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ANZACs at GLENCORSE WOOD September 1917

Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW) Tuesday 25 September 1917

The following cables are from sources other than "Toe Miner's" special service:-
London, Sunday
Mr. Percival Phillips, war correspondent for the "Daily Express," emphasised that the Australians were in the centre of the attack, and had much heard fighting between the Boulers railway and the Menin road before they cleared Glencorse Wood and Nonne Bosschen, planted the Commonwealth flag on Anzac Redoubt, and drove nearly half-way through Polygon Wood, yet nearly all their programme was fulfilled to the timetable. They "went over" at 5.40 o'clock amid a heavy shellfire, for distress signals had called all the German batteries into action.

The barrage did not check the first waves at Glencorse Wood; but it caught some stretcher-bearers and wounded men behind the advance line of assaulting troops. Mr. Phillips proceeds:-"Fifty Germans surrendered just inside the thicket; but a redoubt on the edge of the wood enfiladed our infantry until flanking bombers put it out of action. The appearance and grit of the Australians utterly surprised the Germans. Little groups of enemy snipers, crouching in the shellholes, ran at the sight of the slouch-hatted men stripped of their packs, but festooned with bombs, who moved lightly through the mire, with bayonets poised, nonchalant and deliberate, offering sudden death with a smile. Some of the Huns were caught like rats and fought wildly until they fell.
The garrisons of the redoubts clung bravely to their machine guns and put up a fight, which the Australians appreciated. These determined men from overseas never doubted they would reach their goal.

After hoisting the flag on Anzac Redoubt, and traversing Glencorse and Nonne Bosschen, they entered open ground 400 yards broad, between them and Polygon Wood. All these were in the hands of the Australians by 11 o'clock. The flag was raised on Anzac Redoubt before 10. During a halt before Polygon Wood, an Australian officer, fearing his men might be bored, sent up Tuesday's newspapers, pictorial journals, and cigarettes. Through the barrage the Australians sat calmly in their shellholes and broken trenches, reading and smoking until the order was given to readvance."

Another correspondent writes:- "The Australians who stormed the Anzac Redoubt screened their standard-bearer who planted the Commonwealth Flag on the summit, his comrades wildly cheering the act. I met a number of Australian wounded because they ran ahead of our barrage line. The Australian lads, who were in their most perfect form, had rested since the hard days of Bullecourt and Noreuil. They had not lost any quantity since their great epics of Gallipoli and Pozieres. When we heard they were going to attack Polygon Wood we knew they would get it if human courage could, for the Australians are not easily denied if they set their mind on a thing. They have grim passion at such time, despite all their boyishness, but they are free and easy, always, even on the battlefield, although they are rather impatient at checks and restraint. The spectacle of Australians reading newspapers and smoking under the screaming shells was the strangest thing that ever happened in any great battle, and greatly surprised our airmen who saw them. Then, after a two hours' wait, they flung away their cigarettes, and passed on to the assault on Polygon. Thursday's great attack proved that the new German method of holding lines lightly in blockhouses, with reserves behind for counter-attacks, has broken down. If the Teutons revert to the old system of strong front lines they will suffer as they did at the Somme.

The reserve German divisions which were brought up in buses had a dreadful time. Their counter-attacks were particularly fierce against the Highlanders on the Zonnebeke-road (on the Australians' left). The Highlanders were driven back for a while, but the Scottish rifle fire then broke every attack. The German storm troops six times came on with much determination, and six times their waves were broken up. Finally three German battalions drove against the Scots' Corps at Delva Farm and Rose House. The Highlanders rallied at 8 o'clock in the evening, and swept the Germans out and away. Mr. Gibbs; emphasizes the fearful hammering inflicted by the British bombardment.

At least 50 per cent of the German prisoners are wounded. Many Germans around Polygon Wood and Glencorse Copse, where the Australians fought, were buried in the shellholes between the blockhouses, and the blockhouses themselves were smashed up or so battered that the garrisons became dazed and demoralised."

LAST WILL & TESTAMENT of Amelia Mary Coleman - 1908

the following is an attachment to the journal:
George Hildebrand ALINGTON + Eliza Ann WEBB
transcribed by me with permission from David Haywood (see original Will at link)

LAST WILL & TESTAMENT of Amelia Mary Coleman dated 24th JULY 1908
... [written along the side of the paper is]:
This is the written document marked "A" referred to in the Affidavit of FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON sworn before me this 28th day of February 1912.
??? - A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand

THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me, Amelia Mary Coleman of Christchurch in the Provincial District of Canterbury in the Dominion of New Zealand, Widow. I give and bequeath to ELIZABETH SHEARMAN of New Brighton in the said Provincial District and Dominion, Widow the legacy of Three hundred pounds free from duty and I declare that in the event of the said Elizabeth Shearman predeceasing me then and in such case I give and bequeath the said legacy of Three hundred pounds free from duty to EMMA ELIZABETH HYNDMAN daughter of the said Elizabeth Shearman. I appoint FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON of Christchurch, Solicitor and my legally adopted daughter EILEEN WINTER COLEMAN on her attaining the age of twenty one years (hereinafter called my Trustees) to be the Executors and Trustee of this my Will. I give all my estate and effects whether real or personal not hereby otherwise disposed of unto my Trustees in trust to pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and to stand possessed of the residue thereof in trust for my said adopted daughter EILEEN WINTER COLEMAN absolutely on her attaining the age of twenty one years or on her marrying under that age and I declare that if the said EILEEN WINTER COLEMAN shall predecease me and shall leave a child or children who shall survive me and attain the age of twenty one years then each child or children shall take and if more than one equally between them the share which the said Eileen Winter Coleman would have taken under this my Will had she survived me and attained the age of twenty one years or married and if my said daughter shall predecease me and leave no such child or children then I direct my Trustees to permit my brother MORRIS THOMAS KNEVITT to receive the rents income and profits of my residuary real and personal estate during his life and from and after his death to convert my said residuary real and personal estate into money by sale or otherwise and to stand possessed of the proceeds thereof in trust for all his children (excluding adopted and step-children) who shall be living at his death and who being male shall attain the age of twenty one ...
end of page 1 and signed - A. M. COLEMAN
... years or being female shall attain that age or marry in equal shares absolutely I empower my Trustees during the minority of any infant presumptively entitled to a share under this my Will to invest the share of such infant in or upon real securities only in the said Dominion and with power to vary any investments from time to time as my Trustees shall think fit. And I empower my Trustees to apply the income of the expectant share to which any infant may be presumptively entitled under this my Will for or towards the maintenance and education of such infant or accumulate such income if and so far as the same shall not be required for the purpose aforesaid by investing the same and the resulting income thereof to the intent that such accumulations may be added to the principal of the said share and follow the destination thereof and I empower my Trustees to postpone the conversion of any part of my estate for so long as they shall think fit and in the meantime the rents and income of my estate remaining unconverted shall from and after my death go and be applied in like manner as is hereinbefore directed concerning the income of the proceeds of my estate when converted I hereby appoint the said FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON and MARGARET McIVER of Christchuch, spinster guardians of my said daughter during her minority And I hereby declare that it is my wish to be interred in the same vault with my late husband at the Linwood Cemetery and I declare that my said Trustee FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON shall be entitled to charge my estate for all business done by him in relation to my estate on the trusts of this my Will in the same manner as he would have been entitled to charge my Executors for the same if he had not been himself an Executor or Trustee but had been employed by my Executor or Trustee to do such business as their Solicitor In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand to this my last Will and Testament contained on this and the preceding sheet of paper this 24th day of July One thousand nine hundred and eight. (signed A. M. COLEMAN)
[footnote reads]:
SIGNED by the said AMELIA MARY COLEMAN the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at her request in her sight and presence and in the sight and presence of each other have hereunder subscribed our names as attesting witnesses -
L. M. HARE, Spinster, Christchurch
M. McIVER, Spinster, Christchurch


... [written along the side of the paper is]:
This is the written document marked "A" referred to in the Affidavit of FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON [of JOHNSTON, MILLS and JOYCE, 213 Hereford Street, Christchurch, which Frederick established in 1895 after becoming a Solicitor in 1892] sworn before me this 28th day of February 1912.
??? - A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand

THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me, AMELIA MARY COLEMAN [nee Knevitt (1844-1912), married Captain George Coleman (1832-1903) in Victoria, Australia in 1864] of Christchurch in the Provincial District of Canterbury in the Dominion of New Zealand, Widow. I give and bequeath to ELIZABETH SHEARMAN [Elizabeth nee PATTMAN (1847-1927), born Poplar, London died Christchurch, married Robert William Shearman (1844-1885), born Poplar, London died Ashburton in 1869. They had the Somerset Hotel in Ashburton] of New Brighton in the said Provincial District and Dominion, Widow, the legacy of Three hundred pounds [July 2013 equivalent of $47,320] free from duty and I declare that in the event of the said Elizabeth Shearman predeceasing me then and in such case I give and bequeath the said legacy of Three hundred pounds free from duty to EMMA ELIZABETH HYNDMAN daughter of the said Elizabeth Shearman [Emma Elizabeth Shearman (1877-1946) married Peter Henry Hyndman (1877-1930) in Ashburton 1904. A son, Parich Peter Hyndman was killed in action in Italy 1943 in WWII]. I appoint FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON of Christchurch, Solicitor and my legally adopted daughter EILEEN WINTER COLEMAN [born Hilda Annie Webb (1891-1963), father was George Hildebrand Alington - go to top link] on her attaining the age of twenty one years (hereinafter called my Trustees) to be the Executors and Trustee of this my Will. I give all my estate and effects whether real or personal not hereby otherwise disposed of unto my Trustees in trust to pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and to stand possessed of the residue thereof in trust for my said adopted daughter EILEEN WINTER COLEMAN absolutely on her attaining the age of twenty one years or on her marrying under that age [married in 1931 to Frederick McCREANOR (1895-1939)] and I declare that if the said EILEEN WINTER COLEMAN shall predecease me and shall leave a child or children who shall survive me and attain the age of twenty one years then each child or children shall take and if more than one equally between them the share which the said Eileen Winter Coleman would have taken under this my Will had she survived me and attained the age of twenty one years or married and if my said daughter shall predecease me and leave no such child or children then I direct my Trustees to permit my brother MORRIS THOMAS KNEVITT [(1842-1931), lived in Fitzroy, Victoria] to receive the rents income and profits of my residuary real and personal estate during his life and from and after his death to convert my said residuary real and personal estate into money by sale or otherwise and to stand possessed of the proceeds thereof in trust for all his children (excluding adopted and step-children) who shall be living at his death and who being male shall attain the age of twenty one ...
... end of page 1 and signed - A. M. COLEMAN
... years or being female shall attain that age or marry in equal shares absolutely I empower my Trustees during the minority of any infant presumptively entitled to a share under this my Will to invest the share of such infant in or upon real securities only in the said Dominion and with power to vary any investments from time to time as my Trustees shall think fit. And I empower my Trustees to apply the income of the expectant share to which any infant may be presumptively entitled under this my Will for or towards the maintenance and education of such infant or accumulate such income if and so far as the same shall not be required for the purpose aforesaid by investing the same and the resulting income thereof to the intent that such accumulations may be added to the principal of the said share and follow the destination thereof and I empower my Trustees to postpone the conversion of any part of my estate for so long as they shall think fit and in the meantime the rents and income of my estate remaining unconverted shall from and after my death go and be applied in like manner as is hereinbefore directed concerning the income of the proceeds of my estate when converted I hereby appoint the said FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON and MARGARET McIVER of Christchuch, spinster guardians of my said daughter during her minority And I hereby declare that it is my wish to be interred in the same vault with my late husband at the Linwood Cemetery [Plot 5, Block 14] and I declare that my said Trustee FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSTON shall be entitled to charge my estate for all business done by him in relation to my estate on the trusts of this my Will in the same manner as he would have been entitled to charge my Executors for the same if he had not been himself an Executor or Trustee but had been employed by my Executor or Trustee to do such business as their Solicitor In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand to this my last Will and Testament contained on this and the preceding sheet of paper this 24th day of July One thousand nine hundred and eight. (signed A. M. COLEMAN)
[footnote reads]:
SIGNED by the said AMELIA MARY COLEMAN the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us both present at the same time who at her request in her sight and presence and in the sight and presence of each other have hereunder subscribed our names as attesting witnesses -
L. M. HARE, Spinster, Christchurch
[Lilian May Hare (1879-) was the daughter of Henry Howard HARE & Emily Elizabeth Allpress GILLON. Her brother Clarence Howard Hare (1880-1967) was a steward in the first real land expedition in the Antarctic. The British National Antarctic Expedition (1901-04), or Discovery expedition, was led by British explorer Robert Falcon Scott. Lilian married Robert Whitburn NICOLLS (1867-1942) in 1909]
M. McIVER, Spinster, Christchurch

COCKING marriages NZ 1854-1936

Frederick William Cocking (1897-1963)
born: in Cornwall to Charles Michell Cocking (1868-1920NZ) & Maud Elizabeth Kendall (1876-1942NZ)
married Margaret Selina Leith (1903-1991) in 1928
* Frederick & Margaret are buried at Piopio

Joseph Richard Cocking (1879-1935)
married Jane Heybourn in 1917

Reginald Francis 'Rex' Cocking (1904-1986)
born: in Cornwall to Charles Michell Cocking (1868-1920NZ) & Maud Elizabeth Kendall (1876-1942NZ)
married Rubina Constance 'Ruby' Budd in 1936
their known children
Colin, June, Gwendoline, Murray, Bruce & Noel
* Rex & Ruby are buried at Piopio

Stephen Cocking
married Cecilia Matilda Snelling in 1920

Thomas Warren Cocking
married Gertrude Beryl Taylor in 1926

William Cocking (1822-1894)
son of John Cocking (1790-1828) & Blanche Phillips (1803-1868). His mother Blanche remarried to William Hawke (1807-1862). She is buried in Greytown. William's brother Robert Thomas Hawke (1840-1890) is buried in Hawera.
married Annie Maria Bovey 15 Oct 1859 Church at the Hutt known as ‘St James’ by Rev Harry Woodford, St Hill. William Cocking, bachelor,at the Episcopalian sawyer, aged 35 years, resident at Hutt for 19 years & Ann Maria Bovey, spinster, about 30 years, residing at Hutt for 9 months
NOTE On 26 July 1859 an inquest was held at the Hutt, before Henry St. Hill, Esquire, Resident Magistrate, there being no coroner for the District of the Hutt, on view of the body of Benjamin Buck, then and there laying dead.
William Cocking .. who was at the time in the kitchen, went in and took hold of the collar of the deceased, and exclaimed "Doctor, what's the matter with you?" ..
Ann Maria Bovey .. deposed: I have been living as housekeeper with Dr Buck deceased for about four months; he has been in very low spirits since his return from the Ahuriri. The deceased has not drunk so much since his return from the Ahuriri as he did before, but the last two or three days before his death, he has been drinking very freely. Several other witnesses deposed as to the deceased's habits and low state of mind that the deceased had been for some time labouring under. The jury, which were composed of the principal settlers of the Hutt, came to the conclusion, that the deceased Benjamin Buck (Hutt Surgeon), while in a grievous disease of body, being delirious and out of his mind did commit suicide.
* Annie Maria Cocking died 29 Oct 1884 aged 56 at Gollans Valley, Eastbourne. She is buried in the Wesleyan Cemetery, Lower Hutt
William next married Mary Warne (1858-1916) 14 Aug 1885 in Plymouth, England and had two children born in Wellington district
1886 - 1962 Uneta Jane Cocking
1888 - 1974 Blanche Cocking
William died aged 72 at Gollan's Valley, Eastbourne
* William died 12 July 1894 aged 71 in Gollans Valley
They are buried at Bridge St Cemetery

William George Cocking
married Mary Jane Winder in 1915

Ada Annie Cocking
married Herbert Augustus Robert Huggins in 1891

Blanche Cocking
born: to William Cocking & Anna Maria Bovey
married John Walter Odell in 1905

Jane Cocking
married Isaac Fisher in 1854

Mary Cocking
married John Cassell in 1895
their known children
1895 - Lily Cassell
1897 - Percival John Cassell

Queenie Maude Cocking (1904-1987)
born: in Cornwall to Charles Michell Cocking (1868-1920NZ) & Maud Elizabeth Kendall (1876-1942NZ)
married: Job Alderson in 1934

Ruth Cocking
married George Robert Edlin in 1917
their known children
1918 - Annie Wortley Edlin

Uneta Jane Cocking
born: to William Cocking & Anna Maria Bovey
married Joseph Dudley Rayner (of Greytown) in 1906
their known children
1909 - Eileen Dudley Rayner
1914 - Ngaire Beryl Rayner

Charles & Maude Cocking, parents of those indicated above, left Liverpool 12 Nov 1914 bound for Australia on the 'Runic'. A son not on the marriage list above, Cyril Hugh Cocking (1907-1948) died in Piopio, probate was in Hamilton Court
* Charles Mitchell Cocking died 5 May 1920 in Hamilton and is buried at Te Kuiti
Waikato Times, 6 May 1920 COCKING On May 5th 1920 at Hamilton, Charles Mitchell Cocking, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth Maud Cocking, of Pio Pio, aged 58 years. Interment to-morrow (Friday) at Te Kuiti cemetery
* Maude Elizabeth Cocking died 5 Sep 1942 in Piopio and is buried at Piopio
NZ Herald, 7 Sep 1942 COCKING On September 5, at her late residence Aria Road, Piopio, Maud Elizabeth, beloved wife of the late Charles Mitchell Cocking; aged 66

HEADSTONE of Maude Elizabeth Cocking (Kendall)
at Piopio cemetery

BACK FROM THE FRONT on the HMNZ 'Rotorua' Feb 1916


The steamer 'Rotorua' left London 16 Dec 1915 & Cape Town 7 Jan 1916
There were 425 passengers, inclusive of 7 officers & 196 men of the NZ Forces
She arrived in Auckland 3 Feb 1916 & Nelson the following week

Evening Post, 1 February 1916 ANZAC HEROES DEPART
The second contingent of New Zealand soldiers, unfit for further military service, left Plymouth last week by the Rotorua. The men had a great reception from the Devon folk. The band of the Royal Garrison Artillery played the ship away from the harbour, and there was much cheering. Major Brereton was in charge of the New Zealanders on board

Due at Auckland, via Cape Town and Hobart this evening, the New Zealand Shipping Company's R.M.S. Rotorua. Captain Sutcliffe is in command and Dr H. V. O'Donoghue is the medical officer
The Rotorua will berth at the Queen's Wharf tomorrow, 3rd Feb. During the morning the examination of the men by the Medical Board and the completion of the records will be carried out in shed No 14. Passes are being issued to next-of-kin of men on board, which will admit members to the wharf on the occasion of the ship's arrival. The Rotorua's has on board 435 passengers, including over 220 invalided and wounded soldiers in charge of Major C. B. Brereton.
The Southerners will leave the same night for Wellington by the express and the South island men catch the ferry steamer at Wellington on Thursday evening

Major Brereton, of the Canterbury Battalion, who is in charge of the men, states that the conduct of all had been excellent and it had been a most enjoyable voyage. There were two bright diversions, at Capetown and Hobart. Major Brereton was injured in the attack on Krithia in May. He returns fully restored to health and hopes soon to return to the scene of hostilities.
Speaking of the last occasion in which he was in action Major Brereton said that it was the first time that the New Zealanders had been in a stereotyped attack. Till then they had been fighting at Anzacs. On being taken to Cape Helles with a battalion of Australians they were sent forward under shell fire. At first their losses were not great, but when they advanced from the trenches the Turks cut them down like rabbits.

Wairarapa Daily Times, 1 February 1916
The second contingent of members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force invalided home after hospital treatment in England, is being brought back by the 'Rotorua' which is expected to arrive at Auckland tomorrow afternoon., Definite advice has not yet been received from the steamer, but it is expected to reach port about 1 p.m.

Six officers, two non-commissioned officers and 195 men, a total of 203, are returning by the Rotorua. Approximately forty of them have relatives or intimate friends in Auckland. When the steamer has been berthed, the men will be assembled in wharf shed No 14, where the examination by the medical board and the work of the records office will be carried out, as was done in the case of the Ruahine's contingent. Relatives of the men will be admitted into the building on production of passes, which are obtainable from the Defence Office. As there will be cargo in the shed, a request has been made that visitors should retrain from smoking in it.
The Southern contingent will leave Auckland by the evening express train to-morrow. About sixty of them will proceed to the South Island.

The following is the official list of solders on board H.M.N.Z. troopship Rotorua:-

(NOK = next of kin)
* 2/951 - Eric Wharton BRAITHWAITE (1890-1955)
* served as James Eric WHARTON & his sister, Mary Gwendoline Sutcliffe was listed as nok, Talavera Terrace, Wellington
NOK father, Joseph Braithwaite, bookseller, Princes St., Dunedin
- his father Joseph was the Mayor of Dunedin 1905-1909
- mother was Mary Ann BELLET
- enlisted from Malvern Terrace, off Grey Street, Auckland
- married Evelyn Catherine FELL in 1921
* 2/982 - Ernest COOPER
NOK mother, Sarah Cooper, 251 Adelaide Road, Newtown, Wellington
- enlisted from same address
* 2/640 - Charles William ERWOOD
NOK mother, Mrs C. Erwood, 93 Woodstock Rd., Stroud, Green Road, London
- enlisted from Stony Creek Station, Martinborough
- married Cara SARGISSON in 1920
* 2/307 - William FRYER (1892-)
NOK father, William John Francis Fryer, Pahia, Southland
- enlisted from Ahiaruke, Carterton
- mother was Caroline COLLINSON
* 2/1035 - William LINDSAY
NOK sister, Mrs Reginald Milner Fergusson, Ashburton
- sister Lizzie Mary Lindsay married in 1900
- enlisted from Frankton Junction
* 2/1128 - Jacob PEARSON
NOK William Pearson, Battlehill, Portadown, Armagh, Ireland
- enlisted from Roseneath, Wellington
- married Ellen MITCHELL in 1918
* 2/1468 - Leslie John SPINLEY (1896-)
NOK mother, Mrs Annie Spinley, Devonport, Auckland
- parents were Joseph Christopher SPINLEY & Annie Sarah Burgess KING
- enlisted from 38 Queen's Parade, Devonport, Auckland
- brother Henry Cuthbert Spinley also served
- brother Frederick Thomas Spinley also served
* 2/355 Arthur James WOOD
NOK W. H. Wood, Hanover, Wadestown, Wellington

* 3/433 - Duncan McRAE (1889-)
NOK father, Findlay McRae, Puerua, Otago
- enlisted from Puerua
- parents were Findlay & Williamina McRAE

* 4/689 - John BUCKLEY
NOK sister, Mrs L. M. Hill, c/o Hill and Son, Timaru
- enlisted from 93 Yarrow St., Invercargill
* 4/709 - William Walter CRAMP
NOK sister, Mrs Mary Stone (or Stowe), 4 Grenfield Road, Balham, London
- enlisted from 42 Selwyn Street, Onehunga, Auckland
- married Annie Amelia NORRIS in 1917
* 4/99A - John Ignatius FOX (1878-1926)
(born in Vienna as Fuchs and naturalised an Australian)
NOK wife, Mrs Fox "Te Nolio", Pahiatua
- married Clara Ellen Robinson in 1905 (nee Buxton, widow of Walter George Robinson). According to the court case in 1925, John was sent home after being twice reported as a spy. John took action against William Goodfellow for libel ... read here
Auckland Star, 13 December 1926 HENDERSON SUICIDE
... John Ignatius Fox, formerly organiser for the Waikato Dairy Farner's Union has been missing from his home near Henderson (Auckland) since Wednesday last
Auckland Star, 14 December 1926 PAHIATUA - The late John Ignatius Fox, whose body was found in Henderson Creek, was, several years ago, a member of the local Borough Council, debating society and other institutions. He figured very prominently in public life for a time and generally appeared to have had an eventful career
* 4/458 - Elvet Billany GILL (1894-1950)
NOK father, Mr Christopher Gill, Church St., Palmerston North
- born in Hull, Yorkshire to Christopher John GILL & Zillah Smith BILLANY who emigrated to NZ in 1904 & settled in Palmerston North
- married Zillah Edith BROWNING in 1932
* 4/769 Frank KELLY
NOK mother, Elizabeth Kelly, 49 Alexander Street, Auckland
- enlisted from that address
* 4/808 - James Albert NEILSON (1891-1922)
NOK father, Robert Neilson, 77 Queen's Drive, Musselborough
- enlisted from 33 Dee St., Timaru
- parents were Robert NEILSON & Eliza CUTTLE
- brother Edward Ferguson Neilson embarked 19 Jan 1917
- married Idalene Bell CRAIGIE (1897-1952) 28 May 1917 in South Dunedin
Idalene was born in New York to Thomas Lamb CRAIGIE (1863-1917) & Isabella BELL (1863-1949) of St Clement, Dundee, Scotland who later moved to New Zealand. Idalene's father was a Pastrycook & Confectioner in Timaru when her brother Thomas Lamb Craigie (1897-1970) served as Private 25477
* 4/42 - Albert Charles 'Bert' RICHARDS (1891-1921)
NOK mother, Martha Richards, 11 Tasman Street, Wellington
- enlisted from that address
- son of Henry Edward RICHARDS & Martha BURNISTON
Evening Post, 13 January 1921 RICHARDS - On the 13th January 1921, at Trentham Military Hospital, Lieut. Albert Charles (Bert), the dearly beloved youngest son of Mrs M. and the late H. E. Richards, Tasman-street, Wellington; aged 30 years
Evening Post, 15 January 1921 FUNERAL - The funeral of the late Lieut. A. C. Richards, who died at Trentham Hospital on Thursday morning, took place at the Karori Cemetery yesterday afternoon and was of a military character. General Chaytor and Major Finnis represented the Defence Department. The firing party was in charge of Lieut. Miles and a party of the Senior Cadets of No 42 Company, of which the deceased was formerly O.C., was under Lieuts. Chaytor and Smith. The pall bearers were Major MacFarlane, Captain Munro, Lieut. Dutton and Staff-Sergeant-Major Ledbrook. The Rev J. Dawson conducted the service at the graveside. The Harbour Board was represented by Captain Hale Monro and a large number of the staff, of which the deceased had been a member. The chief mourners were Messrs F. R. Webster and H. L. Whiteman, brothers-in-law of the deceased.
* 4/721 - Leonard John WRAIGHT (1893-1994)
NOK father, Lewis Richard Wraight, 20 Hereford Street, Roslyn
- enlisted from that address
- mother was Margaret Jane 'Maggie' WHYTE
- married Mary Etta HELLYER in 1919
* 4/874 - George YULE
NOK father, T. Yule, 27 Clarence Street, Aberdeen, Scotland
- enlisted from Wellington

* 7/30B - James COCHRANE
NOK mother, Mary S. Cochrane, Glenavy, South Canterbury
- enlisted from c/o Loan Company, Waimate
* 5/453 - Thomas Acton SUMMERS (1888-1963)
NOK father, Frank Summers, Paeroa
- mother was Ada Ellen ASTON
- enlisted from Paeroa
- married Sadie HIGGINS in 1917

* 6/201 Major Cyprian Bridge BRERETON (1876-1962)
NOK brother, Thomas Brereton, Ngatimoti, Nelson
- parents were William & Ann BRERETON
- married Margaret Irene GUY from Orinoco in England in 1915
- a dentist by profession, he was battalion commander of the Nelson 12th Regiment at Gallipoli. He retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1918. He grew tobacco on his Orinoco farm from 1925 and was involved with the Nelson Pioneer Tobacco Grower's Union in the 1930's. He moved to Nelson in 1935 and became the Curator of the Nelson Institute Museum retiring in 1960. He published 6 books between 1926-1952
* 6/1103 - Lieutenant Dugald MacDonald ROBERTSON (1890-1944)
NOK father, Dugald MacDonald Robertson, 5 St James St, Linwood
- enlisted from that address
- mother was Sarah FERGUS
* 6/751 - Stanley Louis ANDREWS (1899-1981)
NOK father, Frank Andrews, Richmond, Nelson
- parents were Francis 'Frank' ANDREWS & Emma Sophia BULLARD
- enlisted from Brightwater
- married Leathia Maud FENEMOR in 1917
* 6/2347 - Alfred Francis ASHBOLT (1878-1927)
NOK mother, mother, Minnie Jane Ashbolt c/o Mrs Santy, Rakaia
- parents were George ASHBOLT & Minnie Jane HINDE
- his mother lived 182 Chester St, Christchurch & 162 Leet St, Invercargill
- enlisted from Mangawai, North Auckland
* 6/194 - Harry BARLOW
NOK father, John Barlow, 261 Bolton Road, Radcliff, Manchester, England
- enlisted from Golden Bay, Marlborough
* 6/1205 - Frederick John BOWRING (1895-1962)
NOK father, Mr James Bowring, Kaiapoi
- enlisted from Kaiapoi
- parents were James BOWRING & Cassandra JURY
- married Lucy JONES 19 Oct 1915 in Wales & had 2 children in Kaiapoi
* 6/1051 - Albert BRANT
NOK wife, Mrs G. Brant, Percival Street, Rangiora
- enlisted from 356 Madras Street, Christchurch
* 6/1247 - Reuben Morris BROOMFIELD (1893-)
NOK mother, Elizabeth Jane Broomfield, Annat, Canterbury
- enlisted from Annat
- parents were Thomas BROOMFIELD & Elizabeth Jane ZANDSTRA(?)
- married Ethel Haigh in 1931
* 6/421 James Fleming BRYCE
NOK Archibald Bryce, Hatton Street, Timaru
- enlisted from c/o P. W. Hutton and Co., Timaru
- married Edith Blanche Hamlyn in 1927
* 6/2089 - Alexander CAMPBELL
NOK father, Alexander Campbell, Waikari
- enlisted from Waikari
* 6/1113 - Reginald CARROLL
NOK Mrs O. Carroll, Smithfield, Orange Free State, South Africa
- enlisted from Woodend, North Canterbury
* 6/1182 - Charles William COLLINSON (1882-1958)
NOK Mrs Collinson, 489 Hesle Pond, Hull, England
- enlisted as Warder, c/o H.M. Prison, Lyttelton
* 6/437 - Thomas Henry CUNNARD (1888-1962)
NOK father, John Cunnard, Temuka
- enlisted from Temuka
- parents were John CUNNARD & Bridget/Bridgetta McKENNA
- married Euphemia Mary SMITH (1901-1967) in 1923
* 6/449 Frederick George DUNN
NOK Frederick James Dunn, Box 126, Timaru
* 6/951 - Frank Sydney DYER (1890-1967)
NOK Sidney Vincent Dyer, Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch
- enlisted from that address
- mother was Ellen GIBB
- married Emma Louisa CAMERON in 1920
* 6/1284 - John Henry FORBES
NOK Mr J. T. Williamson, Rara Railway Station, Victoria, Australia
- enlisted from Deep Creek, via Canvastown, Marlborough
* 6/1170 - Harold 'Percy' FOUGERE (1891-1974)
NOK father, James Johnny Fougere (1850-1937), Te One, Chatham Island
- enlisted from Tai Tapu, Canterbury
- photo of Percy & his siblings at Te One School, Chatham islands
- married Frances Emily 'Fan' Strang in 1918
- brother, Philip Broughton Fougere embarked 8 Jan 1916
- brother, Maurice Hereward Fougere embarked 5 June 1918
* 6/1857 - James Edward GOSNEY (1895-)
NOK father, John Gosney, Cliff St., Timaru
- enlisted from that address
- 8th of 13 children of John GOSNEY & Ada Fanny BORROWS
* 6/761 - Lance/Lancelot James HAGAN
NOK father, James Hagan, Rifle Range, Trentham
- enlisted from New Century Boardinghouse, Blenheim
* 6/2422 - Charles HAGUES
NOK father, F. Hagues, Clapham, Mysore Rd, Lavender Hill, Clapham, London
- enlisted from Buckland, Auckland
* 6/960 - John HEAD
NOK Mrs J. T. Head, c/o Mrs Harland, Post-office, Waverley, Taranaki
- enlisted from Queen's Hotel, Christchurch
* 6/272 Herbert Arthur JOHNSTON (1893-1862)
NOK father, William Henry Johnston, Takaka, Nelson
- enlisted from Upper Takaka
- mother was Charlotte Elizabeth NALDER
* 6/274 - Charles Valentine KEAR (1894-)
NOK father, William Henry Kear, Glenomaru, Otago
- enlisted from Havelock
- mother was Annie Sophia Van RENEN (or various spelling)
- Charles married (as Charles Valentine Van Renen) in 1922 to Winifred Jean Ballantyne HENDERSON (they divorced in 1928)
* 6/2178 - Timothy KELLY
NOK father, James Kelly, Colungarne, County Clare, Ireland
* 6/1090 - Azel LAWRENCE
NOK Alfred Lawrence, 39 Cornwall Street, Saint Albans, Christchurch
- enlisted from that address
- married Doris FITZELL in 1917
* 6/294 - John Beaton MARR (1884-1937)
NOK wife Margaret Marr, 125 Canon Street, Saint Albans, Christchurch
- enlisted from Havelock South
- married Margaret MERLIHY in 1903, had a son John Beaton Marr (1903-1980)
* 6/842 - Patrick Leonard MINOLA (1890-1948)
NOK Miss E. Harrison, 39 Kent Terrace, Wellington
- enlisted from c/o J. H. Davidson, Saint Leonards, Culverden
- base born 22 Jan 1890 in Wellington to Mary Minola (nee Bond 1861-1914). Mary had married Audro Luis Minola of Italy in 1879 & had 4 children. He died suddenly from an aneurism in 1885 aged 30. Mary had 2 sons, 1888 & 1890. She married Albert SANDSTROM (1876-1930) in 1897. Albert appears to have gone to Scotland then New York where he died in an accident. Mary married John William ANDERSON in 1902. She is buried in Karori
NOTE Patrick's NOK's name, Harrison, and address of 39 Kent St., was also the name & address of the witness to his half-sister's wedding (Herminia Giovanna Anderson, nee Minola) when she remarried in 1922 to William Henry Corlett.
- Patrick Leonard married Janet Swinton ALLAN (1885-1979) in 1917. In 1927 they were living at 3 Claremont St, Newmarket, Auckland & he worked for the City Council
* 6/1646 - Cecil Rawlings MURRAY
NOK mother, Louisa Ann Murray, 758 George Street, Dunedin
- enlisted from 4 Chambers Street, North-east Valley, Dunedin
- married Elizabeth Charlotte FRUISH in 1927
* 6/1064 - Albert Herbert MYERS (1888-1957)
NOK father, J. S. Myers, Marshlands, Christchurch
- enlisted from Preston's Road, Marshland
- son of John Scott MYERS & Sarah CASTLE
* 6/521 - George Patrick NIALL
NOK brother, Gerald Hugh Niall, 102 Grafton Road, Auckland
- 2 of at least 13 children of Daniel William NIALL & Norah CARROLL
- enlisted from 18 Buchanan Street, Timaru
- brother, Gerald Hugh Niall embarked 16 Nov 1917
- nephew, Alexander William Niall killed in action 16 Sep 1943 in France
* 6/1379 Orlando POINTON (1889-1963)
NOK father, Elviss Pointon (1866-1937), 9 Manchester Street, Petone
- enlisted from that address
- mother was Mary Lily MOORE (1869-1927)
* 6/341 Philip Nelson SADD (1896-1980)
NOK father, James Barton Sadd (1869-1949), Takaka, Nelson
- enlisted from Sea View, The Port, Nelson
- mother was Lillias Wilson BOLTON (1870-1943)
- grandparents were James Barton SADD, teach in Nelson & Mary Agnes HODGSON
* 6/361 - Charles Frederick STONE (1895-1959)
NOK father, James Elijah Stone (1857-1945, born Auckland), Reservoir, Nelson
- enlisted from Brook St., Nelson
- mother was Sarah LIMMER (1865-1922, born Motueka)
- married Blanche Letitia STONE (1897-1987, nee BENNETT) in 1920. Blanche first married his brother William John Stone (1887-1917) in 1913 when she was 15. William John Stone served as Captain 6/1990 & died of his wounds in Belgium
* 6/2287 - Henry Oswald SUTHERLAND (1889-1955)
NOK father, Hugh Sutherland, 396 Armagh Street, Christchurch
- enlisted from that address
- parents were Hugh SUTHERLAND (1867-1920), from Scotland & Annie PELVIN (1863-1941, nee WATERLOW), widow at the age of 22, of Henry William Pelvin (1858-1885) who died at home, Trent St., Oamaru from inflammation of the lungs after catching a cold. They had two young children (Clara Blanche Woodward Pelvin (1882-1940) & Robert Bruce Pelvin 1884-1950)
NOTE The Oamaru community held a concert to raise funds for Annie after the death of her husband. They raised L21.16, a 2014 equivalent of $3,836. Hugh & Annie are buried in Bromley, Christchurch
- Henry married Cathleen Agnes ROWE (1892-) in Christchurch 30 May 1918
* 6/1414 - Richard John SWEETMAN (1889-1941)
NOK mother, Johannah Sweetman, 113 Tainui Street, Greymouth
- parents were Peter SWEETMAN (1847-1913) & Johannah MURPHY (1860-1934)
- Richard John Sweetman, embarked Dec 1914
- brother, Michael Joseph Sweetman, embarked Jan 1917
* 6/933 - John Samuel TAYLOR (1886-1926)
NOK John Henry Taylor, c/o Mrs Sheritt, Preston Road, Greymouth
- died 2 July 1926 in Wellington, buried Karori
* 6/1752 - Arthur WEAVER
NOK father, Arthur Weaver, Rakaia, Canterbury
- enlisted from Raikaia

* 7/476 - John BRYDON (1879-1956)
NOK mother, Isabella Brydon, 87 Springfield Road, Christchurch
- also served in the Boer War #3590
- parents were Robert BRYDON & Isabella LINDSAY
* 7/40 Michael Andrew DUGGAN (1889-1965)
NOK Mrs Duggan, Knapdale Post-office, via Gore
- enlisted from Waimate
- married Freda Thistle WALLACE (1899-1982) in 1930
* 7/48 John Thomas GILL
NOK father, Robert Gill, Makikihi
- born in Waikuku to Robert & Anne Elizabeth Gill of Ocean View, Rosewill, Timaru
- enlisted from Makikihi
* 7/860 - Maurice Arthur KNIGHT (1893-)
NOK father, Edward Richard Lewkenor Knight, 48 Hoon Hay Road, Spreydon, Christchurch
- enlisted from that address
- mother was Annie BARTON
* 7/627 - William McCOY
NOK wife, Emily Jane McCoy, Coalgate, Canterbury
* 7/631 - John Munro SCOTT
NOK father, David Nimmo Scott, Land and Survey Department, Timaru
- enlisted from c/o P.O. Box 22, Timaru
- mother was Kate Mary NEWTON
* 7/411 - Sergeant-Major Ernest WILLIAM WEBB
NOK wife, M. J. H. Webb, 82 North Avon Road, Richmond, Christchurch

* 8/1397 - George Thomas BAKER
NOK father, Francis G. Baker, 85 Cargill Road, South Dunedin
- enlisted from that address
* 8/9 - Augustus Nelson BERRY (1889-)
NOK mother, Mrs K. E. Berry, Rockvale Estate, Weston, Oamaru
- enlisted from Weston, Oamaru
- parents were Benjamin Augustus BERRY & Kate Eleanor DAVIS
* 8/1040 - George BROWN
NOK William Brown, 72 Fitzroy Street, Kew, Caversham, Dunedin
* 8/1944 - Dugald BUCHANAN
NOK father, Mr W. Buchanan, 54 Oteramika Road, Georgetown, Invercargill
- enlisted from Oteramika Road, Invercargill
* 8/652 - William Norman CADDIE
NOK Thomas Caddie, 59 Prince Albert Road, Musselburgh
- enlisted from Musselburgh, Dunedin
- parents were Thomas CADDIE & Alice Menzies MUIR
- brother, Rupert Septimus Caddie, Corporal 47855, died in Somme, France
* 8/1211 - Duncan McDonald CHURCH (1894-1937)
NOK father, Percival Church, 11 Grange Street, Dunedin
- enlisted from that address
- mother was Alice Mary TRUMAN
* 8/1448 - Francis James DAVEY (1886-1948)
NOK daughter, Miss Jane Davey, c/o G. Davey, Main North Rd., Temuka
- enlisted from Temuka
- born 25 Nov 1886 in Temuka to George DAVEY & Maria Jane FINLAY
- married Alice Fanny CORBETT in 1917
- died of cancer 21 July 1948 aged 62 in Taumarunui Hospital, King Country
* 8/1059 - Cecil Harold DUNCAN (1885-1954)
NOK mother, Mary Duncan, 115 Main South Road, Caversham, Dunedin
- enlisted from that address
- parents were George Edwin & Mary DUNCAN
* 8/364 - Alfred James DURRANT (1900-1971)
NOK father, George Inverness Durrant, Rangiora, North Canterbury
- enlisted from Otautau
- mother was Beatrice MARLOW (1877-1964)
George Inverness Durrant (1876-1933) was born on board the Inverness into Hawkes Bay. He and Beatrice are buried at Karori
Alfred was born 26 Jan 1900 & embarked 16 Oct 1914 making him aged 14.9
* 8/1759 - John JOHNSTONE
NOK mother, Mrs J. Coutts, 103 Arthur Street, Dunedin
- enlisted from that address
* 8/401 - Alphonsus KIRWAN
NOK father, John Kirwan, East Road, Invercargill
- enlisted from that address
* 8/234 - Oliver John LAY (1885-)
NOK sister, Olive Lavinia Mary Lay, Kelso, Otago
- enlisted from Kelso
- parents were Alfred & Mary Elizabeth LAY
- married Mabel McCARRIGAN in 1917
- (sister Olive married Alexander Officer Wilson in 1915)
* 8/251 - Gordon McKENZIE (1892-)
NOK mother, Mrs William Tilson, Toiro, Balclutha
- enlisted from Clinton
- his mother, Florence Mary (nee Drapper) married Alexander McKenzie in 1881 & remarried in 1901 to William Henry Tilson
* 8/239 - Ian Chisholm McRAE
NOK Mrs Marion Ranken, Lime Grove, Derby Road, East Sheen, London
- enlisted from Edendale
* 8/1377 - Clement MALLINSON
NOK Clement Mallinson, 38 Knight Street, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
- enlisted from Bloomfield, Dannevirke
* 8/1896 - Stanley Hampton MITCHELL (1890-1968)
NOK father, John Mitchell, Ngapara, North Otage
- enlisted from 80 Ghuznee Street, Wellington
- parents were John MITCHELL & Agnes Stanley DAVIDSON
* 8/245 - Charles MOORE
NOK father, John Moore, Tapanui - also Ngapara, North Otago
- enlisted from 80 Ghuznee Street, Wellington
* 8/75 - Joseph MONTGOMERY (1893-)
NOK father, William Montgomery, Ribble Street, Oamaru
- enlisted from that address
- mother was Elizabeth SKENE
* 8/768 David Marshall PATERSON (1896-)
NOK mother, Mrs J. Paterson, Wansbeck St, Oamaru - also 28A Eden St, Oamaru
- enlisted from Palmerston South
- parents were Henry Wallis Smith 'Harry' PATERSON & Jeanie Douglas RIDDELL
* 8/944 - William Louis PATERSON
NOK father, N. Paterson, 19 Winchester Street, Christchurch
- enlisted from that address
* 8/1174 - William Edgar PHILLIPS (1894-1918)
NOK cousin, James Kelsall, Kororo, Te Rapa, Waikato
- born in England
- enlisted from Mrs Jews Private Hotel, Lambton Quay, Wellington
- married Mary Ethel DUNCAN in 1916 (in Napier in 1918)
- died 23 Nov 1918 during the Flu Pandemic in Palmerston North, buried Terrace End
* 8/1633 - Edward SEDGEWICK
NOK father, James Sedgewick, Market Place, Tralee, Ireland
(possibly Edward Seymour Berresford Sedgewick 1891-1975)
- enlisted from c/o Powell, Manaroa, Rewa
* 8/2312 - Sydney Augustus SHARPE
NOK mother, Mrs L. Sharpe, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England
- enlisted from 36 Thompson Street, Wellington (re-enlisted 1917)
* 8/295 - Alexander SHIPMAN (1891-1954)
NOK sister, Mrs Annie PUMPA, Lyne Street, Gore
- enlisted from Gore
- son of John Thomas SHIPMAN (1853-1925) & Sarah BOYLE (1860-1915)
- married Emily GREER in 1921
NOTE Alexander's sister, Christina Maire Shipman married Carl Johann (Charles John) Pumpa in 1902 in Gore. Charles was the 5th of 14 children of Martin PUMPA & Louisa SCHORBACK (from Prussia to Victoria, Australia). Their 10th child, Bernhardt (Bernard) Arthur Pumpa married Alexander's sister Elizabeth Mary 'Annie' Shipman in 1910
* 8/486 - Arthur Wilfred SMITH (1887-1971)
NOK father, William Smith, Punta, Esk Street, Invercargill
- enlisted from 214 Tweed Street, Invercargill
- married Eugenie Victoria McCULLAGH (1891-1974) in 1917
* 8/1842 - Richard Gardner SPEIRS (1886-1959)
NOK father, Richard Gardner Speirs (1856-1933), Dee Street, Invercargill
- enlisted from Surrey Street, Gore
- mother was Agnes McNEILAGE
* 8/305 - John Francis WALSH
NOK father, Mr John Walsh, Burns Street, Milton
- enlisted from that address
* 8/957 - James WOOD
NOK father, Mr J. Wood, Highfield, Timaru
- enlisted from Empire Hotel, Christchurch

* 9/361 - Marcus ANDERSON
NOK father, M. Anderson, 7 Gibson Street, Kaikorai, Dunedin
- enlisted from that address
* 9/601 - William James CLARKE
NOK father, Charles Clarke, Mataura
- enlisted from East Gore
* 9/267 - Walter James DILLON
NOK Alfred Dillon, Pahia, Southland
- enlisted from Seaward Downs, Southland
* 9/278 - Albert William FISHER
NOK father, John Fisher, Kapuka, Southland
- enlisted from same address
* 9/475 - James Eaton GAFFANEY (1880-1919)
NOK father, Francis Gaffaney, Cargill Rd., Dunedin South
- enlisted from Oreti, Southland
- parents were Francis Dominic GAFFANEY (1843-1919) from Belfort, Derbyshire, & Catherine 'Kate' BROSNAHAN (1855-1905) from County Kerry, Ireland. Francis was a Hotelkeeper (of 'The Railway Workshops Hotel' corner of Cargill Rd., & Cutten St., Dunedin) and also a member of the Canterbury provincial police. After his death his freehold residences were auctioned and comprised:- 3 Cutten St (6 rooms), 5 Cutten St (4 rooms), 7 Cutten St (4 rooms), 3 cottages on Lambeth Rd and the Workshops Hotel, a double-story brick building
- brother, Peter Michael Gaffaney, embarked 9 Oct 1915
- brother, Francis Dominick Gaffaney embarked 26 July 1916
- sister, Imelda Gaffaney (1891-1960) was Sister di Pazzi of the Dominican Convent, Oamaru
James Eaton Gaffaney served 3 years at the front, was severely wounded at Gallipoli and died of his wounds in April 1919 at home
On April 22 1919 at Dunedin, Lance-Corporal James Eaton Gaffaney,(No 9/475, Main Body) beloved second son of Francis Dominic Gaffaney of Cutten Street, South Dunedin, and brother of Joseph, Vincent and Francis Gaffaney (on active service) aged 38 years. R.I.P. To be interred with military honours at Northern Cemetery. Hugh Gourley, Military Funeral Director.
* Francis's brother Michael Gaffaney married Kate's sister Margaret Brosnaham (lived Temuka)
* James died 4 months before his father Francis who died at the Chalet Hospital in Aug 1919
* see also the great blog on Peter Michael Gaffaney & family (with photos)
* 9/538 - William Alexander GUNN
NOK father, William Gunn, 112 King Street, Glasgow South, Scotland
- enlisted from Waipounamu, Riversdale, Southland
* 9/177 - Frederick McKAY
NOK Mr John McKay, Wedderburn, Otago Central
- enlisted from Miller's Flat
* 9/948 - Randolph Desmond MATHER
NOK mother, Ellen Mather, Portabello, Otago
- enlisted from Portobello
- parents were James Edward MATHER & Ellen Mary DESMOND
* 9/314 - Robert MORRISON
NOK mother, Mrs Johan Morrison, Eastern Bush, via Otautau
- enlisted from Dipton, Southland
* 9/625 - James PAUL
NOK wife, Mrs T. Paul, 7 Evelyn Place, Wellington, also 116 Fox St, Gisborne
- enlisted from 7 Mount Street, Central Auckland
* 9/742 - John PETERSEN
NOK brother, J. Patersen, Princes St., Dunedin
- enlisted from c/o Little, Omihi, Kaikoura
* 9/875 - Marcus Turnbull ROSS
NOK brother, J. Ross, Bonnivale, Tapanui - also, Rose Hall, Warepa, Otago
- enlisted from Clydevale, Otago
* 9/208 David SMAILLIE (1868-1945)
NOK sister, Mrs Mary Connor, c/o Post Office, Mosgiel
- enlisted from Mosgiel
- sister Mary Addie Smaillie (1866-1960) married William Connor in 1884
- married Ann Dow RAMSAY in 1919
* 9/84A - James STEWART (1890-1918)
NOK Thomas Stewart, Awamoa, North Oamaru
- born 9 April 1890 in Oamaru to Thomas STEWART & Amelia HAMILTON
- enlisted from 34 Cashel St., Christchurch with service number 3/84A, 26 Aug 1914. Service number changed to 9/84A with transfer to Otago Mounted Rifles
- died 8 Dec 1918 from Pulmonary Tuberculosis & buried Oamaru
* 9/1993 - Patrick Joseph SULLIVAN
NOK father, John Sullivan, 34 William Street, Timaru
- enlisted from that address
* 9/93 - Peter TORRIE
NOK wife, Maria Torrie, 12 De Carle Street, St Kilda, Dunedin
- enlisted from Dunedin
- married Maria SUTHERLAND in 1912
* 9/772 - Herbert McDonell WHITE
NOK mother, Elizabeth White, Tahunga, Gisborne
- enlisted from Tahunga

* 10/1724 - Thomas ANTHONY
NOK father, James Anthony, Castlecliff, Wanganui
- enlisted from Castlecliff, Wanganui
* 10/1713 - Alfred ACOTT
NOK father, Alfred Acott, Woodfall, Luddingford, Yalding, Kent, England
- enlisted from Avoca House, Napier
* 10/1406 - Philip Augustus BANKS
NOK sister, Miss M. Banks, 2 Viking Road, Arbair Hill, Military Quarter, Dublin
- enlisted from Royal Hotel, Palmerston North
* 10/588 - Arthur Henry BEABLE (1889-1923)
NOK Mrs Morya Beable, Westbourne Rd., Plymouth, England
- enlisted from Dannevirke
* 10/1181 - William Andrew BELL
NOK sister, Mrs C. H. Marshall, Auchencrow, Scotland
* 10/285 - Alfred Cecil BOWMAN (1890-)
NOK mother, Mrs Edgar Elliot Carew, 78 Nith Street, Invercargill
- born in NZ to Johnathan 'John' Ashbridge BOWMAN (1850-1891) & Rebecca FAZAKERLEY (1867-1941) from Elwood, Melbourne, Australia. His father died when he was about 1 and his mother Rebecca remarried in 1904 to Edgar Elliot Carew. Edgar had first married Helen Jane JEFFCOAT (1861-1902) in 1889
- a brother, Jonathan Bertram Bowman enlisted from Melbourne 14 July 1915
- a brother, James Ashbridge Bowman enlisted in Melbourne 16 July 1915
- a step brother, Eric Evelyn Carew enlisted from Gonville 17 April 1915
- a step brother, Alan Elon Edgar Carew enlisted from Wanganui 14 Aug 1915
- a step brother, Dudley Wilmott Carew was killed in action at Gallipoli
* 10/1752 - Edward BRICKDALE
NOK mother, Charlotte Brickdale, 5 Foster Street, Bedfordshire, England
- enlisted from Waipawa
* 10/1765 - John Thomas BYRNE
NOK mohter, Mary Byrne, 28 Iona Road, Glasnevin, Dublin
- enlisted from 29 Wellington Street, Gisborne
* 10/226 - Sydney DRINKROW (1893-1943)
NOK Mrs Elizabeth Drinkrow, Nafferton, East Yorkshire, England
- enlisted from c/o Post Office, Hastings
- married Florence Eva SAYERS in 1925
* 10/2120 - Sergeant-Major William DUNLEVEY
NOK father, D. Dunlevey (father), 37 Fairview Street, Belfast, Ireland
- enlisted from Alhambra Hotel, Wellington
* 10/319 - Ernest Horatio Thornton DUNN
NOK brother, John Gilman Dunn, Solicitor, Napier
- enlisted from Lucy Road, Napier, Hawkes Bay
- sons of David DUNN & Elizabeth Gilman JAGOE
* 10/953 - Henry George FENN
NOK Henry George Fenn, Riverbend Rd., Meanee, Napier
- enlisted from that address
- son of Henry George FENN & Matilda Harriet BOYD
* 10/1486 Joseph FRANKLIN
NOK mother, Mrs H. Franklin, Chaucer Road, Napier
- enlisted from Coley Street, Foxton
* 10/2166 - Waverley GREEN
NOK sister, Mrs A. Sparrow, St Albans, Christchurch
- enlisted from Whatatutu, Gisborne
* 10/612 Edward Dunstan HARVEY
NOK E. Harvey, Grand Hotel, Calcutta, India
- enlisted from Manunui
* 10/586 - John HENRY
NOK wife, Irene Henry, c/o Mrs J. Thompson, Waikanae
- enlisted from Riseholme, Christchurch
* 10/33 - Edward HUNT
NOK father, Edward Hunt, Mangaremarama, Pahiatua
- enlisted from that address
* 10/1858 - George Thomas HUTTON
NOK father, Thomas Hutton, Lake Rd., Hawera, Taranaki
- enlisted from Criterion Hotel, Wanganui
* 10/1536 - Donald McCall JAMIESON
NOK mother, Elizabeth Jamieson, 37 Saint Andrew Street, Dundee, Scotland
- enlisted from Bormain Terrace, Aro Street, Wellington
* 10/673 - Alfred Robert William KREBS (1892-)
NOK father, Charles Frederic William Krebs, Mangaweka
- mother was Matilda JALLOWFIELD (spelling?)
- enlisted from E. L. Rogers, New Zealand
- married Mabel ALLISON in 1919
- brother Harold Thomas 'Harry' Krebs also served
* 10/2442 - Gilbert Alexander LAWRENCE
NOK father, H. W. Lawrence, Johnsonville, Wellington
- enlisted from Aurora Road, Johnsonville, Wellington
* 10/985 - George LOCKWOOD
NOK father, George Lockwood, 5 Gear Street, Petone
- enlisted from 6 Clyde Road, Napier
* 10/101 - Martin McGRATH
NOK mother, Annie McGrath, Enmore P.O., Sydney
- enlisted from Pahiatua
* 10/1565 - Cyril Herbert MANN
NOK father, J. J. Mann, c/o Ramsbottom and Co., Rintoul Street, Wellington
- enlisted from c/o J. J. Mann, Lyall Bay, Wellington
* 10/1917 - Lieutenant Charles Cockburn MILES
NOK father, A. H. Miles, 39 Hobson St., Wellington
- enlisted from c/o Roberts, and Co., Wellington
* 10/2246 - David Patterson MORRISON
NOK sister, Mrs Sinclair, Brora, Sutherlandshire, Scotland
- enlisted from Sandbank, Turakina
* 10/623 - Ole Peter MORTENSON
NOK Mr J. V. Mortensen, Pio Pio, King COuntry
- enlisted from Matapuna, King-country
* 10/1297 - John James MURRAY
NOK mother, Mrs H. Sparks, Saint Albans St., New Plymouth, Taranaki
- enlisted from New Plymouth
* 10/965 - Albert William NAPIER
NOK father, John Albert Napier, Beresford Street, Hastings
- enlisted from 308 Lascelles Street, Hastings
* 10/770 - Thomas Walter NARBEY
NOK father, Thomas Walter Narbey, Pokeno
- enlisted from Eltham, Taranaki
* 10/850 - Harry Bernard NIKEL (1889-1974)
NOK Miss Kathleen Nikel, c/o Levin and Co., Wellington
- enlisted from New Plymouth
- born in Australia to Carl Ferdinand NIKEL & Constance Mary THOMPSON
- sister, Kathleen Marguerite Nikel (1887-1945) was born in NZ & didn't marry
- Their parents married in Dunedin in 1885. They lived in Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, Sandhurst, Melbourne & Sydney. Carl left the family in 1890 and was served in London with a divorce petition in 1897. Constance was then in Oamaru
* 10/1936 - Albert NORTON
NOK mother, Mrs Emma Jane Hill, 21 Bolland St., Woodhouse, Leeds, Yorkshire
- enlisted from Peel St., Gisborne
* 10/441 - Edwin Oliver OLSEN (1890-1966)
NOK mother, Mrs Olsen, 133 Grey Street, Auckland
- enlisted from Taihape
- parents were Hans OLSEN & Jeannette CHRISTOPHERSEN
* 10/863 - Charles Henry PLIM
NOK father, Alfred Plim, Highfield, Doxey, Stafford, England
- enlisted from Warea
* 10/2462 - William John ROBERTSON
NOK father, J. R. Robertson, Hawera
- enlisted from Donbank, Wellington
* 10/1161 - Charles Arthur Cecil St PAUL (1890-1918)
NOK Mrs H. S. St Paul, Penhill Avenue, Parkstone, Dorset, England
- married Margaret Eleanor BOND in 1917. Charles died 20 Nov 1918 during Flu Pandemic aged 28. Margaret remarried in 1919 to Maurice Archibald GALL of Ngaruawahia
* 10/1080 - Charles SCOTT
NOK sister, Mrs Rangi Pohipohi, Waimarama, Hastings
- enlisted from Waimarama
* 10/1664 - Frederick Hongi Rewi STIDOLPH (1891-`873)
NOK father, Sydney Stidolph, 98 Lambton Quay, Wellington
- mother was Sarah HEBLEY
- enlisted from same address
- married Mavis Felicity Duneage TODD (1896-1949) in 1919
* 10/1378 - William John STEPHENSON (1894-1945)
NOK father, William Henry Stephenson, 124 Broad Street, Palmerston North
- enlisted from Palmerston North
- mother was Julia Elizabeth BUNGATE

* 11/673 - Major Charles DICK (1886-1974)
NOK sister, Miss M. Dick, Kimbolton, Manawatu
- enlisted from Kimbolton
- parents possibly Randolph Douglass DICK & Elizabeth HARRIS
* 11/661 - Captain William James HARDHAM V.C. (1876-1928)
NOK father, George HARDHAM, 10 Cardall Street, Wellington
- his mother was Ann GREGORY
- enlisted 4 times (from Wellington & Petone, see next link)
- married Constance Evelyn PARSONSON in 1916 while convalescing in Wellington
- read also first man in NZ to receive the Victoria Cross during Boer War
* 11/620 - William Gibb BLACKLOCK (1889-1965)
NOK father, George Walter Blacklock, Ohakune
- enlisted from Ohakune
- married Nellie Mahaley CRUTTENDEN in 1916
- he married Ivy PATTISON in 1928
* 11/294 - Alexander Murray HUTTON
NOK Mrs Margaret Hutton, Church Street, Woodside, Aberdeen, Scotland
- enlisted from Dannevirke
* 11/482 - William George MARSHALL (1887-)
NOK mother, Rebecca Marshall, Hampden, Otago
- enlisted from Stock Department, New Plymouth
- parents were George MARSHALL & Rebecca GARD
* 11/349 - Thomas William MURPHY
NOK brother, John Richard Murphy, Rangiora
- parents were Thomas Patrick MURPHY & Catherine 'Kate' COSTELLO
* 11/366 - Stanley RONALDSON (1891-1959)
NOK father, Thomas Sherriff Ronaldson, Public Trust Office, Wellington
- enlisted from Ngakonui, Hinakura
- mother was Fanny Mary Berend LUCKIE
- married Winifred Edith PERRY in 1919
* 11/135 - William George Thompson SHANNON (1883-)
NOK father, Graham Shannon, Owen Street, Feilding
- mother was Agnes MULHOLLAND
- enlisted from Feilding
- married Eva ANDREWS in 1917
* 11/152 - Dugald THOMPSON (1890-)
NOK father, Fairfield Thompson, Kimbolton Road, Feilding
- enlisted from c/o Dalgety and Co., Taihape
- 1 of 13 children of Fairfield & Elizabeth THOMPSON
- married Tuihi Maud INGPEN (1898-1971) in 1918
granddaughter of Edward Lockyer INGPEN & Sarah JONES
- a brother, Fairfield Thompson (39499) died of his wounds in Belgium 1917

* 12/681 - Alfred John ANDERSON (1891-1939)
NOK father, Charles John Anderson, Te Kopuru, North Wairoa
- mother was Mary Jane THORNALLY
* 12/1580 - Roy Colin CAMPBELL (1895-)
NOK father, Richard Ernest Campbell, Ether St., Morningside, Auckland
- 1 of 14 children - mother was Maria SYMONDS
* 12/956 - Edgar Bertram 'Bert' De LACEY (1889-1930)
NOK Ellen De lacey, Carterton
- enlisted from Carterton
- married Nora Ellen ANDERSON (1897-1966) in 1916. Nora next married Fredrick Hugh WEDERELL (1906-2003)
* 12/348 Thomas Rees ENGLAND (1883-1948)
NOK father, William Lily England, Tauranga
- mother was Clara HILL
- enlisted from Waiotapu, Rotorua
* 12/2531 John LEES FAULKNER
NOK father, Christopher Faulkner, Kiwi Rd., Devonport, Auckland
- mother was Alice Shaw CAPPER
- married Rita Louisa HARRIS in 1923
* 12/1649 - Jack HALLY
NOK father, James Hally, Cambridge, Waikato
- enlisted from Sonoma, Auckland - wounded at Gallipoli
* 12/563 - John Peter HANSEN (1894-1979)
NOK Mrs N. Hansen, Mangatu, Dargaville
- married Ethel Amy Maria WOLLAND (1898-1924) in 1919
- he next married Wenonah Annie POLGLASE (1909-1984) in 1930
* 12/1432 - Percival Augustus HILLARY (1886-1965)
NOK mother, Mrs Edmund Hillary, Maranui, Mountain Road, Remuera, Auckland
- Founder & Editor of Tuakau District News
- parents were Edmund HILLARY & Annie Clementina FLEMING
- married Gertrude CLARK in 1916
Percival & Gertrude were the parents of Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008)
* 12/986 Ernest HOPTROFF (1870-1933)
NOK wife, Mrs E. Hoptroff, 3 City Road, Auckland
The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 July 1933 HOPTROFF - June 26 1933 at Auckland Hospital, Ernest Hoptroff, late Anzac NZ Expeditionary Forces, formerly of Sidney and Cheshire England, aged 63. (buried Plot 35, Row 4, Soldiers Burial B at Waikumete)
* 12/1671 - Stewart HOUSTON
NOK sister, Mrs E. Blackwell, Birkenhead, Cheshire, England
- enlisted from Riverview House, Hamilton
* 12/1441 - Ralph Thomas JAY
- aka Ralph Thomas JAY-AUSTIN (also #23431)
NOK sister, Mrs Chapman, 34 Lambton Road, Hornsey, London
- enlisted from 56 Cook St., Auckland
- married Aimie Estelle DENBY in 1916
daughter of Charles James Springfield DENBY & Annie Maria HOLMES
* 12/145 - Harold JONES
NOK father, T. Jones, 11 Canada Street, Newton, Auckland
- enlisted from that address
* 12/1686 John JONES
NOK sister, Mrs Kate Hughes, 13 David Street, Liverpool, England
- enlisted from Waitomo Caves
* 12/581 - Noel Edwin Le NOEL (1891-1922)
NOK father, Noel John Christie Le Noel, Matakohe
- parents were Noel John Le NOEL & Maria Charlotte COPE
* 12/1701 - William Wilbur LYNCH (1895-1941)
NOK father, P. Lynch, Waitowheta, Waihi
- enlisted from Waimata
- married Ivy Frederica SPARROW in 1920
* 12/1474 - Robert McKAY
NOK mother, Mrs Rebecca McKay, Albion Street, Parnell, Auckland
* 12/1712 - Reginald Herbert MARSHALL
NOK father, G. S. Marshall, Saint James Road, Hastings, Sussex, England
- enlisted from Whangarei
* 12/180 - Ronald Grey MASON (1894-1958)
NOK mother, Annie Hunter Mason, 4 Smith St., Ponsonby, Auckland
- parents were Thomas MASON & Annie Hunter McCAUL
- married Hilda White BALLARD in 1919
* 12/583 Alexander John MUIRHEAD (1891-)
NOK mother, Margaret Muirhead, 27 Calder Street, St Kilda, Dunedin
- parents were James MUIRHEAD & Margaret ROBERTSON
- enlisted from 31 Shoal Bay Road, Devonport, Auckland
* 12/820 Daniel O'BRIEN
NOK Mr Charles O'Brien, Alpha Hotel, Kihikihi
- enlisted from Marakopa, Auckland
* 12/434 James Henry PATTULLO (1888-1973)
NOK father, Reverend James Leburn Pattullo, Kamo, Whangarei
- parents were James Leburn PATTULLO (from Scotland) & Morinie DAVIDSON
- enlisted from Waihi
* 12/2084 - Albert POTTS (1886-1961)
NOK father, Robert Potts, Aramoho, Wanganui (originally Newcastle, England)
- he was a son of Robert POTTS & Matilda CROMBIE who arrived into Napier 16 Dec 1876 on the 'Waitara'. They also lived in New Plymouth and Wanganui
- enlisted from Clifton, Symonds Street, Auckland in 1914 & embarked from Auckland 16 Oct 1914 with the Auckland Infantry Battalion as Private 12/841. His nok was his father Robert at 104 London St., Wanganui
NOTE a number of soldiers enlisted from the Clifton, Whittaker Place, off Symonds street (first tram stop past St Paul's). It was a casual & permanent accommodation hostel/hotel/boarding house.
- enlisted from 2 Russell Place (off Symonds Street in 1877 - off Cook Street by 1914) Central Auckland in 1915 & embarked from Wellington with the Auckland Infantry Battalion, 4th Reinforcements as Private 12/2084.
- married Hannah Elizabeth PRUDEN (nee Bloomfield, of Te Puke) in 1921
- he was Lance Corporal 32807 with the Royal New Zealand Army Ordinance Corps at Hopuhopu, Waikato in 1948 at the age of 61. (see link for more)
* 12/1486 - Albert POULSON (1896-1976)
NOK mother, Mrs A. Poulson, Piriaka, Taumarunui
- enlisted from 48 Grey St., Auckland
* 12/2101 Charles RIST
NOK father, David Rist, Manukau Rd., Onehunga, Auckland
- enlisted from that address
- brother John Henry Rist was killed in action at Gallipoli 1915
* 12/268 Arthur Leith SHAND (1892-1969)
NOK Mrs R. H. Shand, Mackay Street, Thames, Coromandel
- parents were James Arthur SHAND & Margaret Hood LEITH
- enlisted from 18 Huntly Ave., Auckland
* 12/879 - Angus TAYLOR (1892-1958)
NOK mother, Rose Taylor, 25 Cole St., Masterton
- parents were John TAYLOR & Rose STONE
- enlisted from Otahuhu, Auckland
* 12/476 - David Augustus VINCENT (1893-1955)
NOK father, Charles Hamilton Vincent, Paeroa
- mother was Ellen SNODGRASS
- enlisted from Paeroa
- married Gladys Ada HARPER in 1920
* 12/1042 - Fred WEBSTER (1899-1978)
NOK brother, A. S. Webster, Richardson Road, Mr Roskill, Auckland
- enlisted from Awakino, via Waitara

* 13/119 - Lieutenant William Titley PALMER (1890-1968)
NOK G. Palmer, Waingaro, via Ngaruawahia
- enlisted from Lucklaw, Waiuku
* 13/787 - William Horace CRAFAR (1894-1959)
NOK mother, Alice Eliza Crafer, Seddon (WWI)
- enlisted from c/o J. P. Lethbridge, Sherenden
- father William (1864-1948) served in the Boer War & died 11 Sep 1948 - buried Omaka cemetery, Marlborough
* 13/336 - James Steenson FOX
NOK Mrs H. Fox, Papamoa, Tauranga
- enlisted from Taneatua
* 13/195 Eric Wyles INDER (1890-)
NOK father, Simeon Inder, Inspector of Post-offices, Palmerston North
- enlisted from Te Kuiti
- mother was Jessie Bruce WYLES
- married Ethel Margaret Baird HALL in 1918
- brother, Robert Walter Norman Inder served in the Boer War
- brother, Frederick leslie Roy Inder embarked 16 Oct 1914
* 13/379 George LAUER (1890-1960)
NOK Mr G. Lauer, Pukekohe, Auckland
- enlisted from Waimai, Raglan
* 13/714 - Alexander McFARLANE
NOK John McFarlane, Waipu, North Auckland
- enlisted from Waipu
* 13/716 - Robert Holmes McKINNEY (1892-)
NOK father, Benjamin Holmes McKinney, Warkworth
- mother was Janet BALLANTINE
- enlisted from Warkworth
- brother, James Ballantine Holmes McKinney died 1916 from disease whilst training
- brother, Lindsay Stuart Holmes McKinney embarked 13 June 1918
- nephew, Lindsay Holmes McKinney (1923-2013) served in Egypt
* 13/1031A - James MELLING
NOK wife, Mrs Lucy Melling, 92 Calliope Road, Devonport, Auckland
- enlisted from 100 Hobson St., Auckland
* 13/732 - Stanley QUINLAN
NOK father, Edward Quinlan, 41 Austin Street, Wellington
- enlisted from Fenton St., Rotorua
* 13/590 - Thomas Ruddle THOMSON (1889-1946)
NOK Mr W. Thomson, Middlemore, Gordonton via Taupiri
- born Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia
- enlisted from Pukekohe
- severe gunshot wound of right eye [later lost] at Dardanelles May 1915
- married Rhoda Mary WALDRON in 1921
- Thomas died 12 Oct 1946 aged 57 & is buried at Gordonton, Waikato
* 13/521 - Frank WATTERS
NOK mother, Elizabeth Watters, Mt Eden, Auckland, also c/o T. C. Watters, Waikino
- enlisted from Te Puke
* 13/752 - Ernest James WILLIAMS (1880-1954)
NOK wife, Mrs E. J. Williams, Albert Rd., Devonport, Auckland
- married Ida STRUDE in 1908
- enlisted from Albert Road, Devonport, Auckland

* 16/568 - Hone NEPIA
NOK Wheku Nepia, Manutuke
- enlisted from Manutuke, Gisborne
* 16/160 - Awatapu NGAKI
NOK Te Ari Turuturu, Te Puke
- enlisted from Te Puke
* 16/175 - Kouma TAPIHANA
NOK mother, Mrs Kouma Tapsell, Maketu, Bay of Plenty
- enlisted from Maketu
* 16/361 - Paratene TAUMATANGI
NOK father, Paratene Taumatangi, Te Kao, North Auckland
* 16/213 - Pita TAUWHARE
NOK sister, Tiri Tauwhare, c/o Post Office, Kaiapoi
- enlisted from 135A Thorndon Quay, Wellington
* 16/124 - Hatara Matehe Te AWARAU
NOK wife, Emma Matche, Waipiro Bay, Gisborne

Tentative arrangements have been made by the Mayor, Mr J. H. Gunson, for a public reception to the soldiers who are returning to Auckland by the Rotorua and to those who returned by the Willochra. Mr Gunson stated yesterday that it is possible the reception will be postponed until Thursday morning, but this cannot be determined until the Rotorua is within wireless range. Mr Gunson said he was in communication with Colonel J. E. Hume, officer commanding the district, and as soon as possible a definite announcement will be made as to the arrangements.
The Mayor intends to meet the Willochra contingent at the railway station on the arrival of the express train, and these men will be invited to attend the gathering in the Town Hall that afternoon or next morning., Cars will be provided by the Motor Service Corps for the convenience of the soldiers to the Town Hall

The reception in Auckland to wounded soldiers arriving by the Rotorua and Willochra will not take place until Thursday morning, This information has been received by Miss Spedding, secretary of the Auckland Women's Patriotic League who desires to notify members that they should be in attendance at 9 a.m. sharp

* The Nelson returned soldiers are:-
Major Brereton and Privates S. L. Andrews, H. A. Johnston, C. F. Stone and P. N. Sadd. Returned soldiers have suggested that some special welcome should be tendered to major Brereton. He was the original leader of the Nelson Company at Gallipoli and an officer who was highly esteemed by those in his charge

* Captain W. J. Hardham, V.C., who was returning invalided to New Zealand by the Rotorua, disembarked at Hobart in order to undergo a slight operation. The date of his arrival in Wellington, therefore, is uncertain. On Sunday Captain Hardham's parents received a cablegram from him stating, "All's well'don't worry"

* Sergeant Percival A. Hillary, of the Second Reinforcements, 15th North Auckland Infantry Battalion, is returning to Auckland by the steamer Rotorua. Sergeant Hillary was born in Dargaville, Northern Wairoa. For twelve years he was employed on the staff of the 'Bell' newspaper in that district, and afterwards joined the 'New Zealand Herald' at Auckland. After gaining some further experiences he bought the 'North Auckland TImes'. He sold out as soom as possible upon the outbreak of war, and reached Egypt in time leace with the Main Body for Gallipoli. He was present at the landing on April 25, and through the severe engagements in the earlier part of the campaign there. After three months on the Peninsula only 16 out of the 227 men of his company were left. Sergeant Hillary was then injured by a bomb, and was sent to Malta, where it was found that injuries to his ears and eyes were so serious as to necessitate his removal to England. While in England he qualified for a commission, but the medical authorities would not allow him to return to the front, and ordered him to New Zealand

* Captain H. A. Cooper and Captain R. Neave, who are to take up duty in New Zealand under the Defence Department, are passengers by the Rotorua. Captain Cooper is accompanied by Mrs and miss C. Cooper and Captain neave by Mrs Neave

* A party of domestic servants, in charge of Miss Alma Dale, is expected to arrive by the Rotorua, due in Auckland to-day from England

1 comment(s), latest 6 years, 10 months ago

Charles Joseph Cottle & Mary Ann Gill - Wellington

Charles Joseph COTTLE (1838-1918)
was born 22 Feb 1838 in Swainswick, Bath, England to:
Charles COTTLE (1811-1841) & Mary DIAMOND (1811-1841)
- they arrived into Wellington 11 June 1841 on the 'Catherine Stuart Forbes'
- his parents both died in Wellington in 1841, shortly after arrival. Charles and his brother William were then bought up by John & Amelia Gill who were later to become Charles's inlaws

Mary Ann GILL (1844-1905)
was born 22 Jan 1844 in Wellington, New Zealand to:
John GILL (1812-1894) & Amelia TURNER (1807-1876)
- they had arrived into Wellington 30 Nov 1841 on the Gertrude
- her parents died in Wellington & buried Bolton street

Charles Joseph COTTLE married Mary Ann GILL
on Christmas Day 1861 in St Pauls Church, Thorndon, Wellington

CHARLES & MARY ANN had 15 children
9 boys & 6 girls and a gap of 26 years youngest to oldest
4 of the COTTLE brothers married 4 EDWARDS sisters
* they were daughters of Robert EDWARDS & Eliza BENGE of the Hutt Valley
* & granddaughters of David Benge, pioneer of Taita & Mangaroa

... 1
1862 - 1943 Joseph Japhet Cottle
- born 28 Sep 1862 (the name of his maternal grandfather Japhet Turner)
JOSEPH married Rebecca GEORGE (1863-1918) in 1888
the 10 children of JOSEPH & REBECCA:
* 1890 - 1965 Henry Joseph Cottle
* 1891 - 1981 Ada Elizabeth Cottle (+Percival Samuel Lett)
* 1892 - 1963 Charles Robert Cottle (+Bertha Florence Beech)
* 1894 - 1961 Annie Rebecca Cottle (+John Frederick Westhead)
* 1895 - 1955 Eileen Lillian 'Nellie' Cottle (+John Bruce Millar)
* 1897 - 1873 Maud Mary Cottle (+Arthur Caesar Cretney)
* 1899 - 1965 Winifred Florence Cottle (+Walter 'Leslie' John Hale)
* 1900 - 1977 William John Cottle (+Pearl Daken)
* 1902 - 1972 Olive Grace Cottle (+Allan Campbell)
* 1907 - 1908 Thomas Edward Cottle (aged 20 months)
REBECCA Cottle died 3 Nov 1918 in Masterton aged 55
Dominion, 4 November 1918
... COTTLE - On November 3, at her residence, Kopuranga, Rebecca, beloved wife of J. J. Cottle (suddenly). Deeply regretted. Funeral will leave Masterton 1 p.m. Tuesday, November 5.
... The death is announced of a well-known and greatly-respected old resident of Kopuranga, Mrs Cottle, at the age of 55. Mrs Cottle, who leaves a husband and grown up family of nine children, was the youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas George, of Tinakori-road, and sister of Mrs Slight of Paekakariri, and Mrs George Carter, Russell-terrace. There are also several brothers resident in Wellington and the Wairarapa district.
JOSEPH next married Ida Lillian CARTER (1891-1974) in 1923
- daughter of George Petoni CARTER (1840-1919) & Emma GEORGE (1848-1939)
...Ida's mother Emma was a sister of Joseph's first wife Rebecca
...see more about George Petoni & Emma Carter at footnotes below
the 3 children of JOSEPH & IDA:
* 1924 - 2007 Joseph Petoni 'Toni' Cottle (+Edith Lillian 'Joyce' Southee)
* 1925 - Thomas James 'Tom' Cottle (+Lourdes 'Lulu' Cruz)
* 1928 - 1949 Dorothy Ida Cottle (+Maurice King Phillips)
JOSEPH JAPHET Cottle died 22 Aug 1943 in Masterton
- he is buried Plot JJC, Row A, Old Ground at Archer street with Rebecca

... 2
1864 - 1894 Frederick Charles Cottle
- born 7 March 1864
FREDERICK died 28 January 1894 aged 29 in Belmont, Lower Hutt
Wairarapa Daily Times, 30 January 1894 Suicide At The Hutt
- he is buried in the Old Taita cemetery

... 3
1865 - 1942 Hannah Jane Cottle
- born 26 December 1865 in Wellington
HANNAH married James William FOX in Belmont, Lower Hutt 3 Jan 1894
- son of James William FOX & Helen Burns TANNAHILL
the children of HANNAH & JAMES:
* 1895 - 1958 James Charles Fox (+Mary Catherine Florence)
* 1897 - 1957 Charles Joseph Fox (+Ina Phyllis Hancox)
* 1898 - 1899 Alfred William Fox (died aged 5 weeks in Taita)
* 1900 - 1969 Mary Ellen 'Winifred' Fox (+Alexander Hutton Kidd)
* 1902 - 1972 Leslie George Fox (+Evelyn Beryl Una Hancox)
* 1903 - 1985 Elsie Evelyn Lavinia Fox (+John Dafter)
* 1906 - 1993 Helena Henrietta Daphne Fox (+Alexander Robert Callander)
* 1911 - 1994 Ida Annie Rubina Fox (+Ronald Nigel Dugan Strickland. Died Canada)
JAMES WILLIAM Fox died 21 Feb 1916 in Palmerston North hospital aged 56
HANNAH JANE Fox died 11 Nov 1942 at daughter Winifred's in Levin aged 76
- they are buried Plot 16, Block 6, Terrace End, Palmerston North

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1867 - 1946 Edward William Cottle
- born 1 July 1867 in Taita
EDWARD married Hannah Mary PEARCE (1869-1945) in 1893
- daughter of James PEARCE & Letitia LAWSON
the children of EDWARD & HANNAH:
* 1893 - 1945 James Charles Edward Cottle (+Agnes McGiffe Rennie)
* 1898 - 1986 Mary Letitia Cottle (+William Charles Edwill Huse)
* 1904 - 1978 George Henry Cottle (+Dorothy Margaret Jackson)
HANNAH MARY Cottle died 24 March 1945
EDWARD WILLIAM Cottle died 25 March 1946 aged 79
- they are buried in St John's Anglican cemetery, Trentham

... 5
1868 - 1956 John Robert Cottle
- born 29 Dec 1868 in Taita
JOHN married Bertha Evelyn EDWARDS (1879-1966) 11 Dec 1895 in Wellington
the children of JOHN & BERTHA: (born in Taita)
* 1897 - 1974 Victor John Cottle (+Elsie McLeavey)
* 1901 - 1971 Alexander Vernon Cottle (+Mavis Leta Hawkins)
JOHN ROBERT Cottle died 3 June 1956 in Palmerston North
BERTHA EVELYN Cottle died 23 August 1966 in Palmerston North
- they are buried in Otaki

... 6
1870 - 1943 Charles Henry Cottle
- born 14 Nov 1870 in Taita
CHARLES married Alice Jessie EDWARDS (1873-1947) 4 July 1894 in Wellington
the children of CHARLES & ALICE:
* 1895 - 1987 Alice May Cottle (+Ward Richard Milton Pearce)
* 1897 - 1978 Horace Record Cottle (+Adina Beatty +Elizabeth Mason 'May' Eagle)
* 1900 - 1992 Rosina Blanche Cottle (+John Maurice Parsons)
Ward Richard Milton Pearce who married Alice May Cottle was a brother of Hannah Mary Pearce, Alice's aunty, her father's sister. (See link at Hannah above)

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1872 - 1942 Mary Amelia Cottle
- born 20 Nov 1872 in the Wellington area (Taita?)
MARY married Ernest Edward GOSS (1866-1950) in 1891
- son of Samuel George GOSS (1835-1915) & Sarah STAMP (1835-1918)
the children of MARY & ERNEST:
* 1893 - 1976 Charles Ernest Samuel Goss (+Amy Ruby Elizabeth Cadwallader +Ella May Shannon)
* 1895 - 1961 William Edward Goss (+Jeanette Nicols)
* 1896 - 1977 Violet Selina Goss (+Walter James Hooper)
* 1897 - 1976 Ernest 'Arthur' Goss (+Ida Emma Northcott)
* 1900 - 1970 Stanley Norman Goss (+Myrtle Evelyn Herrick)
* 1901 - 1992 Alice Mary Goss (+William Henry 'Bill' Lawry +Alfred Charles Williams)
* 1904 - 1982 Albert Henry Goss (+Esther Irene Northcott)
* 1907 - 1982 Sarah May Goss (+Walter Erle 'Hutch' Hutchings)
* 1909 - 1984 Edward 'Digger' Goss (+Claire Salisbury)
* 1910 - 1989 Harry James Goss (+Adelaide King)
* 1912 - 1996 Alfred 'Claude' Goss (+Isabel Mary Rossiter)
MARY AMELIA Goss died 11 Dec 1942 in Levin
The death occurred recently in Levin of Mrs Mary Amelia Goss, who was born in Wellington 70 years ago, being the second daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Joseph Cottle, pioneers of Wellington, She was married to Mr Ernest Goss 51 years ago, farming first at Upper Belmont, then at Mangamaire, and later ar Nireha, where she lived for 32 years. Four years ago Mr and Mrs Goss retired and went to live in Levin. She is survived by her husband and eight sons, Messrs Charles, William, Stanley, and Claude Goss of Mireaha; Arthur Goss of Rata, Albert Goss of Shannon; Private Edward Goss, Rotorua and Gunner Harry Goss who is a prisoner of war in Italy; and three daughter, Mrs Walter Hooper, Newman; Mrs William Lowry, Pahiatua and Mrs Erle Hutchings, Eketahuna. There are 26 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mrs Goss also leaves six brothers and four sisters
ERNEST EDWARD Goss died 20 Oct 1950 aged 84
- they are buried Grave 50B, Block AB at Mangaoranga, Eketahuna

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1874 - 1912 James Viller/Villa 'Jim' Cottle
- born 12 June 1874 in Silverstream, Hutt Valley
JAMES married Elizabeth 'Liz' MacINTYRE (1877-1966) in 1897
- daughter of Charles McINTYRE (1835-1902) & Isabella Mary WATSON (1844-1924)
the children of JAMES & ELIZABETH:
* 1898 - 1918 Donald Charles Cottle (Killed in Action Le Cateau France)
* 1900 - 1979 Malcolm McDonald McIntyre Cottle (+Flora May Chalmers)
* 1901 - 1986 Isabelle Mary McIntyre Cottle (+David Joseph Welsh)
* 1907 - 1997 Ida Elizabeth Cottle (+William Patrick Marshment)
JAMES VILLER Cottle died 15 April 1912 aged 38 in Silverstream of Influenza
Hutt Valley Independent, 20 April 1912 We have to record the death, at his residence Silverstream, of Mr James Villa Cottle at the age of thirty-eight. Deceased was the sixth son of the well-known pioneer, settler, Mr C. Cottle of Wellington. His is the second death in the family of nine sons and six daughters, his brother Frederick having predeceased him a few years ago. Deceased married Elizabeth, (daughter of Mr. Charles McIntyre, a Wellington veteran), who bore him two sons and two daughters, the elder boy having recently left school.
Mr Cottle has been in failing health for some two years, ling trouble having followed upon a severe attack of influenza. He was sitting outside in the sun on Monday afternoon, and at 11.20 the same night was no more. The immediate cause of death was haemorrhage of the lungs.
The funeral took place on Thursday, at the Taita cemetery, the service being performed by the Rev. J. H. Sykes. "Jim" Cottle was deservedly popular, and the thirty-odd vehicles of friends which followed his remains to their last resting place bore testimony of the esteem in which he was held in the district.
ELIZABETH next married David JUDD (1855-1916) 20 Aug 1913
- son of William JUDD & Anne SAYERS (arrived Wellington 1840 'Martha Ridgway')
- David Judd 1st married Sarah Jane Parker in Wellington 1878 - 12 children
DAVID Judd died 10 Sep 1916 in Masterton aged 61
- he is buried in the Otaki cemetery
Wairarapa Daily Times, 11 September 1916 Mr David Judd, of Jubilee Rd., Otaki., died yesterday. The deceased, who was 61 years of age, was well-known throughout the Wairarapa, where a number of relatives reside. He leaves a widow and a family of eleven.
... The late Mr David Judd was born at the Hutt 61 years ago. As a young man he was a great athlete, and figured prominently on the running track, winning distinction time and again, especially in long distances, from one to three miles. On more than one occasion he defeated the professional J. Moran. He was also a first-class cricketer and footballer. He settled at Belmont, where he resided until about twelve years ago, when he purchased Messrs Jones Bros.' farm, Otaki, and went there to live.
ELIZABETH Judd died 8 August 1966 aged 89 in Wellington
- she was cremated at Karori

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1876 - 1936 Alfred Belmont 'Pat' Cottle
- born 25 Jan 1876 in the Wellington area (Belmont?)
ALFRED married Alvina Louisa Eliza 'Teen' EDWARDS (1883-1957) in Masterton 1901 - they were farmers at Mount Bruce, Masterton in 1915
the children of ALFRED & ALVINA:
* 1902 - 1976 Alfred Roy Cottle (+Mary Ann Graham of Masterton, 11 children)
* 1905 - 1972 Ruby 'Rita' Cottle (+Hugo Nicol in Masterton)
* 1907 - 1959 Henry Frank Cottle (+Edna Florence Haliwell)
* 1910 - 1973 Eric Charles Cottle (+Margaret 'Joy' Donald)
ALFRED BELMONT Cottle died 25 June 1936 in Kopuaranga (near Masterton)
- he is buried Plot ABC, Row 22 at Archer street cemetery
ALVINA LOUISA Cottle died 24 May 1957 in Katikati aged 74
- she is buried Plot ALC, Row 26, Plan II at Archer street cemetery

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1877 - 1957 Selina/Salena Frances Cottle
- born 2 September 1877 in the Wellington area
SELINA married Hathaway Valentine FUTTER (1871-1963) in 1896
- son of John FUTTER & Mary Ann HATHAWAY
the children of SELINA & HATHAWAY:
* 1897 - 1963 Florence Mary Futter (+Gordon Cunninham)
* 1899 - 1990 Alice Gwendoline Futter (+Clarence Edward Good)
* 1900 - 1987 John Charles Mafeking Futter (+Mavis Wilmot Estall)
* 1904 - 1968 Albert Valentine Futter (+Alethea Arabella Cook)
* 1909 - Daphne Noeline Futter (+Philip Lloyd Page)
SELINA FRANCES Futter died 25 June 1957 aged 79
HATHAWAY VALENTINE Futter died 24 June 1963 aged 92
- they were cremated at Karori, Wellington

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1879 - 1945 William Albert Cottle
- born 11 August 1879 in Taita
WILLIAM married Catherine DOULL (1885-1973) in 1905
- daughter of Alexander DOULL & Catherine SINCLAIR (both buried Bolton Street)
the children of WILLIAM & CATHERINE:
* 1906 - 1977 William Alexander Charles Cottle (+Edna Myrtle Parker)
* 1907 - 1975 Hector Sinclair Cottle (+Kitty Maud Brooker)
* 1908 - Eileen Bellevue Cottle (+Charles Okeover Anson +Colin Leonard Wilkie)
* 1911 - 1982 Vivian George Cottle (+Hilda Joan McAllister)
* 1912 - 1996 Arthur Charles Cottle (+Margaret Jean Dalton)
* 1915 - 1964 Vena Catherine Cottle (+Frederick Wedderburn Moore)
* 1917 - 1994 Gwendoline Melba Cottle (+Robert Edward Shannon)
* 1919 - 1992 Ernest John 'Jack' Cottle (+Audrey May Beatty)
* 1924 - 2006 Albert William Cottle (+Phyllis Josie Wilkie)
WILLIAM ALBERT Cottle died 23 Feb 1945 in Taita aged 65
- he is buried Old Taita cemetery
CATHERINE Cottle died 26 December 1973 aged 89

... 12
1881 - 1964 Ellen Winifred 'Nell' Cottle
- born 16 Feb 1881 in Wellington district
ELLEN married Thomas Michael BURKE (1879-1951) in 1907
the children of ELLEN & THOMAS:
* 1907 - 1989 Tom Erlyn Burke (+Inez Theresa Haggarty +Phyllis Meaclem)
* 1909 - 1986 Charles David Burke (+Daphne Ellen Aitken)
* 1913 - 1982 Edmund John Burke (+Patricia Agnes Turner)
THOMAS MICHAEL Burke died 24 October 1951 aged 72
ELLEN WINIFRED Burke died 10 September 1964 aged 83
- she is buried in the Old Taita cemetery

... 13
1883 - 1950 Arthur Ernest Cottle
- born 29 September 1883 in Wellington district
ARTHUR married Olive Blanche EDWARDS (1888-1948) 1902 in Levin
the children of ARTHUR & OLIVE:
* 1903 - 1981 Ivy Myrtle Cottle (+Eric Edward Detlof Olivecrona)
* 1904 - 1954 Gilbert Arthur Cottle (+Mavis Zena Jonson)
* 1905 - 1994 Elsie May Cottle (+Peter Edmond Thawley)
* 1907 - 1924 Olive Blanche Cottle (aged 17 in Levin)
* 1911 - 1993 Harold Ernest Cottle (+Zita Louisa Mary Elliot)
* 1916 - 1981 Vera Mary Cottle (born Woodville +Benjamin Allan Newnham)
* 1921 - Ronald Charles Cottle (+Dolly Beatrix Bates)
OLIVE BLANCHE Cottle died 2 Aug 1948 aged 63 in Levin
ARTHUR ERNEST Cottle died 9 May 1950 aged 66 in Levin
- they are buried Plot 58, Row 48 at Old Levin cemetery

... 14
1885 - 1958 Alice Emily Cottle
- born 4 October 1885 in Wellington district
ALICE married Herbert Stranach 'Bert' WRIGHT (1885-1945) of Durban, South Africa in 1909
the children of ALICE & HERBERT:
* 1910 - 1990 Nola Barbara Wright (+William Donald Bassett)
* 1911 - 1992 Evelyn Bellevue Wright (+Ronald Edward Pirani)
* 1919 - 1995 Charles Joseph Cottle Wright (+Eunice Mary Elizabeth Norman +Peggy Helen Horn)
* 1922 - 2013 Gloria Elza Wright (+Douglas Hamilton Rowe)
* 1924 - Donald Stranach Cottle Wright (+Alma Jane Carruthers)
HERBERT STRANACH Wright died 7 Jan 1945 in Wellington aged 59
ALICE EMILY Wright died 9 June 1958 in Wellington aged 72
- they were cremated at Karori

... 15
1888 - 1983 Evelyn Bellevue Cottle
- born 17 September 1888 in Wellington district
EVELYN married Gilbert Stuart REID (1884-1969) in 1911
the known children of EVELYN & GILBERT:
* 1911 - 1976 Stuart Charles Reid
* 1919 - 2006 Mavis Bellevue Reid (+Albert Foster Hall)
GILBERT STUART Reid died 12 June 1969 aged 85
EVELYN BELLVUE Reid died 18 January 1983 aged 94
- they are buried ?

Mary Ann Cottle died 30 Nov 1905
Charles Joseph Cottle died 20 Feb 1918 in Wellington
- they are buried Old Taita cemetery

about George Petoni CARTER & Emma GEORGE (for Pauline, see comments below)

GEORGE PETONI CARTER was born 22 Nov 1840 in Petone to:
Joseph CARTER (1811-1875) & Sarah Ann BRIANT (1812-1881), although a surname of Cosgrove seen. Joseph & Sarah were married 5 April 1831 at Westminster, St Marys, Le Strand
- their children born in England were:
1832 - Richard Carter
1833 - Cecelia Sarah Carter
1836 - Isabella Mary Carter
1839 - Emily Rebecca Carter
they emigrated into Port Nicholson (Wellington) 22 Jan 1840 on the 'Aurora'
- their children born in New Zealand were:
* 1840 - 1919 George Petoni Carter
1843 - Ellen Edward Carter
1846 - 1905 Joseh Thomas Carter
1848 - Briant Frederick Carter (note name)
1851 - 1925 Walter Pullen Carter

EMMA GEORGE was born 1 January 1848 in Wellington, the 3rd of 11 children of:
Thomas GEORGE & Mary WALL who married 26 October 1841 at the Cheltenham Parish Church in the County of Gloucestershire just 10 days before emigrating on the Martha Ridgway, arriving into Nelson 7 April 1842.
Their first 2 children were born in Nelson then Thomas & Mary travelled on the cutter 'Johnnie Walker' to Wellington where they permanently settled. The family lived in Willis Street and then a short time later at Tinakori Road, opposite where the present botanical gardens are. Thomas was the Turnkey at the Terrace Gaol for 22 years. Mary ran a Tea Garden called "The Cream Horn Garden".
Their 11th child, Rebecca George (1863-1918) married Joseph Japhet Cottle as above - more on this George family at the Martha Ridgway link above ...

* George Petoni Carter married Emma George in 1865
their known children were:
(not extensively researched so treat as a guide only)
1866 - 1931 Annie Carter (+ Charles Jacob Sisson in 1888)
1868 - 1919 Rebecca 'Beckie' Carter (+ Charles Graham Richardson in 1894)
1870 - 1949 Mary 'Polly' Carter (+ ? Jeffs)
1872 - 1959 Isabella Sarah 'Bella' Carter (+ Duncan John McGregor)
1873 - 1873 George Carter (aged 19 hours)
1875 - 1932 Gertrude 'Gertie' Carter (+ Hamilton Graham in 1904)
1876 - 1947 George Joseph Carter (+ Mabel Annie Monk in 1906)
1878 - 1953 Emma Alice 'Emmie' Carter (+ Charles Richard Fuller in 1908)
1880 - 1968 Edith May/Mary Carter (+ William Leighton Short in 1901)
1882 - 1938 Walter Percival Carter (+May Petrie in 1906)
1883 - 1986 Cecelia Carter (+ August Anderson in 1904)
1886 - 1886 Ada Elsie Carter (aged 8 months)
1888 - 1968 William Henry Harold Carter (+ Ethel Jean Jameson in 1912)
1891 - 1974 Ida Lilian Carter (+ Joseph Japhet Cottle as above)

Evening Post 16 June 1919 - OBITUARY of George Petoni Carter
Mr George Petone Carter, who it is claimed was the first European child born in the Wellington district, died at his residence in Russell terrace, Newtown, yesterday, aged 79. His parents were among the first lot of immigrants to land at Petone. For many years his father was in the Customs in Wellington. The late Mr George Carter was at one period of his life a builder, and afterwards engaged in farming at Reikiorangi, but for some years before his death he had lived in Wellington. He has left a widow (a daughter of the late Mr George) and eleven children

Evening Post 15 Dec 1931 A FINE COLONIST
Mrs George P. Carter, who celebrated her 84th birthday on Saturday at the residence of her eldest daughter, Mrs Jeffs, Palm Grove, holds a unique family record (says a correspondent). She herself bore a family of ten girls and four boys, two of whom died in infancy. She is now the grandmother of sixty, the greatgrandmother of forty, and the mother of twelve, while sixteen grand children are deceased. Mrs Carter was formerly Miss George, of Tinakori road. She was born on 31st December 1847, but, for the purposes of convenience, celebrated the event on Saturday last, the 12th, in the presence of over 100 of her descendants. It has been the old pioneer's custom for years to give each of her descendants a Christmas present, and Saturday's birthday function was thus a happy opportunity for the custom to be carried out, as well as an opportunity for the large family of descendants to pay their birthday respects to a revered old lady. Mrs Carter was married in 1865 to Mr George Petone Carter, son of the late Mr Joseph Carter, who landed in New Zealand in 1840, and worked in the Customs office, his demise occurring in 1873. His son was born in Petone in November 1840, the first white child to be born there. He went gold digging in 1859, and in 1861 started the pit sawmills at Karori cemetery. At the celebrations on Saturday Mrs Carter was surrounded by her descendants, young and old, and from a Christmas tree came the first present, a gift from her family. A birthday cake was a feature, and the honoured guest also received a handsome bouquet from the hands of a greatgrandchild. Mrs Carter confesses to having been a constant reader of the "Post" ever since its inception.

Evening Post 19 Aug 1939 - DEATH OF EMMA
The death occurred recently of one of Wellington's very old residents, Mrs Emma Carter. In the past eight years Mrs Carter had lived with one of her daughters, Mrs Jeffs, 12 Palm Grove, Berhampore. Mrs Carter was born at Willis Street in 1847. Her parents, Mr and Mrs Thomas George arrived at Nelson by the Martha Ridgway in the early forties, later crossing to Wellington, and eventually settling in Tinakori Road, where they lived for many years. Mrs Carter's late husband, Mr George Petone Carter, was born at Petone in 1840, his parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Carter, having arrived there in September of the same year by the sailing ship ?Aurora?. In spite of her great age Mrs Carter had a wonderful memory and interested many of the younger generation with her tales of old Wellington. Of the 153 descendants of Mrs Carter 140 are still living.

PROBATES & WILLS, South Canterbury - 1900s

The following list of names of the Probates, Wills and Letters of Administration was taken from the site PROBATES & WILLS South Canterbury which was a partial listing off Archways. Date of Probate may not indicate year of death - some were found to be more than 2 or 3 years prior. Treat as a guide only to further research.
Years in brackets are my additions and may not be exact

probates 1871-1899
probates 1900s
probates 1910s
probates 1920s

McCALLUM Daniel - Epworth - Bacon Curer
HILL Jacob - Timaru - Grocer
JACKSON Hinman - Pareora - Farmer
STEWART Robert Erskine - Totara Valley - Farmer
ADAMS Annie Jane - Beaconsfield - Wife of Alexr.
LIDDY Joseph - Timaru - Dredge Master
McLENNAN Kenneth - Pareora - Farmer
YOUDALE Hugh - Claremont - Farmer
GAFFANEY Thomas John - Temuka - Labourer
BUCKLEY Philip - Orari - Farmer
GEANEY Margaret - Arowhenua - Spinster
DALGLEISH Thomas Virtue - Timaru - Warehouseman
MOODY Anne - Timaru - Widow
WAKE William Henry - Timaru - Settler
PIGEON Alfred Frederick - Timaru - Farmer
PASSMORE Harriet - Timaru - Carters Wife
PASSMORE John Sylvester - Timaru - Carter
STORRIER John - Timaru - Ironfounder
ARRAS Christian - Levels Plains - Farmer
WILSON Mathew - Fairlie - Farmer

CHAPMAN William - Temuka - Gardener
BUTT Charles James - Timaru - Plasterer
EGAN Jeremiah - Timaru - Hotel Keeper
HULL Herbert George James - Timaru - Insp. of Stock
WILKINSON James - Geraldine - Farmer
THOMSON Boyd - Temuka - Butcher
SMITH Robert Edward - Timaru - Farrier
PUTTICK John - Scarborough - Labourer
HERBERT Julia - Timaru - Farmer
SLATER William - Arowhenua - Labourer
PATRICK William (elder) - Kakahu - Farmer
SPOONER Joseph - Temuka - Boarding H Kpr
FODEN Henry - Timaru - Settler
MEEHAN Patrick - Timaru - Labourer
LAWRIE George - St. Andrews - Threshing miller
MAHAN Archibald - Rangitata & Geraldine - Schoolmaster
PROWSE Israel - Timaru - Labourer
FRUDE Mary - Geraldine - wife of William
HADDEN William - Timaru - Farm Labourer
KELLY William - Timaru - Platelayer
PINCH William - Timaru - Labourer
ELLIOTT James - Timaru - Gardener
THOMSON John - Timaru - Stevedore
CHRISTIE Sophia - Timaru - Widow
HENNESSEY James - Timaru - Labourer
BROGDEN Elizabeth - Temuka - Married Woman
BROWN Francis - Winchester - Farmer
MORGAN John - Timaru - Master Mariner
McKENNAH Anne - Timaru - Widow
HULLEN John - Timaru - Settler
IRVINE Adam - Woodbury - Farmer
KENNEDY Ellen - Geraldine - Widow
WAUGH Thomas - Timaru - Gardener
OUIMETTE George Marquis - Palmerston North - Hotel Manager
McLEAN Flora - Fairlie - Widow
QUINN Michael - Temuka - Farmer

RAY Walter - Pleasant Point - Carpenter
OXBY William - Timaru - Boatman
SHARP Richard - Kakahu - Farmer
JACKSON Amy Elizabeth - Pareora - wife of George
MORRISON Lavinia - Timaru - Widow
CHALKER Flora - Fairlie - Married Woman
LE CREN Frederic - Timaru - Manager
PELVIN Richard - Timaru - Farmer
COUNIHAN Edward - Kerrytown - Farmer
McILROY Samuel - Geraldine - Retired Farmer
PYE James Willcocks - Geraldine - Draper
HALL Betty - Timaru - Widow
SCOTT Mary Ann Elizabeth - Woodbury - Married Woman
GRAY Valentine - Timaru - Labourer
MUNRO John Alexander - Timaru - Farmer
SEDERMAN Frederick - Timaru - Labourer
GIBSON Mary Ann - Timaru - wife of John S
LAWRENSON James - Rangitata & Timaru - Farmer
SQUIRE Thomas - Woodbury - Farmer
BATES Sampson Taylor - Temuka - Painter
BLACKMORE John Davy - Upper Makikihi - Farmer
COE Charles - Otaio - Farmer
RICE Ellen - Timaru - Widow
WILLIAMS Richard - Waitohi - Farmer
CRERAR John - Timaru - Tailor
SCOTT Walter - Mackenzie Country - Labourer
McLEOD Alexander - Woodbury - Gentleman
FIELD Edmund Alfred - Timaru - Stock Inspector
RADDON Edwin - Timaru - Master Mariner
WILLIAMS William Leslie P - Timaru - Station hand
ALLEN Anne - Christchurch - Widow
SIMPSON Anne - Albury - wife of Thomas D
CRAFER Harriet - Geraldine - Married Woman
COLLETT Henry - Opihi - Farmer
CLARKE James - Timaru - Tinsmith
McCASKILL John Angus - Temuka - Baker
WHITEHEAD Edward - Temuka - Storeman
IRVINE John - Geraldine - Farmer
GRAHAM Agnes Thomson - Temuka - Married Woman
DUNNAGE Charles John - Pleasant Point - Carrier
BLYTH James the younger - Temuka - Clerk
GARDNER Henry - Timaru - Gentleman
TAYLOR Margaret Elizabeth - Timaru - Wife
ELDER Magdalen - Timaru - Widow
KILLEY Fanny - Pleasant Point - Wife
CULLMANN Helen - Timaru - Wife
GIBB David Duke - Timaru - Engineer
FITZGERALD Thomas - Seadown - Platelayer

DILLON Ellen - Scarborough
McBEATH Donald - Totara Valley - Gentleman
BERRY William - Geraldine - Builder
MORGAN Sarah - Timaru - wife of Robert
O'DRISCOLL Mary - Timaru - Widow
WRIGHT John Wyatt - Temuka - Farmer
FRANCIS Patrick - Temuka - Labourer
MENDELSON Wallingford - Timaru - Solicitor
DILLON Thomas Farmer - Scarborough - Farmer
ACKROYD William - Temuka - Farmer
QUIRK John - Timaru - Labourer
SUTTER James Hutchison - Timaru - Gentleman
ANDERSON Robert - Pleasant Point - Farmer
LEARY Daniel - Hilton - Farmer
GAPES William - Geraldine - Farmer
WEAVER William - Geraldine - Farmer
McGREGOR Fergus - Timaru - Farmer
TAYLOR George - Timaru - Gardener
CROCKER Emma - Peel Forest - wife of William
McLENNAN Kenneth - Pareora - Farmer
KERR Elizabeth - Timaru - wife of Edward G.
HENDERSON Mary - Temuka - wife of William
LOUGH Mary Ann - Timaru - wife of Edwin H.
AUSTIN Jesse James - Cricklewood - Farmer
LUXMORE Mary Eliza - Timaru - Widow
QUINN Nicholas - Makikihi - Farmer
DUNCAN George Edwin - Timaru - Draper
ANDERSON Alexander George - Timaru - Clerk
AUSTIN Priscilla Ann - Temuka - wife of Richard
COOK John - Pleasant Point - Farmer
SEALY Edward Percy - Timaru - Gentleman
DOPPING Anthony John - Fairlie - Commission Agent
IRWIN Robert - Timaru - Gardener
GUILBERT Henry - Timaru - Storekeeper
SHAW Dugald - Timaru - Commercial Agent
MACDONALD James Archibald - Timaru - Mariner
BRUCE James - Timaru - Merchant
NORTON Mary Ann Elizabeth - Temuka - Widow

BRACEFIELD Jonathan - Orari - Engine Driver
CAMERON Edward Hume - Waimate - Farmer
ACKROYD Edmund Jonathan - Temuka - Farmer
ARMSTRONG Isaac - Peel Forest - Blacksmith
HEAD John Wesley - Temuka - Farmer
JEFFRIES George - Rangitata - Farmer
ROBERTSON Duncan - Timaru - Gentleman
ALLEN Eleanor - Timaru - Married Women
KING James - Timaru - Livery Stablekp
RIDDLE Mary - Timaru - Spinster
REID John - Timaru - Labourer
HIGGS John - Timaru - Farmer
WALKER Thomas Amos - Timaru - Blacksmith
THOMSON Lucy Alice Dyke - Mt. Peel Rangitata - Married Woman
KELLAND Mary Carlisle - Rangitata - Widow
CHADWICK Hiram - Timaru - Labourer
LACK John - Gleniti - Labourer
ACTON Edward Ottery - Argentine - Farmer
RAE Simon - Peel Forest - Farmer
EDWARDS Annie - Temuka - wife of Thomas
FISHER Arthur Edward - Timaru - Bag Manfctr
DEMUTH William - Temuka - Butcher
HOSKING Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
GORMAN Thomas - Timaru - Blacksmith
WADE James - Timaru - Labourer
PRATTLEY Walter Eli - Temuka - Farmer
BAIN Donald - Burkes Pass - Farmer
RICHARDS Johanna - Timaru - Wife /Thomas
BULL Thomas - Pleasant Valley - Gentleman
COULTER Elizabeth - Rangitata - Widow
PETRIE John - Timaru - Builder
COOK William Henry - Pleasant Point - Farmer
FITZGERALD Gerard George - Timaru - Newspap. Editor
MEYER John - Temuka - Gentleman
McLEOD James - Sutherlands - Farmer
MAZE John - Milford - Farmer
BENNETT James - Timaru - Gentleman
COLEMAN Hannah - Pleasant Point - Widow
HART Andrew - Timaru - Coll. of Customs
ELDER Elspet - Pleasant Pt & Temuka - Widow
SIMPSON William - Totata Valley & Timaru - Gentleman
VANCE Isabella - Timaru - wife of John
HAAR Hedwig - Winchester - Widow
GRIPP Hans Christian - Woodbury - Settler
BRACEFIELD Livinia Ann - Timaru - wife of George
PRATTLEY Eli - Temuka - Farmer
SWEET William - Temuka - Nurseryman
O'DRISCOLL Mary - Timaru - wife of William
LAWSON Henry - Temuka - Labourer
FAUVEL Louis - Temuka - RC Priest
McPHEDRAN Duncan - Timaru - Farmer
McQUEEN Robert - Timaru - Gentleman
THOMPSON Andrew - Timaru - Plumber
PATERSON Mary Elizabeth - Temuka - Spinster
BELL Joseph - Upper Pareora - Farmer
SHEARS Samuel - Timaru - Brickmaker
BURFIELD Jane - Timaru - Widow
GRANT Jessie - Pleasant Point - wife of John
HOSKIN Ellen Louisa - St. Andrews - Married Woman
MARSHALL Thomas - St. Andrews - Farmer
WARD William Ernest - Beaconsfield - Labourer
GERITY James - Timaru - Labourer

YOUNG William - Otaio - Farmer
GOOSETRY Sarah Ann - Upper Hook - Widow
PRINGLE William - Timaru - Farmer
SMITH John Hancocks - Timaru - Blacksmith
CRAWFORD James Hamilton - Temuka - Labourer
RAPSEY James John - Pareora - Farmer
O'NEIL Richard - Geraldine - Settler
GREENE William - Hilton - Farmer
BECKINGHAM James Edward - Timaru - Cabinet-maker
COMBS Mark - Geraldine & Peel Forest - Gardener
GEDYE David - Timaru - Gardener
GRANT Alexander - Waimate - Station Manager
RAWSTORN Hiram - Timaru - Machine Smith
ROBB James - Timaru - Gentleman
SCARF William - Timaru - Labourer
BETHUNE George - Timaru - Saddler
BURRIDGE Jane - Geraldine - Married Woman
SIMPSON John Irvine - Timaru - Builder
SCULLY William - Orari Bridge,Geraldine - Farmer
BENNET Christina - Timaru - Widow
FORD Ellen - Timaru - wife of Robert
MORTON William - St. Andrews - Farmer
McCASKILL Daniel - Winchester - Wool Merchant
MORLEY Rebecca - Timaru - Widow
WALKER Sarah - Timaru - wife of James
OLDFIELD Henry - Temuka - Farmer
LOUGH Mary Ann - Timaru
MUNRO Hector - Sutherlands - Farmer
GREIG John - Pleasant Point - Farmer
GILLINGHAM David Henry - Fairlie - Sheepfarmer
ADAMS Charles Henry - Mount Parker - Labourer
FOSTER Sarah Jane - Timaru - Widow
ROGERS Robert - Timaru - Baker
BUSH William - Timaru - Gentleman
DUTSON Arthur William - St. Andrews - Storekeeper

HUGHES David - Timaru - Coal Merchant
MACINTYRE John - Pleasant Point - Farmer
MALCOMSON John - Temuka - Contractor
GILLINGHAM Sarah Frances - Lambrook, Fairlie - Spinster
LEY Thomas - Opihi - Farmer
RUSSELL Eliza - Rangitata - wife of Robert J
MACKAY Susannah - Timaru - wife of Donald
RAMSAY Robert - Timaru - Carter
LEE Catherine - Temuka - wife of Henry
ROBERTSON Duncan - Timaru - Carpenter
ELDER Ralph - Woodbury - Labourer
OXBY Henry - Timaru - Contractor
GEANEY Elizabeth Amelia - Makikihi - wife of Humphrey
BROPHY Kyram - Pleasant Valley - Farmer
MILLAR Robert - Timaru - Coal Merchant
SCOTT James Kennear - Winchester - Farmer
ROSS John - Kingsdown - Farmer
TAYLOR Mary Ellen - Timaru - Boarding H Kpr
GRIFFITHS Asaph - Hilton - Blacksmith
PARHAM Francis Jennings - Peel Forest - Farmer
THOMSON James - Totara Valley - Retired Draper
ADAMS Charles - Raincliff - Farmer
ANDERSON Elizabeth Leith - Temuka - wife of John H
ROGERS Henry - Temuka - Labourer
LOW John - Temuka - Farmer
TAEHEN John - Sutherlands - Farmer
STRINGER Edwin - Geraldine - Labourer
CARTWRIGHT Catherine Jane - Pleasant Point - wife of John
CARTWRIGHT John - Pleasant Point - Farmer
McDONALD Lachlan - Burkes Pass - Runholder
HARRIS Mary - Temuka - Widow
BEEDELL William - Opihi - Farmer
CROSBIE James - Timaru - Woollen Manuf.
BLACKMORE Ann - Southburn - wife of James
TIFFIN James - Makikihi - Labourer
DRYSDALE Margaret - Timaru - Widow
OGILVIE Andrew Alexander - Timaru - Grocers Assistant
WEBB William Burgess - Timaru - Pensioner
CLINCH Mary Ann - Temuka - wife of Stephen
SUGRUE Timothy - Belfield - Farmer
KERR Edward George - Timaru - Journalist
THOREAU Jane - Claremont - Married Woman
SMITH Robert - Timaru - Gentleman
ADAMSON Margaret - Albury - wife of Thomas
BURNS Alexander - Fairlie - Seaman

TOWNER John - Orari - Labourer
WRIGHT John (the elder) - Rangitata Island - Farmer
ELLIS Lydia - Timaru - Widow
PARK James Calvert - Hadlow Timaru - Farm Manager
GILMOUR Michael - Pleasant Point - Farmer
SMITH Louisa - Winchester - Married Woman
BOND William Henry - Cave - Butcher
McILROY Eliza - Geraldine - Widow
FINLAYSON Rebecca - Arundel - Married Woman
BRYAN Samuel George - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
STEWART Robert Eskine - Totara Valley - Farmer
WHITE Agnes Mary - Timaru - Spinster
FRIEL Daniel - Pleasant Point - Farmer
HOOPER John - Temuka - Labourer
MORRIS Annie Elden - Timaru - Spinster
WHITTAKER John - Timaru - Ret. Bootmaker
McATEER Owen - Upper Waitohi - Farmer
KIMBER Eliza - Timaru - Widow
PUTTICK Maria Moody - Timaru - Widow
GREGAN James - Pleasant Valley - Farmer
FILSHIE George - Geraldine - Settler
MORRISON Hugh - Geraldine - Labourer
MEREDITH George (younger) - Hilton - Contractor
SCHAAB Anton - Timaru - Boatman
COLLINS John - Totara Downs - Farmer
BATEMAN Caleb - Temuka - Threshing M.P.
MURRAY Janet - Timaru - Widow
MACRAE John - Timaru -
MURRAY John - Waiwera Clinton/Timaru - Farmer
MCEVOY Peter - Fairlie - Laborer
ELMS Robert - Otipua near Timaru - Farmer
WILKINSON Annie - Timaru - Spinster
COOK Frances - Timaru - Gardener
MCLEAN Allan Hugh - Foyers Fairlie - Farmer
D'AUVERGNE Lucretia Adele - Makikihi - Married Woman
COE Sarah Jane - Timaru - Widow
WILLIAMS Dorothy Josephine - Christchurch - Married Woman
STEVENSON James Orr - Timaru - Labourer
JONAS Moss - Timaru - Commission Agent
WHITEHEAD Fanny - Temuka - Widow
BAKER Thomas - Timaru - Grain Grader
MASLIN Hannah - Geraldine - Married Woman
MERCER Thomas - Hook - Farmer
SNUSHALL William - Fairlie - Labourer

LAWSON William - Timaru - Auctioneer
KENNEDY Robert - Timaru - Bailiff
HALL Frederick Emil Sophus - Timaru - Contractor
GIBSON Ophelia - Geraldine - Widow -
RATT Edward - Timaru - Retired Railway Clerk -
WALSH William - Rosewill, Levels Timaru - Farmer
PARMENTER John - Timaru - Blacksmith
FLEMMING James - Timaru - Gardener
SPILLANE Stephen - Temuka - Labourer
BOYS Sydney Arthur - Timaru - Clerk
HUGHES James - Waitohi flat - Threshing Mill Owner
HODGSON William - Cannington - Farmer
DAY Elizabeth Ann - Pleasant Point - Married Woman
IRVINE Robert - Timaru - Gentleman
CHIVERS Charles - Beaconfield - Storekeeper
DOAK Joseph - Timaru - Labourer
HOUSTON Mary Matilda - Timaru - Widow
FINCH Emma Lydia - Geraldine - Married Woman
FIELDING Frederick - Claremont Timaru - Farmer
COTTER Edmund Rogerson - Timaru - Settler
CLARK Mary - Timaru - Widow
RIDDLE John - Fairlie - Builder
FRASER William - Timaru - Farmer
EGAN Nora - Timaru - Widow
QUINN Hannah - Timaru - Married Woman
SHUTE James - Timaru - Bootmaker
LEWIS John - Timaru - Gardener
HESSELL Henry Charles - Timaru - Coal Merchant
FEELY James - Timaru - Carpenter
YOUNG Sarah Jane - Timaru - Married woman
ANDERSON Edith - Colyton near Feilding - Married Woman
CRAMPTON Philip Douglas - Timaru - Contractor
MCKIE Ellen - Timaru - Widow
BARTRUM Charlotte Amy - Raincliff Pleasant Point - Married Woman
BERRY Daniel - Timaru - Bricklayer
BELL Mary Ann - Upper Pareora - Spinster
BLACK Walter - Pleasant Point - Farmer
SMITH William - Southburn near Timaru - Farmer
WEDERELL Maria - St Andrews - Married Woman
MERRY Helen - Timaru - Married Woman

McKAY Donald - Kakahu Bush
VANCE John - Timaru
DOYLE Jane - Timaru - wife of James
BLACKLER John Garland - Waimatatai
GRIGSON Ann - Waimate - Widow
RYDER Patrick - Waimate - Labourer
SULLIVAN Morthy Joseph - Hakataramea - Hotel Keeper
BENBOW William - Waitohi - Farmer
COLLINS Alice - Timaru - Widow
CULBERT Thomas - Clandeboye - Farmer
BROWN John - Wakanui - Farmer
JACKSON John - Timaru - Merchant
BOYD Donald John - Pleasant Point - Farmer
CAIRNS William John - Timaru - Farmer
McLEOD Donald - Riverslea - Farmer
SHAW Daniel - Co. Chester Eng - Clerk/Holy Ord
O'LOUGHLIN Michael - Temuka - Farmer
BOWDEN William Cracknell - Farmer
THOMSON Walter Robert - Timaru - Compositor
BISHOP Arthur - Salisbury - Gardener
PRICE Charles Walter - Ashburton - Grocer
CAMERON Joseph Feltoe - Timaru - Carpenter
OGILVIE John - Fairlie - Labourer
GOSLING Margaret Maria - Levels
BAKER William - Geraldine - Chemist
ATWILL Annie - Waimate
LANE Frederick - Waimate - Farmer
JACKSON Swinscho - Ashburton - Labourer
CARRICK Bridget - Wainono - Widow
ARCHIBALD George - Morven - Farmer
MAIER Joseph - Timaru - Carpenter
CHALMERS Peter - Ashburton
MEGSON Joseph - Ashburton - Labourer
ORMSBY Charles Montague - Cave - Farmer
HARDIE William Johnston - Hook Waimate - Farmer
ADAMSON Moses - Otaio - Farmer
CLOTHIER Susan - Tinwald
SHEARER William - Timaru - Labourer
KEMP Samuel - Ashburton - Shoemaker
BAMFIELD Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
AITKEN Ellen - Opihi Pleasant Point - Widow
ALLPRESS Jonathan - Timaru - Sauce Manufacturer
WILLIAMS James Clemens - St Andrews - Farmer
NORTH Benjamin Joseph - Timaru - Painter
DEAN John - Geraldine - Carrier
PONSONBY Thomas William - Timaru - Accountant
BURR Charles - Timaru - Carrier
RAPSEY Catherine - Pareora Timaru - Widow
GULSKOSKI Frederick - Orari Bridge Geraldine - Contractor

probates 1871-1899
probates 1900s
probates 1910s
probates 1920s

PROBATES & WILLS, South Canterbury - 1910s

The following list of names of the Probates, Wills and Letters of Administration was taken from the site PROBATES & WILLS South Canterbury which was a partial listing off Archways. Date of Probate may not indicate year of death - some were found to be more than 2 or 3 years prior. Treat as a guide only to further research.
Years in brackets are my additions and may not be exact

probates 1871-1899
probates 1900s
probates 1910s
probates 1920s

MACKENZIE Eneas Simpson - Timaru - Mercantile Clerk
McCRAE Jane - Timaru - Widow
CLARKE Charles Vincent - Waimate - Farmer
WOODLEY William - Hilton - Farmer
POPE Mary Sophia - Timaru - Widow
MORRISON Ann - Geraldine - Widow
SMALL John - Meadowbank near Tinwald - Farmer
WRIGHT Edwin - Makikihi - Farmer
GIBSON Harriett Ann - Timaru - Widow
CHAPMAN Evan - Waitohi - Farmer
DODD John - Timaru - Farmer
RODMAN William - Geraldine - Carpenter
McLEAN Alexander - Geraldine - Farmer
MOFFATT James - Fairlie - Labourer
STEVENSON John - Washdyke - Farm Labourer
MIDDLETON John Malcolm - Albury - Farmer
HARDWICK John - Waimate - Farmer
MEYER Frederick William - Waituna - Farmer
McNEILL John Malcolm - Redcliff Canterbury - Farmer
BARLOW John Francis - Ashburton - Sergeant of Police
DELLOW Mary - Mayfield - Widow
DAVIDSON Andrew McKenzie - Timaru - Carrier
SINCLAIR Alexander - Timaru - Builder
BARR Thomas - Temuka - Baker
TREVOR James Ebenezer - Ashburton - Medical Practitioner
RIDDLE Charles Edward - Albury - Coal Miner
GARDNER Sarah - Geraldine - Widow
WARD George - Geraldine
TOOTH Fanny - Timaru - wife of Benjamin Rowland Tooth
CLOTHIER John Alfred - Tinwald - Coal Merchant
MORRISON John - Waihao Downs - Labourer
FLAHERTY John - Waimate - Labourer
KEDDIE Peter - Timaru - Inspector of Factories
BOSTON Jeremiah - Winchester - Farmer
FOSTER William Edmund - The Cave - Schoolmaster
SMITH John William - Timaru - Labourer
SADLER Henry - Adair near Timaru - Farmer
JACKMAN George - Timaru - Insurance Agent
UPRICHARD Thomas - Ashburton - Labourer
STANGER Bridget - Rangitata - Farmer
CROW Ellen - Morven - Widow
TURNER Richard Merryfield - Lismore - Farmer
CATELOW William - Timaru - Settler
WEBB Ann - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
JONES William - Levels - Farmer
BAXTER William - Mayfield - Labourer
BROWN Elizabeth - Temuka - Widow
MURPHY Cornelius - Tycho Flat - Labourer
BASSFORD Timothy - Timaru - Storeman
SULLIVAN James - Levels - Farmer
SULLIVAN Jane - Levels - wife of James
GUERIN Michael - Geraldine - Farmer
STEVENSON Maud Mary - Hook - Married Woman
HODGSON William Richard - Ashburton - Bootmaker
RUDDLE William - Timaru
ALEXANDER James Thornton - Timaru - Gardener
O'MEEGHAN Peter -Timaru - Hotelkeeper
GROVES George Tavender - Timaru - Labourer
TAVENAR George - Timaru - Labourer
CALLLAGHAN James - Pleasant Point - Labourer
COOLING Ernest - Woodbury - Shepherd
WEST Daniel - Timaru - Architect
McKAY Daniel - Geraldine - Shepherd
KILGOUR Robert - Waimate - Labourer
BUCKINGHAM Robert James - Waimate - Chaff-cutter
RUTHERFORD Emma Louisa - Temuka - wife of William
MATHEWS Samuel - Rosebrook Settlement near Timaru - Farmer
FROST Michael - Studholme - Farmer
STURMEY Harry - Salisbury near Timaru - Farmer
FOLEY Daniel - Kerrytown near Timaru - Farmer
GLADWIN Thomas James - Washdyke - Labourer
TONEYCLIFFE Hugh - Timaru - Ex-Warder
LUSCOMBE Mary Matilda - Hook - Widow
ARRAS Jacobina - Levels Plains - Widow
MASSEY Charles - Timaru - Coal Merchant
LAWLOR Maurice - Temuka - Farmer
SMITH John - Kingsdown - Farmer
ROSS William - Longbeach Ashburton - Ashburton
POLLOCK Margaret - Ashburton - Widow
HAY William - Timaru - Farmer
KEEFFE James - Burke's Pass - Labourer
BARTRUM Benjamin Packer - Raincliff - Farmer
YOUNG John Albert - Winc ester - Formerly Hotelkeeper
DAWE Richard - Washdyke - Farmer
MORGAN Jessie - Timaru - wife of Charles George Morgan
WILSON Thomas - Hampstead - Retired Farmer
FAHEY John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
ANDERSON William - Timaru - Bootmaker
HAYES John Shaw - Kakahu - Surgeon
ROONEY Isabella McRae - Ashburton - Widow
BRYAN Joseph - Temuka - Retired Hotelkeeper
HAMPTON Henry - Timwald - Gentleman
MAIR James - Timaru - Bootmaker
ELLIOTT John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
GURNEY Thomas - Timaru - Labourer
McEVOY Alice - Fairlie - Widow
O'NEILL Edward - Timaru - Labourer
BICKERSTAFF William - Ashburton - Railway Employee
LYON William - Temuka - Farmer
SADLER Mary - Adair - Widow
MAJOR Margaret - Cricklewood - wife of William
HAYTER Francis - Formerly of Highfield - Retired Navy Commander

McLACHLAN Eliza - Waimate - Married Woman
SCOBIE John Douglas - Timaru - Gentleman
GIBSON John - Fairview - Farmer
SNELL William - Temuka - Farmer
SMITH George Martin - Ashburton - Builder
McGREGOR Mary - Ashwick Flat, Fairlie - wife of Lewis
CLIFFORD Michael - Ashburton - Contractor
JONES Thomas - Timaru - Drill Instructor
DUNLOP Moore - Timaru - Labourer
MUNRO George - Waimate - Butcher
CAMERON Samuel - St. Andrews - Farmer
GRANT William - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
HENDERSON David - Waimate - Labourer
BOYD William - Temuka - Farmer
ANDERSON John Thomas - Albury - Farmer
COPPEN Denis - Kerrytown near Timaru - Farmer
O'BRIEN Michael - Waimate - Farmer
McCULLOCH Margaret - Waihao Forks - Widow
RUTHERFORD Mary Elizabeth - Albury - wife of John Scott
GRAHAM George Henry - Waimate - Clerk
BROWN William - Ashburton - Carpenter
PHILIP Jane - Temuka - wife of William
STENGAR John - Rangitata - Farmer
WOOD William - Timaru - Builder
HOLWELL Joseph - Temuka - Farmer
TREVURZA Thomas - Wakanui - Farmer
HUNT William (Elder) - Waimate - Farmer
WILDS William - Waimate - Labourer
MANCHESTER John - Waimate - Merchant
TAYLOR Robert - St. Albans & Ashburton - Carpenter
WATTS Harry - Waimate - Tailor
TAYLOR Eva Charlotte - Waimate - Widow
DAVISON Jane - Hinds - Widow
NOHELTY Julia - Ashburton - Widow
CAMPBELL Myles - Timaru - Retired Farmer
RICHES Arthur Edward - Woodbury - Farmer
CONNOLLY Jeremiah - Geraldine - Farmer
COULBOURNE Richard - Waimate - Farmer
BROWN William - Allenton - Retired Farmer
JOHANSEN Ernest Ferdinand Gabriel - Timaru - Barrister & Solicitor
BROWN John - Geraldine - Bricklayer
BRADLEY Samuel - Orari - Farmer
FORSYTH Samuel - Orari - Schoolmaster
BOWMAN Hannah - Timaru - Widow
NEWLAND Jane - Timaru - Widow
LEWIS Joseph - Winchester - Farmer
CROOKS William John - Ashburton - Retired Carrier
FINDLAY David - Temuka - Retired Farmer
COOK Sydney John - Fairlie - Medical Practitioner
BAKER Henry - Waimate - Farmer
CHOAT Agnes - Ashburton - wife of William
CASSIDY John - Washdyke - Farmer
WOODS John - Tinwald - Farmer
O'CONNOR John - Waikakahi - Farmer
ELDER Donald - Pleasant Point - Coach Painter
ORR Andrew - Ashburton - Draper
WILKES William Riley - Timaru - Watchman
BROPHY Letitia - Pleasant Point -
KELMAN Alexander - Geraldine - Farmer
LUNDON William Hobson - Waimate - Farmer
HOBSON William - Waimate - Farmer
CAIN John - The Hook - Farmer
GODWIN Bridget - Studholme Junction - Widow
GAFFANEY Michael - Arowhenua - Farmer
KENNEDY Archibald - Timaru - Labourer
BRASELL George - Pareora - Farmer
GLENIE James Moncreith - Ashburton - Livery Stable Keeper
McGALLAGLY James - Timaru - Labourer
CLARKE William - Timaru - Storeman
REYNOLDS William - Willowbridge - Farmer
PAUL Andrew - Waihao - Farmer
PAUL Jessie - Waihao - Widow
CULLMANN Frederick - Timaru
WHITE John - Geraldine - Settler
KERR Murdoch - Burkes Pass - Sheepfarmer
HERTNON William - Timaru - Bricklayer
GREENBERRY John Blunden - Islington, Co. Middlesex
GALBRAITH Agnes Maude - Temuka - Widow
ALEXANDER Elizabeth Niven - Timaru - Widow
BERRY Lizzie Eleanor - -
BROWN Mary Jane - Ashburton - Widow
BUCKLEY Benjamin Alfred - The Hook, Waimate - Retired Farmer
BALLANTYNE Ninian - Hunter - Sheepfarmer
BARNES William - Hakataramea - Labourer
LYNE Robert Reynolds - Claremont - Farmer
ROSS Catherine - Timaru - Widow
GOODWIN John Eden - Fairlie - Sheepfarmer
BURNS Thomas Joseph - Timaru - Hotel Keeper
GREEN Samuel - Gleniti - Farmer
IRWIN Elizabeth - Timaru -
BUTT Edward - Glenavy - Platelayer
HAY John - Geraldine -
HASKEN Alfred Victor - Ashburton - Carpenter
ALLAN William - Waimate - Wheelwright
FLATMAN Frederick Robert - Woodbury - Farmer
BROSNAHAN Cornelius - Beaconsfield - Farmer
ALLEN Mary Anne Catherine B - Co. Kent - Widow
MARSHALL William James - St. Andrews - Farmer
BOCKHART Emil - Timaru - Motor Agent
HOPKINS Job - Timaru - Carpenter
BATEMAN Caroline Elizabeth - Waimate - Wife

CUNNINGHAM David - Waimate - Farmer
O'HALLORAN Michael - Geraldine -
PROUDFOOT James - Geraldine -
GEDDINGS Richard - Tinwald - Farmer
MORRISON Donald - Otaio - Farmer
CORBETT Dorcas - Ashburton - wife of John
CLISSOLD Edward Mortimer - Gloucester England - Esquire
HENDERSON Janet - Redcliff - Married Woman
HARDING Eliza - Waimate - Married Woman
BRISTOL Elizabeth - Co. Dorset & Co. Kent -
SHEARER Mary Jane - Waimate - Widow
MURPHY Mary - Temuka - Widow
EDE Amy - Ashburton - wife of Benjamin
DAVISON William - Allenton - Retired Farmer
WEDERELL Charles - St. Andrews - Hotel Keeper
HARRIS Alfred - Waimate - Hotel Keeper
IRVINE Clarrisa Emma - Geraldine -
SEALY Frances Sarah - Timaru -
PARKER Nicholas - Bracefield -
WHITTAKER Fanny - Timaru - wife of Henry
BLAIR Elizabeth - St. Andrews - Farmer
MURDOCH Jane - Timaru - wife of John
WREATHAL George James - Geraldine - Farmer
THOMSON Janet - Otaio - wife of Robert
BLOOMFIELD Samuel - Timaru - Carpenter
FINCH Alfred - Timaru - Storeman
MAXWELL Alexander - Kakahu - Farmer
CHUTE Thomas - Waimate - Labourer
IVEY Alfred - Fairview - Farmer
WILSON David - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
DOHERTY Mary Ann - Green St - Widow
PYE John Shannon - Geraldine - Draper
MILLICHAMP John - Tinwald - Nurseryman
ALLAN Robert - Waikakahi - Farmer
O'BRIEN Morris - Tinwald - Platelayer
STURMEY Jane - Timaru - Widow
COWAN John Gray - Timaru -
RULE William Henry - Ashburton -
GRIEVE Christopher - Alford Forest -
BARGFREDE Sarah - Timaru - Widow
BUSSELL John - Makikihi -
HAY James - Timaru - Solicitor
PARISH Ernest Edward - Tinwald - Farmer
ANDERSON Jane Margaret - Pleasant Point - Widow
BUCKLEY Ellen - Geraldine - Widow
TRAVES James - St. Andrews - Farmer
TUBB James Alfred - Timaru - Carpenter
RYAN Myles - Ashburton - Labourer
McCORMACK Michael - Timaru - Labourer
WHITE Margaret - Waimate - Widow
HOARE Mary - Temuka - Widow
MACKAY Thomson - Willowby - Farmer
FINCH Alfred - Timaru - Storeman
MOLLOY John - Waimate - Farmer
O'NEILL Patrick - Timaru - Labourer
FRANKLIN Charlotte Matilda - Waimate - Widow
STEPHENS Joseph Henry - Ashburton - Blacksmith
TAYLOR Robert - Timaru - Farmer
SEARLES Olive - Waimate - Married Woman
McKECHNIE Florence - Cave - wife of Thos H.
JEFFS Charles Edwin - Ashburton - Builder
FORREST James - Claremont - Farmer
BRYSON Robert Samuel - Waimate - Farmer
SHAW Annie - Ashburton - wife of Alex
KING Daniel - Temuka - Labourer
HARRISON William - Winchester - Miller
FITZGERALD William - Kerrytown - Farmer
SUTTER James Hutchison - Timaru - Gentleman
WHITE Mary - Timaru - Widow
CLARKE William - Washdyke - Farmer
FINLAY William - Timaru - Blacksmith
MORRIS William - Fairlie - Labourer
CROMBIE James - Timaru - Accountant
NEILSON John Peter - Pleasant Point - Millown
McLEAN Una Flora - Fairlie - Spinster
GILLMAN Thomas Herbert - Timaru - Accountant
STOWELL Sarah Elizabeth - Timaru -
CORBETT William Thomas - Allenton - Farmer
BATEMAN Henry - Waimate - Bricklayer
KILWORTH Ann Haywood - Ashburton - wife of Thomas E.
SMITH John Andrew - S. Rakaia - Gardener
McDONOUGH Thomas - Sutherlands - Farmer
MACDONALD Catherine - Waitu Geraldine -
KIRKCALDY William - Waimate - Wheelwright
LOWNEY Michael - Levels - Farmer
VESSEY George Nathaniel - Tinwald - Farmer
DALTON Henry - Westerfield - Farmer
HARRISON Joseph - Timaru - Storeman
GRIFFITHS Mark - Hampstead & Wheatstone - Farmer
CULLEN Mary Ann - Timaru -
BRISTOL Samuel Alford - Timaru - Gentleman
CAMERON Donald - Ashburton Forks - Farmer
LATIMER Robert - Timaru - Labourer
BRASELL Robert - Timaru - Labourer
CAPON Sarah Elizabeth - Winchmore - wife of JJC
FRAYNE Frank - Fairlie - Stablekeeper
POWELL Mary Alice - Timaru - wife of Thomas
WHITE Ellen - Timaru - wife of John Wm
DARBY Sarah - Timaru - wife of John
SQUIRE Mary Magdalene M.C. - Fairview - wife of George
LUXMORE Mary Eliza - Timaru - Widow
ESLEY James - Sutherlands - Farmer
CROWE John - Tinwald - Farmer
WILDS John - Timaru - Farmer
HOOPER Emma Harriet - Ch'ch - Widow
SMITH Thomas - Timaru - Surveyor
SPENCE Hannah - Timaru - wife of James
MAHONY Joseph - Timaru - Labourer
KELLY Benjamin - Kerrytown - Farmer
McCORMICK Lachlan - Pleasant Point - Farmer
TODD Mary Stewart - Timaru - Music Teacher
RIDDELL Henry - Washdyke - Farmer
SMITH Andrew - Waimate - Farmer
CLARKE Robert - Tinwald - Farmer
BROWN John - Temuka - Farmer
RATTRAY Alexander - Hook - Farmer
GIBSON John Bowman - Ashburton - Farmer
McLEAN Hector - Hakataramea - Farmer
AITKEN Robert Cowan - Timaru -
FOWLER John - Ashburton - Gentleman
CHEVERTON Louisa - Waimate - Married Woman
CAMERON Jessie - Redcliff - Widow
MARTIN William - Timaru - Jeweller
GREIG William - Gleniti - Threshing Mill
HUSTON John - Ashburton - Farmer
GEDDES John - Waimate - Farmer
SOTHAM Jane - Timaru - Widow
ELLIOTT Margaret - Timaru - Spinster
ARRAS George - Levels Plains - Farmer
POPE George Alfred - Timaru - Linotypist
WESTBOY William - Opihi - Farmer
ROBSON John - Redcliff - Farmer
O'BRIEN Mary - Arowhenua - Hotelkeeper
QUINN Patrick - Makikihi - Farmer
JOHNSON George (younger) - Waitohi - Farmer
HART Helen Bett - Timaru - Widow
QUINN Margaret - Waimate - Widow
HOLMES Thomas - Studholme Junction - Farmer
MARTIN David Martin - Makikihi - Farmer
MARTIN Elizabeth Wilhelmina - Kingsdown - Married Woman

MADDEN Catherine - Ashburton -
WOOFFINDIN Emanuel - Seadown - Farmer
BATCHELOR Benjamin - Waimate - Labourer
MORGAN Andrew - Waimate - Police Sgt.
HEARN Jabez - Rangitata -
CHITTY George - Claremont - Farmer
WILLIAMS John Alexander - Timaru - Clerk
SHAW Jonathan - Woodbury - Labourer
FOWLER Thomas - Woodbury - Farmer
STACK Margaret - Fairview -
BECKINGHAM Walter - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
CLEGHORN Agnes - Waimate -
ARMSTRONG Archibald Gillies - Timaru - Farmer
GUTHRIE Charles Herbert - Waimate - Stock Agent
RAINEY David - Waituna - Farmer
SMITH William - Laghmor - Gardener
LOWE Agnes Isabella - Ashburton - Widow
O'CONNOR Mary - Seadown - wife of Michael
BARKLIE Emily Violet - Geraldine - Spinster
GUTHRIE Daniel - Geraldine - Farmer
RODMAN John - Geraldine -
ATHERTON William John - Timaru - Engine Driver
SMITH William - Tycho Flat - Farmer
CROSBIE James - Timaru - Woollen Mnfctr
WORRELL Margaret Ann - Allenton - wife of Charles
HARDING Hannah - Hinds - Widow
THOMPSON Elizabeth Kathie - Ashburton - wife of H A
HORGAN John - Waimate - Farmer
McCALLUM Jessie Maxwell - Waikakai -
JACKSON Frank - Pleasant Point - Sheepfarmer
BUTCHERS Edwin - Fairview - Farmer
PARR Isabella Patterson - Timaru -
PEARSON George - Timaru - Fncy Gds Dealr
HARRIS Nathaniel - Timaru - Painter
CHERRY Francis - Timaru - Farmer
JONES Emma Maria C. - Ashburton - wife of Henry M.
SHEPHERD Alfred - Sutherlands - Farmer
CARTER Annie - Tinwald - Widow
CHAPMAN Thomas - Timaru - Clerk
MENDELSON Julius - Temuka -
WILCE Edwin - Waimate - Labourer
O'CONNOR Mary - Seadown - wife of M.J.
WILSON William John - Spreadeagle - Farmer
McCOLL John Livingstone - Geraldine - Farmer
LYSAGHT Michael - Tinwald - Farmer
CUMMING Hannah Maria - Cave - wife of Alexander
NICHOLAS Nicholas Charles - Temuka - Farmer
DEMUTH Frederick Ambrose - -
CONNELL John - Arowhenua - Farmer
JENSEN Christian - Waimataitai - Labourer
HOVESEN Christian Jensen - (see JENSEN Christian) -
SAUER Hermann - Waimate - Labourer
ANNAN Richard - Temuka - Retd Overseer
McMURTIE Ann - Timaru - Widow
FREENIE Susannah - Timaru - wife of M.C.
JONES Fanny - - Widow
NEWMAN Edward - Fairview - Farmer
TOOMEY Lillian Grace - Geraldine - Married Woman
WHITE Catherine Frances - Geraldine - Spinster
ALLAN Janet - Timaru - Widow
WRIGHT Vivian Augustus - Timaru - Accountant
GLENIE Herbert Austin - Timaru - Stablekeeper
TONDRA John - Timaru - Farmer
STEPHENS Joseph Walter - Ashburton -
SOLE John - Waimate - Labourer
GILMOUR James - Pareora - Farm Labourer
CARTWRIGHT Robert - Opihi - Farmer
DAVIS Jane - Yarraville Victoria Aus -
LANGDON Frederick - Timaru - Dairyman
SIMPSON James - Orari - Farmer
JEPPS Henry James - Tinwald - Labourer
BLACKMORE James - Pareora - Farmer
BUTTERICK Albert - Hinds - Farmer
MILES Joseph - Tinwald - Farmer
FINLAYSON Roderick - Redcliff, Waimate - Farmer
ROBINSON George - Sutherlands - Farmer
GLUYAS William - Waimate - Farmer
GIBSON Catherine - Pleasant Point -
HOWEN James Duffis Brown - Timaru - Storekeeper
KELLAND Richard - Pialo, Grenfell, N.S.W. - Grazier
SIMPSON William Farey - Mt. Somers - Guard
MAHAN Mary Jane - Arowhenua - Widow
BEST Charles Thomas - Sth Yarra, Victoria - Gentleman
BEST Thomas - (see BEST Charles T.) - Gentleman
DELLOW Henry - Waimate - Labourer
HALLEY Daniel - Temuka - Farmer
FAULKENER Charles - Willowbridge -
BAIN Peter - Bulmer - Farmer
SILCOCK William John - Ashburton - Butcher
CONNELL Michael - Tawai - Farmer
IRWIN Robert - Timaru - Gardener
GRANDI John James - Timaru - Coach Builder
GOLDSMITH Ann Eliza - Waimate - Widow
HANNAFORD Elizabeth Bridges - Ashburton - Spinster
DAVIDSON William - Lismore - Farmer
McGIMPSEY John Garret - Waimate - Retired Farmer
SELBIE George - Claremont - Farmer
BARR Christina - Temuka - Widow
PRESTON Elizabeth Thorpe - Timaru - Widow
DALTON Thomas - Ashburton - Farmer
ANDERSON William Hall - Fairlie -
BARRY Mary - Temuka - Widow
JACKSON Daniel - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
DOWNEY James - Albury - Farmer
ANDERSON Agnes - Ashburton - Widow
SEARLES George - Waimate - Farmer
MURPHY Michael - Milford - Farmer
KENNEDY Margaret - Temuka - Contractor
PRATTLEY Frederick - Temuka - Farmer
WILSON Grace Eva - Tinwald - wife of Thomas
McINTYRE Colin Archibald - Fairlie - Labourer
HOUSTON Margaret - Allenton - Spinster
STEVENSON William Alexander - Washdyke - Farmer
JESSEP Charles - Timaru - Farmer
RADBURN William Edward - Timaru - Cycle Mechanic
COCHRANE Margaret Shearer - Waimate - Married Woman
SUTHERLAND William Dunnett - Fairlie - Farmer
BOUCHER Charles Bates - Timaru - Farmer
CAMPBELL Margaret - St. Andrews - Widow
GIBSON Hannah - - Spinster
STONEHOUSE Richard Robert - Geraldine - Clerk
KENNEDY William - Ashburton - Labourer
BENNINGTON Francis - Waimate - Bootmaker
STILL Matthew - Ashburton - Farmer
COLES Richard - Levels - Farmer
ROBERTSON Sarah Jane - -
WALTON Jane Elizabeth - Waimate -
GAMMIE James (Younger) - Sutherlands - Farmer
BOWER Andrew Joseph Hume - -

SCOTT James - Hilton - Farmer
SCOTT William - Waimate - Farmer
WEST Daniel - Timaru - Architect
CROSBIE James - Timaru - Woollen Manufacturer
McLEOD Donald - Geraldine - Farmer
ANDERSON Thomas - Timaru - Storeman
OSBORN Betsy Ellen - Timaru - wife of Frederick
COOMBS Charles - Temuka - Hotelkeeper
FLATMAN Sarah Maria - Woodbury -
STRINGER Ann - Geraldine - Widow
McALWEE John - Blue Cliffs - Farmer
SMITH James - Ashburton - Builder
ROBERTS Alexander Russell - - Master Mariner
SEALY Gladys Verity - Timaru - Spinster
FRAMPTON Frederick William - Willowby - Farmer
WILLIAMS Edward - Cornwall -
FITZGERALD Garrett - Timaru - Detective
FOSTER Sarah - Timaru - Widow
DEANS Elizabeth - St Andrews - wife of Wm
McARTHUR John - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
STERICKER Edward Glaves - Timaru - Farme
OLIVER Francis - Temuka - Farmer
WOOLLCOMBE Frances Anne - Timaru - Widow
LEE Henry - Temuka - Farmer
FRIEL Daniel - Timaru - Farmer
DREW Henry - Temuka - Labourer
SMITH Furneaux - Geraldine -
MILL William - Timaru - Retired Farmer
SHEARER Francis Sinclair - Tinwald - Wheelwright
SPENCER William Henry - Temuka - Engine Driver
McCULLOCH Archibald - Glenavy - Farmer
DOUGLAS Thomas - Levels - Farmer
GREEN Thomas John - Ashburton - Farmer
ROBERTSON John - Winchester - Threshg M Proprietor
BETTS Denis - Ashburton - Farmer
KNUBLEY Harriett Henryetta - Timaru -
LEECH David - Timaru - Settler
GARDNER Bridget - St. Kilda, Victoria - Married Woman
McGREGOR John - Oamaru & Timaru - Butcher
O'NEILL Eliza - Geraldine - Widow
MATHESON John - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
FRASER Paul - Totara Valley - Farmer
GENTLEMUN George McSheehy - Temuka - Gentleman
BAKER Elizabeth - Timaru -
HOOPER Hannah Maria - Temuka -
LUNDON Francis John - Waimate - Farmer
SINCLAIR John - Timaru - Stock Buyer
JONES George Charles - Timaru - Carpenter
SOAL William - Ashburton - Labourer
KELCHER Annie Harriet - Esk Valley - Spinster
GEORGE Edward Tobias - Waimate - Labourer
MENZIES James Corner - Waimate - Carpenter
HOWELL William Barker - Timaru - Gentleman
EDSON William - Waimate - Retired Farmer
MEYER Sarah Christina - Redcliff - wife of Fredk Wm
FRASER James - Totara Valley - Farmer
ROSS Mary Jane - Hakataramea - Widow
QUINN William - Makikihi - Farmer
GILLUM Ellen - Temuka - wife of Henry E.
BEAUCHAMP Philip Kay Halhed - -
COLLETT Samuel - Waimate - Gentleman
BEATTIE William John - Hilton - Farmer
MONTGOMERY Johnstone - St Andrews - Labourer
RULE Sarah Ann - Ashburton - Widow
JONES William - Pleasant Point - Labourer
KEDZLIE Alexander Charles - Timaru - Storekeeper
FEILDEN George Augustus - Fairlie - Farmer
GLASSEY Susan - Ruapuna - Widow
HANLY Patrick - Morven - Farmer
SHAW Alexander - Ashburton - Dairyman
HUTTON Peter William - Timaru - Stationer
HOOPER Thomas Francis - Temuka - Carrier
GABITES George - Timaru - Gentleman
CAMERON Rupert Fraser - Waimate - Farmer
LACK Elizabeth - Waimate - Widow
SMART Alexander - Fairlie - Farmer
TIPPING William - Waimate - Labourer
GUILD James - Temuka - Farmer
OLIVER Ellen - Pleasant Point - wife of James
WATKINS John - Hazelburn - Farmer
TOPHAM Annie Jane - Temuka - wife of William C
KELLY Ellen - Kerrytown - Widow
ANDREWS William Nesbit - Hazelburn - Fruit Grower
YOUNG Jacob - Timaru - Baker
GREEN Mary Jane - Underwood Claremont - Widow
FIFIELD John - Woodbury - Settler
HAYHURST John Turnbull M. - Temuka - Landowner
DIVAN John - Seadown - Farmer
WOODHEAD George Blanchard - Temuka - Farmer
FRASER John - Waitohi &Pleasant Point - Farmer
HOWE William Makepeace - Timaru - Gentleman
KNIGHT Cuthbert Bernard - Timaru - Accountant
SILVERTON Caroline - Timaru - Widow
SMITH Sarah Louisa - Timaru - Widow
RENNIE James - Orari - Farmer
O'LEARY Honora - Timaru -
SMITH Agnes - Timaru - Widow
BURNETT Catherine - Cave - wife of Andrew
SHOLKOFSKY Adam - Woodbury - Farmer
ANDREW Annie Maria - Pleasant Point - Widow
SORENSEN Frederick - Cave Timaru - Farmer
McBRATNEY Georgina - Temuka -
SMITH Margaret - Waitawa -
FREEMAN John William - Waimate - Stablekeeper
MULHOLLAND Jane - Timaru - School Teacher
ROBINSON Robert - Fairlie - Hotelkeeper
CHAMPION Richard - Waimate - Farmer
TARBOTTON Robert - Ealing - Farmer
PATTON Elizabeth Ella - Mt. Somers - wife of Walter O.
McCASKILL Johannah - Temuka - Widow
QUINN Delia - Temuka - Widow
CAMPBELL Archibald - Timaru - Tally Clerk
KERSLAKE Robert - Pleasant Point - Farmer
MORIARTY Mary - Hampstead - wife of Michael
LEITCH John - Pleasant Point - Farmer
ROBINSON Joseph - Fairfield - Farmer
SHEPHERD Martin John - Timaru -
POWER Norah - Timaru - wife of William
DOVE Thomas - Longbeach - Storekeeper
PARRISH Thomas - Willowby - Farmer
OATES Thomas John - Willowbridge - Farmer
KENNEDY Alexander - Timaru - Farmer
PELVIN Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
HYDES Sarah - Mayfield - Widow
CAMERON William - Waimate - Retired Draper
LAMBERT Graham - Pleasant Point - Chemist
BROWN John - Timaru - Butcher

WAKELIN Henry - Tinwald - Farmer
SCANNELL Michael - Mawharo - Farmer
STEWART Agnes Hepburn - Timaru - wife of James
EXLEY Susan - Timaru - Widow
CUTHBERT Robert - Timaru - Clerk
SHEED Gordon - Timaru - Retired Farmer
HAMPTON David - St Andrews - Farmer
PATRICK William - Gapes Valley - Farmer
QUINN William Aloysius - Makikihi - Farm Labourer
SHERRY John - Tinwald - Labourer
FINCH George Frederick - Cave - Hotelkeeper
MEYER Frederick Herman - Waimate - Farmer
SHEPHERD William - Adair - Orchardist
GUNN Donald - Upper Hook Waimate - Farmer
BOLTON Eleanor Maria - Waimate -
SULLIVAN Ellen - Levels Plains - Widow
DICK Ethel - Hannaton Waimate - School Teacher
GUNN William - Timaru - Dentist
NECKLEN Elizabeth Ann - Timaru -
BOURNE William - Timaru - Upholsterer
BOYCE John - Waimate - Labourer
PITHIE Thomas Maxwell - Arundel - Farmer
BLACK William John - Arowhenua, Ayr/ Queenslnd - Farmer
GRIFFITHS Ephraim - Timaru - Farmer
BIRD Samuel - Waimate - Farmer
EDEN Nelson - Ashburton - Contractor
McBEATH John - Timaru - Farmer
CHARTERIS William David - Gleniti - Clerk
HULLEN John Martin - Waitohi Flat - Farmer
MOLONEY Thomas - Geraldine - Retired Farmer
STOTT Thomas - Timaru - Carter
TRAIL Emily Waldegrave - Fairlie - wife of Stephen
GILKISON Agnes Maud - Timaru - Typist
THOMAS Edwin Parnell - Hampstead - Retired Farmer
CUTTLE William - Arowhenua - Hotelkeeper
WATSON David Graham - Timaru - Salesman
McAULEY Julia - Otaio - wife of Alexander
ROSS Hugh - Kimbell Fairlie - Sheepfarmer
COTTER Henry Chambers - Rosebrook Stlmnt Timaru - Farmer
BROPHY Patrick - Orari - Grocer's Assnt
JONES Stephen - Timaru - Labourer
GAFFNEY John - Waimate - Retired Farmer
DUNN Alexander Butler - Watford -
RODDICK Helen Brown - Temuka - Widow
SMITH Margaret Ann - Timaru - Widow
NEESON Joseph - Timaru - Cab Proprietor
BOOTHBY Joseph - Waimate - Labourer
LEWIS Harold John - Timaru - Student/NZEF
ASTON George - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
ROOKE Leonard Home - Temuka - Gentleman
DENT Ruth - Allenton Ashburton - Widow
DAVIDSON Elizabeth - Washdyke - wife of Peter C.
MILLAR William David - Timaru - Carpenter
HECKLEN Henry Thackeray - Fairlie - Sheepfarmer
GRIFFIN Thomas - Timaru - Labourer
BROSNAN Mary - Fairview - wife of Timothy
DOWNEY Charles Michael - Studholme Junction - Labourer
WALSH Annie - Woodbury -
WALSH James - Woodbury - Farmer
READ Wilhelmina - Ashburton - wife of Isaac
CURTIS Wilhelmina W. - Ashburton - wife of Reginald
McLEAN John - Morven -
McLEAN Anna Jessie - Timaru - Spinster
GRANT David - Duntroon - Butcher
LYLIAN Walter Herbert - Staveley - Farmer
WOOD Bertram Barrett - Ashburton - Draper's Assnt
BURGESS William - Timaru - Labourer
PACKER Worthy - Studholme Junction - Farmer
PACKER Annie - Studholme Junction - Widow
MILLER William - Waimate - Baker
RADCLIFFE John - Timaru - N.Z.E.F.
FERRIER Gilbert Colin C - Timaru - Carpenter/Lt.
SMITH Matthew - Waimate - Printer/Jrnlst
McMASTER Angus - Cave - Farmer
O'NEILL Alexander - Orari - Retired Farmer
LAMBIE John - Kyle - Farmer
GAFFANEY Michael Francis - Temuka - Farmer
HALL Mary - Timaru - Widow
BUCHANAN Josephine Georgina - -
HUNTER George - Willowbridge/Timaru - Farmer
WATKINS Robert Edward - Timaru - N.Z.E.F.
WATTS Marianne - Fairlie -
BOWIE Robert Ross - Timaru - Storekp/NZEF
HAY William Harold - Timaru - Farmer/NZEF
TREZISE Jessie Jane V. - Tara Settlement Waimate -
TREZISE Charles - Tara Settlement - Farmer
WOODS Mary Fanny - Morven - wife of William J
SCOTT Samuel - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
CRIPPS Henry - Winchester - Farm Hand
DAVIS Catherine - Geraldine -
MEE Margaret Jane - Timaru - Widow
RAYNER Alfred Collett - Pleasant Point - Contractor
FOX Helena - Timaru - wife of James
STEVENSON Charles Edward - Fairlie - Motor Driver
APPLEBY Sophy Margret - Hakataramea -
STRATFORD Philip - Lower Waitohi - Farmer
McKEOWN Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
DRISCOLL Thomas - Waitawa - Farmer
HAYES James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
WARD Millicent Sophia - Timaru -
MEEK James - Waimate - Dealer
WEIR Archibald - Timaru - Master Mariner
SHEPHERD Clara Helen - Timaru - Spinster
RAE James - Peel Forest - Labourer
ROSS Margaret - Timaru -
CHAMBERLAIN Thomas - Waimate - Labourer
NORDSTROM Annie - Tinwald - wife of Alfred H.
GORMLEY Mary Bridget Eliz. - Sutherlands - wife of Patrick
NIND James - Waimate - Gardener
CLARKE Richard Henry - Timaru - Gentleman
McCULLY Henry - Temuka - Farmer
PARR Edward - Opihi - Farmer
LE MARE Harley Ebenezer - Timaru - Porter
SEGAR Arthur Edgar - Timaru - Engine Driver
McKENZIE Alexander - Geraldine - Farmer
PATTERSON Archibald Fred. - Timaru - Clerk
RICKMAN Edward Albert - Waimate - Clerk/NZEF
THOMAS Charles Ernest - Timaru - N.Z.E.F
GUINNESS Francis Benjamin H - Timaru - Clerk/N.Z.E.F.
LANE Frederick - Waimate - Labourer
SUGRUE Timothy - Belfield - Farmer
GLADSTONE Henry John - Winchester - Farmer
SMITH Ernest - Timaru - Railway Clerk
FORD Henry - Pareora - Sheepfarmer
CURLE Jane - Timaru - Widow
BAIRD James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
GYNES James - - Farm Labr/NZEF
WALLACE Joseph Henry - Timaru - Clerk/N.Z.E.F.
LEGGOTT William - Timaru -
SPIER Alfred - Ashburton - Labourer
DAVEY Oral Edgar - Timaru - Clerk
McCONACHIE Mary Gordon - Ashburton - Widow
BOWKER Charles - Timaru - Land Broker
WEAVERS Robert James - Cave - Farmer
ORR Clara Agnes - Ashburton - wife of Armer A.
SHURY Augustus Hutton - Ashburton - Gentleman
McDONOUGH Bridget - Glenavy - Widow
KEENAN John - Temuka - Farmer
BRASS William - The Hermitage - N.Z.E.F.
MILLAR Agnes - Wakanui, Ashburton - Widow
MAURICE Francis Dennison - - N.Z.E.F.
SCOTT John Atkinson - Timaru - Storeman/NZEF
WOOD Emma - Timaru - Widow
HENDERSON Mabel - Timaru - Widow
DICKENS Thomas - Geraldine - Labourer
WARNE William - Waihimomona - Farmer
CAMPBELL Herbert Malcolm - Geraldine - Farm Hand
LISTER Frances - Timaru - Widow

TOWERAKER William - Waimate - Gentleman
REILLY Joseph - Woodbury - Retired Farmer
SCOTT Catherine - Waimate - Widow
BAIN Christina Ann - Waimate - Widow
LYSAGHT Mary Emily Dyke - Geraldine - wife of Frederick
BRIEN James - Hilton - Farmer
BATES Thomas - Orari - Farmer
LOADER George - Timaru - Retd. Butcher
STOCKER Thomas Head - Timaru - Retired Farmer
BRACEFIELD George - Timaru - Butcer
WALLACE Joseph - Temuka -
BUCHANAN William - Waihaorunga - Farmer
REID Egerton Humphries - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
GREEN Mary - Waimate - Married Woman
ROTHWELL Henry - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
CAMPBELL Catherine - Allenton Ashburton - Widow
COX Hector William Percival - Timaru - Salesman
McCARTHY Patrick - Temuka - Farmer
NICHOLLS Annie Emma - Ashburton - wife of Francis S
COOKSON Edward - Ashburton - Stable Keeper
CARTER David Roger - Pleasant Point - L/Corporal
NORTON Minnie Elizabeth - Temuka - wife of Simon B
JOHNSON Robert George - Timaru - Labourer
MEYER Henreich Ludwig - Waimate - Farmer
HEAD Major Bernard - -
CARROLL John - Glenavy - Farmer
TAYLER George - Geraldine - Retired
WILSON Robert Stobo - Timaru - Farmer
FOSTER Godfrey - Waimate - Retired Farmer
CANNER Ann Jane - Timaru - Widow
PHILIP Isabella - Waimate - Widow
DAVIS Frederick - Timaru - Fitter
McBRIDE Samuel - Timaru - Stonemason
STEPHENS Sarah Elizabeth - Ashburton - Widow
BAIN John - Kimbell - Hotelkeeper
SIMMONS William - Makikihi - Farmer
YOUDALE Eliza - Claremont - Widow
ROSS Susan McCallum - Albury - wife of Duncan
HOSKIN Amelia - Otaio - Widow
LYONS Matthew - Waimate - Farmer
MEHARRY Mary Ann - Tinwald - Widow
DRIVER Thomas William - Fairlie - Rly Port/NZEF
COLES Eliza Sarah - Kakahu Bush - Married Woman
WEBB Silas - Woodbury - Farmer
GIMSON Martha Ann - Geraldine - wife of Charles W
RAYNER Harriette - Pleasant Point - Widow
COLLINS Herbert - Timaru - Mercantile Clerk
HURST Christopher John - Waimate - Farmer
MARTIN Barbara Meldrum - Waimate - Widow
McCABE Julia Agnes - Waitohi - wife of Patrick
GIDDINGS George - Tinwald - Farmer
HARNEY Malachy - Waitaki North - Farmer
WOOLLCOMBE Belfield Morth - Singapore - Manager
WOOLLCOMBE Margaret C. - Singapore - Widow
DALGLEISH Margaret - Timaru - Widow
LE CREN Cecilia Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
SHEPHERD Francis - Timaru - Widow
HEUCHAN John - Opihi - Farmer
GAMMIE James - Timaru - Settler
BIRCHFIELD George - Seadown - Farmer
GUNN David - Waimate - Farmer
LLOYD Joseph - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
GRIFFIN Michael - Belfield, Orari - Labourer
MARSHALL Richard Thomas T. - Peel Forest - Farmer
STANSELL Lionel Brough - Timaru - Civil Servant
MURRAY James - Pareora & Timaru - Engineer
MEE John - Timaru - Merchant
BARCLAY Clifford Clapcott - Waimate - Stock Agent/NZEF
DORMAN Charles Percy - - N.Z.E.F.
SIM Catherine - Tinwald - Widow
MAHONY Mary - Timaru - wife of Robert
MARSHALL James - Claremont - Farmer
CLELAND Margaret - Timaru - wife of Andrew
McCARTEN Jane - Ashburton - Widow
MUNRO John - Pleasant Point - Farmer
CORBETT John - Ashburton - Farmer
WHITE Ann - Temuka - Widow
PITHIE James Philp - Arundel - Retired Farmer
PARR James - Peel Forest - Farmer
SAUNDERS Charles William - P. Point - Engineer Drv/NZEF
MOIR-BYRES James Sandiland - Surrey - Lt/ H.M. Army
REGAN Nellie - Geraldine - Spinster
SCROGGIE Thomas - Geraldine - Carpenter
JOYCE Neville Stanley - Timaru - Law Clerk
HEAD Herbert - Morvern - N.Z.E.F.
LEARY John - Hilton - Retired Farmer
FLANIGAN Francis - Timaru - Labourer
LOOMES Charles - Fairlie - Farmer
BRIGGS Hannah - Ashburton - Widow
FISHER William - Morven - Farmer
McKIBBIN William - Pleasant Point - Storekeeper
HIBBARD Rebecca Mary - Timaru - Widow
ROBINSON William - Sutherlands - Farmer
SMITH William Henry - Fairlie - Labourer
WATERS Elizabeth - Timaru - wife of Charles S
GALLETLY Thomas - St Andrews - Farmer
KNOTT George - Timaru - Butcher
TILSON George - Hinds - Farmer
BURRIDGE Mark - Geraldine - Labourer
SMITH Clementina - Gleniti - wife of Chas M.
COOPER Emma - Timaru - wife of Robt Jas.
PRING John - Timaru - Stonecutter
BROWN Catherine - Timaru - wife of Herbert H
SMITH John Rose - Timaru - Borough Inspt
McKEE William John - Makaroa - Shepherd
COLLETT Anne - Opihi, Pleasant Point - Widow
ROONEY Thomas - Temuka - Fellmonger
COLLINS Horatio Cecil - Ashburton - Ironmnger/NZEF
BULL Martha Sarah - Allenton, Ashburton - wife of Francis
HARRIS Edward Wheeley - Ashburton - Gardener
BOYD Elisabeth Crawford - Timaru - Widow
MORRISON Robert (Elder) - Geraldine - Gentleman
FINDLAY Margaret - Temuka - Widow
REES Frederick Ormsby - Timaru - Engineer
DUNCAN Francis - Timaru - Boatman
TONDRO James - Fairlie - Farmer
MARSHALL Frederick George - Morven - NZEF
SMITH George Arthur Edward - Ashburton - Mercantile Clerk
HARRISON Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
PENNAL William Samuel - Ashburton - Labourer
GRIGG Robert - Beaconsfield - Farmer
HOUSTON Robert John - Timaru - Butcher/NZEF
ROWE Eli - Waimate - Farmer
COFFEY Patrick - Ashburton - Labourer
STUDHOLME Carlisle - Waimate - Sheepfarmer
JOHNSTON Richard David - Ashburton - Motor Agent
PRATTLEY Horace James - Temuka - Yardman
TURNER Kenneth George - Timaru - Company Manager
CULLEN Anne - Ashburton - Widow
PATTON Jessie - Mt Somers - Widow
FOTHERGILL John Stewart - Winchester - Farmer
TEMPLER Edward Horace - Geraldine - Farmer
CAMERON Ewen - Glenroy Farm, Anama - Farmer
KERNOHAN William - Ballymena, Ireland - Gentleman
CAMERON Francis Joseph - Timaru - Journalist
BARRETT John - Temuka - Labourer

DIVAN George - Seadown - Labourer
ROBSON Annie - Waimate - Widow
PALMER William House - Waimate - Contractor
KAIN Annie Jane - Morven - wife of Robert S
CRAWFORD Mary - Waimate - wife of Jno
CHILDS Jane Mary - Ashburton - wife of Harry
McKNIGHT Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
DENNISTON James Robert - Peel Forest - Sheepfarmer
GREENALL Ann Gibson - Te Mara, Temuka -
HAMILTON Alexander Ferrier - Timaru - Bank Agent
SMITH Samuel Richard - Geraldine - Soldier
JOHNSON Peter - Temuka - Farmer
WAKELIN John Ernest - Ashburton - Labourer
RUSSELL Archibald - Temuka - Coal Merchant
TURNBULL Thomas - Timaru - Auctioneer
DAVEY William John - Rangitira Valley - Pvt NZEF
TAIT Joseph Edward - Ashburton - Slaughterman
McBEATH John - Timaru - Bank Clrk/NZEF
STUDHOLME Effiegenia M L - Timaru - Widow
BAXTER Robert - Waitohi - Farmer
MITCHELL Jane - Totara Valley P.leasant Point - Married
McBRIDE Samuel - Timaru - Accountant
DINES George William - - NZEF
O'DONNELL Felix - Waihaorunga - Farmer
HENDERSON William Herbert - Ashburton - Carpenter
MARTIN Adam Murray - Ashburton - Hospital Attdn
NALDER Herbert - Lake Tekapo - Sheepfarmer
HERTNON William - Timaru - Labourer
PROBYN Edmund - Gleniti Timaru - Labourer
HUFFEY John - Geraldine - Ret. Builder
STALKER John - Tinwald - Farmer
MOFFATT William Nelthorpe - Beaconsfield Timaru - Farmer
CRUM George Daniel John D - Ashburton - Labourer
LEWIS Thomas William - Cheviot - Farm Lab/NZEF
MARCHANT Frederick Norman - Timaru - Architect/NZEF
RITCHIE Alexander - Waimate - Gentleman
FOGARTY John - Studholme Junction - Farmer
LOGAN John - Belfield, Orari - Farmer
McQUILLAN Margaret - Geraldine - Spinster
BARKLIE John Knox - Geraldine - Angl Clergyman
MABLY William - Ealing - Farmer
TASKER James - Ashburton - Butcher
HOOPER Henry - Ashburton - Ret.Contractor
DAVIS Henry - Ashburton - Gentleman
CULLEN Hugh - Ashburton - Ret. Farmer
HORNBLOW Alfred James - Fairlie - Farmer
WILSON Elizabeth - Christchurch - Widow
DWYER Mary - Elgin - Widow
BUTTERICK David Dalton - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
HEALEY Ellen - Ashburton -
PRINGLE Jessie - Timaru - wife of Thomas
TRIPP Ellen Shephard - Orari Gorge, Woodbury - Widow
WRIGHT Henry (Elder) - Waimate - Retired Farmer
DWYER James - Elgin - Farmer
WHITE Elizabeth Sarah - Ashburton - wife of William W
MONTGOMERY Bertha - Timaru - Widow
McLEOD Duncan - Allenton - Retired Farmer
DOYLE John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
PATRICK James Holmes Henry - Geraldine - Labourer/NZEF
GOULDING Bridget - Timaru - wife of James
SCHROEDER Jane - Timaru - wife of Charles
NOLAN John - Waiapi Sett, Temuka - Farmer
DILLON Denis - Albury - Farmer
WOOD Thomas Laing - Timaru - Captain
MARTIN John McRitchie - Temuka - Gentleman
SHIRES Kate - Geraldine - Married Woman
WELLS Richard Perry - Gapes Valley & Timaru - Farmer
GABITES Eric Briggs - Timaru -
SIM James - Studholme Junction -
BATES Samuel - Orari - Labourer
LATTA Thomas - Temuka - Hotelkeeper
SHAW Walter - Timaru - Solicitor/NZEF
MOODIE Peter - Ashburton - Labourer
HORSEY Edwin - Spread Eagle - Farmer
PAYNE Matilda Adelaide - Kingsdown -
BRUCE Archibald - Waimate - Retired Farmer
HOLLAND Samuel - Tinwald - Retired Farmer
HANSEN Hanssina (Hannah) - Timaru - wife of Mads
McNAB Daniel - Rangitata - Farmer
PYE John - Geraldine - Gardener
WHITE William David Hall - Waimate - Contractortr/NZEF
MURDOCH Robert James - - Soldier NZEF
CHRISTIE Samuel - Allenton, Ashburton - Settler
JAMES John - Waimate - Labourer
DEE George Keith - Ashburton - Clerk
WINGHAM Fanny - Timaru - Widow
JOBBERNS Joseph - Ashburton - Station Hand
CHAMERLAIN William Thomas - Pareora - Farmer
OGILVIE Margaret Graham - Otaio - Widow
DAVISON John - Ashburton -
WRIGHT William - Valetta, Ashburton - Teamster
MEDLICOTT John Frederick - Pleasant Point - Farmer
STRACHAN James - Timaru - Land Agent
HILL George - Greenstreet, Ashburton - Farmer/NZEF
WOOD John - Temuka & Timaru - Schoolmaster
COWLES Richard John - Timaru - Coal Merchant
BARRETT Francis - Winchester - Blacksmth/NZEF
CUTTEN Edward - Temuka - Accountant
STOREY Robert Henry Gordon - Timaru - Schoolteacher
CONE Frederick - Waitohi Flat & Timaru - Farmer
ANDERSON James - Timaru - Tailor/NZEF
HAMILTON Margaret - Fairlie - Widow
JONES Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
FIELDMAN Henry - Timaru - Labourer
COPLAND Margaret Ann - Ashburton - wife of Alexander
DALY Patrick Joseph - Ealing - Farmer/NZEF
HORSEY Janet - Spreadeagle - Widow
CULVERHOUSE Anna - Ashburton - wife of George
SMITH Elizabeth - Waimate - Widow
SCOTT Robert - Winchester - Gentleman
HAMILTON Andrew - Makikihi - Farmer
MAZE Michael - Pleasant Point - Farmer
COLL James - Temuka & Fairlie - Retired Farmer
HOWLEY Thomas - Timaru - Civil Servant
STEWART William George - Morven - Farmer/NZEF
ORD James - Timaru - Manager
FITZMAURICE Michael - Waimate - Farmer
HAWKINS Frank - Tinwald - Wheelwright
WILLIAMSON James Munro - - Soldier NZEF
BIGGS Isabella - Tycho Flat - wife of Abraham
FINN Austin - Pleasant Point - Farmer
MALONEY Catherine - Timaru - Widow
WATSON William - Tycho - Ploughman
PERRY Cecil Thomas Henry - Timaru - Labourer
QUINN Nicholas - Makikihi - Farmer
McLEOD Catherine - Timaru - Spinster
BELL Stanley Ferguson - Hook, Waimate - Farmer/NZEF
BOWIE Lucy Mary - Seadown - wife of William
SAUNDERS William - Timaru - Gentleman
MELVIN Hannah - Temuka - wife of Martin
BLACKHAM John - Timaru - Motor Mechanic
MOORE James - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
HORE David - Waimate - Farmer
WILCE Garnet - Waimate - Sergeant NZEF
THYNE Ellen - Waimate - Widow
PYE Charles - Temuka - Farmer
HEARN John Thomas - Rangitata Island - Farmer
SMITH Albert - Coal Creek & Pleasant Pt - Farmer
CONNOLLY Denis - Timaru -
WARD Edward - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
ROBERTSON Ann - Ashburton - Widow
McARTHUR Isabella Aitchison - Ashburton - wife of Alex
ARMSTRONG John - Timaru - Land Salesman
FERGUSSON Donald James Alex - Timaru - Trooper NZEF
FORSYTH Norman Leslie - Timaru - Clerk/NZEF
MARSHALL George Richard - St Andrews - Farm Lab/NZEF
COUNIHAN Jeremiah - Waiapi - Farm Labourer
ESLER Margaret Jane - Sutherlands - Widow
MACRAE Donald Peter - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
FRIEL Edward - Pleasant Point - Private NZEF
ORD Percy Thomas - Waimate - Salesman
EDGAR Adam - Rangitata - Farmer
HANCOX Thomas - Ashburton - Printer
STACKWOOD Daniel - Waimate - Farmer
McKENZIE James - Timaru - Labourer/NZEF
STRANGE David William - Ashburton - Plasterer/NZEF
SMITH William (elder) - Waimate - Groom
SMITH William (younger) - Waimate - Labourer
FRIEL Peter - Hilton - Farmer
OSBORNE Samuel Kingsbury - - H.M. Exp Force
HAYMAN William Henry - Studholme Junction - Farmer
DENSHIRE Charles de Chair - Ashburton - Grain Salesman
LAMBIE George - Mount Possession - Gentleman
BRYAN Elizabeth - Temuka - Widow
HORE Julia - Waimate - Spinster
INKSTER James - Waimate - Farmer
KENNEDY Alexander - Clandeboye - Farmer
LUNT Frederick William - - H.M. Exp Force
DINNIE Alexander - Orari Bridge - Retired Farmer
BESWICK Alfred - Waimate - Nurseryman
DINNIE Alexander - Orari Bridge - Retired Farmer

SUTHERLAND Alexander - Pleasant Point - Farmer
HOBBS George - Temuka - Labourer
WILSON John Leslie - Spring Creek, Glenavy - Farmer/NZEF
COMER Louisa - Temuka - wife of Richard
SUGRUE John - Belfield - Farmer
HAZLETON John - Waimate - Labourer
McKENZIE Donald - Alford Forest - Sheepfarmer
CURTIS Reginald Frederick - Ashburton - Auctioneer
BRANNAN Hugh - Mayfield - Farmer
McATEER Ellen - Timaru - wife of Patrick
HUNTER Alexander Hennen - Waimate - Farmer
McCORMICK John - Hampstead, Ashburton - Retired Farmer
GUINNESS Arthur Grattan - Geraldine - Stock Agent
McCLELLAND Henry Pritchard - Rangitata - Farmer
HILL James Thomas - Timaru - Coal Dealer
O'NEILL George - Orari - Gardener
COWAN Andrew - Four Peaks - Sheepfarmer
TONER James - Timaru - Labourer
BITCHENER Alfred - Waimate - Farmer
TAIT James - Timaru - Harbour Master
PARKS John Hayes - Timaru - Builder
PREEN Ernest George - Timaru - Builder
WILLIAMS William John - St Andrews - Contractor/NZEF
CUSSONS Thomas Richard - -
EDGEWORTH Robert - Winchester - Farmer
BROWN James - Clandeboye - Farmer/NZEF
DONEHUE Albert Thomas - Temuka - Labourer/NZEF
WILSON Jane - Timaru - wife of Richard
JAMIESON James - Dromore - Rifleman NZEF
ALLEN Catherine Elizabeth - Geraldine - Married Woman
BECKETT William Henry - Waimate - Gentleman
JOHNSTON James - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
BLAIR William Whitehouse - Timaru - Storeman/NZEF
MURDOCH John - Timaru - Timber Merchnt
PETIT Emma - Waimate - Widow
WELSH Nicholas - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
CAMPBELL Peter - Washdyke - Driver/NZEF
SOAL George James - Waterton - Labourer
PIPER Rowland Francis - Timaru - Farmer
KIMBER George - Timaru - Railway Clerk
MORRISON Alexander - Albury - Farmer
MORRISON Isabella Annie - Albury - wife of Alexander
CAIRD David - Southburn - Farmer
RIDDLE Robert - Albury - Farmer
MILNE James Imlay - Albury - Farmer
McKEOWN Eleanor - Timaru - Spinster
TACON Robert - Kingsdown - Chaffcutter
NORDSTROM Alfred William - Tinwald - Labourer
WOODS William George - Ashburton - Farm Labourer
NORDSTROM Herman Albert - Tinwald - Labourer
FRASER Fergus - Totara Valley, Pleas Pt - Farmer
DAWE Jane - Washdyke - Widow
BRADDICK James - Fairlie - Farmer
WEBB George Burgess - Timaru - Labourer
WILLIAMS Susan - Timaru - Widow
RUSSELL William - Geraldine - Farmer
BLAIR Thomas - Downsend, Peel Forest - Farmer
HUTT William Frederick - Waimate - Carpntr/Soldr
BUCKMAN Henry - Washdyke - Labourer
BLACKLER Francis Charles - Totara Valley - Farmer/NZEF
TOOLEY David Doughty - Temuka - Farmer/NZEF
WILLIAMSON Henry - Otaio - Farmer
LUMSDEN Emma - Waimate - Widow
DONNITHORNE William Henry - Waitohi - Farmer
CAMPBELL Archibald Dewar - Timaru - Storekeeper
JUGGINS Richard - Temuka - Farm Labourer
McCARTHY Patrick - St Andrews - Farmer
McCONNACH Alexander - Timaru - Farm Labourer
RAINE John Hunter - Timaru - Gentleman
TILSON Ellen - Hinds - wife of George
WHITING Ernest James - Lismore - Farmer
JOLI Henry Alexander - Staveley - Farmer
SULLIVAN Eliza - Timaru - wife of Eugene
WILLIAMS Mary Rose - Timaru - wife of Edwin J
O'BOYLE Neil - Tycho near Timaru - Farmer
FORSYTHE Andrew - Upper Waitohi -
BROOKS James Charles - Ealing - Farmer
ANNAND Elizabeth Jane - Timaru - wife of George
McFARLANE Elizabeth - Temuka - wife of Andrew
COCHRANE Robert - Wakanui, Ashburton - Farm Hand/NZEF
BUCKLEY Benjamin Alfred - Hook, Waimate - Farmer/NZEF
DELARGY Bernard John - Hakataramea - Shepherd
McCONACHIE Charles Gibson - Ashburton - Sheepbuyr/NZEF
THOMSON James - "Corrie" Hakataramea - Sheepfarmer
THOMSON Kenneth Sinclair - - Lieutenant
THOMPSON Annie - Waimate - Widow
BOASE Jane - Timaru - Widow
THEW Robert - Peel Forest & Timaru - Retired Farmer
PINKERTON Robert - Fairlie - Rifleman NZEF
HUTT Richard - Waimate - Retired Tailor
McMANNUS Peter - Ashburton - Cabinet Maker
BENTLEY Eliza - Taunton, England - Widow
LYONS John Mitchell - Geraldine - Farmer/Soldier
CHALMERS David - Timaru - Engineer
SMITH Robert - Timaru - Farmer
THOMSON James - Timaru - Drapers Assistant
CORBET William - Orari - Schoolmaster
MANATON Mary - Fairlie - wife of Harry S P
MILLER William - Timaru - Farmer
BINNEY Joseph - Fairlie - Blacksmith
WILSON Mary - Wakanui - Widow
SIEGERT Julia - Temuka - wife of Joseph
NOTTINGHAM Joseph George - Temuka - Boot Importer
GUNDRY Edward Thomas - Staveley - Dairyman
KERR Hugh - Fairlie - Hotelkeeper
RATT Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
RAITT Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
BENNETT Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
GRANT Donald - Winchester - Farmer
KEIG John - Staveley - Farmer/NZEF
HILL Alfred - Timaru - Confectioner
CALVERT Ellen - Waimate - Married Woman
CARTER Andrew - Makikihi & Waimate - Farmer
WILLIAMS Ellen - Ashburton - wife of Richard
MITCHELL Agnes - Timaru - Spinster
BREWER William - Mount Somers - Farmer/NZEF
SHEPHERD John George - Sutherlands - Farmer
LANE John Henry - Temuka - Farmer
WERRY Mary - Timaru - wife of William
MAZE Norman - Sherwood Downs - Farmer/NZEF
WALKER Christina - Waimate - Married Woman
McGARTLAND John - Claremont - Farmer
REID William - Ashburton - Builder
ASHTON Matthew - Ashburton - Labourer
GOURDIE Elizabeth - Ashburton - wife of Peter
EVANS Benjamin - Timaru - Farmer
BELL John McPeake - Ashburton - Compostr/NZEF
FAHEY Mary Booden - Geraldine - wife of James M.
SNELL Fanny - Temuka - Widow
KEAY Thomas - Fairlie - Farmer/NZEF
WADE WIlliam - Fairlie - Aus Imp Ex Frc
HAYNES Thomas William - Hakataramea - Ploughman/NZEF
O'LEARY John - Timaru - Labourer
TILBROOK Thomas - Temuka - Storekeeper
TINCLER Charles Knox K. - Geraldine - Musterer/NZEF
PETERSON Alfrida Elizabeth - Timaru - wife of Anton
MAXWELL Charles - Geraldine - Farmer/NZEF
WAREING Philip - Temuka - Farmer
CAMBRIDGE John Miles - Allenton - Pharm. Chemist
HIORNS John - Waimate - Labourer
BIRD Emma - Waimate - Married Woman
KEANE James - Pleasant Point - Farmer
SLEEP WIlliam - Mayfield - Saddler
JOLI Archibald Joseph - Staveley - Farmer
ROBERTS Jane - Waimate - Widow
HARPER Sarah - Ashburton - wife of Charles J
BLYTH Alexander - Timaru - Retired Farmer
SUTHERLAND Charles James E. - Timaru - HotelKeeper
TOMLIN Anthony Neville C. - Timaru - Tutor
STRINGFELLOW William - Geraldine - Carrier
WINTER Henry Thomas - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
DAVISON William Robert - Temuka - Dealer
ELKERS Henry - Temuka - Retired Farmer
ELKIS Henry - Temuka - Retired Farmer
SPENCER Matthew - Ashburton - Farmer
KEMPTHORNE Edward - St Andrews - Ret. Bank Mang
SMITH James - Fairlie - Carrier
CRONE Thomas Wilson (Ynr) - Waimate - Farmer
TEE Thomas - Waimate - Farmer
HAMPTON Bertie Leatham - Esk Valley St Andrews - Farmer/NZEF
O'CONNOR Daniel - Timaru - Teacher/NZEF
O'CONNOR Timothy Joseph - Hinds - Farm Lab/NZEF
PIZZEY John - Geraldine - Farmer
MEREDITH Richard - Waimate - Retired Farmer
MENZIES William Rutledge - Waimate - School Teacher
MORTON Jane S - Ikawai - Widow
DEXTER Henry Markham - Timaru - Accountant
PARR William - Timaru - Engineer
WHITE Richard Hall - Waimate - Retired Farmer
IRVING Christina - Albury - wife of Richard
BLACKMORE Henry John - Timaru - Fitter
O'CONNOR Daniel - Timaru - Teacher/NZEF
KINNAHAN Thomas - Levels Valley - Farmer
RHODES Robert Heaton - Bluecliffs St. Andrews - Sheepfarmer
HINCH Richard - Waimate - Retired Farmer
BATES Henry - Alford Forest - Farmer
CRANE John - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
COWAN Jane Reed - Timaru - Widow
BREWER Ann - Temuka - wife of Edward H
EGAN Thomas - Timaru - Labourer
BARTRUM Charlotte Amy - Raincliff Pleasant Pt - w/o Benjam P
CHURCH John Stanley - Ashburton - Clerk
DOMMETT Elizabeth Anne - Timaru - wife of William H
HAY William - Albury Timaru - Retired Farmer
ARGYLE Jemima - Ashburton - wife of William
MATHESON John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
TERRIS Elspeth Foulis - Ashburton - wife of Robert
WEBB Ellen - Timaru - Widow
REILLY Mary Jane - Woodbury Canty - Widow
WALKER James - Pleasant Point - Retired Buildr
JOHNSON William Ambrose - Fairview - Farmer
REID Matilda - Timaru - Widow
OBORN Fanny - Timaru - wife of George A
KEEN William - Timaru - NZEF
MACKAY Roderick - Timaru - Sheprd/Soldier
O'SULLIVAN Patrick - Seadown & Orari Gorge - Labourer/NZEF
BURGESS Ann - Timaru - Widow
GOOCH Thomas Frederick - Timaru - Organist
FORSYTH Robert - Ashburton - Retired

BROOKING Emma - Ashburton - Widow
GRIFFITHS Mark Thomas W. - Ashburton - Ploughman
WATT William - Ashburton - Farmer
MAXWELL Marion - Cave - wife of David
WHITE Margaret - Wablington near Timaru - Widow
MATTHEWSON James Oliver - Timaru - Accountant
WRIGHT Samuel Walter C - Fairview - Farmer
EVANS Benjamin Thomas - Arundel - Farmer
PELVIN Rose Gebbie - Glenavy - Spinster
BUTCHER John Matthew - Waimate - Farmer
CAMERON Duncan - Surrey Hills Ashburton - Farmer
JONES Samuel Keane - Timaru - Salesman/NZEF
MARTIN Harry Thomas - Greenstreet - Farmer
LINDSAY Esther Margaret - Ashburton - Widow
CALLAWAY Horace Leslie - Ashburton - Accountant
FITZGERALD Daniel James - Ashburton - Shearer
GILES Lot - Hunter near Waimate - Farmer
CRUICKSHANK Margaret B - Waimate - Medical Pract.
McRAE Isabella - Timaru - Widow
FREED Edward Victor - Waimate - Fruitgrwr/NZEF
McCALLUM John George - Waikakahi & Chch - Retired Farmer
JONES Charles Reginald - Fairlie - Motor Engineer
POLLARD Howard William - Waihao Downs - Farmer
HAY Marion - Glasgow -
STANFIELD Mary Ann - Temuka - wife of Edwin R
McLAREN Charlotte - Timaru - wife of William R
HULLEN Henry Christian - Waitohi Flat - Farmer
ROBERTSON Margaret - Rangitata & Temuka - Widow
DAWE Harry Sherwill - Ashburton - Elect. Engineer
STALKER William Davidson - Tinwald - Farm Lab/NZEF
JOHNSTON James Ebenezer - Ashburton - Labourer/NZEF
SMITH Robert Lemuel - Geraldine - Labourer
BARCLAY John - Timaru - Farmer
RULE Alexander Pettigrew - Timaru - Picture Framer
WILSON Ann - Waimate - wife of David
MAHONEY Daniel - Timaru - Land Agent
BREEN Andrew - Temuka - Hotelkeeper
AIRAY Annie Carlisle - Orton - wife of James
GIBBS Benjamin - Timaru - Dealer/NZEF
O'CONNOR Patrick - Geraldine - Farmer
AAGESEN John - Belfield near Orari - Settler
SULLIVAN James Joseph - Levels - Farmer
GILLESPIE Edgar Burns - Timaru - Accountant/ NZEF
BLACK George - Waimate - Mercer/Soldier
WATTS John James - Temuka - Cordial Manf
MUNRO Donald - Kingsdown - Farmer
GOULD Edward James - Rangitata Valley - NZEF
RENNETT Albert David - Timaru - Painter/NZEF
BENNETT Henry - Willowbridge - Farmer
WILKIE Oliver Duncan - Ashburton - Farm Lab/NZEF
MATHEWS Eliza Jane - Temuka - Spinster
CARL William Henry - Temuka - Chemist
TROTTER John (Younger) - Fairlie - Farmer
THOMAS Violet Graham - Westerfield - wife of David C T
MEYENBERG Walter Randall - Hinds - Stat Mast/NZEF
O'CONNOR John - Temuka - Railway Servt
CURTIS Gertrude W W - Ashburton - wife of Regnld F
SCOTT Robert - Pareora - Farm Hand/NZEF
SUTHERLAND Douglas - Waimate - Farmer
BUXTON Searby - Allenton - Farmer
BURROWS Joseph Frank - Glentunnel - Shepherd/NZEF
PATERSON William Fergus - Geraldine - Medical Pract.
LEITCH Annie - Fairlie - wife of Robert K
ANDERSON William Robert - Lismore, Ashburton - Farmer
LANGDON Frank - Westerfield - Labourer
SHARP Richard - Hilton - Farmer
O'LOUGHLIN Andrew - St. Andrews - Retired Farmer
CROMPTON Thomas Richardson - Temuka - Farmer
McCROSSAN Charles - Morven - Farmer
BYERS Euphemia - Timaru - Widow
MORRISON James - Tara, Waihaorunga - Farmer/NZEF
HENDRY Charles - Timaru - Retired Farmer
McLEOD Donald - Tinwald - Labourer
GREIG James - Gleniti - Farmer
McNAUGHTON Hugh - Morven - Farmer
SPENCER Ellen - Temuka - Widow
GOODWIN Jessie - Timaru - Widow
GREELISH Hannah - Hook - Widow
WARD William Edward - Beaconsfield - Labourer
BUDD William - Timaru & Orari - Farmer
NEVILLE Thomas - Ashburton - Gardener
O'KEEFE Cornelius - St.Andrews - Farmer
CARTER Robert Cecil - Pleasant Point - Lance Cor NZEF
POLLOCK John - Ashburton - Baker
BEILBY William - Reefton & Cave - Hotelkeeper
SHRIMPTON Christopher Wm - Waikakahi - Farmer
CADWALLADER Mary - Temuka - Widow
BELL Helen Taylor - Waimate - Married Woman
ROWELL Arthur - Timaru - Retired Farmer
FENWICK Ebenezer Fredk D - Pleasant Point - Farmer
CLARKE James Izatt - Waimate - Presb. Minst
HARVEY Alexander Patterson - Montalto near Mayfield - Rifleman NZEF
SMITH Robert - Morven - Farmer
COOPER Alexander - Temuka - Tobacconist
O'KEEFFE Michael - Rosewill - Farmer
BUTLER William - Hadlow near Timaru - Farmer
AITKEN John (Younger) - Winchester - Fellmonger
BATCHELOR Richard Francis - St. Andrews - Threshing Mill
LISTER Jane - Timaru - Widow
LATIMER Leslie Vernon - Timaru - Government Post/NZEF
McCLINTOCK Alexander - Waitohi Flat - Blacksmith
SCANNELL John - Kerrytown -
SULLIVAN Eugene - Timaru - Labourer
CLINCH Henry Thomas - Temuka - Tailor
O'BRIEN Beatrice Madeline - Waimate - Spinster
BENNETT Maria - Ashburton - Widow
HALSTEAD William - Pleasant Point -
RICHARD Mary - Waimate - Married Woman
FORSYTH Lilias Hyne - Orari - Widow
SPENCER-SMITH Roma - England - wife of Drummond
THOMPSON Henry - Ashburton - Fact. Foreman
DALE Philip - Timaru - Gentleman
O'MEEGHAN Sarah Ellen - Timaru - Widow
BROWN James - Ashburton - Retired Farmer
ADAM David Norrie - Ashburton - Farm Labourer
LEWIS Jane - Winchester - Spinster
SHIRES William - Geraldine - Farmer
SHIVERS William - Geraldine - Farmer
ELLIOTT Thomas - Geraldine - Draper
DIGBY Elizabeth - Ashburton - Widow
TILSON Charles James - Hinds - Farmer/NZEF

probates 1871-1899
probates 1900s
probates 1910s
probates 1920s

PROBATES & WILLS, South Canterbury - 1920s

The following list of names of the Probates, Wills and Letters of Administration was taken from the site PROBATES & WILLS South Canterbury which was a partial listing off Archways. Date of Probate may not indicate year of death - some were found to be more than 2 or 3 years prior. Treat as a guide only to further research.
Years in brackets are my additions and may not be exact

probates 1871-1899
probates 1900s
probates 1910s
probates 1920s

SIBLY William Thomas C - Timaru - Draper
THOMAS John - Timaru - Cab Proprietor
WALLACE James - Timaru - Insurance Agent
GUTHRIE Robert - Timaru - Retired Runholder
O'DONOGHUE John - Salisbury near Timaru - Farmer
WATTS George - Timaru - Cordial Manufacturer
BLACK Archibald - Gleniti near Timaru - Farm Labourer
GREY Mary - Timaru - wife of Francis J
WILLIAMSON George - Timaru - Retired Farmer
CLIFFORD William Wigram - Timaru - Gentleman
O'LEARY Margaret - Timaru - Widow
LAURENSON Isabella - Timaru - Widow
CURRIE James - Timaru - Plumber
DALE Hannah Hudson - Timaru - Widow
HOLMES Lucy - Timaru - wife of Robert
WILSON John Trotter - Timaru/Allandale - Farmer
FINNIE John Douglas - Timaru - Flour Miller
BAIRD William - Timaru - Builder
O'CONNOR Maurice - Timaru - NZ Railways Shunter
STAPLETON Thomas Sebastian - Timaru - Labourer
HALGARTH Frances Mary - Timaru - wife of Arthur B
PENMAN Jane Hardie - Timaru - wife of George
BROSNAHAN Margaret - Seadown near Timaru - Widow
LOCK William - Timaru - Retired Baker
GEDDES William Gebbie - Timaru - Retired Farmer
MUCHMORE Ernest - Timaru - Coachbuilder
TEMPLE Edwyn Frederick - Timaru - Gentleman
ARSCOTT Harriett - Timaru - wife of Thomas
HEWSON William - Timaru - Retired Farmer
HART Felix - Timaru - Retired Farmer
GRANT Alexander - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
PRINGLE Alexander Campbell - Timaru - Farmer
CAMPBELL David Muir - St Andrews/Timaru - Farm Labourer
SHUKER Stephen - Pareora, Timaru - Carpenter
REVELL Emily Christiana - Timaru - Widow
REDFERN William - Timaru - Court Bailiff
MADDOCKS John Henry - Timaru - Retired Farmer
ALLAN James - Timaru - Clerk
WYATT Charlotte - Timaru - Widow
WRIGHT Augustus William - Timaru - Gentleman
ROBERTSON Alexander - Timaru - Engine Driver
DALLEY Edith Jane - Timaru/Ashburton - wife of Joseph
BELL Edward - Timaru - Retired Farmer
SHEA Denis - Timaru - Bootmaker
HOLE William Bruton - Timaru - Brewer
McGIMPSEY Elizabeth - Waimate/Timaru - Widow
PENROSE Margaret - Timaru - Widow
FRASER Alexander - Timaru - Farmer
LARNER James - Timaru - Labourer
BROADHEAD John - Timaru - Builder
WILKINS Isaac George - Pareora West near Timaru
TROTT Alfred Henry - Kingsdown near Timaru - Farmer
FUSSELL Joseph Rawlings - Timaru - Gentleman
FORD Robert - Timaru - Labourer

COOPER Reuben - Timaru - Gardener
CATLOW Thomas Seager - Timaru/France - Labourer/NZEF
McAULEY Catherine Elizbth J - Timaru - Widow
KELLY Mary Jane - Timaru - wife of Patrick
MILES Cecilia Mary - Timaru - Widow
COLE Margaret Smith - Timaru - Widow
O'MEEGHAN Michael - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
MACKAY Emily - Timaru - wife of William
McCULLOUGH Mary Ann - Timaru - wife of John
JOHNSTON Agnes - Timaru - wife of James
SHEPHERD Walter Neale - Timaru/Queensland - Gentleman
HURDLEY John Edward - Timaru - Merchant
HORGAN Patrick - Timaru - Labourer
WATKINSON Horace Bessent - Timaru - Farmer
MILLER Ellen Emily Leonard - Timaru - Widow
LUCAS Peter James - Timaru - Farm Labourer
RITCHIE Margaret Jane - Timaru - wife of John
McCORMICK Ellen - Timaru/Ashburton - Widow
SCOULLAR Eliza Jane - Timaru - Widow
MURDOCH George Grant - Timaru - Painter/Paperhanger
JOHNSTONE David Cownie - Timaru - Master Mariner/Foreman Stevedore
SULLIVAN John - Timaru - Bottler
EARL William - Timaru - Retired Farmer
CURRIE Matilda - Timaru - Married Woman
SMALLRIDGE Isabella - Timaru - wife of Henry
WEBSTER John Thomas - Timaru - Butcher
WEBBER Richard - Timaru - Labourer
LILLICO James - Timaru - Woollen Manufacuter
HALL Hannah - Timaru - Married Woman
FINCH Charlotte - Timaru
RICHARDSON David - Arrowtown/Timaru - Hotelkeeper
TOMLINSON Alice - Timaru
NEAVE Thomas - Timaru - Presbyterian Minister
AULD Agnes - Timaru - wife of William
TAYLOR Martha Matilda - Timaru - Widow
MILLER Robert - Hunter/Timaru - Retired Farmer
SLAUGHTER Frederick - Timaru - Painter
BROSNAN Timothy John - Gleniti, Timaru - Retired Farmer
WOTTON Mary Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
ANNETTS William - Timaru - Brewer
DAY Daniel - Timaru - Retired Farmer

STRACHAN Barbara - Timaru - Widow
CAMPBELL Robert - Timaru - Retired Farmer
McLEAN Julia Mary Campbell - Timaru - Spinster
COXHEAD Edward Frederick - Timaru - Mercantile Clerk
WHITE Peter Hunter - Timaru - Engine Room Worker
QUINLAN Thomas - Temuka/Timaru - Retired Hotelkeeper
O'CALLAGHAN Leslie George - Timaru - Auctioneer/NZEF
STUMBLES George - Timaru - Contractor
BAUGHEN Henry - Geraldine/Timaru
SCOTT Adam Arthur - Timaru - Grain Merchant
FREEME Mary Henrietta - Timaru - Wife of Mark Cousins
BLACKMORE James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
KELLY Richard - Timaru - Carter [see also TU473/1897]
GILLIES John Lillie - Timaru - Company Manager
FLETT John - Timaru - Labourer
COE Annie Harriet - Timaru - Dressmaker
STUBBS Georgiana - Timaru - Widow
FUSSELL Louisa - Timaru - Widow
McGILLIVRAY James Alexander - Timaru - Carrier
WELLS Frank - Timaru - Jockey
JACKSON Anne - Timaru - Widow
FERGUSON Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
SMITH Frederick - Timaru - Retired Farmer
TAYLOR Frank - Timaru - Carrier
BUCKLER Annie - Timaru - wife of James S
HALL Grace Lillian - Timaru/Auckland - Spinster
MAXRELL Robert Henry - Timaru - Gardener
GARDNER Lucy Jane - Timaru - Widow
KENNEDY Margaret - Timaru - Widow
ROPER David James - Timaru - Printer
KING John Ingram James - Timaru - Clerk
PARSONS Joseph Alfred - Timaru - Dealer
WOOD Henry - Timaru - Mechanical Engineer
HAMLYN Joshua - Timaru - Bridge Contractor
OGDEN Isabella - Timaru - Widow
PHILIP Martha Mary - Timaru - wife of James
O'ROURKE John - Timaru - Draper
YOUNG James - Timaru - Retired Hotelkeeper
HORRELL Jessie - Timaru - wife of Samuel
LE CREN Ernest Alfred - Timaru - Estate Agent
RHODES Arthur Ernest Timaru - The Cliffs near Timaru - Farmer
STEWART Harriet Sophia - Timaru - wife of John
WRAY Charles Allen - England/Timaru - Magistrate
WILLS David - Timaru - Retired Farmer
McCONACHIE John - Timaru - Draper
KEAY John Alexander - Timaru - Farmer
CUDDIHY Thomas - Timaru
McLAUGHLAN John - Timaru
MATSON William Manifold - Timaru - Auctioneer
WYATT Alfred Ambrose - Timaru - Labourer
HOMSON James Elliot - Timaru - Retired Farmer

AULD James - Timaru - Engineer
SMITH Jane - Timaru - wife of Richard
MADDEN Patrick Leo - Timaru - Accountant
McDONALD Allan Augustine - Timaru - Quarryman
JACKSON Hannah - Timaru - wife of Charles
BARCLAY Hellen - Timaru - Widow
O'LEARY Patrick Francis - Timaru - Hotelkeeper
BOWDEN Agnes Sophia - Timaru - wife of John
PRINGLE Thomas - Timaru - Builder
DOW James - Timaru - Carpenter
McDOUGALL Bruce - Timaru - Labourer
BREHANT James - Timaru - Bricklayer
STICKINGS Charles Edward - Timaru - Retired Farmer
HARDWICK Thomas - Timaru - Farmer
MULLAN Annie - Timaru - Widow
STEVEN George - Timaru - Retired Farmer
WARES John - Timaru - Master Mariner
McLAUGHLAN Bridget - Timaru - Widow
HAWKEY Tom - Timaru - Ret. Bootmaker
LYONS Sarah Jane - Timaru - wife of William J
McARTHUR Alexander - Timaru/Ashburton - Retired Farmer
CAMPBELL William Grant - Timaru - Retired Mill Owner
RAYMOND Henrietta Sarah - Timaru - Spinster
WADE James - Timaru - Labourer
YARR Elizabeth - Timaru - wife of Thomas
CARLTON Frank - Timaru - Timber Merchant
HAWKES Richard Neville N. - Timaru - Land Agent
WARRINGTON Robert - Timaru - Timber Yard Employee
NEWSOME Frances Emma - Timaru - wife of Mark
HORRELL Samuel - Timaru - Retired Farmer
HARRIS Sarah Ann - Timaru - Widow - Record Missing
KIDD Henry - Timaru - Farmer
McGILL Matilda - Timaru - Widow
HUNT Emma - Timaru - wife of William H
CHAPMAN Charlotte - Timaru/Waitohi - Widow
BLACKMORE Mary - Timaru - Spinster
DON Jean McBey - Timaru - wife of John H.
BLAIR Andrew - Timaru - Wood Turner
McARTHUR Donald - Timaru - Storeman
THOMSON William John - Waimataitai, Timaru - Storekeeper
EXLEY Mark - Timaru - Labourer
ORR John - Timaru - Gardener
ALLEN Charles - Timaru - Retired Brickmaker
TAPP Charles - Otipua, Timaru - Labourer
JOHNSTONE Annie Elizabeth - Timaru - wife of Robert
O'SULLIVAN Eugene - Timaru - Retired Hotelkeeper

MURRAY Jane - Timaru - Widow
CHARTER John Thomas - Timaru - Slaughterman
McCOY James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
THOMSON John - Timaru - Stevedore
BOYD Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
O'LEARY Jeremiah - Timaru - Retired Farmer
FREEME Arthur Hickerton - Timaru - Bookseller
MURRAY Catherine - Timaru - Widow
PRIEST William - Timaru - Ironmonger
CAMERON Matthew - Timaru - Farmer
WATSON Mary Anne - Timaru - wife of Patrick J
TAYLOR Robert Ross - Timaru - Retired Merchant
WIGLEY Arthur James - Timaru/Ludd, Palestine - Civil Engineer
HARRISON Frederick Albert - Timaru - Carrier
STUART David - Timaru - Shipping Agent
BLACKHAM Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
THOMPSON Matilda Smith - Timaru - Married Woman
TIZARD John Marsh - Timaru - Grocer
BUCHANAN Robert - Timaru - Retired Storekeeper
O'DONNELL John Joseph - Timaru - Farmer
COUPLAND Mary - Otipua, Timaru - Widow
O'SULLIVAN Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
HUDDLESTON Joseph Cotton - Timaru - Retired Stock Inspector
LINDSAY William Stewart - Timaru - Gentleman
SCOTT Robert - Timaru - Retired Farmer
JARVIS John Nathaniel - Timaru - Carrier
KENNEDY Mary - Timaru - Widow
McBEATH Mary - Timaru - Widow
DUNN Georgina Christie - Gore/Timaru - wife of John
HOBBS Margaret - Timaru - Widow
McKENZIE Alexander Walter - Timaru - Fruiterer
THEW Charles Thomas - Timaru - Traveller
HOME Flora Madaline - Timaru - wife of William

RUSSELL Herbert Southern - Timaru - Secretary
WATERS Agnes - Timaru - wife of Alfred C.
LAMB Elizabeth Mary - Timaru
LUCK Annie Mary - Timaru - Widow
DYNES Ralph - Timaru - Retired Farmer
PRINGLE Thomas - Timaru - Retired Sheepfarmer
CLELAND Mary - Timaru - wife of James
CALDWELL Alexander - Timaru - Retired Farmer
CARL Lucy Sarah - Timaru - Widow
THOMSON Robert - Timaru - Retired Farmer
KNUBLEY Francis Clissold - Timaru - Farmer
BUCHANAN Sarah Frances - Timaru - Widow
WATSON Frederick Charles - Timaru - Tobacconist
ORBELL Charles Newman - Levels, Timaru - Sheepfarmer
EATON Henry - Timaru - Accountant
COTTER Martha - Timaru - Widow
BROAD Jessie Reidie - Timaru - Wife
McDONALD George - Timaru - Retired
FREEMAN Fanny - Timaru - Widow
NORTH Catherine Jane - Timaru - Widow
LAWRENCE Agnes - Timaru - Wife
O'DONOGHUE Maurice - Timaru - Motor Expert
STEVENSON Robert - Timaru - Land Salesman
LESLIE Thomas William - Timaru - Commission Agent
MORRISON Ewen - Timaru - Retired Mariner
STYLES Alfred - Timaru - Retired Railway Employee
FOLEY Francis Williams - Timaru - Company Manager
ANDREWS Mary - Timaru - Widow
GORRY Elizabeth - Timaru - Married Woman
COX George aka COCK - Timaru - Fruiterer
McKNIGHT Mary Jane - Timaru - Widow
SHEARS Benjamin - Timaru - Retired Lime Burner
COSSINS George Herbert - Timaru - Civil Servant
ANDERSON Mary Ann - Timaru - Widow
SMITH Maria - Timaru - wife of George
BURRELL Arthur Stanley - Timaru - Wool Classer
OATS John - Timaru - Miner
SOLOMAN Ann Maria - Timaru - wife of John
KERR Lizzie Lock - Timaru - wife of David P.
LOTT Daniel - Timaru - Retired Farmer
GERITY John - Timaru - Labourer
SKINNER Robert - Timaru - Retired Farmer
FUSSELL Ella Gladys - Timaru - Spinster
SINCLAIR James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
MONAGAN Kate Eliza - Timaru - Spinster
GILMORE William - Timaru - Farmer
JOWSEY Mary - Timaru - Widow
COURTNEY Ellen - Timaru - wife of John

LE CREN Adelaide Helen - Timaru - wife of Frederic
MARTIN Henry Edward - Timaru - Carpenter
RANSOME Mary - Timaru - Widow
RAPSEY Rose - Timaru - Widow
FARRINGTON Martin - Timaru - Retired Farmer
GABITES George Edward - Timaru - Medical Practitioner
BRENTON Phillipa Ann - Timaru - wife of John
PATERSON Blanche Helen - Gisborne/Timaru - Widow
COOK Isa Stuart - Timaru - Widow
SCOTT John - Timaru - Company Branch Manager
OBORN George Arthur - Timaru - Retired Butcher
WINTER Eliza - Timaru - Widow
CHRISTIE Margaret Nesbit - Timaru - Widow
WESTMACOTT Herbert - Timaru - Gentleman
PETRIE William - Timaru - Builder
CROSS George - Timaru - Retired Farmer
HARRIS Caroline Parkes - Timaru - Widow
MORRISON Robert - Timaru - Building Contractor
OSBORNE John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
WILSON James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
McLENNAN Kenneth - Timaru - Farmer
SCOTT Harry - Timaru - Agent
CARTWRIGHT Walter Whitaker - Timaru - Retired Farmer
YOUDALE Margaret Jane - Timaru
BRENTON John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
WHITEHEAD Walter - Timaru - Carpenter Foreman
STEWART James - Timaru - Retired Railway Inspector
MALCOLMSON Robert Omand - Timaru - Gardener
VIRTUE David Wilson - Timaru - Town Clerk
COURTIS Gertrude Denithorne - Timaru - Engineer
WARDEN James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
RYAN John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
PIGEON Annie Walker - Timaru - Widow
MAYES William Holland - Timaru - Company Manager
TAYLOR John - Timaru - Retired Farmer
STRACHAN James Dunn - Timaru - Salesman
BEAUCHAMP Elinor Lizzie - Timaru - Widow
FOSTER William - Timaru - Labourer
MORRISON Donald - Timaru - Gardener
ELMS Martha Jane - Timaru - Widow
MOORE Joseph Charles - Timaru - Accountant
STREETER James - Timaru - Farmer
BOYS Eliza Anne - Timaru - Widow
KANE Anthony - Timaru - Retired Railway Servant
GREEN Henry - Timaru - Retired Police Officer
TURNER Frederick William - Timaru - Retired Farmer
O'NEILL John - Timaru - Labourer

WRIGHT Eliza Ann - Timaru - Married Woman
MASLIN Thomas Henry - Timaru - Retired
NEWLAND John - Timaru - Retired Coach Builder
LAWRY Florence Kate - Timaru - Spinster
PICKERING Horace John H. - Timaru - Commercial Traveller
KINNERNEY William Edward - Timaru - Solicitor
REID Valerie Nina Gibson - Timaru - Spinster
McARTHUR Emma Ada - Timaru - Widow
KLEE Wilhem - Timaru - Retired Bootmaker
JESSEP Bridget - Timaru - Widow
TRIGGS George Edward - Timaru - Draper
WILLIAMS John - Timaru - Storeman
WINTER Sarah - Timaru - Married Woman
BURNS Robert - Timaru - Labourer
KYLE Joseph - Timaru - Hawker
HOLDGATE Edward - Timaru - Ironmonger
TREGENZA Sarah Jane - Timaru - Widow
FONSECA Reuben Adrian - Timaru - Carpenter
McLEAN Catherine Julia - Timaru - Spinster
RICKARD Richard - Timaru - Storekeeper
OTT Henry Edward - Timaru - Butcher
HARVEY David - Timaru - Carpenter
RUSBATCH Ellen Margaret - Timaru - Spinster
KEEN Jessie - Timaru - wife of Frederick
JOHNSON Thomas - Rosewill, Timaru
ROSS Annie - Timaru - Widow
GILCHRIST Walter - Timaru - Butcher
FORREST James - St Andrews, Timaru - Farmer
SAMPSON David - Timaru - Bridge Inspector
WRIGHT Amy Jane - Timaru - Widow
GABITES Margaret - Timaru - Widow
KIRK Henry Bland - Timaru - Brickmaker
HASSELL Hannah - Timaru - Widow
BARRIE Martha Hamilton - Timaru - wife of Charles H
HARVEY James Renwick - Timaru - Retired Farmer
ARMSTRONG Elspeth - Timaru - Widow
MARSDEN Harriet - Timaru - wife of Frederick
O'GRADY Patricia - Timaru - Farm Labourer
SMITH Gideon Anderson - Timaru - Retired Farmer
TOWNSHEND Edith Maude - Timaru - Spinster
HILL Nora Alice - Christchurch/Timaru - Widow
TAYLOR Ernest Frank - Timaru - Wharf Labourer
OGG William - Timaru - Labourer - Record Missing
ROACH Paul - Timaru - Farmer
O'CONNOR Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
HOWELL Annie Elizabeth - Timaru - Widow
WRIGHT Cecil Harry - Timaru - Sheepfarmer
BUTLER Julia - Timaru - Widow
SMITH Richard - Timaru - Labourer
LAIRD James - Timaru - Sailmaker
KERNICK Richard - Timaru - Gardener
WHITE John William - Timaru - Barrister
DAVIE Robert - Timaru - Farmer
ELLIS Walter - Timaru - Labourer
RENTOUL Anna - Timaru - wife of David
THOMAS Sarah Ann - Timaru - Widow

ROTHWELL James - Timaru - Labourer
MORRISON Sarah - Timaru - wife of James
ASPINALL Francis Theodora - Timaru - Tea Room Proprietor
SCOTT Duncan - Timaru - Retired Farmer
FRASER Douglas Playfair - Timaru - Clerk
HIGHT Albert - Timaru - Storeman
SHEPHERD James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
MACDONALD William Kenneth - Timaru - Runholder
NEWMAN George - Timaru - Labourer
BENNEWITH William John - Timaru - Fitter
MAHAN Charles James - Timaru - Stock Buyer
KING Mary Emily - Timaru - wife of William Walter
CAMPBELL James - Kingsdown, Timaru - Farmer
HILLAS James - Timaru - Shopkeeper
TAVENER Hannah - Timaru - Widow
GRAVES Hannah - Timaru - Widow
SHUTE Henry Francis - Timaru - Woolclasser
SUTTON Letitia - Timaru - wife of James B.
BROWN William - Timaru - Blacksmith
SCOTT John Henry - Timaru - Wharf Foreman
DONOGHUE Judith Jane - Timaru - Spinster
FISHER John - Timaru - Fisherman
CLAYTON Charles John - Timaru - Retired Bee Farmer
WILLIAMSON John Thomas - Timaru - Farm Manager
GLIDDON James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
CULLMANN Helen Elizabeth - Timaru - Spinster
DALE Susan - Timaru - Widow
BROOKER Mary Ann - Timaru - wife of Malvern J
GRANT William James - Timaru - Cycle Agent
KEMP Thomas Simpson Charles - Timaru - Chief Detective
WEBSTER Lawrence William A. - Timaru - Draper's Assistant
WILSON Andrew - Timaru - Accountant
COOK Marion Jane Scott - Timaru - Widow
DICKSON Mary Jane - Timaru - wife of William
COOPER Robert James - Timaru - Labourer
SAWELL James Greig - Timaru - Retired Accountant
JONES Jane - Timaru - Widow
LEAMAN Mark - Timaru - Retired Gardener
JONES Bertie Craven - Australia/Timaru - Hotelkeeper
PAGE Charlotte - Timaru - Widow
DASH Charles - Timaru - Manager
SQUIRE Alfred - Timaru - Retired Farmer
SMITH James - Timaru - Retired Farmer
RAWSTORN Dora Kennett - Timaru - Married Woman
HESSELL George Lazenby - Timaru - Labourer
WESTOBY Robert - Timaru - Labourer

JACKSON Charles - Timaru - Retired Farmer
HITCH Watson Henry - Timaru - Tinsmith
WILLIAMS Samuel - Timaru - Retired Farmer
PILKINGTON Isabella - Timaru - Married Woman
MENDELSON Wallingford - Timaru - Retired Solicitor [includes TU651/1903]
EDGAR Margaret Ann - Timaru - wife of James E.
HUGHES Richard - Timaru - Carter
LATIMER Ernest - Timaru - Hairdresser
BROWN John - Timaru/Temuka - Farmer
URQUHART Robert Maurice - Timaru - Insurance Agent
LANE Walter William - Timaru - Retired Farmer
BUNTING William Thomas - Maungati, Timaru - Farmer
HANSEN John Nicholas - Timaru - Retired Farmer
McBEATH Andrew - Timaru - Gentleman
DRENNAN Oliver Percival - Fairlie/Timaru - Clerk
KEENE Lydia - Timaru - Wife of Sydney
McCULLOUGH Alex. Acheson (Record Missing) - Timaru - Carpenter
THOMSON Elizabeth Saunders - Timaru - Wife of Thomas
CULLEN Florence Mabel - Timaru - Widow
TAYLOR George - Timaru - Market Garden
THYNE Margaret - Timaru - Widow
UREN Sampson - Timaru - Retired Fruit Grower
HOME Robert - Timaru - Bootmaker
DRYDEN Janette Priscilla - Timaru - Spinster
HART Constance Mary - Timaru - Spinster
HALL John - Timaru - Railway Employee
ENGELBRECHT Isabella Nelson - Timaru - Wife of John David
DAVIE Mary Ellen - Timaru - Widow
GOLDSMAN George - Timaru - Retired Dyer
MATHEWS Orlando Orr - Timaru - Retired Farmer
COURTNEY John - Timaru - Labourer
BROSNAN Agnes - Timaru - Spinster
NEWLANDS Mary Grace - Timaru - wife of George
KEAY Ethel May - Timaru - wife of John
SMALE Matthew - Timaru - Butcher
McDONALD Elizabeth - Timaru - wife of Frank
HAY Agnes Watson - Timaru - Widow
BOYD Elizabeth Jane - Timaru - Widow
PARISH John Sargent - Timaru - Retired Farmer
HILL Sarah Penaluna - Timaru - Widow
WIGHTMAN Cressie Graham - Timaru - Harbour Board Secretary
LISTON Thomas - Timaru - Retired Farmer
KERR Christina Janet - Timaru - Married
BLACKLER John - Timaru - Retired
HAMILTON Phyllis Renwick - Timaru - Widow
SPEECHLY Edward - Timaru - Gentleman
CLARKE Mary - Timaru - Wife of Frederick W.
TODD Catherine - Timaru - Married
SPRING Margaret - Timaru - Widow
SHEARS Matilda - Timaru -

Thomas DAULTON + Sarah Jane HUDSON - Te Arai

Thomas DAULTON (1852-1907)
...married 5 March 1881 to:
Sarah Jane HUDSON (1864-1947)
They were storekeepers at Te Arai, Manutuke, Gisborne district

their known children
... 1
1882 - 1903 Thomas Miles Daulton
Hawke's Bay Herald, 13 February 1882 - DAULTON
At Wanstead, on the 8th February, the wife of Thomas Daulton, of a son - Auckland papers please copy
Thomas was a Shepherd
In January 1893 (aged 11) Thomas won a hunting crop for coming 1st at the Te Arai School Picnic
Thomas served in the South African War as Trooper 6330 & 8188 with the 9th New Zealand Mounted Rifles. He embarked from Auckland 1 Feb 1902. His next of kin was his father at Te Arai Bridge, Gisborne. Thomas died from an abscess on the brain 3 March 1903 in Te Arai, Gisborne.
Press, 3 March 1903 - DEATH OF A TROOPER
Thomas Daulton, aged 21, died tonight. He was a member of the Seventh Contingent, and was injured by a fall from a horse in South Africa. On the voyage our he contracted pneumonia. He recovered somewhat on landing, but an abscess near the brain set in. He was a very popular young fellow

... 2
1883 - 1969 Joseph Edward 'Joe' Daulton
Joseph was in Second Grade at Matawhero School 1889-1890
JOSEPH married Gladys Catherine CRAILL (1895-1970) in 1916
1 of 4 daughters of Henry 'Harry' CRAILL & Catherine Mary ROBB
- Henry Craill was the manager of John Clark's 11,000 acre, Te Arai station

... 3
1885 - 1918 William Charles Daulton
In January 1893 (aged 8) William came 2nd (race not specified) at the Te Arai School Picnic
William served in WWI as Trooper 11/1788 with the 7th Reinforcements, Wellington Mounted Rifles. He embarked from Wellington 9 Oct 1915. His next of kin was his brother Joe at Manutuke, Gisborne. William died of his wounds 23 Dec 1916 in Egypt & is buried Grave A.194 at Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
Poverty Bay Herald, 22 December 1917 - DAULTON
In loving memory of Trooper William Daulton, killed in action in Egypt on December 23rd, 1916
...Far away from those who loved you,
...Gently soliers laid you to rest;
...In far off Egypt you're only sleeping,
...One of God's brightest and best.
- Inserted by M. McDowell

... 4
1887 - 1921 George Michael Daulton
In January 1893 (aged 6) George came 1st (race not specified) at the Te Arai School Picnic
George served in WWI as Private 57044 with the NZEF, 29th Reinforcements F Company. He embarked from Wellington 13 August 1917 for Glasgow. His next of kin was his mother at Manutuke, Gisborne
George was a storekeeper in his fathers store

... 5
1889 - 1955 Bertha Jane Daulton
BERTHA married Frederick Hugh SNOWDEN (1884-1946) in 1912
Frederick served in WWI as Lance Corporal 30303 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 14th Reinforcements 2nd Battalion, (F Company). He embarked from Wellington 30 Dec 1916. Bertha was his next of kin at Manutuke.
A son, William Hugh Snowden, was Killed in Action 25 Oct 1942 aged 22 and is buried El Alamein War Cemetery

... 6
1891 - 1891 Mary Catherine Daulton
Mary died 6 April 1891 aged 2 months
she is buried Plot 230, Block MKB at Makaraka cemetery

... 7
1892 - 1918 Royal Frederick 'Roy' Daulton
Roy was a storekeeper in his fathers store
Roy served in WWI as Rifleman 18630 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 9th Reinforcements 2nd Battalion, F Company. He embarked from Wellington 26 July 1916. His next of kin was his mother at Manutuke, Gisborne. Roy was killed in action 12 Sep 1918 at Havrincourt, France & is buried Grave V. D. 17. at Metz-en-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension, Pas-de-Calais, France
Poverty Bay Herald, 26 September 1918 - DAULTON
Killed in action in France, September 12th, 1918, Royal Frederick Daulton, beloved fifth son of Mrs Daulton, Manutuke, aged 26 years. R.I.P.

... 8
1894 - 1965 Catherine Elma Daulton
CATHERINE married James JOBSON (1892-1960) in 1921
son of William JOBSON & Mary DIXON
- James served in WWI as Trooper 11/1813
JAMES died 19 March 1960 aged 67
CATHERINE died 16 August 1965 aged 71
they are buried Plot 28, Block 27 at Taruheru cemetery
11/1813 Sgt JAMES JOBSON, 1892-1960

... 9
1896 - 1961 Harold John Daulton
Harold was a Coach Driver
Harold served in WWI as Rifleman 18629 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 9th Reinforcements 2nd Battalion, F Company. He embarked from Wellington 26 July 1916. His next of kin was his mother at Manutuke, Gisborne (enlisted same time, served with the same unit & embarked with brother Frank)
HAROLD married Clara Isabel BATEMAN (1900-1982) in 1923
daughter of Aldeberontifus James BATEMAN & Mary Ann/Marianne KILLGOUR of Parawai

... 10
1898 - 1964 Frank Hudson Daulton
Frank was a Labourer
Frank served in WWI as Rifleman 18628 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 9th Reinforcements 2nd Battalion, F Company. He embarked from Wellington 26 July 1916. His next of kin was his mother at Manutuke, Gisborne (enlisted same time, served with the same unit & embarked with brother Harold)

... 11
1900 - 1978 Ernest Robert Daulton
ERNEST married Euphemia Mabel McGOUGAN (1904-1977) in 1923
daughter of Samuel & Mary/May McGOUGAN

... 12
1902 - 1992 Mary Margaret Anne Daulton
MARY married George Oscar LORD (1903-) in 1924
son of George Clement LORD (1870-1948) & Gertrude Maud BAKER
grandson of Jabez LORD & Mary Ann SPENCER

... 13
1904 - 1970 Christina Milesina Gertrude Daulton
CHRISTINA married Willitt Hamilton Harper HOLLIS (1898-1974) in 1923
son of James Richard HOLLIS & Annie Prophet HARPER

... 14
1907 - 1997 Thomas Miles Daulton
nothing else known

Thomas DAULTON died 7 October 1907 aged 55
Poverty Bay Herald, 8 October 1907
An old and highly respected resident, Mr Thomas Daulton, of Te Arai, died last evening, and the funeral leaves the family residence at Te Arai to-morrow afternoon. Mr Daulton had been ailing for some time past, but his death came as a shock to his wife and family and many friends. He was well-known throughout the district, having kept a store for many years at Te Arai, where he took a keen interest in school matters and all other local affairs.
Poverty Bay Herald, 10 October 1907 The interment of the late Mr Thomas Daulton, of Te Arai, took place at Makaraka cemetery yesterday afternoon and was attended by a large number of country settlers, together with several residents from town, including the representatives of various warehouse firms. Half a dozen Te Arai settlers acted as pall bearers, whilst the funeral service at the grave side was conducted by the Rev Fathers Land and Dignan

Poverty Bay Herald, 4 May 1896
Mr Daulton, of the Arai store, notifies that residents of that district are under no necessity to come to town for goods, as he is selling his large stock at lowest town prices

Poverty Bay Herald, 16 September 1899
The annual general meeting of the Te Arai Cricket Club was hel at Mr Evans's residence at Te Arai on Thursday evening last. There were about a dozen members present, and the President, Mr C. Evans occupied the chair. The following officers were elected for the coming year:-
President, Mr Chas. Evans (re-elected)
Vice-Presidents, Messrs J. Woodbine-Johnson, C. White, A. Dewing, J. Clark (re-elected) and Mr Thos. Daulton

(as at time of writing photos will not upload on this site)
Plot 1036, Block MKF at Makaraka cemetery

In Loving Memory of
THOMAS 1852 - 1907
SARAH JANE 1864 - 1947
GEORGE 1887 - 1921
WILLIAM & ROY Killed in Action 1917

Victoria University 1934 - Diploma in Banking

Evening Post, 5 May 1934
in Victoria University College took place at the Town Hall last night. The following degrees were conferred by Professor T. A. Hunter, vice-chancellor of the University of New Zealand

* BARFORD, Cecil Dudley
married Olga Una WARREN in 1925

* BARNETT, Alfred Arnold (1905-1988)
born 1905 to John Denis BARNETT & Helen PAGE (married 1896)

* BLACKMAN, Frank Joseph
born 1910 to Arnold BLACKMAN & Dorothy Emily COBB (married 1907)

* BULLOCK-DOUGLAS, George Arthur Hardy (1911-1958)
born 1911 to George Gilbert BULLOCK & Mary Emily McLEOD (married 1910)
his father was teacher in Wanganui when called to Boer War

* FLEMING, Robert Neal (1910-1975)
born 1910 to Robert FLEMING & Elsie Beatrice McLEAN (married 1910)

* FOWLER, Henry Arthur Douglas (1901-1969)
born 1901 to Henry FOWLER & Maria Henrietta MORLEY (married 1890)
Henry married Marjorie Ellen TRENT in 1930

* GOVER, John Frederick
born 1911 to Robert Howard GOVER & Jane Fredrika/Fredina GOODALE (married 1909). Robert Howard Gover was born 1884 in Upper Plain, Masterton to Frederick GOVER (headmaster of Fernridge School for 30 years) & Esther Alexandra Cunningham ASHWIN
A sister of Frederick, Daisy Gover, married in 1905:
Wairarapa Daily Times, 1 September 1905 GOVER - GOVER - On August 26th, at St Matthew's Church, Masterton, by the Rev Sanders Spencer, Daisy, daughter of Frederick Gover, Fernridge, masterton, to Alfred Adrian Gover, of the Indian Civil Service (Madras Police), eldest son of Alfred Greatbach Gover, barrister-at-law, Cochin, Madras, India

* HILL, Raymond Colin Walter (1911-1992)
born 1911 to Walter Francis HILL & Fanny RAE (married 1910)

* KEYS, Lillian Gladys (1897-1971)
born 1897 to George William & Lilly KEYS
Lillian didn't marry

* KILPATRICK, Robert Alexander

* MacIVER, Donald Edward (1912-1979)
born 1912 to Hugh Evander & Jane MacIVER (farmers of Matai St., Gonville, Wanganui)

* ROSS, Douglas McLean (1896-1986)
born 1896 to George Douglas ROSS & Christina THOMSON (married 1895 in Dunedin)

* STONEHOUSE, Bruce Embleton (1910-1988)
born 1910 to James STONEHOUSE & Ida BEALE (married 1905)
he first attended Taita School, Lower Hutt

* TAYLOR, Allan Wilton (1912-1975)
born 1912 to Charles Edward TAYLOR & Isabel Annie WILSON (married 1911)

see also MASTER of ARTS with HONOURS