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Journals and Posts

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 - C + D + E

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- C -

Caicinai, Giovani Battista - Italy - Cabinet Maker - 1887

Caleinai, Guiseppe Victor - Italy - Storeman - 1887

Calogaras, Nicholas - Greece - Labourer - 1891

Campbell, James - China - Watchmaker - 1891

Carey, Nicholas - Greece - 1853

Carlson, John - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Cederholm, Lalford Sigfrid - Sweden - Electrical Engineer - 1890

Chee, Wong - China - General Dealer - 1876

Cheock, Wong Hong - China - Grocer - 1894

Ching, Kin - China - Gardener - 1894

Chong, Chow - China - Gardener - 1894

Chong, Hee - China - Marine Stores Dealer - 1895

Chow, Joe - China - Fruiterer - 1893

Chow, Yin - China - Gardener - 1894

Choy, King - China - Shopman - 1894

Christensen, Jens Peter - Denmark - Cook - 1896

Christensen, Jens Peter - Denmark - Labourer - 1890 or 96

Chun, Law - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Chung, See - China - Marker Gardener - 1884

Chung, Wong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Cimino, Salvatore - Italy - Grocer - 1848

Cohen, Benjamin - Prussia - Jeweller - 1876

Cohen, Siegmund - Prussia - Jeweller - 1897

Cook, John - Germany - Tailor - 1894

Corich, Joseph - Yugoslavia - Labourer - 1890

Corish, Peter - Yugoslavia - Seaman - 1899

Coronna, Daniel - Switzerland - Bootmaker - 1899

Curringe, John - Greece - Labourer - 1891

- D -

Daldorf, Louis - Norway - Seaman - 1893

Dentice, Leopold - Italy - Cook - 1899

De Rode, Edward - Sweden - Mariner - 1899

De Simas, Jose Leal - Portugal - Gardener - 1863

Deverage, John - Austria - Wharf Labourer - 1893

Di Rag,o Egidio - Italy - Merchant - 1891

Disch, Peter Anton - Germany - Mariner - 1884

Donecker, Peter Adam - Germany - Hotelkeeper - 1872

Doo, Ah - China- Miner - 1886

- E -

Eberle, Edgar Joseph A. - Austria - Merchant - 1881

Edlund, Wilhelm - Sweden - Seaman - 1894

Eggers, Christian - Germany - Master Mariner - 1860

Ehrhorn, Henry - Germany - Farmer - 1890

Eibye, Otto Andreas - Denmark - Timber Salesman - 1891

Ekolahl, Carl Oscar - Sweden - Printer - 1877

Elbe, Ernest - Germany - Master Mariner - 1898

Eller, Martin - Germany - Upholterer - 1883

Ericsson, Charles - Sweden - Mariner - 1893

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 - F + G

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- F -

Faber, Frederick - Germany - Cabinet maker - 1872

Fahrenbach, Heinrich Julius A. - Germany - General Agent - 1890

Fardel, Antony - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Fee, Hing - China - Shopman - 1894

Fergensen, Peter - Denmark - Mariner - 1877

Fernandos, Nicholas - Greece - Fishmonger - 1887

Fiebig, Friedrich Albert P. - Germany - Gardener - 1883

Field, Fredrick - Russia - Seaman - 1893

Fliess, Max - Germany - Commercial Traveller - 1893

Flurschein, Michael - Germany - Author - 1898

Focke, Eberhard - Germany - Merchant - 1893

Fong, Ah - China - Grocer - 1893

Fosella, Marco - Italy - Clothing Manufacture - 1893

Fossi, Carlo - Italy - Milkman - 1890

Fousel, Alfred - Sweden - Labourer - 1892

Frandi, Aristodemos - Italy - Fishmonger - 1893

Frandi, Frank - Italy - Tanner - 1891

Franguoli, George - Greece - Fisherman - 1893

Frechtling, Carl - Germany - Tailor - 1890

Friberg, William - Sweden - Seaman - 1893

Freeman, Michael - Turkey - Draper - 1893

- G -

Gallate, Haralambos - Greece - Oyster Merchant - 1896

Gallien, Henry Louis - Germany - Carpenter & Joiner - 1865

Ganas, William Vasilios - Greece - Cook & Confectioner - 1890

Garo, Low - China - Gardener - 1894

Gee, Ah - China - Carver & Gilder - 1870

Gee, Joseph - China - Cook - 1894

Gee, Sue - China - Grocer - 1893

Gerrard, Ernest Henri A. - Germany - Accountant - 1896

Gerrard, Hugo William H. - Germany - Compositor - 1896

Gerrett, Pierre - France - Fencer - 1865

Geyger, Heinrich Mathias - Germany - Teacher of Zither - 1896

Gini, Orazio - Italy - Cabinet Maker - 1890

Gladhill, John James - Switzerland - Farmer - 1857

Godet, Eugenie - France - Stay Maker - 1899

Goedecker, Carl Daniel - Germany - Accountant - 1896

Goer, Messad Abraham - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Grazini, Carlo Raffelo - Italy - General Dealer - 1890

Griebel, Leopold - Germany - Tabacconist - 1867

Grodin, Jean Baptiste - France - Labourer - 1899

Grouhand, Genereuse - France - Labourer - 1886

Grunklee, Diedrich - Germany - Mariner - 1883

Grvas, Nicholas - Greece - Labourer - 1893

Guggebuhl, John James - Switzerland - Farmer - 1857

Gustafson, Isaac William - Finland - Labourer - 1896

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 - H

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

SURNAMES: A + B ... surnames C + D + E

SURNAMES: F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

SURNAMES: K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

SURNAMES: Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

. name . country of origin . occupation . year of naturalisation
- H -

Habib, Josef - Turkey - Hawker - 1893

Habib, Michael - Turkey - Hawker - 1893

Habib, Solomon - Turkey - Hawker - 1890

Hahn, Peter Adolph - Germany - Mariner - 1889

Hanna, Mansour - Turkey - Hawker - 1894

Hanna, Rafoul - Turkey - Hawker - 1893

Hannah, George - Turkey - Hawker - 1890

Hannecke, Christian Friedrich - Germany - Shepherd - 1860

Hannecke, Johann George - Germany - Watchmaker - 1855

Hannibal, Henry Joseph - Cermany - Carpenter - 1896

Hansen, Christian Holm - Denmark - Draper - 1898

Hansen, Harold Christian - Denmark - Settler - 1893

Hansen, Henry Fabian - Sweden - Bootmaker - 1890

Hansen, Johan George L. - Denmark - Glazier - 1890

Hansen, Peter Bodisen - Denmark - Shoemaker - 1884

Hansen, William - Denmark - Seaman - 1893

Hanson, Anton - Iceland - Contractor - 1890

Harris, Jacob - Russia - Music Seller - 1899

Harrison, Alfred - Germany - Labourer - 1890

Hartman, Charles - Germany - Merchant - 1862

Haselhuhn, ? Franz - Germany - Produce Dealer - 1880

Hatfield, Horatio Sebastion - America - Boatman - 1860

Hauberg, Anders Knutzen - Denmark - Teacher - 1896

Hausmann, Carl - Germany - Hotel Keeper - 1875

Hee, Yung Cing - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Heese, August Adolf - Germany - Storekeeper - 1841

Heiden, Oscar Christian - Denmark - Mining Engineer - 1893

Heidenstrom, Carl Peter Servin - Norway - Sailmaker - 1893

Heimbrod, George Carl - Germany - Computer - 1896

Heinold, Charles - Germany - Pork Butcher - 1891

Heinold, Conrad - Germany - Pork Butcher - 1894

Helgesen, Edward - Norway - Seaman - 1893

Helper, Myer - Russia - Draper - 1893

Hemmingsen, Jens - Denmark - Blacksmith - 1885

Hendriksen, Niels - Denmark - Builder - 1893

Heong, Wong - China - Grocer - 1894

Hinsch, William - Germany - Labourer - 1881

Hoffer, Soloman - Russia - Storekeeper - 1890

Hoffmeister, August Reinhold - Germany - Carpenter - 1884

Hoffmeister, John - Germany - Joiner - 1890

Holland, John August - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Holm, Ferdinand - Sweden - Mariner - 1874

Holz, Julius August J. - Germany - Messenger - 1884

Homand, George Nicholas - France - Mariner - 1886

Hon, Ah - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Hoppe, Max Adolp - Germany - Professor of Music - 1899

Hotop, Alfred Frederick Louis - Germany - Chemist - 1893

Hovind, August - Norway - Labourer - 1890

Hovind, John - Norway - Labourer - 1890

Hoy, Mon - China - Gardener - 1894

Hum, Wong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Hung, Ah - China - Gardener - 1894

Hung, Tom - China - Restaurant - 1893

Hung, Wong - China - Grocer - 1894

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 - I + J

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- I -

Iver, Anders Magnus - Sweden - Carpenter - 1897

- J -

Jaboor, Carram - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Jackell, Johann Carl - Denmark - Bookbinder - 1887

Jackson, John - China - Labourer - 1870

Jackson, John - Germany - Mariner - 1899

Jacobovitch, David - Hungery - Master Tailor - 1884

Jacobs, Mark - Russian Tailor - 1893

Jacobson, Albin - Sweden - Gardener - 1899

Jacobson, Carl Henrick - Denmark - Shipwright - 1875

Jacobson, John Alfred - Sweden - Carpenter - 1887

John, Edger - Germany - Student - 1846

Jansen, Christian - Denmark - Carpenter - 1884

Jansen, Lauritz - Denmark - Plumber - 1893

Jansen, Peter - Denmark - Labourer - 1899

Jansen, Fredrick - Sweden - Tailor - 1884

Jansen, Gustav Edward - Sweden - Grocer - 1875

Jarman, Oscar - Norway - Mariner - 1891

Jenny, Melchoir - Switzerland - Civil Engineer - 1893

Jensen, Anton Valdemar - Denmark - Tailor - 1878

Jensen, Christian Peter - Denmark - Carpenter - 1886

Jensen, Peter - Denmark - Labourer - 1892

Johansen, Jens - Norway - Seaman - 1893

Johansen, Oscar - Norway - Blacksmith - 1894

John, Michael - Turkey - Hawker - 1894

John, Otto - Germany - Accountant - 1894

Johnson, Charles - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Johnson, Charles - Sweden - Labourer - 1891

Johnson, Charles - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Johnson, Neils - Denmark - Labourer - 1896

Johnson, Olof - Sweden - Labourer - 1893

Johnston, James - Denmark - Porter - 1884

Johnston, Peter - Sweden - Labourer - 1886

Jonson, Mathias - Finland - Seaman - 1894

Jonsson, Gustaf - Sweden - Carpenter - 1899

Jorgensen, Carl C?kar - Denmark - Storeman - 1880

Jorgensen, Hans Rudilph - Denmark - Seaman - 1893

Jorgensen, Jens Peter - Denmark - Settler - 1884

Joseph, Simon - Turkey - Hawker - 1890

Naturalisations Wellington, NZ to 1899 - K + L

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- K -

Kauffmann, Frank Sanuel - Merchant - 1840

Kee, Joe - China - Grocer - 1894

Kee, Sing - China - Merchant - 1896

Kee, Wing - China - Storeman - 1894

Kee, Yung - China - Fruiterer - 1893

Keiruz, Nagib - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Keisenberg, Wilhelm - Germany - Clerk - 1890

Keilerg, Erick - Finland - Seaman - 1893

Kew, Wong Hong - China - Grocer - 1894

Key, Joe - China - Gardener - 1894

Key, Loong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Khouri, Fadlallah - Turkey - Shopkeeper - 1895

Kleeburg, Paul - Dresden - Butcher - 1881

Kniggie, Charles - Germany - Storekeeper - 1853

Koch, Carl Frederick L - Germany - Labourer - 1881

Koch, Johannes - Germany - Tailor - 1842

Kohn, Carl - Germany - Jeweller - 1882

Kohn, Sigfried - Germany - Jeweller - 1886

Kon, Chan - China - Gardener - 1894

Kong, Wong Pong - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Krause, Alexander Heinrich - Germany - Inspector of Insurances - 1893

Kreissig, Carl Oscar - Germany - Hotel Waiter - 1896

Kreissig, Oswald Max - Germany - Cabinet Maker - 1893

Kruse, Carl Gustav Wilhelm - Germany - Labourer - 1893

Kuch, John - Germany - Pork Butcher - 1894

Kuch, John Friedrich - Germany - Pork Butcher - 1890

Kuchen, Anna - Germany - Dressmaker - 1868

Kuchen, Gustave - France - Settler - 1883

Kum, Ah - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Kum, Fong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Kummer, Franz Gottfried H. - Germany - Clerk - 1865

Kung, Sing - China - Gardener - 1894

- L -

Lachenmair, Joseph - Germany - Butcher - 1893

Lamberg, Carl - Sweden - Labourer - 1884

Lamberg, Frederick - Sweden - Carter - 1890

Lamberg, Henry - Sweden - Contractor - 1897

Lamberg, Julius - Sweden - Carter - 1890

Lamberg, Victor - Finland - Mariner - 1890

Landi, Gelasic - Italy - Miner - 1893

Lang, Wong Hing - China - Grocer - 1894

Last, Frederick - Prussia - Shipwright - 1879

Lawson, Oliver - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Lawson, Stephen - Norway - Mariner - 1896

Leden, Frederick William - Finland - Carpenter - 1885

Lee, Ah - China - Storekeeper - 1883

Lee, James Wong - Japan - Greengrocer - 1884

Lee, Jim - China - Laundryman - 1893

Lee, Qui - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Lee, Sing - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Lee, Sung Kwong - China - General Storekeeper - 1890

Lee, Young - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Lee, Yung - China - Grocer - 1894

Le Menant, Des Chesnais Teoph. - France - RC Priest - 1881

Lenzini, Elisa - Italy - Domestic Duties - 1899

Lenzini, Natale - Italy - Carpenter - 1899

Leppien, Henry - Germany - Shoemaker - 1862

Levein, Louis - Prissia - Hairdresser - 1876

Levy, Fernand - Germany - Commercial Traveller - 1886

Lewis, Henry - Russia - Storekeeper - 1868

Lichtscheindl, Jacob - Hungarian - Licensed Victualler - 1876

Lim, Chow - China - Grocer & Fruiterer - 1893

Lind, Thomas - Denmark - Blacksmith - 1893

Lindberg, Johen Emil - Sweden - Draper - 1889

Ling, Ying - China - Grocer & Fruiterer - 1893

Loohs, Carl Emil - Germany - Mariner - 1883

Lorentzen, Harold - Denmark - Commercial Traveller - 1893

Low, Sing - China - General Storekeeper - 1890

Lubnoski, Hyman Wilhelm E. - Russian Pole - Bootmaker - 1890

Luman, Martin - Germany - Signalman - 1883

Lundquist, Erick Victor - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Lundstrom, Charles - Sweden - Hairdresser & Tabacconist - 1890

Lundy, William - Sweden - Builder - 1899

Luther, Henry Alfred - Holland - Labourer - 1890

Lutjohn, Johann Fredrich - Germany - Cabinet Maker - 1893

Lynneburg, Rosaria Johannes - Norway - Storeman - 1891

Lynneburg, Lorentz - Norway - Labourer - 1890

Lytken, Ernest Alexander - Denmark - Clergyman - 1893

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 - M + N + O

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- M -

Magnusson, Frans Gustav - Sweden - Settler - 1864

Malco,n Francis - Austria - Settler - 1866

Malmberg, August- Sweden - Labourer - 1892

Mandel, Joseph - Hungary - Tabacconist - 1893

Manolelly, Demetry - Greece - Fisherman - 1897

Manson, Claes August - Sweden - Farmer - 1890

Manson, Jacob - Sweden - Farmer - 1890

Mansoor, Hanna - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Marchetti, Antonio - Italy - Labourer - 1896

Marichal, Jean Matties - Belgium - Sawyer - 1860

Markesi, Guiseppe - Italy - Fisherman - 1896

Martin, Friedrich - Germany - Butcher - 1882

Mason, James - Sweden - Mariner - 1893

Melick, Azeez - Turkey - Dealer - 1895

Men, Ah - China - Gardener - 1893

Mendt, Gustav - Germany - Shipwright - 1898

Messana, Salvatore - Sicily - Settler - 1864

Meyer, Bernard - Germany - Mariner - 1884

Meyer, Henry - Germany - Carpenter - 1890

Meyer, Johann Heinrich - Germany - 1881

Meyer, Johann Heinrich - Germany - 1884

Meyer, Johannes Theodor - Germany - Mariner - 1893

Meyer, Julius - Germany - General Dealer - 1868

Meyer, Samuel - Germany - General Dealer - 1881

Meyer, Samuel - Prussia - Publican - 1856

Miller, Peter - Holland - Seaman - 1896

Ming, Quang - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Mirbach Von, Rudolp - Doctor of Medicine - 1876

Moeller, Olaf - Denmark - Junior Clerk - 1879

Moeller, Philip - Prussia - Merchant - 1876

Mollwo, Charles - Russia - Teacher - 1896

Moosie, Anthony - Turkey - Dealer - 1896

Morris, Samuel - Russia - Hairdresser - 1896

Moschini, Alfonso - Italy - Saddler - 1890

Moses, Samuel - Russia - Tailor - 1898

Moy, Yet - China - Gardener - 1894

- N -

Naaber,? Adolf Frederick - Sweden - labourer - 1899

Nielson, Niels - Denmark - Carpenter - 1899

Nielson, Ole - Denmark - Tailor - 1890

Nielson, Oscar - Sweden - Mariner - 1884

Nelson, Anders Frederick - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Nelson, Bernard - Sweden - Seaman - 1890

Nelson, John Fredrick - Sweden - Master Mariner - 1885

Nelson, Martin - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Nelson, Peter - Sweden - Labourer - 1891

Nelson, William - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Newling, Charles Augustus - Sweden - Tailor - 1888

Nicholson, Peter Andrew - Norway - Labourer - 1899

Nicoll, Constantine George - Greece - General - Dealer - 1890

Niedergesaess, Robert - Germany - Brickmaking Engineer - 1887

Nielsen, Peter Christen - Denmark - Farmer - 1893

Ning, Lan - China - Gardener - 1894

Noman, John Wellem - Holland - Carter - 1880

Norberg, Ullrick - Sweden - Mariner - 1893

- O -

Olanson, Olans - Norway - Labourer - 1890

Olberg, Peter - Russia - Waiter - 1887

Olivecrona, Charles - Sweden - Merchant - 1897

Olsen, Alexander - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Olsen, Andrew - Norway - Seaman - 1893

Olsen, Charles - Austria - Mariner - 1890

Olsen, Charles - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Olsen, Gustaf Albert - Sweden - Seaman - 1893

Olsen, Lawrence - Norway - Labourer - 1890

Olson, Carl - Sweden - Seaman - 1893

Olson, Nils Peter - Sweden - Mariner - 1884

Olsson, Charles - Sweden - Mariner - 1899

On, Fool - China - Storekeeper - 1894

One, Guie - China - Miner - 1894

Orecchio, Natale - Italy - Storeman - 1899

Oswald, William - Norway - Fireman - 1890

Otten, Johann - Germany - Labourer - 1863

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 - P

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- P -

Paady,n Joseph - Turkey - Hawker - 1890

Pabet, Anton - Germany - Merchant - 1896

Pagni, John Henry - Italy - Clerk - 1890

Pagon, Francis Joseph - Germany - Cabinet maker - 1847

Pahl, Charles John Albert - Germany - Art Painter - 1891

Pahl, Elizabeth - Germany - Housewife - 1843

Pahl, Elizabeth - Germany - Child - 1843

Pahl, Friederich - Germany - Child - 1843

Pahl, Heinrich - Germany - Child - 1843

Pahl, Johann Friederich C. - Germany - Saddler - 1843

Pahl, Magdalena - Germany - Child - 1843

Pahl, Margeret Dorothen - Germany - Child - 1843

Pahl, Margarete Elizabeth - Germany - Child - 1843

Pahl, Wilhelm - Germany - Cooper - 1843

Parker, Charles - Sweden - Labourer - 1883

Pasche, Carl Herman Emil - Germany - Labourer - 1890

Paski, Anton - Germany - Mariner - 1885

Pedersen, Halvor - Norway - Mariner - 1896

Persson, Jonas Areck - Sweden - Contractor - 1890

Pertius, Eugene - France - Roman Catholic Priest - 1870

Peters, Hinrich - Germany - Stevedore - 1880

Peter, Nicolas - America - Seaman - 1891

Petersen, Axel - Sweden - Seaman - 1891

Petersen, George Peter - Germany - mariner - 1896

Petersen, Hans - Germany - Gardener - 1890

Petersen, Hans Christian - Norway - Artillery - 1893

Petersen, James Martin - Denmark - Seaman - 1892

Petersen, Mathias August - Germany - Seaman - 1890

Peterson, Axel - Sweden - Seaman - 1891

Peterson, Axel Fredrik - Sweden - Engine Driver - 1896

Peterson, Peter - Sweden - Asylum Messenger - 1891

Petit, Jean Jean Baptiste - France - Roman Catholic Priest - 1870

Pettersson, Charles - Sweden - Green Grocer - 1896

Pierotti, Caesari - Italy - Fishmonger - 1892

Pihl, Lauritz Christian - Norway - labourer - 1890

Ping, Chow - China - Gardener - 1894

Placke, Henry Johan Joseph - Holland - Seaman - 1893

Polesi, Pietro - Italy - Fishmonger - 1879

Polezi, Pietro - Italy - Fishmonger - 1844

Poll, Gustav Heinrich W. - Germany - Government Messenger - 1883

Pollaschek, Rosa - Austria - Cadet Telephone Exchange - 1893

Poppens, Frederick Gottlieb W. - Germany - Licensed Victualler - 1893

Porter, James - France - Settler - 1864

Post, Collin Francis - U.S.A. - Master Mariner - 1898

Poulsen, Soren Christian - Denmark- Baker - 1894

Poy, Young - China - Grocer - 1893

Poyd, Joseph - China - Cook - 1894

Price, Henry - Holland - Settler

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 Q + R + S

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- Q -

Quilici, Frank - Italy - Labourer - 1891

Quilici, Joseph - Italy - Gardener - 1888

Quing, Wong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

- R -

Raffoul, Martha - Turkey - Married Woman - 1894

Raffoul, Michael - Turkey - Shopkeeper - 1894

Rafoul, Hanna - Turkey - Hawker - 1893

Rado Di, Egidio - Italy - Merchant - 1891

Ranisch, Henrick - Austria - Billiard Table Maker - 1896

Rasussen, Emil - Denmark - Labourer - 1884

Rasmussen, Lars - Denmark - Labourer - 1893

Rasmussen, Niels - Denmark - Labourer - 1893

Reichardt, George - Germany - Music Seller - 1881

Renner, Frederick - Germany - Master Mariner - 1884

Renstrom, Charles Oscar - Sweden - Labourer - 1890

Rivlin, Moses - Turkey - Builder - 1887

Rode De, Edward George - Sweden - Mariner - 1899

Rondanina, Egisto - Italy - Carpenter - 1896

Rosa, Emanuel - Portugal - Gardener - 1865

Rosen, Jacob - Russia Dealer - 1893

Rotermund, William Henry - Licenced Victualler - 1848

Runge, Richard - Germany - Light Keeper - 1888

Russo, Bartolo - Italy - Labourer - 1896

Russo, Gaetano - Italy - Labourer - 1896

Rustun, Sabbath - Turkey - Commercial Traveller - 1893

- S -

Sajegh, Callil - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Sam, Wong - China Grocer - 1894

Samuel, Kauffman - Merchant - 1840

Sander, Carl Gustav - Germany - Mercantile Clerk - 1878

Santi, Giovanni - Italy - Labourer - 1891

Savieri, Estere - Italy - Laundress - 1898

Savieri, Pilade - Italy - Shirtmaker - 1893

Sayegh, Callil - Turkey - Dealeer - 1894

Schaper, Max - Germany - Ironmonger - 1893

Schmidt, George - Germany - Lightwatch Man - 1893

Schmidt, Wilhelm - Germany - Settler - 1858

Schnarndoff, Albert - Germany - Labourer - 1891

Schoen, Von George Fredrick A. - Germany - Master Mariner - 1881

Schoneberg, Fredrick Harman - Germany - Cabinetmaker - 1893

Schwartz, George Guido - Germany - Architect - 1896

Schwatz, George Washington - Germany - Settler - 1860

Schwatz, Johann Heinrick O. - Germany - Accountant - 1894

See, Ah - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Seivers, Wilhelm - 1853

Selander, Carl Oscar - Sweden - Seaman - 1893

Senn, Emil - Switzerland - Clerk - 1878

Sgrilli, Oreste - Italy - Carpenter - 1896

She, Wong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Shessham, Hanna - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Sheweiry, Assid - Turkey - Dealer - 1894

Show, Low Yong - China - Merchant - 1894

Shu, Ah - China - Gardener - 1894

Sievers, August - Prussia - Carter - 1868

Sigalas, James - Greece - Confectioner - 1896

Simas, De Jose Leal - Portugal - Gardener - 1863

Sing, Ley Kum - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Singer, Ignatiua? - Hungary - Labourer - 1898

Smith, Charles Mitchell - Russia - Labourer - 1886

Smith, William Christian - Denmark - Carpenter - 1874

Some?, Fong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Sorensen, Jens Marinius - Denmark - Expressman - 1884

Spierling, Gustav Christoff - Germany - Mariner - 1885

Staub, Jacob - Switzerland - Tailor - 1890

Stein, Paul Aldolph - Norway - Cook - 1884

Stephens, Peter - Turkey - Draper - 1894

Strom, Johan - Sweden Seaman - 1893

Suertinge, Axel - Carpenter - 1896

Swanson, Adolph Julius - Sweden - Settler - 1864

Swensson, Adolph Reinhold - Sweden - Expressman - 1899

Naturalisations Wellington NZ to 1899 - T + V + W + Y + Z

the following list of men, women and children who were naturalised in Wellington, New Zealand up to 1899 was taken from the site
Aliens Naturalised in Wellington

The aim was to make early Wellington settlers surnames available on this site for research purposes so this list is abbreviated slightly

The original list has a little more information such as their age or date of birth and the full date of Naturalisation (see link above)

surnames A + B ... surnames C + D + E

surnames F + G ... surnames H ... surnames I + J

surnames K + L ... surnames M + N + O ... surnames P

surnames Q + R + S ... surnames T + V + W + Y + Z

.. name .. country of origin .. occupation .. year of naturalisation

- T -

Tamm, Heinrich Ludwig - Gernamy - Mariner - 1886

Tarabachea, Thomas - Austria - Labourer - 1890

Tchernegorski, John Jacob - Russia - Hairdresser - 1893

Terreni, Fabio - Italy - Storekeeper - 1890

Thomas, Charles Antoine - France - Cook - 1868

Thompson, Charles - Norway - Mariner - 1899

Thompson, Louis - Norway - Lighthouse Keeper - 1897

Thompson, William - Norway - Mariner - 1864

Thorp, Johanne Marie - Norway - Accoucheuse (midwife) - 1883

Ting, Chow - China - Gardener - 1894

Tong, John A. - China - Cabinet Maker - 1866

Tong, Kum - China - Cook - 1894

Too, George Kum - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Troxler, Johann - Switerland - Carpenter - 1890

- V -

Viard, Joseph Phillipe - France - Roman Catholic Bishop - 1850

Viotaoe, Mau - Samoa - Housemaid - 1894

Von Alzdorf, Charles - Germany - 1841

Von Keisenburg, Wilhelm - Germany - Clerk - 1890

Von Schoen, Georg Friedrick A. - Germany - Master Mariner - 1881

- W -

Wah, Ching - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Wah, Joe - China - Gardener - 1894

Wah, Yee - China - Fruiterer & Grocer - 1894

Wah, Yong - China - Fruiterer & Grocer - 1894

Wahren, Gottried - Switerland - Hairdresser - 1887

Wallman, Charles Ferdinand - Germany - 1893

Walter, George - Germany - Storeman - 1885

Walter, John Max - Germany - Tabacconist - 1893

Way, Joe - China - Fruiterer - 1894

Wedde, August Heinrich - Germany - Mariner - 1884

Wegner, Hermine Albertina - Germany - Domestic Duties - 1896

White, Bernard - Romania - Fishhawker - 1890

Wiesen, Agust - Germany - Porter - 1893

Willbrandt, Wilhelm - Germany - Cabinet Maker - 1874

Wilson, Oscar Bernard - Norway - Seaman - 1893

Wine, Nicholas - Greece - Labourer - 1899

Wittenberg, Isaac - Russian Pole - Photographer - 1890

Wolter, Adolph - Germany - Labourer - 1880

Wrisberg, Charles Johan L. - Denmark - Butter Maker - 1893

- Y -

Yardin, Francis - France - Catholic Priest - 1876

Yee, Wong - China - Shopman - 1894

Yin, Chow - China - Gardener - 1894

Yond, Chong - China - Storekeeper - 1894

Young, Ah - China - Grocer - 1894

Yung, Quang - China - Fruiterer - 1894

- Z -

Zachariah, Isaac - Turkey - Rabbi - 1899

Ziman, Mordechai? - Russia - Dealer - 1894

Zortea, John Baptista - Austria - Carter - 1896

Zucker, Hyman - Russian Pole - Bootmaker - 1893

some KILLIP marriages New Zealand 1884 - 1930

some KILLIP marriages New Zealand 1884 - 1930:

Albert Edward Killip
- marriedLetitica Alice McWilliams in 1915

Amy Helena Killip
- married Ernest Green in 1906

Bruce Litsher Killip
- married Florence Beatrice Schollum in 1927

Christian Killip
- married Thomas North in 1891

Edward Killip
- married Jessie Davidson Litster in 1895

Eileen McDonald Killip
- married Victor Thomas Noble in 1921

Frederick William Killip
- married Mary Victoria Bertrand in 1905

Frederick William Killip
- married Alice Rose Thompson in 1913

George Ernest Killip
- married Ivy Isabel Wilkinson in 1912

Gladys Marion Killip
- married Robert Duncan Ryan in 1927

Hannah Killip
- married William Thomas in 1885

Ivy Isobel Killip
- married Carl Rathsach in 1925

John James Killip
- married Emily Brimble in 1915

Joseph Killip
- married Kate Beach in 1884

Joseph William Killip
- married Annie Thompson in 1930

Mabel Blanche Killip
- married Bert Ernest Temple in 1916

Robert Killip
- married Ellen Mahoney in 1888

Robert Henry Killip
- married Ivy Hannah Jackson in 1916

Robert Norman Killip
- married Maude Olive Moore in 1918