known WOON marraiges New Zealand 1852 - 1932


Arthur Woon
- married Fanny Jane COOK (1876-1916) 28 June 1899
- known childrren:
1900 - James Leslie Woon
1902 - Clara Woon
1906 - Arthur Henry Woon
1909 - Sydney John Woon
1912 - Eric Edward Woon
- Arthur next married Caroline 'Carrie' EPPLETT (1887-1935) 28 Oct 1918

Arthur Robert Woon
- married Alice Frances KIERMAN in 1887
- known children:
1891 - Kate Garland Woon
1898 - Karena Waitawa Woon
1904 - Charles George karena Woon

Charles George Karena Woon (1904-1940)
- born in New Plymouth, a son of Arthur Robert WOON & Alice Frances KIERMAN
- married Doris Josephine POWELL in 1924
- they later divorced
- Charles served in WWII as Gunner 23239 with the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force (2NZEF), 2nd Echelon, New Zealand Artillery, 5Field Regiment, enlisting from 163 Mt Eden Road, Auckland. His next of kin was his daughter, Miss Rosemarie Woon, St John's Hill, Wanganui. Charles died on active service on 21 Oct 1940 in England aged 36. He is buried Sec. B. Grave 1037, Lenham Cemetery, Lenham, Kent, England

Edwin Turner Woon
- married Harriette PENFOLD in 1857

Ernest Edmund Woon
- married Ivy ANDERSON in 1920

Garland William Robert Woon (1832-1895)
- Licensed Interpreter under the "Native Land Act, 1873"
- married Ann Bennett GEORGE in 1852
- known children:
1853 - William Garland Woon
1854 - unnamed Woon
1855 - Arthur Robert Woon
1858 - James Richard Woon
8 June 1895 - A sad and sudden death occurred last evening (in Taranaki), when Mr Garland W. Woon, a very old resident, fell into the river, owing to failure of the heart. Mr Woon was sixteen years a clerk of the R.M. and District Courts here. He was retrenched in 1892. He was the eldest son of the late Rev William Woon, Wesleyan Methodist Missionary to the New Zealand and Friendly Island. Deceased was founder of the first newspaper in New Zealand
27 June 1922 - A colonist of over 81 years standing in New Zealand, Mrs G. W. Woon, died at Auckland last Tuesday evening at the age of 90. Born at Helston, Cornwall, she arrived, as a child age eight, with her parents, Mr and Mrs George, at New Plymouth in the ship 'Oriental' in 1841. She married Mr Woon, original proprietor of the Taranaki Herald, in 1852. In 1868 Mrs Woon came to Wanganui, and later went to Auckland, finally settling at Papakura with her second son Mr Arthur Woon. Mrs Woon went through very stirring and trying times during the Maori war. She is survived by three sons, Messrs William and James Woon of the Wanganui district and Mr A. Woon, farmer, Papakura. The late Mrs Woon was an aunt of Mr A. Newell, Fraser road

Henry Woon
- married Emily FRANKLIN in 1908
- known children:
1909 - William James Woon
1911 - Bessie Edith Woon

James 'Jimmy'Woon (1850-1934)
- married Elizabeth LEAN (1856-1925) in 1876
- known children:
1877 - 1878 Clara Woon
- born in Napier
1879 - 1908 William James Woon
- buried Havelock North
1882 -1882 Edith Woon
1883 - 1959 Henry Woon

James Leslie Woon
- married Rita May OVEREND in 1925

James Richard Woon
- married Agnes McDONALD in 1881
- known children:
1882 - Percy Garland Woon
1884 - Arnold Dunstan Woon
1885 - Una Garland Woon
1886 - Sydney Garland Woon
1890 - Nina Agnes Woon
1892 - Emily garland Woon
1900 - Leonard Woon

John Woon
- married Frances Elizabeth SELMIN in 1867

Percy Garland Woon (1882-1933)
- married Mary Jervois ROULSTON (1883-?) in 1913
- he married Isabel RAWSTON in 1919

Richard Watson Woon
- married Frances 'Fanny' LAKE in 1864
- known children:
1866 - Emily Alice Woon
1867 - William Howard Woon
1872 - Ernest Edmund Woon

Sidney Garland Woon
- married Gertrude Helen POWELL in 1914

William Garland Woon
- married Ada NEWELL in 1883
- known children:
1884 - Alice Garland Woon
1887 - Jessie Kathleen Woon
1891 - unnamed Woon

William James Woon
- married Maribel Maud HART in 1932


Kate Garland Woon (1891-1977)
- married Basil Harry Anstey WILSON (1889-1960) in 1912

Nellie Marjorie Woon
- married Leslie George HORROCKS in 1913

Nina Agnes Woon (1888-1943)
- married Stephen Yerbury TOWGOOD (1879-1948) in 1914

AMBROTYPE (positive image on a sheet of glass)
September 1858, aged 26 - Mrs ANNE WOON (nee George)

wife of Garland William Robert Woon, holding her son James. Mrs Woon is wearing a bonnet with a shawl-like attachment to it. The bonnet is tied in a bow under her chin. James is blurred, having moved while the image was being exposed. Inscription on rear of ambrotype reads: "Anne wife of Garland W R Woon, eldest son of W J Woon, with their baby James Richard age 8 months, Wanganui Sept 1858". Ambrotype is housed in a metal enclosure, which may possibly have been removed from a leather case previously. The enclosure has an embossed edge.
- from Puke Ariki

Passengers to NZ on the IONIC - October 1892

transcribed from informatIon at Papers Past
* I have listed the names alphabetically for easier reading
* Like names put together may, or may not be, related to each other
* Their port of destination does not necessarily mean they settled there

14 October 1892 - ARRIVAL at HOBART
... Ionic, s.s. from London, arrived here at 8.15a.m. yesterday. The Ionic left the Royal Albert Dock at 8.30 a.m. on September 2; arrived at Plymouth at 1.42p.m. on the 3rd, and left again the same day at 5 p.m. Had N.W. winds and fine weathor to Teneriffe, which was reached at 8 a.m. on September 8. Left Teneriffe at 3.56p.m. same day. The line was crossed on September 15 in 10deg. W. The S.E. trades were encountered in lat. 5 N., and continued until the day before reaching Table Bay; arrived at Table Bay at 9.47p.m. on September 23, and left the following day at 3.53p.m. Unfavourable winds were experienced for the first part of the journey across the Southern Ocean, but in long. 72deg. E., fell in with favourable westerly winds. Tho meridian of the Leuwin was crossed on October 9, thence to arrival had variable winds and fine weather. The longest day's run was 337 miles. Three cases of scarlatina broke out on the outward voyage but on arrival at the Cape a clean bill of health was obtained, so that all fear of further infection was removed. When nearing the meridian of Cape Leuwln several icebergs of moderate size were passed. The voyage has occupied 39 days 5h., the total steaming time being 38 days 2 h., 50m. Thirty-two passengers land here, and 161 go on to New Zealand. The usual amusements, such as dances, games, sports, etc., have been enjoyed by all on board, amd have tended to separate some of the monotony of the voyage. The Ionic leaves here for New Zealand this morning. Mr Kane, the purser, kindly supplied us with particulars of the voyage, and Cape and English files

18 October 1892 - ARRIVAL of the R.M.S. IONIC
... This vessel arrived this morning and will commence discharging at once.
Goods impeding the discharge will be landed and stored at risk and expense of consignee. Orders for delivery of cargo will be issued on production of bills of lading, and payment of freight (if any).
cargo landed in a damaged condition must be examined and claim settled before removal from the discharging shed. - W. G. TURNBULL & CO., Agents. Captain Kidley will not be responsible for any debts his crew may contract without his written authority

19 October 1892 - PASSENGERS per the s.s. IONIC
WELLINGTON ... The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's magnificent and powerful s.s.Ionic, 4753 Tons Register, 3000 Horse-power, W. H. KIDLEY, Commander. which sailed from London on September 2nd, arrived at 10 o'clock this morning, but no communication has yet been held with her, as she has scarlatina on board. The sufferers will be moved to the Quarantine Station and the vessel berthed during the afternoon. The scarlatina is confined to the children of the Alexanders, who are third class passengers for Auckland

? Miss ADAMS (for Auckland from Hobart)

? Mr Thomas BOUCHER - Mr T. S. BOUCHER - Master BOUCHER (for Christchurch)

? Miss BOYLE (for Christchurch)


? Mrs J. B. CAMERON - Master CAMERON - Miss CAMERON & maid
Captain Cyril CAMERON - Mrs CAMERON


? Miss CHINNERY (for Christchurch)

? Mr L. A. CUFF (for Christchurch)


? Mr G. H. DENNISON - Mrs DENNISON (for Oamaru)

? Lady DOUGLAS (for Lyttelton)


? Mrs EXALL (for Christchurch)

? Mr Claude FRANCIS - Mrs FRANCIS - Master FRANCIS


? Mr Frank Ernest GADDUM


? Mr GRICE (2) - Mrs GRICE (for Wellington from Hobart)


? Mr D. HAYNES - Miss HAYNES (for Dunedin)

? Mr Walter HILL - Mrs HILL - Master H. HILL (for Christchurch)
? Mr A. HILL




? Mrs HOSKINS (for Lyttelton)


? Mr HOWARD (for Christchurch)

? Mr P. H. JOHNSON - Mrs JOHNSON (for Christchurch)

? Mr JOHNSTON - Mrs JOHNSTON (for Christchurch)


? Miss M. LEAKE

? Mr LUCY - Mrs LUCY - Miss LUCY (for Christchurch)


? Miss M. MILNE


? Dr and Mrs MURRAY (for Wellington from Hobart)

? Mr OWELS (for Christchurch)



? Mr SCORRAH (for Christchurch)


? Miss SURTEE (for Auckland from Hobart)

? Mr Basil H. WILSON


? Mr James L. ABSOLOM

? Mr Frederick ALFORD - Mrs ALFORD - Miss M. Alford


? Mr Robert BLAKELY

? Miss BOYLE


? Mr H. P. COY


? Miss DODDS - Miss A. DODDS


? Mr J. L. ENGEL


? Mr J. A. FELL

? Miss M. GREIG (for Dunedin)



? Mr H. J. HUNT - Mrs S. HUNT - Miss Margaret HUNT - Miss Margaret HUNT

? Mr Charles JOHNSTON
? Mr William JOHNSTON

? Mr Joseph LAMBERT - Mrs LAMBERT - Master A. LAMBERT - Master P. LAMBERT

? Mr M. LANG

? Mr T. H. LUCY - Mrs LUCY - Miss A. M. LUCY



? Mr Morgan MORGAN

? Rev John NELSON - Mrs NELSON - Miss C. MELSON - Miss F. NELSON - Miss A. NELSON




? Mr J. SMITH - Mrs SMITH (for Bluff)


? Mr John WILKES

? Mr David WILSON - Mrs WILSON - Miss WILSON - Master WILSON


? Mr G. E. ALEXANDER - Mrs ALEXANDER - Mr J. ALEXANDER - Miss A. M. ALEXANDER - Miss E. M. ALEXANDER - Master P. G. ALEXANDER - Mr A. M. ALEXANDER - Miss Charlotte ALEXANDER (for Auckland)




? Mr Hugh CAIN

? Mr Harry C. CARTER

? Mr William H. CHAPMAN


? Mrs H. EXALL


? Mr Robert HARDIE

? Mr James R. HARVEY (for Oamaru)

? Mr Robert HENNINGWAY (for Dunedin)

? Mr J. H. HENRY - Miss J, HENRY (for Dunedin)


? Mr J. W. HOGG

? Mr George S. HORNER

? Mr John HOOLEY


? Mr Frank JAMES


? Mr Thoms KELLY

? Miss Maggie KENNEDY

? Mr Harry LOADER - Mrs LOADER (for Dunedin)

? Mr Gilbert McFADGEN (FOR bLUFF)

? Miss S. D. McNAMARA - Miss J. McNAMARA


? Mr Alfred OWLES


? Mr William POWELL

? Miss Emily SAWYER

? Mr Fred SCORAH


? Mr D. T. SMITH

? Mr John SOMERVILLE - Mr Andrew SOMERVILLE - Mr James SOMERVILLE - Mr Henry SOMERVILLE (for Dunedin)

? Mr John STABBE

? Mr William TUBMAN - Mrs TUBMAN - Miss H, TUBMAN - Miss J. TUBMAN - Miss C. TUBMAN - Master William TUBMAN (for Dunedin)

? Miss M. WATSON

? Mr J. J. WHAM

? Miss Charlotte WONUTT

the IONIC despatched from Lyttelton for London direct on Thursday 10th November 1892

John Jerome BREEZE + Margaret HEENAN - Hokitika

John was born 4 June 1855 in Launceston, Tasmania to John Jerome & Catherine Breeze. He arrived in NZ as a Rifle Volunteer
In 1879 he married:
Margaret was born in Ballarat, Victoria to John Heenan & Margaret Kelly - see Heenan in New Zealand

from THE ARGUS (Melbourne 23 August 1889)
Bronze Medals - John Jerome Breeze, jun., of Hokitika, New Zealand, bootmaker, age 35 years, for rescuing William Lochore, of same place, painter, age 16 years, from drowning at Ocean Beach, on 10th February last, by plunging into the breakers and, after great danger and difficulty, discovering the senseless body and bringing it ashore.

the children of John & Margaret:
... 1
1880 - 1935 John Jerome Breeze
- he married Florence Nightingale CAMPBELL (1894-1970) in 1914
- John died in Masterton 15 December 1935 aged 56
- he is buried Plot JJB, Row 3, Plan VIII at Archer street cemetery
- Florence died 16 May 1970 aged 86
- she is buried Plot 39, Row S, Lawn A-X at Archer street cemetery

... 2
1881 - 1951 Joseph William Breeze

... 3
1883 - Margaret Cecelia Breeze
- Margaret married Lawrence Albert Enoch JACOBS (1884-1918) in 1908

... 4
1886 - 1967 Catherine Elizabeth Breeze
- Catherine married David James Smith DIEDRICHS in 1910

... 5
1888 - 1939 Ethel Veda Breeze
- Ethel married Edward William GRIFFIN in 1909

... 6
1890 - 1915 George Patrick Breeze
- George served in WWI as Private 6/591 with the Canterbury Infantry battalion, Main Body, embarking from Lyttelton 16 October 1914. He enlisted from Koiterangi, Hokitika. His next of kin was his father, John Jerome Breeze, Shoemaker of Hokitika. George was KILLED IN ACTION in Gallipoli on 7 August 1915 aged 23. His Memorial is at Panel 12, Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial, Chunuk Bair Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey

... 7
1892 - ? Olive Breeze

... 8
1894 - 1955 Marian Evelyn Breeze
- marian married Cuthbert Robert Hemmings FISHER (1889-1947) in 1913
- son of Robert Cuthbert Hemmings FISHER & Sarah KING

... 9
1899 - 1969 Harold Leo Breeze

... 10
1903 - 1957 Sydney Heenan Breeze
- Sydney married Myrtle Irene OLSEN (1906-1959) in 1926
SYDNEY is buried Plot 111, Block V, at Waikanae Cemetery

... 11
1905 - 1963 David Thomas Rupert Breeze

there are 5 John Jerome Breeze listed in the DEATH section of NZ BDM so research is difficult and you will need to verify the correct John when searching Papers Past ...

* 1890 - John Jerome Breeze aged 11 months
- born 1890 to Joseph Breeze & Elizabeth McBLANE
* 1932 - John Jerome Breeze aged 77
- 'our' John featured here
* 1935 - John Jerome Breeze aged 56
- born 1880 to John Jerome Breeze & Margaret HEENAN
* 1956 - John Jerome Breeze aged 64
- born 1891 to William Henry Breeze & Margaret HYNDMAN
* 1984 - John Jerome Breeze aged 65
- born 1919

Eve Winifred GADDUM (1902-1990) - Gisborne to London

was born 11 March 1902 to Frank Ernest GADDUM & Margaret REYNOLDS
- (Frank Ernest Gaddum was born 15 Oct 1867 in Italy)
- they lived at Kaiti, Gisborne. Frank was a Land Agent in Gisborne and was an accomplished horseman, playing polo and involved with the Poverty Bay hare hunt ... 25 July 1903 - Though hunting may practically be called dead in Poverty Bay, it is undoubtedly the reverse at the Mahia where Mr G. C. Ormond (George Channing Ormond 1861-1939 early settler, Mahia Hunt Master, founder of the Wairoa Rod & Gun Club ) hunts his pack two or three times a week, and somtimes raises a field of 60 followers ... Frank Gaddum also did good work in assisting the master in working his hounds, and astonished me with his command of doggy language. As showing the keenness with which hunting is carried on here I might mention Mr Gaddum has to ride fully 24 miles there and back before he gets to the hunt at all. This does not contrast very favorably with our local men, who growl if they have to ride five or six miles to a hunt. He was well mounted on Scrapps, who though he came to grief at one fence, it was hardly the fault of the horse.

the known children of FRANK & MARGARET:
1898 - 1955 Guy Morris Gaddum
- Guy married Sheila Fanny Victoria JEX-BLAKE (1900-1985) in 1924
1902 - 1990 Eve Winifred Gaddum
1905 - 1985 Walter Richard Gaddum
1906 - 2001 Anne Elizabeth Gaddum
1908 - Edith 'Hope' Gaddum
1910 - 1990 Frank James Gaddum


20 November 1907 - BURKE - REYNOLDS
... Another wedding of considerable local interest took place at Holy Trinity Church this afternoon, when Mr Robert Ulick Burke, Solicitor, Gisborne, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Winifred Reynolds, youngest daughter of Mr R. J. Reymolds, Gisborne. The church was beautifully decorated by the friends of the bride and the service, which was a choral one, was conducted by the vicar, the Rev Dawson Thomas. Mr E. N. Sidebottom presided at the organ and as the bride and bridegroom entered the church played "The Voice that Breathed o'er Eden", and as they retired the Wedding March was played. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk crepe with a deep hem of chiffon taffeta, bordered with true lovers' knots of silver tissue; the corsage being draped with point de Bruges lace, finished with silver cord and tassels; and she wore a pearl pendant and pearl brooch, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried a shower bouquet. The bridesmaids were Miss C. Reynolds, heliotrope; Miss Sunderland, primrose; Miss Mabel Burke, pale blue; Miss Clark, pale pink; Miss Eve GADDUM (aged 5), white muslin. Their dresses were of chiffon taffeta and lace, and hats of crinoline straw, matching the dresses. They wore gold-mounted combs, the present of the bridegroom. the bridegroom was attended by five groomsmen - Mr G. Reymolds (best man), Mr L. Rutledge, Mr J. M. Gouldsmith, Mr C. R. Sainsbury (long time friend and Hockey team mate on 1899), and Mr R. Reynolds.
The bride's mother wore a dress of soft grey silk, trimmed with pinks, black velvet and lace; with hat of silver grey, with black lace and pink roses, and carried a bouquet. The bridegroom's mother wore black, white striped chiffon taffeta, with hat of black crinoline straw and ostrich feather, and also carried a bouquet. After the ceremony, which was witnessed by a large assemblage, the bridal party were conveyed to "Sandown" where a large number of guests were entertained by Mr and Mrs Reynolds on their prettily laid-out lawn, special provision having been made for the occasion. The presents were numerous and costly, and Mr and Mrs Burke leave for South by the Victoria this evening; the bride's travelling dress being a navy blue tailor-made costume, with hat to match

... Holy Trinity Church this afternoon was the centre of a large and fashionable gathering, upon the occasion of a wedding ceremony which was attended with considerable interest throughout the district and Hawkes Bay. The contracting parties were Miss Constance Mary Reynolds, fourth daughter of Mr R. J. Reynolds, of Sandown, Gisborne, to Mr William Lesley Rutledge, of Takapau.
The spectacular display at the church was decidely pleasing, the interior being prettily decorated with flowers and evergreens, which, with the handsome dresses of the wedding party and guests, presented a bright and animated scene. The furnishings of the church were tastefully bedecked, whilst a picturesque arch was erected at the transept. The attendance was large, friends and relatives having come from all parts of the district.
The bride, who was charmingly attired in a creation of white chiffon moire, with lace and pearl trimmings, wore the customary veil and a handsome coronet of orange blossoms, was given away by her father, Mr R. J. Reynolds, the bridesmaids being Miss Borophy Rutledge, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Tolande Sunderland, cousin of the bride, who wore pretty dresses of pale blue, with gold trimmings and black crinoline hats and little Mis Eve GADDUM (aged 7), niece of the bride, in white.
The bridegroom was attended by Mr Jack Rutledge, brother of the bridegroom, as best man, and Mr R. Rutledge, brother of the bride, as groomsman.
"Oh Welcome was the Call" was appropriately sung as the wedding party entered, the wedding ceremony being conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Williams. Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" brought the service to a close, Mr F. N. Sidebottom presiding at the organ.
A reception was subsequently held at Sandown, the residence of Mr and Mrs Reynolds. Mr and Mrs Rutledge, who leave for Auckland by Saturday's steamer, were the recipients of many costly presents

17 October 1910 - A & P SHOW
... Class 255 - Girl riders, Misses:
* Frances Field
* Eve GADDUM (aged 8)
* Dorothy Mander
* Phyllis Mander
* Vita Martin
* Rosie MacDonald
* Myra Penny
* Margaret Sherratt
* Mildred Sherratt

15 February 1911 - JAMIESON - REYNOLDS
... At 3 o'clock this afternoon Holy Trinity Church was the scene of another wedding of considerable social interest, when Miss Alice Leonora Reynolds, second daughter of Mr R. J. Reynolds, of Gisborne, was united in wedlock to Mr John Jamieson, of Glenrose, Hawkes Bay.
The ceremony, which was witnessed by a large congregation, was performed by the Ven. Archdeacon H. W. Williams.
The bride was given away by her father and she was beautifully attired in a gown of white satin charmmeuse, with overdress of white ninon, sewn with pearls; bodice and sleeves draped with old rose point.
The bridesmaid were - Miss Rosamond Reynolds, who wore a cream net dress with front panel of Palestrina lace, large black hat trimmed with wings and tulle rosettes and carried a bouquet of red roses; and Miss Eve GADDUM (aged 8), who wore a white muslin frock and hat, and carried a basket of red roses;
Mr Reynolds, the bride's mother, was attired in a dress of soft grey wilk, with border of pink and black velvet, grey hat wreathed with soft shaded roses.
The bridegroom was attended by Mr Eric Beamish, of Hawkes Bay, as best man. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a diamond crescent, and to the bridesmaids pearl and diamond brooches, whilst the bride's gift to the bridegroom was a suit case.
From the church, which they left amidst showers of rice and confetti, the bridal party were driven to "Sandown" the residence of the bride's parents, where the reception took place, and a large number of guests were entertained by Mr and Mrs Reynolds.
Amongst the visitors there were from Hawkes Bay, Mr and Mrs Langdale Sunderland, Miss Sunderalnd, Mrs Hassale and Miss Jamieson.
The happy couple were the recipients of a large collection of beautiful presents. They leave by the Monowai to-night en route for their future home at Glenross, Hawkes Bay

16 October 1911 - A & P SHOW COMPETITIONS
... Class 258, Best Girl Rider under 13:
* Miss Burns
* Eileen Dunn
* Eve GADDUM (aged 9)
* Etta Hansen
* Phyllis Mander
* Vita Martin
* R. McDonald
* E. M. Sherratt
* H. M. Sherratt
* Kathleen Telford

23 October 1912 - 33rd ANNUAL A & P SHOW, PEOPLE'S DAY
... The riding by the little girls under 13 years of age was an especially fine exhibition, the judge having some difficulty in singling out the winner. After some deliberation, Miss Ida Bruce was awarded the red ticket, Miss Etta Hansen getting the second prize, Miss Rosie MacDonald the third prize and Misses Eva Barry and Eve GADDUM (aged 10) the fourth and fifth respectively

20 October 1913 - POVERTY BAY A & P SHOW
... Girl riders under 13:
* Eva Barry
* Ida Bruce
* Evelyn Corlett
* Jeanette Dunlop
* Eve GADDUM (aged 11)
* Jessie Graham
* Nellie Graham
* Louisa Kain
* Rose MacDonald
* Florence Morice
* Mina Morice
* Nell Steele

10 October 1914 - POVERTY BAY A & P SHOW
... Leaping match for ponies:
* Eva Barry - Paisano
* W. T. Bruce - Flyaway
* W. Campbell - Cockie
* Bert Cooper - Taihoa
* H. Cooper - Continuance
* C. Curram - Maori Girl
* Eve GADDUM - Pony (aged 12)
* A. R. Gillman - Antwerp
* S. H. Greave - Triumph
* C. J. Hamilton - Snowy
* R. G. Hine - Sport
* lawrence Jex-Blake - Darkie
* James Jobson - Rat
* H. Johnson - Twilight
* G. Pellow - Trixie
* F. Read - Tommy
* A. Rigney - Nigger
* A. Sinton - Cockie
* F. Stubb - Midnight Sun
* O. Whitlock - Fond Memory
* Henry White - Micky Free

... Girl rider under 13:
* Ida Bruce
* Anne Gaddum
* Eve Gaddum (aged 12)
* Nellie Graham
* Louisa P. Kain

... We managed to pick the only wet day for the last two months for our annual garden Fete, so in spite of the preparations made in the Domain on the previous day, we had to hold the function in the local hall. Produce and work of all sorts rolled up in carloads, and we soon had stalls set out and well laden. Such competitions as could be were arranged, and an excellent exhibition of conjuring made an attractive side show, conducted by Mr Lyons and Miss Eve GADDUM (aged 28). Everybody set to with the utmost cheerfulness and goodwill, and our efforts were well rewarded in raising a little over ?60 (2012 equivalent of $6,200). Moreover the people from the Ngatapa end decided to hold another function early in January, at which the horse and running events might take place. For this occasion Mr Gardner, of Hihiroroa, has very kinly offered to give two horses as prizes; and enthusiasm is running very high. Considering the hard times everybody is experiencing just now we feel wonderfully grateful to all who are working so generously

in August 1931 - AUCKLAND
... Eve Gaddum and her sister Hope wre staying at the Hotel Cargen

23 November 1931 EVE MARRIES aged 29
... Eve Winifred GADDUM married Edward William ARMSTRONG (1896-1993)
- Edward was a son of Charles Edward ARMSTRONG & Constance Durelle BARCLAY. Edward was listed as a Draughtsman when he served in WWI as Sergeant 57000 with the NZEF, 34th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company, embarking from Wellington for Liverpool on the HMNZT 100, Ulimaroa on 8 February 1918. His next of Kin was his father Charles Edward Armstrong, c/o Public Works, Gisborne
- from MAY BIRD Classic Sailing - David Armstrong (Eve & Edward's son) was born in England and educated at Blundells School and the Architectural Association (AA) in London but to New Zealand parents, so he has a foot in both camps. After serving with the ANZAC?s in the trenches in The Great War, his father, E. W. Armstrong, won a scholarship to study architecture at The AA School in London. After working in Burma for a large British firm supervising the construction of The Law Courts and The Port Offices in Rangoon, he returned fleetingly to NZ. Whilst there, he won a competition for the Robert McDougal Art Gallery in Christchurch. He married David?s mother, Eve Gaddum of Gisborne, and they returned to London together where he set up in private practice. He part owned the Bristol Channel Pilot cutter ?Alanna? and then the West Solent class racer Erin (W19) moored at Gin?s Hard on the Beaulieu River close to Bucklers Hard. At an early age under his father?s guidance, David learnt to sail - cruising and racing around the Solent. Erin spent the war years in a shed at Berthon?s Boat Yard, in Lymington where, by coincidence, he and Sandy worked on ?MAYA? partly rebuilding her interior to accommodate both their families ... much more and great photos at the 'May Bird' link above

EVE WINIFRED Armstrong died 30 March 1990 aged 88
- last address Gaddums Hill Rd Gisborne
EDWARD WILLIAM Armstrong died 14 December 1992 aged 96
they are buried together at Ormond Cemetery

GRAVE of Edward William 7 Eve Winifred Armstrong

Plot 90, Block ORM3 at Ormond cemetery
EVE WINIFRED ARMSTRONG, 11 March 1901 - 30 March 1990
EDWARD WILLIAM ARMSTRONG, 28 July 1896 - 24 December 1992
Much loved.

Frank Ernest GADDUM + Margaret REYNOLDS - Gisborne

Frank Ernest GADDUM (1867-1939) was born 15 Oct 1867 in Italy
? second son (of 7 children) of Henry Theodore Gaddum, Esq., and of Emily Elizabeth JOYNSON (1846-?). (Henry Theodore Gaddum, born 23 Oct 1835-1904, was a son of Frederick Edward & Sophia Gaddum, Chorlton, Didsbury. Henry Theodore Gaddum became a wealthy cotton & silk Merchant of Bowdon, Cheshire. He purchased the Butts Clough farm/estate & when he returned from his travels around the East Indies he commissioned the Victorian/Gothic building on 5 acres at Green Walk, Bowdon)
? Frank attended Bilton Grange School, Dunchurch, Rugby
? He entered Rugby School in May 1881 aged 13 & left in 1886 (after July)
* the Headmaster at Rugby School from 1874-1887 was Thomas William Jex-Blake, D.D. (an unusal name that Frank's 1st son Guy married into in NZ).
* Councillor Thomas Jex-Blake (18571928), the only son (5 sisters) of the Rev. Charles Thomas Jex-Blake (1820-1894), M.A., vicar of Lammas, Norfolk, England & his 1st wife, Fanny Johnson (?-1863, daughter of Rev Richard Johnson, Rector of Laverham), came to New Zealnad in the s.s. ?Tongariro,? lived with his uncle, James Woodbine Johnson (1844-1899 - brother of George Randall Johnson), of Wairakaia Station, Poverty Bay, for about 12 months, and then became manager for Mr. R. J. Reynolds, of Tauraka Station (father-in-law of Frank Ernest Gaddum), until purchasing the Waerengaokuri property of 1600acres
? Frank played cricket for Rugby School, Warwickshire, England from 1885 - 1886 (also see Feb 1892 & Boxing Day 1901 below)

Frank married Margaret REYNOLDS (1874-1966) 18 October 1897
18 October 1897 - Holy Trinity Church was filled to overflowing this afternoon on the occasion of the marriage of Mr F. E. Gaddum, of Mahia, to Miss Margaret Reynolds, eldest daughter of Mr R. J. Reynolds, of Childers Road, Gisborne. The sacred edifice was beautifully decorated with flowers for the occasion, and the service was fully choral. The Rev Canon Webb performed the nuptial ceremony. The bridesmaids were: Misses Nora Reynolds, R. Reynolds, Sherratt, May Rees and C. Reynolds; while Mr Sydney Williamson acted as "best man" accompanied by Messrs Guthrie Smith, G. Reynolds, Crombie and Graham as groomsmen. At the conclusion of the ceremony the organist (Mr T. C. Webb) played Mendelssohn's "Wedding March"
- they lived at Kaiti, Gisborne. Frank was a farmer and Land Agent in Gisborne and was an accomplished horseman, playing polo and involved with the Poverty Bay Hare Hunt

? to see KAITI, GISBORNE go to the site E-LIBRARY NEW ZEALAND it has many old postcards, photos and info of early Gisborne
? most of the info below was taken from Papers Past. Anything in italics are my additions to their articles

children of FRANK & MARGARET:
... 1
1898 - 1955 Guy Morris Gaddum
om Sunday 14 August 1898, the wife of F. E. Gaddum, of a son
- Guy attended Wanganui Collegiate School from 1912-1915
- He served in WWI as Trooper 72884 with the NZEF, 39th Reinforcements Mounted Rifles Brigade, embarking from Wellington 9 August 1918 on the 'Moeraki' to Sydney then transhipped on the 'Port Sydney' to Suez, Egypt. His nex of kin was his mother Margaret Gaddum of Kaiti, Gisborne. On enlistment he was a Shepherd for T. S. Williams, Tuparoa
- Guy married Sheila Fanny Victoria JEX-BLAKE (1900-1985) in 1924
- Sheila was born in New Zealand to Thomas JEX-BLAKE ((born at Norwich in 1857) was employed in Poverty Bay first of all by his uncle (J. W. Johnson). For some years he managed Taureka, and then bought properties at Waerenga-o-Kuri and Te Arai. He died in April, 1928) & of Fanny Marion ABBOTT who married 14 Oct 1882
St. George Hanover Square, Westminster, Middlesex, England

... 2
1902 - 1990 Eve Winifred Gaddum
- Eve married Edward William ARMSTRONG (1896-1993) 23 Nov 1931 & moved to London (and returned, see link)

... 3
1905 - 1985 Walter Richard 'Wattie' Gaddum
On January 21st 1905, at Gisborne, the wife of F. E. Gaddum of a son
- Walter attended Wanganui Collegiate School from 1920-1923
- in 1928 Walter was injured in an airplane crash in Sydney whilst on tour with his sister Ann
10 July 1928 An aeroplane which was engaged on a pleasure flight crashed at Alexandria and was badly damaged. The pilot, John N. Rookledge, aged 28, who has no connection with the John Rutledge to whom Gaddum had letters of intruduction, and a passenger, Walter Gaddum, a sheepfarmer from New Zealand, were seriously injured. They were taken to hospital. Mr Gaddum is suffering from severe shock, a dislocated knee, a lacerated face and burns. He is in a critical condition. Mr Rookledge has a fractured skull, badly injured face and may lose his sight. So far neither man has been able to explain the cause of the crash. The plane was returnin to mascot aerodrome after a flight when it got out of control and nose-dived into Bourke Street, Auburn. It turned over and was badly smashed, the tail being caught in a fence
- Wattie married Dorothy DINKS (1916-1994)
- Dorothy died 3 July 1994 aged 78 and is buried Plot 93, Block ORM 3 at Ormond cemetery. The headstone inscription reads: DOROTHY GADDUM (Dinks) 6 September 1916 - 3 July 1994, Loved wife of WALTER RICHARD GADDUM (Wattie), 21 January 1905 - 14 November 1985. Buried at Sea.

... 4
1906 - 2001 Anne Elizabeth Gaddum
- born 18 December 1906
- 10 July 1928 Walter Gaddum, who was injured in the airplane crash in Sydney, is the son of Mr F. E. Gaddum, a Gisborne sheepfarmer. He left recently on a holiday tour to Sydney, and was to return at the end of the month. His sister, Miss Ann Gaddum, accompanied him. The Rutledge mentioned in the accident is probably a relative of a Gisborne sheepfarmer to whom Mr Walter Gaddum had an introduction
- Anne married ? YOUNG

... 5
1908 - ? Edith 'Hope' Gaddum
- Hope was single when she attended the dance in Wellington on the quarterdeck of the warship H.M.S. Dunedin when it was converted into a ballroom on 28 October 1930 and Commodore Blake and the wardroom officers put on a most enjoyable evening.
- She was still single in February 1931 when she was a bridesmaid for Philippa Betty Sherratt at the St George's Church, Patutahi when Phlippa married George Forbes McHardy of Aramoan, Hawkes Bay.

... 6
1910 - 1990 Frank James Gaddum
- Frank attended Wanganui Collegiate School from 1923-1927
- Frank died 25 March 1990 aged 80 and is buried Plot 325, RSA34 at Taruheru cemetery

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for Frank Ernest Gaddum

29 & 30 July 1885 - LORD'S CRICKET GROUND (2 day match)
... Frank played cricket at Lord's Cricket Ground. St John's Wood, in the Rugby School v Marlborough College match. Rugby School won the toss and decided to bat. There were 4 balls per over and the match was drawn. At close of play on day 1, Marlborough College was 117/2. At stumps on day 2 Rugby, after 169 overs, was all out for 269. Marlborough, after 181 overs, was all out for 299. Frank was run out for 49. In his bowling 10 runs were taken from his 4 overs (& 2 maidens) and he took 1 wicket at 2 runs

28 & 29 July 1886 - LORD'S CRICKET GROUND (2 day match)
... Frank played cricket at Lord's in the Rugby School v Marlborough College match. Toss not known. There were 6 balls per over and Rugby School won by 37 runs. Rugby was all out for 163. Frank was caught out for 28 runs. In his bowling 11 runs were taken from his 2 overs and he took 1 wicket at 52 runs

30 & 31 July 1886 - LORD'S CRICKET GROUND (2 day match)
... Frank played cricket at Lord's in the Rugby School v Marylebone Cricket Club match. Toss not known. There were 4 balls per over and the match was won by Marylebone Cricket Club by 1 innings and 89 runs. Rugby was all out for 114. Marylebone was all out for 332. Frank was caught out for 3. In his bowling he caught 1 out at 17 runs

13 June 1891 - from SYDNEY
... Frank arrived on the Union Steam Ship Company's "Wairarapa", 1786 tons, Captain McIntosh, from Sydney and Auckland, at Poverty Bay at 4.30p.m.
(The ss Wairarapa was a New Zealand ship of the late 19th century plying the route between the Auckland, New Zealand and Australia. It came to tragic fame when it hit a reef at the northern edge of Great Barrier Island on 29 Oct 1894, about 100 km out from Auckland, and sunk. The death toll of around 140 people remains one of the largest such losses in the country's history)
NOTE - this is the earliest I could find Frank entering New Zealand. There is the 5 year gap from his cricket at Lords in 1886 and arriving from Sydney in 1891 so not known how long he was in Australia. His first (found) game of cricket in New Zealand was 7 months later when he played for United against Hawera Cricket Club in their second match at the Napier Recreation Cricket Ground in Hawke's Bay.
My speculation based on data found, perhaps you can help verify
- Frank first came to New Zealand in 1891 especially to play cricket representing his Rugby School (he was then aged 23). He leaves in Feb 1892 and then returns 8 months later, in Sep 1892 (more or less permanently)

9 January 1892 - UNITED v HAWERA at NAPIER
... The second match of the Hawera Cricket Club tour was played on the Recreation Ground yesterday. The wickets fell rapidly unti five were down for 32, when Cato and Gaddum made the stand of the innings, raising the total to 82

20 February 1892 - CRICKET AT NAPIER
... ENGLISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS versus CHRIST COLLEGE - This match was played on the recreation Ground yesterday was was witnessed by a fair number of spectators, including a good number of the fair sex, who very kindly served afternoon tea on the ground. The main features in the first innings of the representatives of the Old Country school boys were the batting of Messrs Logan and Gaddum (representatives of Bedford and Rugby), who both played really good cricket for their respective score of 40 and 21. They were all out for 121. The Christ's College Boys showed very good form and Messrs W. P. Studholme and Ludbrooke played steady cricket, but were unable to quite get their side home, Christ's college being beaten on the first innings by 11 runs. The second innings was played through slight rain till "time" concluded the game, when the imported school boys had made 170 for 8 wickets. Logan proved himself a first-class bat by knocking up 42 runs in A1 style, in which were included two sixers to leg off successive balls. Fitzhill, Gaddum and Bennett obtained their scores by exhibitions of finished batting. In the fielding E. D. Tanner and G. Peacock made nbrilliant catches. It is intended to play a return match at Farndon Park in March, to give Christ's College team an opportunity to avenge their defeat. (however, Frank left NZ 8 days later)
Appended are the scores

27 February 1892 - DEPARTING from Auckland (8 days after the cricket)
... On the 'Monowai' for San Francisco, via Apia and Honolulu, F. E. Gaddum

3 September 1892 - PASSENGERS FOR New Zealand
... The following passengers left by the Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's steamer 'Ionic' which sailed from London on the 3rd September:- ... FIRST SALOON - Mr F. E. Gaddum

2 February 1893 - LAND SALE
... Messrs Baker and Tabuteau report sales as under:- On account of Mr William Glenny, the Kopuawhara estate, Mahia, 3402 acres, freehold and leasehold, with stock, for cash to Mr F. E. Gaddum at a satisfactory figure

19 June 1893 - FOOTBALL for POVERTY BAY
... The football match between teams representing the veterans of Hawke's County and of Poverty Bay will be played on Saturday next. The Poverty Bay team will be selected from the following:
Full-back - A. Smith or L. Newton
Three-quarters - A. William, T. M. Ferguson and W. Walker
Halves - A. Rees and Strachan
Forwards - R. H. Trotter, A. F. Kennedy, E. Bourke, F. E. GADDUM, J. Dunlop, A. Wethered, L. Cotterill, bellerby, Crombie, C. White and W. Robson

7 October 1893 - A SERIOUS ACCIDENT
... A serious accident was reported from Mahia on Saturday last. A man named H, Limpett, in the employ of Mr F. E. Gaddum, was thrown from his horse at the Sand Hills, and, according to latest reports, has not yet recovered consciousness, though able to take nourishment when fed. Dr Ross went out to attend to the case, and did all that was possible under the circumstances. Limpett had been engaged saving goods which had been landed on the beach by the s.s. Southern Cross, and which had been covered up and endangered by the southerly gale of Thursday and Friday

14 February 1894 - CRICKET
... The association selection committee have chosen the undermentioned playhers to go into immediate practice for the Southern tour of the Hawke's bay representatives at Easter:- COUNTRY PLAYERS:
G. A'Deane, Allan, R. Bruce, G. Fernley, F. E. GADDUM, W. H. Hawkins, W. J. Hughes, C. A. Smith, H. J. Smith, J. Taiaroa, Wilson, H. B. Williams

18 April 1894 - CROWN LAND BOARD
... Mr F. E. Gaddum wrote to the Board applying for permission to erect a woolshed on Crown land at mouth of Oputama stream, in block 3, Mahanga survey district - Granted at 5s per year

19 January 1895 - at NUHAKA
... Mr F. E. Gaddum, of Nuhaka, writes ot us as follows: - "Sir; A resolution was passed at the last general meeting of the Nuhaka North settlers to the following effect, and I was instructed to forward the same to you: - 'That this meeting desires to testify to the gratification the settlers of Nuhaka North derived from the visits of the Mayor, Mr Townley, and other gentlemen from Gisborne; also to express their hearty acknowledgment of the efforts made by those gentlemen for the construction of a road through the district, the absence of such road being an evil destructive alike to the best interests of the settlers, and an effective bar to the progress of the district.'"

25 September 1897 - NUHAKA HOT SPRINGS
... To meet the requirements of visitors to the Hot Springs and settlers, the undersigned has opened a GENERAL STORE at the Post Office, Nuhaka North. Every requisite for camping on sale at reasonable prices. - F. E. GADDUM, Stock and Station Agent

24 October 1898 - PARTNERSHIP BREAK UP
... NOTICE - Mr C. Bennett has this day left my employment - F. E. GADDUM, Mahia

8 November 1898 - LETTER to the POVERTY BAY HERALD
... Sir, Please insert the following letter received from Mr Gaddum - C. J. BENNETT - "Dear Bennett, My wife tells me that the fact that I advertised in the paper that you had left me (the ordinary course in case of partnership, and you had acted hitherto almost in that capacity) has led people to surmise that you have done something fraudulent. I regret that the world is not more charitable, and beg to state, for the information of those who busy themselves in other people's business, that you gave me notice and left me of your own free will. You can publish this in the paper if desirous to do so. I am., yours truly, FRANK E. GADDUM

1 January 1901 - NEW YEARS DAY at OPOUTAMA
... The first day of the New year was a big day at Opoutama. Mr Gaddum's station, Mahia Peninsula. As is his usual custom, Mr Gaddum had provided his annual feast for the Natives of the locality, who were present to the number of about 500. The fore-part of the day was spent in sports of various kinds. At 12 o'clock a grand dinner was held, served in true Maori style, in a marquee capable of seating 200 people. It will be seen what extensive preparations were made for this department when it is stated that a whole bullock was roasted and 24 plum puddings were made for the occasion. The chief sport of the afternoon was a polo match between the Mangaheia and Mahia Polo Clubs. The following were the representatives of the respective clubs: -
MANGAHEIA - M. and J. Murphy, R. and G. REYNOLDS
MAHIA - F. E. GADDUM, Rangi, Turi and Sam
Very fast games resulted, the final scores of the respective spells being Mangaheia 5, Mahia 4

14 May 1901 - SHEEP RETURNS
... From the sheep returns just published we take the following, showing the flocks of more than one thousand sheep in this district:
(I show only a few just for comparison)
WAIROA COUNTRY (to Wairoa only)
* George BEE, Awa-o-Totara, 14,1290
* F. E. GADDUM, Kopuawhara, 1717
* Mrs L. GLENDING, Waihua, 12,590
* George Channing ORMOND, Mahia, 19,285

26 December 1901 - BOXING DAY MATCH
... What will prove to be the match of the season will take place on Boxing Day, when the English Public School eleven play the colonials. As before stated, there is a large number of cricketers in the district who have been nurtured in the great public schools of the Homeland, and the list includes some fine players. The native-bred will also have a first-class eleven, and although minus the coaching in the scientific principles of the game which the English boys have enjoyed, have, like their Australian cousins, taken to the game as though to the manner born. The meeting of the two elevens should result in a Titanic conflict, and 'may the best team win." Complete arrangements are being made to make the day's play as enjoyable as possible. It is hoped to attract as many spectators as though Eton and Harrow or Oxford and Cambridge were the combatants, and the convincing ground Lord's. The match will commence at 10a.m., and continue till 6p.m. Lunch will be served on the ground for the teams. Afternoon tea will be placed in the hands of lady friends, for whom it is intended to erect a marquee and otherwise provide for their comfort during the day's play. Many invitations are being issued by the English players to those hailing from the Old Country, to whom a hearty welcome will be accorded. The Home team will comprise the following representatives of the colleges and grammar schools of England:
* A. H. Hodge and Neale (Cheltenham)
* F. S. DesBarres (Westward Ho)
* L. C. Gouldsmith, J. M. Gouldsmith, Barton (Clifton)
* T. Watkins Baker (Blundell's)
* A. Dewing (Bury St. Edmunds)
* W. Acland Hood (Wellington)
* F. E. GADDUM (Rugby, erstwhile captain of the eleven)
* Sharp (Ramsgate)
The colonial team will be selected shortly by a committee appointed by the Association

... A general meeting of the Poverty Bay Hunt Club was held in the Masonic Hotel at noon to-day. The Chairman stated the object of the meeting was to see whether hunting should be continued. There had not been a great deal of interest taken in it this year. Mr White said they wanted to know whether the hounds were to be kept alive, with a view of resuscitating sport next year. This year there had been a split in the camp as to whether there should be drag-hunting or hunting after hares. They had only four courses to run over this year, and more were wanted. He did not think hare-hunting would ever be the sole form of the sport adopted, as at Wairakaia it was almost impossible to hunt hares. It was for members to say whether they could take charge of the hounds among themselves as they could not pay a man to look after them. Possibly as the Racing Club had a good meeting they might give a donation to the Club. Mr White said a down coast resident (Mahia) had asked for some of the hounds if the club were getting rid of them. Mr Ormond had given the club assistance in the past and he believed Mr Gaddum intended to make up a pack for hunting in the Wairoa.
Mr Caesar proposed that Messrs White, Rhodes and the huntsman be a committee to select four of the hounds, the remainder to be given to Mr F. E. Gaddum, provided he be willing to give the club some of the pups if necessary. Mr Sherratt seconded, heartily supporting the suggestion

25 July 1903 - MAHIA HARE HUNT
... Though hunting may practically be called dead in Poverty Bay, it is undoubtedly the reverse at the Mahia where Mr G. C. Ormond (George Channing Ormond 1861-1939 early settler, Mahia Hunt Master, founder of the Wairoa Rod & Gun Club ) hunts his pack two or three times a week, and somtimes raises a field of 60 followers ... Frank Gaddum also did good work in assisting the master in working his hounds, and astonished me with his command of doggy language. As showing the keenness with which hunting is carried on here I might mention Mr Gaddum has to ride fully 24 miles there and back before he gets to the hunt at all. This does not contrast very favorably with our local men, who growl if they have to ride five or six miles to a hunt. He was well mounted on Scrapps, who though he came to grief at one fence, it was hardly the fault of the horse.

20 May 1907 - VISIT to ENGLAND
... Mr and Mrs F. E. Gaddum, of Opoutama, leave on a visit to England to-morrow morning. They join the R. M.S. Aorangi at Suva, and proceed vai Vancouver

12 September 1907 - LONDON
... Mr and Mrs F. E. Gaddum of Gisborne were recent callers at Agency-General London

28 December 1907 - VISITING MORERE
... Visiting this week at Cooper's Private Hotel, Morere is Mr and Mrs F. E. Gaddum and boy, master Gaddum

14 March 1908 - the WAI ESTATE
... C. B. Hoadley and Son, Limited, report a large attendance at the Nuhaka Public Hall on Wednesday afternoon, when the Wai estate was offered in 28 blocks. Section 28, 134 acres, F. E. Gaddum ?20 per acre (2012 equivalent of $3,150 per acre - a total of $502,500)

19 May 1908 - STOCK and STATION AGENT
... Messrs C. B. Hoadley and Son Ltd., (Auctioneers, Stock and Station Agents, Wool and Land Brokers) are extending their business to the southern portion of hawke's Bay and Mr Norman Mair is relinquishing the management of their Poverty Bay branch to take up this work. The services of our old and well-known settler, Mr F. E. Gaddum have been secured, and he will in future represent Messrs C. B. Hoadley and Son, Ltd., in Poverty bay

19 December 1908 - LAND FOR SETTLEMENT
... We are informed that a petition is being very largely signed in the Morere, Nuhaka and Mahia districts, calling on the Governement to take steps to acquire for the purpose of closer settlement, Mr Gaddum's fine property of 2000 acres at Opoutama. The estate is described as being admirably adapted for small holdings, as is also the Native-owned Mahunga block adjoining, which it is also hoped to persuade the Government to take over and subdivide. There are rich river flats running up a tidal river for several miles, and these could be cut up so that each property would have its area of flat and a proportion of hill land as well. Some idea of the carrying capacity of the land may be gained from the fact that one paddock of 90 acres is grazing 60 milking cows. Mr Gaddum, who has 150 cows in all, has done a great deal to establish the dairy industry in the district and at the bridge over the Waiau stream has a creamery, which it is feared by the settlers may be closed if the property, now in the market, were purchased by some private owner, who might utilise the estate for sheep-farming. One gentleman who is thoroughly acquainted with the Opoutama estate describes it as a paradise for small farms, and states that near the Waiau bridge there is an ideal site for a township, which will be greatly required as settlement in the district extends. Mr Gaddum has already given a site for a school, and it is most desirable that the Government should lay out township and reserve sites for a church, post office, and other public purposes. Seeing the active demand that exists in this district for land for closer settlement, it is to be hoped that the petition from the settlers will receive favorable consideration from the Land Purchase Board and the Government.

30 May 1909 - A DAY'S SHOOTING
... A capital day's sport was afforded by Mr W. Graham, of Ormond, over his Ngakaroa property yesterday, which was visited by a party comprising Messrs J. R. Redstone, F. E. GADDUM, J. R. Kirk, G. Witters and W. C. Pilmer and joined there by Mr Graham, his son, and Mr Newman. The day was a good one for shooting and a big bag of hares fell to the guns of the party, who were most hospitably treated by Mr and Mrs Graham

... Mr F. E. Gaddum wrote, stating that if the Council would spend ?10 ($1590 in 2012) in repairing and metalling the first few chains of Pouawa road where it joined deLautour road he would pay half the cost - ?10 to be expended by the Council and ?5 by the writer

5 January 1912 - FORGERY OF CHEQUE
... A charge of forgery of a cheque and with uttering the same, preferred against an elderly man named Alexander McLeod, alias Smith; was investigated at the Police Court this morning, before Mr W. A. Barton, S.M. Accused was alleged to have forged the mane of F. E. Gaddam to a cheque on the Bank of New Zealand, Napier, for 5., payable to A. Smith, and with having uttered the same to Jessie Gilbert. Detective Mitchell conducted the prosecution.
Frank E. Gaddum, land agent, Gisborne, deposed that he had known accused for about 20 years, the latter having been in the employ of witness until about 10 years ago ... more

31 January 1913 - POVERTY BAY LAND AGENT
... A Land Agent's license has been issued to Frank E. Gaddum, the last of the application mentioned before the Court last week

28 September 1914 - POVERTY BAY POLO CLUB
... A well-attended meeting of the Poverty Bay Polo Club was held at the Masonic Hotel on Saturday. Mr G. M. Reynolds was in the chair. The accounts for the past year were read and passed. Mr J. R. Murphy, George Reynolds, R. R. Sherratt and S. E. Gillingham were appointed a s management committee for the current season. Mr F. E. Gaddum was appointed Hon Secretary

... DRILL at the Garrison Hall, on Saturday next, at 7.30. There will be no Drill on the 19th December. The proposed Field Day has been postponed. Frontiersmen wishing to compete in the Rifle Club Competition on Saturday next should send in their names at once to the Secretary - FRANK E. GADDUM

... The Poverty Bay Squadron (C) of Legion of Frontiersmen went into camp at Mr G. M. Reynolds'property Ormond yesterday under the command of Mr F. E. Gaddum. Between 40 and 50 men have mustered, and during the ten days'camp general training and skirmishes on the hills will be carried out

... The following letter had been sent to the Ven. Archdeacon Packe, in connection with the memorial service to-morrow:- Dear Sir, owing to the short notice given, I am unable to order a parade of Frontiersment to-morrow. Our East Coast men are parading at Tolaga to-morrow, and it is now too late to cancel that parade. Many Frontiersmen, though they have to ride 50 or 60 miles to parades, make a point of always being there, when the frontiersmen are called out, and it is fairly fair to them to call them in whenever a Church parade is held in town; and the men in the county districts are now, short handed, entering the busiest season of the year. Hoping you will undersand the position - I am etc., Frank E, Gaddum, O.C.C. Squadron

... In October 1915 the Probate of Sergeant 9/690, Bernard DABELL, who died of wounds at the Dardanelles, was granted to Frank Ernest Gaddum (Bernard had married Alice May CLOKE in 1914)

25 January 1916 - MURAWAI
... LEGION OF FRONTIERSMEN, C SQUADRON Parades, Drill hall, 7.30, January 29th, February, February 26th, March 26th. If possible, Troop drills or rifle practice will be arranged for the day following the above dates;
The EASTER CAMP will be held on Frontiersman Carleton William's Muriwai property, commencing on the 18th APRIL, and closing on the 26th April - FRANK E, GADDUM, O.C.

... TRUSTEE BOARD AND BOARDS OF ADVICE appointed for the management of soldiers' farms and business:
Gisborne District - F. E. Gaddum, W. D. Lysnar, W. G. Sherratt (Secretary)

16 October 1917 - Te HAPARA and the BOROUGH
... The Commission of Inquiry concerning the proposed merging of Te Hapara property in the Borough was continued this afternoon - Frank E. Gaddum, farmer, said that a very small portion of the property was suitable for building, about an acre. The chairman said he thought it was more than that, Witness said the flat was unsuitable for building; there must be 2ft of water on it in flood time. It was very wet during the whole of the winter

5 February 1918 - MAGISTRATE'S COURT
... In the Magistrate's Court this morning, before Mr W. A. Barton, S/M. Frank E Gaddum was fined 10s with 17s 6d costs, for allowing cattle to wander on a public highway

... Mr F. E. Gaddum, secretary to the club said the total revenue for the first year of the soldiers club was ?776. The present assets of the club amounted to ?810, including a piano for ?50

... A special general meeting of the Gisborne Returned Soldiers' Association was held on Saturday night. There was a good attendance. Mr F. H. Bedford (President) occupied the chair.
The meeting was called for the purpose of incorporating new rules, and also to amend some of the existing ones. After this business had been completed the President, on behalf of the members of the association, presented Mr F. E. Gaddum with a handsome smoke-chair, case of pipes, and tobacco pouch, all suitably inscribed. In doing so the President expressed the pleasure it was to all of them to have Mr Gaddum present that evening. It was with still greater pleasure they were able, in so small a degree, to be able to present to Mr Gaddum, a small token of their esteem and regard. The recipient was, as it were "father to us all," and all felt it was solely the result of his efforts that they were now located in the present home they occupied, and "no father could do more than house his family." He hoped the gifts would serve to associate them with the friendship which had grown up between the recipient and themselves, and in the years to come he pictured Mr Gaddum seated comfortably in the chair, while in hazy clouds of smoke he could see faces and scenes that were associated with the many happy hours spent in the club. During the war it had not been possible for all to fight, and some performed civilian duty in and a manner as to have become allied with them. He asked Mr Gaddum to accept the articles, which denoted the entire goodwill and affection of the boys.
In reply Mr Gaddum stated that all he had done in that direction was an infinite pleasure. He had never looked for any reward for it, as he contended it had given him more pleasure than perhaps any of them in the capacity he had occupied. The hours spent amongst the "boys" had ever been filled with pleasure and good-fellowship, and he desired to thank the members heartily for the gifts, which even in their absence would serve to keep green in his memory those happy hours with the boys in the club.
Three cheers were then given for Mr Gaddum.
Before the meeting terminated, the president availed himself of the opportunity to introduce Mr K. S. Williams to those present, and in doing so he referred to the good work done in a practical manner by him in the repatriation of "our comrades". Mr Williams had found employment for many returned men, and had made every effort to teach them how to become efficient farmers. He had even gone further, for he, with others of his family, had purchased a very valuable estate with the object of settling returned men from that district upon it. These actions had stamped Mr Williams as a very fine friend to the soldier. Cheers were given to Mr WIlliams, who stated, in reply, that he felt more or less an outsider, but it gave him pleasure to be present. He had merely done for returned men what he considered to be his duty, and he was happy to think that it was so appreciated by those best in a position to judge (applause)

12 July 1926 - FIRE
... The Fire Brigade was called at 2.35a.m. to-day when a fourteen roomed house in Delautour road, owned and occupied by Mr F. E. Gauum and family was toatlly destroyed, the occupants having a narrow escape. The fire was outside the Fire Board area and the engine, after hourneying to the boundary, came back to town. the insurances are stated to be ?2000 ($181,760) on the home and ?500 on the furniture.

8 April 1936 - to LONDON
... An exceptionally large number of people are going overseas just now; the Wanganella took 390 passengers to Sydney on Monday and the Rangitata, which leaves for London tomorrow via the Panama Canal has the largest list for some time - 385 passengers, Frank Gaddum was one of them

12 November 1936 - from LONDON
... Frank returns from London into Wellington on the Rangitane

13 December 1941 - SON WOUNDED WWII
... GADDUM, Frank James, A/L/Cpl. 2nd NZEF, 34199, 25 Btn - Next of Kin, Mrs F. E. Gaddum, Waingake, Gisbornr

* sometime between Nov 1936 & 1939 Frank returned to England. Not yet found when

Frank Ernest Gaddum died in 1939 in Penzance, Cornwall, England aged 71
Margaret Gaddum died 22 June 1966 in New Zealand aged 92
- she is buried Plot 394, Block 26 at Taruheru cemetery

HEADSTONE for Margaret Gaddum at Taruheru Cemetery

Frederick John Tasker (1856-1937) Manawatu

FREDERICK JOHN TASKER (1856-1937) was born in Southwark, Camberwell, England to George TASKER (1833-1915) & Ann JAMES (1834-1912)
He was a Hotel Keeper
see TIMELINE at end

FREDERICK married Christina Gibson LINN (1854-1894) 12 Sep 1876 in East Taiere, Otago
* Christina was born in Gorbals, Lanarkshire, Scotland
their known children
- born in Otago & Canterbury -

1 1877 - 1958 Christina Clara 'Tina' Tasker
Tina married Frank Reid (1873-1907) in 1899
their known children
* 1900 - 1976 William Douglas 'Doug' Reid (Brimblecombe)
- William was born 31 Jan 1900, the son of George Frederick Brimblecombe (1850-1917) & Mary Caroline Reid (1865-1929) who married in Auckland in 1890
* 1901 - 1901 Eric Linn Reid (aged 4 months)
Tina next married William Reginald Knightly Harker (1867-1940) in 1921
* William was born in Peckham, Rye, Surrey to William Jarvis Harker & Julia Loe

2 1878 - 1934 George Robert Tasker
* George was the Proprietor of the Whenuakura Hotel (between Patea & Wanganui) which was established in 1871
George married Eleanor Martha Tasker (1877-1937) in Wanganui in 1895. Their fathers were brothers. NOTE.. Eleanor was born Eleanor Ann Tasker, her children were recorded under her name as Eleanor Martha. She was recorded as Eleanor Martha at death
their known children
* 1895 - 1962 Percy Edward Tasker
* 1897 - 1955 Charles Frederick George Tasker
* 1899 - 1968 Christina Eleanor Tasker
* 1907 - 1986 Mavis Marion Tasker
George next married Mary Louise Price (1888-1963) in 1926 in Taihape
* Eleanor next married Frederick William Beck 31 Dec 1930 in Lower Hutt. She died 2 Oct 1937 aged 60 in Lower Hutt
George died 22 April 1934 aged 56 in Masterton
* Mary Louise died 6 Sep 1963 aged 75 in Cambridge

3 1880 - 1949 George Frederick Tasker
George married Ada Priscilla Ostler (1879-1950) in Christchurch 1901
* Ada was born in Christchurch to James & Lucy Ostler
their children born Wellington
* 1902 - Frederick John Tasker
* 1905 - Irene Ada Christina Tasker
* 1909 - Iris Edna Tasker
George died in May 1949 aged 68 in Randwick, Sydney. Ada died there the following year

4 1881 - 1882 Albert John Tasker
Albert was born 10 June 1881 in Waimate. He died 24 Jan 1882, aged 7 months, in Wanganui

- they then moved to Wanganui -
5 1882 - 1966 Ann Emily Tasker
Ann married William Edward Park (1880-1960) in Auckland 1901
their known children
- born in Palmerston North -
* 1902 - 1988 Myrie Wanaka Park
* 1903 - 1904 Ina Phyliss Park (10 months)
* 1905 - 1907 Russell Edward Park (aged 2)
* 1907 - 1907 Moya Doreen Park (12 weeks)
* 1908 - 1992 Edna Tui Park
* 1910 - 1970 Anua Reginald 'Reg' Park
* 1911 - 1980 Reina Iwa Park
* 1912 - 1979 Zelma Doreen Park
* 1913 - 1985 Roy Raymond
* 1914 - 1914 Dennis William Park (still)
* William died 1 Feb 1960 aged 79 in Palmerston North
Ann next married Murdo 'Jock' Munro (1886-1966) in Inglewood 26 Feb 1960 aged 77
Ann died 13 Dec 1966 aged 84 in Inglewood

6 1884 - 1955 Alice Ada Alberta Tasker
Alice married George Alfred Frier in Napier in 1908
their known children
* 1902 - 1994 Margarita Irwin Frier
* Margarita didn't marry. She is buried in Otaki
Alice next married William Goldfrap Shepherd Hendry McKay (1890-1960) in 1924
* William was from England. He was wounded in action in France in July 1917 by a gunshot wound to his chest and left thigh. He rejoined his unit 19 Aug 1917 and in Nov was again wounded by shelling and mustard gas. He was in a field hospital then transferred to a Military Hospital in London. He was transferred to Hornchurch hospital in Essex in December 1917. He marched in again Oct 1918 to rejoin his unit. He left for NZ in April 1919
Alice died 12 Jan 1955 aged 70

7 1886 - 1916 Albert Arthur Walter Tasker
Albert married Agnes Mary Johnson/Jonson (1889-1972) in Palmerston North 1907
their three sons
* 1908 - 1972 Frederick John Tasker
* Frederick married Iris Vera Halligan in 1926
* Frederick married Irene May Harrison in 1933
* 1909 - 1980 Albert Arthur Tasker
* 1915 - 1976 Leslie Tasker
Albert Arthur Walter Tasker died 1 Aug 1916 in Berhampore, Wellington, 2 days from age 30
Manawatu Times, 2 Aug 1916 The friends of Mr and Mrs F. J. Tasker, of Waldegrave Street, will regret to hear of the death of their youngest son Albert, which occurred at Wellington yesterday, after a somewhat lengthy illness. The deceased, who was only 29 years of age, was well known in Palmerston and leaves a wife and family of three boys. The interment takes place at Wellington on Thursday
* Agnes next married John Denis O'Keefe (1900-1969) in 1923

8 1888 - 1962 Grace Eleanor Tasker
Grace had a daughter
1907 - 1926 Alice Ernestine Tasker. In 1908 her name became Kivell. She married Herbert Louis Downes in June 1926. She died 3 months later aged 19
Grace married Ernest Charles Kivell (1879-1919), a Brewer, in Wellington 1908
their known children
* 1909 - 1918 Arthur Edward Kivell
* 1910 - 1976 Ernest Charles Kivell
* 1911 - 1992 Grace Eleanor Kivell
* 1914 - 1984 Walter Henry Kivell
* 1916 - 1982 Frederick Tiki Kivell
Grace next married William Andrew Hughson (1880-1967) in Stratford 1924
Grace next married Henry Maris Wills (1874-1956)
Grace died 13 July 1962 aged 74 in Hawera

9 1889 - 1967 Violet Mary Tasker
Manawatu Times, 20 Sep 1910
To celebrate the coming of age of their youngest daughter, Violet, Mr and Mrs F. J. Tasker entertained a large number of friends at a ball in the Municipal Hall last night. The hall was very tastefully decorated and the dance was most enjoyable. His Worship the Mayor, Mr J. A. Nash, proposed the health of Miss Tasker and wished her all happiness. Mr F. J. Tasker suitably responded. Messrs B. Webb and D. Park acted as M.C's. and the music was supplied by Mr P. O. Hanley
Violet married Edward Frank Bee (1891-1961) in Wellington in 1921
Manawatu Times, 16 March 1921
The wedding was celebrated recently at St Michael and All Angels Church, Kelburn, of Miss Violet Mary Tasker, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs F. J. Tasker, Kelburn, to Mr E. F. Bee, eldest son of Mr and Mrs F. Bee, Stratton, Cirencester, Gloucester, England. The Rev C. W. Payne officiated. Her sister, Mrs Reid, was matron-of-honour. Mr Ray Bryant (Palmerston North) was the best man
Violet died 8 March 1967 aged 77 in Wellington

FREDERICK JOHN Tasker next married Mary Teresa WELLS (1867-1936) 1895 in Wanganui
* Mary was a daughter of John William Wells (1847-1923) & ? (see timeline)
Wanganui Herald, 25 June 1895
Mr Frederick J. Tasker, our well-known local boniface, was united in marriage this afternoon to Miss Mary Theresa Wells, of Feilding. The ceremony was performed by the Rev T. B. McLean, in the Church of England. The bride, who was dressed in a handsome heliotrope dress, was given away by her father and attended by Miss E. Tasker and Miss L. Wells, the former wearing cream and the latter pink. Mr Alfred Butler acted as best man. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to the Albion, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was provided, a large number of guests being present

TIMELINE for Frederick & his family
Timaru Herald, 8 April 1881
Frederick was a witness in the Larceny Court Case when Peter McDonald was charged with having stolen spoons from the Royal Hotel on the 28th February .. F. J. Tasker, billiard-marker at the Royal Hotel, saw accused in the billiard-room from about noon to half-past two, playing billiards ..

Wanganui Chronicle, 15 May 1889
I, Frederick John Tasker, of Wanganui, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain and will, at the next Licensing Meeting, to be holden at Wanganui on the seventh day of June next, apply for a Certificate authorising the issue of a Publican's License for a house situate at Wanganui, and known as the Albion Hotel, containing twelve rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family; also for extension until 12p.m.
* The license was transferred to Frederick from Elizabeth Pearce

Wanganui Herald, 9 June 1890
Held at the Oddfellows' Hall, is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday evenings from 7.30 till 10. Admission 1s. Skates - Gentlemen 6d; Ladies free. Saturday Morning Session, for Ladies only, from 10.30 to 12.30. Admission 6d. F. J. TASKER, Manager

Wanganui Chronicle, 8 Sep 1894
At yesterday's meeting of the Licensing Committee Mr F, J, Tasker, of the Albion Hotel, applied to be exempted from burning a night lamp on his premises for three months, during the work of rebuilding. The Committee granted the exemption

Wanganui Chronicle, 23 Jan 1895
Twelfth Annual Meeting. Perfect holiday weather greeted the above event, which took place yesterday in Victoria Park and the result was on of the largest, if not the largest, gatherings ever held upon the ground. A lengthy programme of 29 items was gone through in a most expeditious manner ... The licensing booth, which was under the charge of Mr F. J. Tasker, host of the Albion Hotel, who had a large staff of assistants, was kept busy during the intervals and the same may be said of the refreshment booth and luncheon room ... The attendance is variously estimated at between 1800 and 2400 ..

Wanganui Chronicle, 7 Aug 1895
In reply to a communication with reference to playing a season in Wanganui, Mr F. J. Tasker, the lessee of the Oddfellow's Hall, has received the following note from the manager of "The Gaiety Girl Company" now fulfilling a Sydney engagement:- "Many thanks for yours of 12th inst. I regret to say that the Gaiety Girl Company is not going to visit New Zealand

Wanganui Herald, 16 Feb 1897
At last it would appear that the various schemes propounded for establishing an up=to=date theatre in Wanganui are maturing. At last night's meeting of the local Oddfellows' Lodge a concession was granted to Mr F. J. Tasker of a thirty years lease of the present hall in Ridgway street, which is now under offer to a syndicate being formed to erect on the site a new brick building to be known in future as the Opera House. There is every indication that the venture will prove thoroughly successful

Wanganui Herald, 29 July 1897
A special meeting of the Wanganui Licensing Committee was held at the Courthouse yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock to consider an application for the temporary transfer of the license of the Rutland Hotel from Mrs Scott to Mr F. J. Tasker.

Wanganui Herald, 2 March 1898
Mr F. J. Tasker opened the tobacconist's shop in Ranfurly Chambers (Ridgway-street) to-day with an excellent assortment of cigars, tobaccos, etc. from the best manufacturers. A first-class tonsorial artist arrives next week from the South to take charge of the hairdressing and shaving saloon

Wanganui Herald, 16 June 1898
Mr F. J. Tasker has purchased the interest in the Clarendon Hotel, Palmerston, from Miss Crawford and will take possession at the end of the month
NOTE On Thursday 7 July 1898, Fred and his family left Wanganui for Palmerston North. He had sold the tobacconist/hairdresser shop to Mr G. Tuffin and left, carrying with him, after 18 years residence in Wanganui, the best of good wishes from the town. In Sep 1899 he sent £1 to the Wanganui Borough Council for the renewal of the license for the Oddfellows Hall

On 3 Dec 1900 He transferred the Clarendon Hotel license to John Watkin

New Zealand Times, 5 Dec 1900
, Palmerston North (opposite Railway Station), Palmerston North. F. J. Tasker desires to inform the general public that he has purchased the freehold of the above well-known hotel and has now added a First-class Billiard room and additional sitting rooms. Telephone No 80. None but the Best Ales and Liquors.

In July 1900 he sold the lease of the Cafe de Paris Hotel to Mrs Williams of Stratford, late of the Masonic Hotel in Ashhurst, at the same time purchasing the freehold and took a trip to England.
* About 60 people representing the legal, banking, commercial and newspaper men of Palmerston North, attended the Farewell Social held at the Cafe de Paris to say goodbye to Mr and Mrs F. J. Taker and family. They left in July 1901.
* the local Licensing Committee authorised Mary Theresa Tasker, Frederick's (2nd) wife, to run the hotel in Fred's absence when he and the Misses Tasker (daughters) went again in Feb 1902. They returned in Aug 1902 after 6 months holiday
* In July 1904 they were again farewelled prior to their departure to visit the Old Country. The travelled via Australia, leaving there for London on the P. and O. steamer 'Egypt'. In Oct they and their family were callers at the NZ Agency General, London. They returned on the s.s. 'India' in December, arriving in Jan 1905

Manawatu Standard, 27 Aug 1904
For Transfer of License
I, Frederick John Tasker, of Palmerston North, being the holder of a publican's license in respect of the house and premises situated at Palmerston North known as the "Cafe de Paris" do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain and will at the next Licensing Committee to be holden at Palmerston North on the 5th day of September, 1904, apply for a transfer of the said licensed premises to Ernest Woolright, my appointee
* This must have been handled by his lawyer as they were still overseas at this date

* Frederick was very involved in all town affairs, standing for Council and sitting on Committees, Jury panels, Chamber of Commerce etc. He enjoyed bowls and was the President & Secretary of the Palmerston Club of 130 members. They played many Championship matches in town and away. In Feb 1905 tenders were closed with Mr L. G. West, the architect in Palmerston North, for the erection of two shops and dwellings in the Main Street to be built for Mr Frederick John Tasker and also for the erection of a new residence for him. He (and many other townsfolk) objected to the building of an abattoir adjacent to his property

On 10 April 1908 Fred, his wife and two daughters left on the 'Matai' for Sydney en route to England on a 4 months bowling tour. They left on the Mongolia from there to spend 6 months in the UK and on the Continent. He visited the Temple Bowling Club to a hearty welcome but it was too wet to play. He did, however play on the winning side in a match between the Streatham Constitutional and Woodfield Clubs. The following week he met with the Canadians who had arrived to play and he engaged in a game with Dr W. G. Grace at the Crystal Palace. The Scottish turf green of the South London Club so impressed Fred that he intended taking a quantity of the turf seed home to experiment for the purpose of acclimatisation. He so impressed the bowlers in London that he was eagerly sought after for contests

Manawatu Standard, 14 June 1909
Mr F. J. Tasker, hon, secretary to the Beautifying Society, informs us that the subscriptions collected in aid of it funds now amount to over £100, which has been paid to the Borough Council. The latest donations are:- C. R. Hewitt £2, L. Pascal £1, F. Mowlem £1 1s, W. Strang £1 1s, A. Guy £1 1s, J. C. Lane 5s. Mr Tasker says the Society expects this week to plant trees in Rangitikei street from Kawau bridge to Boundary road

Wanganui Chronicle, 13 Jan 1911
The Manawatu Times says that Mr J. J. Tasker, who leaves shortly for England, has disposed of his fine property and residence of 2 acres of land, eight-roomed house, splendid outbuildings and well laid-out grounds, on Foxton Line to a resident of Wanganui. He left for England on the 'Morea' from Auckland 14 April. He enjoyed the unexpected privilege of staying for a few hours at Malta on the way to London. He was expected to catch the 'Marmora' at Marseilles for Australia by middle of September, stay there until Nov and to be back in time for the general elections

* In March 1912 Frederick was asked by a number of ratepayers and electors to contest the vacant seat on the Borough Council. He stood for the position. His candidate speech (limited to 15 minutes) was .. He was not a good speaker, but was reckoned a good worker and if elected would prove that he was worthy of that reputation. He was in favour of the gas works being Municipally owned, of pure water, good roads, trams, Municipal baths and tree planting. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and through that body's influence gained knowledge that would benefit the town when brought into use. He had been Hon. Sec. of the Beautifying Society and assisted to make the Squares as they were. He had been Hon. Sec. of the Consumptive Annexe Committee which helped to enrich the Hospital funds by nearly £500

* In Aug 1912 he was elected to the Committee of the Horticultural Society

* In April 1913 he declined a request to contest a seat in the Borough Council

Thames Star, 13 May 1913
For An Accommodation License
I. Frederick John Tasker, of Tairau, Hotelkeeper, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will, at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at the Courthouse at Thames on the 6th day of June 1913, apply for a certificate authorising the issue of an Accommodation License, for a house situate at Hikau and known by the sign of the Tairua Hotel, containing sixteen rooms, exclusive of those required for the use of the family.
- Signature of Applicant: Frederick John Tasker
- Name of Owner: Thomas E. Tasker (Thomas Edward Tasker 1874-1950)

Manawatu Times, 26 June 1914
Mr N. H. Nash, Mr and Mrs H. Coles, Mr and Mrs F. J. Tasker, Miss Violet Tasker and Mrs F. Reid leave Wellington to-day by the 'Ulimaroa' with the Dominion team of bowlers for Sydney and Queensland. The party plan to return in about two months time

* In March 1915 his phone number was listed under the latest additions to the telephone exchange:- Phone 872, at his residence in Waldegrave street

* Frederick was the Managing Director of the Palace Picture Theatre, Ltd which was built in 1915 in George street, on the site once occupied by the Manawatu Stables. The Palace continued operation from it's opening on Monday night, 1 Nov 1915, until 9 February 1935 when the theatre was badly gutted by fire. It was not until 1936 that the theatre reopened after extensive work was done. The front veranda roof decorations and much of the interior woodwork was replaced at this time. Palmerston Amusements Ltd owned the theatre at the time of the fire. They had planned to open a new 1300 seat theatre in its place, but this never eventuated. Instead, the newly refurbished building reopened as The Mayfair. The Mayfair became part of the Kerridge Odeon Corporation in 1946 and continued until 1965 when it was closed for a modernisation works. The theatre reopened later in 1965 as The Odeon, the name it held until the building's demolition in 1992. Harvey Norman now stands in its place next to the junction of Coleman Mall and George Street.

Manawatu Times, 7 Oct 1915
At a committee meeting of the Palmerston Bowling committee, at the opening of the Season (in which Miss Tasker assisted with afternoon tea), the resignation of Mr F. J. Tasker as secretary was accepted with general regret and Mr A. Pickering was appointed

Manawatu Standard, 2 Aug 1916
Much sympathy will be felt for Mr and Mrs F. J. Tasker, of Waldegrave street, in the death of their youngest son Albert, which occurred at Wellington yesterday, after a somewhat lengthy illness. The deceased, who was only 29 years of age, was well-known in Palmerston and leaves a wife and family of three boys. The interment takes place at Wellington on Thursday

Evening Post, 27 Dec 1916
Mr F. J. Tasker, after living in Palmerston North for the past twenty years, has decided to remove to Wellington. He is ex-president of the Palmerston Bowling Club and has been prominent in many local movements. His intention is to join the Wellington Bowling Club (they lived in Kelburn)

Manawatu Standard, 7 May 1920
For Publican's License
I, Edmund Perkis, Hotelkeeper, of Palmerston North, do hereby give notice that I desire to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be holden at Palmerston North, on the seventh day of June 1920, apply for a certificate authorising the issue (renewal) of a Publican's License for a house situate at Palmerston North and known as the Cafe de Paris Hotel, containing twenty-two rooms exclusive of those required for the use of the family. E. Perkis, Applicant
- Name of Owner: Frederick John Tasker, The Glen, Kelburn, Wellington

Press, 22 Feb 1922
Mr and Mrs F. J. Tasker (Wellington) and Mrs Stanford (Sydney) are staying at the Clarendon. (This was Mary's sister)

* In Feb 1923 Mr & Mrs Frederick J. Tasker, former residents of Palmerston, were among the Wellington Bowling team who visited there on Tuesday. They were surprised to find the growth of trees on the esplanade and on the Municipal bowling greens

Manawatu Standard, 4 July 1923
An old identity of Feilding in the person of Mr J. W. Wells, passed away in the Palmerston North hospital on Monday. Arriving in New Zealand in 1874, Mr Wells closely identified himself with the development of Feilding, constructing roads and railways. Highly esteemed throughout the district, the deceased gentleman leaves a widow and four daughters - Mrs F. J. Tasker, Wellington; Mrs Charles Stanford, Sydney; Mrs Harry Feilder, Auckland; Mrs Scott, Canterbury; and three sons - John and George, Feilding and Claude, Auckland, besides several grandchildren and one great-grandchild to mourn their loss

NOTE Sometime between 1926-1927 they returned to Palmerston North

Evening Post, 9 February 1937

Mr Frederick John Tasker, formerly a well-known hotelkeeper, died at Palmerston North on Monday in his eighty-first year. He came out to New Zealand in the sailing ship 'Wannington' and landed at Port Chalmers in 1875. After a few years in the South Island he went to Wanganui and was an active member of the Union and Wanganui Bowling Clubs, winning several trophies and medals. He was a life member of the Oddfellows' Lodge. Mr Tasker was engaged in the hotel business at Wanganui and Palmerston North, retiring some years ago. He was secretary of the Wellington Bowling Club for five years, when living in Wellington. He was president one year and secretary for five years of the Palmerston North Bowling Club, and as an active member won many trophies. He was a member of the champion rink for New Zealand in 1915.
Mr Tasker was twice married. He leaves a grown-up family by his first wife of five daughters and one son. There are 20 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren

Evening Post, 28 March 1938

Seven counsel were engaged in the Court of Appeal today in a dispute over the will of the late Frederick John Tasker, of Palmerston North, the appeal being against a Supreme Court judgment of Mr Justice Smith under the Family Protection Act, 1908. The testator died on February 8, 1937, and the will, dated July 21, 1936 left an estate of approximately £20,000 (Sep 2012 equivalent of $1,855,000) for distribution, He had been twice married, but both his wives predeceased him.

On the Bench were the Chief Justice (Sir Michael Myers), Mr Justice Kennedy, Mr Justice Callan and Mr Justice Northcroft
The appellants were
* Mrs Grace Eleanor Hughson (Hawera)
* Mrs Ann Emily Park (Inglewood) and
* George Frederick Tasker (Sydney) plaintiffs in the Supreme Court
and the respondents were the Public Trustee (executor and trustee of the estate)
* Mrs Christina Clara Harker (Palmerston North)
* Mrs Alice Ada Alberta McKay (Gisborne) and
* Mrs Violet Mary Bee (Palmerston North), defendants in the Supreme Court
Mr P. B. Cooke, K.C., with him Mr T. P. Cleary, appeared for Mrs Hughson; Mr R. J. O'Dea (Hawera) for Mrs Park; Mr J. D. Willis for G. F. Tasker; Mr D. R. White for the Public Trustee; Mr G. C. Petersen (Palmerston North for Mrs Harker and Mrs McKay; and Mr J. A. Grant (Palmerston North) for Mrs Bee,
Application was made to the Supreme Court by the three plaintiffs and by the defendant Mrs Bee for further provision out of the estate, and was opposed by Mrs Harker and Mrs McKay. The parties were children of the testator. The testator, said Mr Justice Smith in his judgment, made special provisions for Mrs Harker because she gave up her own home and went to care for him when he was 80 and his wife had become seriously ill.

The circumstances of the applicants varied, but they all had children of their own to whom they were entitled to look for support if need be. They made common cause in attacking the special provision in favour of Mrs Harker. His final impression was the same as his initial impression; that none had a claim comparable with Mrs Harker's, that the Court could not weigh the testator's provision too nicely, and that the applicants had not shown that the testator had failed in his moral duty to make proper and adequate provision for his children, having regard to his means, the means and deserts of the children, and the relative urgency of their claims. The application would be dismissed.

The Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment, with a slight variation that had been agreed upon by counsel during the hearing. The Court considered the will a just one and that it could not be said that the testator in all the circumstances of the case had failed in his moral duty of making adequate provision for the proper maintenance and support of all his children, including those who were making the claim

PHOTO Wanganui 1870
Taken a little before Frederick had the Albion but a brilliant photo to show the position in town. zoom in here

Bottom left shows the intersection of Market & Campbell Place. The Albion Hotel is on the corner. The Moutoa Monument is in the centre. Taupo Quay runs along the centre, by the Monument, following the river. Shakespeare Cliff is across the river.
This is how the Albion looked by 1907

1 comment(s), latest 6 years, 5 months ago

Thomas BATHGATE + Cecilia McCOLL - Dunedin

Thomas BATHGATE (1846-1923)
- was born in Scotland and POSSIBLY a son of John Bathgate and his first wife Anne Cairns ANDERSON who died shortly after the premature birth of a son, their 5th child, who survived only briefly. John arrived in Dunedin in November 1863 on the 'Star of Tasmania' with his 4 children (2 sons & 2 daughters) and his second wife Mary McLaren and their 6 daughters (another daughter and a son were born in NZ)
thank you to eleanorshirley for her message which tells us Thomas's father:
Subject: Thomas Bathgate ancestry
To: ngairedith
From: eleanorshirley
Date: 2014-09-23 04:02:54
Hi Ngaire
That was a lot of info you compiled about Thomas Bathgate and Cecilia McColl.
However he was not the son of John and Anne Bathgate, but of Alexander Bathgate and Janet Brown. Janet died before Alexander emigrated to NZ, aged 68, on the ship Pladda - arriving in Dunedin 7 September 1861 along with six of his children Agnes (and her daughter Janet aged 4), John, Margaret, Thomas, Alexander and Charles, leaving four other children in Scotland his stepson Robert, William, Archibald and Jane.

Cecilia McCOLL (1856-1934)
- was born in Scotland & arrived in NZ about 1863

THOMAS & Cecilia married 11 June 1875 Saddle Hill, Otago (East Taieri Parish)
they had 11 known children:
... 1
1876 - 1956 Thomas Duncan Bathgate
- from NZETC ... Mr. Thomas Duncan Bathgate, formerly Manager of the Outram Dairy Factory, was born in the Taieri district. He was for four years with the company at its head factory in Dunedin, and ultimately took charge of the factory at Outram
THOMAS MARRIED Letitia Mabel NICHOL in 1908
- a son, Norman Shand Bathgate served in WWII as Private 13470 with the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force, 26 (Canterbury) Battalion, New Zealand Army Service Corps, 6 Reserve Mechanical Transport Company, enlisting from Wright Stephenson & Co. Ltd, Dunedin. His next of kin was his father Thomas Duncan Bathgate of Pakiri, Rodney County. Norman was Accidentally killed on active service in Australia. He is buried J.B.1. Perth War Cemetery and Annex, Smyth Road, Nedlands, Perth, WA.
THOMAS NEXT MARRIED Clara Gertrude DYER (1892-1946) in 1926

... 2
1877 - 1961 Alexander William Bathgate
ALEXANDER died 24 March 1961 at Saddle Hill aged 80
- his ashes were returned

... 3
1878 - 1955 Mary Jane Bathgate
MARY JANE MARRIED James Alexander RONALD (1882-1959) in 1902
their known children:
* 1902 - 1983 Isabella Cecilia Ronald (+Francis Emery Wilds 1929)
* 1903 - 1903 John Ernest Alexander Ronald (aged 3 months)
* 1904 - 1969 Jane Agnes Ronald (+James Leonard Hardy 1932)
* 1906 - 1987 Mercia Monica Ronald (not married)
* 1910 - 1983 Stanley Murray Allan Ronald

... 4
1881 - Cecilia Jessie Bathgate
- nothing known

... 5
1883 - 1883 Beatrice Bathgate
- Beatrice died 28 August 1883 aged 12 days
- she is buried Block 2P. Plot 5 at North Taieri Cemetery, Dunedin with a number of McColl family members

... 6
1885 - ? Beatrice Mabel Bathgate
- nothing known

... 7
1888 - ? Joseph Ernest Bathgate
- nothing known

... 8
1890 - ? Edith Bathgate
- nothing known

... 9
1894 - ? John Alfred Bathgate
- nothing known

... 10
1895 - 1973 David Alfred Bathgate M.B. Ch.B.
- Otago University; MB [Bachelor of Medicine], ChB [Bachelor of Surgery]
- GP in Hastings from 1930
- published various articles including "Yesterday (Inanahi) 1970 & "Doctor in the sticks" 1972
DAVID MARRIED Rachel Helen DUNNETT in 1924
David died 9 Sep 1973 aged 78 in Hastings
Rachel died 26 April 1982 aged 83 in Hastings

... 11
1896 - 1914 Hugh McIntyre Bathgate
HUGH died 7 October 1914 aged 18
- his last address was 68 High street, Maori Hill, Dunedin
- he is buried with his parents

THOMAS BATHGATE died 27 July 1923 aged 77
CECILIA BATHGATE died 15 October 1934 aged 78
- they are buried Block 27, Plot 15 at Andersons Bay Cemetery
- buried with sons Hugh McIntyre & Thomas Duncan Bathgate

GRAVE at Plot 5, Block 2P at Southern Cemetery

those interred are:
1863 - Flora Cameron Gray aged 4
1863 - Anna Isabella Cross aged ?
1878 - Duncan McColl aged 55
1883 - Beatrice Bathgate aged 12 days
1909 - Jean McColl aged 76
1912 - Mary McColl aged 54
1926 - Catherine McColl aged 70
1933 - Isabel McColl aged 73

the extended family of William Ulick BURKE - Napier

TIMELINE in New Zealand for Australian born:

- a son of Robert Bartlett BURKE (1817-1892) & Sarah Louise MONTGOMERY (1815-1891)

28 October 1869 - DEPARTURE for Melbourne, via Bluff
... the CLAUD HAMILTON, s.s., 530 tons, Captain Underwood. Passengers:
Mr Alexander
Mrs Barton
Mr Beresford
Mr C. F. Black
Mr Cowan
Mr Hayworth
Mr and Mrs Lees and family (6)
Mr Levi
Mr Macan
Mr McLean
Miss Morton
Mr Pell
and 20 in the steerage

... William subscribed ?1 (as did many others) to the above Society ($135 in 2012)

28 March 1874 - JUSTICE OF PEACE
... We are informed that the inhabitants of Blacks (Tuapeka) have petitioned the Government to appoint Mr W. U. Burke a Justice of the Peace

... William marries Rachel 'Bessie' STUART (1858-?), youngest daughter of Robert STUART (1833-1883) & Rachel Keith Mackenzie-Ross (1831-1898) who married 11 April 1855, at Hopkins River, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.
Robert became the first Mayor of Napier
Rachel's mother, Rachel Keith Mackenzie-Ross was born at Logie-Easter, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland, 1 of 5 children of George Mackenzie-Ross & his 3rd wife, Susan Agnes Eleanora Dunlop. This made Rachel the 14th of 15 children.
See John Ross, I of Aldie, died 17 July, 1654

17 April 1877 - BIRTH OF A SON
... the birth of their son, Robert Ulick Burke (1877-1965)
18 Jan 1896 Robert is on the committee of the old boys of the Wanganui Collegiate School
29 June 1899 Robert was picked to play Hockey in the trial match for Napier
2 July 1900 Robert Urlick Burke was appointed Deputy-Registrar of Births, Deaths, and marriages at Napier, In Sep that year he was elected as Hon Secretary of the United Cricket Club at their annual meeting in the Masonic Hotel. In December he passed the First Section Solicitors Examination from the University of New Zealand
18 March 1903 Mr Robert Ulick Burke and Mr Hugh McMillan Ewing were on Friday admitted by his Honor Mr Justice WIlliams as solicitors of the Supreme Court of New Zealand
24 Nov 1904 he was the Hon Secretary of the Whataupoko Tennis Club
- Robert married Winifred REYNOLDS in 1907
20 November 1907 Another wedding of considerable local interest took place at Holy Trinity Church this afternoon, when Mr Robert Ulick Burke, Solicitor, Gisborne, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Winifred Reynolds, youngest daughter of Mr R. J. Reymolds, Gisborne. The church was beautifully decorated by the friends of the bride and the service, which was a choral one, was conducted by the vicar, the Rev Dawson Thomas. Mr E. N. Sidebottom presided at the organ and as the bride and bridegroom entered the church played "The Voice that Breathed o'er Eden", and as they retired the Wedding March was played. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk crepe with a deep hem of chiffon taffeta, bordered with true lovers' knots of silver tissue; the corsage being draped with point de Bruges lace, finished with silver cord and tassels; and she wore a pearl pendant and pearl brooch, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried a shower bouquet. The bridesmaids were Miss C. Reynolds, heliotrope; Miss Sunderland, primrose; Miss Mabel Burke, pale blue; Miss Clark, pale pink; Miss Eve Gaddum, white muslin. Their dresses were of chiffon taffeta and lace, and hats of crinoline straw, matching the dresses. They wore gold-mounted combs, the present of the bridegroom. the bridegroom was attended by five groomsmen - Mr G. Reymolds (best man), Mr L. Rutledge, Mr J. M. Gouldsmith, Mr C. R. Sainsbury (long time friend and Hockey team mate on 1899), and Mr R. Reynolds.
The bride's mother wore a dress of soft grey silk, trimmed with pinks, black velvet and lace; with hat of silver grey, with black lace and pink roses, and carried a bouquet. The bridegroom's mother wore black, white striped chiffon taffeta, with hat of black crinoline straw and ostrich feather, and also carried a bouquet. After the ceremony, which was witnessed by a large assemblage, the bridal party were conveyed to "Sandown" where a large number of guests were entertained by Mr and Mrs Reynolds on their prettily laid-out lawn, special provision having been made for the occasion. The presents were numerous and costly, and Mr and Mrs Burke leave for South by the Victoria this evening; the bride's travelling dress being a navy blue tailor-made costume, with hat to match
in 1917 & 1918 Mrs Robert Ulick Burke advertised for a Cook and a Chirdren's Nurse. Apply Northcote Road. She played cricket and tennis and was involved with the East Coast Provincail Patriotic Council during WWII

... List of persons who have taken out Game Licenses within the Province of Hawkes Bay for the shooting season 1877:-
John Bennett
Thomas Bishop
R. Braithwaite
J. D. Canning
Alfred Danvers
J. K. Goudy
Jasper L. Herrick
Kendrick Hill
J. Joshia
Evan Morgan
W. A. Neale
T. T. Parsons
George Pilcher
J. Price
F. Reper
H. Russell
H. W. P. Smith
F. Sutton
J. Warrilow
Robert Wellwood
Colonel Whitmore
J. N. Williams
R. P. Williams
Charles B. Winter
- J. M. TABUTEAU, Custom House, Napier

... the following jury was impannelled:-
T. K. Newton (foreman), W. U. BURKE, A. St C. Inglis, W. Douglas, A. Kennedy, P. Dinwiddie, S. W. Elmes, J. Giblin, E. Sutton, R. Wellwood, P. Dolbel, H. Powdrell

9 January 1878 - CRICKET MATCH
... A cricket match between the Civil Sevice and an eleven from the Banks and Law offices will be played on the ground of the Napier CLub at Taradale this afternoon. The names of the members of the respective teams are:
J. Begg (twelfth man)
P. Bourke
A. E. Dewes
D. A. Miller (twelfth man)

... The Treasurer's accounts and books of the Society have been duly audited gratuitously, as heretofore, by Mr W. U. Burke and Mr Samuel Williams and the committee thank these gentlemen for their services

... William is a witness in the Fraudulent Bankruptcy case of George Edward Toop, an adjudicated bankrupt, was charged with having, on the 3rd March, left Napier with the sum of ?188 13s (June 2012 equivalent of $27,000), which ought by law to have been divided amongst his creditors. William deposed: "I am manager of the Bank of New South Wales in Napier. Toop was a customer of the bank...

... WANTED, a General Servant, apply to Mrs W. U. Burke, Hospital Hill

... William donates ?1 1s towards the Wairoa Church building fund

21 December 1879 - BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER
... the birth of their daughter Margaret Alicia 'Meta' Burke (1879-1971)
- Margaret married George Challoner Plumridge TRIPE (1876-1945), son of the late Dr Tripe of Willis-street, Wellington on 19 April 1910 at St Mary's Church, Waipukurau, Hawkes Bay. They went to Sydney for their honeymoon, returning 13 May. They lived at 15 Selwyn Terrace, Napier in 1912 when Meta advertised for a Lady-help, must be fond of children, no ironing. They sold that house in May 1913 to Mr Cunningham. Her mother Rachel Gore, from Napier, came to stay for a time in September 1915 (suggesting she did not move to Vancouver). In January 1916 the ad appeared in the Dominion: NURSERY, Governess, for country (Gisborne), two small children. Apply Mrs Sherratt, Mrs George Tripe, 29 Bolton Street, Wellington. In May 1917, the ad appeared: Wanted, Capable General, two in family. Apply evening, to Mrs George Tripe, 29 Bolton St. In December 1917 Meta visited her sister Mable Donnelly at Waipukurau. in April 1919, Meta stayed with her sister Ethel Caro in Napier. In January 1920 she again advertised for help, two in family, apply 29 Bolton street. In June 1920 her mother, Mrs Arthur Gore was on a visit to stay with her at Wellington. In March 1921 her sister Mable Donnelly of Waipawa was a guest at her place in Wellington. In Feb 1922, Mr and Mrs George Tripe entertained the wedding party of Miss Syliva Johnston MacFarlane, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Macfarlane of Sydney when she married Captain Robert Goodenough Sherwood-Hale of Alderly, Gloucester, at their home in Bolton street, Wellington. In Nov 1922, her mother Rachel of Napier again visited at Bolton street. In June 1923 Meta & George Tripe returned from Christchurch where he had been attending a Dental Conference. In August 1924 Miss Nancy Cotterill of Gisborne, (her mother's neice), arrived for a visit. In February 1925, Meta and husband George, left for England via Sydney, leaving their house in Bolton street in the care of Mr and Mrs Meek. In February 1927, Mrs Saunders of Feilding was a guest at Bolton street. In January 1928 they returned from a visit to Meta's sister Mable Donnelly at Havelock North. In May 1928, her mother Rachel (Mrs Gore), returned to Havelock North after staying with Meta, she returned in Sep 1928 (she was then aged about 70). In October 1929 George resigned from the Acclimatisation Society in Wellington as they planned to return to Napier to live. In 1920 they lived at "Twyford" Hastings. On Christmas Eve 1931 George's mother died aged 91, leaving 8 sons and 2 daughters. In November 1938, Rachel Gore (now aged 80) went to Wellington from her home in Gisborne, to meet her daughter Meta returning from England and abroad and she stayed with Mrs Hamilton Gilmer on The Terrace (her granddaughter's inlaws) -(still haven't found where or when Rachel died)

... In the matter of Thomas Kennedy Newton, of Napier, Merchant, trading under the style or firm of Newton, Irvine and Company, an Arranging Debtor. Notice is hereby given that a Deed of Assignment, dated the fifth day of March, 1880, and made between Thomas Kennedy Newton, of Napier, Merchant, of the first part; John Smylie McDewell Thompson, of Wellington, Merchant and William Ulick Burke, of Napier aforesaid, bank manager, of the second part ... continues in June 1883

... on the s.s. Albion for Northern ports, W. U. Burke
- William returned into Napier 13 December on the s.s. Te Anau

6 January 1881 - NAPIER REGATTA
... The first meeting of the Regatta Committee took place last night at the Criterion Hotel. William was elected treasurer and it was decided the regatta should be held to suit the tide between February 20 and March 1 on the Ngaruroro river. The programme agreed upon included: Whale-boat race, open to all comers, Four-oared representative race, open to all amateurs, Senior fours, open to all amateurs, Junior fours, Maori canoe race & the Rob Roy canoe race

5 August 1881 - POULTRY & CANARY SHOW
... William wins first prize for his adult Cochins and a special prize for the best pen black red game

23 August 1881 - at WAIROA
... Captain Preece arrived on the 15th and held an R.M. Court on the 17th and 18th, Messrs Powdrell, Steele, and Strachan, J.P.'s assisting. The following cases were disposed of:-
W. U. Burke v. Paora Rerepu of Mohaka, claim ?45 for trespass, &c., in refusing to deliver up a dwelling-house at Mohaka. Judgment for plaintiff ?5 and cost ?4 3s
W. U. Burke v. B. Stevens, claim ?50, value of two horses named Naughty Boy and Gipsy. The Bench decided that Mr Stevens had not completed the purchase by taking delivery of the horses. Judgment for the plaintiff

20 September 1881 - WILLIAMS TRAVELS to WAIROA
... William travels on the s.s. Maori for Mohaka and Wairoa

13 October 1881 - BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER
... the birth of their daughter Ethel Christine Burke (1881-1970)
- Ethel married Eric Adelbert Cecil CARO (1876-1953) in 1904
23 March 1904 Mrs A. Gore and her daughter, Miss Ethel Burke, have also been staying in Wellington, buying Miss Burke's trousseau. Her marriage with Mr Eric Caro (Napier) takes place almost immediately.
10 Nov 1910 Dr Eric Caro, of Napier, returned from a trip to Sydney by the Ulimaroa yesterday.
30 Jan 1915 Mr and Mrs Eric caro and family from napier have been staying at Paekakariki Hotel and are now at Mahara House, Waikanae
7 Jan 1916 Wanted - Dental Mechanic Assistant, must be competent to do high-class work. Apply immediately. State ability and references. Dr Eric Caro, Napier
11 Aug 1916 Mrs Eric Caro (Napier) is staying with her sister, Mrs George Tripe
2 Nov 1928 The engagement is ammounced of Lois Christine, younger daughter of Dr and Mrs Eric Caro, Napier to Hamilton John Herbert, eldest son of Dr and Mrs Hamilton Gilmer, Wellington
23 Nov 1931 Dr Eric Caro, formerly a prominent Napier dentist, returns from Chigaco. He went to the States earlier in the year for post-graduate study. His equipment at Napier was destroyed with his other possession in the February earthquake. He gave an interview stating that "Chicago is just as safe as Wellington. It seemed to me to be the opposite of the gang-infested and crime-ridden city pictured by the average New Zealand residnet. I was agreeably surprised to find the city wonderfully improved and developed since my last visit ten years ago ... more
They then lived in Wellington where Dr Eric Caro D.D.S., was a 'Pyorrhoea Specialist at 202 Kelvin Chambers, 16 The Terrace, Wellington and also travelled around NZ giving talks on Bad Health of the Mouth on radio and Public Lectures

14 October 1881 - HAWKES BAY A & P SHOW
... William shows a 6 year old Alderney Cow but didn't win an award

19 December 1881 - ABSOLVED AS JUROR
... Messrs Ramsey Syme and W. U. Burke were absolved from sitting as jurors in the case, Bank of New Zealand v. Te Pekakerekere, at the Supreme Court this morning under rather peculiar circumstances. Mr Rees, on behalf of the defendant, objected to Mr Syme on the ground that that gentleman being agent for the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company was more or less associated with the Bank of New Zealand. Mr Travers, counsel for the plaintiffs, said he would not at all mind Mr Syme being ordered by His Honor to "stand down" provided Mr Burke, to whom his clients had an objection, was also asked to withdraw from the box

26 January 1882 - THE RAM FAIR
... The annual ram fair under the auspices of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society was held at Hastings yesterday and was largely attended. Mr S. Johnston sold 10 merino rams at £3 15s each to Mr William U. Burke

... William was once again a steward of the club

7 October 1881 - FANCY DRESS BALL
... A very successful fancy dress ball was held last evening in Messrs Banner and Liddle's new store at the Spit. Fully three hundred ladies and gentlemen were present and must have thoroughly enjoyed themselves as the floor was in excellent condition and the arrangements were most complete and convenient. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags and foliage and brilliantly lighted with a great number of chandeliers. Amongst those present was Mr and Mrs W. U. Burke but not stated what their fancy dress was

29 May 1883 - THE LEVEE
... His Excellency the Governor held an undress levee at 2 p.m., when the following gentlemen had the honor of being presented: ... & W. U. Burke

... William attended the meeting of the committee at the Jockey Club rooms

11 June 1883 - SUPREME COURT
... The civil business of the Supreme Court will commence on Friday, if not earlier. The action T. K. Newton v. W. U. Burke is fixed for hearing on Friday before a special jury

11 June 1883 - A & P GRAIN & ROOT SHOW
... The annual grain and root show in connection with the Agricultural and Pastorla Society was held in Messrs Hoadley, Lyon and Co.'s store (kindly lent for the occasion) on Saturday
MANGOLDS (beet with a large yellowish root; grown chiefly as cattle feed) - Long Red Variety, 1st P. Ramsay; 2nd W. U. Burke
CARROTS (white) - 1st R. Bader; 2nd R. Wellwood. W. U. Burke also exhibited

7 July 1883 - DEATH at WILLIAM's HOME of his father-in-law
... It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mr Robert Stuart, who died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr W. U. Burke, on Saturday afternoon, after a long and painful illness. There was no more popular resident in Napier than was the deceased gentleman, and in the first election, held on 18 January 1875, 493 electors were responsible for electing nine councillors from the 22 who put their names forward for council. From among their number, the successful candidates chose Robert Stuart, a former sheep farmer, and former member of the Otago and Southland provincial councils was Napier's first mayor, a position he held until 1878. At the general elections of 1876 he unsuccessfully contested the second seat for Hawke's Bay with Captain Russell. On the removal of Mr Beetham from Napier to Oamaru, Mr Stuart was appointed Resident Magistrate and it was his boast that during the whole time he sat on the bench his judgements had never been appealed against. A short visit to England to obtain surgical relief from his painful complaint was the only break in his connection with this town since his residence here, Unfortunately little could be done for him by the physicians at Home, and Mr Stuart knew but too well that he had only returned to the colony to put his affairs in order and to die. Mr Stuart passed away at a time of life when most men may look forward to many years of enjoyment and of usefulness. His private charities, his generous liberality, and the unnumerable acts of kindness that characterised his life amongst us, will no more be forgotten than will their loss be felt. The deceased gentleman leaves a widow and two daughters - Mrs Arthur James Cotterill (Julie Moore Stuart (1856-1884) and Mrs William Ulick Burke (Rachel Stuart 1858-?). The remains of the deceased were conveyed to the cemetery this afternoon, a last token of respect being paid to his memory by His Worship the Mayor, the Town Clerk, the members of the present Municipal Council, and many ex-councillors, beside other citizens and country settlers following them to the grave
NOTE Robert's widow, Rachel Keith Stuart remarried in Wellington 7 February 1889, to Alfred Jackson (1826-1901), a Bank Manager, born in Nottinghamshire & died in Wellington. He became the girls (Julie & Rachel) stepfather and gave Rachel away when she remarried to Arthur Gore (see 1891). They also had 2 daughters of their own

... The show was largely attended during the afternoon and evening of yesterday and great interest was apparently taken by the public in the exhibits. Judging commenced at 11 o'clock and was not completed until nearly 4p.m. The game classes were judged by Messrs W. U. BURKE and W. Miller
DARK COCKS (adults) - C. B. Winter 1st; W. U. Burke 2nd
DARK HENS (adults) - C. B. Winter 1st; C. B. Winter 2nd; W. U. Burke, highly commended
DARK HENS (young) - W. U. Burke 1st; C. B. Winter 2nd
BEST SPANISH HEN - Mr W. U. Burke (won ?1 1s)

31 August 1883 - NAPIER ROWING CLUB
... The members of the Napier Rowing Club held their annual general metting last night at the Criterion Hotel. The officers for the following year were elected:-
PRESIDENT - Mr J. D. Ormond
VICE-PRESIDENTS - Mr T. Tanner & Mr W. U. Burke
CAPTAIN - Mr J. G. Gilberd
HON. TREASURER - Mr R. A. D. Mowbray
HON SECRETARY - Mr W. J. Tabuteau
COMMITTEE: Messrs F. Parker, R. Duncan, A. P. Sheath, C. Kennedy, F. Bee, H. F. Thompson and J. Sidey

19 October 1883 - BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER
... At Napier, on the 18th October, Mrs W. U. Burke of a daughter
- this was Ella Burke (1883-1976)
- Ella married Thornley SHERRATT (1882-1962) J.P., in 1908
- they were in Swarthmoor, Patutahi, near Gisborne in 1911 when they had a son (2nd child) they farmed at Ormond (had over 3000 acres known as Papakorokoro Station). Ella's sister, Margaret Tripe stayed with her for a time in Sep 1927 at "Swarthmoor", Gisborne
- Thornley and his brothers were into Polo and Thornley played for Waikohu. He was severly burned in March 1926 as the result of a combustion of methylated spirits whilst transferring from one container to another

16 January 1884 - the WHARE-O-MARANUI RESERVE
... Mr P. Dolberl has conferred a service upon the public by his action at the harbor Board meeting yesterday. In the Whare-o-maranui reserve the Board has what is even now a property of considerable value, but the prospective value of which, if properly dealt with, is enormous, and Mr Dolbel's suggestion that the Board should initiate reclamation operations at once will meet with gereral ouside support ... He brought before his colleagues the fact that Mr W. U. Burke, manager of the bank of New South Wales, had made an offer on behalf of a number of English capitalists to lease the whole of the block east of the Tutaekuri and Taradale embankments for a term of 35 years. The offer was not made by Mr Burke in his capacity as a bank manager, but solely on behalf of the capitalists before referred to, who were prepared to agree to the following terms ... more

22 August 1884 - NAPIER ROWING CLUB
... William was again elected as one of the Vice-Presidents (along with Thomas Tanner)

... William travels on the s.s. Te Anau which is leaving for Wellington, Southern Ports and Melbourne. He returns from Port Chalmers, Dunedin 8 days later on the s.s. Tarawera

... A meeting of those anxious to assist in furthering the taking of the poll under the Napier Harbor Board's Loand and Empowering Bill was held in the Town Hall last evening. The hall was crowded, standing room not being obtainable. His Worship the Mayor occupied the chair. The Mayor explained that he had called the meeting at the request of a number of gemtlemen who met hastily and somewhat imformally in the old Porvincial Council Chamber on Monday last... Mr Cornford then submitted a list of names, to which others were added, making the committee as follows (very large article):- & W. U. Burke

... Our Hastings correspondent writes "A great deal of interest is taken here in the proposed woolen factory. It is thought there will be no trouble in getting the required number of share taken up. The following is a list of names of the provisional committee":
Messers J. D. Ormond, M.H.R., Capt. W. Russell, M.H.R., T. Tanner, J. N. Williams, Loughman, J. Chambers, R. Wellwood, E. Beck, W. Shrimpton, Col. Herrick, R. Harding, H. Gaisford, J. G. Kinross, H. S. Tiffen, J. W. Neal, W. U. BURKE, Balfour, E. Lyndon, H. C. Robjohus, E. H. Williams, G. Ellis

... A meeting of the general committee in connection with the above was held in the Town Hall yesterday, his Worhisp the Mayor of Napier in the chair. There was a good attendance. The Chairman explained that the meeting was called to make arrangements for the financial and general work in connection with the demonstration. It was expected that the town would not only have to entertain guests from other towns in New Zealand but also from Australia, as it was intended to make the prize list a very liberal one in order to induce the co-operation of fire brigades in all parts of the Australasian colonies. The actual business of the meeting would be purely preliminary, consisting in a great measure of appointing sub committees.
Mr Cohen moved, seconded by Mr Liddle that Messrs R. Dobson and W. Bogle be honorary treasurer and secretary respectively - Carried.
The Chairman moved that the following gentlemen be elected a financial committee:-
... & W. U. Burke
The following gentlemen were elected a sub-committee:- ... & W. U. Burke

27 November 1885 - THE RIVERSLEA SALE
... The sale of the Riverslea estate, which commenced yesterday, attracted a far larger attendance than has been hitherto seen at any land sale in Hawke's Bay, Mr M. S. Bell's large store by the railway station being well filled... The following is a list of the purchasers yesterday:- (over 400 Lots, go to link for individual buyers, size and cost of lots) ...
William bought the following (all 1 rood in size which is equivalent to ? acre & William paid £40 per each, equivalent in 2012 to $29,000 an acre)
LOTS No: 274 - 275 - 276 - 277 - 278 - 279 - 342 - 343 - 344 - 345 - 346 - 347

18 December 1885 - St JOHN'S CHURCH
... The inadequate accommodation provided by the parish church of St John the Evangelist has been brought very frequently under the notice of the vestry during the past six months. A detailed list of guarantors is appended hereto. The amounts in many instances are divided into annual payments, extending overperiods of four and five years:-
Mr W. U. Burke £ 50 ($9,000)
... On the same day William also subscribed $50 for the erection of the new Anglican Church

24 March 1886 - BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER
... the birth of their daughter Mable Constance Burke (1886-?)
- Mabel married Frank Beresford DONNELLY in 1909

... Mr W. U. Burke, manager of the Bank of New South Wales for several years, died at 2p.m. to-day. He was suffering from a cold, which attacked his lungs, and he took to his bed on Saturday

... At Napier, on 12th July, 1886, William Ulick Burke, aged 39 years. The funeral will leave his late residence, Hastings-street, at 3 o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon

... It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of Mr William Ulick Burke, manager of the bank of New South Wales. The deceased gentleman had been suffering from a severe cold, which subsequently attacked his lungs, but he did not take to his bed till Saturday. He died at 2p.m. to-day. He leaves a widow and a young family to mourn his loss

... Mr William Ulick Burke, whose death we have record in anothr column, arrived in Napier as manager of the Bank of New South Wales in 1874, succeeding Mr J. R. French. The deceased gentleman was born in Victoria in 1846, and was consequently only in his fortieth year at the time of his death. He married in 1875, the youngest daughter of the late Mr R. Stuart, at that time Mayor of Napier. He is brother-in-law of Mr A. J. Cotterill, Crown Prsecutor of this town. All Mr Burke's other relatives are in Australia

13 July 1886 - WILLIAM'S DEATH
... Our obituary column this morning contains the announcement of the death of Mr William Ulick Burke, at the early age of 39 years. The deceased gentleman, whose demise after a short illness is universally regretted, had been at the time of his death, manager for nearly twelve years of the Napier branch of the Bank of New South Wales. Mr Burke arrived in Napier in 1874 and in the following year married the youngest daughter of the late Mr Robert Stuart, at that time Mayor of the borough. Mr Burke was also brother-in-law to Mr A. J. Cotterill, Crown Prosecutor for Hawke's Bay. The deceased gentleman was a native of Victoria, where many relatives will mourn his loss. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon

14 July 1886 - from THE ARGUS (Melbourne)
... BURKE, On the 12th inst., at the Bank of New South Wales, Napier N.Z., of congestion of the lungs, William Ulick, beloved son of Robert Bartlett Burke, formerly of Mount Shadwell
* Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 4th July, 1848. HIS Excellency the Governor hasbeen pleased to appoint the under-mentioned gentleman to be a Magistrate of the Territory and its Dependencies, viz.:- Robert Bartlett Burke, Esquire, of Chetwynd, Glenelg River, District of Port Phillip
* 20 Jan 1891 BURKE, On the 20th inst., at Parkville, Sarah Louisa, the beloved wife of Robert Bartlett Burke

14 July 1886 - WILLIAM'S FUNERAL
... The funeral to-day of William Ulick Burke, local manager of the Bank of New South Wales, who died somewhat suddenly yesterday, was very largely attended

... The body of the late Mr W. U. Burke was interred in the Napier cemetery yesterday. The funeral procession was a very long one, and served to show the respect in which the deceased gentleman was held when living. The Rev De Berdt Hovell officiated at the grave

15 July 1886 - ESTATE OF WILLIAM
... All claims against the estate of William Ulick Burke, are to be rendered to Wilson and Cottrell, solicitors

... The death of Mr William Ulick Burke, manager of the Bank of New South Wales, Napier, which was announced on Tuesday, will have been read with regret by many Dunedin friends of the deceased gentleman. He was resident in this city for a considerable time and was universally popular among his acquaintances. Mr Burke was in the bank's service in the Tuapeka, Dunstan, and other Otago goldfield districts in the early days of the diggings, and always took a great deal of interest in athletic and sporting matters. Since his transfer to Napier he had continued to take an active part in such pursuits, and had some first-class racehorses running in his interest - Pearl and Soudon among others

... The secretary read the ANNUAL REPORT - "It is with the deepest regret that your Committee have to record the death of Mr William Ulick Burke, who for many years so ably filled the office of honorary treasurer to the Club, and who by his ability and foresight contributed so much to the advanced position the Club now holds". The Committee recommend, as a mark of esteem in which the deceased gentleman was held, that a race, to be called the "Burke Memorial Stakes' be added to the programme at the Autumn Meeting

... From the executors in the estate of the late Mr W. U. Burke, offering to convey land to the Board for a road from the main Papakura road to the Waimate creek, on condition that the Board undertook to make the proposed road at an early date - Decided that the quesiton stand over till the next meeting

19 August 1886 - DAIRY SALE
... We are requested to call the attention of intending buyers at the sale of dairy cattle, farm implements, &c., at the farm of the late Mr W. U. Burke, that Rymer's four horse coach will leave Newton's corner to-morrow at 10.15 a.m. Mr C. B. Hoadley will open the sale at noon

28 August 1886 - SALE OF THE FARM
... Messrs C. B. Hoadley and Co., announces the sale at an early date of the beautiful little property known as the Farm, Papakura,(Auckland), recently occupied by the late Mr W. U. Burke. This estate is perhaps the only one offering so many advantages which is likely to come into the market for a long time to come. It is admirably situated either for residential purposes, or for a dairy farm, being within an easy drive of Napier (today, about 385km), and contiguous to the new main road to Hastings

2 September 1886 - SALE OF THE FURNITURE
... Banner and Liddle sell the furniture and effects of the late W. U. Burke to-mottow, at noon, on the premises, Hastings-street

10 June 1887 - A. & P. SOCIETY
... The annual meeting of the Society was held this morning. They tendered their thanks to Messrs C. B. Hoadley and S. J. Williams who have gratuitously audited the accounts and wish to place on record their appreciation of the valuable services rendered to this society by the late Mr W. U. Burke, who for many years filled the office of auditor. - Thomas Tanner, President

... The following nominations were also received:-
LADIES BRACELET, value of 80 soveriegns; 2 miles on the flat
Mrs J. H. Nixon ns b g Hiamoe, 4 years
Mrs W. U. Burke ns g or d g Kimberley, 6 years (came 5th)

... William's widow, Rachel Burke, married Arthur Hector Gore (1866-1944) at St Paul's Church, Thorndon, Wellington. Born in Australia, a son of Richard Benjamin Gore (1839-1904 who became Curator & secretary of the Colonial Museum & lived in Aurora Terrace Wellington in 1885), Arthur Hector Gore played First-class cricket from 1885-1902. His major team was Hawkes Bay & Wellington. He died in Vancouver, Canada in 1944 aged 78. He was there in 1914 and not yet known if Rachel also went. His brothers who also played cricket, were:
* Henry Morland Gore (1864-1930) born in Dunedin, died in Wellington, became private secretary to the Hon. G. F. Richardson, minister of lands, and continued in that capacity to various members of the cabinet till 1893, when he joined the Hansard staff. He has also acted as secretary to several royal commissions. In his school days he studied art, and devoted a good deal of time to painting in water colours and oils. Some of his children are mentioned (as party guests) on this posting Jack Forsyth BRISTED + Isabel Stuart REID - Wellington
* Ross Gore (1868-1925) born in Wellington, died in Wollahra, New South Wales, Australia
* Charles St. George Gore (1871-1913) born & died in Wellington
* he also had at least 5 sisters
- RACHEL & ALFRED had 2 daughters: Julie Jackson & Elizabeth Jackson

25 July 1891 - from the 'OBSERVER'
... Rachel (Bessie), the widow of the late William Ulick Burke, bank manager at Napier, was married on the 30th of June to Mr Arthur Hector Gore, at St Paul's Church, Wellington

William's father-in-law ROBERT STUART

... the first Mayor of Napier, held office from the 19th of January, 1875, to December, 1878, and was a member, ex official, of the Hawke's Bay Provincial Council. He unsuccessfully contested the Napier seat in the House of Representatives against Sir Donald McLean, and for some years filled the position of Resident Magistrate at Napier. Mr. Stuart was a Scotchman by birth, and arrived in New Zealand about the year 1850. He settled in the South Island, where he engaged in sheep-farming. Subsequently he retired, and removed to Hawke's Bay, and died in Napier on the 7th of July, 1883, in the fiftieth year of his age

BROSNAHAN buried Timaru 1874-2006

the BROSNAHAN buried TIMARU as at 1 Dec 2012
* go to database for their cemetery & headstone photo

* AGNES ALICE Brosnahan 3 Sep 1992 aged 90

* AGNES CECELIA Brosnahan 19 Oct 1984 aged 84

* ANNIE Brosnahan 17 May 1902 aged 86

* AUDREY DORIS Brosnahan 23 Oct 2005 aged 84

* BARRY JOSEPH Brosnahan 21 Oct 1968 aged 78

* BENJAMIN 'Ben' Brosnahan 19 June 1930 aged 71
with wife Ellen

* BERNADETTE PATRICIA Brosnahan 5 Feb 1972 aged 5

* BERTHA Brosnaham 19 Sep 1939 aged 21

* CATHERINE Brosnahan 14 Sep 1885 aged 4

* CATHERINE Brosnahan 11 April 1916 aged 90

* CATHERINE Brosnahan 19 May 1928 aged 60

* CATHERINE REBECCA Brosnahan 4 July 1955 aged 64

* CHRISTINA MARY ANN Brosnahan 21 Sep 1971 aged 83

* CORNELIUS Brosnahan 8 Aug 1902 aged 81

* CORNELIUS Brosnahan 29 Nov 1911 aged 52

* CORNELIUS Brosnahan 23 Aug 1920 aged 65

* DANIEL Brosnahan 8 Aug 1899 aged 19 months

* DANIEL JOSEPH Brosnahan 21 May 1973 aged 79 - Timaru

* DANIEL PETER Brosnahan 14 Nov 1972 aged 57

* DAVID Brosnahan 12 Oct 1924 aged 83

* DEBORAH Brosnahan 17 July 1899 aged 86

* DEBORAH Brosnahan 27 Jan 1953 aged 80

* DEBORAH Brosnahan 21 Sep 1954 aged 68

* EDWARD BARNARD Brosnahan 22 Dec 1926 aged 10

* DOREEN MARY Brosnahan 21 July 1998 aged 75

* DOROTHY EILEEN Brosnahan 31 Jan 1983 aged 75

* ELIZABETH Brosnahan 8 Feb 1907 aged 58

* ELIZABETH AGNES Brosnahan 9 Oct 1973 aged 77

* ELIZABETH MARGARET Brosnahan 4 July 1949 aged 62

* ELLEN Brosnahan 14 Sep 1890 aged 69

* ELLEN Brosnahan 2 Feb 1890 aged 3

* ELLEN Brosnahan 22 June 1903 aged 6

* ELLEN Brosnahan 25 July 1921 aged 58
nee Sullivan. Married Benjamin 'Ben' Brosnahan in 1882

* ELLEN Brosnahan 3 July 1980 aged 76
nun . Sister Mary Cornelia

* ESTHER Brosnahan 24 Aug 1910 aged 36

* FRANCIS DANIEL Brosnahan 16 Oct 1971 aged 71

* FANNY Brosnahan 31 Aug 1898 aged 32

* FRANK Brosnahan 4 June 1910 aged 26

* GERARD BERNARD Brosnahan 17 April 1958 aged 1 hour
son of Leo & Margaret Brosnahan

* HANNAH Brosnahan 14 Sep 1935 aged 74

* HANNAH ELIZABETH Brosnahan 18 March 1964 aged 67

* HANNAH TERESA Brosnahan 27 July 1968 aged 79

* HANORA Brosnahan 1 June 1961 aged 92

* HANORAH Brosnahan 24 Nov 1928 aged 96

* HAROLD FRANCIS Brosnahan 24 Dec 1992 aged

* HUGH Brosnahan 18 July 1895 aged 102
Death Of A Centenarian On Thursday afternoon, there died at Kerrytown, near Temuka, a man who had reached the unusual age of one hundred and two. This was Mr Hugh Brosnahan, senior, who was born at Currans, County Kerry, in July 1793. He was a farmer at Home and his sons came to New Zealand and became prosperous farmers in South Canterbury. Two and twenty years ago they sent for their father and mother, then eighty and sixty years old respectively and their father's brother, aged seventy. They arrived in 1873 and he settled on the Levels Plains where he lived ever since. The deceased, Hugh Brosnaham, was able to get about and look after things on the farm of the son he lived with until within six weeks of his death. He enjoyed splendid health until a couple of months ago, when he became cross and irritable and suffered from some internal pain. He was a quiet, inoffensive man and much respected by all who knew him. He retained his senses till the last. He leaves a large number of sons and daughters to mourn his loss, but needless to say they are grown up.

* HUGH Brosnahan 21 Feb 1924 aged 72

* HUGH Brosnahan 6 March 1951 aged 70

* HUGH PATRICK Brosnahan 14 Sep 1963 aged 78

* HUGH JOHN Brosnahan 25 July 1951 aged 59

* ISABELLA JANE Brosnahan 14 Dec 1987 aged 92

? J. Brosnahan 20 March 1879 aged 24

* JAMES Brosnahan 6 March 1900 aged 15

* JAMES Brosnahan 28 July 1924 aged 3 days

* JAMES Brosnahan 27 July 1938 aged 9 days

* JAMES GREGORY Brosnahan Gregory 29 Nov 1958 aged 64

* JEREMIAH Brosnahan 22 Jan 1922 aged 62

* JEREMIAH CHRISTOPHER Brosnahan 9 March 1957 aged 56

* JOHN Brosnahan 23 Jan 1874 aged 4

* JOHN Brosnahan 21 May 1875 aged 9 months

* JOHN Brosnahan 1 August 1888 aged 13 months

* JOHN Brosnahan 19 November 1912 aged 50

* JOHN Brosnahan 18 June 1917 aged 17

* JOHN Brosnahan 26 Aug 1926 aged 85

* JOHN HUGH Brosnahan 13 May 1922 aged 74

* JOHN JAMES Brosnaham 6 May 1982 aged 77

* JOSEPH JOHN Brosnahan 21 June 1982 aged 77

* JULIA Brosnahan 22 Sep 1898 aged 45

* LEO MICHAEL Brosnahan 30 Oct 2001 aged 72

* LEO SARSFIELD Brosnahan 10 May 1979 aged 71

* LEONARD TIMOTHY Brosnahan 13 Aug 1935 aged 37

* MARGARET Brosnahan 15 July 1908 aged 54

* MARGARET Brosnahan 14 June 1953 aged 84

* MARGARET MARY Brosnahan 22 March 2005 aged 73

* MARGARET MARY Brosnahan 19 Oct 2006 aged 74

* MARY Brosnahan 16 Feb 1893 aged 26

* MARY Brosnahan 31 Jan 1902 aged 2

* MARY Brosnahan 10 Jan 1908 aged 25

* MARY Brosnahan 18 Nov 1919 aged 88

* MARY Brosnahan 16 Nov 1937 aged 85

* MARY Brosnahan 16 Sep 1938 aged 68

* MARY Brosnahan 24 Dec 1957 aged 39

* MARY Brosnahan 28 March 1960 aged 70

* MARY Brosnahan 24 Dec 1962 aged 65

* MARY BEATRICE Brosnahan 1 March 1952 aged 71

* MARY JOSEPHINE Brosnahan 16 Dec 1977 aged 79

* MARY JOSEPHINE Brosnahan 20 Oct 1998 aged 83

* MARY VERA Brosnahan 14 Oct 1915 aged 15

* MATTHEW Brosnahan 8 Oct 1946 aged 70

* MATTHEW VINCENT Brosnahan 9 June 1969 aged 68

* MICHAEL JOSEPH Brosnahan 11 Nov 1936 aged 44

* MICHAEL JOSEPH Brosnahan 30 Jan 1964 aged 76

* PATRICIA ANNE Brosnahan 4 June 1953 aged 9

* PATRICK Brosnahn 16 Aug 1896 aged 2

* PATRICK Brosnahn 15 June 1922 aged 82

* PATRICK Brosnahn 19 June 1954 aged 88

* PATRICK JOHN Brosnahan 6 Oct 1943 aged 2 hours

* PATRICK MARK Brosnahan 7 Oct 1901 aged 3 days

* PAUL GEORGE PETER Brosnahan 23 Nov 1984 aged 52

* ROBERT MICHAEL Brosnahan 27 March 1943 aged 50

* SARAH Brosnahan 31 Aug 1898 aged 3

* TERENCE DOMINIC Brosnahan 17 Oct 1981 aged 60

* THERESA Brosnahan 30 Aug 1962 aged 77

* THOMAS JOSEPH Brosnahan 9 July 1954 aged 35

* THOMAS JOHN LEO Brosnahan 20 Jan 1944 aged

* THOMAS WILLIAM Brosnahan 6 April 1954 aged 76

* TIMOTHY Brosnahan 28 June 1922 aged 75

* VANESSA MARY Brosbahan 20 July 1982 aged

* WINIFRED ALICE Brosnahan 22 July 2004 aged 85

GRAVE of Hugh Brosnahan aged 102
Plot 92 Row 232
Farmer of Kerrytown