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COOLEY, CROSS & DEVEREUX drown Lake Wairarapa 1880

From the Evening Post 12 April 1880

... On Saturday afternoon (10th April) we received intelligence that a sad accident was supposed to have happened on the Wairarapa Lake, by which the lives of three men had been sacrificed.
At the present time very meagre information has been received, but full particulars are hourly expected.
Two of the three young men were Mr Cross, jun., a son of the well-known settler of Cross' Creek, and George Cooley, son of Mr Isaac Cooley, vegetable grower, of the Lower Hutt, with their companion, whose name was Devereux.
They are reported to have hired a boat on Friday for a day's duck shooting on the lake. The day was very squally and, as is well known, the lake is very dangerous when exposed to the violent gusts from the south-west, the direction from which the wind came. It is thought that in one of these squalls the boat was upset, and that as none of the three could swim they were all drowned.
On Saturday morning Mr Cross and Constable Brunskill organised a search party, and started off with the object of recovering the bodies.
It was reported this morning that the body of George Cooley was brought to his father's house yesterday morning. Word to that effect was received during Sunday by a brother of the deceased, who is living in Wellington, and he immediately left town for the Hutt. It is a singular fact that this George Cooley was the man who inadvertently caused the death of the little girl Emily Mallowes (sic - the child was Emily Eliza Miller, aged 16 months, 9th of 10 known children, 8 daughters, of James & Agnes Miller) by running over her with his cart in John-street on the previous Friday.
Up to the time of our going to press no definite information had been received, and a private telegram from Featherston states that no trustworthy intelligence at all had yet been gained beyond the single fact that the three men were missing, it being added that neither boat nor bodies had been found

Constable Brunksill returned from the lake late last night, and has reported to the Superintendent of Police that after searching all day with Mr Cross and others for the missing men, they could find no signs of them or the boat, except a bag of ducks which had been washed ashore.
Other search parties that were out have also returned, with no better success.
The names of the missing men are:
? 1 Francis Cross aged 19
? 2 George Cooley aged 20
? 3 ? Devereaux aged 15

these young men were:
? 1 Francis Cross
1863 - 1880 Henry Franklin 'Francis' Cross aged 17
- only child of Lot Cross & Annie Franklin who married in NZ 23 Feb 1861 (good bio & old photos at this link)
- Lot and Annie died at Cross Creek, and buried Featherston

? 2 George Cross
1860 - 1880 George Cooley aged 20
- son of Isaac Cooley & Amy Burton who married in NZ 29 Oct 1842
- George's body was found 10 days later on 20 April 1880

? 3 ? Devereaux
1865 - 1880 Edgar Amos Devereux aged 15
- son of William Checkley Devereux & Ellen King who married ? (before 1857)
- Edgar's body was found, along with the boat, 5 days later on 15 April

article says Wairarapa Lake
there are 2 major lakes in south Wairarapa & the accident could have been in either
? Lake Wairarapa, nearest town to the lake is Featherston, which is located 5km from its northern shore
? Lake Ferry, a small settlement between the shores of Lake Onoke and Palliser Bay

William Checkley DEVEREUX & Ellen GILL - Lower Hutt

William Checkley Devereux was born 14 Nov 1822 in Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, a son of Robert Devereux & Susanna Checkley. He died aged 65 on 26 Sep 1887, in Lower Hutt after ailing for some time and is buried Plot 265, Christ Church Taita cemetery

William emigrated in 1855 on the 'Myrtle' and settled in the district. He established the wholesale and retail butchery in the Main Road, Lower Hutt in 1856, the only one of its kind in the district. He took a keen interest in local and colonial politics for over thirty years and died in 1887, five minutes after having voted at the general election. His son Frederick William Devereux, took over the business in 1886. The freehold premises included a two-story shop and dwelling. His slaughter-house, fitted with every modern appliance, was situated on the Main Road about a mile from the shop.

William Checkley Devereux married Ellen Gill/King, as his 2nd wife, before 1857
A total of their children not yet known
* 1857 - 1938 Lydia Myrtle
. . Lydia married William Williams in 1887
* 1859 -1934 Frederick William Devereux
. . Frederick died 14 April 1934 & buried Plot 85K at Bolton Street cemetery, Wellington
* 1863 - 1924 Marian Amy Devereux
. . Marian was a dressmaker
* 1865 - 1880 Edgar Amos Devereux
. . Edgar died aged 15 by drowning with 2 companions, George Cooley aged 20 and Henry Franklin 'Francis' Cross aged 17 in Lake Wairarapa
* 1869 - 1908 Margaret Ellen 'Nellie' Devereux
* Nellie (unmarried) died in Auckland 7 Nov 1908 aged 39
* 1871 - Jane Ann Devereux

* From "The Cyclopedia of New Zealand (Wellington Provincial District), Commercial & Industrial, the entry for his son Frederick William:
Frederick William Devereux, Wholesale and Retail Butcher, Main Road, Lower Hutt. Bankers, Bank of New Zealand. This business, the only one of the kind in the township, was established in 1856 by the late Mr William Checkley Devereux, father of the present proprietor.
The founder, whose portrait is reproduced herein, came to the Colony in 1855, per ship "Myrtle," (arrived in Wellington Jan 1854 via Sydney) and settled in the district. He took a keen interest in local and colonial politics for over thirty years, and died in 1887 - five minutes after having voted at the general election of that year. Frederick Devereux was born in Lower Hutt in 1859 and learned his business with his father, assisting in the management of the business for several years before taking it over. As an Oddfellow he has been a member of the Rose of the Valley Lodge for some eighteen years past. In musical matters, Mr Deveieux is a singer and possesses a good tenor voice, which he is ever ready to use as a soloist for any local charity. He is also an amateur athlete and, having studied the noble art of self-defence, has attained considerable renown as a boxer.

27 Sep 1887
DEVEREUX - At his residence, Lower Hutt, William Checkley Devereux, aged 65 years .. at about a quarter past 12 to-day Mr Devereux, an old settler, died suddenly after registering his vote, The deceased had been ailing for some time, and was aged 65
The Friends of the late Mr William C. Devereux are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, which will leave his late residence, Lower Hutt, for the Taita Cemetery, on Wednesday, 28th instant, at 3 p.m. E. & A COLLETT, Undertakers, Petone

Wife Ellen died in Auckland 10 Nov 1906 aged 74 and is buried Plot 34, Row 55, Block E at Purewa Cemetery with daughter Nellie

Devereux family outside their house on High Street, Lower Hutt, Wellington, photographed by William Williams in 1887 (husband of their daughter Lydia Myrtle)
Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington

6 comment(s), latest 4 years ago

Alexander Sutherland ALLAN + Elizabeth Rosian HUNTLEY - Wellington

Alexander Sutherland ALLAN (1831-1900)
- Alexander was born in Stromness, Orkney, Scotland 9 April 1831
. 1 of 11 children of William ALLAN (1901-) & Jessie SUTHERLAND (1804-). He arrived in New Zealand 18?? and was Sherriff of Wellington at one time
Alexander married on 27 Dec 1858 to:
Elizabeth Rosian HUNTLEY (1840-1919)
. daughter of Robert Henry Huntley (1819-1879) & Elizabeth Grimpson (1822-1903). Her father was the founder, and Principal of, St Mary's College in 1849. He also taught at a boys school in Wellington and was later the schoolmaster at Meanee, Napier.
MARRIED, on the 27th December, 1858 at St Mary's Cathedral, by the Right Rev Dr Viard, Catholice Bishop at Wellington, New Zealand, A. S. ALLAN, Esq., of Wellington to ELIZABETH ROSIAN, only daughter of R. H. HUNTLEY, Esq., Principal of St Mary's School, Wellington

Alexander & Elizabeth had 9 children
. 1 .
1859 - 1901 Elizabeth Jessie Mary Allan
. on the 1896 electoral roll, spinster, in Wellington
. Elizabeth didn't marry
. she died 27 Jan 1901 aged 40
. she is buried Plot 54 B, ROM CATH, at Karori cemetery, with her father

. 2 .
1861 - 1861 William Joseph Robert Allan
. born 12 May 1861, William died the following day
. he is buried in Mount Street Cemetery, Wellington

. 3 .
1862 - Joseph 'Stuart' Allan
on 31st March, 1862, at Wellington, the wife of A. S. Allan, Esq., of a son
. Joseph married Florence Fountain HESKETH in 1883
. Joseph was an artist (with his brother-in-law, Lincoln Lee), & a journalist and satirical cartoonist
Joseph & Florence had 7 known children
1883 - Sydney Sutherland Alexander Allan
1885 - Winifred Elizabeth Allan
1886 - Florence Beatrice Mary Allan
1888 - Gwendoline Milicent Allan
1890 - Dorothy Margaret Allan
1892 - John Stuart Hesketh Allan
1893 - Edith Rose Alexandria Allan

. 4 .
1863 - Mary Catherine Allan
. Mary married Godfrey 'Lincoln' LEE (1884-1968) in 1907
* Lincoln was born in Wellington, NZ, his father Robert Lee, Chairman of Wellington Education Board, his mother Fanny Gully, daughter of artist John Gully. He and Mary were close friends of painter Herbert G. Fitzherbert. He moved to Auckland before WWI in which he served as Gunner 34523 in the New Zealand Artillery. He wrote poems, published The Dido Story and other translations published 1965 and also a small book on his grandfather John Gully, and he also painted. He had his last one-man show of watercolours when he was 81
- Mary's mother died at her home in Remuera in 1919

. 5 .
1865 - Alexander Gerard Allan
on the 22nd May, 1865, at Wellington, the wife of A. S. Allan, Esq., of a son
. Alexander was a writer . he moved to Sydney

. 6 .
1867 - John Huntley Allan
on September 15, at Wellington, the wife of A. S. Allan Esq., of a son
. possibly moved to Australia

. 7 .
1869 - Robert Stanislaus Alexander Allan
On the 9th inst., 1869 at Wellington, the wife of A. S. Allan, Esq., of a son
. born April 1869, Robert was an author, he married twice and died in 1951 aged 82 in Chatswood, Sydney

. 8 .
1871 - Margaret Antoinette Allan
on the 23rd inst., 1871 the wife of A. S. Allan, Esq., of a daughter
. Margaret married Andrew Agnew Stuart-Menteath (1853-1916) in 1897 as his 2nd wife. 17 July 1897 STUART-MENTEATH - ALLAN, On July 17th, at St Mary's Cathedral, Wellington, New Zealand, by the Very Rev Father Dawson, Andrew Agnew Stuart-Menteath, barrister and solicitor, of Wellington, New Zealand, to Margaret Antoinette, youngest daughter of Alexander Sutherland Allan, late Registrar of the Supreme Court
. Andrew was a son of Alexander Stuart-Menteath & Harriet Agnew, related to the first Fovernor General of NZ. His maternal grandfather was Major-General Patrick Alexander Agnew (1764-1813). Andrew was a Barrister. He came from a line of Earls & Barons.
. His 1st wife was Mary Vans AGNEW (1861-1896), daughter of Deputy Lieutenant, Robert Vans Agnew (1817-1893), J.P., M.P. for Wigtownshire 1873-1880 & Mary Elizabeth Hunter BLAIR (daughter of Sir David Hunter-Blair, 3rd Baronet of Blairquhan)
5 May 1896 - STUART-MENTEATH - On the 5th May 1896, at Auckland, New Zealand, MARY, wife of ANDREW AGNEW STUART-MENTEATH, and youngest daughter of the late Robert Vans Agnew, of Barnbarroch and Sheuchan, aged 35.
Andrew & Margaret had 3 known children
1898 - Jean Antoinette Menteath
1901 - Thomas Alexander Stuart Menteath
1904 - Elizabeth Mary Menteath
25 Sep 1916 STUART-MENTEATH, On 25th September, 1916, at Wellington, Andrew Agnew Stuart-Menteath. Private interment; no flowers
. Andrew is buried Plot 5 G, PUBLIC at Karori, Wellington with his first wife Mary

. 9 .
1873 - 1946 Charles Gabriel Allan
on the 19th inst., 1873 at Majoribank street, Wellington, the wife of A. S. Allan, Esq., of a son
. Charles married Lois Elaine STUART-MENTEATH (1887-1966) 3 July 1907
4 July 1907 - The Sacristy of the Sacred Heart Basilica was the scene yesterday morning of the celebration of the marriage of Miss Lois Menteath, eldest daughter of Mr A. A. Stuart-Menteath, of Wellington, to Mr Charles Gabriel Allan, son of the late Mr Alexander Allan, formerly Registrar of the Supreme Court at Wellington. The bride was given away by her father, and was attended by her sister, Miss Valerie Menteath, as bridesmaid. The Rev Father Mahony officiated. Mr and Mrs Allan received numerous presents, including one from the staff of Messrs Menteath and Beere (Andrew Agnew Stuart Menteath and Oswald Beere, Barristers and Solicitors, 6 Lambton Quay, Wellington, next Bank of New Zealand)
their known children
1911 - 1985 John Agnew Allan
1915 - 2002 Isobel Menteath Allan
1918 - 2005 Vans Rosian Allan
-* Charles next married Ruth Henrietta Maud West SKIPWORTH (1880-1943) in 1925
* Lois (who was a Lawyer) next married or partnered & had another 3 children
CHARLES died aged 73 in New Zealand

Alexander Sutherland Allan died 27 Jan 1900 aged 69 at his residence, Featherston Terrace, Wellington (now Newman Terrace) and he was buried Plot 54 B, ROM CATH, at Karori cemetery, Wellington with his daughter Elizabeth Jessie Mary Allan (1859-1901)
Elizabeth Rosian Allan died 25 April 1919 age 79 in Oliver street, Remuera, Auckland, at her daughter, Mary Catherine Lee's home, and is buried Area 1, Block Z, Lot 10B at Waikaraka cemetery, Onehunga, Auckland with daughter Mary

Robert Henry HUNTLEY died 9 April 1879 in Greytown
- he is buried in Greytown
Elizabeth HUNTLEY, died 15 March 1903 in Wellington, aged 80
- she is buried Plot 71 B, ROM CATH, at Karori, Wellington

13 July 1865 - The appointment of Alexander Sutherland Allan, Esq., as Deputy-Registrar of the Supreme Court of Wellington

25 March 1870 - TOWN ACRE 493, Bolton Street, Wellington - Mr J. H. Wallace is instructed by the Mortgagees to sell by public auction, at his Land Mart, Hunter-street, on Tuesday, 29th March, at 2 o'clock p.m., all that delightfully situated town acre 493, Bolton-street, tastefully laid out and cultivated, together with the two substantially built residences, in the occupation of Mr R. H. HUNTLY and Mr A. S. ALLAN

4 September 1878 - A New Zealand Gazette issued on Thursday notifies the appointment of the following gentlemen to be sheriffs under the Acts of 1858:- Alexander Sutherland Allan Esq., Wellington

30 May 1882 - RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT - The first case taken was that of Mr Alexander Sutherland Allan, who was fined 20s for keeping an unregistered dog on his premises, his Worship rejecting the defence set up that the dog did not actually belong to the defendant, by remarking that it did nor much matter to whom the dog actually belonged so long as it was proved to be in his following

in the 1893 Electoral Roll, Hill street, Wellington:
Elizabeth Rose Ann Allan, married
Elizabeth Jessie Mary Allan, Spinster
Mary Catherine Allan, Spinster

8 Feb 1900 - Another old and well-known resident, Mr A. S. Allan, passed away at his residence, Featherston Terrace, on last Saturday. Mr Allan, who was for some years Deputy-Registrar of the Supreme Court here and later on the Registrar, retired from the public service on pension some twelve years ago. The Rev Father Holley conducted the funeral service at Karori on Monday R.I.P. Private Interment

Grave of Alexander Sutherland Allan
Headstone broken and fallen down

letter to the Mayor of Wellington 1843

from New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, 21 June 1843

Notwithstanding the unusually boisterous state of the weather, a very crowded meeting took place, at the Exchange Room, on Monday last, pursuant to a requisition got up the preceeding evening, and addressed to his Worship the Mayor,
(George HUNTER 1788-1843) to call a meeting.
Wellington, Port Nicholson, June 18th, 1843.
... We, the Undersigned Burgesses, and inhabitants of this Borough, request of you as Mayor, to call a public meeting of the residents, to take into consideration the present state of the settlement, in so far, as to take immediate steps, to protect their lives and properties

? E. JOHNSON, Alderman
? W. LYON, Alderman
? J. M. STOKES, M.D.
? Rowland DAVIS
? James INGLIS
? Charles MOON
? James SMITH
... the discussion at top link

The Mayor, George Hunter, died 19 July 1843, a month after this meeting, aged 55. He is buried Plot 3315, Section C of E at Bolton St cemetery

George Hunter Esq., first Mayor of Wellington
- from the site NZETC

CAULFIELD War Memorial WWI - D

see A names for introduction to the journal:

A ... B ... C ... D ... E + F ... G ... H ... I+J+K
L ... M ... N+O+P ... R+S ... T+U+V ... W+Y

any SOLDIER known to have died as a POW is indicated by *

DARTNELL, William Thomas - Lieutenant
- enlisted as Wilbur Taylor Dartnell
- memorial has W. S. Darnell
- born 6 April 1885 in Collingwood, Melbourne, to Henry John DARTNELL, an English-born fruiterer, & Rose Ann HANLEY. He was brought up in Melbourne and after leaving school, he became an actor. At the age of 16 he served in the Second Boer War. He married Elizabeth Edith SMYTH 15 April 1907, at Queen Street, Melbourne & had a daughter. Soon after, they settled at Fitzroy
- served with 25th (Frontiersmen) Battalion, Royal Fusiliers.
- embarked from England (read bios)
- wife, Elizabeth Edith Dartnell at "Maktau" Phillips Ave, Murrumbeena
- KILLED IN ACTION 3 Sep 1915 Near Maktau, Kenya, East Africa aged 30
- originally buried at Maktau, After the war he was reburied in the Commonwealth War Grave Cemetery at Voi cemetery, (160km from) Mombasa on the East African coast. His headstone with the VC emblem lies to the right of the entrance to the Cemetery. His Victoria Cross is displayed at the Australian War Memorial
* William Thomas Dartnell was only 15 years old when he enlisted for service in South Africa with the Victorian Mounted Rifles in 1901. He returned to South Africa in 1913 and was working there when war was declared. Using the name Wilbur Taylor Dartnell, he joined the 25th Battalion, the Royal Fusiliers, as a temporary lieutenant, and in April 1915 sailed for service in British East Africa
* ... 'Knowing that the enemy's black troops murdered the wounded' he 'insisted on being left behind in the hopes of being able to save the lives of the other wounded men'. Though he was twice asked to leave he ordered his men to abandon him and began firing on the Germans who were within twenty-five yards of his post. When his body was found seven enemy dead lay around it. He was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for giving his own life in a 'gallant attempt to save others' SEE BATTLE HONOURS
* another bio ... He was awarded the Victoria Cross for giving his own life in a gallant attempt to save others. Dartnell was burried in Voi Cemetery, Kenya. He was survived by his wife and a daughter. The Victoria Cross was presented to Dartnells widow by Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson, The Governor General of Australia, at a private ceremony at Government House, Melbourne, on 7 October 1916. Dartnell's widow attended the Victoria Cross centenary celebrations in London in 1956.
* In 1983 Dartnell?s Victoria Cross and his four other medals were put up for sale in Sydney and bought by a private buyer who later presented them to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra

DARLING, Frederick William Edward - Private 6791A
- this soldier to be added

DAVIS, Stanley Wyman - Sapper 18351
- born Dec 1894 to Richard W. & Francis Lillian Davis
- he was a Architectural Draughtsman
- served with 5th Divisional Engineers, April Reinforcements
- enlisted at Toorak
- embarked from Sydney 2 Aug 1917 on HMAT Miltiades
- mother, Frances Lilian Davis, 36 Horne St, Elsternwick
- DIED OF PNEUMONIA 28 Sep 1917 at sea on board HMAT Miltiades at 12.15am aged 22 and buried at sea, North Atlantic
- Memorial: Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton, United Kingdom
* 5' 7", dark complexion, grey eyes, black hair
* ... this man enlisted in October 1916. His papers were lost and so a new attestation paper was made out on 15/11/16 as for this later date. His innoculatoins were done in October 1916
* Stanley's Will was Witnessed & lodged with Miss Ilma Evelyn Galli, 41 Orrong Rd, Elsternwick
* The Argus, 16 Oct 1929 - DAVIS - On the 13th October, Frances Lillian,
loved wife of Richard Davis, mother of Elsie (Mrs Navaretti), Edith (Mrs Dobie), and the late Stanley Wyman Davis
* his sister, Elsie Davis, was a dramatic soprano who married Philip Navaretti in Italy. Philip emigrated to Melbourne from Italy in 1914 (where he had been an official secretary to the Italian consulate, son of Peter Navaretti, the editor of Il Corriete della Sera of Milan). In 1919 Philip had the Caf? Bella on the Mornington Peninsula (sold in 1924, the name was later changed)
- there was also a Sydney Warrington DAVIES who served as Private 227 with the 29th and would be a strong possibility for the S. W. Davis as written on the memorial. He was killed in Action in France 24 Oct 1916. His father John Davies of 40 St Vincent St, Albert Park, Melbourne (10km from Caulfield)

- this soldier to be added

DEER, William Eynon - Private 2627
- embarked from Melbourne
- mother, Mrs Eynon Deer, 37 Barrett St, Albert Park
- KILLED IN ACTION 26 Aug 1916 in France
the bio for this soldier to be added

DELENA, Richard Paul
see DILENA below

DENTON, Edmund Bengrey - Gunner 30527
- memorial has F. B. Denton
called himself Edmund BENGREY-DENTON
- born in Prahran, March 1891 to George DENTON & Alice Mary BENGREY of 61 Halstead St, Caulfield
- attended Wesley College, Victoria
- served with the 2nd Field Artillery Brigade, 8th Reinforcements
- next of kin: his father George Denton, c/o R. G. Ebbott (son-in-law), Halstead St, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 20 Sep 1918 in France aged 27.6
- Grave 11, Row B at Hancourt British Cemetery
PARENTS MARRIAGE: The Argus, 31 July 1877 DENTON-BENGREY ? On the 25th inst., at the Wesleyan Church, Mount Erica, by the Rev. W. L. Binks, George, eldest son of George Denton, of Prahran, to Alice Mary, only daughter of the late George Bengrey, also of Prahran. Home papers please copy.
SISTER: Alice Elizabeth Bengrey Denton married George Reginald Ebbott in 1911
* Ernest Bengrey Denton, Sergeant 20161, was an Accountant in Malvern, Victoria
* Harry Bengrey Denton, Private 2600 was a Bank Clerk in Middle Park, Victoria
* Frank Bengrey Denton, not known to serve, was born in Prahran in Jan 1887, married Margaret Millicent BUNN in 1912 & died in Nov 1961 in East Melbourne
* George Bengrey Denton, married Effie Lavinia WORRALL in 1906

DICKIE, Albert Andrew 'Bertie' - Lance Corporal 369
- born June 1894 in Mildura to Joshua 'Joe' DICKIE (1869-1915) & Mary Katie Ann ALDERWICK (1873-1949)
- Bertie was a Salesman
- next of kin, mother of Nicholls Rd, Ormond & 63 Orrong Road, Armadale
- 5' 6", fair hair, grey eyes
- served with the 5th Battalion, E Company
- embarked from Melbourne 21 Oct 1914 on HMAT Orvieto
- KILLED IN ACTION 26 April 1915 at Gallipoli Peninsula
- The Lone Pine Memorial (Panel 24), Gallipoli, Turkey
Rutherglen Sun and Chiltern Valley Advertiser, 22 June 1915 BERT DICKIE - Last week it was our painful duty to record the death of a former resident of Rutherglen, Mr J. Dickie. To-day we have to record that his son "Bert" has been killed in action. Bert will be remembered by many of the lads in Rutherglen as one who everybody liked; he took a great interest in his drill her with the cadets. When in Melbourne he was attached to the 49th Prahran Infantry, as signaller, and when war was declared his officer told him that he was wanted at the front. Bert at once went and enlisted and has now given his life for his King and country. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs Dickie in her double bereavement. Pte. Dickie was a member of the Rechabite Order, and would have been 21 years of age next month.
The Argus, 23 June 1915
DICKIE - A loving tribute to the memory of Lance-Corporal A. A. Bert Dickie, killed in action, Dardanelles.
"The spirit, like a peaceful dove,
Flies from the realms of noise and strife,"
- (Inserted by Mrs. W. J. North, Hawksburn, Mt. Erica S. S.)
DICKIE - A tribute of love to the memory of our dear comrade (Bert) L.- Corp. A. A. Dickie, who was killed in action at the Dardanelles.
- (Inserted by members of Mt. Erica Y. M. Gymnastic Club.)
... On the 7th June, 1915, at Alfred Hospital, Joshua (late of Government Printing Office), dearly beloved husband of Mary Dickie, of Nichol-street, Ormond, and beloved father of Lance-Corporal A. A. Dickie, Leslie and Percy, youngest son of Susan Dickie; aged 46 years.
... The deceased was a resident of Rutherglen for about 8 years and worked for Mr G. G. Nevill at the " Miner" Newspaper Office. Recently he worked at the Government Printing Office, Melbourne. He leaves a widow and three sons to mourn their loss. Deceased was 48 years o! age.
Walter Thomas Dickie (1896-before 1915)
Lily Muriel Dickie (1900-1906)
Percy Baden Devine Dickie (1906-1976)
Leslie Joseph Dickie (1909-1997)

DILENA, Richard Paul - Driver 27875
- memorial has R. P. W. Delina
- born 1896 in Lawrence, Victoria (near Smeaton/Creswick) to Antonio 'Anthony' DILENA (1864-1910, parents from Switzerland) & Elizabeth Ann ALLEN (1873-1959)
- a Baker of Neerim Rd, Murrumbeena
- served with 4th Division Ammunition Column Australian Field Artillery
- embarked from Melbourne 20 Oct 1916 on HMAT Borda
- mother, E. A. Dilena of Neerim Rd, Murrumbeena also 24 Moodie St, East Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 28 Sep 1918 in France aged 22
- Templeux-le-Guerard British Cemetery, Somme, France
* 5'4?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, medium hair
* The Argus, 28 September 1920 ... DILENA ? In loving memory of my dear son and our brother, Dick, killed in action on the 28th. September, 1918
"He fought, like others, for the right,
And gave his life one dreadful night;
Away in France, in a soldier's grave,
lies Dick, our hero, so true and brave"
? (Inserted by his loving mother and brothers, (Tom (late A.I.F), Will, and Jim)
... DILENA ? In loving memory of our dear brother Dick, killed in action September 28,1918. He was just an Australian hero. One of God's bravest and best.
- (Inserted by his loving sister and brother-in law, Pauline and Harold Blinkhorn)
... DILENA ? In loving memory of Driver R. P. Dilena, killed, in action, France, September 28, Ever remembered ? (Inserted by his uncle, aunt and cousins, Mr and Mrs Tonkin and family)
* Brother Thomas Allen Dilena (1894-1961) Private 6800 was with the 23rd
BROTHER: Thomas Allan Dilena, Private 6800, served with the 23rd Battalion, 19th Reinforcement

DODD, Herbert - Private 361
- embarked from Melbourne 10 May 1915 on HMAT Ulysses
- mother, Mrs Ann Dodd c/0 C. Duns, baker, Rippon Lea ??
the bio for this soldier to be added

DOWN, Daniel - Private 1705
- embarked from Melbourne 16 July 1915 on HMAT Demosthenes
- wife, Rosina Down, Clarence St, Elsternwick
the bio for this soldier to be added

DOWNEY, William Robert - Private 1620 ??
- AKA George Arthur Downey
- this soldier to be added

DOWNIE, William Goodrich/Goodrick - Gunner 2256
- born in Auburn, Victoria in Dec 1888 to Albert John DOWNIE & Catherine DOWNIE
- he attended Toorak State School
- William was a Motor man of Marlborough Street, Caulfield (also of Toorak)
- he married Ruby Emma CHALBERS (1888-1939) in Toorak in 1909
- 5' 9", dark grey hair, blue eyes
- he served with the 8th Field Artillery Brigade, 3rd Devision
- he embarked from Melbourne 18 Sep 1916 on 'Karroo'
- his next of kin was his wife Ruby Emma Downie of 9 Harvey Street, Malvern.
- KILLED IN ACTION in the Belgium 4 Oct 1917 aged 29
- buried Polygon Wood
- The Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial (Panel 7), Belgium
* eye witness accounts:
... I was told by Corporal Korcy on the 6th Oct when we were with the Battery at Passchendaele that he went out in charge of a party to put down telephone wires near Zonnebeke on the 4th Oct of which Party Downie was one. As they were returning, Downie was a little way behind. A shell burst and looking round they saw Downie lying dead. A heavy barrage then began from the Germans, so they rushed back to the battery leaving Downie. His body was never recovered. The infantry made an attack on that line but had to come back, so that Downie would be left in No Man's Land. I knew Downie well, he was a quiet chap, sharp featured, fair haired, slight build, clean shaven. He came from Melbourne at the time of enlistment he worked on the Malvern (Victoria) tramway system with my brother. Downie was the only man out of our own battery that we never buried. - Driver F. L. Hall, 19915
... Bill Downie was in the 31st Battery and was a signaller; he was killed in October at Ypres. He was rather sick at the time but he volunteered to go to keep up communication as the infantry advanced. One signaller went from each battery with an officer. None of them came back but we learnt that they were killed.
... I knew Downie, he and Gunner J. Roberts were mates. Downie volunteered to go over in place of another man so as to be with Roberts, they were in the Signallers.
NOTE William signed his name William GoodricH Downie. He wrote his Will on 1 July 1917 bequeathing all to his wife Ruby Emma Downie of Marlborough St., Caulfield
They had sons, Roy Charles Benjamin (1909-1984) & William Albert 'Bill' (1913-1990, Agricultural Scientist) Downie and a daughter, Jean Milton Downie
Ruby changed her address in 1920 to 'Cora Lynn' Swan Walk, Chelsea but she died in Heidelberg, Victoria and buried in the Box Hill Cemetery The Argus, 2 Nov 1939 DOWNIE - On the 1st November, Emma, loved wife of the late William Goodrich Downie and loving mother of Roy, Jean and Bill

DREWETT, Richard Clarence - Lance Corporal 523
- born Aug 1891, Richard was a Clerk of Albert Park
- served with 29th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 10 Nov 1915 on HMAT Ascanius
- mother, Mrs T. Drewett, 79 Merton St, Albert Park
- KILLED IN ACTION 26 Sep 1917 in Belgium aged 26
- Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood, Belgium
* 5' 9", sallow complexion, light brown eyes, black hair

DUNCAN, Edward Stanley - Private 4096
- embarked from Melbourne 7 March 1916 on HMAT Wiltshire
- father, Edward Duncan, 18 Palm St, Caulfield
bio for this soldier to be added

the DUNN on the memorial
- embarked from Melbourne 20 Nov 1914 on HMAT Shropshire

DUNN, Cyril Edmund Andrew - Private 3058
the memorial has C. E. Dunn
- born 1896 to Samuel and Helen Bell DUNN
- attended Brighton Road State School, St Kilda & Stott Burner's College
- Cyril was a Bank Clerk of St Kilda
- served in the Cadets & Citizen Military Forces then enlisted 11 Dec 1916
- next of kin was his father at Melby Avenue, East St Kilda
- he served with the 38th Battalion, 7th Reinforcements & embarked from Melbourne 19 Feb 1917 on the 'Ballarat'. He was Troopship 'Ballarat' when torpedoed, Anzac Day 1917.
- KILLED IN ACTION 31 August 1918 in Clery-Sur-Somme, France aged 22
- Grave 10, Row E, Plot II at Hem Farm Military Cemetery


DUNN, George Ambrose - Private 3294
- born Jan 1895 in Richmond 1896 to ? & Annie Dunn
- attended Searesby State School
- George was a Labourer
- 5' 6", dark brown hair, blue eyes
- served with the 6th Australian Infantry Battalion (from the 11th)
- next of kin was his widowed mother at 7 Carrington Grove, East St Kilda
- enlisted in Melbourne 26 July 1915 & embarked from Adelaide 11 Oct 1915 on the 'Nestor'
- wounded in action in France 26 July 1916
- on 11 July 1917 George declined to write a Will
- DIED OF HIS (chest) WOUNDS 21 Sep 1917 in No.2 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, Belgium aged 19 or 21
- Plot 19, Row A, Grave 19A Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery
NOTE his mother Annie was unable to collect the Memorial Plaque and sent Catherine Dunn on her behalf in March 1923

the DUNN NOT on the memorial
DUNN, Arthur Silvester - Trooper 702
- served as J. S. PALMER
- born St Kilda, 1892 to William G. & Caroline DUNN, 54 Narong Road, Caulfield
- Arthur was an Electrical Engineer
- enlisted from 27 Edsall St., Malvern
- served with 8th Light Horse Regiment, 2nd Reinfrocements
- listed his next of kin as his mother, Mrs S, Palmer, 27 Edsall Street, Malvern
- embarked from Melbourne on board HMAT A26 'Armadale' 12 Feb 1915
- KILLED IN ACTION 7 August 1915 at Gallipoli aged 22
- no known grave, The Lone Pine Memorial (Panel 6), Gallipoli
The Argus, 9 Sep 1915 PRIVATE ARTHUR SILVESTER DUNN, third son of Mr and Mrs W. G. Dunn, of 54 Narong road, Caulfield, was killed on August 7. He was 22 years of age, and formerly in the employ of the Melbourne Electric Light and Supply Company. Prior to enlistment, Private Dunn served three years in the Australian Field Artillery, and left Australia with the 8th Light Horse Regiment. Another son of Mr. and Mrs. Dunn (Private William Dunn) is at present in camp at the Showgrounds.
* Albert Munro DUNN, Private 69013, served with the 15th General (Victorian) Reinforcements. He enlisted from 54 Narong Rd, Caulfield and embarked from Sydney 7 Nov 1918 on the 'Carpentaria'
* William McLean DUNN, Private 4951, served 3 years with the 51st. He enlisted from Caulfield 15 July 1915, embarked from Melbourne 7 March 1916 on the 'Wiltshire' and returned to Australia 13 April 1919

DURHAM, Percy Neil - Temporary 2nd Lieutenant
- born 25 June 1876, Percy was a soldier with the Permanent Forces
- served with 37 Infantry Battalion & later the 51st Battalion
- embarked from Melbourne 16 Aug 1916 on RMS Orontes
- wife, Christine Durgam, 409 Punt Rd. Prahan
- he married Christine McHARDY & had a son and a daughter
- DIED of TUBERCULOSIS 22 April 1917 at the 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth aged 41
- Plot 11, Row F, Grave 14 Brookwood Military Cemetery, United Kingdom
* promoted to Lieutenant 1 July 1916
* admitted to the 2nd Red Cross Hospital, Rouen on 20 Feb 1917 with mild Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Admitted to the 3rd London General Hospital on 9 March 1917 dangerously ill
* - letter to his wife Catherine Durham at "Waterdale" Hobart Rd, Murrumbeena on 21 Sep 1917 ... "Dear Madam, The deceased Officer was buried with full Military Honors. Firing Party comprising 40 members of the South African Regiment under the Command of Lieut Riley were in attendance. There was also a party of about 30 members of the South African Regiment under the command of an Officer who were present as mourners. The 'Last Post' was sounded at the graveside by 3 buglers of the South African Regiment. The coffin was draped with the Australian flag and covered with several floral tributes. Prior to the interment of the deceased officers remains, a Memorial Service was held by Chaplain F. W. Wray in the Chapel in the Brookwood Cemetery. The deceased Officers remains were borne to the graveside by members of the A.I.F., Mr J. McHardy (Father in law of the deceased Officer) of No.13 Norfolk Rd, Gravesend, England, Mr R. C. Overmass (friend) of Axminster, Devon, were present at the funeral. Lieut. C. J. Fegent representing the Administration Headquarters, A.I.F. London was also present. Temporary Memorial is being erected by the Commonwealth Military Authorities"

A ... B ... C ... D ... E + F ... G ... H ... I+J+K
L ... M ... N+O+P ... R+S ... T+U+V ... W+Y

Wilbur Thomas Dartnell
(enlisted as Wilbur Taylor Dartnell)
an Australian recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces

Austin CHUDLEIGH + Louisa May BREWER - Petone

AUSTIN CHUDLEIGH (1874-1936) married in 1896 to:


... 1
1897 - 1950 Edward George Austin Chudleigh
- born 28 November 1897
- Edward served in WWI as Private 79020 with the NZEF, 40th Reinforcements B Company. He embarked from Wellington 10 July 1918. His next of kin was his mother Louisa at 10 Sydney Street, Petone
- Edward married Violet Lillian JONES (1892-1979) in 1921
- daughter of William Gunn JONES & Janet Isabella Victoria McVICAR
EDWARD died 15 Oct 1950 aged 53, buried Block 11 Row Z Plot 39 at Taita Lawn

... 2
1899 - 1972 Ivy Susan Eleanor Chudleigh
- born 4 October 1899
- Ivy married Harold Valentine BUCKLAND (1897-1954) in 1925
- son of Alfred William BUCKLAND & Kate BALDWIN
- Harold served in WWI as Private 53691 with the NZEF, 27th Reinforcements F Company. He embarked from Wellington 16 July 1917. His next of kin was his father Alfred William Buckland of Cambria Street, Hawera.
HAROLD died 15 Jan 1954 aged 57, buried Block 11 Row Z Plot 34 at Taita Lawn
IVY died 28 Jan 1972 aged 72 & buried Block 2 Row I Plot 30 at Taita Lawn

... 3
1901 - 1986 Pearl Ada Margaret Chudleigh
- born 3 December 1901
- Pearl married Henry WATSON in 1926
PEARL died 27 July 1986 aged 84, buried ?

... 4
1905 - 1970 Albert John William Joseph Chudleigh
- spouse not found at this time
ALBERT died 2 September 1970 aged 65 & cremated Karori, Wellington

... 5
1907 - 1987 Arthur David Austin Chudleigh
- born 9 June 1907
- he married Isabella Bird ADAMS (1907-1992) in 1930, no issue
- daughter of John Bird ADAMS & Christina HAMILTON of Leith, Scotland
ARTHUR died 21 Jan 1987 in Hutt Hospital aged 79
- his ashes were scattered Whenua Tapu cemetery, Petone
ISABELLA died 4 April 1992 in Wesleyhaven Private Hospital aged 85
- her ashes were scattered Whenua Tapu cemetery, Petone

... 6
1909 - 1984 Roy Harold James Chudleigh
- born 18 January 1909
- spouse not known at this time
- Roy (and his brother A. Chudleigh, either Albert or Arthur) played a lot of cricket for the Hutt Valley during the 1930s. For the "Chronicles" and later the "Metters United"
ROY died 17 October 1984 aged 75, buried ?

... 7
1912 - 1977 Hilda Maude Amelia Chudleigh
- born 6 February 1912
- Hilda married Reginald Charles KNAPP (1906-1977)
- son of Arthur Leslie KNAPP & Mabel Louise MILLS
HILDA died 6 June 1977 aged 65 & buried Block 9 Row F Plot 36 at Taita Lawn
REGINALD died 7 April 1986 aged 79 & is buried with Hilda

... 8
1914 - 1986 Clifford Clarence Brewer Chudleigh
- born 24 Oct 1914
- Clifford married Phyllis Mabel LAWRENCE (1919-1978)
PHYLLIS died 25 Oct 1978 aged 59 & cremated at Karori, Wellington
CLIFFORD died 10 May 1986 aged 71 & cremated at Karori, Wellington

... On a charge of failing to send his children regularly to school, Austin Chudleigh was fined 2s and costs 7s

... For failure to send his child to school regularly, Austin Chudleigh, on two informations, laid by Mr Dinneen, was fined 4s on each with 14s costs

12 December 1916 - PETONE WEST SCHOOL
... Following are the proficiency, competency and attendance results: For Attendance .. Arthur Chudleigh & Roy Chudleigh

21 June 1917 - PETONE COURT
... Austin Chudleigh was charged with being on licensed premises on Sunday 27th May 1917 F. Warring, licensee of the Central Hotel, Petone, was charged with having his bar open during the hours when it ought to be closed. Austin said he was there to return glasses borrowed from the licensee. Case was dismissed

20 December 1917 - PETONE WEST SCHOOL
... Attendance Certificate to Albert Chudleigh

11 October 1920 - IVY's ENGAGEMENT
... The engagement is announced of Miss Ivy Chudleigh, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Chudleigh of Petone, to Mr H. Buckland, second son of Mr and Mrs A. Buckland, of Petone

... The engagement is announced of Miss Violet Lillian Jones, only daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Jones, Lower Hutt, and Mr Edward Chudleigh, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. Chudleigh, of Petone

19 February 1930 - BROKEN BYLAWS
... Fines of ?1 each were imposed on Arthur Chudleigh for speeding on the Hutt road and Joseph Ting for not sounding the warning device on his car

15 January 1931 - LOWER HUTT COURT
... For cutting a corner, Edward George Austin Chudleigh was fined ?1

11 September 1943 - BIRTH
... On September 11, 1943, at High street, Lower Hutt, to Mr and Mrs Clifford Chudleigh (nee Phyllis Lawrence) - a son; both well

AUSTIN CHUDLEIGH died 7 June 1936 aged 62
LOUISA MAY CHUDLEIGH died 19 April 1951 aged 76
- their burial not yet found

New Zealand CENTENARIAN deaths 1870-1943

A centenarian is a person who lives to or beyond the age of 100 years.
Because current average global life expectancies are less than 100, the term is invariably associated with longevity.

A supercentenarian is a person who has lived to the age of 110 or more, something only achieved by about one in 1,000 centenarians.

Even rarer is a person who has lived to age 115; as of June 2012, there are only 27 people in recorded history who have indisputably reached this age.

In 2009, the United Nations estimated 455,000 living centenarians worldwide.

Centenarians per 100,000 people (2010)
JAPAN - 34.88
FRANCE - 26,88
USA - 22.35
CANADA - 21.48
UK - 20.3
SWEDEN - 15,80
BELGIUM - 14.24
SPAIN - 12.78
GERMANY - 10.80
ITALY - 10.38
HUNGARY - 7.98
PERU - 6.58
POLAND - 6.27
CHINA - 1.48

some New Zealand CENTENARIANS found using Papers Past

? 11 January 1870 - Michael MURPHY
... DEATH OF A CENTENARIAN AT THE WAIRAU - Mr Michael Murphy, father of Mr Thomas Murphy, died at Spring Creek, Marlborough, on January 11, aged 100 years

? 22 January 1874 - Flora McLEOD
... At Tapu Creek, on january 22, 1874, Miss Flora Mcleod, aged 100 years, native of the Isle of Cana, Inverness-shire, Scotland. Emigrated to Nova Scotia about 1830 and to New Zealand with the McIsaac family in 1860, in the bargue "Ellen Lewis". She has resided with the McIsaac family for upwards of 40 years, by whom she is much regretted. Nova Scotia papers please copy

? 17 Feb 1875 - Mrs WHYBORN
... The widow of a farmer (Mrs Whyborn) died on Feb. 17, at Hastings, aged 100 years and five months

? 22 September 1875 - Chief NICOLE
... Measles has broken out amongst the Natives, and Dr O'Carroll is attending them. There are nearly two hundred cases, and about twelve deaths have occurred, five of which took place before he went. Ten deaths of Natives from the same cause have also taken place at Urenui, among them an old chief name Nicole, aged 100 years.

? 3 July 1876 - Joseph WARD
... July 4rd, at his residence, Broadfield, Springston, Joseph Ward, aged 100 years

? August 1878 - unnamed woman in AUCKLAND
... In the vital statics of New Zealand for the month of August 1878, one centanarian died, a female aged 100 years at Auckland

? 14 January 1879 - Thomas HILL
... Thomas Hill, the old Waterloo veteran, aged 100, was found dead in his bed, in Morton Street, Auckland, on Saturday. Death was the result of serious apoplexy produced by sunstroke

? 20 January 1881 - John CAMERON
... John Cameron, sen., of Turakina, (Wamganui) aged 100 years, died suddenly on Wednesday (his wife died last month aged 92)

? 22 June 1888 - Catherine KELLY
... June 22nd, at her daughter's residence, Mrs Cosgrove, Harwood road, Christchurch, Catherine Kelly, aged 100 years. The husband of the deceased lady, John Kelly, died on June 2nd, aged ninety-eight years

? 28 March 1898 - Hake WANGAWANGA
... The maori chief Hake Wangawanga has died at Pehaweia, aged 100 years. Deceased celebrated the centenary of his birthday last Christmas. He remembered Heke's raids perfectly

? 23 August 1900 - Catherine LAMBERT
... On the 23rd instant, at her son's residence, Dorwent Street Oamaru, North Otago, Mrs David Lambert, aged 100

? 16 August 1903 - Charles Johnson PHARAZYN
... At Seacroft, Hobson street, Wellington, on August 16th, Chas. Johnston Pharazyn; aged 100 years and 10 months.
- Charles was a principal merchant in Wellington. He caused quite a sensation one day when he walked along "the beach", near a semi-circle of shops and dwellings, now Lambton Quay, where wooden jetties were built out into the water to obtain cargo from deep-sea vessels lightered ashore. Charles was wearing a sandwich board around his neck inscribed with the words "Lost, a pair of specs"

? 9 October 1905 - Katherine BALL
... Mrs Katherine Ball (who had been a widow for 71 years) died at Mount Roskill, Auckland, aged 100 years and 10 months. She enjoyed a remarkably healthy life, and her intellect and memory were perfectly clear to the last

? 5 March 1908 - Louis BERESFORD
... A Dunedin Press Association telegram states that a man named Louis Adolphus Beresford died in the benevolent institution yesterday, aged 100. Deceased, who resided for a number of years in King Street, Dunedin, where he carried on a second-hand shop, claimed to be well connected in England. His one desire was to live to a humdred, which age he reached on the 17th ult. Death was due to influenza and bronchitis

? 21 August 1909 - Ellen COLBOURNE
... A Dunedin telegram reports that Mrs Ellen Colbourne died at Outram this morning, aged 100

? 29 November 1912 - Daniel O'BRIEN
... The passing of a centenarian is reported from Petone, where an old resident, Mr Daniel O'Brien, died yesterday at his residence in Nelson-street, aged 100 years

? 24 March 1913 - George Samuel PORTER
... On March 24th, at his residence, Nursery road, Linwood, George Samuel Porter, aged 100 years

? 9 March 1916 - Ohouai WIRIMU
... An old maori, reported to be aged 106 years, by name Ohouai Wirimu, a resident of Putiki, was found dead at Castlecliff, Wanganui, last night

? 26 June 1916 - Gee Sergeant BARKER
... The Hamilton correspondent of the New Zealand Herald reports that Mr G. S. Barker died on Monday night, aged 100 years and five months. He was born in Calcutta on January 18, 1816, and was a son of Sergt. Barker, of the Bengali Native Company. Mr Barker came to New Zealand in 1861. The Maori war was in progress, and he served till the end of the war. He went to Hamilton in 1877 and resided there ever since

? 9 August 1917 - Heini RANGI
... At Tolaga Bay, Heini Rangi, a native woman, aged 100 years, was burned to death. She had been sleeping in a tent and was left with a candle burning. The next morning the charred remains of the tent were found, the woman's body lying just beyond the circle of fire

? 29 October 1917 - Ann VILE (nee FOSTER)
... A Wellington Press Association telegram reports that Mrs John VILE, sen., aged 100 years and 5 months, who arrived in Wellington in the ship "Oliver Lang" in 1856, died at Pahiatua yesterday

? 15 December 1918 - Edward DOWD
... On 15th December, 1918, at the Wairau Hospital; Edward Dowd; aged 100 years and 6 months. R.I.P.

? 22 July 1919 - Ria Ti KINI
... Ria Ti Kini died at Puketeraki on Saturday night, aged 100 years

? 4 February 1920 - William CARROLL
... Mr William Carroll, an inmate of the Old People's Home at Napier, died on Sunday, aged 100 years and six months

? October 1923 - Emma BEARNARD
... The Endowment Fund of All Saints' Anglican Church, Dunedin, receives ?700 (Oct 2012 equivalent of $65,600) under the will of Mrs Emma Bearnard, a foundation parishioner, who died in October, aged 100 years

? 15 June 1925 - Mary Ann SHORT (nee SOUTHEE)
... On the 15th June, 1925, at the residence of her son, Mr S. Clifton, Rikirangi, Mary Ann, relict of the late Reuben Short, late of 43 Roy street, Palmerston North; aged 100 years and 6 months. At rest
NOTE Reuben Short & Mary Ann Southee married in April 1862. Mary Ann was then the widow of Richard Clifton who had died in 1858 during the big flood in the Hutt Valley

? 28 December 1925 - John McCABE
... The death occurred at the Wellington Hospital this morning of John McCabe, aged 100 years and nine months. The late Mr McCabe was a native of Ireland. As a young man he enlisted and fought with his regiment in the Crimean campaign, also in the Indian Mutiny, and finally he came to New Zealand with the Imperial Forces and fought through the Maori War. On leaving the Army he settled in the Rangitikei district, where he worked as a farm labourer for many years. He came to Wellington about six years ago, and since then lived at the residence of his daughter, Mrs K. McGrath, Sage's lane. Up till quite recently, Mr McCabe retained all his faculties unimpaired, and related incidents of his long career with remarkable clearness

? 5 July 1927 - Jane BRADLEY
... The death occurred last night of Mrs Jane Bradley, aged 100 years. mrs Bradley was born on 15th August, 1826 at Druhcliffe, County Sligo, Ireland, and came to New Zealand seventy-one years ago. She lived in Central Otago and Oamaru, where she was married sixty-four years ago. She settled in Levin in 1897, taking up one of the original Government sections on which she resided till her death

? 15 June 1930 - Michael MALONEY
... On 15th June, 1940, at his daughter's residence, 10 Beach street, Petone, Michael Maloney; aged 100 years; late of Kumara. interred at Greymouth. R.I.P.

? 5 November 1930 - Frances FOX
... Born in 1930, Mrs J. H. Fox died yesterday at her home near Napier, aged 100 years and eight months. She came to the Dominion in 1878 with her husband and seven children. Mrs Fox lived in Canterbury, where her husband was engaged in engineering in Auckland, Nelson, and Hawkes Bay. She leaves one son, Mr P. H. Fox of Papakura, Auckland and three daughters, Miss M. E. Fox, Mrs J. Campbell and Mrs J. B. McMillan (all of Auckland), and a number of grandchildren

? 17 May 1932 - Emma HOGGETT
... The death occurred yesterday at Wanganui, of Mrs Emma Hoggett, aged 100 years. She came to New Zealand in June, 1844, in the sailing ship "British Empire" with her husband, the late Daniel Hoggett, and landed at Lyttelton. Mrs Hoggett was a keen Congregationalist and prohibitionist. She leaves three sons and two daughters, 24 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren

? 12 January 1935 - Frederick FAULKNER
... The death has occurred at Treton Park, Wakefield, of a very well known Nelson resident, Mr Frederick Faulkner, aged 100 years. Mr Faulkner never married. He celebrated his birthday on April 4 last when a large number of residents from surrounding districts assembled to congratulate him upon becoming a centenarian.
Mr Faulkner's father, with his two sons, came out to Australia in 1832. He remained there for a few years and then came to New Zealand.
The new arrivals first settled at Waihola, South Dunedin. After some years there they returned to England, but came back to New Zealand in search of a milder climate. He chose the Nelson district, eventually settling at Wakefield. Mr Faulker had lived at Wakefield for 58 years. When he was five years of age and in England he had a severe attack of smallpox, the doctor remarking that if he recovered he would live to be 100, a prophecy that came true

? 1 June 1937 - Philip le QUESNE
... Affectionately known as Hamilton's "Grand Old Man", Mr Philip le Quesne died here last evening, aged 100 years. He was associated with the commercial and social life of the town for over seventy years, and up to several weeks ago he was able to take an active interest in the affairs of the day and attend to his excellent garden. A carpenter by trade, Mr le Quesne was a native of Jersey, where he lived for 24 years. He first lived at Auckland, and after six years there came to the Waikato, arriving at Ngaruawahia on horseback over rough bridle tracks. He later opened a store in Hamilton when most of the customers were members of the Waikato Militia. He then built the Waikato Hotel, and was the first man to make wine in the Waikato.
Through his zeal the first Anglican Church in Hamilton was erected. After being a year here he accompanied Archdeacon Pritt in a canvas of the district, but only twelve worshippers could be secured, and for years services were held in a shingle whare, now the site of the cathedral.
Mr le Quesne retired from active business life in 1892. He is survived by two sons, Winter John (New South Wales) and Alfred (Auckland), and two daughters, Mrs C. Quick and Miss H. le Quesne, (Hamilton)

? 29 July 1937 - Whakaniko Hemi PAI
... The very last of her generation in Mangere, Whakaniko Hemi Pai, or to give her her pakeha name, Mrs Kitty Pai, died recently, aged 100 years. As one of high blood, she was taken to Taupiri, and her body given burial on Taupiri Mountain, the sacred burial ground of the Waikato people, states the "New Zealand Herald"
She was the daughter of Pheimana te Amohau, and the direct descendant of the ancient warrior chiefs, Taniwha and Tehiakai. She was a member of the leading sub-tribes of the Waikato, and connected with the principal tribes of Tamaki.
Mrs Pai went right through the Waikato wars in the sixties and she was at Rangiaowhia when it was sacked by British troops in 1863. There was born her first child, a son, Paho, who died a short time ago.
She is survived by two sons, Jack and Robert Pai, and two daughters, Mrs Edward of Mangere and Mrs Kirkwood. Mrs Pai was an old identity of Awhitu, Mangere., She lived there for the past 50 years

? 13 September 1940 - Mary DILLON
... A resident of the Waikato for 75 years, Mrs Mary Dillon, aged 100, of Nixon Street, Hamilton, died today. Mrs Dillon was born in County Mayo, Ireland, and went to America as a child of 10, living in New York for eight years. She returned to Ireland, where she married Mr Michael Dillon, and at the age of 25 she and her busband came to New Zealand. They settled at Pirongia, but later moved to Cambridge.
For the last 32 years Mrs Dillon had lived in Hamilton. She had clear recollections of the famines which swept Ireland when she was a child, of the celebrations which marked the laying of the Atlantic cable on August 5, 1858, and of the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. During her early days in New Zealand raids by marauding Maori were not an infrequent occurrence. Mr Dillon died at Cambridge in 1908. Mrs Dillon is survived by two daughters

? 8 May 1941 - Margaret JOHNSTONE
... the death has occurred at Port Chalmers of Mrs Margaret Johnstone, aged 100. She was the wife of the Rev William Johnstone, the first Presbyterian minister at Port Chalmers.
Mrs Johnstone was born in Peterhead, Scotland and came to Port Chalmers in 1861 in the ship "Lady Edigia". Shortly after her arrival she was married to Mr Johnstone, who had been appointed to the charge of the Presbyterian Church in the district, and she had resided in Port Chalmers ever since. Mr Johnstone died in 1881, and Mrs Johnstone is survived by a son and two daughters

? 6 July 1841 - John NICHOLLS
... On July 6, 1941, at his residence, Princes Street, Otahuhu, John, beloved husband of the late Rose Ann Nicholls, aged 100 years. Funeral will leave the above address for the Holy Trinity Cemetery to-morrow (Tuesday) at 3.30 p.m.

? 7 July 1941 - Charles GRANT
... On July 7, at his late residence, 103 Rose Road, Grey Lynn, Charles, dearly loved husband of Eleanor Grant, and father of Mrs Ray Frost, Pokeno, Mrs Bert Good, Bright street; Charles, Neil and Roy, aged 102 years. The funeral will leave the above address to-morrow (Tuesday) at 2 p.m. for Purewa

? 12 August 1941 - Elizabeth McFARLANE
... The death occurred yesterday of Mrs Elizabeth McFarlane, aged 100, the widow of Mr Duncan McFarlane, former Mayor of Invercargill. She was well known for her work on behalf of soldiers in the last war. Mrs McFarlane was visited by Lord and Lady Galway in Invercargill last November, when she celebrated her 100th birthday on Christmas Day

? 24 December 1941 - James Joseph COOPER
... A veteran of the early colonial days, Mr James Joseph Cooper, aged 100 years, died at his home, 72 Arthur street, Onehunga, to-day. Mr Cooper had led a varied and at times adventurous life as a sailor, gold digger and farmer and had enjoyed remarkably good health until this year.
He was born in Norfolk a few weeks before the foundation of Auckland and, taking to the sea as a lad, he saw many countries before reaching the Queen City in 1863 as a seaman in the ship Ironsides
... more biography here

? 31 Ocotber 1942 - Sophia GINGER
... The death of Miss Sophia Ginger at the age of 103 years occurred at Hawera on October 31. She was born in Monmouthshire and arrived in New Zealand with her parents in 1852. She spent the remaining ninety years of her life in Taranaki with the exception of two years at Nelson during the second Taranaki Maori War.

? 4 November 1942 - Mary PARKER
... Mrs Mary Parker, aged 100, died at her home in Auckland on Thursday of last week. She was born at Man-o'-War Bay, Waiheke Island, her parents having come from Cork, Ireland. She would have celebrated her one hundred and first birthday next Christmas Day. For the past 53 years Mrs Parker lived in the same house at Devonport

? 7 September 1943 - Martha Jane DIAMOND
... On September 7, 1943, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs J. McKenzie, High St., Carterton, Martha Jane, widow of the late Joseph Diamond; aged 100 years

GRAVE of John & Anne VILE at Mangatainoka
HEADSTONE READS: In loving memory of John Vile, died 2nd Jan. 1902, aged 85 years. Also Ann Vile, died 28th Oct. 1917, aged 101 years. "Gone but not forgotten".

Hugh CARSWELL + Fanny ANDERSON - Invercargill

from WOODLAND marriages 1864 - 1920

* Hugh CARSWELL aged 32 (1841-1908)
* married 25 July 1873 to:
* Frances 'Fanny' ANDERSON aged 22 (1850-1920)

the known children of HUGH & FANNY:
... 1
1874 - 1951 John Thomas Carswell

- John married Marion Wilson ? (1889-1966)
- John died 30 Nov 1951 aged 77. His last address was 150 Yarrow st, Invercargill
- he is buried Plot 214, Block 34 at Eastern Cemetery with his wife Marion who died aged 77 at Cherry Farm

... 2
1875 - 1949 Jane Carswell

- Jane died 1 Sep 1949 aged 73. Her last address was 89 Herbert st, Invercargill
- she is buried with her parents (& others)

... 3
1877 - 1948 William Carswell
- William married Elizabeth Jane CAMPBELL in 1913
- William died 10 Nov 1948 aged 71. His last address was 343 Elles Rd, Invercargill
- Elizabeth died 10 years later, 22 Sep 1958 aged 76, still at Elles Road
- they are buried together Plot 330, Block 33 at Eastern cemetery

... 4
1879 -? Ellen Carswell

... 5
1881 - 1963 Fanny Carswell
- Fanny married Henry Overton STUCKEY (1875-1920) in 1909
- they had a son Kenneth Nelson (1910-1932) & a daughter Rachel (1912-1938) Stuckey
- Fanny died in Dunedin 28 Aug 1963 & buried Invercargill

... 6
1883 - 1917 James Hugh ' Jim' Carswell
- Jim served in WWI as Private 23514 with the NZEF, 13th Reinforcements Otago Infantry Battalion, D Company, embarking from Wellington 27 May 1916. His next of kin was his mother Mrs Frances Carswell, Avenal Road, Invercargill. Jim DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 16 Oct 1917 at Passchendaele & buried VIII. I. 69. at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, Boulogne, France

... 7
1884 - 1955 Rachel Johnstone Carswell
- Rachel married Stanley Fawkner CLARE (1866-1953) in 1918

... 8
1886 - 1966 Hugh Carswell

- Hugh married Kathleen Elizabeth MEHAFFEY (1891-1981) in 1913
- they had 3 children

... 9
1889 - 1969 Francis Carswell
- Francis was a Farmer
- he married Esther TARRANT (1890-1968) in 1919
- Esther died 25 July 1968 aged 78
- Francis died 18 Dec 1868 aged 81
- their last address was 181 Gala street, Invercargill
- they are buried together Plot 106, Block 19 at Eastern Cemetery

* Hugh died 8 Aug 1908 aged 67
* Fanny died 12 years later, 28 Dec 1920 aged 69
- her last address was Avenal Road, Invercargill

PLOT 94, Block 19 at Eastern Cemetery Invercargill

(see photo at Woodland Marriages)

CAULFIELD War Memorial WWI - B

see A names for introduction to the journal:

A ... B ... C ... D ... E + F ... G ... H ... I+J+K
L ... M ... N+O+P ... R+S ... T+U+V ... W+Y

any SOLDIER known to have died as a POW is indicated by *

BACKHOUSE, Geoffrey De Talworth - Gunner 31615
- born Jan 1890 in Malvern, Victoria
- served with 36th Australian Heavy Artillery Group
- embarked from Melbourne 23 Dec 1916 on RMS Orontes
- parents, Benjamin Talworth Paine BACKHOUSE & Emily A'BECKETT, Carigal Road, Murrumbeena. Father also written Talworth Bunder Backhouse
- KILLED IN ACTION 4 Oct 1917 in Belgium aged 27.9
- Ypres Reservoir Cemetery, Belgium
* 5' 9?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, black hair
* his father, Benjamin Talworth P. Backhouse, died 16 Oct 1915, He had 2 brothers & 4 sisters. One brother was Reverend (later Canon) Nigel A'Beckett Talworth Backhouse (pdf), Chaplain on the H.M.A.S. Sydney. Another was Herbert Arthur Burder Backhouse, Private 612 with the 5 Infantry Battalion. The other, William Talworth A'Beckett Backhouse, died Jan 1887 aged 6 months

BAKER, Gerald Douglas (pdf) - Private 4731
- born 26 April 1892 in Melbourne, youngest of 10 children of Gerald Thomas (1842-1930 from Aberdeen, Scotland) & Katie Florence Georgina (nee Jones 1859-1920) BAKER
- attended Grange Prep School & Church of England Grammar School, Melbourne
- served with 14th Battalion (Infantry) 15th Reinforcements A.I.F.
- embarked from Melbourne 14 March 1916 on HMAT Anchises
- father, "Doutta Galla" St. Alban's Ave., Caulfield
- DIED FROM HEAT STROKE 16 May 1916 at No2 Australian Stationary Hospital, Tel el Kabir, Egypt aged 23
- Tel El Kebir War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
* 5' 8?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair

BARBER, Vernon Henry - Colour Sergeant 968
- born 4 July 1893 in Fitzroy, to Henry George BARBER & Charlotte May PEARCE
- Vernon was a Clerk of Field St, Caulfield
- served with 5 Infantry Battalion - 46th Infantry
- embarked from Melbourne 21 Oct 1914 on HMAT Orvieto
- father, Henry George Barber, Field-street, Caulfield
- also Henry George & Charlotte May Barber, "Brooklyn," Field St, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 28 April 1915 at Dardenelles aged 21
- 24, Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* 5' 9", fair complexion, brown eyes
Sergeant-Major Vernon H. Barber has been killed in action. He was the only son of Mr and Mrs Henry G. Barber, of "Brooklyn," Field street, Glen Huntly, and was in his 22nd year. From infancy he was imbued with the spirit of the soldier. At eight years of age he was a member of the Glen Huntly Road State school cadets, and at fourteen years was Color-Sergeant at the Mordialloe State school. Two years later, he joined the Cheltenham Rangers, of which he was a Corporal, and after six months, became a second lieutenant in the senior cadets at Caulfield. He received his commission as first lieutenant in the Citizens Forces at the age of 18 years at Caulfield, and was given command of his company, but resigned on account of ill-health. He joined the First Expeditionary Force as a Private, and was made Corporal on the first day at the camp. From then onward, his promotion was rapid, and he was appointed Sergeant-Major of D Company 5th Battalion, in February, 1915, at Egypt. The deceased young man was an adherent of the St. Agnes Church of England, Glen Huntly, and was a scholar there at the Sunday school as a boy. To-morrow, the Rev. W. A. Phillips will conduct a special service to his memory. As a member of the St. Agnes Tennis Club, his sterling qualities earned for him the respect and goodwill of the members. In the local branch of the A.N.A., where he was very highly esteemed, he will be remembered as a keen debater, and as an intellectually vigorous young man with all the promise of a bright and successful career before him. The members, in conveying to him their good wishes on the eve of his departure, presented him with a gold medal suitably inscribed

BARLOW, Wilfred Griffith - 2nd Lieutenant
- born Aug 1886 in Richmond to Jonathan Joseph BARLOW (1859-1941) & Elizabeth Emma GRIFFITHS (1860-1945, died Malvern)
- husband of Constance Violet BOND (1886-1953)
- Wilfred was a State School Teacher of "Basalt" Clarence St, Elsternwick
- served with 58th Battalion 2 to 5 Reinforcements
- embarked from Melbourne 25 Sep 1916 on HMAT Shropshire
- wife, Constance Violet Barlow of same address
- KILLED IN ACTION, May 12 1917 aged 30
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 9", fair complexion, grey eyes, brown hair

BARNETT, George William - Corporal 2825
- born in Cohuna, (also seen Kerang, Victoria). Attended Gannawarrah State School
- served with 6th AFA Brigade, Divisional Ammunition Column
- embarked from Melbourne 20 Oct 1914 on HMAT Shropshire
- parents: George & Elizabeth Barnett, 25 Rockbrook Rd, St. Kilda
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 11 June 1917 in France aged 24
- Plot: II. A. 1. Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe, France
* from informant E. L. Brown, 6th Field Artillery Brigade
... "Corporal Barnett of the 106th Howitzer Battery was killed at Ploegateert. He was a Policeman in Melbourne, 5' 9" & broad. Killed by a shell, only lived 5 minutes. I helped bury him at Hill 63 in a cemetery at Pont Nieppe.

BARTLETT, Thomas Matthew - Private 3770
- born March 1894 in Wonthaggi, 6th of 9 children of Robert Mathew BARTLETT (1857-1934) & Emily Harriet JAMES (1865-1935)
- Thomas was a Grocer living at the corner Dandenog Rd & Normanby Ave, Malvern
- served with 23rd Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 8 Feb 1916 on HMAT Warilda
- parents: Robert Matthew & Emily Harriett Bartlett, 382 Neerim Rd, Murrumbeena
- at enlistmet parents were at corner Dandenog Rd & Normanby Ave, Malvern
- DIED 3 May 1917 in France aged 22.10
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 7?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair

* BARR, George Hamilton - Acting Corporal 3011A
- born Aug 1895 in Kilmore, 1st of 8 children of Peter BARR (1865-1920) & Catherine SHEGOG (1861-1950). A bank Clerk living at the Railway Station, Kyrabram
- embarked from Melbourne 18 Nov 1915 on HMAT Wiltshire
- father, Peter Barr of same address
- served with 60th? - 21st? Battalion (Infantry)
? DIED FOR HIS COUNTRY 19 July 1916 France aged 21.11
- VC Corner Australian Cemetery and Memorial, Fromelles, France
* 5' 5?", fair complexion, light brown eyes, fair curly hari, scar on forehead
* his father, Peter Barr, began working for Victorian Railways in 1885 and over the years was station master at Boort, Gardenvale and Nhill, dying at Nhill in 1920
* his brother, John Mitchell Barr, (1890-1979) was serving with the 14th Field Ambulance at the time when Private George Hamilton Barr was reported missing
* Reported missing on 28 July 1916. A court of Inquiry was held 'in the field' on the 4 August 1917 declared him Killed in Action 28 July 1916

BARR, Leslie Godfrey - Sapper 10211
- memorial has I. C. Barr
- born Oct 1888 in Richmond, son of James BARR & Lucy Hetherington THOMASSON, he attended school at Buln Buln, West Gippsland
- a Carpenter of Normanby Rd, Malvern
- served with 10th (transferred to 9th) Field Company Australian Engineers
- embarked from Melbourne 20 June 1916 on HMAT Runic
- father, James Barr, "Wisteria', Normanby Rd, Malvern
- KILLED IN ACTION 4 Oct 1917 "In The Field", Belgium aged 29
- Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium
* 6' ?", fresh complexion, hazel eyes, brown hair

BARRATT, Reginald Woorayl - Private 2186B
- memorial has R. P. Barratt
- born Jan 1896 in Koonwarra, Gippsland to Thomas BARRATT & Mary Rose BURN, attended Leongatha State School
NOTE newspaper article states different place of birth - BARRATT, Pte, Reginald Woorayl, 2186B, 5th Bn., Australian Inf. Died of wounds 24th Sept., 1918. Age 22, Son of Thomas and Mary Rose Barratt, of 57 St George's Rd., Elsternwick, Victoria, Australia, Born at Toora, Victoria. (41km from Koonwarra)
- a Grocer of Toora, Victoria
- served with 5th Battalion (Infantry) & (37th Infantry Battalion?)
- embarked from Melbourne 25 Sep 1916 on HMAT Shropshire
- mother, Nurse Mary Rose Barratt, (of Barratt's Private Hospital) Toora, Victoria, also 33 Bendigo St Elwood, also 34 Gladstone St, Windsor, also 20 Austin Ave, St Kilda in Oct 1918, also 57 St Georges Rd, Elsternwick in 1919.
The Argus, 25 Oct 1926 BARRATT - On the 23rd October, at the residence of her daughter (Mrs Morgan), Park road, Cheltenham, Mary Rose, eldest daughter of the late Allen Burn, of Bairnsdale, aged 66 years, late of South Gippsland
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 22-24 Sep 1918 (reports vary) in France aged 22
- Tincourt New British Cemetery, France
* 5' 5?", medium complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair
* disembarked at South Africa 13 Nov 1916 with Measles. Admitted to hospital a number of times 1917-1918 with Scabies
* eye witness accounts:
... exerts from a letter to his mother from Chaplain E. G. Petherick of the 5th Battalion, AIF 29 Sep 1918, "My dear Mrs Barratt, It is with very deep sorrow that I write you concerning the death of your brave son, Pte. R. Barratt (2186B) who died of wounds on the night of Sept. 23rd. The boys were coming out of the line and had reached a considerable distance on their way to the billets. All were happy with the thought of the coming rest, then came the deadly shell. With a brother officer I had been waiting outside a certain village and every now and again a shell from a long range gun (one of those we call 'rubber heels') fell in the village. We were anxious. My friend and I moved out of the village and waited near by. Again there came a shell and this time it struck the road just as one of out companies was passing. Four had been killed instantly; many had been wounded and among those who died from wounds was your son. May God help you abundantly and give you this comfort. Your son's grave is in a pleasant valley, east of Peronne and close to Tincourt"
The Argus, 8 October 1918 BARRATT ? Officially reported died of wounds somewhere in France, on 22nd September, Reginald, the dearly loved third son of Mrs. M. R. Barratt, of 33 Bendigo avenue, Elwood, and the late Thomas Barratt, of Leongatha and Toora, aged 22 years.
NOTE Reginald's maternal grandfather was Allan Burn (1828-1883) who arrived in Victoria in March 1851 and was a Hotelkeeper at Punt Flat, Bairnsdale, later farmed at the Snowy River then returned to Bairnsdale and died at Picnic Point (Allan was a nephew of Judge Joseph Hone (1784-1861), lawyer and civil servant, a barrister of Gray's Inn who practised in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, on the Midland circuit & London and was appointed by royal warrant master of the Tasmanian Supreme Court). Reginald's great grandparents were Jacob Henry & Sarah Burn. His great, great grandfather was William Hone, (1780-1842) English writer, satirist and bookseller

BEARD, Leslie Charles Edwin - Private 1717
- memorial has I. C. B. Beard
- born Sep 1896 in Prahan. Attended Elsternwick State School, Victoria
- served with 8 Infantry Battalion
- embarked from Melbourne 14 April 1915 on HMAT Wiltshire
- parents: John & Elizabeth Lillian Sincock, 15 Rowan St, Elsternwick, Victoria
- KILLED IN ACTION 20 September 1917 in Belgium aged 21
- LIX. C. 39. Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium
* 5' 8?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, fair hair
* eye witness accounts:
... (by Sgt 1580, T. P. Masters) L.C.R. Beard 1717 & C.B. Smith 6347 were buried in shell holes at Passehendalle, I conducted the burial myself. There were 7 others buried at the same time. We were under shell fire so there was no ceremony and no crosses were put up
... (by Private 5671, John Spencer Clough) We were in front of Polygon Wood, 'Snowy' Beard and 6 others were sitting in a shell hole when a shell landed directly on the hole. I was only 3 yards away and went straight over. With the exception of 2 men all had been blown to pieces and were quite unrecognisable
... (by Lance Corporal 290, Horace Stanley Bolitho) I knew him as Snowie, he came from Melbourne. On 20th Sept about 2 o'clock in afternoon was hit by a shell, died where he fell
... (by Private 6507, Walter Gordon Francis) He was a tall man, about 5' 9"/10", well built, fair complexion. Known as Les. Casualty was in the front line at Ypres in a Shell Hole. One of our own shells fell short and exploded in the Shell hole killing casualty instantly with 5 other men. I was 10 yards away at the time and I saw his body
... (by Lance Corporal 1047, James Michael Ryan) I knew casualty. He was sitting in a shell hole with 6 or 7 other men. I was in the rear of casualty in another shell hole about 6 yards away. One of our own shells, a 9.2, fell and exploded in the centre of the party. He was buried with the other men that were killed in the same shell hole where he fell and I helped to bury him. A cross was erected with his name and number on it

BEATH, Thomas Herbert - Gunner 4013
- born April 1884 in Prahan, Victoria
- attended Malvern Boys' College & Melbourne Tech
- Thomas was an Engineer of Carnarvon St, Malvern
- served with 4th Battery 2nd Brigade Australian Field Artillery
- embarked from Melbourne 20 Feb 1915 on HMAT Shropshire
- parents: George James & Annie Maria Beath, 11 Carnarvon Rd, Malvern
- KILLED IN ACTION 7 August 1915 at Dardanelles aged 29. Buried Plot 2, Row H, Grave 13 at Main Cemetery, Beach hall Spit
- II. H. 13. Beach Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey
* 5' 10", fresh complexion, brown eyes, light brown hair

BEGBIE, Alfred Herbert - Private 1791
- born April 1886 in Caulfield to George Coryndon & Elizabeth Begbie, attended Caulfield State School, Victoria. He was a Barman
- served with 38 Infantry Battalion
- embarked from Melbourne 16 Aug 1916 on RMS Orontes
- wife, Florence Violet Begbie, 82 Brickwood St, Elsterwick, Victoria
- KILLED IN ACTION 31 Aug 1918 at Berline Wood, Quentin aged 32
- he was buried where he fell in Clery Copse on the hill between the village of Clery-Sur-Somme and Mont St Quentin
- II. I. 16. Hem Farm Military Cemetery, Hem-Monacu, Somme, France
* 5' 8", dark complexion, stout build, blue eyes, dark brown hair, turning grey

BELTON, Frank - Lance Corporal 333
- memorial has P. Belton
- enlisted 21 January 1915 from Heywood St., Caulfield. Taken on strength 4 May 1915
- served with 21 Infantry Battalion, B Company
- embarked from Melbourne 10 May 1915 on HMAT Ulysses
- mother, Mary Belton, Heywood St, Caulfield
- DIED OF PNEUMONIA King George Hospital, London 31 Aug 1917 aged 29.6
- Grave 179725 Brookwood Military Cemetery, UK on 4 Sep 1917
* 5' 8?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair

BENBOW, Mervin Albert - Private 853
- born Wandong 25 Aug 1893 to Thomas James BENBOW & his 1st wife, Harriet ALDRIDGE. He attended Brighton Street School, Richmond
- served with 5th Infantry Battalion, C. Company
- embarked from Melbourne 21 Oct 1914 on HMAT Orvieto
- father, Thomas James Benbow (1863-1940), 69 Richmond-Terrace, Richmond. In 1915 Thomas was living at Bellavista St, Katoomba, Caulfield. His grandfather was Convict, William Benbow & Rebecca Hancock
- KILLED IN ACTION 25 April 1915 at Gallipoli Peninsula aged 21.8
- Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* 5'8", fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair

BERRY, Rupert Henry - Sergeant 817
- born 1893 in Brunswick to James George & Selina Berry. He attended Caulfield school & later was a Clerk of 4 Currall St, Elsternwick
- served with 14 Infantry Battalion, G Company
- embarked from Melbourne 22 Dec 1914 on HMAT Ulysses
- mother, Mrs S. Berry, 4 Currall St, Elsternwick
- also, James George & Selina Berry, "Rupertsville", Glen Eira Rd, East St Kilda
- KILLED IN ACTION at Bullecourt 29 September 1918 aged 23
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 8"-9", dark complexion, dark eyes, round face, medium build, clean shaven
- previously reported missing and wounded
* eye witness accounts:
... I saw him in a shell hole wounded in head at Bullicourt, just beyond enemy's front line. I was near him and wounded myself. When we were taken prisoners of War he was still in this shell hole
... we were both in C Company on April 11th at Bullecourt, our attack was about half over and before the enemy's wire entanglements were reached, witness saw Berry hit by machine gun fire and fall. About 6 hours later during withdrawal, witness again passed the spot and saw Berry's body lying where he fell
The Argus, 2 Sep 1919
BERRY - In loving memory of L-Cpl. James George (Jim) Berry, who was killed in action in France, 29th September, 1918
Far away from all who loved him,
Soldiers gently laid him to rest,
In a far away grave he is sleeping,
One of Australia's best.
- (Inserted by his loving brother and sister-in law, Hugh and Clara Berry, Sea Lake)
BERRY - In proud and loving memory of my dear brother, Lance-Corporal J. G. Berry (Jim), killed in action near Bullecourt, France, September 29, 1918.

BEST, Albert - 1660
- a Gardener of Dalny Rd, Murrumbeena
- served with 23 Infantry Battalion
- embarked from Melbourne 18 July 1915 on HMAT Demosthenes
- mother, Catherine Best, Dalny Rd, Murrumbeena
- KILLED IN ACTION 2 Sep 1915 on 'Sutherland', Mudros Bay, Greece aged 31
- Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* died 3 years before brother Leonard Best below. Another brother, Private 14599, Robert Best, served as Gunner with 4th Field Artillery Brigade, embarking 4 May 1916
* eye witness accounts:
... Private 1660, BEST, Private 1704 DOCKERY, Private 414, McDONOUGH & Private 923, MORGAN were all in B. Company and they were on the 'Sutherland' when it was torpedoed. The 21st battalion was on board and only B company of the 23rd was on the ship at the time. The torpedo burst just where the mess of B. Company was, so they may have been blown up by the explosion of this torpedo or on the other hand, they may have been drowned. It is difficult to say which, but if they are missing they must be dead. Nearly all B. Company was saved, except about 14 or 15 men. This happened on the 2nd Sep 1915
... Informant states that on the 2nd Sept, 1915 in the Mediterranean the 'Southland' was torpedoed, he and other men were picked up by various ships and taken to Mudros. Best was one on the 'Southland' and informant knew him, but when the roll was called at Mudros he was missing

BEST, Leonard - Private 1868
- Leonard was a Driver of Belgrave, Victoria
- served with 29 Infantry Battalion
- embarked from Melbourne 29 Oct 1915 on HMAT Demosthenes
- mother, Catherine Best, Dalny St, Murrumbeena
- DIED OF HIS WOUND 4 June 1918 in France aged 22
- Crouy British Cemetery, Crouy-Sur-Somme, France
* died 3 years after brother Albert Best above

BIGGS, Edwin Ivey Vincent - Private 1510
- memorial has E. J. Bigg
- born 1897 in Ballarat, 9th of 9 children of William Augustus BIGGS (1856-1909) & Emma Elizabeth ROGERS (1857-1946). He was a Warehouseman by trade
- served with 21st Battalion (Infantry), C Company
- embarked from Melbourne 28 June 1915 on HMAT Berrima
- mother, E. E. Biggs, 18 Narong Rd, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 26 Aug 1916 at Mouquet Farm, France
- Plot 1, Row D, Grave 93 Norfolk Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt, France
* 5' 11?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, brown hair
* A few years after his father's death the family moved to 18 Narong Road, Caulfield
* on 29 Oct 1967 his sister Estella Biggs, of Rosebud, wrote saying she was the person entitled to Edwin's Gallipoli Medallion
* first reported missing - eye witness accounts:
... I knew him very well. I was in the same platoon as him until I was transferred to the Machine Gun Section. All that I can say is the C. Coy of the 21st Batt. did not make an attack on the 26th of August 1916
... I am sorry that I can give little information although I knew him well. I have not met or seen him in any hospital that I have been to which is three and he never came here with wounded prisoners and if he had been taken anywhere else his people should have heard from him long before now
... concerning Private E. J. V. Biggs & 2nd Lt C. T. Collier - These names do not appear in the official Lists of Prisoners of War, or in the official Lists of those buried by German troops. Moreover, as they have not availed themselves of the privilege of writing, granted in all German Camps and Military Hospitals, the assumption is justified that they are not, and have not been, prisoners in German hands.
... he was directed to return to our lines after the attack at Mouguet Farm on Aug 25th but he must have lost his way and got into the German lines by mistake. There is just a chance that he may be a prisoner of war
... 5 Jan 1917 We regret to inform you that A.I.F. Headquarters, state that your brother, 1510 Pte E. V. Biggs, 21st battalion, A.I.F., is still missing since August 26th and they have no later report about him
... 13 Feb 1917 his brother, Lieut A. W. Biggs, 2nd Battalion, has been marking inquiries through us for some months and so far we have only received one unofficial report about Pte Biggs. His name has never appeared as a prisoner of war on any of the German Lists
... 27 March 1917 the German Red Cross wrote that it was very unlikely that he was a prisoner of war
... 7 May 1917 a letter was received from Burgsteinfurt, Westphalia, Germany informing them that there was no trace of Private Biggs as a prisoner in Germany
... 15 Aug 1917 It is with sincere regret that we write to tell you that No 1510, Private E. I. V. Biggs, 21st Battalion, A.I.F. is now reported officially as "Killed in Action on 26 Aug 1916"

BILLINGHAM, Albert George - Private 824
- born about 1896 in Richmond, Victoria
- a Clerk of 24 Leamington Crescent, East Caulfield
- served with 24th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 10 May 1915
- aunt Mrs Elizabeth Amelia Cross of 24 Leamington Crescent, East Caulfield
- DIED OF WOUNDS 7 Oct 1917 at Broodseinde Ridge aged 21
- Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium
* 5' 5", fair complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair
* an older brother, William John Billingham for the medals, was in Hobart. Another brother Charles, was also in Tasmania
* they wrote to Mrs P Smith at Abbottsford, Melbourne in 1920 saying they understood she was the eldest sister?

BISHOP, John Henry - Private 2787A
- born May 1890 in Brunswick to George BISHOP & Mary Ann LEEMAN, he attended Brunswick State School
- a Council Employee of 88 Barkly St, Brunswick
- served with 60th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 10 Sep 1915 on HMAT Star of Victoria
- father, G. Bishop, of same address
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 25 July 1916 at 14th. General Hospital Bouligne, France
- buried Grave 970, at Military Cemetery, Wimereux, Boulogne
* 5' 10", fresh complexion, grey eyes, black hair
* admitted to the 14th General Hospital on 22 July 1916, wounded in the right knee. His right leg was amputated on the 23rd and he died on the 25th at 6.15a.m.
* The family lived at 88 Barkly St, East Brunswick when John enlisted. Moving to 16 Seymour Ave, East Caulfield a year later

BISSET, Alan Ecila Longmore - Gunner 22919
- memorial has Bissett
- born 29 June 1890 in Bendigo, 10th of 10 boys born to Scottish immigrant John BISSETT (1839-1910) & Alice Louisa FARR (1850-1916), he attended the State School at Golden Square, Bendigo
- Engine Driver of Hobart Rd, Murrumbeena
- served with 27th Battery 7th Brigade Australian Field Artillery
- embarked from Melbourne 20 May 1916 on HMAT Medic
- mother, Mrs A. L. Bisset, Hobart Rd, Murrumbeena
- KILLED IN ACTION 20 Oct 1917 in the Field, Belgium aged 27
- Plot 11, Row F, Grace 13 Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery, France
* 5' 8", medium complexion, brown eyes, brown hair
* Alan named his eldest brother Dr. John Arthur Bisset (1873-1941), the Collins St, eye specialist as next of kin after his mother died on 23 June 1916
* 16 March 1921 Letter to a brother, Lewis Gay Bisset:
... In reply to your communication of 10th March, I have to advise you that the brochure, "Where the Australians Rest", in connection with your brothers, the late No, 22919 Gunner A. E. L. Bisset, 7th Field Artillery Brigade, and the late No. 4751 Private Eric Simson Bisset, 46th Battalion, will be forwarded to the legal next-of-kin, Dr J. A. Bisset, in due course
* brother of Eric Simson Bisset below

BISSET, Eric Simson - Private 4751
- born 25 Oct 1888 at Bendigo, 9th of 10 boys born to Scottish immigrant John BISSETT (1839-1910) & Alice Louisa FARR (1850-1916), he attended Bendigo State School in Golden Square
- a Chemist's assistant and Pharmacy student
- served with 46th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne
- mother, Mrs A. Bisset, Hobart Rd, Murrumbeena
- KILLED IN ACTION 14 Nov 1916 in Bull Trench near Flers Wood France aged 28
- buried just outside the support trench
- memorial at Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 7?", pale complexion, brown eyes, brown hair
* eye witness accounts:
... Bisset was my particular friend. He was formerly in the Transport and left them to be with me. He was in B. Coy. not C. Coy, as stated in the book. He was near me in the Support Trench called Bull Trench near Flers Wood about 6 a.m. on the morning of the 14th November (not 4th November as stated in the book) when a shell dropped in the trench and killed him and nine other men. I sent full particulars to his parents who live at Hobart Road, Murrumbeena, Victoria
... he was a chemist from Melbourne. Early in November he was killed by a shell at Pioneer Trench which exploded among a group of 10 men waiting to draw breakfast rations about 8 a.m.
* brother of Alan Elica Bisset above

BLENCOWE, Francis 'Thomas' - Private 5343
- memorial has T. Blencowe
- born Dec 1885, Moorabbin, Victoria to Francis William BLENCOWE (1855-1937) & Catherine HOGAN (1855-1923), he attended Xavier College. He married Mary Ellen LYONS in 1913 & they took up farming in Neerim, Victoria
- served with 7th Battalion, 17th Reinforcements, transferred to 59th Training Battalion 24 May 1916
- embarked from Melbourne 4 April 1916 on HMAT Euripides
- wife, M. E. Blencowe, Neerim Junction, Gippsland
- KILLED IN ACTION 31 Oct 1916 in the field, Somme, France
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 7?", dark complexion, grey eyes, black hair
* had a daughter Margaret Mary & a son William Patrick Blencowe who were living in Elsternwick in Jan 1917
* in 1922 his widow Mary Ellen was living at "Bethanga" 59 Point Napean Rd, Elsternwick
* Thomas's paternal grandparents were John Blencowe (1820-1870), a convict transported on the 'Lord Lyndoch' in 1840 & Elizabeth HORNER (1822-1889), an assisted immigrant. Sergeant 6764A, Clarence George Blencowe, was another grandchild who died in France and Private 180, John Lewis Victor Blencoe, also a grandson, died at Gallipoli 25 April 1915

BOWEN, William Exon - Driver 7716
- born 18 July 1897 at Brighton, Victoria to Robert Harold BOWEN (1870-1903) & Adeline Frances CHAPPLE (1870-1963), he attended Brighton State School
- a Clerk of 17 Charles St, Elsternwick
- served with 1st Wireless Squadron, Indian Expeditionary Force D, Australian Engineers
- embarked from Melbourne 5 Feb 1916 on HMAT Saldanha
- mother, Adeline Frances Bowen of same address
- DIED OF MALARIA 1 July 1916 at Makina-Masus, Mesopotamia 17 days from 19
- buried Makina Masus Old Cemetery, later reinterred to Grave 14, Row J, Basra War Cemetery, Iraq
* 5' 7?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair
* Cousin to Private V69330, Robert William Rutter, of the 57th Battalion (Infantry) enlisted 25 Aug 1918 and died of Meningitis 12 Feb 1918 at The Queens Memorial Infectious Diseases Hospital, Fairfield, Victoria

BOWEN, William John - Private 175
- born 1891 in South Melbourne, to John BOWEN & Ann PHILLIPSON he attended Subiaco State School in Western Australia
- Driver of Kooyong Rd, East Caulfield
- served with 29th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 10 Nov 1915 on HMAT Ascanius
- mother, Ann Bowen, Koornang Rd., Caulfield
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 8 Sep 1916 at 1st Australian Clearing Station Hospital, in the field, France
- Plot 2, Row J, Grave 11 Estaires Communal Cemetery and Extension, France
* 5' 5?", sallow complexion, dark brown eyes, dark brown hair

BRADLEY, Robert Cleveland - Private 539
- born 1890 North Melbourne to Robert George BRADLEY & Mary Edith SNOW, he attended King Street State School, West Melbourne. Technical training at Workingmen's College
- Fitter & Turner of 94 Buckley St, Footscray
- served with 7th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 19 Oct 1914 on HMAT Hororata
- father, R. G. Bradley, Kambrook Rd, Caulfield
- KILLED IN ACTION 25 April - 2 May 1915 at Gallipoli Peninsula aged 25
- Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* 5'1 0?", dark complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair
* Nephew, Pte. 3374 A. H Speed 3rd Pioneers Killed 29 Sept. 1918
* Cousin, Pte. A. G. Speed MM 56th. Battalion. Returned (son of the above)
* Cousin, Cpl. A. E. Barnes MM 29th. Battalion. Returned

BRAZENDALE, Robert William - Private 2780
- born Sep 1881 New Haven Connecticut, U.S.A. to William BRAZENDALE (1840-1918 died in Caulfield) & Mary COLLINGE (1839-1909), he attended school in Preston, Lancashire, England
- arrived in Australia aged 32, a Confectioner, widower (nothing known)
- Night Porter of 5 East Terrace, Gleneira Rd, Elsternwick
- served with 37th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 16 Dec 1916 on HMAT Medic
- father, William Brazendale of same address (till William died then sister)
- KILLED IN ACTION 21 March 1918 in Belgium aged 36.6
- Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium
* 5' 7", fresh complexion, blue eyes, black hair
* A note from his sister, Miss Margaret Isabel Brazendale of 100 Hotham St, East St. Kilda, states that he thought he was born in Liverpool England and enlisted as such but was born in New Haven Connecticut. (Miss Brazendale was a nurse, & kept a home for elderly invalids at that address
* had a brother James George Brazendale #2779 who joined the 37th on the 6 December 1916. Born about 1882 in Preston, Lancashire. NOK father William Brazendale of 5 East Terrace, Ripponlea. Died by his own hand in Craven St, East Prahan in April 1926, aged 43

BRIANT, Reginald Stuart - Private 2119
- born April 1893 in England, Reginald was an Electrican in Richmond
- son of John Shaw & Mary Amelia Stuart Briant
- served with 14th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 17 June 1915 on HMAT Wandilla
- father, John Shaw Bryant (note spelling), 20 Bennett St, Richmond
- KILLED IN ACTION 22 Aug 1915 at Gallipoli Peninsula aged 22
- 40, Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey
* 5' 9?", dark complexion, brown eyes, brown hair
* eye witnesses accounts:
... Briant and witness were chums, in charge together on Aug 8. A ridge was taken in the vicinity of Hill 871. Witness saw Briant on the ridge and that was the last he ever saw of him

BRIGHT, John Goldsmith - Lance Corporal 4445
- born Oct 1892 in Bendigo to Luther Edwin Goldsmith BRIGHT & Mary CARWARDINE
- a Bank Clerk of 8 Grafton St, Elsternwick
- served with 6th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 28 Jan 1916 on HMAT Thermistocles
- mother, Mary Bright 8 Grafton St, Elsternwick
- KILLED IN ACTION 8 Dec 1916 at Flers France aged 23
- Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
* 5' 7", fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair
* Private 3794, George Frederick Brunsdon Carwardine of 24th Battalion,
Killed in action 2 August 1916, Poziers

BRITTLEBANK, Cyril Clifton - Private 589
- born 1895, Myrniong, Victoria to Charles Clifton BRITTLEBANK (186301945, pathologist, died at Caulfield) & Sarah Jane PALMER (1861-1935, died at Caulfield), attended Church of England Grammar School
- a student of Queens Gate, St George's Rd, Elsternwick
- served with 1st Cyclist Battalion Australian Cyclist Corps
- embarked from Melbourne 28 May 1918 on HMAT Persic
- father, of same address
- DIED OF ILLNESS 6pm, May 23 1918 in France
- Etretat Churchyard Extension, France
On the 23rd May 1918, at Officers' First General Hospital, France, Cyril Clifton Brittlebank, after three years' oversea service, only son of C. C. and J. Brittlebank, "Queensgate," St. George's road, Elsternwick
* Cousin of Corporal 1886, Andrew Buxton Brittlebank, (1894-1917) 59th Battalion who died of wounds in Belgium 15 Oct 1917
* 5' 9?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, light brown hair

BROCKIE, Clement Gordon 'Clem' - Private 3036
- born 1896 in Benalla, Victoria, a twin with John (Jock) Gordon Brockie (1896?1944), enlisted on the same day. Their parents were: James Conn BROCKIE (1857-1940, died Beach Rd, Black Rock, Melbourne) & Charlotte Mathieson Gordon (1865?1948, died at Black Rock), attended Benalla East State
- a Carpenter of 367 Kooyong Rd., Elsternwick
- served with 5th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 29 Sep 1915 on RMS Osterley
- KILLED IN ACTION 25 July 1916 in France aged 19
- Pozieres British Cemetery Ovillers-La Boisselle, France
* 5' 9", fresh complexion, brown eyes, brown hair
* eye witness accounts:
... At Pozieres about 3am, behind 2nd Lines of trenches in No-mans-Land he was killed. I saw him shot. He was a mate of mine, we were always together
... His twin brother was in the 14th with me, I used to belong to the 5th and then went to the 14th and afterwards rejoined the 5th, The brother told me Brockie was killed at Pozieres on 35th July. He said he saw him killed
... There were two Brockies in my Coy, twin brothers and much alike that I could not tell one from the other.
The Argus, 29 December 1917 BROCKIE ? Killed in action in France on the 25th July 1916 (previously reported missing), Private Clement Gordon Brockie, 5th Battalion, dearly loved twin son of J. C. and C. Brockie, "Deeside" Kooyong road Elsternwick; loved brother of William, Jean and loving twin brother of John Gordon (Jock), AIF, abroad, aged 19 years - Duty nobly done

BROMAN, Eric - Sergeant 1862
- born Sep 1893 in Carlton to Gustaf BROMAN (1867-1952 from Stockholm, Sweden, died at Elsternwick) & Elizabeth Emma TOBART (1872-1933)
- a Labourer of 38 Edward St, Elsternwick
- served with 46th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 4 April 1916 on HMAT Euripides
- father, Gustaf Broman, 38 Edward St, Elsternwick
- KILLED IN ACTION 19 Aug 1918 at Lihons, France at 8am, aged 24.11
- buried Fouquescourt British Cemetery, Harbonnieres, France
* 5' 9", medium complexion, brown eyes, dark hair
* Wounded 30 May 1915 gunshot wounds right cheek & left thigh. Wounded 19 October 1917
* eye witness accounts:
... he was darkish, tall and not stout, He was a very lively chap and very well liked. I knew him well, He was killed during the last few minutes we were in the trench and he was taking the relief. I had just been relieved and was looking on when I saw Broman fall down, having been shot by a sniper and killed on the spot.
... he was a good soldier - absolutely fearless. His cheerfulness and courage helped us through many times. I have often seen the Company grieved at the loss of a popular man, but never seen them so cut up as they were when Sgt Broman was killed

BROWN, Edwin Thomas Edison - Private 2014
- born Dec 1896 in Collingwood to William Henry West BROWN & Mary LOWE, attended Gold Street State School
- a Clerk of 31 Imperial Avenue, Caulfield
- served with 22nd Battalion (Infantry) as a Signaller
- embarked from Melbourne 26 Aug 1915 on HMAT Anchises
- mother, Mary Brown of same address
- KILLED IN ACTION 5 Aug 1916 on the Front Line, Pozieres, France aged 19.8
- Serre Road Cemetery No 2, France
* brother, Lieutenant 43, Oswald Robert Brown of the 39th, discharged 8 March 1920
* 5' 8?", red complexion, brown eyes, auburn hair
* eye witnesses accounts:
... I was near him when he was killed along with four others in a Reserve Trench at Pozieres. It was by concussion and I saw his body - no visible damage and also his grave in Military Cemetery near Olivers near La Bazaule. We both came from Elsternwick, Melbourne and knew each other well. I have written his people

BROWN, Henry Russell - Sergeant 172
- born 1887, Ballarat to Charles BROWN (1852-1918) & Margaret DAVIES (1849-1912), attended Tooronga Road, State School, Malvern
- an Engine Driver of 28 Leamington Crescent, East Caulfield
- served with 14th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 22 Dec 1914 on HMAT Ulysses
- father, Charles Brown, "Narbethong", Crimea St, St Kilda
- KILLED IN ACTION 3 May 1918 in France
- Crucifix Corner Cemetery, Villers-Bretonneux, France
* 5' 8", fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair
* The Argus, 15 November 1911 BROWN ? On the 13th November, at "Dunraven," Stonnington-place, Malvern, Margaret, the beloved wife of Charles Brown (formerly of Ballarat), aged 62 years
* The Ballarat Courier 28 March 1918 The death occurred on 22nd inst of Mr Charles Brown, an old Ballarat resident, at his son's residence, Caulfield, aged 66. He was the son of the late Charles Brown, ironfounder, late of Grenville street, and came to Victoria at the early age of four years. He was well-known in musical circles in his young manhood and at one time he was conductor of the Baptist church choir. He also led a juvenile choir in victory at one of the first eisteddfods. His wife predeceased him six years ago. He leaves a family of three daughters and three sons, the eldest of whom has lately returned from the front, where the other two are doing their share in the Empire cause. The youngest son, Harry, has been at the Front three years, and was one of the men entombed in the Mount Lyell disaster
* The Argus 1 June 1918 BROWN ? Killed in action, on the 3rd May, Sergeant Henry Russell Brown (Harry), 14th Battalion, beloved youngest son of the late Charles and Margaret Brown, and dearly loved brother of Len (late A.l.F.), Percy (A.I.F.), Clarice (Mrs McDonnell), Getty, Ethel, and brother-in- law of Alice, Neil, and Will, after 3 years and 9 months' active service, aged 31 years

BROWN, Henrik William - Bombardier 19662
- born 1891 in South Yarra, Melbourne to John BROWN & Margaret Ann SUMPTON, he attended State School & Business College
- a Clerk of 7 Toward St, Murrumbeena
- served with 29th Battery 8th Brigade Australian Field Artillery
- embarked from Melbourne 20 May 1916 on HMAT Medic
- father, J. Brown of same address
- DIED OF HIS WOUNDS 6 Aug 1917 in Belgium aged 25
- Kandahar Farm Cemetery, Belgium
* The Argus, 25 August 1917
... BROWN ? A tribute to the memory of Gunner H. W. Brown, of the 8th Field Artillery Brigade, who died of gunshot wounds received in France, loving friend of Mrs M. A. and the late John Fotheringham
... BROWN ? Died of wounds received in Belgium, August 6, 1917, Gunner Henrik William, dearly loved only son and brother of Mr and Mrs J. Brown, Eda, and Ethel, Toward street, Murrumbeena (late of South Yarra), grandson of the late W. and M. Sumpton, loving fiance of Linda Anquetil, in his 26th year.
Could we have been there in that hour of death,
And caught one sigh of his panting breath,
One faint whisper we might have heard,
And breathed in his ear one parting word.
... BROWN ? A tribute of love to my dear hero, Gunner Henrik William (Henry), 8th Brigade Field Artillery, died of wounds August 6, 1917, loving fiance of Linda Anquetil, Flemington.
The midnight stars are gleaming
O'er a grave I cannot see;
There, sleeping without dreaming,
Lies the one so dear to me.
Sometime we'll understand.
NOTE Linda Eugenie Anquetil was a dressmaker living at "Viola" Flemington St., Flemington, daughter of Alfred Anquetil & Eliza Holman. She went on to marry Frank Wesley Sedgman in 1920 and lived out her days in Essendon

BROWN, Leslie Herbert - Lance Corporal 3528
- born Nov 1891, South Melbourne & attended State School, South Melbourne
- a Chief Steward of 25 John St., East Malvern, Victoria
- served with 46th Battalion (Infantry)
- embarked from Melbourne 11 Oct 1915 on HMAT Nestor
- NEXT OF KIN: Brother, George Brown, 14 Simmons St, South Yarra
- NEXT OF KIN: Wife (from June 1917, Elsie Helen Brown, 55 Regent St, Elsternwick. Later 25 John St., East Malvern
- KILLED IN ACTION 19 Aug 1918 in France aged 23
- Plot 1, Row B, Grace 1 Fouquescourt British Cemetery, France
* 5' 3?", fresh complexion, blue eyes, dark brown hair
* AWARDS Military Medal awarded on the 6th January 1917, "For gallantry and devotion to duty during the raid on the enemy's trenches in the HOLLANDSCHESCHOUR salient on the night of September 30th 1916"
* eye witness accounts:
... near Lihens in the line, killed outright by Minenwerfer shell. Buried at the Quarry, about 1 to 1? miles this side of village. A number of men buried in this quarry. Three Browns out of the 46th Battalion buried here. Knew him as "Light Horse Brown"
* The Argus, 31 August 1918
... BROWN ? On the 19th August 1918 Private Leslie Herbert Brown
dearly beloved son in law of Mrs M Parker of 55 Regent street, Elsternwick,
and loving brother in law of Rose and Corporal John Parker (on active service), and uncle of little Arthur. - Duty nobly done
... BROWN ? Officially reported killed in action 19/8/18 Private Leslie Herbert Brown (MM) 46th. Battalion, loving husband of Elsie Helen Brown (nee Parker), of No. 55 Regent street, Elsternwick, after two years and ten months service. God's will be done - (Inserted by his sorrowing wife)
* Step-brother Gunner 1170, William Mills Cleaves (1889-1917), was killed in action 31 July 1917 in Belgium

BROWNING, Reginald Camden - Sergeant 2569
- born Jan 1897 Frankston, Victoria to George William Herbert Browning (1870-1919) & Margaret Jessie Connor (1875-1907), attended Flemington State School
- served with 15th Brigade Australian Field Artillery
- embarked from Melbourne 26 Aug 1915 on HMAT Anchises
- father, G. W. Browning, 26 Station Place, Glenhuntly
- KILLED IN ACTION 6 Dec 1916 near Ginchy, Somme, France aged 19
- first buried near the 57th Battery, reburied Plot 11, Row J, Guards' Cemetery, Les Boeufs, 4 miles S of Bapaume
* 5' 6", medium complexion, grey eyes, brown hair
* eye witness accounts:
... he was in his dug-out asleep when hit by a 'whizz bang' (shell). Next morning we found him lying on his side as if asleep, head on his hands, not a mark on him. It was a most beautiful funeral, a Padre of the C of E read the service and we fired a battery of 6 guns over him
... his grave is next to that of an Aviator on the Ginchy and Morval road, in 'Dead Man's Valley', half right from the Ginchy Road and in front of Ginchy Village
... he was one of the finest Sergeants we ever had. He was from Caulfield, Melbourne
* Reginald was only 10 years old when his mother died at age 32. His father re-marrying Rose Ethel CARR (1882-1963) in 1910. His father died on 15 July 1919
* Commonwealth Pensions, 17 July 1919 I advise that I have received notice of the death of George William Herbert Browning who died on the Fifteenth day of July 1919 aged 49 years and I believe him to have been a Pensioner under the above-named Act whose pension was paid at Caulfield East

BUNTINE, Walter Horace Carlyle - 2nd Lieutenant 243 (MC), RFC
- born 10 August 1895 in Hawksburn, son of Walter Murray BUNTINE (1866-1953 head master of Caulfield Grammar School) & Bertha Florence GIBBS
- He died June 19 1917 at the age of 22 in a flying accident at Turnberry, Scotland while serving with the R.F.C.
* (from above link) 2Lt W. H. C. Buntine and Sgt Stanley Charles Appleton (3661) of No 2 (Auxiliary) School of Aerial Gunnery were killed in an accident while flying FE2b A817 on 19 June 1917. The aeroplane stalled on a turn after take off at Dalquhat Farm and burnt after crashing. Sgt Appleton is buried in his home town of Warrington, Lancashire.

BURBIDGE, Claude Campbell - Corporal 1187
- served with 39th Battalion (Infantry)
- KILLED IN ACTION June 4 1917 in Belgium
- Cemetery or memorial details: Strand Military Cemetery, Belgium
The Argus 4 June 1918 IN MEMORIAM
... BURBIDGE - In affectionate remembrance of Claude Campbell (Cam), killed in action JuneFix this text 4, 1917. (Inserted by Mr and Mrs Bindon and family)
... BURBIDGE. - In sad and loving memory of my dear friend, Sgt. C. Campbell Burbidge (Cam), who fell at Messines, June 4, 1917.
He has sailed on his last commission
On a beautiful ship called Rest;
And his head is safely pillowed
On his great Commander's breast.
- (Inserted by "Dimples")

BUTT, Eric Richard - Corporal 10589
- born May 1894
- he was a law Clerk at Elsternwick
- served with 3rd Divisional Signal Company, Australian Engineers
- embarked from Melbourne 25 Nov 1917 on HMAT Ascanius
- father, George Hatcher Butt, "Torquay" Point Nepan Rd, Elsternwick
- KILLED IN ACTION, 28 July 1917 in France aged 23
- buried Plot 2, Row E at Kandahar Farm Cemetery, Pleogsteert
* 5' 2", dark complexion, brown eyes, black hair
* 7 May 1916 LAST WILL of me, Eric Richard Butt of Broadmeadows in Victoira, Soldier. I revoke all former Wills and appoint my father George Hatcher Butt and my brother Francis George Butt both of Elsternwick in Victoria Trustees and executors of this my Will. I give device and bequeath all my real and personal property to my mother Julia Butt of Elsernwick aforesaid for her own use and benefit absolutely. Should my said mother predecease me I give devise and bequeath all my said real and personal property to my said father George Hatcher Butt for his own uses and benefit absolutely

A ... B ... C ... D ... E + F ... G ... H ... I+J+K
L ... M ... N+O+P ... R+S ... T+U+V ... W+Y

Fromelles July 1916
see George Hamilton Barr

SAVAGE buried Masterton, Wairarapa

the SAVAGE buried at Masterton as at 20 Oct 2012
- all buried Archer Street cemetery unless otherwise stated -

- buried 26 oct 1956 Plot BFS, Row 5, Ex Servicemen

? BESSIE IRENE Savage aged 93
- buried 21 July 2011 Plot 10, Row A, lawn B Riverside

- buried 29 April 1914 Plot CS, Row E, Old Ground
Cornelius was the Poundkeeper and ex Schoolmaster. He was found in his bed, dead from alcoholic poisoning (methylated spirits being his cheap choice back then)
- he married Ellen BYALL in 1886

? DOROTHY Savage aged 76
- buried 25 March 1988 Plot 5, Row B, Lawn A Riverside

? EILEEN MIGONETTE GEORGINA Savage (nee Campbell) aged 90
- buried 4 Aug 2007, Plot 33, Row G, lawn A Riverside
HEADSTONE READS: In Loving Memory of, Eileen Migonette Georgina, Loved Wife of John, 1st August 2007, Aged 90 years, Loved Father of Mary, Bernadette, Margaret & Carol. Rest in Peace

? ELLEN Savage aged 52
- buried 5 April 1908 Plot ES, Row 4, Plan IV

? FREDERICK ALFRED Savage aged 79
- buried 29 March 1933 Plot FAS, Row 19, Plan II

? GEORGE MALCOLM Savage aged 84
- buried 29 Nov 2000, Plot 9, Row A, Block B Riverside

? HENRY CHARLES Savage aged 76
- buried 3 May 1935 Plot HCS, Row 23, Plan II

? JEREMAIH Savage aged 84
- buried 20 April 1893 Plot JS, Row 4 Plan IV
- Jeremiah Savage, of Lansdowne, was listed as the last employer of Gerald Sievers (1881-1915) who was killed in action in Gallipoli

? JEREMIAH BERNARD Savage aged 90
- died 5 Oct 2007 Plot 27, Row C, Lawn C Riverside

? JOHN Savage aged 41
- buried 17 April 1925, Plot JS, Row 13, Plan IV

? JOHN Savage aged 78
- buried 24 June 1925 Plot JS, Row 4, Plan IV

- buried 27 March 1992 Plot 32, Row G, Lawn A Riverside

? MARGARET Savage aged 64
- buried 26 May 1906 Plot MS, Row 4, Plan IV

? MARGARET MARY Savage aged 72
- buried 10 Nov 1955, Plot MMS, Row 5, Plan VIII

? MARY Savage aged 72
- buried 24 Aug 1964 Plot MS, Row 11, Plan III

? MAURICE Savage aged 86
- buried 26 Aug 1943 Plot MS, Row 5, Plan VIII

? MICHAEL Savage aged 81
- buried 30 Aug 1943 Plot MS, Row 5, Plan VIII

? MOIRA Savage (nee O'Connell) aged 72
- buried 11 Nov 1994 Plot 38, Row C Riverside
- Moira married Jeremiah Bernard Savage

? PATRICK Savage aged 72
- buried 7 June 1923 Plot PS, Row 13, Plan IV

? ? Savage aged ?
- buried Plot 22, Row G, Lawn A at Riverside

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