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Lieut-Colonel John George Butts, Wellington 1891

John George Butts (1840-1891) was born 2 April 1840 in Dorset, England, the youngest son of Rev Edward Drury Butts (1793-1863), Incumbent of Melplaish, Dorset & Mary Hill, only daughter of James Hill, Esq., Walthamstow. He was a cousin of the Marchioness of Salisbury. He married Lucy Anna Nixon (1851-1931) in 1869. Lucy was born in Stoke, Nelson, 1 of 7 children of John Nixon & Eliza Julia Peterson from Nottingham (buried Wanganui)
NOTE John's father, Edward Drury Butts, died 14 Nov 1863 at Southsea, Hampshire aged 70. John's older brother was also Edward Drury Butts (1829-1910). Edward arrived in NZ in 1858. Two years later and for the next 30 years, he was the Postmaster at Invercargill, then Wellington and later Dunedin. He died at his daughter's home in Devonport, Auckland
Wellington Independent, 24 July 1869
BUTTS-NIXON - On July 20, at Sedgebrook Grange, the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev C. H. T. Nicholls, John George Butts, Lieutenant 18th Royal Irish, youngest son of the late Rev Edward Drury Butts, Incumbent of Melplash, Dorset, to Lucy Anna, youngest daughter of John Nixon, Esq., J.P. Wanganui
* Sedgebrook Grange was a large family estate on the left bank of the Wanganui River. Anna's brother John Henry Nixon, Manager of the BNZ in Wanganui lived on the estate and breed thoroughbred horses and pedigree Jersey cattle

the children of John & Lucy
* 1871 - 1960 Harry Paulet Butts
born in Devonport, England, he married Edith Mary Templar in 1900. Edith Mary Butts died in Tauranga 22 Nov 1947 aged 80. Harry Paulet Butts died 15 July 1960 aged 84. They are buried Plots 48 & 49, Row 20, Section 14 at Tauranga Anglican Cemetery
* 1875 - 1961 Eva Mary Butts
born in Bareilly, India, never married. Eva was a school-mistress, she taught elocution, arithmetic and geography at the Terrace School, Fitzherbert Terrace, Wellington to the Beauchamps (Katherine Mansfield), among others. Katherine wrote that she tolerated, even sometimes liked, Miss Butts, who didn't attempt to make her conform, like Mrs. Henry Smith. Eva died in Christchurch and was cremated and buried at Bolton street with her family
* 1878 - 1926 Muriel St Clair 'Clair' Butts
born in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, India. She ever married. Muriel died in Wellington, was cremated and buried at Bolton street with her family
* 1883 - 1960 George Aubrey 'Pitt' Butts
* born in New Zealand. Pitt married Winifred Mary Kempthorne Holmes (1884-1972) (nee Roskruge). Winifred had first married Garnet Bowen Holmes in 1907 and later divorced (go to her link).
* Pitt Butts died 20 Oct 1960 in Auckland aged 77. His ashes were scattered from Purewa
* 1885 - 1885 Emily Butts
born in Wellington, Emily lived for 2 hours and was buried at Bolton Street cemetery

* See the timeline of his wife and children on Lucy Anna Butts page

New Zealand Times, 8 Dec 1891
BUTTS - On the 5th December 1891, at his residence, Gordon-street, Newtown, Wellington, John George Butts, retired major 18th Royal Irish Regiment, aged 51 years

New Zealand Times, 7 Dec 1891
DEATH of Lieutenant-Colonel Butts

It is with much regret that we have to chronicle the death of Lieut-Colonel Butts, which occurred about 6.30 on Saturday evening from a paralytic stroke. The deceased, John Geo. Butts, was 51 years of age and was born at Hartest, Suffolk, England, where his father, the Rev Edward Drury Butts, was incumbent. He left there when quite young, on account of his father going to a place called Melplash, near Bridport (Dorset), where he lived until he entered the army, in in 1861, as ensign in the 2nd Battalion 18th Royal Irish. He was stationed first at Jersey and then in the Isle of Wight and in 1863 formed one of the Prince of Wales' Guard of Honour on the occasion of his marriage. Shortly afterwards he came out with his regiment to this Colony on the occasion of the Maori rising and served through the Waikato and Wanganui campaigns.
The Regiment was the last to leave New Zealand in 1869. It was afterwards stationed for some time at Hobart, and after being located at several military centres in the Old Country, Lieutenant Butts received his company, being at the same time transferred from the 2nd to the 1st battalion of the regiment. Subsequently the regiment was ordered to Malta and thence in 1874 to India, where he was stationed at Bareilly for some time and then to Firozpur. During the chief part of his residence there he was paymaster of the regiment.
In 1880 the regiment went to Afghanistan and after remaining with it there for six months he was invalided home on account of a severe fever he had contracted and was, in 1881, compulsorily retired from the service, under the new regulations, at the age of 40. It was then that he came back to New Zealand and after having been in the Colony about four months the War Office did him the high honour, of offering him by telegraph, reinstatement as Major in his old regiment. However, as the acceptance of this offer would have necessitated his going to India, which he was warned against by his physician, he was obliged to refuse, besides which his family affairs rendered any such acceptance almost impossible.
In 1887 he was gazetted to the Adjutancy of Volunteers in Wellington, a position he retained until the present Government retrenched him in March last.
In July 1890 be sustained a paralytic stroke, consequent on overwork, which was followed by a second stroke about two months since. He had been in fairly good health up till Friday night last, when about 10 o'clock the third stroke came and, despite the efforts of Dr Henry, who was immediately called in, he died on Saturday evening without having regained consciousness.
He married in (NZ) 1869 to Lucy Anne, daughter of the late Major Nixon, of Wanganui, by whom he had issue four children - two sons and two daughters - all of whom are now living.
The deceased was a member of an ancient family and was able to trace back his ancestry to very early times in English history. That it has numbered among its members men of prominence may be gathered from the fact that a Sir William Butts was Court physician to Bluff King Hal (King Henry VIII 1509-1547).
A brother of the deceased, Mr E. D. Butts, was formerly Postmaster in this city and is now occupying a similar position at Dunedin.
The late Lieutenant-Colonel Butts was a gentleman highly respected and esteemed by all with whom he came in contact and his death will be regretted by a large circle of friends and relatives. He will be buried with full military honours to-morrow afternoon, the funeral procession leaving his late residence in Gordon-street, Newtown, at 4p.m.

Evening Post, 7 Dec 1891
OBITUARY of Lieutenant-Colonel Butts

The brief announcement made in our last issue will have prepared our readers for the news of Lieut-Colonel Butts death, which occurred at his residence, Newtown, at 6.30 on Saturday evening. Deceased was the son of the Rev Edward Drury Butts, incumbent of Hartest, Suffolk and was born in that parish in the year 1840. His family was one of some note in early English history and one of its members, Sir Wm. Butts, was a Court physician to Henry VIII. The deceased gentleman entered the army in 1861, holding an ensign's commission in the 18th Royal Irish. He was in the guard of honour of the Prince of Wales on the occasion of His Royal Highness' marriage in 1863.
The outbreak of the Maori was brought the gallant 18th out to New Zealand, and with it the officer now deceased, who served throughout the fighting in the Waikato and on the West Coast. After leaving New Zealand in 1869 the Royal Irish did service at Hobart, in various parts of the Old Country (where Lieut Butts was given his company), Malta, India and Afghanistan. It was in the last-named country that the subject of this notice was seized with the fever that necessitated his retirement from the service in 1881. Immediately afterwards he settled in New Zealand.
The War Office cabled out an offer to reinstate him in his old regiment with promotion to the rank of Major, but he was unable to accept the honour, as the state of his health forbade his going to India, whither the regiment was ordered and family affairs also stood in the way.
The Adjuntancy of the Wellington Volunteers with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, was conferred upon him in 1883 and he held it until March last.
Paralysis told upon his health for the last year or two and the third stroke has now had the usual fatal consequence. Colonel Butts was married in 1869 to a daughter of the late Major Nixon, of Wanganui, who survives him with four children, two sons and two daughters.
Deceased was one of those men whom to know was to esteem and he leaves behind a very wide circle of mourning friends. St Mark's Parish loses in him an active worker. He was formerly a member of the parish vestry and acted for some time as lay-reader at the Newtown Church-room services. The Rev R. Coffey made allusion last night to the melancholy fact of Colonel Butts' death, bracketing together his name and that of Mr Joseph Holgate as two useful parishioners who had just passed away.
At the close of the service the Dead March in 'Saul" was played on the organ by Mr A. J. Hamerston, in memory of the departed officer. Military honours are to be paid by the Wellington Volunteers to the remains of their late commanding officer. The District Orders in reference to the funeral will be found elsewhere.

Evening Post, 9 Dec 1891
FUNERAL of Lieutenant-Colonel Butts

The late Lieut-Colonel Butts was interred in the Church of England Cemetery, Thorndon, yesterday afternoon, with all the military honours befitting an officer of his rank. The funeral cortege, which was a large one before it reached the cemetery, left the late residence of the deceased in Gordon-street, Newtown, at 4 o'clock. The coffin, covered with the Union Jack and surmounted with the accoutrements of the officer, together with a number of beautiful wreaths of white flowers sent by friends and relatives, was carried on a gun carriage belonging to the D Battery of Artillery. A detachment of 30 of the Permanent Artillery, under Major Messenger, which subsequently formed the firing party at the grave, marched in front with arms reversed and immediately behind the gun carriage and led by two members of the Artillery, came the deceased officer's charger, with trapping, the regimental boots being reversed in the stirrups. Next came a detachment of the Torpedo Corps and then several closed carriages containing the chief mourners - namely, Mr H. P. Butts, son of the deceased, Messrs T. Butts and H. Radcliffe, nephews, Mr Arthur Nixon, brother-in-law of the deceased and also a number of friends. At the Mount Cook Barracks the cortege was joined by the garrison officers, detachments from the various Volunteer corps and also the Garrison Band, under Bandmaster Herd. The officers present included the following:- Major Newall, Major McCredie, Adjutant Quick, Captain Coleman and Quartermaster Anderson (Permanent Artillery), Capt. Collins, Lieut. Wilson (City Rifles), Capt. Paterson and Lieut. Porritt (Wellington Guards), Lieut.-Commander Duncan, Lieuts. Hislop and Hume (Wellington Navals), Lieut-Commander Davy and Lieut Kirk (Petone Navals), Capt Loveday and Lieut Purdy (Heretaunga Mounted Infantry), Col. Pearce (unattached) and Staff-Sergt-Major Finn were also present, whilst Inspector Thomson attended in uniform to represent the Police Department and Mr P.S. Garvey, Governor of the Wellington Gaol, on behalf of the Prisons Department, the deceased officer having been a visiting Justice of the Peace up to the time of his death. Liuet-Colonel Hume, Inspector of Volunteers, being absent in Auckland was represented by Sub-Lieut R. Hume of the Wellington Navals. The Volunteer Companies represented by detachments were the Wellington Rifles, Wellington Guards, City Rifles, Petone and Wellington Navals and Heretaunga, Mounted Infantry.
The parade was under command of Major Newall. A large number of civilians, including many prominent citizens, joined in the procession as it proceeded through the streets of the city. On the way to the cemetery the Garrison Band played the "Dead March from Saul" and Beethoven's beautiful "Funeral March"
The gun carriage was relinquished at the foot of Bolton-street and the coffin being placed on the shoulders of several officers was carried to the Mortuary Chapel in the cemetery, the following officers acting as pall-bearers:- Major McCredie, Adjutant Quick, Captains Coleman and Collins, Lieutenant-Commander Duncan, Captains Barclay and Beamish (representing the Imperial Army) and Mr Cole, late Captain of the Newtown Rifles.
After a short service in the chapel by the Rev. R. Coffey, curate of St Mark's Church, assisted by the Rev A. M. Bradbury of the same parish, the coffin was removed to the grave, which is situated in a sunny little spot on the western slope, where the last sad rites of the Church having been performed by the officiating clergyman, the firing party delivered three volleys over the grave and the assembly, which had been a most orderly one throughout, the dispersed.
A posse of police constables, under Sergeant-Major Ramsay, kept order at the entrance gate and at the grave, where there was a large assembly of people, but their duties were merely nominal.

John George Butts died 5 Dec 1891 aged 51
Lucy Anna Butts died 30 Oct 1931 aged 80
They are buried Plot 7904 at Bolton Street cemetery with others ..

The family buried in Plot 7904, C of E at Bolton St
are John, his wife Lucy and daughters Eva Mary and Muriel St Clair
The HEADSTONE reads:
In Loving Memory Of
Lieut Colonel J. G. BUTTS
Late The Royal Irish Regiment
Born April 2nd 1840
Died December 5th 1891
Erected by the officers, noncommissioned officers and men of the Volunteer Force, Wellington District 1892

beloved wife of above
Born 1851 - Died 1931

Born at Kasauli
Died at Wellington
6th March 1926 aged 47 years

Born India
Died at Christchurch 31 May 1961 aged 86

Train Wreck at Ongarue 6 July 1923

The Train Wreck at Ongarue
On 6 July 1923, at 05:52, 17 people died in a train crash at Ōngarue near Taumarunui. This stands today as the country’s third most deadly rail disaster. The worst in terms of loss of life was the 1953 Tangiwai Disaster which killed 151 people. Ten years before 21 people died in a crash at Hyde.

Eleven passengers were killed outright, and another two died either en route to Taumarunui Hospital or shortly after arrival there. Four others subsequently died.

The southbound Auckland to Wellington train, containing approx 200 passengers, was actually travelling very slowly when it ploughed into a slip on a blind corner one early morning at Ōngarue. The impact was such that some passengers didn’t even get a fright. Those in three wooden carriages which telescoped into one another were not so fortunate. Detective John Walsh who was travelling in one of the unharmed carriages did not think there was a problem until a call went out for doctors, and even then he alighted expecting to find people with minor wounds. Instead he found a scene of carnage with some carriages completely derailed, and gas seeping into those that had telescoped.

The rescuers later found themselves under attack for irreverent treatment of the dead. There were also reports of civilians roaming round freely searching the bodies. Police and doctors hotly denied these charges. They said their immediate focus was on the living not the dead, so some bodies weren’t attended to immediately. They categorically denied the charge regarding civilians.

The story can be read in these links:
A TRAGIC STORY what daylight revealed




Manawatu Times, 7 July 1923
* Thomas John BILLING[/color], aged 75, retired farmer living in Hine St., New Plymouth. Left one dependent daughter. Identified by his son Francis Henry Billings, who last saw him at Christmas. Thomas married Emma Jane McKay (1861-1914) in 1880 and had 7 children (6 sons)
* James Joseph BRADY, Woodville aged 27. Born 1896 at Oroua Downs, 1 of 8 children of Patrick Brady & Catherine Tonner. He served for 4 years, twice wounded at Messines and returned to the front with the 17th. He was on his way to Woodville to visit his sister and parents. His sister, not knowing of the disaster waited at Palmerston North station for him
* Maurice John CONNOR, aged 37, well-known footballer, store-keeper of Rakaumui, from Pahiatua. Originally thought to be named Cameron, he was identified by a cheque book on his body. He was a married man. He had been visiting his relatives in Rotorua and told his wife he would be back on Friday. His wife identified the body
* Laurence Watson 'Poll' CURRIE, aged 17, Union Street, Auckland, died on rescue train. Well known amateur boxer and brass finisher by occupation. He and Tommy Collins (on injured list) were on there way to take part in a boxing bout at Taumarunui. Identified by his brother Herbert Garfield Currie (1890-1961). They were 2 of 13 children of Edward Currie & Mary Elizabeth Pratt
* Andrew McGregor GRANT, Police Constable & Maori linguist aged 56. Owned a store at Te Whaiti, Rotorua, both legs broken. He was the only white man at Te Whaiti and was well known by visitors because it was at his place that anyone there for trout fishing would stay. He was a son of Donald Grant & Helen McGregor. He married Te Wehi Paerangi Hikanui in 1900. He was highly esteemed by many high Government officials from the time of Mr Seddon on, who had gladly accepted his service as guide and philosopher on matters pertaining to the 'wild country' between Te Whaiti and Waikaremoana. He had considerable 'mana' among the Maori of the Urewera. Andrew was on his way south to visit his dying father, Donald (1837-1923) in Wakouaiti, near Dunedin, who, unknowns to Andrew had died a few hours previously
* Horace Greenwood HUNT, Te Kauwhata, aged 37, died on the rescue train from a fractured skull
* William LEAR, married man aged 27. He was a recent arrival in New Zealand and was staying at Northcote with his brother-in-law, Mr J. White, Waimana Ave., Northcote, Auckland. William was a ship's cook and during the war he was torpedoed three times. He was a cook on the Richardson steamer Putiki. He was on his way to Wellington to meet his wife who was returning at daybreak the next day by the Athenic from England. He had a week's leave from his ship for that reason. He married Bertha Harriet Jones in 1900
* Charles Campbell MAYNE, aged 21, a farmer employed by Mr W. G. Stead of Morrinsville. He was 1 of 3 sons of Thomas Mayne (1854-1951) of Riccarton, a retired police constable, well known in all parts of NZ and of Catherine 'Kate' Rabbett (1870-1946)
* David McCOMBS, had been in business as a tailor in Rotorua. He was about 52, a married man with a family of six aged 10 to 25
* Ursula May McDONALD, aged 39, of 25 Arcadia Road, Epsom, Auckland. She was born in Auckland, 1 of 13 children of Antonio Francis O'Buglien (1838-1898, from Croatia) & Mary Dore (1850-1932) who at the time lived at Commercial road, Archhill. She married William Alexander Samuel George Donald (1879-1950) in 1920, tramway conductor of Arcadia road, Epsom. She was on her way to Taumarunui to see her brother-in-law, who was seriously ill. She had no children
* Benjamin MEARS, Mahirakau, badly burned by the flames from the gas-container under the carriage he was in, died in the hospital. He was a married man with a family and a was sawmiller living at Mahirakau, on the Ohura branch railway line
* George MORGAN, saddler, aged 36 of Palmerston North. Born in Gisborne, the 7th of 9 children of the late Hon. William Morgan & Louisa Rhoda Brown. He was a single man returning from a business trip in Auckland and had been living in Palmerston North with his sister Mrs Kathleen Henry at Carow street for many years. He was well-known in Shannon having been in charge of Mr Wallace John Bruce Jolly's saddlery business in Ballance street. He had 4 sisters, Kathleen (Mrs James Norman Henry, Palmerston North), Elizabeth, (Mrs Thomas Alexander Nicoll, Napier), Misses Louisa and Norah Morgan (Wellington) and 2 brothers, Andrew Morgan (Tokomaru) and Henry Morgan (Wanganui). He is buried Plot 19, Block 34 at Terrace End Cemetery
* Charles Howard PAYNTER, aged 56. Originally a carpenter, he had been farming at Waihou, near Te Aroha and had been working on the electrical extension scheme at Horahora. He was on his way to New Plymouth where he was to start work with the New Plymouth Harbour Board. He was 1 of 10 children of William Paynter (1840-1924), a Maori war veteran and a retired farmer living in Courtenay Street, New Plymouth & of Elizabeth Ann Matthews (1843-1926). Charles married Margaret Moolehouse (1872-1937) in 1893 and had 2 sons and a daughter
* William George PETSCHUKET, a native of Auckland, aged 22, an orphan, single, no relatives. Educated at the Dilworth Institute. He was a son of Henry George Petschuket (1853-1914) & Elizabeth Rudd (1871-1910). He had a sister who lived for only 4 hours in 1910, his mother dying 3 months later. He was a young man of great promise and was held in high esteem by his employer and many friends. He was identified by Arthur William Hall who worked with him on the farm, at Papatoetoe, of Mr William Arthur Hall. He was on his way south for a holiday with Norman Waters, another victim
* Allan Gordon SAXBY, surveyor of Clyde Road, aged 47, Napier. Born in Hawkes Bay, 1 of 6 sons of Gordon Harding Saxby (), manager of the St Laurence station at Patangata and of Katherine Greenwood, he was educated at Napier Boys High and at Wanganui College. He was employed for some time at Williams and Kettle, leaving that firm to learn surveying with Kennedy Bros. He then entered into partnership with Mr W. E. Griffin as land and estate agents and surveyors. On Mr Griffins death he continued the business on his own account as a surveyor. He was keenly interested in football, rowing and all sport. He married Agnes Christina MacFarlane in 1908 and had 4 children
* Henry Thomas WARD, well-known accountant of Christchurch, was in the employ of the Union Steam Ship Company for several years in Dunedin. Later he held the position of secretary to Messrs McClatchie and Co., coal merchants of Christchurch. He had just relinquished that position and was contemplating going into business for himself in Christchurch. He had just been on a holiday to Australia and returned by the 'Manuka; that week. He stayed for a couple of days with friends at Lawrence St., Ponsonby and left to return to Christchurch by this train. Married man, aged 44, with 4 children aged 5 to 17. Body identified by Thomas Burtenshaw. Henry married Isabella Rutherford Lean (1883-1965) in 1905 and had 1 son & 3 daughters
* Norman Leslie WATERS, aged 24, returned soldier, No.77946. A single man, worked on his father's farm at Papatoetoe. Identified by Frederick Burnside. Norman was the only son, of 4 children, of Frank McIntyre Waters & Emily Teresa Hewetson. He was on his way south for a holiday with William Petschuket, another victim

The injured in Taumarunui Hospital are:-
* L. Brownlee, Te Puke, contusions and abrasions to face and right eye
* W. Campbell, fireman on the locomotive, East Tamaki, Auckland, extensive burns. Condition serious
* W. 'Tommy' Collins, Beresford Street, Newton Auckland, injuries to back and chest and fractured ribs
* Charles Dignan, Pokapo, fractured ribs and haemorrhage
* Miss Christina Gordon, Ohakune, scalded left arm, injuries to both legs
* Mrs Doris Henderson, Te Kuiti, fractured ankle. Described as the most painfully injured
* Sam Hughes, seaman, contusion to right leg and lacerated wound on forehead
* Miss Blanche Kelly, Spotswodd, Cheviot, North Canterbury, injuries to head and legs
* Harry Loake, Huntly, slight abrasions to head and hand
* G. McFarlane, Milford, Takapuna, fractured forearm and collapse
* John Morgan, fractured upper and lower jaw, contusions to face and both eyes
* John Neil, Manawaru, Te Aroha, abrasions and contusion to face and scalp and compound fracture of the left leg
* Mrs Myra Smith, Toko, Stratford, injuries to head
* A. Tyler, Martinborough, crushed hips
* William George Walker, Dannevirke, cut in head and broken ribs
* Sydney Wheeler, Palmerston North, abrasions to face, head and thighs
* A boy named ACE, fractured leg

Others injured:-
* Lawrence Billing, Rahotu, New Plymouth
* Harry Fley, Te Aroha
* Harold Shepherd, Wellington

Minor injuries were suffered by the following:-
* Howard Ashmore, Palmerston North
* G. George, Willis street, Wellington
* A. Kennedy, Palmerston North
Herbert Leach, Matiere. Was travelling with his wife in carriage C, the carriage which was telescoped at both ends. The pressman was surprised that Mr Kennedy had been classified as 'minor injuries'. He was taken to Taumarunui Hospital but gave up his bed to make room for others
* J. Macauley, Palmerston North
* P. Newdick, Palmerston North
* Niate Nizich, Thames

NOTE Louis Wilfred Hollis Hill (1869-1923), a Railwayman Fitter in charge of the gang, from the Newmarket workshops, Gladstone Road, Parnell, Auckland, dropped dead at the scene. The cause of death was due to a cerebral haemorrhage. His body was taken to Taumarunui

Ōngarue Rail Disaster (1923)

Archives New Zealand

Also see The wrecked engine, still steaming embedded in the slip

VELVIN marriages NZ - 1885-1927

The VELVIN marriages
* Cyril David Velvin (1903-1986)
married Phyllis Muriel NOBLE (1906-1968) in 1927
* daughter of Joseph James Noble (1880-1948) & Alice Nita Bush (1881-1982), both buried Feilding
Auckland Star, 15 June 1942 - CYRIL in court
WELLINGTON, Saturday. Leave to defend has been granted by Mr A. M. Gouldin, S.M., in Wellington, in a case in which Albert Comfort, an accountant is seeking from Lieutenant C. D. Velvin damages alleged to be due as a result of a motor accident involving a car driven by Velvin in the course of his military duties. Velvin's notice of intention to defend was filed late. Counsel for Comfort, Mr Rollings, criticised the Army Department, which, he said, was using laws as a shelter against claims by the public for damage done by army vehicles, and was leaving the public to sue the individual soldier concerned. The magistrate thought the plaintiff himself anticipated that the Crown would not shelter behind the provisions of the Crown Suits Amendment Act, but in that he was mistaken. So also was the defendant who seemed to have acted on the assumption that the army would recognise responsibility for his actions. He acted in the usual way on receipt of the summons by forwarding it to the adjutant of his unit. It was not until May 18 that the army authorities informed the defendant that they were taking no responsibility for his action and it was then too late for the defendant to file notice of his intention to defend
* Cyril served in WWI 600733. He enlisted from 84 South St., Feilding
Auckland Star, 21 May 1943 - Wedding of Phyllis's sister Norma Joan Noble (1919-2011)
MILNE-NOBLE - A pretty Air Force wedding was solemnised at St Paul's Presbyterian Church, Feilding recently when Norma Joan, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs J. J. Noble, Bailey Street, Feilding, was married to Leslie John, A/CI., R.N.Z.A.F., younger son of Mrs R. Milne, of Roslyn Terrace, Devonpost, Auckland ... in attendance were Mrs C. D. Velvin, matron of honour, sister of the bride ... little Mary Velvin, niece of the bride, was flower girl in a ground length frock of pale green taffeta fashioned on the same lines as the older maids more here ...

* Ernest Sturrock Velvin (1894-1964)
married Kathleen Mary HAYDON (1895-1980) in 1919
Ernest Sturrock Velvin, was always involved in many sports in Christchurch over the years. Motorcyling (he had an Ariel), Surf Life saving (Club Captain), Rowing (Officer of the Union Rowing Club). He was a Freemason at the St. Augustine Lodge No. 4, Christchurch. He was a motor agent and engineer. He lived with his mother at 31 Gresford Street, St Albans on enlistment as Trooper 5775, 33rd Reinforcements, Mounted Rifles Brigade, NZEF

* George Richard Velvin (1865-1933)
married Ellen Emily Eliza 'Nellie' CHARTERIS in 1891
their known children
* 1892 - 1951 George Roy Velvin
* 1894 - 1915 Errol John Velvin
* 1903 - 1986 Cyril David Velvin
Temuka Leader, 15 Feb 1892 - George at sale
Glasson & Co - sell G. R. Velvin's stock-in-trade at Temuka on Monday next
Press, 26 June 1915 - DEATH of Errol
VELVIN, Errol John, Private 10-773 (Richard George Velvin, Eltham) (see notes below)
Hawera & Normanby, Star 25 July 1919 - at ELTHAM
Mr Geo. Velvin, who has been a resident of Eltham for over 20 years, was appointed custodian of the Town Hall and Municipal Chambers at a meeting of the Borough Council on Tuesday night. There were twenty-three applicants. (he resigned in Sep)

* John William Velvin (1886-1972)
married Grace PATTERS (1890-1965) in 1912
their known children
* 1914 - 1997 Ernest John Velvin
* 1917 - 1997 Norman Douglas Velvin (served in WWII twice. Lance Corporal, 25th Wellington Battalion, 2nd NZEF, Third Echelon. Lived at 5 Collins St., Hawera)
Press, 24 Oct 1917 BIRTH of Norman
VELVIN - At 42 Flockton street, St Albans, to Mr and Mrs J. W. Velvin - a son
Hawera & Normanby Star, 26 Sep 1923 GEORGE's job
Mr Velvin, money-order clerk, who has been transferred to Hawera from the Money Order Office, Christchurch, arrived in Hawera on Friday and has taken up his new duties
John William Velvin was the Acting-Postmaster in Hawera in 1924. He lived at 28 Union St., Palmerston North when son Norman served in 1940s

* John William Velvin (1859-1915)
John was born to John Vilven & Margaret Tyner who was from County Cork, Ireland
married Annie Jane SMITH (1856-1932) in 1885
Annie was from Arbroath, Scotland
their known children
* 1886 - 1972 John William Velvin
* 1888 - 1891 Cecil James Velvin
* 1890 - 1973 Percy Malcolm Velvin
* 1894 - 1964 Ernest Sturrock Velvin
* 1896 - Lena Elizabeth Margaret Velvin
Temuka Leader, 18 April 1891 - DEATH of Cecil
VELVIN - On April 16th, at Temuka, Cecil James, second dearly beloved son of John Wm. and Annie Jane Velvin - deeply regretted
Mataura Ensign, 19 June 1902 - Golden Wedding of John William's in-laws
GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATION AT GORE - Two old and much respected residents of Gore - Mr and Mrs Jas. Smith - celebrated their golden wedding yesterday, they having been married by the Rev Mr Leslie, at Arbroath, Scotland, on June 18, 1852. They arrived in the colony by the ship 'Mary Ann' in 1859 and settled for a time at Christchurch where Mr Smith, being a carpenter by trade, assisted in building the first hospital in that town. The couple removed to Temuka, South Canterbury some years later and came to Southland about 20 years ago. There are living, four sons, one daughter, 38 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The sons are Messrs Jas. Smith (late of Otama and now of Timaru), W. Smith (Gore), W. S. Smith (late of Otama and now of Windsor, Oamaru) and D. G. Smith (Riversdale.) The daughter is Mrs J. W. Velvin, of Gore.
The event was celebrated right royally at the Temperance Hall, Gore, yesterday, when Mr and Mrs Velvin and the Messrs Smith entertained a large number of guests who had come from far and near to congratulate the old couple. A number of apologies for absence were received. among these being congratulatory messages from the Hon J. M. Twomey, Dr Hayes and Mr and Mrs Coira of Temuka. The only sister of Mrs Smith sen., Mrs Jas. Phip, also sent word that she had been unavoidably kept away owing to the serious illness of her son,
At the afternoon reception the Mayor (Mr D McFarlane) made a brief speech suitable to the occasion, congratulating Mr and Mrs Smith upon the completion of such a long period of wedded life. The Rev A. Gray also addressed those present, felicitating the old couple and expressing to them the heart-felt good wishes of all their friends. Mr R. Whittingham mad a brief speech. At this juncture Mrs C. Hagen (who had borne a leading part in promoting the gifts), presented Mr and Mrs Smith with a purse of sovereigns and several other tokens of the goodwill of their friends.
Mr Jas. Smith made suitable response on behalf of his parents the health of the old couple was toasted and a vote of thanks to Mr and Mrs Velvin and the Messrs Smith for the lavish hospitality they had dispensed carried on the motion of Mr A. Martin and Dr Donaldson.
In the evening a further celebration of the event took place, when a large number of guests were admirably entertained with music and games of all kinds, dainty refreshments being served at frequent intervals. Among those contributing to the harmony of the evening were Mesdames Boyne and Jas. Smith, Waikaka Valley (who was encored for her song), Miss Lena and Isa Velvin, Masters Ernest Velvin and Lennie Smith, Messrs Jas. Smith, Cunningham, Christie and others, Mr Cunningham providing the accompanying music. Dr Dickson (Otama) played a number of bagpipe selections and the enjoyable gathering closed with the singing of the National Anthem
Ensign, 11 Aug 1915 - DEATH of John William
VELVIN - At his residence, 31 Gresford Street, Christchurch, on August 11 1915, John W. Velvin; aged 56 years formerly of Gore. A dearly loved husband and father
Sun, 2 Nov 1918 - ERNEST at war
Mrs J. W. Velvin, Gresford Street, St Albans, has received cable advice that her son, Trooper E. S. Velvin, has been suffering from malaria, but is now recovering in hospital at Cairo

* Percy Malcolm Velvin (1890-1973)
married Ella May WILSON (1893-1975) in 1915
Kaipara and Waitemata Echo, 25 Oct 1917 - PERCY in Cairo
Friends who have been assisting the Y.M.C.A. in Palestine in it work for our soldiers in Egypt and palestine will be pleased to learn that the work of the Association's representative with the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade, Mr Percy M. Velvin, is very keenly appreciated by the G.O.C. more here ...
Star, 7 Aug 1919 - Ella's parents
The friends of Mrs P. M. Velvin will be pleased to hear that her parents, Mr and Mrs J. Wilson, "Devonia: Papanui Road, late of Gloucester Street, have received advice that she and her husband, Mr P. M. Velvin, Secretary, Y.M.C.A., are returning from Egypt by the Ellenga. Mrs Velvin joined her husband last January and since had an enjoyable holiday touring Egypt and Palestine
Press, 13 Sep 1921 - PERCY's farewell
Mr P. M. Velvin was farewelled by the staff of the Y.M.C.A. yesterday, prior to relinquishing the position of director of the Boys Gordon Hall, which he has held since 1914, except for a period of four years on active service. Mr Velvin is proceeding to Wellington as a member of the national staff and will be visiting various centres in the North Island in connexion with the boys work carried on by the Y.M.C.A. more here ...
* Percy was living at 464 Hagley Avenue, Christchurch when son Raymond served in WWII - notes below

* Roy George Velvin (1892-1951)
married Murielle Iris ANDERSON (1899-1994) in 1919
they were in Hawera by 1919 when Muriel won a prize for her Sultana cake and in 1923 in the 'Preserved Fruit' collection at the Hawera A & P show
Hawera & Normanby, Star 25 Oct 1919 - CARETAKER
TOWN HALL CARETAKER - Fourteen applications were received and Mr Roy Velvin, a returned soldier, was appointed
* Roy served in WWI 3/3377, Hospital Ship. No. 1, 8th Voyage from NZ. He served in WWII 5/8/179

* Elizabeth Velvin
married David Gordon SMITH (1859-1941) in 1885
their known children
1886 - 1966 Leonard Gordon Smith
1887 - Ethel Margaret Smith
1890 - 1961 Flora Alice Smith
1892 - Elsie Elizabeth Smith
1894 - 1967 Cecil Eric Smith
1896 - 1872 Herbert Stanley Smith
1897 - 1967 David Gordon Sturrock Smith
1899 - Annie Kelvin Smith
1905 - Percy Edward William Smith

* Lena Elizabeth Margaret (1896-) Velvin
married Henry Fredrick Joseph HEBLEY (1893-1973) in 1919
Star, 22 Nov 1910 - LENA at school
The pupils of the Richmond School who have received instruction in life-saving from Mr G. E. Billson have expressed their appreciation of his efforts in a very happy manner. They crowded round him at the city baths this morning and accompanying the present with a pretty speech. Miss Lena Velvin, on their behalf, handed to Mr Billson a silver inkstand. Mr Billson expressed his thanks for their kindly thoughtfulness and the children cheered him enthusiastically
Star, 30 Oct 1919 - WEDDING of Lena
HEBLEY - VELVIN - A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the Oxford Terrace Baptist Church yesterday afternoon, when Miss Lena Velvin, younger daughter of Mrs J. W. Velvin, Gresford Street, St Albans, was married to Mr Henry F. J. Hebley, Spreydon. The church was beautifully decorated by girl friends of the bride. The Rev. J. J. North was the officiating minister. Mr A. Lilley, who presided at the organ played the Bridal march from "Lohengrin" as the bride entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr W. Velvin. She looked charming in a frock of white crepe de chine and Georgette. The bodice was made in cross-over style with a vest of Brussels lace, which also edged the Georgette skirt panels. An embroidered veil was also worn, held in place by a circlet of pearls. The bridesmaid was Miss Minnie Lee, who wore a becoming frock of pale grey crepe de chine, with hand embroideries in pastel shades of blue and pink. Her grey hat was lined with vieux rose and trimmed with a wreath of tiny flowers. There were also two little flower girls, the Misses Olive and Ngaire Brown (nieces of the bridegroom) who looked very sweet in white embroidered silk frocks, carrying baskets of flowers. The bridegroom was attended by Mr W. Turnpenny as best man. The wedding breakfast was held in the schoolroom adjoining the church, to which about sixty guests sat down. Mrs J. W. Velvin (mother of the bride) wore a black costume with smart black hat and carried a bouquet of purple flowers. Others present were Miss Velvin, Mrs W. Velvin and Mrs Lawson Brown (sister of the bridegroom). Mr and Mrs Hebley left for Auckland en route to theri future home in America
Henry Frederick Hebley was born in Christchurch. He died in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was remarried by 1935. Lena moved to Canada and also remarried, to a Mr Crowley

Timaru Herald, 17 Dec 1875 - death of a daughter

VELVIN - November 23, at Temuka, Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr John Velvin, aged 15 years (birth about 1860)

* Errol John Velvin (1894-1915), son of George and Nellie Velvin, of Eltham, served as Private 10/773, Wellington Infantry Battalion. He died of his wounds 13 June 1915 at Gallipoli, aged 20

* Errol Gordon Velvin (1919-1999), a butcher, son of Roy George Velvin & Murielle Iris Anderson, served in WWII Private 5276, 19 Infantry Battalion, 2NZEF: 1st Echelon. His next of kin was his mother, Mrs M. Velvin, Graves Street, Eltham, Taranaki

* Raymond Malcolm 'Ray' Velvin (1921-2008), son of Percy Malcolm Velvin & Ella May Wilson, served in WWII Warrant Officer Class 2, NZ Medical Corps, Casualty Clearing Station 085098

GILKISON marriages NZ 1868-1935

GILKISON marriages 1868 - 1935
* Andrew Scoular Gilkison
married Euphemia Walker BAIN in 1907
Their known children
1908 - Stuart Lindsay Gilkison
1911 - Alison Grace Gilkison

* Archibald Gilkison
married Jessie Maclachlan PENNICUICK in 1934

* James Lindsay Gilkison
married Martha Jane FLEMING in 1904
Their known children
1904 - Elizabeth Parker Gilkison
1906 - Wilhemina Gilkson
1907 - Martha Gilkison
1911 - Mary Lindsay Gilkison
1913 - Peter Lindsay Gilkison
1914 - Jessie Fleming Gilkison
1920 - Phyllis Enid Gilkison

* John Gilkison
married Maggie THOMSON in 1901
Their known children
1902 - 1972 Lindsay Scoular Gilkison
1903 - 1987 John Thomson Gilkison
1904 - 1990 Jennie Christie Gilkison
1906 - Jane Margaret Gilkison
1909 - 1990 Alan Fleming Gilkison
1912 - 1976 Nancy Lindsay Gilkison

* John Thomson Gilkison
married Bessie Turner MANUEL in 1930

* Jospeh Gilkison
married Ada Annie Henwood in 1923

* Joseph Gilkison
married Gladys Lydia KAY in 1929

* Lindsay Scoular Gilkison
married Margaret Eleanor HARDY in 1928

* Peter Lindsay Gilkison (1846-1924)
* MR PETER LINDSAY GILKISON, who was born in Campbelltown, Argyieshire, Scotland, is the eldest son of Mr John Gilkison, merchant and was educated at the Campbelltown Grammar School and at Howwood, Renfrewshire. Leaving his native land in 1861, he accompanied his grand-parents to New Zealand in the ship “Aboukir,” which landed at Port Chalmers. Mr Gilkison, settling in Southland, commenced farming at Waianiwa, where he lived for sixteen years, till he joined the firm of Fleming and Gilkison in 1879. He takes an active interest in the general welfare of the district, especially in the Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Society, in which he has held the office of president. Mr Gilkison married Miss Jeanie Fleming, daughter of Mr Thomas Fleming, of Rakahouka, in 1873 and has six children.
1st married Jeanie 'Jane' Scoular Fleming (1846-1902) in 1873
Their known children
1874 - 1964 John Gilkison
1877 - 1965 Thomas Fleming Gilkison
1879 - 1942 James Lindsay Gilkison
1881 - 1965 Andrew Scoullar Gilkison
1885 - Jessie Gilkison
1888 - 1949 Mary Lindsay Gilkison
next married married Agnes Maud THOMSON (1866-1915) in 1903

* Richard Sidney Gilkison
married Ethel Elizabeth THOMPSON in 1898
Their known children
1898 - Ethel Winnifred Gilkison
1902 - William Donald Gilkison

* Robert Gilkison
married Kathleen Jane THOMPSON in 1892
Their known children
1894 - Constance Margaret Gilkison
1897 - Robert Gilkison
1901 - Eleanora Gilkison
1907 - James Hogg Gilkison
1913 - Walter Scott Gilkison

* Robert Gilkison
married Colleen RAYWARD in 1923

* Rickman William Gilkison
married Emma Sarah RICKMAN in 1868

* William Donald Gilkison
married Edith Isabelle CUFF in 1935

* William John Gilkison
marriedFLorence Gollan in 1936

*Alison Grace Gilkison
married John Howard Marcus SMITH in 1934

* Annie Ramsay Gilkison
married Clifford Aubrey ALSOP in 1937

* Catherine Gilkison
married William DUNCAN in 1922

* Eleanora Gilkison
married Thomas Liddan PARR in 1923

* Eleanora Brown Gilkison
married James Greig SAWELL in 1886

* Ethel Winnifred Gilkison
married Walter Thomas PATTERSON in 1923

* Harriet Gilkison
married George William GREENWOOD in 1888

* Isabella Hay Gilkison
married Lincoln Albert EASTWOOD in 1926

* Jane Wilhelmina Gilkison
married Edward Carvel HERBERT in 1937

* Janetta Welb Gilkison
married William Alexander DONALD in 1894

* Jenny Christie Gilkison
married William Allan ROXBURGH in 1926

* Margaret Hutchinson Gilkison
married Bernard Sefton PARKES in 1932

* Mary Burnside Gilkison
married John MORRISON in 1929

* Mary Lindsay Gilkison
married Charles Frederick Adams JONES in 1911

Old Soldiers entertained at Government House - NZ 1900

Sebastopol Day celebrates the end of the main battle of the Crimean War - the 11 month siege of the Russian city of Sevastopol on the Black Sea, 17 Oct 1854 – 9 Sep 1855
* The A.C. FIELD FORCE, story of NZ's soldier police
* PHOTO of a group of veterans at the Government House fête in 1900

Evening Post, 10 Sep 1900
It was a happy thought which led His Excellency the Governor to invite the veterans of the Imperial Army and navy to dine at Government House, and the day chosen for the reception - the anniversary of the Battle of Sebastopol - was an appropriate occasion. It was a remarkable coincidence that about one third of the number of the soldiers who on Saturday responded to the call to fall-in on the lawn should have been veterans of the Crimea.
Punctually at 2 o'clock all sorts and conditions of men, but all wearing decorations on their breasts, met at the rendezvous, and were in due course ushered into the corridor. Some apologised to the orderly for having omitted to bring their invitation cards, whispering into his private ear - "As a matter of fact, you know, the missus kept it as a great memento!" The "That's quite right!" of the orderly came as a great relief to the nervous, who had feared that there was no admittance without a ticket. But they found that the silver badge of courage worn on the breast carried them throughout the afternoon.
The next ordeal for the nervous old warriors was hearing their names loudly called by the receiving Aide-de-Camp (Hon. C. Hill-Trevor) on their entry into the reception room, where Lady Ranfurly shook hands with all the guests and passed them along to Lord Ranfurly, who expressed his pleasure at having them with him that day and then introduced each soldier and sailor to his two daughters. The young ladies in turn greatly delighted the time-worn members of the party by helping them to their seats. The Hon. Mr Butler (Hon. Aide-de-Camp) also assisted in receiving and placing the guests.
Looking down the table from the Governor's left hand, the only two New Zealand Cross and their wearers in the assembly were conspicuous. The decoration is handsome and the men caught the eye also. Sergt. Sam Austin (of Wanganui) ... (more at link) and Private Tom Adamson ... (more at link)
There were quite a number of men at the gathering who had taken part in the disastrous engagement at Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu ('the beak of the bird') in which Von Tempsky and several other brace officers, as well as many of the rank and file, lost their lives ... more at top links
Excellent music was provided throughout the afternoon. Minifie's Orchestra contributed a programme of martial airs ...
During an interval in the proceedings the whole party adjourned to the lawn, where the Colonial, the Crimean, the China, the Kaffir and the Indian Mutiny veterans were photographed in separate groups. The afternoon was bright and sunshine, the Government House party made the hearts of the veterans glad with the warm welcome extended to them and the hands of the host and hostess were shaken in farewell, the soldiers of the Queen assured their sovereign's representative that Sebastopol Day would remain a red-letter day so long as memory lasted

Of the 200 invitations issued by Lord Ranfurly, 136 were accepted. A number of the guests came into Wellington by last night's and this morning's trains from all parts of the Island - from New Plymouth on the west and Napier on the east coast.
In the list of invitations given here-under, some of the records of the old soldiers have not been obtained and the initials "NZ" after the names mean that the veteran wears the New Zealand medal. There are no less that fifty Crimean veterans on the list, which will be found to include a few names of men who do not wear medals.
The following is the list:-
(my additions will be obvious)

... A
* Samuel ATKINS, Wellington, Sergt 78th Regiment, Persia and the Indian Mutiny medals
* Henry Mount Langton ATCHERLEY (1836-1904), Wellington, 1st Waikatos, NZ. Born 22 Jan 1836, Canterbury Kent, England, died Auckland 11 Nov 1904. A NZ soldier in the 1860s, Henry later took up watercolour painting. From 1877 he exhibited throughout NZ and travelled to Australia. His paintings were usually of Maori subjects, but sometimes of military operations
* Robert ALEXANDER , Kilbirnie, 65th NZ
* Samuel AUSTIN (1828-1903), Wanganui, Sergt 78th, NZ Cross and medal. Born Tandragee, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, died 25 Jan 1903, Wanganui. Enlisted aged 16 with the 65th (2nd North Yorkshire Riding) Regiment of Foot at Banbridge in Aug 1844. His father had also been a career soldier. Trained at the 65th's principal Irish Depot at Mullingar. One year later the regiment was ordered to the Chathams and then as escorts on convict ships to NSW, Australia. He was in a detachment of 35 men sent to Norfolk Island in Dec 1845. In 1846 he was sent with his regiment from Sydney to Wellington to assist quell Maori disturbances in that area. Went to the Maori war with the 78th Regiment, won the Cross three times
* F. APPLEYARD, New Plymouth, Crimea (got his medal in 1866)
(possibly?) Frederick Ernest APPLEYARD (1829-1911). Born 6 June 1829 in Surrey, England. British Army commander, served in numerous Victorian Era military campaigns including the Crimean and the Second Anglo-Afghan wars. He rose to the rank of major-general. But cannot find he came to NZ. More research
* Thomas ADAMSON, Taihape, Wanganui, NZ Cross. Was to General Whitmore what Burnham was to Lord Roberts in South Africa - the eye of the army, the chief of scouts. It is said that no man was under fire so often or saw so many engagements in the Maori wars as Tom. He was under fire 24 times in Taranaki and the Urewera. On his 25th engagement he received four bullets in his body yet brought out the badly wounded. He saw Von Tempsey killed. He avenged the murder of Broughton, the interpreter by lying in wait seven days for, and ultimately capturing, single-handed, the chief who ordered Broughton's death.
* Henry ARDEN, Wellington, MZ medal

... B
* John BRACE, Wellington, 52nd, Mutiny
* W. BUCK, Wellington, Colonial Defence Force, NZ
* E. H. BEERE, Wellington, Engineer Volunteers, NZ
* J. H. BROWN , Wellington, Hawkes Bay Volunteer, NZ
* Edwin BEZAR (1839-1936), Wellington, 57th NZ. At the funeral of Sergeant Sandbrook in July 1933, Edwin wrote ... "Seventy-seven years ago on, the 28th of last May Sergeant Sandbrook and I sailed from the Crimea in the steamship Etna. The whole of the 57th 'Diehards' and two Companies of the 14th Regiment were on board. We reached Constantinople next day, took in coal, and resumed the voyage, reaching Malta on Sunday night, June 1. Three years later a 2nd Battalion was formed to the 14th, and many, members 'of the 1st were transferred to the new battalion, the late Sergeant Sandbrook being one. That battalion came to New Zealand in 1860"
* W. H. BROOKS, Mangaweka, NZ
* James BROWN, Wellington, 18th NZ
* Hon. William Douglas Hall BAILLIE (1827-1922), M.L.C., Hon Capt 24th Regiment, Punjab etc. Born in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Arrived NZ after 1857, first elected to the Marlborough Provincial Council in 1860. He represented the Wairau electorate. He was the second Superintendent of Marlborough Province (1861-1863) and the longest-serving member of the NZ Legislative Council; 61 years, from 8 March 1861 to his death 24 Feb 1922. He was the second Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Council. From 1890, his vision deteriorated and later was totally blind. His wife would bring him into the Legislative Council chamber and put him into his seat. In Nov 1898, he attended the first reunion of past and present officers in the Imperial Service which took place at Godber's rooms on Cuba street. Captain Baillie died aged 95 at his daughter's residence in Maoribank, Upper Hutt
* Capt BARCLAY, Wellington, 24th Regiment. In Nov 1898, he attended the first reunion of past and present officers in the Imperial Service which took place at Godber's rooms on Cuba street
* G. J. N. BEAMISH, Wellington, Capt late H.M. 14th Foot Regiment, NZ.
22 Oct 1862 The ceremony at Wellington of laying the first stone of the buildings intended for the use of the Supreme Court and Resident magistrate was performed by his Excellency the Governor. A guard of honor, consisting of a company of the 14th Regt., under the command of Capt. Beamish, was drawn up on Lambton-quay.
15 Aug 1867 House Of Representatives PETITIONS - Mr Travers presented a petition from Messrs H. W. S. Beamish and G. J. N. Beamish, of the Chatham Islands, praying that an inquiry may be made into the manner in which the government of those Islands is administered, with a view to the better administration of justice there and the redress of other grievances.
5 July 1889 Dr Newman presented yesterday the petitions of G. J. N. Beamish and William Duffy of Wellington, praying for grants of land for military services
Napier, 9 Dec 1889 Ernest Reginald Beamish, aged 17, only son of Capt Beamish, of the Chatham Islands, was accidentally drowned yesterday while bathing at Koniui, Hawkes Bay.
Nov 1898, he was the President at the first reunion of past and present officers in the Imperial Service which took place at Godber's rooms on Cuba street.
In 1901 he was the senior captain of the Wellington branch of the Veterans' Association
* David BELL, Wellington, 65th NZ
* Charles Thomas BENZONI (1838-1814), Wellington, Army Hospital Corps, China and NZ
* Capt BOWER, Town Clerk, Napier
* Robert BRIGHT, Waverley, 57th Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* Samuel BERRY, Napier, 70th, Crimea
* Thomas BROADFIELD, Hastings, 70th, Crimea, TUrkish, NZ
* Thomas BOSWORTH, New Plymouth, S.D.F., four medals including Crimea
* Major BRASSEY, Wanganui, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* Charles BROWN, Wellington, 2nd Armed Constabulary, NZ
* A. BURTON, Wellington, Royal Marines, China
* W. BLICK, Wanganui, R.A., Crimea and Sebastapol
* Thomas Freeman BRENCHLEY (1830-), Mauriceville, R.N., South African (1853). Joined the Navy in 1844, became a first-class petty officer on H.M.S. Cator and took his part in chasing slavers. Had the Challenge Lime Kiln, in Mauriceville East (established 1887). Written 1897:- This lime kiln, which is situated close to the railway station, has an output of fifty tons monthly. There is a field of limestone ten chains long by three chains wide, and about 200 feet deep. Mr. Brenchley employs four men. Crushed burnt lime for agricultural purposes and Brenchley's Patent Insecticide are manufactured at the works. Mr. Brenchley is an old man-of-war's man and holds the South African war medal. Thomas married Mrs Mary Ann Legate (1833-1878) in Dunedin in 1870. He married Jessie Hope Russell in 1878 and had 4 children, George Freeman, Harriett Bertha, Thomas Freeman & Henry Freeman Brenchley

... C
* M. CASSHEN, Wellington, 14th, NZ
* R. T. CURTIS, Wellington, 1st Waikatos, NZ
* W. CHRISTIE, Wellington, C.D.F., NZ
* James CAPPER, Wellington, 1st Waikatos, NZ
* George Collyer (1831-1905), Wellington, Crimea. One of the storming party at Sebastopol, passed away at his residence, Wellington on the anniversary of his arrival in NZ, thirty-one years before.
Wairarpa Daily Times, 19 July 1905 The deceased Mr George Collyer, was one of Newtown's early settlers. He was for seventeen years employed at the Government Insurance Office, but retired a little over two years ago. He leaves a widow and family of four.
* Capt CUMMINS, Wanganui, NZ
* Patrick CAREY, Napier, 70th, Mutiny and NZ
* Charles CATTON, Napier, 70th, Mutiny and NZ
* George CLAMPITT (1830-1912), Napier, 19th, Mutiny, Burmah, NZ
* Hon. J. CARROLL, Native Minister, NZ
* James CONNOR, Wanganui, 74th Highlanders, Crimea and Turkish, three clasps
* Edward CLUTTERBUCK, Hawera
* W. CULLEN, Hawera, R.N.

... D
* John De LANEY, Wellington, 57th, India, Crimea, NZ
* Charles DUNFOY (1835-1907), Wellington, 70th, Indian Mutiny, NZ
* John DANDERSON (1833-1917), Ohiro Home, C.D.F., NZ
* Walter DELANEY, Wellington, NZ
* 'Seaman' DAVIS, Makara, R.N., Crimea and China
* Joseph DONOVAN, Wanganui, 57th, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* William DELANEY, Eketahuna, NZ
* J. DUFFIN (1832-1911), New Plymouth, 57th, Crimea and Turkish
* Sergt. J. DONAGHY, Hunterville
* Fred. De LISLE, Napier
* Selwyn DAVIS, Woolston, Scottish Fusiliers, Crimea
* J. O'D. DINGLEY, Inglewood, Sergt 89th, Crimea
* C. DIXON, Masterton, R..N.

... E
* Richard EVANS, Wellington, C.T.C., NZ
* Com. EDWIN, Wellington, R.N., Crimea
* W. G. ENTWHISTLE, Wellington, 24th, India
* Thomas ENNIS, Mangaweka, 18th, NZ
* George ELGA, Wellington, Sergeant, 76th

... F
* John FULTON, Wellington, R.E., Crimea and Turkish
* Captain John FALCONER, Torpedo Corps, Wellington, R.E., long service medal
* Colonel W. FRASER, Wellington
* Joseph FOWLER, Karori, L.T.C., served in Crimea, no medal
* James FARR, Waverley, 57th, Crimea
* T. FURLOING, New Plymouth, Crimea
* William Francis FOGDEN (1828-1909), Wellington, R.N., Kaffir

... G
* Anhtony GREEN, Taitville, 65th, NZ
* Hon Dr Morgan Stanislaus GRACE (1837-1903), M.L.C., Staff Assistant Surgeon, C.M.G., NZ. OBITUARY of Dr Grace, New Zealand Tablet, 23 April 1903 The death of the Hon, Dr, Grace, M.L.C., C.M.G., which occurred at his residence, Wellington, on Sunday morning, was not wholly unexpected, as it had been well known that he had been seriously ill for a considerable time, little hope being entertained for his recovery for some weeks . Nevertheless the enws of the sad event came as a shock to the public not alone for Wellington, but of the whole Colony, for the genial doctor had been so long identified with the public life of New Zealand that his name was held to be synonymous with purity of motives and independence of action ... The late Dr Grace was born in Clonmel, County Tipperary, on February 28, 1837, his father being Mr James Grace, of Sheffield House, Queens County ... He arrived in Auckland in 1860 as surgeon to the 65th Regiment ... He was appointed principal medical officer to the New Zealand forces in 1865 ... In recognition of his services to the Catholic Church, of which he was a devoted member, Dr Grace was, in 1890, mad a Count of the Holy Roman Empire ... For many years he was almost the sole owner of the Wellington Tramways, which he disposed of to the City Council a year or two ago ... He was also a forceful writer, having at one time or another done some good journalistic work ... Had his professional duties permitted, he would have undoubtedly, at one time or another, attained the rank of Minister of the Crown but it is doubtful if he would have been a success, as he was too candid and sincere to please either Government or Oppositoin ... (abridged from link)
* F. B. GROVER, Kilbirnie, Bengal, H.A., India
* P. GARBES, Wellington, Wellington Rifles, NZ
* Michael GILL, Napier, 57th Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* N. GELDING, New Plymouth, Crimea and Mutiny
* Lieut-Colonel GORTON, Bulls, NZ

... H
* A. HOOD, New Plymouth, Crimea
* William HEDGES, Wellington, 55th
* Jesse HUETT/HEWITT, Wellington, 58th, NZ. In Nov 1898, he attended the first reunion of past and present officers in the Imperial Service which took place at Godber's rooms on Cuba street
* J. E. HOPKINS, Mount Cook Barracks, Middlesex, South Africa
* C. HASLAM, Wellington, 3rd Waikatos, NZ
* E. HUTCHINGS, Wellington, C.D.F., NZ
* J. HEARFIELD, Mitchelltown, Forest Rangers, NZ
* G. HALLIWELL, Wellington, 65th, NZ
* J. A. HAMILTON, 1st Waikatos
* Joseph HICKS, Wellington, 19th, Crimean and Turkish
* Richard HINGSTONE, Ohiro Home, C.D.F., entitled to NZ
* Hon Major HARRIS, M.J.C., NZ
* John HALLORAN, Christchurch, 58th Foot, 1st NZ war (1846)
* James HOLBROOK, Wanganui, 57th Foot, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* J. HANDLEY, Wanganui, NZ
* James HART, New Plymouth, Crimea
* P. HOULAGHAN, New Plymouth, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* T. R. HACKETT, Wellington, Sergt., Middlesex Regiment, Crimea, Maori war

... J
* Charles JEFFCOTT, Wanganui, 57th, Crimea, Turkish, NZ Wanganui Herald, 24 Oct 1904 CRIMEAN VETERANS TO THE EDITOR. Sir,- I am very sorry to say, sir, that there are only a few old veterans left to take part in the re-union of the soldiers and sailors who served in the Crimean War. Fifty years have passed since those memorable days, and we have never yet had a re-union. A few of the old Diehards have responded, and I am looking forward to having a good time on the 5th of November-Inkerman Day. The few old veterans who have passed both bullets are going to have a dinner and a talk over old times and such memorable events as the charge of the Light Brigade, the Battle of Inkerman; the Storming of Sebastopol, and the hardships of the first winter in the Crimea, when thousands perished for the want of food and clothing, or were frozen to death. Memorable is the charge of the Light and. Heavy Brigades at Balaclava. I was on outlying picquet duty on the River Chernaya, with James McCauley. We gave the alarm that the Cossacks were on us, and when daylight came on the morning of the 25th Sir Colin Campbell, with his Highland Brigade, was waiting for them. We were engaged half an hour before the cavalry came from Lord Raglan. Trusting all the veterans that can possibly come will communicate with me without further delay - I am, etc., CHARLES JEFFCOTT, Late 57th.

... K
* John KIEFFE, Wellington, 7th Foot, Crimea
* Hon. Courtenay William Aylsun Thomas KENNY, (1837-1905) M.L.C., Crimea
* Hon, T. KELLY, M.L.C., NZ
* Hoani KAIHI, Mount Cook Barracks, Bombardier Permanent Militia, NZ
* Arthur KINCAIDE, Wanganui, 68th, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* James KEILY, Napier, 57th, Crimea, Turkish

... L
* Usher LUCAS, Wellington, R.E., (A.P.), 2nd Quartermaster-Sergeant, long service
* W. LINGARD, Wellington, C.D.F., NZ, Cross and Medal
* M. LANDERS, Wellington, 57th, NZ
* LUDLAM, Wellington, 11th Foot, NZ
* R. LUNN, Wellington, 14th Foot, NZ
* J. LOVE, Wellington, Bengal Fusiliers, India Medal, Delhibar
* James LAWTON[/color], Wellington, NZ
* Major LIDDLE[/color], Feilding, Crimea, three medals
* J. LAMBERT[/color], Inglewood, 44th, Crimea

... M
* J. MURRAY, Hutt, NZ
* E. McKENNA, Wanganui, Ensign, 65th, V.C.
* Robert MOWATT, Wellington, R.A., Sergeatn-Major, Crimea and Turkish
* J. M. MAY, Wellington, Wanganui Rifles, NZ
* J. C. MOGINE, Hutt, Auckland Rifles, NZ
* T. MACAULEY, Wellington, NZ
* C. McINTYRE, Wellington, Taranaki Militia, NZ
* Charles MILLWOOD, Wellington, Land Transport Corps, Crimea, Turkish
* Lieut-Col, Mc..GER, Wellington, NZ
* William McNIVEN, Wanganui, 57th, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* Timothy McCARTHY, Inglewood, Sergeant, 18th, 1st China, 1st Burmah and Crimea
* F. McGRUER, M.H.R., Hawera, NZ
* Capt Arthur McKELLAR-WIX (1846-1918), Wellington, 5th Fusiliers, Africa. He married Emma Dodson (1850-1915) in Nelson, he played first-class cricket for, and was Vice President & coach of, the cricket club in Nelson, his children were born there. In Nov 1898, he was the Vice President at the first reunion of past and present officers in the Imperial Service which took place at Godber's rooms on Cuba street, Wellington. Arthur and his family later moved back to England. In the 1911 census Ashleigh, Ringers Road, High Street, Bromley, Kent. Head Arthur McKellar Wix, age 64, late Army Officer, born Balham, Surrey. Wife Emma Wix, age 61, married 38 years, 9 children born alive, 5 still living, born Nova Scotia. Daughter Kathleen Isabel Wix, age 27, single, born New Zealand. Son Gordon Farleton Wix, age 26, single, no occupation, born New Zealand. 1 servant. Arthur died in Egham Surrey, 26 March 1918 aged 71
* Alex McNEIL, Aramoho, Lieut. East India Company Mutiny, Delhi, Lucknow
* Charles MONAHAM, Wellington, late 40th NZ
* ... MOORE, New Plymouth, 57th, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* R. M. MILLER, Napier, 23rd Abyssinian

... N
* George NASH, Wellington, Sergeant 12th Foot, Crimea, Turkish, NZ

... O
* M. O'CONNOR, Wellington, 57th, NZ
* John OWENS, Napier, 70th, Mutiny and NZ
* .. O'DONNELL, New Plymouth, 55th, Crimea, Turkish, two bars and cross
* Major OWEN

... P
* R. PEGLEY, Wellington, A.C. Force, NZ
* J. G. PRICE, Hutt, 1st Waikatos, NZ
* Coleman PHILIPS, Featherston, 2nd Waikatos, NZ
* George PURDY, Wellington, Taranaki Militia, NZ
* G. A. PREECE, Palmerston North, Capt. A. C. Forse, NZ Cross and Medal
* Col. PATONE, R.E.
* Inspector Peter PENDER, Wellington, Crimea
* .. PRICE, Wellington, Royal Marines, Ashanti. In Nov 1898, he attended the first reunion of past and present officers in the Imperial Service which took place at Godber's rooms on Cuba street
* Lieut-Col PORTER, Wellington, NZ
* .. PYCROFT, New Plymouth, R.N., Crimea

... Q
* John QUIGLEY, Eketahuna, 87th, Indian Mutiny

... R
* J. J. RUSSELL, Hutt, 18th Foot, NZ
* J. ROBINSON, Wellington, NZ
* Captain RUSSELL, M.H.R., 14th Regiment
* A. E. ROWDEN, Wellington, R.N., Crimea and Turkish
* M. REDMOND, Wanganui, 57th, Crimea and Turkish
* S. RYAN, Wanganui, 57th, Crimea, Turkish, NZ
* Patrick READY, Meanee, 43rd Mutiny and NZ
* Denis REARDON, Wellington, 65th, NZ
* W. J. RAVEN, Wellington, Forest Rangers, NZ

... S
* F. STEVENS, Wellington, Taranaki Volunteers, NZ
* J. STEVENS, M.H.R., Bulls, NZ
* A. C. F. STIDOLPH, Wellington, A.C. Force, NZ
* James SANDBROOK (1834-1933), Wellington, Sergt, 14th Crimea, Turkish, NZ. Evening Post, 6 July 1933 MILITARY FUNERAL ... After the Crimean War, Mr Sandbrook was stationed at Malta and at Gibraltar and he married in Ireland before coming to Australia and later to New Zealand, where he arrived in September 1860. He joined the Armed Constabulary and during the later Maori Wars travelled much about the country on the staff of Sir Donald McLean, Native Minister. He obtained his discharge in 1870 and was in the service of successive politicians at Parliament House, Wellington, until his retirement over twenty years ago. Mr. Sandbrook was an excellent rifle shot in his prime, and served as an assistant musketry instructor. He was among the oldest Foresters in New Zealand, having first joined a lodge of that body in Wellington in 1870. He was presented to the Prince of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of York on the occasion of their visits to New Zealand. For a time he was president of the Veterans' Association in Wellington. He was a very well-known figure in Wellington during his long residence here ... (more at link)
* Cornelius SHEEHAN, Wellington, 57th, NZ
* M. SHEEHY, Wellington, Quarter-Master Sergt., Army Service Corps, Crimean and Turkish
* J. SHANAGHAN, Wellington, NZ
* J. STARK, Wellington, Wellington Rifles, NZ
* A. STOTT, Wellington, 57th, NZ
* William STANYON, Wellington, Royal Marines, South Africa, Egypt, Kheldive's Star
* Right Honourable Richard John SEDDON (1845-1906), the British-born New Zealand statesman who served as the 15th Premier (Prime Minister) of NZ from 1893 until his death in office in 1906.
* W. H. SKINNER, Wellington, Crimea and NZ
* Patrick SHERIDAN, Wellington, 14th Foot, N.Z.
* C. STACEY, Dreyerton, 65th
* Frederick SILVER (1850-1925), Wellington, Sergt. Permanent Militia, Ashanti and NZ
* Henry 'Harry' STEEVENS (1834-1915), Taradale, 70th, Crimea and Turkish
* Hon. W. C. SMITH, M.L.C., NZ
* H. SMITH, Wellington, 12th Lancers, Crimea, Turkish, Central India
* J. W. STRUDWICK, Masterton, C.R.D.G., Mutiny. Attended the meeting of the General Committee of the Edward VII Coronation Celebrations, held in the Masterton Borough Council Chambers in Masterton 27 Nov 1902. The Mayor, Philip Hollings, presided and the discussion was the building of the Band Rotunda in the Masterton Park. Mr Hollings explained that if the work could be completed by the end of January, or at any rate, before the North Island Brass Band Contest in Feb 1903 (not completed until June 1903, contest was held at the showgrounds). He also mentioned that the base of the rotunda would be straight and steps only to be erected at the entrance, it being found that steps right around the base would be too costly

... T
* Edward Robert TREGEAR (1846-1931), Wellington, Native Contingent, NZ
* R. TINGEY, Wellington, Wanganui Rifles, NZ
* A. C. TURNER, Wellington, 1st Waikatos, NZ
* J. TURNER, Wellington, 50th, NZ
* Hon TOMOANA (1820s/30s-1904), M.L.C., NZ. He was probably born in the Heretaunga Plains, near present day Hastings. He was the third son of Te Rotohenga (also called Winipere) from her second marriage to Hira Te Ota. Through his mother's first marriage, Tomoana was a younger half-brother of Karaitiana Takamoana and Te Meihana Takihi. His whakapapa links him to Ngāti Hawea as his principal hapu, however he was also connected to Ngāti Hinetahu, Ngāti Te Rehunga, and Ngāti Hori ... In 1866, he and other Māori leaders joined forces with the Hawke's Bay Division of the Colonial Defence Force to repel an attack by the Pai Mārire at the Battle of Ōmarunui. Then in 1868 he took command of a contingent of Māori troops from the Heretaunga-Tamatea region and supported the government's pursuit of Te Kooti up the Ruakituri River toward Wairoa. In Dec 1868 he fought at the Battle of Makaretu, helping to repel Te Kooti's incursion into the Poverty Bay area. In 1869, he again led troops in pursuit of Te Kooti, who was now being pursued in the area around Taupō ... For his campaigns against Te Kooti, Tomoana (who had been commissioned as a captain of militia) received a sword of honour
* Capt Thomas Errington TANNER (1868-1951), late of Fifth Contingent in South Africa, Matabele. Served with the No 13 Company (Wellington, Nelson and West Coast, South Island sections). One of 10 children of Thomas Tanner (1830-1918) & Julia Denton from Wiltshire who arrived in NZ 1849, taking up a large run 'Milbourne', on the Ruataniwha Plains, Hawkes Bay. Capt Tanner was attacked with dysentery and fever at Beira and was invalided home on the 'Gothic' in Aug - a month before he attended this event. There was a party given by a large number of members of both branches of the Legislature, held at Ballamy's, Wellington, to meet the invalided members of the Contingent. Capt Tanner, in replying for the party, referred to the enthusiasm with which they had been received and said he did not know what more the people could have done if they had brought Kruger back with them. As for himself, he felt like an imposter, for he had been invalided at Beira, while the others of the party have been in the fighting ranks. He is named on the South African War Memorial at Napier

... U
* Thomas URWIN, Wellington, R.N., Baltic

... W
* Kieran WHELAN (1832-1908), Wellington, Sergt 14th, NZ
* J. WALDEN, Wellington, NZ
* J. WILSON, Wellington, Corpl., 14th, NZ
* General Sir George WHITMORE, M.L.C., Staff, K.C.M.G., Crimea, Cape, NZ., etc
* Sergt WEBBE, Wellingotn, P.M., NZ
* Henry WALTON, Waikanae, R.N., Baltic and Crimea
* Joseph WRIGHT, Wanganui
* Capt. WEBSTER, New Plymouth, Crimea
* Hon. J. G. WARD
* J. P. WARD, Blenheim, Forest Rangers
* Frank WATSON, Blenheim, Forest Rangers
* .. WOODS, Masterton 19th
* Capt Arthur McKellar WIX (1846-1918), Wellington, 5th Fusiliers, Africa. - see McKELLAR-WIX above

there were also representatives of ...
6th Dragoons, 5th & 7th Foot, 11th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 33rd, 40th, 43rd, 44th, 46th, 50th, 53rd, 55th, 68th, 74th, 76th and 89th, 12th Lancers, 78th Regiment. The Royal Engineers had four representatives, the Navy seven, the 14th Regiment eight, the 18th three and the 'good old Diehards" (the 57th) made the champion muster with nos less than twenty

Towns or Districts the soldiers lived 1900
Blenheim 2, Bulls 2, Christchurch 2, Dreyerton 1, Eketahuna 2, Featherston 1, Feilding 1, Hawera 3, Hunterville 1, Hutt 4, Inglewood 3, Karori 1, Kilbirnie 2, Makara 1, Mangaweka 2, Masterton 3, Mauriceville 1, Mitcheltown 1, Napier 12, New Plymouth 12, Taihape 1, Taitville (Mitcheltown, Wellington) 1, Taradale 1, Waikanae 1, Wanganui 18, Waverley 2, Wellington 87, Woolston 1


Sir Walter Clarke Buchanan (1838-1924) was born in Kilmodan, Argyllshire, Scotland on 20 June 1838. He was the son of the farmer Donald McChananich and of his wife Janet Clarke. He was baptised under McChananich, the Gaelic version of Buchanan.
He attended Greenock Academy and moved to Australia at the age of 18, where he became a farmer.

photos Walter in 1882 & 1920

Around 1863 he moved to Otago, New Zealand where he and a partner, John Ferguson, found work carrying and stock-dealing on the Otago goldfields.
photo Otago Goldfields 1862 (go to link for zoom)

In 1865 they moved to Canterbury and rented a farm, but the gold discoveries of that year lured them to the West Coast where they engaged in packing and ran a store in Hokitika. Two years later he returned to Canterbury and used a Halswell farm largely as a base for further stock trading.

About 1871 Walter moved up to the North Island. In 1873 he raised a £20,000 mortgage and bought the 10,000-acre Tūpurupuru run in south Wairarapa for £21,000 (equivalent in 2017 to $2,775,000). He cleared almost all the original bush and established an English Leicester flock, later specialising in Lincolns and in shorthorn cattle. He worked hard to improve his property, paying very careful attention to the marketing of the stock. Unlike some other station owners he was personally frugal and led a simple life without lavish expenditure on houses. Walter never married.
NOTE of interest Gladstone, Wairarapa, was the name given to a planned township of 150 sections subdivided from the Tupurupuru Estate in 1870. By 1873 only 23 plots had sold and the promised railway line hadn’t eventuated, but Gladstone School was established in 1876 as planned.
Nearly 100 years later, in 1968, Gladstone School assimilated the schools from Te Whiti, Maungaraki and Longbush and as a result Gladstone became the catch-all name for the wider rural district. The Māori name for the place is still Tupurupuru, after a young warrior who slayed a taniwha that had been devouring locals in the hills behind the school.

Walter took an active part in farmers' organisations. He was one of the founders of the Wairarapa and East Coast Pastoral and Agricultural Society in 1877 and served as its president. He played a leading role in campaigns to eradicate scab and rabbits. He also worked to bring down freight rates for farmers and in 1912 was instrumental in forming a farmers' shipping company, Geo. H. Scales Limited.
photo George Herbert Scales (1858-1928)

A tireless advocate of the frozen-meat trade, he was the principal promoter of the Wellington Meat Export Company; he chaired its first meeting on 6 Sep 1881, served as its chairman for the next 12 years and was a member of the board & director of the company, for many years after that.
photo The Wellington Meat Export Company's works, Ngahauranga, Wellington c1905

He assisted in the establishment of several dairy factories and was the first chairman of directors of the co-operative dairy company formed at Greytown in 1881.
photo Greytown co-op Dairy Company c1920

Walter inevitably entered national politics. He was MHR for Wairarapa South (1881–1887) and then represented Wairarapa (1887-1899, 1902-1905 and 1908-1914). He was in Parliament for much of the next 33 years, losing three elections. In the four general elections between 1881 - 1890, he always beat Henry Bunny who had represented the Wairarapa electorate continuously since an 1865 by-election.
photo Henry Bunny (1822-1891)

He was a staunch conservative, supporting free trade in the 1880s and opposing the protective tariff of NZ's 10th Premier, Harry Albert Atkinson in 1888.
photo Harry Albert Atkinson (1831-1892)

Walter was a strong critic of the Liberal reforming legislation of the 1890s. Although entirely devoid of parliamentary eloquence, he was perceived as possessing a 'phenomenal capacity for legislative drudgery.' In the House, he was a staunch conservative voice and a diehard opponent of the Liberal government of Richard Seddon.
photo NZ's 15th Premier (Prime Minister) Richard John Seddon (1845-1906)

He became a member of the Reform Party that formed in 1909. Despite never being appointed as a minister, he was an influential politician and a strong advocate for farming interests.
He was described as being 'as blunt as the square toe of his boots' and 'one of a brace of the bitterest anti-Seddon politicians in either House'.

Walter's wealth gave him considerable influence in conservative politics, particularly in the years of opposition prior to 1912. In 1907 he bought 800 £5 shares at the founding of The Dominion as a newspaper supporting the opposition. Although he never attained ministerial office, behind the scenes he exercised much influence and became a close adviser to William Ferguson Massey.
photo NZ's 19th Prime Minister William Ferguson 'Bill' Massey (1856-1925)

27 June 1917 - FIRE COMPLETELY DESTROYS his homestead at Tupurupuru
Sir Walter escaped in his night attire at 2 in the morning ..

22 June 1918 - Sir Walter's 80th Birthday
Many Happy Returns Of The Day

.. A brief outline of the career of the 'Knight of Tupurupuru" is given in the 'Age" this morning .. he spends much of his time at Tupurupuru, although since his homestead was destroyed by fire he has taken up his residence in Masterton. He can ride over his property with the youngest men, can assist in drafting stock and can perform many acts of endurance which would put younger men to shame .. (more at link)

from the Wairarapa Daily Times, 21 July 1924
(taken from papers of the day so some info may repeat)
The death occurred about 8.30 o'clock on Saturday evening, under somewhat tragic circumstances, of Sir Walter Clarke Buchanan, M.L.C. It appears that Sir Walter had agreed to meet the Hon. Alexander Donald McLeod (Minister for Lands) at the Masterton railway station on arrival of the evening train from Wellington and drive him to the Masterton Club, where it was proposed to entertain the Minister in honour of his elevation to Cabinet rank.
photo Hon Alexander Donald McLeod (1872-1938)

The night was dark and stormy and there was rain and hail from the south falling. Sir Walter was driving from his house at Lansdowne and when near the corner at the foot of the hill, a sudden gust of wind blew his hat off and in attempting to recover it he momentarily lost control of his motor and the latter went into a ditch near by. Sir Walter was driving slowly and the car just dropped into the drain. Sir Walter got out and walked to Mr Vincent Gray Darroch's (1881-1949) house in King Edward street, where he asked to use the telephone. He rang up the Masterton Club, told of his mishap and asked that someone should come up for him, adding that he would be standing by the car.
Sir Walter then left the house, declining the assistance of Mrs Darroch (Annie Hendry nee Haddell 1877-1954) down some steps. He went on to the road, with the intention of waiting for the new car to arrive and Mrs Darrock, feeling somewhat uneasy about him, followed. She was horrified, on going to the back of the car, to find him lying on the ground, apparently dead. She ran into Mr Webster's house for assistance and when she got back to the car, Mr Alexander Anthony Gordon Pilmer (1863-1928) had arrived.
Mr Pilmer, who was in the Masterton Club, volunteered to take his car up. When Mr Pilmer approached the corner he saw the car in the ditch, but nobody was visible. As he got nearer he saw a dark object on the ground at the back of the car and on getting out found that it was Sir Walter lying face down on the ground. Turning him over, he spoke but got no reply. Mr Pilmer at once took the seat out of the car and got Sir Walter on to it, off the drenched ground. At that moment Miss Knight, who lives in a neighbouring house, came up. Having a good knowledge of first aid, she assisted Mr Pilmer in the effort to restore life. Mrs Darroch then came along and at Mr Pilmer's request returned to her home and rang up Dr Hosking. Mr Webster also arrived and a few drops of stimulants were applied to Sir Walter's lips. There were, however, no signs of life and when Dr Hosking arrived he was only able to pronounce life extinct, death being due to heart failure. The body was then taken to the Masterton Hospital and yesterday morning it was removed to the residence in Lansdowne.
photo Dr Archer Hosking (1870-1956)

The late Sir Walter, in spite of having endured all the vicissitudes of the pioneer and having devoted himself energetically to the public and commercial life of the Dominion, was hale and hearty right up to the time of his tragic death.
photo The late Sir Walter Clarke Buchanan, M.L.C. A veteran NZ legislator

Deceased was born in Argyllshire, Scotland, on June 20th 1838 and was educated at the parish school at Greenock. While still in his teens he decided to emigrate to the colonies and reached Melbourne in 1857. He spent six years on Victorian stations gaining experience and in 1863 landed in Otago. Later he settled in Canterbury, where he leased a farm. He was actively engaged for a period in stock-dealing with the West Coast.
After spending eight years in the South Island, he came to the Wairarapa and in 1871 purchased the Tupurupuru estate of 13,000 acres, in conjunction with his brother (Donald Buchanan). After a few years the partnership was dissolved and Mr Donald Buchanan took up land in the Hawera district, where he died about 14 years ago. Tupurupuru at that time was covered in bush and in a very rough state. By dint of hard work and good management, Sir Walter brought the property into a high state of cultivation and it was later considered one of the most improved properties in the Dominion. As a breeder of Shorthorns and Lincolns, he established a Dominion reputation and was a prominent prize-taker at various shows in New Zealand.
NOTES on brother Donald Buchanan (1831-1910)
. born in Kilmodan, Argyll, Scotland.
* his wife, Mary Whyte (1834-1918), was born at Kilmur, Scotland about 1834, the daughter of John Whyte, a farmer, and Catherine nee Clarke. She married Donald Buchanan at Kilmur, about 1860 and they sailed to Victoria, Australia. Later Mary took three children, including daughters Kate and Jessie back to Scotland to be educated, while Donald joined his brother Walter in New Zealand. In 1875 Mary and the children came to New Zealand to where Donald and Walter had taken up land in the Wairarapa. In 1878 the family moved to Hawera, living there until later moving to an Ohangai farm. After the death of Donald, Mary and her family moved to a house they built at 301 South Road, Hawera and Mary died there on 5 Nov 1918. She is buried in Hawera.
* daughter Catherine Marion 'Kate' Buchanan (1862-1948)
* daughter Janet Clarke 'Jessie' Buchanan (OBE 1868-1966)
* son John Whyte Buchanan (1870-1957)

Walter took a particularly active interest in the welfare of the Wairarapa, especially in connection with the farming community. For many years he was a member of the Wairarapa South County Council and a prominent member of the Wairarapa Pastoral and Agricultural Society, being largely responsible, when president, in providing the present splendidly-equipped showgrounds. He took a very keen interest in education and rendered yeoman service for over thirty years on the Wellington Education Board.

In 1881 he became a member of the House of Representative for Wairarapa, being a supporter of the late Sir Harry Atkinson. On five successive occasions he was returned by substantial majorities until he was defeated by the late Mr John Thomas Marryat Hornsby, the Liberal candidate, whose support lay in small towns. In subsequent political contests he was twice defeated by Mr Hornsby but was member for Wairarapa in 1902, 1908 and 1911, defeating Mr Hornsby on these occasions.
photo John Thomas Marryat Hornsby (1857-1921)

When he was defeated in 1914 by Mr Hornsby, Walter retired and was appointed to the Legislative Council (existed 1853 - 1951).
photo NZ Legislative Council Chamber, Parliament Buildings, 1899

He took a prominent part some years ago in the formation of the Freight Reduction Committee, which secured valuable concessions in the matter of shipping freights to wool-growers.
He was a prominent member of the Council of Agriculture, taking an active part in the debates of that body. He also supported very strongly the formation of the Royal Agricultural Society and had looked forward with keen interest to the first Royal Show. He was on the executive of the N.Z. Sheep-owners' Acknowledgment of Debt to British Seamen Fund and took an interest in the establishment by that organisation of the training farm which had just been opened (1923) at the Flock House Estate, Rangitikei.
photo Flock House Estate Sale Plan 1923. 3300 acres subdivided into 34 farms. Levin and Co Ltd and Abraham and Williams Ltd, joint auctioneers. (Large zoom at link)

His latest activity in the interests of farming was the creation of a Chair of Agriculture at Victoria College. Profoundly impressed with the neglect of agricultural training and the drift of young men towards the professions and the towns, Sir Walter offered a donation of £10,000 (equivalent in 2017 to $1,187,600) to endow a Chair of Agriculture at Victoria University College. He had the satisfaction of seeing the first professor appointed and of discussing with him the development of the scheme.
photo Victoria University 1920s

Walter was created a Knight Batchelor in the New Year honours 1913. He was the reform party's first knight
photo Sir Walter Clarke Buchanan at time of knighthood

He was a keen sport, an enthusiastic Caledonian and a trusted friend. In his long career he had performed many acts of public and private benevolence. The establishment of the Buchanan Home at Greytown for aged men and women will stand for all time as a monument to his philanthropy.
photo Buchanan Home, Greytown home for incurables. Walter's generous donation to the town, was opened 25 July 1912 (story at link)

During the war, Sir Walter Buchanan displayed remarkable patriotism. He gave thousands of pounds to the various patriotic causes and almost every week saw his name figuring in connection with one or other patriotic appeal. He was a valuable member and past president of the Wairarapa Patriotic Association and manifested a great interest in the welfare of the returned soldiers.
He spent much of his time at Tupurupuru, although, since his homestead was destroyed by fire, he had resided in Masterton. He first lived in Cornwall street (coming there in 1917), until a few years ago, when he went to reside with his nephew, Mr D. Buchanan, at Lansdowne. Another nephew, Mr J. W. Buchanan (John Whyte 1872-1957), also lives at Lansdowne. Mr Archibald Clarke (Featherston) is a cousin of Sir Walter. Another cousin is Mrs Alexander Turner (Masterton) Margaret Buchanan nee Clark 1848-1937. There are three nieces in Scotland, three in Australia and two in Hawera (sisters of Messrs J. and D. Buchanan). There are seven grand-nephews and four grand nieces.

Before beginning his sermon at the Lansdowne Presbyterian Church last night, the Rev G. King said:- "Our community has suffered a great loss owing to the sudden death of Sir Walter Buchanan, who died last night. Sir Walter was one of the pioneers of the Dominion and was for many years connected with and interested in the progress and welfare of the people. As representative of the Wairarapa for many years in parliament he rendered yeoman service. Among his many gifts to the community was the beautiful little church at Gladstone.
photo Gladstone Church, built in 1904, was severely damaged in the two Wairarapa Earthquakes 6.9 & 7.2 in June & Aug 1942. The church was rebuilt in 1955.

The members of this congregation will join with me in extending to the sorrowing relations our deepest sympathy in their loss and especially to Mrs D. Buchanan, one of the worshippers here and absent from Masterton at the present time."
Appreciative reference to Sir Walter was also made in the Masterton Methodist Church.

Before the business of the Palmerston North Hospital was commenced yesterday afternoon, the chairman Sir James Wilson, made feeling reference to the death of Sir Walter Buchanan. The deceased gentleman, said Sir James, was a model of great public spirit, who had been a generous supporter of hospital work and who had built an old people's home at Carterton very similar to that at Awapuni. Sir Walter's energy and capacity for work had been an example to everyone and he had given freely to all charitable institutions. The speaker had entered Parliament with the deceased gentleman in 1881 and since then had been associated with him on many bodies, as a result of which Sit James could say that the Dominion had lost one of its foremost citizens. At the request of Sir James all present stood in silence as a tribute to the memory of the deceased.
photo Sir James Glenny Wilson (1849-1929)

The House met at 2.30 but adjourned until 7.30 when the Prime Minister moved that the House record its high sense of the distinguished services rendered to the country by Sir Walter Buchanan.
Mr Massey characterised him as a remarkable man who had left behind a record for thrift, hard work and loyalty, which future generations could well emulate. He deplored the loss of a great personal friends.
Sir Thomas Mason Wilford said friends and opponents alike, would regret Sir Walter's passing. He had done much to advance the interests of New Zealand. He suggested that the Wairarapa people should erect a monument to deceased's memory on the Rimutaka overlooking the Wairarapa.
Sir Sidney George Holland said Sir Walter was a courteous kindly gentleman who never allowed political feelings to interfere with his personal friendships.
A number of other members also spoke and the House adjourned out of respect to deceased's memory.

The death of Sir Walter Buchanan was referred to at the meeting of the Dominion Executive of the Farmers' Union. The following motion, proposed by Mr G. I. Marshall (Marton) and seconded by Mr H. B. Stuckey (Dannevirke), was carried:- "That the Dominion Farmers' Union expresses it deepest regret at the sudden demise of Sir Walter Buchanan, a valued member of the union and a staunch supporter of the great need for the improvement of the agricultural conditions in the Dominion." It was decided to send a wreath and that Mr W. B. Matheson, of Eketahuna, should officially represent the union at the funeral to-day.

All three Wellington papers pay tribute to the character and life work of Sit Walter Buchanan
The New Zealand Times says: For years past everyone in New Zealand has known him as a man greatly respected in the country he helped to make. Honest as the day, straight as a gun barrel, patriotism and the advancement of the people were his high ideals. His name will go down to posterity on the roll of the great pioneers who founded and made New Zealand. The widespread sorrow for his death will carry with it the general wish that there may be more men in the future like Sir Walter to push New Zealand along.
The Dominion says: Measured merely by individual achievements his life was remarkable, but it stands also to his credit that during the period of over 60 years he spent in this country he built up such a record of disinterested public service as few indeed have been able to emulate. It is the simple truth that the qualities of tremendous industry, energy, courage and foresight with which he was so well endowed, were nowhere displayed more successfully or to better advantage than in his single-hearted and unselfish efforts on behalf of the body of primary producers. It is one of the outstanding facts of the late Sir Walter Buchanan's career that he took a bold and leading part in co-operative and other enterprises at a time when only those endowed in an exceptional degree with courage and vision were able to perceive what these enterprises would ultimately mean to the farming community and to the Dominion.
The Post says: Though Sir Walter Buchanan never held Cabinet rank he was a more notable figure in politics than many of the Ministers of his time. But the political was but one side of his career. His interests were many and varied and in every field of activity which he entered his influence was great. This is not explained wholly by the breadth of his experience and the soundness of his judgment. It is certainly not accounted for by eloquence or persuasive powers, for Sir Walter was not a man greatly given to words. Rather the explanation is to be found in the fact that his ripe experience and wide knowledge carried conviction because of his great reputation for honesty. Through a long political career he never sought to achieve popularity by modifying his views to suit the passing popular fancy and in consequence he suffered a temporary defeat at times, but in the end his honesty of purpose, steadfastness and courage, were recognised and his opponents stated that though Sir Walter Buchanan was a man they did not agree with he was also a mane they could rely on.

At the Borough Council meeting a motion of condolence was carried in the death of Sit Walter Buchanan. The Mayor stated Sit Walter Buchanan was a strong man in the country. No one could help admiring his strength of character. All classes would mourn the passing away of a truly great man. The Public Service Association Council which commenced its annual conference in Wellington this morning, expressed regret at the death of the Hon Sir Walter Buchanan and passed a motion of sympathy with the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. W. F. Massey, in the loss of a friend and colleague in the person of the deceased.

The death of Sir Walter Buchanan was referred to at to-day's luncheon of the Rotary Club. The chairman, Rotarian Ewen. said the loss was a national one and was the passing away of one of the old stalwarts. Rotarians stood in silence out of respect to the deceased.

On receipt of the news of Sir Walter Buchanan's death, the Masterton Savage Club adjourned its fortnightly korero out of respect to the deceased.

PARLIAMENTARY ARRANGEMENTS . Cabinet met this morning and discussed what should be done respecting the death of Sit Walter Buchanan. The result is that the delivery of the financial statement has been postponed till Wednesday. A special train will run to Clareville to-morrow morning, conveying the Parliamentary Party to the funeral and will return in the afternoon. The house will formally sit in the afternoon at the ordinary time, but as most of the members will be absent, it will adjourn immediately till the evening. At the evening sitting, references to Sir Walter will be made and the House will adjourn till Wednesday afternoon.

CARTERTON, 22 July 1924 - Although the weather was bitterly cold and stormy the largest number of people ever gathered in this district assembled to accord the last honour to their deceased fellow settler, at Clareville Cemetery at noon to-day, where the interment of the late Sir Walter Buchanan, K.B., M.L.C., took place.
The main cortege started from the late residence of the deceased at Lansdowne, Masterton and was joined all along the road by units from outlying neighbourhood of Carterton, Greytown, Featherston, Martinborough and the Lower Valley, with which portion of the district Sir Walter had been more closely associated during the greater portion of his life, met and joined the procession at Clareville corner.
Immediately following the hearse were the Right Hon. W. F. Massey, Hon. A. D. McLeod, M.P., for Wairarapa and members of the Cabinet, the Mayors of all the Wairarapa boroughs, chairmen of all the local bodies, together with members of the councils, hundreds of cars, vehicles and cycles and in the presence of a great concourse of people the remains of the late Sir Walter Buchanan, who had so strenuously, usefully and gallantly fought the battle of life, were reverently laid to rest. The Presbyterian funeral service was impressively carried through by the Revs G. King (Lansdowne) of the Presbyterian Church and Rev J. Davie, Knox Church, Masterton.

photo Sir Walter's funeral procession with over 1,000 people, arriving at Clareville cemetery. A special train brought the Prime Minister & members of both houses of Parliament from Wellington

of Sir Walter Clarke Buchanan

Plot 125, Clareville Cemetery, Carterton.
Nephews & Nieces
In Memory Of
Died July 19 1924 Aged 86
Kindly taken by Marijke Bullians on 24 March 2016

the AXUP family in New Zealand

The AXUP family in New Zealand
James Axup (1808-1887) was born in Yorkshire, England. He married Mary Cooke (1813-1881) in Yorkshire on 26 Jan 1836. They both died in Yorkshire.
There were a number of children but their oldest, Aaron 'Henry' Axup is the only one found to date to have emigrated to NZ...

1836 - 1895 Aaron 'Henry' Axup
born in Rawcliffe, Yorkshire
married Fanny Dyer (1833-1919) in Preston, Lancashire in 1857
the known children of Henry & Fanny
* 1857 - 1857 Anne Margaret Axup
..1 1858 - Katherine Emma 'Kate' Axup (+ Wastney NZ)
..2 1859 - 1934 Walter Eustace Axup (+ Ross NZ)
* 1861 - 1867 Frederick Bowling Axup (aged 6 in Buckinghamshire)
..3 1862 - 1941 Ellen Axup (+ Hurley NZ)
Henry arrived into Lyttelton 26 Sep 1862 on the barque 'Mersey'. However, the passenger report suggests he came on his own. Read obituary of his son Walter below which says he (Walter) arrived on the 'Ben Ledi' in 1877. Did Fanny and the children arrive later?
* longer research has me thinking he may have originally come over as one of the Imperial Soldiers sent to fight during the NZ land wars. Troops were sent at various times between 1845-1847 and between 1860-1866. His timeline seems to agree with this

..1 1858 - 1942 KATHERINE EMMA 'Kate' Axup
..2 1859 - 1934 WALTER EUSTACE Axup
..3 1862 - 1941 ELLEN Axup

Lyttelton Times, 4 Feb 1864 - TAKING OVER BUSINESS
Miss Skillicorn, in retiring from business, desires to thank her friends and the public for the liberal patronage and support she has received for so many years at their hands and begs to solicit a continuance of the same for her successors, Messrs Axup, Steward and Bell, whom, as men of experience and business connections, she can confidently recommend to their favour... Colombo street, Jan 23, 1864
... Messrs Axup, Steward and Bell, in re-opening the business lately carried on by Miss Skillicorn beg to announce that they are making alterations with a view of rendering the premises more convenient and spacious and desire, by keeping a well-assorted stock, by sell at fair prices, by strict attention to business, and courtesy to customers, to merit a continuance of the support which has so long been given to this establishment. They have made arrangements for a regular supply of the newest ad best goods from the London and other English markets ... Silks, fancy dresses, shawls, parasols, calicoes, prints, sheetings, linens, hosiery, gloves, crinolines &c. Colombo street, Jan 23 1864
.. after a fire destroyed a block of shops along Colombo street in June 1864, they moved their business to a building in Cathedral Square. Tenders were called to build their new store on the corner of Colombo & Hereford streets in July 1864 and they were up and running by Oct in large timber warehouse fitted with plate-glass windows of a considerable size. Attached to the warehouse was a spacious showroom (the largest in the province), fitted with every convenience and every device to attract the notice of the ladies. There was also three large rooms, suitable for offices, that they rented out

The partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, trading under the style and title of Axup, Steward and Bell, having been this day dissolved by mutual consent, in so far as the said Henry Axup is concerned. The business will in future be carried on under the firm of Steward and Bell.
All persons indebted to the late firm are requested to pay the same on or before the 1st June next, to Messrs. Steward and Bell, who are empowered to give receipts for the same; and all persons having claims against the same are requested to furnish particulars of the same to Messrs. Steward and Bell, on or before the 1st June next, by whom they will be discharged. Signed, Henry Axup, Charles Stewart Bell, William Jukes Steward. Witness - W. P. Cowishaw, Solicitor

Sep 1866 Henry has unclaimed mail on the West Coast. It had arrived in May and had not been claimed to date of ad. From late 1866 and throughout the years into the 1880s Mr Axup (sometimes written Sergt. Axup) was continuously and regularly travelling on the steamers between Wellington, Nelson, Hawkes Bay, Lyttelton and Wanganui. He always travelled Cabin or Saloon Class as a travelling salesman for Levin & Co of Wellington.

May 1868 Henry Axup, a leaseholder of Colombo Street, Christchurch was taken off the list of names of those entitled to vote because he no longer lived there

Jan 1869 a new boat, over forty feet long, three foot wide, with place for six oars, arrived into Wanganui for Mr Axup and was entered into the upcoming regatta

July 1869 It was shown that Henry Axup of Wellington, owned 1 x £10 share in the 'Auld Reckie Gold Mining Company'

March 1872 he sailed out of Wanganui with Capt Goring, Sergts Carhill & Churchhouse and 18 Armed Constabulary

May 1872 he sailed out of Wellington on the 'Carey' which was for Napier, Poverty Bay, Tauranga and Auckland. He travelled with Capt Thomas, Sergeant and Mrs Shirley, Miss South and eight originals

Nov 1872 there was a Royal Commission enquiry over 400 acre blocks of native land, cut from a 3,200 acre block, being sold in Wanganui, of which Henry had a block

June 1873 Henry's land between the Wairoa and Waiau streams, which was cut up and sold by the Government to the 'natives' was a subject of cattle stealing

Nov 1873 at the Wanganui A & P Show, held in a paddock, formerly a brick-field, kindly placed at the disposal of the Committee by Mr P. Buckthough, a bull calf imported from Napier by Mr Axup, secured a first prize

Feb 1874 on her voyage to Wellington, after her recent repairs in Napier, the 'Rangatira' had a rather peculiar crew. Her machinery not having been inspected by Mr Nancarrow, the Customs authorities would not allow her to carry passengers. This was annoying to say the least. The authorities were inflexible and the case appeared desperate. After some cognition however, it was suggested that by going through the process of signing article and shipping in various capacities, the problem would be solved. No objection was offered and the Rev Mr Sidey was shipped as chaplain, Mr Axup as assistant cook, Mr Mackune, of Good Templar fame and two other gentlemen as extra stewards, a most ingenious solution. On arrival in Wellington they were regularly discharged ..

Nov 1874 at a dinner put on by a number of commercial travellers in a Christchurch hotel, the Chair was occupied by Mr Riddell and the vice chair by Mr Axup

Jan 1875 the Wanganui Herald related that Wairoa would soon be able to enjoy the luxury of listening to the sweet notes of the English skylark, Mr H. Axup having conferred that boon upon the district by importing 11 of the little songsters from Nelson. These small birds were far more welcome to the farmer than the pheasant, which was beginning to muster pretty strongly about Wairoa

June 1875 the Timaru Herald noted that "it is interesting to notice the progress of the infant politicians of the colony. Mr Steward, the new Minister for North Otago, in the Provincial Executive, was formerly a partner in the firm of Axup, Steward and Bell, linen drapers of Christchurch, but he is better known as editor and proprietor of the North Otago Times and M.H.R. for Waitangi. Best of all he is known, among the denizens of Wellington during several successive sessions of Parliament"

April 1876 the screw steamer, ssEgmont, so well known as a regular trader between Wellington, Wanganui, Rangitike and other places on the West Coast, was totally wrecked in the Patea River. It appears she left Wellington on Monday and arrived at Wanganui next day, sailing again the same evening for Patea, where she arrived shortly after noon on Wednesday. She loaded a cargo of wool and grass seed at Patea, consigned partly to Messrs Levin & Co and partly to Mr Axup (which was, unfortunately, uninsured), taking her final departure on Thursday morning at ebb tide. In going out she struck on the end of the Boulder Bank and unshipped her rudder. She then drove right ashore and completely stove in her bottom, smashing the plates of the engine compartment ...

May 1876 Mr H. Axup took out a shooting license in Wanganui for the season

June 1876 a horse belonging to Henry had his leg broken on the Okehu road and had to be destroyed
Also that month the Wellington Education Board took Henry Axup to court in Patea claiming £10 5s 1½d (not found why)
OF NOTE there was at that time in Patea, a road named Axup road

Jan 1877 Henry Axup advertised to purchase 350 sacks of Cocksfoot Seed, must be good, clean seed and free from other grasses. Anyone was to contact him at the Commercial Hotel.
Also for the year ending Jan 1876, the Annual Return of the Sheep in the Wanganui District, showed Henry Axup at Wairoa, had 900 clean sheep, with the Amount of Assessment at ½d per head

26 April 1877 a Mr Axup sailed from Auckland on the 4pm Wanaka, which was heading to Wellington via Tauranga and Poverty Bay. Auckland was not in the normal regular route for Henry. He got off in Hawkesbay 30 April

15 May 1877 Henry's son Walter Eustace Axup arrived into Wellington on the 'Ben Ledi'. He arrived as a Saloon passenger along with Mr W. Clelland, Mr John H. Slator, Mr W. O. Trood, Mr W. W. Taylor, and Mr Henry George. in Second Cabin was Mr J. H. Whitelaw, Mr & Mrs William Hall with two children, Mr Edward Philpot and Mr William Hy. Lockwood. Henry arrived in Wellington 3 days before on the 'Stormbird'. Not long after that Henry returned to regularly sailing up and down the Island.

13 Dec 1877 Henry's daughter Kate arrived (Saloon Class) into Wellington on the Shaw Savill & Co's barque 'Rialto'. It had departed from London on 4th Oct. She then sailed up to New Plymouth, in Saloon Class, on the 'ss Kennedy'. The Shooting License for Henry Axup in May 1878 shows he was now based in Waverley - he still continued as a Commercial Traveller backwards & forwards between Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, Patea, Wellington

June 1878 Mr H. Axup applied to erect a gate near the Wairoa Stream on the road going through his property from D. McDonald's. Permission was granted in July

2 Aug 1878 Miss Axup - Kate? Ellen?(not yet found Ellen's arrival in NZ) - sailed from Wanganui to Wellington on the 'Manawatu'. Two weeks later, on 16 August, Henry sailed from Hawkes Bay to Wellington and the next day a Mr and Miss Axup sailed from Wellington to Sydney via the East Coast, on the ss Rotorua. If this was Henry he was back mid September, tripping around as usual. It is possible that Walter accompanied his sister Kate to Sydney

Nov 1878 Henry Axup was showing an American made, double buggy, farm carriage at the annual Wanganui A & P Show for which he won first prize

Dec 1878 Miss Axup arrived back in Wanganui on the 'Manawatu'. She left Wellington on Saturday night, arrived at the bar at 9am on Sunday, anchored for three hours and crossed the bar at noon, arriving at Corporation Wharf at 12:15pm. She experienced calm weather and smooth seas throughout the passage. She also carried 50 tons of general cargo and a few passengers

3 Feb 1879 someone stole Henry's portmanteau from his bedroom, #17 at the Commercial Hotel in Wanganui. It had the initials H. Axup marked on it

14 Feb 1879 he was arriving in Hawkes Bay from Poverty Bay

22 Oct 1879 Henry Axup of Waverley was a defendant in the Supreme Court at New Plymouth when Richard Cook, the Plaintiff, was claiming £158 13s 11d (the equivalent in Oct 2017 of $822). Richard had caused the Bailiff to seize 80 or more head of superior cattle, 3 draught mares in foal and 1 thoroughbred mare in foal and was threatening to sell them by public auction in 5 days time unless Henry paid the money. Two days before the Sheriff's sale the animals were withdrawn from auction, the matter having been otherwise settled.

Nov 1879 Henry Axup Esq., at the Oatea A & P Show, had the Champion cow for his Purebred, in-calf, cow 'Fragrance' and the Champion 3 years and over bull 'King Henry I'. He also won a 1st for his Short Horn Bulls

Dec 1879 This Public Bill (pdf) originated in the House of Representatives and having this day passed as now priated in transmitted to the Legislative Council for its concurrence ... To authorize the Governor to execute a lease to William Wilson, William Newland, Henry Axup, James Nicholson, and Arthur Drake, settlers of the Provincial District of Taranaki, for a period of fifteen years, of the following portion of the Pilot Reserve at Patea-namely, all that parcel of land situate in the Whenuakura District, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, containing by admeasurement 9 acres and 3 roods, more or less, being part of Section No. 130 on the plan of the said district, Bounded on the North by Section numbered 84, 295 links; towards the East by other part of Section numbered 130, 2398 links; towards the South by a road line, 875 links; and towards the West by the Patea River, 2080 links: excepting therein the strip of land 1 chain wide along tile frontage to the Patea River, if required for public purposes, but allowing present access to the river to the leasees. The lease to contain a clause that if the land is not at any time during a period of twelve consecutive months listed for the purposes of boiling down stock, the Governor to have power to enter into possession of the land and cancel the lease. Also a further clause providing that, if the land is required for pilot or harbour purposes during the currency of the lease, the Governor shall have power to cancel it over such portions of the land as shall not have been actually built upon by the leasees.

Dec 1879 Mr Axup (Henry or Walter?) sailed for Wellington from Sydney. Miss Axup also sailed on Xmas Eve from Wellington on the Wakatu which was going to Nelson and Wanganui

Patea Mail, 28 Jan 1880 - LAND LEASES
Cause II of the Schedule to "The Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1879" amongst other things, "authorises the Governor to execute a lease to William Wilson, William Newland, Henry Axup, James Nicholson and Arthur Drake, settlers of the Provincial District of Taranaki, for a period of fifteen years, of the following portion of the Pilot Reserve at Patea - namely, all that parcel of land situate in the Whennakura District, in the Provincial District of Taranaki, containing by admeasuremnt 9 acres and 3 roods, more or less, being part of section No 130 on the plan of the said district. Bounded on the north by sections numbered 84, 285 links; towards the east by other part of section numbered 130, 2598 links; and towards the west by the Patea River, 2080 links, excepting therein the strip of land 1 chain wide along the frontage to the Patea River, if required for public purposes, but allowing present access to the river to the lessees. The lease to contain a clause that if the land is not at any time during a period of twelve consecutive months used for the purpose of boiling down stock, the Governor to have power to enter into possession of the land and cancel the lease. Also a further clause providing that, if the land is required for pilot or barbor purposes during the currency of the lease, the Governor shall have power to cancel it over such portions of the lease as shall not have been actually built upon by the lessees." ... much more

3 March 1880 A largely-attended meeting of the creditors of Messrs Newton, Irvine and Co, Napier and Messrs Newton and Johnson, Waipawa, was held in the Supreme Court-house yesterday afternoon to consider a deed of assignment by which the debtors proposed to vest their estates in trustees for the benfit of the creditors ... The Chairman, at the request of several creditors, read over the list of liabilities and assets. The creditors for over 100 in the estate of Messrs Newton, Irvine and Co., were as follows:- .. H. Axup Wanganui £145

30 April 1880 at the Carlyle R.M. Court, G. C. Ross (George Campbell Ross 1853-1925) claimed from Henry Axup 11 6s on a dishonored cheque. Judgement for the plaintiff

May 1880 Shooting Season license granted to Mr Henry Axup of Waverley

20 May 1880 W. Turnbull v H. Asxup. a claim of £244 5s 0d and costs. Sheriff's Sale - I hereby give notice that by virtue of a warrant on Writ of Fieri facias issued by the Sheriff of the Patea District, I have seized the whole of the household effects of the defendant (or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to cover the above claim and costs) as beneath specified and that the same will be sold by public aution at the residence of the defendant (Henry) Rawcliffe Farm, near Waverley, at the hour of 12 noon on Saturday, the 22nd May 1880s, unless previously satisfied: .. Parlor furnishings of superior quality, with Piano, Cheffonier, Sofa, table, chairs, &c, &c. 3 bed-room furnishings, with 2 chests of drawers, &c &c. Kitchen utensils, crockery and glassware &c. 1 chaff-cutter and horse gear. 1 dray and 1 double-furrow plough. William Connolly, Sheriff's Bailiff

Wanganui Herald, 5 June 1880 At the Waverley Sale Yards, Freeman R. Jackson will sell by public auction on Friday 11th June, at one o'clock, by order of the mortgagee, without any reserve, the following stock bred by H. Axup, Esq - 350 head of cattle & 20 horses. The Cattle are well-known in the District as being of superior quality, they having been carefully bred up from pure-bred bulls, well selected and pure-bred Cows

16 June 1880 Mr Axup returns into Wanganui from Wellington on the Ranatira

18 June 1880 at the Wellington District Court, Levin v Axup - £110, claim for interest upon a mortgage. Judgment was given for plaintiff

2 July 1880 at 1 o'clock on Friday, Freeman R. Jackson will sell at the Waverley Sale Yards, by order of the mortgagee, without any reserve, the following Stock, bred by H. Axup, Esq., - 100 well-bred Cows in calf. 42, 3 & 4 year old Bullocks. 78 x 19 months and year-old Steers. 10 Heifers. 1 pure-bred imported Cow. 1 pure-bred Calf from imported cow, by Duke of Edinburgh/ 1 pure-bred Bull, King Henry 1st, by Crown Prince out of Lady Rose. 80 Calves. 6 superior Draught Mares and Geldings. 2 Yearlings. 9 young Horses by Gladiator Sator and Dead Shot. Terms - Approved endorsed acceptances at three and six months, with Bank interest added

14 July 1880 Mr Freeman R. Jackson's fortnightly stock report.. I held a large sale at Waverley on Friday consisting of stock bred by Mr H. Axup, the animals were of the best description and in good condition. The attendance was very large and bidding exceedingly brisk, prices in all cases being in the vendors' favour

28 July 1880 Henry Axup was present at the Agricultural and Pastoral Association annual meeting held at its offices on Ridgway-street on Wednesday 28th. Two days later, on Friday 29th a Mr Axup arrived into Wanganui on the Manawatu which means this must have been Walter

Sep 1880 at the R.M. Court, Patea, the Clerk of the County Council summoned the following defaulters for County rates ... H. Axup, lately at Waverly, £17 17s 5d

Jan 1881 at the Wairoa Highway Board meeting it was proposed by Mr Fisher, seconded by Mr Ion, that notices be sent to Messrs, Axup, Morgan, Hodge, Eyre, Hill, Hynes and the trustees of Southcomb's and Williamson's estates, to pay rates by next meeting. Carried

Feb 1881 Freeman R. Jackson received instructions from Mr H. Axup to sell by auction at the St Hill-street yards, the goodwill of the leases of Sections Nos 417, 418 and 419, Okutuku, containing 1300 acres. The leases had over 20 years to run at a low rental. The land was well grassed, nearly all fences and would carry a large number of cattle. Terms - one-half cash balance at 3 and 6 months with interest at 8% added. The bidding was spirited and were sold to Percival Wilson for £1350
Next day Mr Axup sailed to Wellington on the 'Manawatu', Ge arrived back into Wanganui on 4 March

14 April 1881 in the District Court of Wanganui, James Taylor, a middle-aged man was charged with stealing a saddle, 12 months previously, the property of Cyril Dasent, from the woolshed of Mr Axup at Waverley

31 May 1881 at the R.M. Court at Wanganui, an action was tried between Henry Axup, the plaintiff, and the Bank of Australasia, the defendants. The action was to recover £38 4s 9d, an alleged overcharge for bailiff's wages etc, when in possession of Henry's cattle and sheep at Waverley, under a bill of sale given to the defendants. In the end judgment was given for Henry for £12 15s 6d with £2 13s costs and £1 1s solicitor's fee

10 Feb 1881 There were three cases set down for hearing at the Hawkes Bay District Court, including Newton and Johnson Henry Axup. The plaintiff was claiming £146 on a judgment summons. Their lawyer said that £48 2s had been paid since the judgment but an order should be made for the payment of the balance of £98 18s. The order was made that it be paid by 10th March or Henry would be imprisoned for a month

* And so it went on through 1881. Henry didn't travel as much but he continued to sell some purebred stock, to win prizes at the A & P Shows and in late April Mr Axup's party of 3 had great success in their late duck shooting expedition, killing no less than 60 in one day. Another party of three did still greater havoc by killing 63

June 1882 Henry Axup was issued with a shooting license for that year

Oct 1882 Henry was a judge at the Dogs Section of A & P Show

Dec 1882 At the Auckland Resident Magistrate's Court, Judgment was for the Plaintiff in the undefended case, Edward Lewis v Henry Axup for £7 12s 10d

14 March 1883 there was a meeting of the committee of the Wairoa Light Horse when it was decided to divide the troop into three classes for prize firing; prizes to be given for each class, Mr Axup was put into the 2nd camp. It was decided to fire four competitions for Ballam's medal, the highest aggregate in the four matches to take the medal. There were about 35 members giving their names to attend so the troop was well represented

18 May 1883 in the civil cases in the Resident Magistrate's Court in Wellington, Chappell v H. Axup was a claim for city rates and judgment was given for 6s and 8s cost

Aug 1883 at the Patea R.M. Court, in the civil case Horner v Axup, the plaintiff failed to appear. Also that month it was advertised in the "Patea Mail" that Walter Axup was the Broker for the Wellington Meat Preserving and Refrigerating Company (Ltd). Their capital was 5000 share of £10 each. In a later issue it said the the Authorised Brokers were: Wellington, Deacon & Bushell, Arthur Warburton & Co and Axup, H.
Hawera & Normanby Star, 29 Aug 1883 "We understand that shares in the Wellington Meat Preserving and Refrigerating Company are being freely subscribed. The provisional directors have taken up about 1000 £10 shares, Messrs Barber and Co propose to take up 1000 shares and (thanks to the active canvass now being made by Mr Axup, the company's agent for the coast), many of the larger owners are applying freely for shares. Seeing that it was proposed to start the business if only 2500 shares were subscribed, there can be no reasonable doubt but that the undertaking will float"
On 29 Aug 1883 the Hawera & Normanby Star advised that Henry Axup was the Authorised Broker for the Coast

4 Sep 1883 In the Wanganui Court, the case of Borlase and another v Henry Axup, claim for £9 14s 3d for work done, the case was struck out as no affidavit of jurisdiction had been signed.
Also noted that Walter Axup was the Interim Secretary of the Wellington Meat Preserving and Refrigerating Company (Ltd)

11 Sep 1883 in the Wanganui Court, Peter Bell v Henry Axup, claimed for £29 9s 3d. Judgment was given for £13 10s 3d and costs. Henry didn't make an appearance

9 Oct 1883 at the annual troop meeting of the Wairoa Light Horse, the principal business was to elect a Sergt-Major, vice Sergt-Major Howie having resigned, also three Sergeants and a corporal. For the three sergeants there were eight nominations and Corporal Axup, Sim and Bremer were elected

9 Nov 1883 in the Taranaki District Court, Henry Axup, commercial traveller, stated that previous to the 31st August last the defendant had asked him to make enquiries about a billiard table ... the case

4 Jan 1884 R. S. Waterhouse obtained judgment against H. Axup for £32 8s and costs of £3 8s

8 Jan 1884 H. Axup v J. Gallagher, the defendant did not appear. This was a claim for £31 2s 8d being amount due by defendant in reference to the purchase of a billiard table. After hearing the evidence judgment was given to Henry

16 Jan 1884 Nolan, Tonks and Co v Axup - a claim for money lent, £23 odd - judgment for plaintiff by default

2 Feb 1884 the rehearing of the case Axup v Gallagher occupied the whole day. On the conclusion of the evidence, Mr Hutchison, on behalf of the defendant, applied for a nonsuit. His Honor, after hearing the arguments of counsel, reserved judgment. A week later, on 11 Feb, Mr Henry Axup, well known commercial traveller for Messrs Levin and Co., of Wellington, received a verdict in his favour concerning the billiard table

14 March 1884 W. H. Clapham v H. Axup, judgment summons for £2 14s 10d. There being no appearance of either parties, the case was struck out

21 April 1884 Albert Barns, Auctioneer in Wanganui received instructions from Mr Henry Axup, who, having disposed of his farm was leaving the district and he was to auction, on Mr Axup's farm at Waverley, the Valuable Furniture, Farm Implements, Water Tanks, consisting of Handsome Pianoforte, Spring Seat Couches and Chairs, Loo Tables, Carpets, Rugs, Choice Pictures, Gully's and Barraud's Albums of New Zealand Scenery, Thackeray's and Scott's Works, Curtain Poles, Rings &c.. Farm Dray, Samuelson's Reaper and Mower, Single and Double-furrow Ploughs by Reid and Gray and Hornsby, Harness, Harrows, Portable Boiler, Wheelbarrow &c

Star, 29 July 1884 The name of William Jukes Steward should be well known to old residents in Christchurch, for it was here that his start in the Colony was made, in conjunction with Messrs Axup and Bell, as a draper. The pen, we all know, is mightier than the sword, and Mr Steward apparently considers it also superior to the yard-measure for he has long since given up the latter for it. He was editor of the North Otago Times, but has now taken up journalism in Waimate, the home of his constituents ...

In April 1885 Henry Axup is still in Wanganui where he obtained a shooting license for the season. He then sails up and down the North Island as before

In Aug 1885 either Henry or Walter Axup, in the employ of Messrs Carlile and Saxby. was fortunately coming through the Manawatu Gorge when he saw a dog barking. He called out and Mr Partridge of Palmerston North answered from over the bank that that he had a broken leg. His horse, dray and all had gone over the gorge. The horse and Mr Partridge had a miraculous escape but the dray was smashed to pieces

21 Oct 1884 at the Annual Drill at Waverley, the Wairoa Light Horse were doing their week's drill. The troop paraded each day at 11am and at 2pm. It is worthy of notice that all those engaged acquitted themselves in a highly creditable manner; the jumps were taken without a mistake and the shooting was excellent... In the First Class the 3rd prizes went to Trooper Howie with 60, Troopers Wall and Vincent with 52 and Troopers Leary, Axup and Sim with 41. In the second contest of the First Class, Axup, Sim, Vincent and Wall got 1st prize

13 Nov 1885 at a Nautical Enguiry Henry Axup of Palmerston North, stated that he was a passenger of the Jane Douglas. The Jane Douglas did not wait for the Tui but went full speed ahead after leaving the wharf. The Tui caught up to her because she had been assisted by the sails. There was plenty of seaway for the Tui. Henry's opinion was that the Tui was trying to put the Jane Douglas on shore. He was so convinced on this point that he walked across the bridge and asked Captain Pope to keep away. Henry then told Captain Pope that he was in the wrong and id he did not look out would get himself into trouble. He also told Captain Pope that if he could not steer a straight course he had better put another man at the wheel. He thought the Jane Douglas would go on the rocks if she continued her course and he told Captain Fraser that if he did not stop his vessel he (Henry) would go to the engine-room telegraph and stop the machinery ... more at above link

16 Feb 1886 In Feilding the transfer of the business of the Denbigh Hotel was made yesterday from Mr Rose to his successor, Mr Watts. Mr Axup acted as valuer for Mr Roe and Mr Bowern for Mr Watts in stock taking

4 March 1886 Mr H. Axup personally applied to lease about 5000 acres of Crown lands in the Ruahine Ranges. In April he wrote complaining of the delay. Later that month it was decided to offer it for lease as a small run

6 April 1886 Henry obtains a shooting license in Feilding for the Game Season for imported and native game (hen pheasants and tuis excepted)

4 June 1886 The Denbigh Hotel, Feilding, has changed hands, Mr Ligh, the well-known publican, of Wellington, being the purchaser. Mr Henry Axup was valuator for the new proprietor and Mr Anderson represented Mr W. T. Watts, the present occupant

16 Sep 1866 The following is the result of the sale of Crown lands which took place in the Land Office, Wellington district, last week:- Pastoral Leases, Wairarapa ... H. Axup 2740 acres £68 10s

1 Oct 1886 an application was received from Mr H. Axup for 300 acres of crown land on the Pohangina River near his present small run. He forwarded a lithograph showing the piece of Crown land he wishes to lease

12 Oct 1886 We hear that Mr Lowes has disposed of the Gorge Hotel, Ashurst, to Mr Watts, late of the Denbigh Hotel, Feilding. The transaction was negotiated by Mr H. Axup

10 Nov 1886 Tenders are requested for cutting 20 cords of Rata or Matai Firewood at per cord. For particulars apply to Mr Carlile or Mr Axup, Broomfields, Woodville

2 Dec 1886 A letter from Mr Bray of Feilding, was read in which he stated that he would accept the terms of the Board for surveying the Endowment Block, his report to be in not later than the 10th of December. Mr Axup applied for the post of valuer to the Board, but the position having been already filled, the letter was ordered to lie on the table

18 Jan 1887 A lad named McFarlane, nephew of Mr W. W. Carlile, met with a serious accident yesterday morning at Broomfields. He was walking by the side of Mr Axup who was leading a draught horse. The horse stepped into a hole and fell and in its struggle to get up again it kicked the lads leg, breaking both bones very badly. Mr Carlile obtained the assistance of Dr Branting and under his care the lad is progressing favourably

12 May 1887 Mr Axup, as agent for the owner, disposed of 520 acres of land at Trondjem this week, to Captain Campbell of Napier

11 Nov 1887 Mr H. Axup wrote with reference to the survey of his small run in the Umutoi and Pohangina distrct, stating that it is not in the position it was supposed to be and offer to take the same area on the on the west side of the Pohangina Stream in exchange. It was resolved on Mr Bunny's motion, seconded by Mr Fitzherbert

30 Jan 1888 Tenders are requested for the erection of about 35 chains of Swing Fence, to close on Saturday next, the 21st inst. For particulars apply to Mr Axup or Mr Carlile, Broomfields

27 Feb 1888 at the Wanganui R.M. Court the civil case, Peat and Ross v H. Axup, claim of £38 6s. Judgment was given with cost 30s and counsel's fee £2 2s

3 May 1888 Feilding, Manchester Road Board - ... & H. Axup applying for their names to be placed on the rate roll as occupiers at Ashhurst in place of the E. and C.A. Corporation

16 April 1888 AXUP-ROSS - by the Rev R. Stewart, at the residence of the parents of the bride, Palmerston Road, Woodville, Walter Eustace, only son of Henry Axup, Esq., to Maria Amelia, eldest daughter of Hugh Alexander George Ross

8 Aug 1888 Palmerston North, In the case of Grant v Manawatu Road Board. It is stated that in consequence of the inability of the Manawatu Road Board to pay Mr Grant his damages and costs, the Supreme Supreme Court has appointed Mr H. Axup as a receiver, on behalf of Mr Grant, of all moneys, rates, &c., payable to the Board, in accordance with the Road Boards Act 1882. Mr Axup will thus be vested with all the powers of the Board itself until it can devise means to get out of the difficulty. What next? This report will be a severe blow to Palmerston. (Henry commenced his duties as Receiver for the Manawatu Road Board on 21 Aug)

27 Feb 1890 It was decided to allow Mr H. Axup until June to complete improvements on small run 46, block 3, Pohangina

13 March 1890 WASTNEY-AXUP at All Saints Church, Nelson, by the Rev F. W. Chatterton, Harry, youngest son of Mr W. Wastney of Wakapuaka, to Kate, daughter of Mr H. Axup, of Palmerston North

March 1890 death of son Walter's mother in law

2 June 1890 In Wanagnui R.M. Court, W. H. Flyger v Henry Axup, claim £5 for suit of clothes. Judgment for plaintiff

31 July 1890 at the monthly meeting of the Wanganui Waste Land Board it was decided that the selection of H. Axup should be cancelled if the selector does not reside on the land withing a month and pays the amount in arrears

11 Dec 1890 at the Land Board meeting it was decided to give H. Axup, of small run No 46, Blocks III and VII., Pohangina, until the end of the year to complete the improvements

28 Feb 1891 Transfer was granted from H. Axup to F. Richards for sections in Pohangina. In March 1891 at the Feilding R.M. Court, Charles Patterson v H. Axup, claim £12 5s for felling 20 acres of bush in 1889. Patterson said he had felled certain bush on Axup's small run at Pohangina; 20 acres had been felled in Dec 1889; the bush had been since burned by Mr Richards. He said he frequently asked for payment and had been paid £12, including £5 paid by Mr x; on the 3rd instant Axup had promised to pay "tomorrow" but had not done so. Mr Richards said he was a storekeeper, residing in Feilding (he had a small store near Diggers' creek)

21 April 1891 ASHURST NOTES .. It is rumoured that Mr Richards intends to build on Axup's run and throw down a large area of bush at once. That block is the pick of the country and has a quantity of open light bush fronting both Coal Creek and the Pohangina

12 May 1891 Henry Axup received a shooting license from the Feilding Postmaster

20 Feb 1892 ASHURST NOTES Coal Creek is rightly named - there is some there and would be in the course of nature, for there is quite a thick seam of lignite on Mr Richard's Pohangina property (Axup's run). It has caught fire and is still burning

18 Dec 1894 In the Estate of T. M. Jackson, butcher, at a meeting of creditors in his bankrupt estate, on the list of liabilities .. H. Axup 16s

8 Feb 1895 in the Feilding Magistrate's Court, John R. Davis was charged that he did, on January 9th 1895, strike Henry Axup on the head with his clenched fist while under the influence of drink. He was fined £5, half to Henry and in default, one months imprisonment. On the application of the police a prohibition order was issued against Mr Davis to take effect in Feilding, Halcombe, Cheltenham, Birgmingahm, Palmerston North, Apiti, Awahuri and Colyton

1 March 1895 Henry was on the Committee of the Feilding Bowling Club which met to select a section of land for a bowling green

8 May 1895 Henry Axup negotiated the lease of Mrs Oliver's Empire Hotel to Mr Corby of Australia, who was to arrive in Feilding. To be taken over in June

20 June 1895 FOR SALE - Freehold of the Endymion Hotel, Awahuri. Stables, garden (¾ or an acre), £1300; together with 9 or 10 acres £200. Apply Henry Axup of Charles Carr, Auctioneer (the ad was still running a week after Henry's death)

* Aaron 'HENRY' AXUP died 31 Aug 1895 in Greytown Hospital aged 58
Wairarapa Daily Times, 2 Sep 1895 - GREYTOWN NEWS
Mr Axup, father of Mr Walter Axup, manager of Cotter's estate, died at the Greytown Hospital on Saturday last, and was buried yesterday. The service at the grave was conducted by the Rev J. Hewson. The late Mr Axup was on a visit to his son but has been in ill-health for some time
Taranaki Herald, 4 Sep 1895 AXUP - At Greytown, on August 31st
Taranaki Herald, 4 Sep 1895 Mr Henry Axup, well-known in this district several years ago, died at Greytown on Saturday last, at the age of 58 years
Feilding Star, 4 Sep 1895 - DEATH
It was reported in town to-day that Mr Henry Axup, well-known all over the colony, had died in the Greytown Hospital. Mr Axup had been an invalid for some months
Feilding Star, 10 Sep 1895 The rumour that Mr Henry Axup, late of Feilding, died at Greytown, is confirmed
* FANNY AXUP died 29 Nov 1919 in Papatoetoe, Auckland aged 86, at the home of her daughter Mrs H. Wastney

Opening of Denbigh Hotel, FEILDING 1876

OPENING OF ROE'S DENBIGH HOTEL, Feilding - 12 May 1876
On the last Court day held at Palmerston North a license was granted to our friend Mr G. F. Roe (1859-1944, son of Charles Roe & Cecilia Sarah Carter) for his magnificent Hotel, the Denbigh, at Feilding. The hotel presents an imposing elevation, having a noble balcony over the verandah on the hall-door side towards Manchester Street, and a grand facade on the side facing Fergusson Street. One great improvement effected by Mr Roe in hotel architecture is, that the bar is entirely separate from the hotel proper, so that the guests are free from the usual noise attendant on such places of resort. The Commercial and smoking rooms are large in area, lofty, and well ventilated, the lower story being 12 feet in height. The private sitting-rooms are good, the dining sitting-rooms are good, the dining saloon quite a banqueting hall, and the bar is one of the best fitted we have seen for some time. The bed-chambers are very numerous, well ventilated, and furnished in the best style. The entrance hall and that leading to the staircase are what we would wish to see imitated, eight feet in width. The building was designed by Mr G. F. Roe, and erected under his immediate superintendence.

The Denbigh Hotel was opened on the evening of Friday, the 12th instant, with a ball and supper, at which the elite of Feilding were present, and enjoyed themselves to their heart's content until daybreak on Saturday warned the gentlemen that the stern business of life was about to be resumed. Not content with the ball alone, Mr Roe again invited his gentlemen friends to a dinner on the evening of Wednesday, 24th May, to which a numerous company responded and certainly it was worthy of the Denbigh.
Mr A. F. Halcombe presided, having Mr G. F. Roe on his right and Dr Johnston on his left hand.
After the cloth had been removed the Chairman gave "The Queen," which was, as usual, loyally received. Mr McArthur, the V.C., proposed "The Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family" which was duly honored. Mr Gillett then sung "The Fine Ould Irish Gentleman."
Mr Maysmore gave "The Health of His Excellency the Governor," which toast was well received with musical honors.
* Song by T. Slade, "The Village Blacksmith."

Mr E. H. Wright, C.E., proposed "The land we live in."
* Song by Mr Corrigan of the Wanganui Herald, "Lannigan's Ball."
Mr Halcombe on rising said he was happy to again ask for bumpers in which to drink the health of his worthy friend Mr Roe and success to the Denbigh Hotel, as he could assure the company that under the proprietorship of Mr Roe the Hotel in which then were enjoying themselves so happily, would be conducted in such a manner that it would be a Hotel in reality and not what he regretted to say many hotels in this Colony were mere grog shops. Of Mr Roe, he could not speak in too flattering a manner, the more so as he was the first man who had assisted him in the Feilding settlement. Mr Roe place his workmen and materials on the ground and built the first houses occupied by the immigrants in Feilding; and prior to that , he had erected the spacious depot at Palmerston. He then erected the late Accommodation house, which had been a great boon to the public, and he (Mr Halcombe) regretted that the Denbigh Hotel was not built in the first instance. Mr Roe also built one of the first shops in Feilding, which he carried on for eighteen months. The toast was drunk with "He's a joy good fellow."
* Song by Messrs Slade and Lockwood "The Starboard Watch."

Mr G. F. Roe then rose and said: My Halcombe and gentlemen, let me offer you my best thanks, first for the honor you have done me in coming here this evening, and next for the warm manner in which you have received my health. It is the more gratifying to my feelings, after the many difficulties I have had to overcome before the Denbigh Hotel was opened. Now, however, that it has passed your scrutiny, I take your cheers as your approval. Nothing remains for me, or my brother, who is to be my successor, but by strict attention to the wants of our guests to merit a continuation of their patronage.
* Song by Harold Pearce, "The Watch on the Rhine."
"The Ladies" was proposed by Mr Wade in an appropriate speech.
* Song by Mr Lindsay Caldwell, "The Minute Gun at Sea."

"The Press" was next proposed by the Chairman, to which Mr E. H. Wright, of the Wanganui Herald, responded, and returned thanks on the part of Mr Corrigan and himself.
* Song by Mr Wright, "Are we fairly represented."
* Song by Mr Lash, "Old Simon the Cellerer."

Mr Gillett favored the company with a recitation from the play of Julius Caesar, which called forth loud applause. Mr McArthur and Dr Johnson sang some Scotch sons, and the company separated at midnight, after a very delightful evening

(main purpose is to list owners / proprietors)
Feilding Star, 1 June 1886 - LICENSE TRANSFER
A transfer was granted from Chas. Roe to W. Watts, of the Denbigh hotel

Wanganui Herald, 4 June 1886 - NEW OWNER
The Denbigh Hotel, Feilding, has changed hands, Mr William Light, the well-known publican, of Wellington, being the purchaser. Mr Henry Axup was valuator for the new proprietor and Mr Anderson represented Mr W. T. Watts, the present occupant

Feilding Star, 4 Dec 1886 - Mr WATTS
The transfer of the license of the Manawatu Gorge Hotel was granted from Mr Lowes to Mr W. T. Watts, late of the Denbigh Hotel, Feilding

Feilding Star, 4 June 1887 - LICENSE RENEWAL
A new license was granted to Mr Light of the Denbigh Hotel

Feilding Star, 4 June 1889 - LICENSE RENEWAL
William Light, Denbigh Hotel, Mr Sandilands, solicitor, applied for renewal - Granted

Feilding Star, 10 Dec 1891 - BEST IN THE COLONY
The Denbigh Hotel is one of the best conducted in the colony, and the reputation of the popular proprietor, Mr William Light, as a host is so well known that no comment on that point is needed. As a buyer of wine Mr light excels, there being few better judges in the colony, therefore whatever he vends is sure to be the best in the market. In our advertising columns Mr Light invites his old friends, whether as visitors from other parts or local residents, to come and see him during the Christmas holidays to exchange Christmas greetings

Manawatu Herald, 18 April 1893 - STRANGE LAWS
To all persons engaged in the selling of spirituous liquor we call attention to the case heard before Mr Brabant of Thursday. The facts are simply these. In January the Foxton Racing Club sold the right to sell spirituous liquors in the Grand Stand Booth for their meeting on the 23rd of January to Mr Light, hotel keeper of Feilding. Mr Light permitted Mr Joseph Smith to act as his representative, though it appears he was on the ground himself. On the Grand Stand the bar is at the back of the building and displayed along it was the legend, in very large letter "Denligh hotel" and in small letters over the above "W. Light." That was all that was on the banner that had floated for many a year over booths on race-courses/ By evidence it will be seen that the name "W. Light" was not conspicuous owing to its having been doubled up in the fixing. The complaint urged against Mr Light fixed on his (temporary) premises with the addition after the name of the word "licensed" and of words sufficient to express the business for which his license has been granted. As it was evident that these words were wanting his Worship fined Mr Light five shilling and cost, though the maximum fine for a first offence is £5.
It was not made clear in Court why the action was taken and we do not care to seek why accepting that it was done in the exercise of duty. As the law stand, it appears to be lawful for any publican to practically lend his license to another person to trade with, provided he is prepared to accept all the commissions and omissions of his representative. Whether it is quite fair to the local publicans is another matter. To all who run booths at racecourses and elsewhere we earnestly recommend a study of clause 123 of The Licensing Act 1881 and to be quite sure that the name of the owner is in letters of sufficient size and that the sign contains the word "licensed" as well as words sufficient to express the business for which his license has been granted and that such sign is place on the front of the building in which such business is carried on

Feilding Star, 6 June 1894 - LICENSE RENEWAL
All the applications, which were for renewals or transfers for old houses, were granted, namely:
W. A. Floyd, Royal Hotel, Ohingaiti
P. McIlroy, Pelberton Hotel, Rangiwahia
J. Curran, Club Hotel, Ohingaiti
D. Sullivan, Hunterville Hotel, Hunterville
W. Meehan, Commercial Hotel, Ohingaiti
T. Lowes, Family and Commercial Hotel, Birmingham
T. Ryan, Cheltenham Hotel, Cheltenham
J. Mitchell, Argyle Hotel, Hunterville
Mrs Mary Tuck, Halcombe Hotel
Wm Light, Denbigh Hotel, Feilding
Mrs Martha Hastie, Feilding Hotel
H. Bastings, Manchester Hotel, Feilding
Mrs Maria Oliver, Empire Hotel, Feilding
J. Coyle, Clifton Hotel, Bulls
J. O'Halloran, Rangitikei Hotel, Bulls
S. Gibbons, White Hart Hotel, Marton
J. Mayo, Club Hotel, Bulls
R. Hunt, Marton Hotel
E. South, Railway Hotel, Marton

Feilding Star, 23 Nov 1894 - NEW ROOM
Mr Light of the Denbigh Hotel, has just had erected by Mr Fred Pope, the well-known builder, a large and commodious sample room, well supplied with suitable shelving and other necessary appurtenances. The building is 30ft 10in x 19ft and has been completed in a thoroughly workmanlike manner

Feilding Star, 11 June 1896 - LICENSE RENEWAL
Mr W. Light, Denbigh Hotel, Feilding, Mr Cathro for applicant - application granted

Feilding Star, 3 June 1897 - LICENSE RENEWAL
Wm. Light applied for a renewal of license for the Denbigh Hotel, Fielding. Mr Sandilands for applicant - granted

Feilding Star, 11 Feb 1899 - NEW PROPRIETOR
Mr W. T. Hook took possession of the Denbigh Hotel yesterday. Mr W. Evensen (of Cheltenham) acted as valuator of the stock and furniture on behalf of Mr Light and Mr J. R. Montague acted in a similar capacity for Mr Hook

Feilding Star, 6 June 1899 - Mr HOOK
In our advertising columns to-day Mr W. T. Hook, who recently took over the popular Denbigh Hotel, notifies that he is determined to maintain the reputation of that well-known commercial hostelry. First-class accommodation with the necessary facilities for comfort is provided, while the wines, ales and spirits kept in stock are of the choicest brands

Feilding Star, 17 July 1899 - NEW SAMPLE ROOM
Mr W. Hook, of the Denbigh Hotel invites tenders for the erection of sample rooms

Feilding Star, 1 Aug 1899 - NEW DRINK
Beef tea may be obtained at the Denbigh Hotel at hours advertised in wanted column

Feilding Star, 18 Jan 1900 - Mr LIGHT
Mr William Light, formerly of the Denbigh Hotel, Feilding, has taken the Provincial Hotel, Wanganui

Manawatu Standard, 3 Aug 1900 - STABLES
Tenders are invited by the architect, Mr L. G. West, for alterations and additions to the stables at the Denbigh Hotel

Feilding Star, 22 July 1901OBITUARY of CHARLES ROE

Feilding Star, 27 March 1902 - SEPTIC TANK
Mr Hook, of the Denbigh Hotel, has put an up to date septic tank in the rear of his premises

Feilding Star, 10 April 1902 - NEW PROPRIETOR
The proprietor of the Denbigh Hotel, Mr Hook, has leased the property to Mr P. Meehan, formerly of Wanganui, Ohingaiti and Bulls, for a term of years. Mr Meehan has an excellent record and will make an able successor to Mr Hook. Mr Meehan will take [possession on May 8th

Wanganui Herald, 18 Dec 1902 - IN COURT
The case in which William T. Hood sued William Meehan, to compel him to complete his purchase of the Denbigh Hotel, Marton, was mentioned before the Chief Justice at Wellington on Tuesday. After a short adjournment, it was intimated that the case had been settled on defendant paying certain damages which had been agreed upon

Feilding Star, 24 Oct 1903 - SENSATIONAL ARREST
Yesterday Constable Whitehouse and Lyons arrested, on a charge of robbery, a young man named Leslie Rolfe, a native of Sydney, about 23 years of age, who has been employed for the past two years as porter at Mr Hook's Denbigh Hotel. The police have in their possession a miscellaneous assortment of jewellery, silk ties, tobacco, clothing, etc., to the value of £20. Constable Whitehouse on making an examination of the accused's bedroom, discovered an iron trunk, which contained a number of the articles mentioned. He afterwards found a box, which was planted behind a wood heap in the yard of the Denbigh Hotel. Judging from the description of some of the articles, it would appear that the robbery is closely connected with the disappearance of a traveller's samples from Hastie's Sample Rooms, which took place on the night of Oct the 12th or early in the morning of the 14th. Mr Steele, Mr Carthew and Mr Young arrived by the 5:45 train last evening and identified various articles as having been abstracted from their samples

Feilding Star, 9 June 1904 - LICENSE RENEWAL
W. T. Hook, Denbigh Hotel, renewal granted

Wanganui Herald, 1 Sep 1904 - HOTEL DESTROYED
Hook's Denbigh Hotel and sample rooms were totally destroyed by fire at 2 o'clock this morning, the occupants barely escaping. The hotel contained 33 rooms and was built of wood. In less than three-quarters of an hour, the hotel and sample rooms ere reduced to ashes.
The Bank of New Zealand building on the opposite corner was for some time in danger, but the collapse of the hotel saved it. The insurances on the hotel and sample rooms are:- £775 on the stock, and £500 on the furniture in the Phoenix; on the building £875 (2017 equivalent of $153,451) in the London, Liverpool and Globe and on the stock and furniture £350 in the Commercial Union ...
The fire at the Denbigh Hotel was discovered a few minutes before two o'clock this morning by Constable Whitehouse, who had visited the locality half an hour previously but there was then no sign of an outbreak. The Constable, when interviewed, said the fire started in the kitchen, the door of which was locked. When the fire was discovered, flames were bursting through the window. In his opinion, the outbreak was purely accidental.
The hotel was erected about 29 years ago for Mr Chas. Roe
On the alarm being given, Mr Hook, owner and licensee, called up the occupants of the hotel and proceeded to the scene of the outbreak. Mr Hook says he found the fire broke out near the store-room. The flames spread so quickly that he was unable to return to his room for his clothes, and he had to escape in his night attire. In his opinion the fire was the work of an incendiary. Mr Hook estimates his loss at fully £3,000 ($526,121 in 2017)above the insurance.
It is stated that Mr Hook intends to erect a substantial, up-to-date hotel in brick on the site of the building destroyed. The Fire Police and Fire Brigade justified their existence by the good work which they did in the protection of property and in preventing the spread of the fire ...
About an hour prior to the fire at the Denbigh Hotel an outbreak was discovered in a loosebox at Marston's stables attached to the Feilding Hotel. Some straw had been heaped up under a feed box and lighted and the door, which was off the hinges, placed against the doorway to hide the flames until they had obtained a firm hold. Fortunately one of the attendants at the stables who was on duty very late owing to the Feilding Bowling Club's ball being in progress at the Assembly rooms adjoining, saw the fire and extinguished it before much damage was done. There were racehorses in the adjoining loose-boxes so that had the stables been destroyed valuable horseflesh would probably have been lost.
Sergt. Stagpoole received a telegram to-day stating that a man named John Robinson had been arrested on suspicion of having set fire to the stables

Manawatu Times, 16 Dec 1904 - NEW HOTEL
Mr W. Wilkinson, the successful tenderer for the new two-storeyed Denbigh Hotel, Feilding (£6440 worth) commenced operations yesterday. The building will be completed in six months

Manawatu Standard, 13 May 1905 - ELECTRIC LIGHT
Mr B. F. Graham, of Palmerston North, has secured the contract fo installing electric light in the new Denbigh Hotel at Feilding. Mr Hook has decided to install a Hornsby-Akroyd oil engine for the electric lighting purposes, Messrs Reid and Gray are the sole New Zealand agents for this engine

Feilding Star, 22 July 1905 - DESTRUCTION
Some person or persons of a destructive turn of mind have disfigured the paper in nearly 50 bedrooms of the new Denbigh Hotel, thus spoiling the work

Feilding Star, 14 Aug 1905 - NEARLY THERE
The contractor, Mr W. Wilkinson, has now nearly completed the new Denbigh Hotel, which is being erected for Mr Hook. A considerable quantity of furniture has also arrived and is being put in position. The installation of the electric light plant is also well under way. The opening of the new hotel, which takes place next month, will probably relieve the congestion of the other hotels, which at the present time are taxed to the utmost for the accommodation of the general public and trabellers

Feilding Star, 10 June 1909 - LICENSE RENEWAL
W. T. Hook, Denbigh Hotel, Feilding

Manawatu Times, 27 Sep 1909 - NEW DYNAMO
Mr W. T. Hook, whose Denbigh Hotel is lit throughout with electric light, is having installed a new direct circuit compound dynamo of 160 ampheres-capable of registering 100 volts

Manawatu Standard, 22 Jan 1910 - NEW PROPRIETOR
Mr W. TL Hook, proprietor of the Denbigh Hotel, Feilding, who has held the freehold of, and conducted the Denbigh Hotel, Feilding, for some years, has disposed of his hotel to Mr A. J. Hurn, late of the Grand Hotel, Wellington and Taihape

Feilding Star, 23 Feb 1911 - FEILDING COURT

Mr A. D. Thomson, S.M., was occupied for two days at the last sitting of the Court in Feilding hearing a counter claim made by William Thomas Hook against Charles Natusche for £80 for alleged faulty supervision in the construction of the Denbigh Hotel building ... (more at above link)

Feilding Star, 8 June 1911 - LICENSE RENEWAL
A. J. Hurn, Denbigh Hotel, Feilding

Wanganui Chronicle, 28 Sep 1914 - GOOD IDEA
Mr Hurn, of the Denbigh Hotel, Feilding, has hit upon a good scheme for helping Belgian families who will be sufferers by the war. He has organised a series of rabbit drives for the purpose of securing a thousand rabbits. These will be frozen free of charge at the Feilding bacon factory and sent on to their destination through the Wellington Central Committee. The drives will be per motor cars and any owners of such cars who are prepared to carry shootists for the drives should communicate with Mr J. R. Perry

Feilding Star, 9 Aug 1917 - FURTHER CHARGES
ANTI-SHOUTING. Yesterday afternoon the Magistrate Mr G. W. K. Kenrick, S.M. continued the hearing of charges against local hotel employees for allowing breaches of the anti-shouting regulations. The charge against McLelland, barman at the Denbigh Hotel, was concluded. The Magisrtate said he was not satisfied the evidence of the police was strong enough for a conviction and the charge was dismissed ... Mary Anne Falconer, wife of the licensee was charged on two counts with permitting shouting

Feilding Star, 16 Sep 1919 - DEATH OF CAPTAIN FALCONER
Captain John Falconer, whose death at Feilding was reported on Saturday had been, for the last few years, the lessee of the Denbigh Hotel at Feilding

Feilding Star, 2 Oct 1919 - NEW PROPRIETOR
Mr Harry R. Wallace, who takes over the Denbigh Hotel to-day from the trustees of the late Captain Falconer, is an Anzac. A native of Christchurch - where his father was one of Canterbury's oldest licensed victuallers and his brother is a licensee - he was in the N.S.W. Civil, went to Egypt with the Main Body of Service when the war broke out. He was with the A.I.F. (1st Battalion of the 1st Brigade) and took part in the landing and subsequent fighting on Gallipoli. He was wounded shortly afterwards, but quickly returned, winning a stripe as corporal and was on the Peninsula until the evacuation when he went with the Australians to France and saw much fighting there. Corporal Wallace was in the fight on Lone Pine Ridge when his comrade, the late Captain Shout (another New Zealander) won his Victoria Cross

Wanganui Chronicle, 24 Nov 1919 - SERIOUS DAMAGE
The Denbigh Hotel building was seriously damaged by fire to-day. A little after 2pm flames were discovered in the staff's quarters upstairs at the end of one wing. The fire spread along the wing and the brigade had to fight for an hour to get control. One side of the building was practically gutted on the upstairs portion and the ground floor. The furnishings etc., were ruined by water. The damage is hard to estimate at present, but it is possibly £3000. Both building and stock were insured but particulars are not available. The proprietor is W. T. Hook and the licensee H. R. Wallace. The latter had been here about two months and the fire was very unfortunate for him. He had every room booked for the racing season next week.
The Hon. D. Guthrie's secretary was a guest at the hotel and was using a room for Lands Department work but though he lost his private belongings, like many others, no State documents were destroyed

Manawatu Standard, 16 Aug 1921 - LEASE DISPUTE
... the further defence was raised that if it was proved that the plaintiffs did introduce the said Mary Cramp as the purchaser of the hotel and that an agreement of sale and purchase was executed, the defendant claimed that prior to the agreement being entered into, plaintiff falsely represented to the defendant that the said Mary Cramp had made all necessary financial arrangements and had available the cash necessary to complete the contract ... (more at link)

Manawatu Times, 2 March 1927 - NEW PROPRIETOR
Mr H. Dooley, for a number of years the proprietor of the Denbigh Hotel in Feilding, retired yesterday and with Mrs Dooley will go into private residence in Denbigh Street, pending their departure on a visit to Ireland. Mr McPherson the new proprietor took over yesterday

Manawatu Times, 9 June 1927 - DENBIGH FIRE
The seventy-roomed structure known as the Denbigh Hotel, situated at the corner of Manchester and Fergusson Streets was imperilled by an outbreak of fire which occurred yesterday at 3:50pm. Smoke was seen issuing from an upstairs room in the servants quarter occupied by the second cook, Mr Seager, and while at first considered an incipient outbreak an investigation proved it to be a serious nature and the brigade was promptly summoned and no less promptly arrived on the scene.
Volumes of thick black smoke issued from the rear of the building and the whole structure was soon saturated with the smoke charged atmosphere. The brigade got quickly to work and were able to confine the flames to the seat of the outbreak. Water, however, found its way to the ground floor which was thoroughly soaked. The kitchen, dining room and front of the premises suffered extensively from the effect of the water and smoke and as the electric light wires had been cut, the premises were closed as it was impossible to see,
The new motor fire pump proved an acquisition. There was no doubt as to the water pressure once the pump got going and a copious supply helped the brigadesmen to get the outbreak under control.
The Denbigh Hotel was the scene of a severe fire in 1919 when practically the whole of one wing was destroyed. It is a substantial concrete and brick building of two storeys, owned by Mr W. Hook of Auckland, and occupied by Mr D. D. McPherson who recently took over the license from Mr H. Dooly.
The origin of the outbreak is a mystery, The occupier of the room was absent and nothing is known as to the cause.
The insurances were:- £4,700 on the Hotel premises in the Commercial Union Office and £4,850 in the Ocean Accident Office

Manawatu Times, 8 June 1928 - LICENSE RENEWAL
Harry Burrows, Denbigh Hotel, Feilding

.. taken from Manawatu District, Heritage Inventory (pdf)
- anything in italics is my addition -
The Hotel is situated at 50 Manchester Street, FEILDING
The first accommodation house on the site was constructed in 1874 by Charles Roe (1833-1901) who arrived at Petone in 1840. Following his emigration to Wellington, he moved to the Australian gold fields before returning to Wellington where he had an interest in Wellington’s first hotel, Dickie Barretts’. He then followed a career in journalism with the New Zealand Advertiser and Parliament’s Hansard until 1874. Mr Roe ran the Denbigh hotel for 14 years until his retirement. He named the hotel after the Earl of Denbigh who was a director of the Emigrant’s and Colonists’ Aid Corporation, a significant organisation in the settlement of Feilding. As with the Feilding Hotel, the Denbigh has been damaged by fire and rebuilt over the years.

The hotel was constructed by William Wilkinson. Perhaps, even if the town and District were searched in every direction, it would be found impossible to find one who has made a greater contribution to the progress of Feilding, in the material sense, than the sturdy pioneer and artisan to whom we pay public recognition this week - Mr William Wilkinson, master builder of Feilding... Feilding Star, 5th December 1936.
William Wilkinson was born in Preston, Lancashire and immigrated to New Zealand in 1879. After first working in Feilding he then moved to Auckland and the Waikato before commencing business on his own account in 1896. He established the first joinery shop in Feilding and among the many buildings he constructed includes: the Denbigh Hotel, Feilding Technical School, the Bank of New Zealand, Sandilands Buildings, the Manchester Street block from Carthews to Haybittle and Sons, the Fergusson Street block from Tingey’s corner to Bramwell’s, the Feilding Library, the Rangitikei Club and the Masonic Hall.

The building is designed in the Italianate Palazzo style. This Italianate commercial style was a part of the classical revival of the nineteenth century, which was championed by Sir Charles Barry from the 1840’s in his design of clubs and smaller office buildings. His preferred style was the sixteenth century Italian Palazzo and he was also influential in using this style for large country houses for the wealthy. Commercial buildings, particularly banks, preferred the use of classical architecture, and the design of C. R. Cockerell’s Sun Fire and Life Assurance building of 1839-42 in Threadneedle Street confirmed the Italianate Palazzo style. The design of larger structures using classical language was easily solved using the Palazzo style and quickly saw warehouses and multi-storey offices and other buildings adopt the Italianate Palazzo style. Architects such as Edward Walters, J. E. Gregan, Edward I’Anson, and John Gibson, popularised the style in England while Scottish architects also took up the style with gusto. The High Victorian period saw additional classical styles such as the French renaissance become a significant style, however the popularity of the Italianate Palazzo style for commercial buildings was maintained until the Edwardian period, when the style evolved into the Inter-war Commercial Palazzo style. This was developed by American architects McKim, Mead and White initially for Chicago high-rise commercial buildings, and this style became popular throughout the ‘New World’.
A rusticated base with arched window openings, triple arched colonnade to the upper front elevation and heavy cornices over upper windows and keystones are consistent with the style. As with most buildings of the town and period, the building is constructed of painted cement render over brickwork with painted timber joinery. Cast iron balustrading to the upper balcony is possibly an original element, however research on the original form and appearance of the building is lacking to form a definite conclusion. The interior largely retains its original planning; however relining the interior in the latter part of this century has obscured any original material to the ground and most of the upper floors. Small glimpses of the original lining material can be seen in the staff quarters where bedrooms have painted timber match lining on walls and ceiling and a bathroom has pressed metal on walls and ceiling. The substantial building addresses Manchester Street, with an obvious, and long, side elevation to Fergusson Street.

The building has regional significance for historical and architectural heritage values.
As the first public accommodation house in Feilding, the building has had an historical association with Feilding since its first settlement. Having been built by William Wilkinson, the building retains historical associations with the most prolific and successful builder in Feilding of the Edwardian period.
The building has architectural values as a good representative example of the Edwardian Italianate style, which was popular for hotels and office buildings in the early 20th century. The front elevation contributes to the streetscape of Fergusson Street and is a primary building in the town’s historic Edwardian precinct. It has moderate levels of authenticity of exterior design.

Zoom option if you follow the link

EADES marriages New Zealand 1862-1937

also see NOTES at end

Albert Colin 'Chum' Eades (1892-1960)
* son of William Henry Eades & Mary Campbell
* grandson of William Eades & Sarah Rigby
Albert married Alice Vida Rennells D'ath (1892-1979) in 1916
* daughter of George Gooch D'ath & Sarah Mulholland
the known children of Albert & Alice
1913 - 1981 Henry Mervyn 'Harry' Eades
1917 - Gwendoline Mary Eades
Evening Post, 23 Dec 1939 - ENGAGEMENT
EADES-PEARSON The engagement is announced of Bettie, younger daughter of Mrs and the late Mr A. T. Pearson, Lower Hutt, to Harry, only son of Mr and Mrs A. C. Eades, Palmerston North
* Albert was a hairdresser in Palmerston North. He died 15 Nov 1960 aged 68 and buried at Kelvin Grove
* Alice Vida Eades next married Frederick John Guthrie (1893-1979). She died 1 Dec 1979 aged 86 and is buried with Albert
* Frederick was a son of Alexander & Maria (1847-1916) Guthrie. Frederick first married Janet Mary Coy in 1914. He lived in Wanganui

Albert John Eades (1900-1950)
* son of Frank James Eades & Ellen Hunter
Albert married Doris May Taylor (1907-2000) in 1930
* daughter of Arthur Firman (1884-1939) & Ada Beatrice Violetta Taylor
* Albert & Doris are buried at Wakapuaka, Nelson

Alfred Eades (1890-1961)
* son of Joseph Eades & Hannah Tanner
Alfred married Eliza Le Comte (1894-1977) in 1914
* daughter of Stephen Le Comte & Susan Jane Bishell
the known children of Alfred & Eliza
1915 - 2008 Olive Carlein Victoria Eades
1916 - 2015 Doreen Azalia Eades (+ Ireland)
1917 - 1968 Alfred Edison Eades
1920 - 2002 Connie Eades
1922 - 2007 Joan Celestine Eades
1924 - 1992 Robert Irvine Phillip 'Bob' Eades

Arthur Thwaites Eades (1886-1955)
* born in Melbourne, 1 of 12 children of Henry George Eades (1863-1939) & Alice Annie Thwaites, died in Auckland
(brother Wilfred James Eades is below)
Arthur married Amy Taylor (1887-1964) 21 Jan 1913
* born in Victoria, Australia, died in Tauranga
They lived at 604 Mount Albert Rd., Auckland
the known children of Arthur & Amy
* 1914 - 2005 Allan Taylor Eades
- Allan married Edith Mary Viles (1921-2005), daughter of Albert Victor Viles & Jane Isobel Greathead of the Wairarapa
* 1918 - 2007 Ralph Eades
- Ralph was a chemist in Auckland. He served in WWII as Sergeant 74791, NZ Medical Corps, 24 Field Ambulance. Ralph married Elsie Jean Wendlebourne (1917-1950), he next married Alfreda Grace Hood (1911-1995), he next married Gwenyth Ann 'Gwen' Warren (1934-, in 1981). He died 12 Sep 2007 aged 89 in Tauranga
* 1920 - Warren Eades
- Warren was educated at Ngaio School & Seddon Memorial Technical College and played rugby for Manukau. He received his commission in NZ and was Sergeant-Pilot at age 19. He married Gay Cleaver (1926-2013)

Colin Campbell Eades (1910-1981)
* son of George William Campbell Eades & Mary Lucy Robinson
Colin married Valmai Myrtle Granville (1912-1992) in 1933
* daughter of Harry Herman Granville & Grace Cecelia Jones
died in Wanganui

Edwin Thomas Eades (1882-1958)
* son of John Eades & Caroline Sylvia Clemston
Edwin married Alison Goodin (1884-1906) in 1905
* daughter of Philip Goodin & Jane Waugh of the Hutt Valley
the known children of Edwin & Alison
1905 - 1919 Myrtle Caroline Jane Eades
* Edwin next married Florence Daisy Shotbolt (1885-1958) in 1918

Francis Edward 'Frank' Eades (1897-1926)
* son of William Henry Eades & Jane Donovan
Frank married Florence Martha Hyams (1894-1918, nee Macpherson) on 8 Nov 1918
- Florence first married Benjamin Hyams (a waiter) in March 1914. She had obtained a divorce and the custody of her two daughters, Alice Maud & Edna May Hyams, in Nov 1917, on the grounds of his adultery
Florence died 21 Nov 1918 aged 23, 13 days after her marriage (very possibly due to the Flu Pandemic because she died in the hospital which was set up for the victims). She is buried with her baby (who died the following day) in Plot 100E at Karori. Frank died 8 years after her, aged 29, and is buried with his father William.
Evening Post, 22 Nov 1918 - DEATH
EADES - On the 21st November 1918, at the Normal School Temporary Hospital, Florence Martha, dearly beloved wife of Frank Eades, and daughter of Mr and Mrs Macpherson, in her 24th year. Deeply regretted
Evening Post, 16 Jan 1926 - FUNERAL NOTICE
The funeral of the late Frank Eades will leave St Anne's Church, Green street, Newtown, on Monday 18th January, 1926, at 10.30a.m. for the Cemetery, Karori
NOTES on Florence's daughters
Florence's daughters, Alice 'Maud' (1914-1984) & Edna May (1917-) Hyams attended Vivian Street Church of Christ Bible School in Wellington and in 1926, at the age of 12 Maud came third in Class and at the age of 9 Edna came 1st. Edna attended Wellington Technical College and in Dec 1931, at the age of 14, she came first in her class. In 1932, at the age of 15 she came first in Hygiene and second in English, Bookkeeping, Writing and History
* Alice 'Maud' Hyams married Albert Nelson Headifen (1915-1959) in 1937. Albert was a son of Howard McMillan Headifen & Ismay James

Frank James Eades (1863-1939)
* son of William Henry & Sarah Eades (see notes at end)
Frank married Ellen Hunter (1869-1951) in 1894
the known children of Frank & Ellen
1894 - 1974 Edith Ruby Eades
1896 - 1946 Frank William Eades
- In 1917 Private Frank Eades of the Medical Corp was admitted to Brockenhurst Hospital suffering from bronchitis and a dilated heart. He received his discharge in England in March 1918 and transported home
1898 - Eunice Ellen Eades
1900 - 1950 Albert John Eades
1908 - 1988 Gladys Millicent Eades
* Frank was the publican of the 13 room hotel, the Prince Albert, on Nile St., Nelson. He took over from Andrew Bailey in 1901 after having managed the Metropolitan Hotel. He was granted a permanent license in 1910. He & Ellen are buried at Wakapuaka, Nelson, as is son Frank William

George Cyril Eades (1908-1977)
* son of George William Campbell Eades & Mary Lucy Robinson
* grandson of William Henry Eades & Mary Campbell
George married Gladys Evelyn Signal (1909-1983) in 1935
* daughter of Alfred Albert Signal & Lucy Elena Head of Wanganui

George William Campbell Eades (1886-1971)
* son of William Henry Eades & Mary Campbell
* grandson of William Eades & Sarah Rigby
George married Mary Lucy Robinson (1888-1974) in 1908
the known children of George & Mary
1908 - 1997 Cyril George Eades
1910 - 1981 Colin Campbell Eades
1912 - 1988 Albert William 'Bert' Eades
1914 - 1989 Phyllis Irene May Eades
1915 - 1943 Roy Stanley Eades (Private 427586, 21 Infantry Battalion, killed in Tunisia, North Africa)
1916 - 2005 Francis John 'Frank' Eades (+ Finer)
1920 - 1985 Norman Edward Eades
1924 - Mavis Joyce Eades
1926 - 1992 Bruce Osborne Eades

Harry Leslie Eades (1876-1952)
* born in Wellington, a son of James Bryant Eades & Elizabeth Jane Trengrove
Harry married Maud Elizabeth Willard (1875-1924) in 1897
* born in Auckland to Stephen Francoise Willard & Louisa D'Oley Perrott
the known children of Harry & Maud
1898 - 1961 Harry Leslie Eades
1899 - 1977 Stephen Charles Perry Eades (born Wellington)
1901 - 1991 James Trengrove Eades (born Wanganui)
1903 - 1991 Richard Allan Eades (born Dunedin)
* Maude died 6 July 1924 in Wellington
* Harry changed his name to Trengrove in Melbourne and he died there on 16 Oct 1952 aged 76

Harry Leslie Eades (1898-1961)
* son of Harry Leslie Eades & Maud Elizabeth Willard
Harry married Elizabeth Janet 'Bess' Craft (1899-1970) in Hawera Registry Office in 1921
* born in Patea to Thomas Craft & Janet Potter Johnston
Harry & Elizabeth had 6 known children
1927-2011 June Natalie, Marion Janet, 1930-1979 Neville James & others
* Harry died 4 May 1961 in Christchurch
* Bess died 10 May 1970 in Christchurch

Henry Claude Raymond Eades (1916-1992)
* son of Henry Eades & Sophie Maud Ehlers
Henry married Iris Rona Phelan (1913-1966) in 1935
* daughter of Alfred Ernest Phelan & Eva Jacobs of Auckland

James Bryant Eades (1841-1908)
* born Croydon, Surrey to James Briant Eades & Louisa Barker
James married Elizabeth Jane Trengrove (1858-1901) in 1875
* born Falmouth, Cornwall to Prudence Trengrove who later married Henry Mitchell
the known children of James & Elizabeth
1876 - 1952 Harry Leslie 'Les' Eades (+ Maude Willard)
1878 - 1925 James Garland Eades (buried Karori)
1879 - 1972 Frances Prudence Eades (+ Tiller, died in Rotorua)
1881 - 1925 Julia Maude Louisa Eades (+ Burns, died in Sydney)
1883 - 1942 Thomas Edward Eades (died in Melbourne)
1885 - 1970 William Francis Eades (+ Edith Lillian Jones)
1887 - 1967 Ethel May Eades (+ Henry Colwell, died Wellington)
1889 - 1979 Charles Albert Eades (died in Wellington)
* Elizabeth died 2 Sep 1901 in Wellington
* James died 24 Aug 1908 in Wellington

James Trengove Eades (1901-1991)
* son of Harry Leslie Eades & Maud Elizabeth Willard
James married Gwendoline Dorice Garrett (1914-) in Christchurch 29 March 1936
* daughter of Ernest Howard Garrett & Mabel Evelyn Pearl Barry
* James died in Whangarei

John* Eades (1855-1930)
* son of George Eades of Werribee, Victoria
John married Mary Rae* (1863-1942) in 1880
the known children of John & Mary
1881 - 1881 George* Eades (aged 20 days)
1882 - 1949 Thomas Rae Eades
1887 - Florence Eades
1891 - 1893 Jane Rae* Eades
1892 - 1893 Henry* Eades (aged 10 months)
1884 - 1956 Elizabeth* Eades
1885 - Isabella Eades
1889 - John Eades
Otago Daily Times, 24 July 1930 - DEATH of JOHN
EADES - On July 14, 1930, in the Edendale School (suddenly), John, beloved husband of Mary Eades, "Edenhope" Edendale, and third son of the late George Eades, of Werribee, Victoria; aged 75 years
* buried together at Wyndham cemetery, Southland

John Hemming Eades (1851-1927)
* born Kingswinford, Staffordshire to William Eades & Sarah Rigby
John married Caroline Sylvia Clemston (1843-1885) in 1872
the known children of John & Caroline
* 1872 - 1951 John Hemming Eades
* 1875 - 1875 William Henry Eades (aged 6 months)
* 1876 - 1877 James Frederick Eades (aged 6 months)
* 1877 - 1913 Martha Louisa Eades
* 1882 - 1958 Edwin Thomas Eades
* 1884 - Henry 'Harry' Eades
* 1885 - 1921 Caroline Sylvia Eades
Caroline died 3 Dec 1885 aged 42 in Lower Hutt and is buried Bridge St., cemetery
John next married Susan Ann Ebden (1863-1932) 14 Feb 1887 (Valentines Day)
* daughter of George Ebden & Susan Osborn.
- Susan had a son, Stanley Henry Ebden (1886-1926), born 23 Jan 1886. He then became Eades
the known children of John & Susan
* 1889 - 1970 Hilda May Eades (+ Hooper + Ehlers)
* 1891 - 1948 Alice Maud Eades (+ Edward Martin Lemberg)
* 1894 - 1915 Joseph William Eades (born Mangaroa, Wellington)
- Private 12/731, Auckland Infantry Battalion, Main Body, was killed in action at the landing on Gallipoli
* 1896 - 1919 Walter Harold Eades
- Lieutenant Corporal 12/4169, 2nd Battalion, Auckland Infantry Regiment, classified unfit after shrapnel lodged in left lumbar region, discharged & transported to NZ via England in March 1917. Walter died in NZ on Anzac Day, 25 April 1919, aged 22 on the 4th anniversary of his brother Joseph's killing at Gallipoli
Auckland Star, 25 April 1921 - IN MEMORIAM
* EADES - Joseph William, killed in action 25th April 1915, aged 21 years. His memory I cherish - Inserted by his loving brother, Stan Eades
* EADES - Walter Harold (Returned Soldier), died 25th April 1919 aged 22 years. Forget? Ah, no, some might forget, The boy that once they gave. Bu my love still follows him, Far, far beyond the grave. Inserted by his loving brother, Stan Eades
* 1900 - 1915 Cecil George Kitchner Eades (aged 15)
* John Hemming Eades died 24 June 1927 aged 75. Susan Ann Eades died 26 Oct 1932 aged 68 in Auckland Hospital. They are buried Waikumete cemetery, Auckland

John Hemming Eades (1872-1951)
* son of John Hemming Eades & Caroline Sylvia Clemston and a grandson of William Eades & Sarah Rigby
John married Hannah Eades (nee Tanner) in 1898
- Hannah first married Joseph Eades (see next)
the known children of John & Hannah
1899 - 1976 Robert Ingram Phillip Eades
* John & Hannah are buried together at Old Gorge cemetery, Woodville

Joseph Eades (1860-1892)
Joseph married Hannah Tanner in 1885
Hannah was born at Dry River, Wairarapa to Alfred Tanner (1835-24 Sep 1902) and Alice Nethercott (1838-20 Nov 1902).
* Joseph was a son of William Eades & Sarah Rigby
the known children of Joseph & Hannah
1886 - 1889 Joseph Eades (aged 3)
1887 - 1980 Leah Eades
1890 - 1961 Alfred Eades
1892 - 1977 Jessie Alice Eades (aka Jessamine Eunice)
Joseph died Boxing Day 1892 aged 32 at Karere, near Longburn. Baby Jessie was 7 months old. Cause of death (by verdict of Jury), killed by a fall from a horse while drunk
Hannah next married John Hemming Eades (1872-1951) in 1898
* John was a son of John Hemming Eades & Caroline Sylvia Clemston and a grandson of William Eades & Sarah Rigby
the known children of John & Hannah
1899 - 1976 Robert Ingram Phillip Eades
* Joseph is buried at Terrace End
* Hannah is buried next to John at Old Gorge, Woodville

Owen 'Edward' Eades (1878-1953)
* born in Wellington to William Henry Eades (1835-1895) & Sarah Rigby (1835-1911) Eades (see notes at end). William was an undertaker. They are buried in Karori
Edward married Rosalie 'Rose' Derungs (1882-1965) in 1906
* 1 of 10 known children of Giovanni Antonio 'John' Derungs of Switzerland & Margaret Ann Stephenson of County Kildare, Ireland
the known children of Edward & Rose
1914 - 1947 Margery Edith Eades (+ Gibson)

Richard Allan Eades (1903-1991)
* son of Harry Leslie Eades & Maud Elizabeth Willard
Richard married Sylvia Laurel Mollison (1904-1995) in 1931
* daughter of Thomas Alexander Mollison & Clara Caroline Amy Wright
* born in Dunedin, Richard died in Kerikeri

Richard John Eades (1910-1941)
* son of Thomas Rae Eades & Grace Maud Blackburn of Southland
Richard married Alice May Dickson (1911-) in 1929
* daughter of George Dickson & Alice Annie Bell (1884-1972)
Richard died 28 Aug 1941 aged 31

Robert Ingram Philip 'Curly' Eades (1899-1976)
* son of John Hemming Eades & Hannah Tanner
Robert married Margaret Mabel Godfrey Malcon (1911-1987) in 1933
* born in Waipukurau to Francis Joseph Malcon & Mabel Beatrice Sowry
They had 5 known children. Margaret died Ohakune

Stanley Henry 'Stan' Eades (1886-1926)
* Stan was base born in Upper Hutt, 23 Jan 1886, as Standard Henry Ebden, to Susan Ann Ebden.
Susan married John Hemming Eades (1851-1927), as his 2nd wife, when Stan was 13 months old. His name became Eades
Stan married Ethel Abigail May Joyce/Gentry (1898-) in Auckland 12 Dec 1923
* born in Newcastle, NSW to Sarah Abigail Margaret Joyce (1876-1955) see notes below
the known children of Stanley & Ethel
1924 - 1999 Shirley Abigail Eades (+ Reid, died in Porirua)
Auckland Star, 16 Sep 1927 - IN MEMORIAM
* EADES - In loving memory of my dear husband, Stanley Henry Eades, who departed this life, Sep 16 1926. Inserted by his loving wife and little daughter, Ethel and Shirley Eades
* EADES - In loving memory of our dear son-in-law, Stanley Eades, who departed this life, Sep 16 1926. Ever remembered. Inserted by J. and S. McGaw
NOTES on Stan
* In Aug 1904 at age 18, Standard Eades, alias H. Fisches, alias Harlen was charged with stealing a bicycle from Oates, Lowry & Co., on Cuba Street Wellington. He rode it to Eketahuna (approx 113 miles/180km) and sold it for £5, getting a ten shilling deposit
* In May 1905 at age 19, Standard Henry Eades, with two aliases, was sentenced to one months gaol for stealing sundry articles from a portmanteau at Hukanui railway station
* In June 1907 at age 21, Standard Henry Eades, alias Fishes, alias Harlem, pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a silver watch chain from the bedroom of Charles Trudgeon in Masterton. He needed to buy cigarettes
NOTES on Ethel's mother
Sarah Abigail Margaret Joyce married/partnered Charles William Gentry (1846-1902) in NSW in 1892 and had 3? known children (note large gap between marriage & found births)
* 1898 - Ethel Abigail May Joyce
- married Stan Eades as Gentry
* 1899 - 1959 Rupert Charles Joyce
- Rupert married Ellen Dyer in NZ in 1928 as Gentry AKA McGaw. Death registered as McGaw
* 1901 - 1974 Alice Pearl Joyce
- Alice married Nolan Pierce Edwards in NZ in 1921 as Gentry
Sarah next married James McGaw (1856-1932), from Glasgow, as his 2nd wife, in Auckland 22 Dec 1905 and some of her children took his name. James had first married Ann ? in Sydney and had 3 children. He was a widower in Sydney by 1892 and became a Steward & Chief Steward on NZ-OZ steamers for the Blackball Company, retiring in 1918
* Sarah's 1st husband, Charles William Gentry had first married Rebecca Anderson in Thames, Coromandel, NZ in 1870 and had 5 children (Ethel's step/half siblings)
* 1871 - 1918 William Charles Gentry
- William married Polly Jane Hadden (1875-), daughter of Lewis James Hadden of Taupiri. They had 3 known daughters in Taupiri, Polly Priscilla (1900-), Mary Priscilla (1904-) & Rebecca Jane (1905-1946) Gentry. These daughters married into the Hopa and Paki families of Taupiri & Ngaruawahia. William died in Taupiri during the Flu Pandemic
* 1872 - Mary Martha Gentry
* 1874 - Rebecca Gentry
- Rebecca had a base born daughter in 1895, Edith Anderson Gentry. Rebecca married Lewis James Hadden (1879-1903) in 1900. Son of Lewis James Hadden of Taupiri and brother of her brother William's wife Polly. Lewis died 30 July 1903 at 111 Grey St., Onehunga aged 24, the home of his brother-in-law, William Gentry
* 1876 - Catherine Ann Gentry
* 1878 - 1878 Frederick Gentry (aged 5 days)
Charles William Gentry died 26 June 1902 in Toronto, NSW aged 56
Sarah has a daughter in NZ on 29 Nov 1903, Olive Martha Joyce, (father not recorded, Charles had been dead 5 months - more research required)
James McGaw died 23 April 1932 in Auckland Hospital aged 76
Sarah Abigail Margaret McGaw died in NZ 13 Dec 1955 aged 79

Stephen Charles Perry Eades (1899-1977)
* son of Harry Leslie Eades & Maud Elizabeth Willard
Stephen married Evelyn Woodward (1902-1986) in 1925

Thomas Eades
Thomas married Emily Frances Devlin (nee Griffiths, 1885-1964) in 1928
* daughter of Mark & Frances Griffiths. Emily first married George Henry Devlin (1880-1914) in 1904. Son of Walter George Devlin & Kate Black, a house painter from County Armagh then of Timaru & Oamaru
Otago Witness, 15 April 1914 - DEATH of GEORGE
DEVLIN - On April 11 (suddenly), at his residence, 153 Maitland street, George Henry, beloved husband of Emily Frances Devlin and only son of Walter George Devlin (late of Christchurch); aged 33

Thomas Rae Eades (1883-1949)
* son of John Eades & Mary Rae of Southland, Thomas was a farmer at Edendale, Southland and bred champion stud Friesian Bulls and cattle
Thomas married Grace Maud Blackburn (1886-1913) in 1904
the known children of Thomas & Grace
1904 - Lillian Mary Eades
1905 - 1976 Elizabeth Norma Eades
1906 - Ivy Agnes Eades
1908 - 1909 Henry Eades (aged 6 months)
1910 - 1941 Richard John Eades
1912 - 2000 Susan Lorina Eades
* Grace died 20 April 1913 aged 27 and is buried Grave 25, Block X at Wyndham cemetery
Thomas next married Ellen Payne Challis (1885-1964) in 1916
* daughter of George Challis & Margaret Pollock Smith

Victor Fredrick Eades (1907-1937)
* son of W. H. Eades ?
Victor married Christina MacKenzie Mclean (1912-1934) in 1932
* daughter of James Weir McLean & Emily Sarah Allison Deans who married in Pukerau, Gore
Auckland Star, 8 Jan 1934 - BIRTH
EADES - On January 7, at 23 Jersey Avenue, Mount Albert, to Mr and Mrs V. F. Eades, a son. Both well. No visitors seven days
Auckland Star, 22 Nov 1934 - BEREAVEMENT
EADES - Mr V. F. Eades wishes to thank all kind friends and relatives who sympathised with him in his sad bereavement; also for letters, cards, telegrams and floral emblems received, also nurses, sisters and doctors, Auckland Hospital
Auckland Star, 12 May 1937 - DEATH
EADES - On May 12 (suddenly), Victor Frederick, dearly beloved husband of the late Christina and loving son of Mr and Mrs W. H. Eades, 32 Brunton Road, Mount Eden, aged 30 years.

Wilfred James Eades (1888-1967)
* born in Melbourne, 1 of 12 children of Henry George Eades (1863-1939) & Alice Annie Thwaites (His brother Arthur Thwaites Eades is above)
Wilfred married Catherine Florence Kinson (1893-1979) in 1917
He enlisted in WWI with the Australian Army/Flying Corps 219798, 11th Battalion A.I.F. in Nov 1914. His mother, Alice Annie Eades was in Bendigo.
* Catherine was born in Caramut, Victoria and died in Brunswick, Melbourne
* Wilfred died in Melbourne

William Francis Eades (1885-1970)
* son of James Bryant Eades & Elizabeth Jane Trengrove
William married Edith Lillian Jones (1892-1970) in Petone, 26 Feb 1912
the known children of William & Edith
1913 - Ethel May Eades
1915 - Hilda Dorothy Eades

William Henry Eades (1866-1960)
* born in Lower Hutt to William Eades & Sarah Rigby
William married Mary Campbell (1865-1928) in 1885
* born in Lanarkshire, Scotland to George & Jane Campbell
the known children of William & Mary
1886 - 1971 George William Campbell Eades
1888 - 1888 Mary Eades (aged 1 day)
1890 - 1958 Sarah Jane Eades
1892 - 1960 Albert Colin 'Chum' Eades
1899 - 1967 Ivy Winifred Eades
William & Mary died in Wanganui

William Henry Eades (1870-1924)
William married Jane Donovan in 1895
the known children of William & Jane
1895 - 1917 William Henry Eades
- Driver 7/1841, 9th Reinforcements, Canterbury Mounted Rifles, C Squadron NZEF, died of his wounds in Belgium 18 Oct 1917. His parents were then living at 20 Frederick St, Tawa, Wellington
1896 - Edith May Eades
1897 - 1926 Francis Edward 'Frank' Eades (buried Karori with father)
1898 - 1899 Irene Doris Eades (aged 8 months, buried Karori, with 1 hour old sibling)
1899 - 1981 Florence Eades
1901 - Francis John Eades
1903 - 1903 unnamed baby Eades (died aged 1 hour & buried Plot 64C, ROM CATH at Karori with sister Irene)
* William died 13 Sep 1924 aged 54 and is buried Plot 528 G at Karori with son Frank

William Henry Eades (1884-1949)
* son of John Eades & Caroline Sylvia Clemston
William married Sophie Maud Ehlers (1882-1946) in 1911
* daughter of John Rudolph Ehlers & Agnes Gertrude Blanchard. Sister of Rudolph John Ehlers who was the second husband of Hilda May Eades. Sophie first married John Samuel Duncan (1880-1966) in 1901
the known children of Henry & Sophie
1913 - 1913 Alice Maud Eades (aged 4 days)
1916 - 1992 Henry Claude Raymond Eades
NOTE Henry Eades informed the police in Eltham, in March 1910, that John Samuel Duncan had broken a pane of glass in a house on Neill road, the property of Mr Corbett

Alice Maud Eades (1891-1948)
* daughter of John Eades & Susan Ann Ebden
Alice married Edward Martin Juel Lemberg (1884-1959) in 1911
* born in Denmark to Klaus Wilhelmsen Lemberg (1848-1927) & Hanna Johansson (1859-1940) (both buried Mangaoranga, Eketahuna)
the known children of Alice & Edward
1914 - 1993 Thelma Mavis Lemberg (+ Dawson Patterson)
* Alice died 26 Jan 1948
* Edward died 27 Nov 1959
- they are buried together at Kelvin Grove

Anna Maria Eades (1856-1936)
* born in Birmingham to William Eades & Sarah Rigby
Anna married Thomas Baxter (1853-1939) in Wellington in 1875
* born in Lancashire to James Baxter & Elizabeth Holme (nee Woodward)
the known children of Anna & Thomas
1876 - 1935 James Thomas Baxter (+ Elizabeth Jane Bolton)
1878 - 1950 Elizabeth Anne 'Tot' Baxter (+ John Blackhall Bennie)
1880 - 1968 Leah Baxter (+ John William Snowden)
1882 - 1963 Elsie 'Halsie' Baxter (+ Tom Nicholas Snowdon)
1884 - 1918 Arthur Baxter (+ Emma Jane Richardson)
1886 - William Baxter
1888 - 1935 Alice Martha Baxter (+ Charles Clifton Lister)
1890 - 1890 Ellen Baxter (as newborn)
1892 - 1967 Robert Baxter
1895 - 1978 Ernest Baxter
1897 - 1988 Inez Baxter (+ Ernest Alfred Willey)
* Anna died 20 Feb 1936 in Ellerslie, Auckland
* Thomas died 27 Oct 1939 in Auckland Hospital
Auckland Star 28 Oct 1939
The death occurred at the Auckland hospital of Mr Thomas Baxter, pioneer settler of Rowan. Mr and Mrs Baxter and their family who came from Sanson, settled at Rowan about 53 years ago on a farm, then in standing bush which they felled and grassed. Mrs Baxter predeceased her husband three years ago. The surviving members of their family of 11 children are Messrs William, Ernest and Robert Baxter, all of Auckland and Mesdames E. Bennie and E. Willy of Auckland, T. Snowden of Te Kuiti and J. W. Snowden of Inaha. Two sons and two daughters predeceased their parents

Anne Maria Eades (1823-1902)
Anne married James Snyder Browne (1821-1885) in 1876
Poverty Bay Herald, 26 Aug 1902 - DEATH of ANNE
BROWNE - At Gisborne, on August 26, Anne Maria Browne, relict of the late James 'Snyder' Browne, aged 70 years. The funeral will leave her late residence, Lowe street, at 3p.m., on Thursday, for Makaraka Cemetery
* The Greymouth Evening Star was the second newspaper to be established in Greymouth, although it was Greymouth’s first daily newspaper. Two important figures in the early life of the Star were James Snyder Browne and his son Montagu Lindsay Browne who is named as the sole proprietor of the newspaper in its issue of 1 June 1869. James Snyder Browne was one of the founders of Hokitika’s Evening Star and was later involved with a number of other newspapers, including being editor of the New Zealand Herald.
* There is a scrapbook consisting largely of newspaper cuttings of articles written by James Browne (1821-1885) under the nom de plume Snyder... Reminiscences in the life of a colonial journalist, My sentiments and other contributions (a colour portrait of James is mounted at the back of the scrapbook - go to link)
Under the pseudonym of "Snyder", Browne for many years contributed lively, facile commentaries on colonial life which were syndicated throughout New Zealand. About 1870 "Snyder" published some thirty five articles entitled, "Reminiscences in the life of a colonial journalist" based on some lectures given at the Mechanics Institute in Auckland, which cover his memory of personalities and events in Tasmania and the Victorian gold-fields, Otago, the West Coast and other parts of New Zealand. These cuttings are mounted inside the scrapbook.
... James "Snyder" Browne arrived at the Otago gold-fields in 1861 by way of Brazil, Tasmania and the Victorian gold-fields. On the gold-fields he took up journalism where his acid pen made him a favourite correspondent and columnist throughout New Zealand, and he edited newspapers on the West Coast and for a brief time at Whakamarina in Marlborough. Browne later edited the 'New Zealand Herald' in Auckland followed by a term as proprietor of the 'Coromandel Mail'. From about 1873 until 1878 Browne was editor of the 'Poverty Bay Standard'. When he retired from active journalism he set up business in Gisborne as an auctioneer and commission agent. He died in Gisborne on 7 Nov 1885
* James & Anne are buried Plot 62, Block MKA, Makaraka

Annie Caroline Eades
Annie married John Sutherland in 1878
- nothing known

Doreen Azeala Eades (1916-2015)
* daughter of Alfred Eades & Eliza Le Comte
Doreen married Eric James Ireland (1913-1973) in 1934
* son of Arthur Joseph Ireland & Elizabeth Hannah Mason

Dorothy 'Annie' Eades (1875-1962)
* daughter of William Henry & Sarah Eades (see notes at end)
Annie married George Albert Prince (1879-1954) in 1901
the known children of Dorothy & George
1903 - Clifford William Prince
* George died 13 Aug 1954 aged 75 in Rangimarie Home. He is buried at Te Henui
(Charles Silver Carley??)

Edith Eades
Edith married Robert Reid 3 Feb 1885
- nothing known

Edith May Eades (1896-1925)
* daughter of William Henry Eades & Jane Donovan
Edith married Albert Edwin Randolph 'Bert' Collins (1890-1918) in 1917
* son of Robert Collins & Emily 'Kate' Johnston Yorston (Kate was born in London. Her mother was Catherine Yorston who married Alexander Johnston and later Wilhem Thompson in NZ. Kate's father, Alexander Johnston, was the Superintendent of Wellington Hospital)
Evening Post, 3 Dec 1918 - DEATH of ALBERT
COLLINS - On the 28th November 1918, at St John's Temporary Hospital, Albert Edwin (Bert), dearly beloved youngest son of Kate and the late Robert Collins, 12 Donald-McLean-street; aged 28 years. Deeply regretted
Edith next married Frederick Huntly Peterson in 1920
* son of W. W. Peterson of 44 King St., Newtown, Wellington. Served in WWI as Trooper 11/1951, Wellington Mounted Rifles, 8th Reinforcements

Ethel May Eades (1887-1967)
* born in Wellington, a daughter of James Bryant Eades & Elizabeth Jane Trengrove
Ethel married Henry Colwell (1887-1957) in Wellington 1908
the known children of Ethel & Henry
1908 - 1981 Phyllis May Colwell
1909 - James Bryant Henry Colwell
* Ethel & Henry were cremated at Karori

Eunice Ellen Eades (1898-)
* daughter of Frank James Eades & Ellen Hunter
Eunice married Norman Gordon Lindsey (1896-1969) in 1923
* son of Robert Woodliffe Lindsey & Mary Gordon of Gisborne. Norman served as Rifleman 59211, 30th Reinforcements, H Company NZEF, embarking 8 Dec 1917. He is on the Hastings Districts War Memorial/Roll of Honour
* Eunice was granted a decree nisi in Oct 1927 on the grounds of Norman's desertion
* Norman next married Charlotte McElney in 1932

Florence Eades (1887-1943)
* daughter of John Eades & Mary Rae
Florence married Alexander McMillan (1876-1941) in 1911
* Florence is buried at Edendale cemetery, Southland
the known children of Florence & Alexander
1912 - Mary McMillan
1915 - 2011 Elizabeth Michieson McMillan (+ Sinclair)

Florence Eades (1899-1981)
* daughter of William Eades & Jane Donovan
Florence married Thomas Brooklyn Morris (1896-1959) in 1922
* born in Brooklyn, Wellington to Thomas Charles Morris & Helen Maude Randell, Thomas served in WWI as Private 63642, 32nd Reinforcements, Auckland Infantry Regiment, A Company. His next of kin was his mother at 25 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, Wellington

Frances Felton Eades (1840-1892)
* eldest daughter of William Eades of H.M. Customs, Lyttelton
Frances married Jacob John Kissel (1844-1917) in 1871
* Jacob was born in Bavaria, Germany
the known children of Frances & Jacob
1873 - 1952 Edith Mary Wilhelmina Eades 'Edie' Kissel
1875 - 1954 Wilhelm Valentine John George Kissel
- Wilhelm died in NSW
The Akaroa Mail, 16 Feb 1892 - DEATH
We regret to record the death of Mrs Kissel, who was so long a resident in Akaroa. She has had a long and severe illness
* Jacob next married Sarah Maxwell New (Sarah was 25 & Jacob was 50) in Kaiapoi in 1895 and had 4 known children

Frances Prudence 'Fanny' Eades (1879-1972)
* daughter of James Bryant Eades & Elizabeth Jane Trengrove
Fanny married William Edmund Tiller (1875-1942) in Wellington 4 Oct 1900
the known children of Frances & William
1901 - 1986 Violet Elizabeth Mary Tiller
1903 - 1995 Leslie James Henry Tiller
1905 - 1985 Vera Maud Florence Tiller
1915 - 2006 Charles Bryant Tiller
* William died 28 June 1942 and buried Te Awamutu
New Zealand Herald, 29 June 1942 - DEATH
TILLER - On June 28, at the Waikato Hospital, William Edmund, beloved husband of Fanny Prudence Tiller, of Pukeatua, late of Wellington; aged 67.
* Fanny died 28 Dec 1972 in Rotorua aged 93

Gladys Millicent Eades (1908-1988)
* daughter of Frank James Eades & Ellen Hunter
Gladys married William Leslie Alwyn Jane (1909-1990) in 1931
* son of Henry Betson Jane & Minnie Lucy Liner
Gladys & William are buried at Wakapuaka, Nelson

Hannah Eades (nee Tanner)
* daughter of Alfred Tanner & Alice Nethercott
Hannah first married Joseph Eades above
Hannah married John Hemming Eades (1872-1951) in 1898
* son of John Hemming Eades & Caroline Sylvia Clemston (see children & comments on Joseph Eades)
the known children of Hannah & John
1899 - 1976 Robert Ingram Phillip Eades

Hilda May Eades (1889-1970)
* daughter of John Eades & Susan Ann Ebden
Hilda married Arthur Hooper (1881-1919) in 1911
* son of Robert & Emily Hooper
the known children of Arthur & Hilda
1913 - 2011 Ivy May Hooper (+ North)
* Arthur was a road contractor. He died 17 July 1919 aged 38 at Hukonui, Manawatu.
Hilda next married Rudolph John Ehlers (1880-1963) in 1922, son of John Rudolph Ehlers & Agnes Gertrude Blanchard. Brother of Sophie Maud Ehlers who married William Henry Eades

Isabella Eades (1885-)
* daughter of John Eades & Mary Rae
Isabella married William Rencastle in 1911
- nothing known

Ivy Winifred Eades (1899-1967)
* born in Featherston to William Henry Eades & Mary Campbell
Ivy married Robert Leonard Wainhouse (1896-1933) in 1919
* son of John Wainhouse & Eliza Westbrook Street
Ivy next married Arthur Robert James (1906-1969) in 1934
* son of George James & Annie Grey
Ivy next married D'Arcy Royce Nesbit (1898-1952)

Jessie Alice (aka Jessamine Eunice) Eades (1892-1977)
* born in Karere to Joseph Eades & Hannah Tanner
Jessie married John Singers (1882-1968) in 1908
* born in Dundee, Scotland to Joseph Francis Singers & Henrietta Laing Allen (nee Matheson)
the known children of Jessie & John
1908 - 1981 Mervyn Drysdale Singers (+ Doris O'Hagan)
1909 - 1994 Maud Kathleen Singers (+ Reginald Cave Hurst)
1911 - 1997 Catherine Singers (+ Karl Frederick Bismark Retter)
1913 - 1989 John William 'Jock' Singers (+ Kathleen Dorothy Dalzell)
1915 - 2013 Isabel Constance Singers (+ John Andrew Pryde)
1918 - 2005 Marjorie Jean Singers (+ James William Turley)
* John died in Dannevirke 27 July 1968
* Jessie died in Pahiatua 31 July 1977
- they are buried Old Gorge cemetery, Woodville

Julia Maud Louisa Eades (1881-1925)
* daughter of James Bryant Eades & Elizabeth Jane Trengrove
Julia married Edward Owen Poyntz Burne (1877-1951) in 1906
* Edward was born in Queensland. They moved to NSW and Edward enlisted to serve in WWI from Liverpool NSW. Julia was his next of kin at that time. Edward remarried in 1928 at Randwick, NSW to Violet Maud Edwards

Kathleen Eades (1865-1914)
* daughter of William & Sarah Eades (see notes at end)
Kathleen married John Charles James in 1889
the known children of Kathleen & John
1890 - 1930 Urba Edith James
1893 - Laurie James

Leah Eades (1862-1932)
* born in Lower Hutt to William Eades & Sarah Rigby
Leah married Edwin Enoch Godber (1860-1898) in 1882
* born in Melbourne to Enoch Godber & Mary Dixon
the known children of Leah & Edwin
1883 - 1947 William Enoch Godber
1885 - 1943 Alice May Godber (+ Clarence Rands)
1888 - 1914 Elsia Leah Godber (+ John Wyatt Newell)
1890 - 1968 Ethel Mary Godber (+ Sydney George Bland)
1896 - 1973 Ellen Gertrude 'Nellie' Godber (+ John Ashworth Scott)
- Ellen & John are buried in Feilding
Edwin Enoch Godber was a brother of Albert Percy Godber (1873-1949), train enthusiast, worked at the Petone Railway Workshops, Deputy Superintendent Fireman at Petone and well known amateur NZ photographer who has preserved a great deal of NZ early history with his photos. Regularly used timelapse cameras (early 1900s) and is featured in a great many of his own photos
* Edwin Enoch Godber was the superintendent of the local Wesleyan Sunday school, manager of a branch of Ballinger Brothers and took a great interest in church matters. He had an attack of the flu which later developed into pleuro-pneumonia and he died 17 Oct 1898 in Richmond St., Petone, aged 38
* Leah next married Freddy Lockwood (1868-1945) in 1900. Freddy was on the jury in Feb 1905 in the Murder Trial Mystery of James William Ellis (alias John McKenzie) who murdered Leonard Reeve Collinson at Cole's Creek, Te Awaite station, near Martinborough, in Feb 1904. Leah died 6 Sep 1932 in Bay St., Petone aged 70
Freddy died 10 Dec 1945 at Lower Hutt Hospital aged 76

Leah Eades (1887-1980)
born Palmerston North to Joseph Eades & Hannah Tanner
Leah married Gordon Peters Longden Carrington (1869-1948) in 1906
the known children of Leah & Gordon
1907 - 1949 Basil Prometheus Carrington
1909 - 1999 Inez Salome Carrington
1910 - 1983 Dorothea Naomi Carrington
1912 - 1996 Gordon Llyod Carrington

Margaret Eades (1869-1918)
* daughter of William Henry & Sarah Eades (see notes at end)
Margaret married Sydenham James 'Sydney' Flewellyn (1860-1916) in 1887
* born in Watchet, Somerset to James Flewellen (note spelling, 1830-1898), a master carpenter & Sarah Jane Langdon (1835-1899), a dressmaker, who married in 1853, also emigrated to NZ (with 3 of their sons) in the 1870s and settled in Glenfield, Auckland where James built the local Methodist Church
* Sydney spent the greater part of his adult life in Wellington working as a compositor for the Evening Post, before turning his hand to the hospitality business. He and Margaret owned and operated Hotels around NZ
the known children of Margaret & Sydenham
1888 - 1929 Clifford James Flewellyn (born Taranaki St, Wellington, served as Lance Corporal 3/1655 with the NZ Medical Corps, died in Eastbourne aged 41)
1890 - 1952 Irene Gladys Flewellyn (+ Harold James Tisdale Pollock)
1894 - 1940 Dorothy Flewellyn
New Zealand Herald, 28 Aug 1916 - OBITUARY
Mr S. J. Flewellyn, an ex-resident of Masterton, died at his residence, King's View Road, Mount Eden, yesterday morning at the age of 57 years. Mr Fllewelyn was for some time licensee of the Royal Hotel, Auckland, but retired about five months ago. Mr Flewellyn kept the Club Hotel in Wellington. He was also well-known in hotel circles in Nelson
NOTES Sydney (described as an affable urbane gentleman) also had ...
* the rebuilt Lyttelton Hotel in Christchurch
* the Clarendon Hotel in Christchurch
* the Lady Chavannes Hotel in Wanganui
* the Ship Hotel in Wellington opposite the Port Post Office in 1903
* the Central Hotel in Wellington 1908 to 1909
* Royal Hotel, Victoria Street West, Auckland
* on the committee to for the Auckland Provincial Licensed Victuallers Association in 1915

Margery Edith Eades (1914-1947)
* daughter of Owen 'Edward' Eades & Roaslie 'Rose' Derungs
Margery married William Guy Gibson (1912-1990) in 1935

Martha Eades (1843-1926)
* born in Birmingham to William Eades & Sarah Rigby
Martha married Henry Bolton (1836-1881) in 1862
* son of Frederick William Bolton & Elizabeth Gibbs
the known children of Martha & Henry
1863 - Cecilia Jane Bolton
1864 - 1886 Alfred Bolton
1865 - Elizabeth Bolton
1867 - Louisa Bolton
1868 - 1879 Frederick William Bolton (aged 16 months)
1869 - 1957 Henry William Bolton
1871 - 1968 Annie Maria Bolton
1874 - 1957 Ada Bolton
1879 - Martha Bolton
1881 - 1882 John Llewellyn Bolton
1882 - Florence Dinah Bolton (+ Nicolaus)

Martha Louisa Eades (1877-1913)
* daughter of John Hemming Eades & Caoline Sylvia Clemston
Martha married Henry Edward Collett (1870-1921) in 1895
* son of Thomas George Collett & Mary Ann Russell
the known children of Martha & Henry
1895 - 1895 Ernest Collett (aged 2 weeks)
1896 - 1985 Gladys Myrtle Collett (born Wellington)
1901 - 1987 John Clemston Collett (born Upper Hutt)
1903 - 1983 George William Collett (born Eketahuna)
Martha & John are buried Owhango cemetery, Taumarunui

Mary Ann Eades (1858-1950)
* daughter of William Eades & Sarah Rigby
Mary married John Calver Reycraft (1854-1903) in 1875
* born in maidstone, Kent to John Reycraft & Naomi Greening
* John died 15 April 1903 in Beaconsfield, Tasmania
the known children of Mary & John
1876 - 1952 Florence Maria Reycraft
1878 - 1951 John Harry Eades Reycraft (born Lower Hutt + Alice Penelope Annie Eleanor Woodman, died in Beaconsfield, Tasmania)
1879 - Ethel Charters Reycraft
1882 - 1883 May Ruth Reycraft
1883 - 1886 Ellen Millicent Reycraft
1885 - 1918 William Calver Reycraft (born in Rakaia, NZ, Private 3126 AIF, 26th Battalion, 7th Reinforcement, from Brisbane, killed in France 9 Aug 1918)
1888 - 1917 Cecil Layton Reycraft (born in Victoria, Australia, Private 7295 16th Australian Infantry Battalion, from Tasmania, died in Belgium 7 Aug 1917)

Minnie May Eades (1879-1973)
Minnie married Walter Watson (1882-1957) in Christchurch 12 May 1915
* son of Walter Watson (1843-1934) & Margaret Lamond Falconer (1841-1917)
the known children of Minnie & Walter
1917 - Ethel Jean Watson

Norma Elizabeth Eades (1905-1976)
* daughter of Thomas Rae Eades & Grace Maud Blackburn
Norma married James Weir in 1926

Phyllis Irene May Eades (1914-1989)
* daughter of George William Campbell Eades & Mary Lucy Robinson
Phyllis married Lloyd Herbert Lawrence (1915-1986) in 1937
* son of Stanley James Lawrence & Margaret Jane Bradley

Ruby Edith Eades (1894-1974)
* daughter of Frank James Eades & Ellen Hunter
Ruby married William Antony Reed in 1919

Sarah Jane Eades (1890-1958)
* born Featherston, daughter of William Henry Eades & Mary Campbell
Sarah married Henry Alfred Mainwaring (1887-1968) in 1910
* son of Henry Arthur Mainwaring & Mary Ann Amelia Death
the known children of Sarah & Henry
1911 - 1982 Percy Henry Arthur Mainwaring
1913 - 1980 Alan Alfred George Mainwaring
1915 - 1991 Raymond Colin James Mainwaring
1917 - Jean Patricia Mary Mainwaring
1923 - 2013 Mavis Winifred Mainwaring

Susan Lorena Eades (1912-2000)
* daughter of Thomas Rae Eades & Grace Blackburn
Susan married Alfred George Ford (1909-1978) in 1934
* son of George Ford & Florence Emma Buxton
Susan remarried to ? McGill

Sylvia Caroline Eades (1885-1921)
* daughter of John Hemming Eades & Caroline Sylvia Clemston. Her mother Caroline died at the birth
Sylvia married Frederick Ivo Greer (1882-1958) in 1902, mechanic of Johnsonville
* son of Hugh Lamont Greer & Eliza Mudgway
Sylvia is buried St John's churchyard, Johnsonville
Frederick was cremated at Karori
the known children of Sylvia & Frederick
1903 - 1965 Ivo William Alfred Greer (+ Evelyn Margery Swindells + Ida Margery Douglas)
1905 - 1977 Claude Ransworth Greer (+ Edna May Gaudie)
1906 - 1907 Sylvia Caroline Greer (aged 5 months, buried St John's Johnsonville)
1909 - 1986 William Stanford Greer (+ Iris Eileen Duffy)
1911 - 2005 Iris Amelia Greer (+ Arthur Ernest Fitzgerald)
1913 - 1988 Frederick Hazren Greer (+ Ethel Rose ?)

There were 2 William Eades who died in 1895 in Wellington and whose wives were named Sarah

* This William Henry Eades (1835-1895), was from Croydon, Surrey. William Henry married Sarah ? (1835-1911) in 1860, had 5(?) children, arrived in NZ on the Cartvale in 1874, had 2 more children in Wellington (Annie & Owen Edward Eades), was a builder/undertaker with the firm Eades & Flyger and died at home in Cuba street 1 May 1895 aged 60.
the known children of William & Sarah
.. more added as found ..

1863 - 1939 Frank James Eades, publican in Nelson
- Frank married Ellen Hunter
1865 - 1914 Kathleen Eades
-Kathleen married John Charles James
* 1869 - 1918 Margaret Eades
- Margaret married Sydney Flewellyn
* 1871 - 1924 William Henry Eades
- William married Jane Donovan
* 1875 - 1962 Dorothy 'Annie' Eades
- Annie married George Albert Prince
* 1878 - 1953 Owen 'Edward' Eades
- Edward married Rosalie 'Rose' Derungs
Dominion, 14 Jan 1911 - SARAH's OBITUARY
Mrs Eades, relict of the late Mr W. M.(sic) Eades, of Wellington, and a resident of this city for over 40 years, died at Auckland last night. The deceased, who was 75 years of age, leaves three sons and three daughters - Mrs S. J. Flewellyn and Mrs James of Auckland, Mrs Geo. Prince of Wellington, Messrs Frank Eades of Nelson and Messrs Wm. and Edward Eades, of Wellington
* William & Sarah are buried together Plot 3A at Karori

* This William Eades (1823-1895), was from Staffordshire. He was a edge-tool maker/ William married Sarah Rigby (1823-1885), arrived in NZ on the Alma in 1857, had 13 children and died in Wellington Hospital 8 Oct 1895 aged 76. They are buried at Lower Hutt
* William Eades was born 18 Jan 1820 in Staffordshire, England to William Eades (1792-1967) & Anna Maria Powell (1793-1875)
* Sarah Rigby was born in Staffordshire, England to Joseph Rigby (1801-) & Sarah Jenkins (1806-)
the known children of William & Sarah
* 1843 - 1926 Martha Eades
- born Birmingham, Martha married Henry Bolton in NZ 1862
* 1844 - 1948 Joseph William Eades
- died age 4 in England
* 1849 - 1849 Elizabeth Eades
- died aged 11 days in England
* 1850 - 1851 Diana Eades
- died aged 4 months in England
* 1851 - 1927 John Hemming Eades
- born England, died Auckland
* 1854 - 1856 Charles Eades
- died aged 2 in England
* 1856 - 1936 Anna Maria Eades
- born England, died in NZ
* 1858 - 1950 Mary Ann Eades
- born in Wellington
* 1860 - 1892 Joseph Eades
- born in the Hutt Valley, killed in accident, Karere
* 1861 - 1932 Leah Eades
- born Lower Hutt, died Petone
* 1866 - 1960 William Henry Eades
- born in Lower Hutt, died in Wanganui
William was a Blacksmith & Tool Maker. He and Sarah arrived in NZ, from Birmingham, on the Alma in May 1857 and first lived in the Waiwhetu area of Lower Hutt. One of his first jobs in NZ was to assist in building the first flour mill engine for William Willcox. William lived in the Hutt Valley.
New Zealand Mail, 11 Oct 1895 - William's Obituary
Another of the old identities, Mr Wm Eades passed away quietly at the Hospital on Monday morning at the age of 76. The deceased, who was an edge tool maker, was in the employ of Wainsbury, of Staffordshire. He assisted in making the wheels for the Queen's first railway carriages. He arrived here 38 years ago in the ship Alma, and he assisted in putting up the first flour mill engine for the late Mr Wm. Willcox. He resided at the Hutt for many years and then became blind. He married Miss Sarah Rigby, by whom he had 13 children, and strange to say, she died exactly 10 years ago from yesterday. Six children are living - four daughters and two sons. They are - Mrs Baxter, of Palmerston North; Mrs Godber, Petone; Mrs Raecroft, Tasmania; and Mrs Bolton of Wellington; Messrs J. Eades of Mungaroa; and W. H. Eades of Fernside, Featherston. After the death of his wife the late Mr Eades lived with his daughter, Mrs Bolton. The deceased leaves 51 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. His death will be regretted by a large number of friends both at the Hutt and in Wellington.

1 comment(s), latest 2 years, 1 month ago

James ROBIESON & Eliza Percy RENALL, Masterton NZ

James ROBIESON (1839-1927) was born in London, a son of George & Elizabeth Robieson. He married Eliza Percy RENALL (1845-1887) in Masterton, NZ in 1863
Wellington Independent, 16 April 1863 - MARRIAGE
ROBIESON-RENALL - April 11, at Masterton, Wairarapa by the Rev W. Ronaldson, Mr J. Robieson, of Carterton, only son of the late Mr George Robieson, builder, Denmark-street, Soho, London, to Eliza Percy, eldest daughter of Alfred William Renall, Esq., J.P. M.G.A.

* Eliza was 1 of 13 children of Alfred William Renall (1813-1902) from Maldon Essex (M.P. of the Hutt Valley, built Wellington's biggest flour mill at Taita and twice Mayor of Masterton) and of his second wife, Eliza Percy (1825-1878) from Sherborne, Dorset, both are buried in Masterton
* James came to NZ as a 12 year old on the barque Eden, arriving in Wellington 28 Nov 1850, with his sister Jean (aka Jane) and her husband Charles Rooking Carter
NOTE Adele Pentony-Graham, well known Carterton Taphophile, was kind enough to message me the info that the name Robieson was originally Robertson - that when Jean Robieson married Charles Rooking Carter at St James Church Piccadilly on 6 March 1850, her name was written on the Certificate as Jane Robertson

the 13 children of James & Eliza
. . 1 . . 1864 - 1959 George 'Alfred' Charles Robieson
born 30 Jan 1864, at Mount View, Carterton
married Ida Emily Mabel Hawk (1872-1960) in 1895
* Ida was a daughter of Henry Joseph McLeod Hawk & Mary Smith
Wairarapa Daily Times, 21 Nov 1895 - MARRIAGE
A wedding of some interest to you in the Wairarapa, took place at St Paul's pro-Cathedral, Thorndon, on Monday last, when Mr George A. C. Robieson, the popular Relieving Officer of the Wellington District Railways, was married to Miss Ida E. M. Hawk, of Wellington. The bride was attended by Miss Edith Hawk, her sister, and by Miss Ethel Pauling, a cousin; and the ceremony at the Church, where at only the more intimate relatives and friends of the young couple had assembled, was conducted by the Rev. Mr Sprott. Subsequently the wedding party adjourned to a light dejeuner at the residence of the bride's mother in Tinakori Road, from whence the newly-united pair, with many good wishes, set out by the afternoon Manawatu train en route for Auckland and the Hot Lakes, where the honeymoon will be spent midst the delightful surroundings of that charming tourists' paradise. Mr Robieson, the bridegroom, it should be mentioned, is the eldest son of an esteemed pastoralist up your way - Mr James Robieson, of "Cavelands" He is also the senior grandson of the respected and genial old identity, Mr A. W. Renall, of Masterton
On 21 Oct 1892 George was gazetted a Registrar of Birth, Death & Marriages for Featherston district
In Jan 1894 he was the relieving station-master on the Wellington-Eketahuna line when, running late to catch a train, he was riding his bicycle at top speed when he came into a collision with a plough that some 'stupid bucolic' had left in the middle of the road. The result was that he performed a double somersault and was much injured. He picked himself up and found his bike a miniature heap of ruins
On 22 Nov 1895 George was living in Mauriceville when he was appointed a Registrar of Marriages
In 1896 he was relieving station-master in Featherston while Mr Smith took a holiday. He was also gazetted in Featherston to be Deputy Registrar of Marriages, Births & Deaths
* By 1919 they were living at Telford Terrace, Oriental Bay
the 3 known children of George & Ida
* 1896 - 1980 Guy Hamilton Robieson (In 1919 he became engaged to Philippa Margaret Brind 'Peggy' Kendall, daughter of Dr Henry William Martindale Kendall of Wellington, the same time that sister Doris became engaged to Lawrence Foster. Peggy married William Beaumont Fisher in 1921. Guy married Linda Catherine Amon in 1926). Guy was Bombardier 50522, 29th Reinforcements, NZ Field Artillery, NZEF
* 1898 - Doris Edith Robieson (Dux of St Catherine's, Kilbirnie in 1912. Married Lawrence Dallington Foster. In 1930 they were living in Sydney when sister-in-law Linda (wife of Guy) went over for a visit)
* 1910 - 1993 Phyllis Maude Robieson (became engaged to Wilfred Fortune of Hawker St, Wellington in 1931. He married Emily Edith Zoe La Trobe in 1933)
George died 2 Jan 1959 aged 95.
* Ida died 25 June 1960 aged 88.
they were cremated at Karori

. . 2 . . 1865 - 1936 Maude Elizabeth Lane Robieson
born 5 April 1865, Mount View, Carterton
Maude was a member, and on the committee of, the District Nursing Guild of St John. She spent her time nursing the sick and the poor. In 1904 she received a First Aid Certificate from the St John Ambulance Association. In 1916 she was the First Nursing Officer of the Wellington Nursing Division. In 1921 she was the superintendent
married Albert Stace (1858-1934) of Porirua, in 1924
* Albert was a son of Thomas Hollis Stace & Amelia Sophia Lucas.
Evening Post, 28 June 1924 - MARRIAGE
STACE-ROBIESON - On the 4th June, 1924, at St Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Wellington, by the Ven. Archdeacon, A. M. Johnson, M.A., Albert Stace to Maude Elizabeth Lane, eldest daughter of Mr James Robieson, Masterton; both of Wellington
* Albert had first married Lucy Cornford (1862-1896) in 1887 and had 3 children
Evening Post, 13 June 1887 - MARRIAGE
STACE-CORNFORD - On 4th June, 1887, at St Mark's Church, Wellington, by the Rev R. Coffey, Albert, fourth son of Thomas H. Stace, Pahautanui, to Lucy, youngest daughter of William Cornford, Makara
Evening Post, 11 May 1936 - MAUDE's OBITUARY
The news of the death of Mrs Albert Stace, of Pitt Street, Wadestown, will be received with sincere regret by a large circle of friends, specially those of the District Nursing Guild and St John Ambulance Association. Mrs Stace had not been in good health for a brief while and went into hospital recently, passing away on Saturday morning. Mrs Stace was the daughter of the late Mr James Robieson, of Masterton and the widow of the late Mr Albert Stace, and has been resident in Wellington for a considerable number of years ... (more at above link)
buried Karori, Wellington

. . 3 . . 1866 - 1952 Alice Jane Eliza Robieson
born 27 July 1866, at Mount View, Carterton
married Pierce Charles Freeth (1869-1931) of Silverstream (previously editor of the Nepean Times, N.S.W.), in Masterton 2 March 1892
* Pierce was a son of Joseph John Freeth & Mary Ellen Cotter & brother of Frances Louisa Freeth who married Alice's brother Frederick
Wairarapa Daily Times, 4 March 1892 - A HAPPY EVENT
An event in which a great deal of interest was centered, notwithstanding that its celebration was carried out in a somewhat unostentatious manner, took place at Masterton on Wednesday morning. We refer to the marriage of Miss Robieson, daughter of Mr James Robieson, of Cavelands, Masterton, to Mr P. C. Freeth, editor of the Nepean Times, N.S.W., and son of Mr J. J. Freeth, Clerk of the R.M. Court, Wairarapa ... she was attended by six bridesmaids: the Misses May, Eunice, Jane and Eliza Robieson (sisters of the bride) and Misses Renall and M. Freeth ... (more at link)
known children of Alice & Pierce
* 1892 - 1974 Alice Kathleen Jessie 'Katie' Freeth (+ Frederick Leslie Bowron)
* 1895 - 1957 Pierce Hugo Napier Freeth (+ Margaret Brown)
* 1896 - 1990 Vincent Hubert Freeth (+ Henrietta Mary Patricia Caesar)
* 1900 - 1988 Una Miro Aotea Freeth (+ Moss)
* 1903 - 1903 Norman Freeth (new born)
* living in Opawa, Christchurch in at least 1914, see sister May Esther above

. . 4 . . 1868 - 1952 Willie Hewlett Percy Robieson
born 13 May 1868, at Motuhaku, near Masterton
Dominion, 30 April 1908 - BEST MAN
This has been a busy week for weddings in Masterton. On Tuesday at Knox Church, Miss Jessie Agnes Hood, eldest daughter of Mr D. Hood, of the Railway Department, was married to Mr C. O. Sander, of Cross Creek railway staff. In the same church on the following day Mr Thomas Carlyle Irving, fourth son of Mr Irving, of Invercargill, was married to Miss Blanche Angela Dorset, fourth daughter of the late Mr John Dorset, of Wellington. The bride was attended by three bridesmaids, Miss F. Dorset, Miss Iris Dorset and Miss Mary Athya. Mr W. H. Robieson was best man. The Rev A. T. Thompson performed the ceremony and after the wedding a reception was held at Mrs Dorset's residence in Renall Street
married Florence Esther Kay (1889-1981) in 1912
* Florence was a daughter of John Kay & Elizabeth Lochead Ross
NZ Times, 11 March 1912 - A NAPIER WEDDING
A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the Cathedral, Napier, on Thursday last, when Miss F. Kay, of Ormond, Poverty Bay, was married to Mr W. H. Robieson, of Clevelands(sic, Cavelands), Wairarapa. The bride, who was given away by her brother, wore a charming gown of ivory crepe de chine over satin duchesse. Her veil was of embroidered tulle caught with a spray of orange blossom and she carried a sheaf of white asters and bouvardias, and an ivory prayer book. Miss Winnie Kay, as bridesmaid, wore a frock of pale rose voile over charmeuse of the same shade and carried a bouquet of pink bouvardias and Michaelmas daisies. Her hat was a large picture shape trimmed with shaded roses of pink and heliotrope. Mr Norman Robieson was the groomsman, and the guests were limited to the immediate relatives of the bride and bridegroom. Mrs Kay, the bride's mother, wore a tailored costume of dark royal blue cloth with a stylish toque of the same shade, finished with an aigrette of small heliotrope roses. Mrs P. C. Freeth (nee Robieson) wore a smart cloth costume of reseda green cloth, finely braided and finished with Oriental embroideries, a tagel straw hat with reseda green plumes. Miss Robieson's gown was of black and white voile with very effective trimming of insertion threaded with black satin and wide black satin revers. Her toque was of heliotrope bordered with pink and heliotrope bebe roses and a heliotrope scarf completed her costume
Willie is buried Archer Street, Masterton

. . 5 . . 1869 - 1955 May Esther Jessie Robieson
born 25 May 1969 at Motuhaku Farm, Masterton
May never married
Star 14, April 1914 - FOR WOMEN FOLK
Miss May Robieson, of Otaki, is visiting Christchurch as the guest of her sister, Mrs P. C. Freeth (Alice Jane), "The Grange" Opawa
May is buried Archer Street, Masterton

. . 6 . . 1871 - 1952 Ernest James Frederick Robieson
born 17 Jan 1871, near Masterton
school attended Te Whiti. He excelled at free-hand drawing
Wairarapa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1893 - PAINFUL ACCIDENT
A painful accident happened to Mr Ernest Robieson at Cavelands, Te Whiti, last Sunday, says the Observer. He was in the act of mounting a young horse, when the animal jumped away and his foot slipped from the stirrup. Mr Robieson came down with violence on his knee, which was severely cut and the cap injured
Ernest first married Frances Louisa Freeth (1871-1928) in 1898
NZ Times, 7 July 1898 - MARRIAGE
ROBIESON-FREETH - At St Mary's Church, New Plymouth, on Tuesday, June 28, Ernest James Frederick Robieson, son of James Robieson, Esq., Cavelands, Masterton, to Frances Louisa, eldest daughter of Joseph J. Freeth, Esq., New Plymouth
* Frances was a daughter of of Joseph John Freeth & Mary Ellen Cotter & sister of Pierce Charles Freeth who married Frederick's sister Alice
known children of Ernest & Frances
* 1899 - 1967 Earl Cashmore Robieson (reporter on The Sun, Melbourne)
* 1901 - 1954 Keith Noel Robieson
* 1903 - 1964 Dudley Richmond Robieson (+ Marie Brenda Gardener)
* 1906 - 1989 Nora Jeanette Robieson (+ Kelvin Rowland Shepherd)
* 1909 - 1961 Kitty Marion Robieson (+ John Barton Elliott)
* 1911 - 1977 James Frederick Robieson (+ Ruby May Bowler)
Ernest next married Ivy Maria McDonald (nee Todd 1882-1976) in 1930
. Ivy had first married Alexander Edward McDonald (1875-1924) in 1904 & had 6 children. Alexander was the 6th of 14 children of Alexander McDonald & Janet McKerchar.
Ernest is buried Hillsborough cemetery, Auckland

. . 7 . . 1873 - 1943 Charles Rooking Carter Robieson
born 13 Jan 1873 at Motuhaku, near Masterton
school attended Te Whiti
Charles first married Maud Elizabeth Repton Skelley (1872-1923) in Carterton 22 March 1900
* Maud was born in Tasmania, a daughter of John Reuben Malachi Skelley & Elizabeth Repton Mills who are both buried in NZ. Her uncle (father's brother), Stephen Culmer Skelley (1855-1939) also lived in Carterton. Her brother Captain Percy William Skelly (1877-1918), based in Wellington, died in France, from wounds received on active service, in June 1918
known children of Charles & Maud, born Wellington
* 1906 - Charles Vernon Robieson (+ Valda Renouf)
* 1908 - Howard Neville Robieson (+ Rowena Bethwaite)
- Lieutenant 40868 WWII 29th & 30th Battalions. Lawyer with Herd, Joseph, Robinson & Olphert, Wellington
* 1911 - 1995 Cara Lisbeth Robieson (+ Winston Leybourne Bertie-Willoughby)
Charles next married Fanny Elizabeth Kirk (1873-1925) of Tauranga, in Auckland, 15 July 1925. Daughter of Henry Kirk & Annie Colebrook
Evening Post, 28 Sep 1925 - MARRIAGE
ROBIESON-KIRK - On the 15th July 1925, at 50 Epsom avenue, Auckland, by the Rev L. H. Hunt, Charles Rooking Carter, of The Terrace, Wellington, fourth son of Mr James Robieson, of Masterton, to Fannie Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Kirk of Epsom, Auckland
Charles next married Dorothy Florence Willoughby (1899-1980, nee Robertson) at St Andrew's, The Terrace, Wellington, 3 Sep 1930
* Dorothy was a daughter of William Eyre Robertson & Annie Stella Chapman who married in Dunedin 1892
Charles died in Martinborough, 5 Jan 1943 aged 69 and cremated at Karori, as were his first two wives
Evening Post, 8 Jan 1943 - Charles' OBITUARY
The death occurred this week at Martinborough of Mr C. R. C. Robieson, in his seventieth year. Mr Robieson was a well-known figure in the Public Service and the commercial life of New Zealand. The son of Mr James Robieson, a pioneer sheep farmer of the Wairarapa, Mr Robieson had the usual schooling of the pioneering days and in 1889 joined the Railway Department as a cadet .. he is also survived by two sons of his first marriage, Mr Vernon Robieson, of Melbourne and Lieutenant Neville Robieson, of the Second N.Z.E.F. and a daughter, Mrs Willoughby, of Martinborough. Two children of the second marriage also survive him ... (more at link)
* Dorothy next married Maurice James Burdan (1884-1961) in 1956

. . 8 . . 1874 - Jessie Eunice Robieson
born 9 Nov 1874 at Motuhaku, near Masterton
married Jabez Gooder (1867-1942) in 1924
* 7th of 11 children of Northend Gooder & Harriet France
they lived Auckland, Palmerston North, Blenheim

. . 9 . . 1876 - 1919 Jane Emily Robieson
born 7 July 1876 at Motuhaku, near Masterton
Wairarapa Age, 16 March 1914 - WOMAN'S REALM
Miss Jenny and Eunice Robieson are going to Wellington to-day for a short holiday
died 22 Nov 1919 aged 43
Wairarapa Daily Times, 22 Nov 1919 - Jane's OBITUARY
It is with deep regret that we chronicle the death of Miss Jane (Jennie/Jenny) Robieson, fifth daughter of Mr James Robieson, of Pownall street, Masterton, which took place at the Cole street private hospital this morning. Deceased had been seriously ill for several months past, though hopes of her recovery were entertained till a few days ago. Miss Robieson, through her enthusiastic support of all projects having for their object the social and general welfare of the community, earned for herself widespread affection and respect. She was a most indefatigable worker in all patriotic matters, and all through the influenza epidemic this time last year, Miss Robieson worked day and night to relieve the suffering of many victims, and gallantly stayed at her post until the epidemic ceased. The death of Miss Robieson also removes one of Masterton's most popular lady athletes. She has been "runner-up" in the golf championship of New Zealand, and was always an energetic member of the local club. Miss Robieson was also a member of the Tennis Club, and on all occasions did her best to further the interests of the local club. Very general sympathy will be felt for the relatives in the sad bereavement. The funeral will leave the residence of Mr James Robieson, Pownall street, to-morrow afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock
Jane is buried Archer Street, Masterton

. . 10 . . 1878 - 1968 Eunice Amy Robieson
born 2 April 1878 in Wairarapa
Eunice didn't marry
Wairarapa Age, 10 Sep 1913 - SOCIAL NEWS
Mrs Henry of Landsowne, Miss Robieson and Miss Eunice Robieson, of Pownall-street, have gone to Napier for the golf championship
Wairarapa Age, 10 Sep 1913 - SOCIAL NEWS
Mrs Henry of Landsowne, Miss Robieson and Miss Eunice Robieson, of Pownall-street, have gone to Napier for the golf championship
Wairarapa Age, 16 March 1914 - WOMAN'S REALM
Miss Jenny and Eunice Robieson are going to Wellington to-day for a short holiday
Evening Post, 7 Nov 1921 - MASTERTON GOLF
The final for the Masterton Golf Club's challenge rose bowl was won by Miss Eunice Robieson, who was so successful at Heretaunga recently. Miss Payton's trophy for a twelve-hole bogey competition was won by Miss Diddams, of Greytown. On behalf of members, Miss Robieson made a presentation to Mrs Emery for her services to the club during the season
buried Archer Street, Masterton

. . 11 . . 1879 - 1966 James Frank Robieson
born 4 Oct 1879 in Wairarapa
married Emily Turner (1877-1967) in Rotorua, 1908
Evening Post, 2 March 1908 - MARRIAGE
Mr J. F. Robieson of the Tourist Department, was last week married to Miss E. Turner, of Whakarewarewa, at St Luke's Church, Rotorua
Evening Post, 28 Sep 1908 - NEWS
Captain Anderson has taken a house in Kelburne, close to the kiosk and Mr Robieson, of the Tourist Department, is moving into the house in Hobson-crescent, lately occupied by Captain Anderson. Mrs James Hislop and her son and daughter left for Sydney last week. Her house in Hobson crescent has been bought by Mr Robieson's brother-in-law, Mr Freeth and is nearby Mr Robieson
known children of James & Emily
* 1911 - 1918 Norman Leslie Robieson (aged 7)
* 1912 - 1992 Cecil James Robieson
- Private 44156 WWII, 8th Infantry & Headquarters 3rd, of Grey Lynn, Auckland
James is buried Archer Street, Masterton

. . 12 . . 1882 - 1978 Eliza Percy Renall 'Lizzie' Robieson
born 5 March 1881 at 'Cavelands' Te Whiti
married Bede Wallace Maxey Clarry (1895-1971) in Masterton in 1920
* Bede was born in Melbourne, a son of Henry Maxey Clarry & Kathleen Gertrude McDonald (her 1st husband was William Quirk). Bede had siblings & half siblings born in Australia and a sister, Winifrede Mary Philomena Clarry, born in NZ in 1900
Free Lance, 13 Oct 1920 - MARRIAGE
Miss Lizzie Robieson, youngest daughter of Mr James Robieson, of Masterton, and sister of the manager of the State Fire Insurance, was married yesterday (Tuesday) at Masterton to Mr Bede Clarry, of Nelson. Mr James Robieson, who sold out of the Cavelands Estate a few months ago, was for 54 years prior to that the next-door neighbour to Sir Walter Buchanan, and they are both 83 years of age within three months of each other
Free Lance, 20 Oct 1920 - SOCIAL GOSSIP
The marriage of Miss E. P. Robieson, the youngest daughter of Mr James Robieson, one of Masterton's oldest settlers, to Mr Bede Clarry, son of Mr Clarry, formerly a Nelson solicitor, at Masterton the other day, was a very pretty affair. The bride was attired in a very dainty gown of pale heliotrope georgette over palest blue, with a pale heliotrope silk net veil, fastened with anemones of the same shade, and carried a sheaf of anemones and other flowers to match her gown, the latter having been beautifully embroidered by one of her sisters with pearl and crystal beads toning with the shades of the material. The only bridesmaid was a niece of the bride, Miss Kathleen Freeth, in cream net, inset with insertion and medallions of filet lace and a swathed belt of turquoise blue velvet, her hat being of fine lace straw, trimmed with turquoise blue velvet and fruit of tangerine shades. Among those present were, Mrs Hugh Williams, Miss Vallance, Miss M. Cameron, Mrs Cummins, Mr and Mrs C. Bennett, Mr and Mrs Robieson, Mrs V. Donald, Mr and Mrs D. Buchanan, Mr and Mrs P. C. Freeth of Palmerston, Mr C. R. C. Robieson, Miss Robieson, Mrs George Robieson and Miss Doris Robieson, all of Wellington

. . 13 . . 1884 - 1915 Norman Athelstan Robieson
born 6 June 1884 at 'Cavelands', Te Whiti
Wairarapa Daily Times, 12 June 1905 - Norman's coming of age
The coming of age of Mr Norman Robieson, youngest son of Mr James Robieson, of Caveland, Te Whiti, was celebrated on Saturday with a dinner and fancy dress ball at the homestead. The health of the guest was proposed in felicitous terms by the eldest son, Mr George Robieson, of Wellington, and toasted with honors, and that of "the father of the family" by Mr Pierce Freeth, of Palmerston. The family, which is one of the oldest and most respected in the Wairarapa, consists of seven daughters and six sons.
Norman was wounded by shrapnel. He died on the hospital ship HMS Asturias, bound for England where his wounds could be better treated, but died 21 Aug in the Mediterranean between Malta and Gibraltar and buried at sea. Memorialised at Lone Pine cemetery, Gallipoli.
Free Lance, 3 Sep 1915 - DEATH
Lance-Corporal N. A. Robieson, reported to have died at sea on the hospital ship, was well known in the Wairarapa and Wellington. He was the son of Mr James Robieson, of Masterton, and a younger brother of Mr C. R. C. Robieson, manager of the State Fire Insurance. He enlisted with the First Reinforcements, and such was his ill-luck that he was severely wounded by a shrapnel shot soon after reaching the firing-line
ROBIESON, Lance Corporal, NORMAN ATHOLSTON, 11/817. Wellington Mounted Rifles, N.Z.E.F. Died of wounds, on H.M.H.S. "Asturias," 21st August 1915. Age 31. Son of James Robieson, of Pownall St., Masterton, Wellington, and the late Eliza Robieson (died 1887, see next). Native of Wairarapa, Wellington. Also served in Egypt. 75.

ELIZA PERCY Robieson died 19 Nov 1887 aged 42
JAMES Robieson died 2 Feb 1927 aged 88. He is buried Row 11, Plan II at Archer Street cemetery, Masterton with wife Eliza, son Willie and Willie's wife Florence
NOTE Masterton cemetery database has her death date as 11 Feb 1921 aged 42. This, of course is terribly wrong, a birth year of 1879 - making her younger than half her children. ALSO SEE the death of her son. ALSO READ son Norman's death note from Cenotaph .. ROBIESON, Lance Corporal, Norman Atholston, 11/817. Wellington Mounted Rifles, N.Z.E.F. Died of wounds, on H.M.H.S. "Asturias," 21st August 1915. Age 31. Son of James Robieson, of Pownall St., Masterton, Wellington, and the late Eliza Robieson. Native of Wairarapa, Wellington. Also served in Egypt. 75.

* In 1861 James had a house on section 28 Taratahi Plain
* In 1873 James was on the Electoral Roll as having 547 freehold acres at Taueru, Motuhaku
* In 1874 James's brother-in-law, Charles Rooking Carter sent him (at Taratahi), 2 rams & 2 ewes pure Spanish-French merino sheep which he purchased at Rambouillet, the most famous sheep breeding district in France. The arrived on the 'Wemyss Castle'
* In 1878 James Robieson, the proprietor of "Cave Lands" whereon that curiosity known as "The Caves" is situate, has found it necessary to give notice that the caves can only be inspected by permission from himself. We understand that Mr Robieson has been obliged to adopt this course in consequence of persons visiting the caves lately having removed portions of the interior, which form the chief beauty of the caves and which Mr Robieson naturally wishes to protect and preserve

* Robieson Road in Te Whiti is named after James

PHOTO child #7
Charles Rooking Carter Robieson