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the Mount EREBUS DISASTER - Flight TE901 New Zealand to Antarctica - 28 November 1979

the Aircraft Accident: DC. 10 ZK-NZP Flight 901

At 8:20 am on 28 November 1979, Flight TE901 left Auckland Airport

On board were 237 passengers and 20 crew, looking forward to the 11 hour return sightseeing flight to Antarctica

At 12:49 pm the deck altitude device began to blare a warning but there was no time for Captain Thomas James 'Jim' Collins to save the situation from disaster

Six seconds later Flight 901 hit the side of Mount Erebus and disintegrated

The Mount Erebus disaster was New Zealand's biggest single tragedy, with one more death than in the 1931 Napier Earthquake

257 people died (237 passengers and 20 crew) - 200 New Zealanders, 24 Japanese, 22 Americans, 6 British, 2 Canadians, 1 Australian, 1 French, 1 Swiss

... 213 victims were eventually identified ...

On 22 February 1980 a burial service was held for the 44 unidentified victims

A wooden cross was erected on the mountain above Scott Base to commemorate the accident. It was replaced in 1986 with an aluminium cross after the original was eroded by low temperatures, wind and moisture

The memorial for the 16 passengers who were unidentifiable and the 28 whose bodies were never found is at Waikumete Cemetery in Glen Eden, Auckland. Beside the memorial is a Japanese cherry tree, planted as a memorial to the 24 Japanese passengers who died

A memorial to the crew members of Flight 901 is located adjacent to Auckland Airport on Tom Pearce Drive at the eastern end of the airport zone

In January 2010 a 26kg sculpted koru containing letters written by the loved ones of those who died was placed next to the Antarctic cross.
It was originally to have been placed at the site by six relatives of the victims on the 30th anniversary of the crash, 28 November 2009, but this was delayed for two months due to bad weather.

It is planned for a second koru capsule, mirroring the first capsule, to be placed at the cross in 2011

Watch the video documentary produced by John Keir on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the DC-10 crash at Mt Erebus in Antarctica:
Flight 901 to Erebus ... total of about 50 minutes

a ROLL of REMEMBRANCE for those lost on Flight TE901
- you can share your memories of anyone you knew who was on that flight and can also upload pictures of them (large site takes a little time to load)

the following list of names was taken from that site:
.. the * indicates a photo at name ..

the CREW

COLLINS - *Captain, Thomas James 'Jim' (NZ)
CASSIN - *First Officer, Gregory Mark (NZ)
LUCAS - *First Officer, Graham Neville (NZ)
BROOKS - *Flight Engineer, Gordon Barrett (NZ)
MOLONEY - *Flight Engineer, Nicholas John 'Nick' (NZ)
BENNETT - *Assistant Purser, David John (NZ)
CARR-SMITH - *Cabin Crew, Elizabeth Mary (NZ)
CATER - *Senior Cabin Crew, Graham Ronald (NZ)
COLLINS - *Purser, Martin John (NZ)
FINLAY - *Assistant Purser, Mchael James (NZ)
KEENAN - *Cabin Crew, Dianne (NZ)
LEWIS - *Cabin Crew, James Charles (NZ)
MARINOVIC - *Senior Cabin Crew, Suzanne Margaret (NZ)
MAXWELL - *Senior Cabin Crew, Bruce Rhodes (NZ)
McPHERSON - *Chief Purser, Roy William (NZ)
MORRISON - *Cabin Crew, Katrina Mary June (NZ)
MULGREW - *In Flight Commentator, Peter David (NZ)
SCOTT - *Purser, Russell Morrison (NZ)
SICKELMORE - *Cabin Crew, David Brian (NZ)
SIMMONS - *Cabin Crew, Stephen George (was STEEL NZ)
WOLFERT - *Cabin Crew, Marie-Therese (NZ) aged 28


ADDIS, Peter James (NZ)
AISENMAN, Lleone Margaret (USA)
ALLAN, Alan Lawrence Malyon (NZ)
ALLAN, Jane Phillipa (NZ)
ALLAN, Marjorie Townley (NZ)
ANDERSON, Audrey Gordon (UK)
ANDERSON, Margret Isabel (NZ)
ANGLESEY, Grant William (NZ)
ARMITAGE, Ethel Mary (NZ)
ARNOLD, Melinda Maria (NZ)
ASHTON, Graham Mitford (NZ)

BAGNALL, Mr (Switzerland)
BAGNALL, Mrs (Switzerland)
BAINBRIDGE, Thomas Eric (NZ)
BALDWIN, Llewellyn Arnold 'Peter' (NZ)
BARNICK, Kay Marion (USA)
BARNICK, Marion Ruth (USA)
BEAUMONT, Earl Aubrey (Canada)
BECKETT, Desmond William (NZ)
BLAIR, Patricia Adele (USA)
BOND, Marilyn Alma (NZ)
BOND, Robin Melville (NZ)
BREHAUT, Ronald Thomas (NZ)
BROAD, Doctor Jon Philip (NZ)
BROAD, Philippa Margaret (NZ)
BROOKS, Geraldine Kay (NZ)
BROUGH, Aubrey Conroy (Aria, King Country NZ)
BUCHANAN, Geoffrey (NZ)
BURCKHALTER, Lucille Clark (USA)
BURGESS, Lindsay Robert(NZ)
BURGESS, Rose Ellen (NZ)
BURGI, Heinz (Switzerland) travelling with Urs Locher
BURTON, Lorraine Eileen aged 40 that day (NZ)
BUTLER, Rae Jeanne (NZ)

CAMERON, Rangiaho (NZ)
CAMPBELL, Stuart Donald (NZ)
CARLETON, John Barrie(NZ)
CARLETON, Marion Rennie (NZ)
CARR, Margaret Bell (NZ)
CHADDERTON, Bryan Harry (NZ)
CHADDERTON, Valerie Enid (NZ)
CHRISTMAS, Hugh Francis (NZ)
CLARK, David (NZ)
CLARK, Irene Alice (NZ)
CLARK, Iris (NZ)
CLARK, William Henry (NZ)
COCKRILL, Joan Audrey (NZ)
COLBRAN, Cyril Bernard (NZ)
COLBRAN, Yvonne Louise (NZ)
COLE, John Wright (NZ)
COPAS, Jean Ann Barnett (NZ)
COPLEY, Susan Elaine (UK)
COPSEY, Audrey Joy (NZ)
COREY, Doctor Constance (NZ)
CRABTREE, Mary Alison (NZ)
CRABTREE, Norman David (NZ)

DAHL, Marie Patricia (NZ)
DAVIES, June (Australia)
DAWSON, Peter Massie (NZ)
DEAN, Kay (NZ)
DEBBAGE, Florence Daisy (NZ)
DEMAGE, Nora Violet (NZ)
DUFF, Helen Dora (USA)
DUKE, *Athol David (NZ)
DYKZUEL, Hermanus Adrianus Johannes Maria Douglas (NZ)
DYKZUEL, Johannes Cabrini Maria (NZ)

EAGLES, Gwen Louise (NZ)
EDWARDS, Edna Miriam (UK)
EDWARDS, Elizabeth Jane (NZ)
EMMETT, Cecillia Campbell (NZ)
EMMETT, John Barnham (NZ)

FROST, Katherine Edith Janet (NZ)
FURUKAWA, Kuniyasu (Japan)

GALLAGHER, Alfred James (NZ)
GALLAGHER, Elsie Thelma (NZ)
GIBBS, Brucie (NZ)
GILLIVER, Richard (NZ)
GOSLING, Violet Iris (NZ)
GOTO, Norio (Japan)
GULLAND, Pamela Margaret (NZ)

HANCE, Florence Lee (usa)
HANSEN, Marlene Anne (1942-1979 NZ)
HARRIS, Hazel Phoebe (NZ)
HARRISON, Muriel Florence Rose (NZ)
HARTLEY, James Follett (NZ)
HARTY, Myra Pearl (NZ)
HAWORTH, Kathleen (NZ)
HIGUCHI, Mitsuo (Japan)
HILL, Eileen Elsie (NZ)
HILL, Gordon Alexander (NZ)
HOLLOWAY, Jean Marie (NZ)
HOLTHAM, Bryan Ernest (NZ)
HOTSON, Roy Henry (NZ)
HOUGHTON, John Greenleaf (USA)
HOWARTH, Ralph Brenton (NZ)
HUGHES, Steven William (NZ)
HUMPHREY, Mildred Alice (NZ)
HYNDMAN, Thomas William Noel (NZ)

IMAI, Akira (Japan)
IMAI, Hisao (Japan)

JAHN, Ernest Adalbert (USA)
JAHN, Isabel (USA)
JARVIS, Nicholas Dunstan (NZ)
JENKINS, Evelyn Lois (NZ)
JENNINGS, Charles Ivory (NZ)

KARL, Kathleen Florence (NZ)
KEARNEY, Dennis Frances (NZ)
KEITH, John Edgar (NZ)
KENDON, Nancy Phyllis (NZ)
KERR, Betty (NZ)
KERR, Francis Ronakd
KERR, Geoffrey Ian Hamilton (NZ)
KILSBY, Anthony John (NZ)
KILSBY, Geoffrey Michael (NZ)
KING, Nancy (NZ)
KIRK, Donald Clive (NZ)
KITAGAWA, Asako (Japan)
KLASSOVITY, Paul Anthony (USA)
KLENSCH, Carl Robert (USA)

LAKE, Mary Louise (USA)
LARSEN, William Olaf (NZ)
LAVIN, James Francis (NZ)
LEPINE, Yves (France)
LIES, Michael Ralph (USA)
LING, Alison Louise (NZ)
LOCHER, *Urs aged 29 (SWITZ - NZ)
LOMAX, William Brian (NZ)
LOUGHNAN, Charles Henry Devenish (NZ)
LOUGHNAN, Patrick Louis (NZ)

MacKENZIE, *John Alexander, husband of Stella below (NZ)
MacKENZIE, Margaret Joyce 'Peg' (NZ)
MacKENZIE, *Stella Vonomerie, wife of John above (NZ)
MADGWICK, Eudora Emily (NZ)
MAGNELL, Theodore James (USA)
MANLEY, David Victor (NZ)
MANN, Dorothy Maude (NZ)
MARSDEN, Dorothy (NZ)
MARSDEN, Joseph Alan (NZ)
MARTIN, Sarah Jane (NZ)
MASKELYNE, Trevor John (NZ)
MASON, Robert (NZ)
MATTHEWS, Barbara Dawn (NZ)
MAYNARD, Olive Myrtle (NZ)
MAYNARD, William George (NZ)
McDONALD, Shirley Jane (NZ)
McKENDRY, Richard John (NZ)
McMILLIAN, John Bruce (NZ)
McMILLIAN, Melba Pearl (NZ)
McNAMARA, Bernard Joseph (NZ)
McNEIL, Eric Albert Dunbar (NZ)
MEIER, Jurg (Switzerland)
MITCHELL, Mark Geoffrey (NZ)
MITSUHASHI, Junichi (Japan)
MITSUHASHI, Nakako (Japan)
MUNRO, *Ross (Otorohanga NZ)
MURRAY, Owen John (NZ)

NICHOLSON, Christine Margaret (NZ)
NODA, Shigeru (Japan)

O'CONNOR, *Ian John (NZ)
ODANI, Hiroko (Japan)
ODANI, Morihiko (Japan)
OLIVER, Mervyn John (NZ)
ONO, Tetsuro (Japan)
OSAWA, Juhei (Japan)
OSAWA, Masa (Japan)
OZAWA, Norio (Japan)

PALMER, David Lloyd (NZ)
PALMER, Edward James (NZ)
PALMER, Gary Kent (NZ)
PARKKARI, Eija Kylli Marjatta (Canada)
PATERSON, Ethel Mary (NZ)
PATERSON, Linda Jan (NZ)
PAYKEL, Nola Minchin (NZ)
PAYNE, Alfred Murray (NZ)
PEACOCKE, Majorie Ethel Isabella (NZ)
PLUMMER, Alexander Francis (NZ)
PLUMMER, Hilda Francis (NZ)
POTTER, Michael Arthur Edwin (NZ)
PRESTON, Robert John (NZ)
PRICE, Beatrice Irene (NZ)
PRICE, Beverley (NZ)
PRIDMORE, Joy Anges (NZ)

RAWLINS, Valerie (Vere) Mary
REVELL, Basil Halvor
REVELL, Eileen Geraldine
RICHMOND, Pamela Gayl
ROBB, Helen Lady
ROBERTS, Alison Meryl
ROBERTS, Michael Seaver
ROBINSON, Betty Estelle

SATO, Hisako (Japan)
SCOTT, Marie Theresa (NZ)
SEKI, Michi (Jaoan)
SEKI, Toshiro (Japan)
SHIGETA, Seishrio (Japan)
SHINONOYA, Ryoichi (Japan)
SMITH, Betty Louise (NZ)
SMYTHE, Henry Howard (NZ)
STEEL, Ralph Augustus (USA)
STEVENSON, Anthony James Leonard (NZ)
STEWART, Donald Matthew (NZ)
STOKES, Alan Maxwell (NZ)
STOREY, Phyllis May (NZ)

TAKADA, Masaaki (Japan)
TANTON, Peter Alex (Australia)
TAYLOR, Douglas Clement Frank (NZ)
THOMAS, Roy Pearce (NZ)
THOMAS, Walter Daniel (NZ)
THOMPSON, Billie Tadlock (USA)
THOMPSON, Henry Ford (USA)
TREMAINE, Florence Anne 'Floss', wife of 'Bob' below (NZ)
TREMAINE, Robert David 'Bob', husband of Floss (Taupo NZ) aged 60
TRINDER, Elaine Frances (UK) aged 26

WARD, Henry (Henderson, Auckland NZ) aged 58
WARD, Valerie (Henderson, Auckland NZ) aged 57
WATSON, Isobel (Mt Albert, Auckland NZ) aged 65
WATSON, Katherine (Eastbourne, Wellington NZ) aged 64
WEBB, Alfred William (Morrinsville NZ)
WILLIAMS, Janet Challis (Hastings, Hwkes Bay NZ) aged 70
WILLIAMS, Janet Mary (Havelock North, Hawkes Bay NZ) aged 60
WILLIAMS, Leonard Heathcote (Havelock North NZ) aged 60
WOOD, Barbara Annie (Kiritea, Thames NZ) aged 66
WOOD, Irvine Kirkham (Kiritea, Thames NZ) aged 72
WORTH, Linda (Epson, Auckland NZ) aged 74

YANAGISAWA, Hamako (Japan)
YANAGISAWA, Nobuyoshi (Japan)
YOKOYAMA, Ryoji (Japan)

ZOLL, Otmar (New Lynn, Auckland NZ) aged 46

Mount Erebus

... the second highest volcano in Antarctica (after Mount Sidley) and the most southerly volcano on earth. It is the 6th highest ultra mountain on an island. Mount Erebus is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, which includes over 160 active volcanoes. The volcano has been observed to be continuously active since 1972

MARBECK in New Zealand

the known MARBECK in New Zealand
sources used
- the death information from NZ BDM to build on -
- newspaper articles from Papers Past for the timeline -
- marriage & birth information from NZ BDM -
- online family tree sites for verification -
- NZ cemetery databases for burial dates & locations
- anything in italics is my addition to newspaper articles -
- some birth dates may be approximate, based on age at death -

Ailsa Janet Marbeck (nee ?)
- born 17 December 1918
- married Alfred Murray Marbeck
- lived in Glendowie, Auckland
AILSA died 5 Dec 2006 aged 87 (see Jenny's comment below)
- ashes buried NICHE WALL A - SIDE 2 - ROW A Plot 5 at Purewa

Alfred Marbeck
- born 4 November 1893 in Bolton, Lancashire
- son of William MARBECK & Mary Ellen MURRAY
- married Florence Eileen WADE (1893-1975) in 1920
- 1st of 3 known daughters of Henry WADE & Florence GILBERT (see comments)
FLORENCE died 30 Oct 1975 aged 82
ALFRED died 14 Feb 1978 aged 84
- they are buried Block M Row 35 Plot 102 at Purewa, Auckland

Alfred Murray Marbeck
- born 23 January 1921
- son of Alfred MARBECK & Florence Eileen WADE
- he married Ailsa Janet ?
AILSA died 5 Dec 2006 aged 87
ALFRED died 4 April 2009 aged 88
- ashes returned from Purewa

Alice Marbeck (nee COCKER)
- born 1882 in Bolton, Lancashire
- married Emmanuel Marbeck in 1906
ALICE died 12 September 1955 aged 73
- buried Anglican Lawn Row H Plot 104 at Birkenhead/Glenfield Cemetery with Emmanuel

Arthur Marbeck
- born 3 July 1907 in Bolton, Lancashire, England
- son of Joseph MARBECK & Florence NIGHTINGALE
- Arthur married Cecelia Gladys RAMSAY (1916-1955)
- they were Farmers in Otorohanga & later lived in Mt Roskill, Auckland
ARTHUR died 1998 aged 91

Arthur Marbeck
- born 1911 to Emmanuel MARBECK & Alice COCKER
- Arthur served in WWII as Major 23299 with the 2nd New Zealand Divisonal Artillery, 6th Field Regiment (was Captain until October 1942)
- NEXT OF KIN was Emmanuel Marbeck and Alice Marbeck (nee Cocker), of Auckland City & husband of Irene Miriam Marbeck of Remuera, Auckland
- (left a wife and daughter)
- KILLED IN ACTION 24 April 1943 aged 32 in Tunisia
6 May 1943 Advice has been received by Mrs A. Marbeck, of 8 Maungarei Road, Remuera, of the death in action of her husband, Major Arthur Marbeck, aged 32. Educated at the Seddon Memorial Technical College, Major Marbeck left New Zealand as a lieutenant three years ago. He served through the Greece and Libya campaigns. Major Marbeck was formerly manager of the Auckland and New Plymouth Transport Company
- Grave Reference: IV. C. 17. Enfidaville War Cemetery, Tunisia, north Africa - (posthumously MENTIONED IN DESPATCHES)

Cecelia Gladys Marbeck (nee RAMSAY)
- born 1916
- married Arthur Marbeck (1907-1998)
CECELIA died 1955 aged 39

Daisy Rosa Marbeck (nee ROGERS)
- born 1887 in Paddington, London
- a daughter of Richard George Henry ROGERS & Rosa Ann DOVEY
- she married William Marbeck
DAISY died 4 June 1949 aged 62
WILLIAM died 27 Jan 1960 aged 79
- they are buried Block H Row 5 Plot 100 at Purewa with William

Emmanuel Marbeck
- born 1877 in Pendleton, Salford, Lancashire
- son of Joseph MARBECK & Mary DUTTON
- he married Alice COCKER (1882-1955) in 1906
- daughter of Robert & Elizabeth COCKER
- their known children:
1908 - 1988 Harold Marbeck
1911 - 1943 Arthur Marbeck
- they lived in various areas of Auckland, Mt Roskill, Newmarket, Waitemata, Greenlane. In 1917 they were living in St Albans road, Mount Eden
9 Feb 1910 - AUCKLAND
... 20 Acre Diary Farm, House and convenient outbuilding; 6 miles City; water laid on, plenty winter feed, rent 43/-. E. Marbeck, Hillsboro-road
in 1912 Emmanuel was listed as a Milk Vender
... 2? and 3? Ton Trucks, Now to Hand. We advise all interested in motor transit to inspect these trucks. Can be seen under working conditions at L. J. Keys, of St Heller's Bay, or E. Marbeck, Carting Contractor to the Auckland Milk Company, Newmarket
19 December 1921 - The MILKMAN WAGES & HOURS
... Judge Frazer to-day issued the award of the Arbitration Court in the dispute between the Auckland creameries and butter and cheese factories employees (pasteurising and distributing depots) and the following milk vendors:
5 November 1925 - USED CARS FOR SALE
... BARLEY 6, 1924, de luxe model, new balloon equipment, repainted; any mechanical guarantee; cost ?340 (2012 equivalent of $31,200); little mileage; cheap quick sale. - Marbeck, Auckland Milk Co, New market
ALICE died 12 September 1955 aged 73
EMMANUEL died 1 April 1961 aged 84
- they are buried Anglican Lawn Row H Plot 104 at Birkenhead/Glenfield Cemetery with Alice
note on July 15 1933 at the Auckland Hospital, Elizabeth, beloved wife of the late Robert Cocker, and dearly loved mother of Mrs H. Haslam, Remuera; Mrs E. Marbeck, Manurewa and Mrs J. T. Bentley, Ranfurly Road, Epsom, in her eighty-sixth years. At rest. The funeral will leave the residence of Mrs H. Haslam, 6 Lillington Road, Remuera, on Monday, July 17, for Hillsboro Cemetery, at 2 p.m.

Florence Marbeck (nee NIGHTINGALE)
- born 1872
- married Joseph Marbeck in 1897 in Bolton, Lancashire (see below)
FLORENCE died 1942 aged 70

Florence Eileen Marbeck (nee WADE)
- born 28 May 1893 (see comments box below)
- married Alfred Marbeck (1893-1978), (see above)
FLORENCE EILEEN died 30 Oct 1975 aged 82
- buried Block M Row 35 Plot 102 at Purewa

Garry Marbeck
- born 24 April 1938
GARRY died 24 April 1938 aged 5 hours
- buried Block E Row 37 Plot 109 at Purewa

Harold Marbeck
- born 11 September 1908
- son of Emmanuel MARBECK & Alice COCKER
- in 1941 he was living in Coronation Road, Takapuna
HAROLD died November 1988 aged 80

Irene Miriam Marbeck (nee THOMPSON)
- born 13 June 1910
- daughter of Charles James Milton THOMPSON (1880-1945) & Sarah Galbraith NIELD (1881-1955)
- Irene married Arthur Marbeck (1911-1943, killed in action WWII, see above)
IRENE died 16 June 1998 aged 88
- ashes buried Block E Row 37 Plot 109 at Purewa

Jean Mary Marbeck
- born 27 July 1917
- married Ivan Bullett USHAKOFF (1916-1980)
- in 1941 they were living in Birkenhead, Auckland
IVAN was born 20 Sep 1916 he died 10 Sep 1980
JEAN died 2001 aged 84

Joseph Marbeck
- born 1871 in Pendleton, Salford, Lancashire, England
- a son of Joseph MARBECK & Mary DUTTON
- he married Florence NIGHTINGALE (1871-1942) in 1897 in Bolton, Lancashire
- they had 3 known children in Bolton:
1900 - Joseph Nightingale Marbeck
1903 - Dorothy Martha Marbeck
1907 - Arthur Marbeck
FLORENCE died 1942 age 70
JOSEPH died 1957 in NZ aged 86
note On February 6 1929 at Bolton, lancashire, England,Martha, beloved wife of the late Joseph Nightingale, and mother of Mrs J. Marbeck (Penrose) and Mrs J. Harvey (6 Adelaide Street); aged 81 - (by cable)

Joseph Nightingale Marbeck
- born 1900 in Bolton, Lancashire
- son of Joseph MARBECK & Florence NIGHTINGALE
- Joseph was an Electrician
22 Dec 1916 - TECHNICAL EDUCATION, Seddon Memorial College
Examination results, Practical Mathematics - Second Class
Joseph W. BROWN
William A. CARRUTH (William Andrew 1898-1957)
John W. A. COOPER (John William Alfred 1900-1976)
James P. GAVAN (James Patrick 1896-1983)
David B. GREENAWAY (David Bruce 1899-1968)
Brian VENTRY-SMITH (1899-1962)
Albert V. WILLIAMS (Albert Victor 1900-1984)
- he married Vida Olive MILLS (1903-1977) in 1926
in 1944 he lived in First View Ave, Beachlands, Auckland
JOSEPH died 1965 aged 65

Mary Marbeck
- born 1842
MARY died 6 Jan 1926 aged 83
- buried Block E Row 37 Plot 109 at Purewa

Mary Ellen Marbeck (nee MURRAY)
- born 1856
- married William Marbeck (1854-1923)
MARY ELLEN died 1940 aged 84
on September 25 at Cambridge, Mary Ellen, beloved wife of the late William Marbeck, dearly loved mother of Alfred, Lily and Will, aged 84 years. The funeral will leave C. Little and Sons, Auckland, 3.30 p.m. to-morrow (Thursday) for Purewa cemetery. (buried Block E 37 Plot 108)

Vida Olive Marbeck (nee MILLS)
- born 18 March 1903
- daughter of Francis George MILLS (1874-1941) & Ada Harriet REYNOLDS (1873-1943)
- Vida married Joseph Nightingale Marbeck in 1926
VIDA died 1977 aged 74

William Marbeck
- born 1854 in Bolton, Lancashire
- he married Mary Ellen MURRAY (1856-1940) in 1880 in Bolton, Lancashire
- their known children (who came to NZ):
1880 - 1960 William Marbeck
1893 - 1978 Alfred Marbeck
- they arrived into Wellington in September 1912 aboard the "Rotorua"
WILLIAM died Xmas Eve 1923 aged 69
MARY ELLEN died 25 ep 1940 aged 84
- they are buried together Block E Row 37 Plot 108 & 109 at Purewa
24 Dec 1925 MARBECK - In loving memory of my dear husband, William Marbeck, who passed away December 24, 1923. Ever remembered. Inserted by his loving wife, M. E. Marbeck

William Marbeck
- born 1880 in Salford, Manchester, England
- a son of William MARBECK & Mary Ellen MURRAY
- he married Daisy Rosa ROGERS in England
DAISY died 4 June 1949 aged 62
WILLIAM died 27 Jan 1960 aged 79
- they are buried Block H Row 5 Plot 100 at Purewa with Daisy

William Haydn Marbeck
- born 7 February 1928
- son of Alfred MARBECK & Florence Eileen WADE
- in 1936 (aged 8) he was in Grey Lynn, Auckland
WILLIAM died 16 Oct 2003 aged 75
- ashes returned from Purewa

William Stanley Marbeck
- born 1929
- son of Joseph Nightingale MARBECK & Vida Olive MILLS
WILLIAM died 1967 aged 38

the lists of names differ from the original in that I have put them in alphabetical order for easier reading (go to links to see the originals)

Alice Hannah Marbeck (1881-1953)
married George ORRELL (189-1944) on 18 May 1907 at St John's Church, Bolton, Lancashire, England. They celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary at 4 Ruru street, Auckland on 18 May 1932

... A quiet wedding was solemnised at the Green lane Congregational Church on Thursday afternoon, when Miss Eva Hornsby, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Hornsby, of Sunerland, Durham, England, was married to Mr Arthur Dunlop. of Wellington.
The bride, who was given away by Mr J. Thomas, looked very dainty in a gown of blue scintallion crepemarocain, with pretty hat to tome; she carried a beautiful shower bouquet of pink cactus dahlias and maidenhair fern, with satin streamer. Mrs J. Thomas acted as matron of honour, wearing bois de rose crepe de chine, with hat and bouquet to match. Mr E. MARBECK carried out the duties of best man. Rev A. W. McMillan performed the ceremony and Miss Pearl A. Wallace presided at the organ

22 April 1928 - ST. AIDAN'S PARISH
... The annual meeting of the parishioners of St Aidans Anglican Church (5 Ascot Avenue Remuera) was held in the parish hall last evening, the vicar, Rev F. W. Cleman, M.A., presiding over a large attendance
Office bearers were elected as follows:-
VICAR'S WARDEN, Mr A. V. Burcher
VESTRY, Messrs:
R. Barker
B. Hooper
E. H. Jones
F. Shannon
W. Skegg
A. D. Stanley
R. Woods
N. P. Wyatt
AUDITOR, Mr G. Brownlee

17 November 1934 - AUCTIONS, COUNTRY SALES
... MANUREWA, clearing sale, account Mr E. Marbeck, Monday 18th

23 November 1934 - ST. AIDAN'S CHURCH, End Of Year Function
... St Aidan's third annual dance and bridge evening was held in the Scouts' Hall, Remuera, and was an enjoyable function. Over 200 guests attended and the success was due to Scoutmaster Brown, boy scouts and an energetic committee comprising, Mrs G. H. Tancred (George Harry Tancred??)(president), Mesdames, Trevor Gulliver, R. Leith, A. E. MaCartney, B. Woolley, H. Pardin and J. Proud
Among the dancers were: Misses,
D. Armitt
J. Bentley
P. and A. Bishoprick
M. Blake
J. Brown
E. Bull
K. Cameron
B. Clark
Y. Clark
B. Davis
B. Dingle
R. Fellows
Glen Finch
A. Fish
A. Fox
G. French
J. Gregg
G. Gribble
J. Harrison
O. Harvey
B. Hull
J. Hunter
B. Innes
G. Jackson
E. Jones
V. Kissling
B. Millar
V. Moor
K. Morton
F. Muir
J. Heath Preest
W. Ray
W. Roberts
L. Snow
M. Sorensen
M. Thomas
B. Wallace
J. Wallett
E. Wood
M. Wright

... An afternoon tea party was held at George Courts this week by members and friends of the Lancashire Society to bid bon voyage to Mrs E. Marbeck (Alice nee Cocker) of Auckland, who is leaving New Zealand on a visit to England. During the afternoon Mrs Marbeck was presented with a bouquet of pansies and chrysanthemums by Mrs Horrocks, who expressed the good wishes of those present. The hostesses were Mesdames Horrocks and J. Ashworth. The ladies present included, Mesdames:
W. Emerson, jun
W. Emerson, sen
Smale, Miss
C. Taylor
J. Yates

1924 BARLEY 6
like that owned by Emmanuel Marbeck in 1925

2 comment(s), latest 7 years, 8 months ago

COCKER marriages New Zealand 1869 - 1930

the known COCKER marriages in New Zealand 1869 - 1930
- anything in italics is my additions


Albert Edward Cocker (1886-1975)
- married Grace Ellen CHRISTOPHERSEN (1889-1946) in 1911
GRACE died 16 June 1946 agd 57 & buried in Feilding see photo
ALBERT died 13 June 1975 aged 89 in Wellington and is buried in Makara

Alfred Cocker
- married Jane Ann 'Annie' GARDEN (1898-) in 1914
... Our own correspondent states that a wedding took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Normanby, on Thursday, when Alfred Cocker, son of Mr J. Cocker, was married to Annie, second daughter of Mr R. Garden (Robert & Mina Garden). The bride, who was given away by her father, was dressed in a handsome crepe de chine gown trimmed with lace and chiffon, and wore the usual wreath and veil. She was attended by her sister, Miss M. (Mina Barbara) Garden, as bridesmaid, and by her little twin sisters (Mary Ann & Agnes Grant Garden) as flower girls, and prettily dressed in white muslin, and carrying handsome bouquets. Mr J. Unsworth was best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev J. R. Shore. After partaking of breakfast the newly married pair left by the mail train en route for Wellington, where the honeymoon will be spent. The presents were numerous and valuable, the bride receiving a handsome gold brooch, and the bridesmaid a gold bangle, from the groom. In the evening, Mr and Mrs Garden entertained a large gathering of friends, and a most enjoyable time was spent, the party breaking up with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" at about 1 a.m.
also see notes below

Alfred Ernest Cocker
- married Eliza Caroline BARKER in 1914

Allan Edwin Cocker (1879-1944)
- married Dora Maud FORTUNE (1883-1963) in 1908
- their known children:
1910 - Melva Rebecca Jane Cocker
1912 - Kingsley Fortune John Cocker

Alwin Cocker (1878-1946)
- married Ada DEAR (1885-1920) in 1914
ADA died 6 March 1920 aged 35
ALWIN died 26 February 1946 aged 68
- they are buried Plots 10 & 11, Row 11 at Rongotea

Clarence Frederick Cocker (1901-1968)
- married Muriel Maud Amelia HATCHARD (1902-1979) in 1929
- Clarence died 19 Nov 1968 in Wellington, cremated at Karori

Eric Ernest Cocker (1911-1970)
- married Rachel MORRIS (1907-1957) in 1930
RACHEL died 21 January 1957 in Wellington aged 50
ERIC died 24 September 1970 in Wellington aged 59
- they were cremated at Karori

Frank Cocker (1900-1982)
- married Elsie Bell WILLIAMS (1900-1989) in 1922

James Cocker (1863-1935)
- married Sarah Ann HOLLIS (1860-1944) in 1892
- their known children:
1896 - William Hollis cocker
1897 - Ellen Victoria Cocker
1898 - Lily Mabel Zealandia Cocker

Joseph Cocker
- married Elizabeth Frances MELLOWS 18 Feb 1869 in First Church Dunedin
- Joseph was 31 & Elizabeth was 22

Joseph William Bartholomew Frost Cocker
in 1893 in Sheffield, England there was a Joseph William Bartholomew Frost Cocker who was a Grocer and Beer Retailer at 40 Wood St., father? grandfather?

- married Jessie Millicent MARHALL (1893-1979) in 1914

Raymond Arthur Cocker (1899-1976)
- married Ethel FRETHEY (1900-1981) in 1925

Robert Cocker (1886-1962)
- married Bertha ECKERSLEY (1888-1969) in 1916

Thomas Cocker (1873-1938)
- married Grace DEAR (1878-1958) in 1908
- their known children:
1909 - Thomas Clifford Cocker
1911 - Agnes Grace Cocker

William Arthur Cocker (1876-1946)
- married Amy Isabel DAVIES in 1912

William Robert Cocker (1849-1921)
- he married Celia Catherine HARDING (1849-1906) in 1874
- he next married Blanche McMURRAY (nee LINDSEY 1872-1912) in 1907
- Blanche was first married to Frederick McMurray (1871-1900) in 1897
- he next married Charlotte SLEVIN (1845-1918) in 1913


Alice Cocker (1882-1955)
- married Emmanuel MARBECK (1877-1961) in 1906
- their known children:
1908 - Harold Marbeck
1911 - Arthur Marbeck
... Wheeling a milk dandy on the footpath of Ponsonby-road resulted in Emmanuel Marbeck being fined 10/ with costs

Alice Cocker (1877-1938)
- married Alfred Edward FULLJAMES (1875-1952) in 1908
- their known children:
1909 - Claude Vincent Fulljames
1911 - Eric Leigh Fulljames

Alice Cocker (1895-1986)
- married William Hector SCARROW (1892-1975) in 1926
- 2nd of 8 children of Christopher Davey SCARROW (of Hutt Valley) & Margaret Isabella McLEAN

Amelia Cocker
- married William ROBERTS in 1885
- their known children:
1886 - Violet Marian Roberts
1887 - Daisy Maria Roberts
1887 - Joy Amelia Roberts
1889 - Norman Frank Roberts
1891 - Myrtl Elizabeth Roberts
1905 - William Eaton Roberts
1907 - Isabel Annie Roberts
1911 - Hazel Roberts

Edith Cocker
- married Samuel Sargeant GRAHAM (1838-1895) in 1892
- Samuel had first married Agnes Coleman McRAE (1856-1891) in 1876
On July 6 1876 at St Matthew's Church, Auckland, by Rev R. S. Hassard Samuel Sargeant Graham, of Tamahere, Waikato, to Agnes Coleman McRae, of Brighton, Parnell, Auckland
- Samuel & Agens had a son:
1877 - Harold Arthur Graham
- In 1882 Samuel was one of those who layed the foundation stone for the Tamahere Church
- the known children of Samuel & Edith:
1892 - Ernest Wilfred Graham
1894 - Eric Arnold Graham
21 Feb 1895 - OBITUARY of Samuel Sargeant Graham
... On Saturday last, February 16th (aged 56), there passed away to the 'great majority' one of the oldest, if not the oldest, resident of the Waikato in the person of Mr Samuel Sargeant Graham, of "Woodstock" farm near Buckland. He was the second son of Mr G. Graham, of Brighton, England, and brother to Messrs G. S. and J. B. Graham so well known in Insurance circles in Auckland. He left a family of two sons and one daughter to mourn his loss. his desease was of a lingering and painful nature, and for some time he suffered extreme agony. He lived in the Waikato 50 years, and had seen its rise and progress. He passed through the Maori War, and served in the Otahuhu Cavalry Corps. He was in reality the pioneer settler of the Waikato, being the first white settler there. He was greatly respected by all who came in contact with him. At his funeral one hundred and sixty followed on horseback or in traps to pay the last trbute to his memory

Eileen Frances 'Fanny' Cocker (1907-1980)
- married Frederick Alexander HOBBS in 1927

Elizabeth Cocker
- married John Thomas BENTLEY (1883-1948) in 1916

Elizabeth Helen Cocker (1895-1970)
- married George ROBINSON in 1926

Emma Cocker (1872-1940)
- married Ferdinand BISCHOFF (1859-1946?) in 1893
- their known children:
1894 - Clara Bischoff
1898 - Eleanor Una Bischoff
also see notes below

Ethel Maria Sarah Cocker (1877-1938)
- married Matthew Henry SLATER (1871-1956) in 1897
- their known children:
1899 - Eva Ethel Ceia Isabel Slater
1900 - Granville Ivan Henry Slater
1905 - Celia Inez Hilda Slater
1909 - Bertram Douglas Venning

Fanny Jane Cocker (1899-1962)
- married John Edward THORBY (1898-1979) in 1930

Hilda Ada Amelia Cocker (1891-1976)
- married Frank Everard REEVE (1894-1975) in 1918

Joyce Emily Cocker (1903-175)
- married James Winfred KNOX (1897-1978) in 1922

Mabel Lavinia Harding Cocker (1880-1945)
- married Leonard Reginald GRAY (1880-1959) in 1906
- their known children:
1907 - Ivor Everard Gray
1909 - AlanTravers Gray

Margaret Isabel Cocker (1906-1982)
- married Alfred George KNUCKEY (1904-1982) in 1926

Mary Cocker
- married William SHAW in 1875

Myrtle Maria Cocker
- married Leslie BILLING in 1929

4 April 1917
- OBITUARY of John Cocker at NORMANBY
... Another old settler in the person of Mr John Cocker passed away at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr F. Bischoff, ot Turuturu road, on Saturday, after a long illness. Mr Cocker was born in Manchester, England, and for some years followed farming pursuits there, but as the result of an illness was advised to come out to New Zealand. He arrived in the Dominion in June, 1886 (on the Doric), when, on the the advice of an old friend, Mr Fitton, he settled for a time at Manaia. Some time afterwards he was the first settler to take up land at Ararata where he resided for about six years. When he retired from active business he settled at Normanby, where he has resided practically since. Mr Cocker took considerable interest in local matters, and was for a number of years a valued member of the Town Board; indeed, his resignation as a member was only accepted at the last meeting.
Mr Cocker was a farmer of the old school, and by his integrity and straightforwardness in all business transactions he made many friends in the district. As a staunch member of the Methodist Church he will be much missed; it was largely owing to his generosity that the Normanby Church was built a few years ago. Mr Cocker is survived by his wife and two sons and one daughter; namely, Mr Alfred Cocker, of Normanby, and Mr John Cocker of Omona, and Mrs F. Bischoff, of Turuturu road, for whom much sympathy is felt by their numerous friends.
The funeral took place on Tuesday (Old Plot 33, Row J at Waihi Burial Old Lawn). Pall-bearers were Messrs Antrobus, Dawson, Ballantyne, and Dickson, and the representative gathering testified to the respect in which he was held. Rev Mr Blamires conducted the burial service

HEADSTONE at Feilding Cemetery, Plot 3G, Row 84, Block 2
Grace Ellen Cocker (nee Christophersen)

some CARNACHAN marriages in New Zealand 1876 - 1929

some of the CARNACHAN marriages in New Zealand 1876 - 1929

Allan Barr Carnachan
- married Evelyn Eliza Jane Lowe in 1910

Agnes Mitchell Carnahan
- born 1877 in Long Bush, Otago
- married William Herbert Organ 6 June 1910 in Dunedin

Angus William Carnachan
- born 1894
- 1 of 9 children of Fox Maude CARNACHAN & Sarah PIERCY
- married Ruby Constance Guinness in 1916
- Angus died on 17 Nov 1918 of the Flu Pandemic
- he is buried in Grave 558 at Featherston Soldiers Cemetery

Blanche Eleanor Carnachan
- married Philip James Dunlop in 1929

David Carnachan
- married Elizabeth Friars in 1860 in Cambridge, Waikato

David Carnachan
- born 1867 in Cambridge, Waikato
- son of David CARNACHAN & Elizabeth FRIARS
- married Emily Jane Smales in 1908

Edward Pierey Carnachan
- married Bessie Elliott in 1915

Elizabeth Carnachan
- married Matthew Dean in 1876

Elizabeth Carnachan
- married John Charles Henry Stranch in 1927

Elizabeth Katherine Carnachan
- born 19 July 1889
- daugher of Fox Maude CARNACHAN & Sarah PIERCY
- married William Harold Corbett in 1915
- Elizabeth died 27 Nov 1918 in Rotorua (flu pandemic)

Fox Maule Carnachan
- born 1857 in Lancashire, England
- married Sarah Piercy 30 April 1881 in Te Puke
- died 1904 in Hautapu, Auckland

Fox Maule Carnachan
- married Olive Edith Berry in 1921

James Carnachan
- born 1874 in Cambridge, Waikato
- son of David CARNACHAN & Elizabeth FRIARS
- married Roa Kaula in 1897

John Carnachan
- born 1880 in Cambridge, Waikato
- son of David CARNACHAN & Elizabeth FRIARS
- married Inez Mabel Roberts in 1912

Kate Carnachan
- married Alexander Reid in 1883

Lorna Carnachan
- married William Henry George Allen in 1925

Robert Carnachan
- married Elsie Isabella Florence Rolston in 1919

Ruby Constance Carnachan
- married Austin Delany in 1914 in Tauranga

William Carnachan
- married Annie Sherred in 1894

William Roy Carnachan
- married Patricia Catharine Phelps in 1922

HOY marriages New Zealand 1855-1930

some of the HOY marriages in New Zealand 1855 - 1930:

Albert William Hoy
- married Edna THOMPSON in 1929

Alexander Brown Hoy
- son of Richard Hoy of Stanley Crescent, Britannia Heights, Nelson (formerly of 129 Balsusney Rd, Kirkcaldy, Fifes)
- served in WWI as Bugler #6/257 with the Canterbury Infantry Battalion, embaring from Lyttelton on 16 Oct 1914 for Suez, Egypt
- his enlistment address was Sea View, The Port, Nelson
- he was wounded 27 May 1915, discharged from hospital 24 June 1915 & returned home 16 Sept 1915
- he married Mabel Aileene MILLER in 1920

Alfred Hoy
- married Kathleen CORRISH in 1904

Charles James Hoy
- married Agnes Elizabeth RICKARSKI in 1907

Cyril Edward hoy
- married Luisa Martha ISLES in 1930

Edna May Hoy
- married Charles William THOMPSON in 1929

Frances Hoy
- married Thomas Gordon CROSBIE in 1930

Frank Hoy
- married Hannah Everal GREER in 1903

Freda Hoy
- married Hollis Leslie COOPER in 1917

Frederick Hoy
- married Agnes NEILL in 1913

Frederick Samuel Hoy
- married Margaret Ellen SIZER in 1904

George William Hoy
- married Ivy Jane DORREEN in 1904

Gladys Gertrude May Hoy
- married Edward Leslie ADAMS in 1925

Hannah Everal Hoy
- married Thomas Henry ROBBINS in 1913

Harry Norman Hoy
- married Edith BERRILL in 1915

Henry Hoy
- married Frances HANNAN in 1905

Henry Thomas Hoy (1871-1953)
- son of Henry Thomas HOY (1843-1911) & Maria WALLIS
- married Mary Margaret KERRIGAN (1872-1964) in 1899

Ilma Florence Hoy
- married William Henry NANKEWIS in 1927

James Hoy
- son of Richard Hoy of Stanley Crescent, Britannia Heights, Nelson (formerly of 129 Balsusney Rd, Kirkcaldy, Fifes)
- served in WWI as Corporal #23478 with the NZEF 13th Reinforcements Otago Infantry Battalion, D Company, embarking from Wellington on 27 May 1916
- he was a motor mechanic
- married Alice Hogg OVENS in 1920

James Hoy
- married Elizabeth May VOSPER in 1925

James Ernest Hoy
- married Florence Macfarlane CUNNINGHAM in 1911

Jessie Hoy
- married James BOSUSTON in 1863

John Hoy
- married ?? in 1859

Kathleen Hoy
- married Reginald Harry Tui NEWICK in 1930
- Reginald graduated from Victoria University in 1938 with a B.A.

Kitty Hoy
- married Harold CAMP in 1927

Kum Poy Sew Hoy
- nephew of Hugh Sew Hoy Businessman, community leader in Dunedin
- married Louisa MONG in 1899

Lilian Florence Hoy
- married James William NEALE in 1913

Margaret Hoy
- married Sydney Herbert CARNS-WILSON in 1919

Martha Hoy
- married Andrew PEARE in 1855

Mary Hoy
- married James Charles Graham in 1883

Mary Hill Hoy
- married Patrick SWEENY in 1903

Maud Alice Hoy
- married Henry Cathcart HOWARD in 1919

Michael Hoy
- married Elizabeth MacINTOSH in 1912

Muriel Hoy
- married Samuel Nicholas NICHOLLS in 1909

Patrick Hoy
- married Jane SMITH in 1872

Peter Christian Bentzor Holmboe Hoy
- served in WWI as Private #16556 with the NZEF, 15th Reinforcements Specialist Machine-Gun Section, embarking from Wellington 26 July 1916
- his NEXT OF KIN was listed as: Mrs E.M. Hoy (wife), care of V. Bergman, Miller's Road, Dannevirke
- married Eda Matilda BERGMAN in 1908
- he was a Gardener

Phillis Hoy
- married ?? in 1859

Phyllis Hoy
- married Reginald Bradney BINNS in 1912

Phyllis Aileen Hoy
- married Martin Payne LYSNAR in 1926

Richard Hoy
- married May RODDA in 1905

Robert Edward Hoy
- son of Henry Thomas HOY & Maria BROWN
- married Gertrude WOLFREYS/WOOLFREYS om 16 May 1897 at Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Christchurch
- Gertrude was a daughter of Joseph WOOLFREYS & Catharine ANDREWS

Robert Joseph Hoy
- served in WWI as Sapper #4/751
- enlisted from Cambridge House, Vincent Street, Auckland
- he was wounded in the arm & hand on 9 Sept 1915 and returned home wounded on the "Willochra" on 21 Oct 1915
- married Martha Lucretia ABBOTT in 1923

Samuel Hoy
- married Elizabeth Florence MERCER in 1878

Samuel Hoy
- married Margaret Isabella HILL in 1883

Thomas Hoy
- married Olive MUDGWAY in 1908

Thomas Henry Hoy
- married Mary DYNES in 1882

Violet Eliza Camelia Sew Hoy
- married John TRENGROVE in 1911

Wilfred Hoy
- married Margaret JOHNSTON in 1912

SOUTHGATE Grooms NZ 1872 - 1929

the SOUTHGATE marriages in New Zealand

Albert Horace Southgate
- married Hazel Ruth Belchamber in 1929

Alexander Southgate
- married Jessie Crocker in 1911

Alexander Southgate
- married Hilda Mary Ramsey in 1922

Alfred Frederick Southgate
- married Olive Maria Wakefield in 1905

Arthur Southgate
- married Elizabeth Hartshorne in 1905

Christopher George Southgate
- married Nellie Maud Carter in 1915

Ernest Southgate
- married Alice Maud Hartshorne in 1911

Francis Herbert Southgate
- married Mary Knight in 1914

Francis William Southgate
- married Katherine Janet Brown in 1927

George Southgate
- married Jessie Pringle in 1873

Herbert Southgate
- married Ada Hunter in 1917

Horace Southgate
- married Catherine Carter in 1876

Horace Southgate
- married Catherine Carter in 1901

James Oliver Pringle Southgate
- married Edith Harris in 1917

John Southgate
- married Sarah Carson in 1876

John Southgate
- married Ann Jane Williams in 1884

Robert Southgate
- married Agnes Rowan Brown in 1918

Robert John Southgate
- married Ivy May Ryde in 1920

William Southgate
- married Ellen Gordon in 1901

William Charles Southgate
- married Elsie Madeline Tully in 1900

William Henry Southgate
- married Jane Barrow in 1875

William James Southgate
- married Alma Victoria Whelch in 1872

the SOUTHGATE Brides

SOUTHGATE Brides NZ 1862 - 1930

the SOUTHGATE Brides in New Zealand

Adeline Joyce Southgate
- married George Christmas Holland in 1930

Agnes Southgate
- married Thomas Young in 1902

Alice Southgate
- married George William Clevesley in 1902

Amelia Southgate
- married William Charles Parker in 1901

Amy Southgate
- married Jordan Edward Sparks in 1908

Annie Southgate
- married Angus Sutherland in 1925

Annie Maria Southgate
- married Richard Nelson Warin in 1910

Eileen Rose Southgate
- married Walter John Broome in 1926

Eleanor Southgate
- married Austin Smith in 1899

Emily Victoria Southgate
- married David William White in 1920

Emma Southgate
- married William Dunne in 1862

Emma May Southgate
- married Edward Allen in 1879

Fanny Elizabeth Southgate
- married Albert Dean Cook in 1895

Flora Evelyn Southgate
- married Charles Goldsworthy in 1899

Florence Louise Southgate
- married William James Evans in 1920

Florence Mabel Southgate
- married William James Ticehurst in 1904

Frances Southgate
- married James Black Dunn in 1905

Gladys Elizabeth Southgate
- married Charles Albert Ernest Taylor in 1929

Gladys Mabel Southgate
- married Langley Albert Bell Harman in 1930

Hattie Southgate
- married Albert Alexander Leitch in 1921

Helen Isabella Southgate
- married Walter Douglas Paterson in 1898

Jessie Southgate
- married Richard Rusbatch in 1918

Jessie Southgate
- married Alfred Harvey in 1922

Lilian Alice Southgate
- married James Marland Lythgo in 1907

Lucy Evelyn Southgate
- married John Oscar Pinkey in 1919

Margaret Southgate
- married John Redshaw in 1868

Mavis Mona Southgate
- married John Henry Dockrill in 1930

Minnie Elizabeth Southgate
- married Alfred James Whittington in 1893

Minnie Katherine Southgate
- married Richard Nelson Warin in 1891

Rose Margaret Southgate
- married George Henry King in 1914

Ruth Southgate
- married Alfred Robert Saunders in 1914

Sarah Southgate
- married Henry Woodcock in 1873

Sarah Ann Southgate
- married Albert Cleland Packman in 1866

Winnifred Ethel Southgate
- married James Matheson Malcolm in 1904

the SOUTHGATE Grooms

the 14 children of Thomas ROSEWEARE & Fanny CROCOME, Oamaru, Otago 1876-1899

Thomas ROSEVEARE (1848-1923) married Fanny CROCOME (1857-1936) on 21 AUG 1875, in Oamaru, Otago.
- Thomas was the first doctor in Otago

They settled in Waiwera South and had 14 children, 4 sons & 10 daughters:

1876 - Lionel Waldron Roseveare
- married Annie IGLIS in 1914
- Lionel died in 1958 aged 81
- in the 1922 Dunedin Electoral Roll Lionel was a Milk Vendor living at 6 Calder St, St Kilda with his wife and widowed mother in law, Janet Howie Inglis. Again in 1925
- from 1925 to 1938 he was at the same address as a Factory Hand, Janet was no longer there

1877 - Mary Florance Maud Roseveare
- married D.J.S. Robertson of Tomahawk on 9 Nov 1903 at Waiwera South
- Mary died n 1958 aged 80

1878 - Charles Joseph Roseveare
- Charles died in 1949 aged 71

1879 - Thomas Henry Roseveare
- married Lucy Jean SELLAR in 1907
- Thomas died in 1959 aged 79

1881 - Lucy Josephine Roseveare
- married William Brown ANDERSON on 29 Apr 1914 at Inchclutha
- Lucy died in 1967 aged 86

1882 - Fanny Crocome Roseveare
- Fanny died in 1882 aged 14 days

1885 - Ethel Ann Roseveare
- in 1906 Ethel was a pupil teacher at Port Chalmers District High School Otago
- in January 1908 Ethel was a successful Dunedin Candidate at the University of New Zealand in Matriculation & Solicitor's General Knowledge
- in the 1935 Dunedin Electoral Roll Ethel was a spinster living at 61 Council St with her widowed mother Fanny & sister Hilda

1887 - Muriel Jane Anderson Roseveare
- in August 1887 Muriel was involved with the annual Sunday School & Band of Hope gathering of the Waiwera Presbyterian Sunday School doing a recitation, a dialogue with Maggie EDWARDS and a quartette
- married John Bertram CHAPMAN in 1913
- Muriel died in 1939 aged 52

1888 - Bertha Evelyn Warden Roseveare
- in the 1919 Dunedin Electoral Roll Bertha was married and at 23 New St, St Kilda with her parents & siblings (possible she was obly visiting)

1889 - Harold Reginald Havelock Roseveare
- Harold served in WWI as Pivate #8/3055 with the Otago Infantry Battalion, 7th Reinforcements. He left on 9 Oct 1915
- on the Dunedin Electoral Roll of 1922 Harold was a Traveller living at 22 New St, St Kilda
- Harold died in 1959 aged 69

1892 - Hildegarde 'Hilda' Gwendolyn Lee Roseveare
- Hildagarde died in 1990 aged 98
- on the Dunedin Electoral Roll of 1922 Hilda was a spinster living at 22 New St, St Kilda
- in the 1935 Dunedin Electoral Roll Hilda was a spinster living at 61 Council St with her widowed mother Fanny & sister Elthel

1895 - Myrtle Ursula Irene Roseveare
- married James Henry DOUGLAS (1892-1951) in 1919
- Myrtle died in 1963 aged 68

1896 - Vera Dulcia Mildred Roseveare
- Vera did not marry
- she died in 1984 aged 88
- on the Dunedin Electoral Roll of 1922 Vera was a spinster living at 22 New St, St Kilda

1899 - Areta Ivy Edgecombe Roseveare
- on the Dunedin Electoral Roll of 1922 Areta was a spinster living at 22 New St, St Kilda

In January 1885 Thomas was on the committee of the Waiwera Farmers CLub

on the Dunedin Electoral Roll of 1922 Thomas & Fanny were living at 22 New St St Kilda. Thomas was a Missioner

BOWRING marriages New Zealand 1866 - 1942

known BOWRING marriages NZ 1866-1942
Ada Bowring
married Herbert Lee Johnston in 1939

Alfred Bowring (1863-1942)
son of Alfred Bowring (1829-1898) & Elizabeth Armiger (1832-1923)
married Edith Mary Testa (1866-1961) on 11 March 1890 at Mt Eden, Auckland
* they had 7 known children (5 daughters)
. they are buried Waikumete

Alice Louisa Bowring (1866-1953)
daughter of Alfred Bowring & Elizabeth Armiger
married Albert Spencer in 1894

Arthur Percy Bowring (1870-1946)
son of Alfred Bowring & Elizabeth Armiger
married Lily Elizabeth Robenia Laird (1869-1949) in 1890 & had 2 sons
next married Evelyn Estelle Asmuss (1877-1964) in 1927

Challis Rose Bowring (1908-1984)
married Granville Horrox (1903-1984) in St Barnabas Church, Mt Eden, Auckland in 1930
. they are buried Pyes Pa

Charles Alfred Bowring (1882-1957)
. 3rd of 11 children of James Bowring & Cassandra Jury
married Nellie Warner (1876-1950) in 1915
. Charles is buried Greytown . Nellie is buried Karori

Dorothy Bowring
married James Francis Wymer in 1936

Ellen Chresandreu Bowring
married Percy Dominic Petherick in 1939

Emily Bowring
daughter of Alfred Bowring & Elizabeth Armiger
married Samuel James in 1901
* 1 known daughter 1903-1965 Phyllis Muriel James (didn't marry)

Eric James Bowring (1917-2007)
son of James Bowring & Elizabeth Wilson
married Gladys Mary Hazelton in 1937

Eva May Bowring (1907-1984)
born 7 Dec 1907 in Kaiapoi
married John James Dunseath on 20 June 1928 in Te Aroha
Eva died in 1984 in Matamata

Frederick John 'Fred' Bowring (1892-1962)
. 7th of 11 children of James Bowring & Cassandra Jury James
married Lucy May Jones (1899-1930)
next married Mary Rosina Hockey (1891-1941) in 1931

Geoffrey Stuart Bowring (1918-1956)
. 3rd of 11 children of Harry Bowring & Ilena Fennetta Stuart
married Elsie Jane Stevenson in 1947

George Bowring
married Sarah Charlotte Butler in 1875

George Henry Bowring
married Jessie Goldburn Carpenter in 1938

George John Bowring
married Edith Rose Wilfrida Forster in 1882

Gertrude Mary Bowring
married Frederick Anthony O'Neale in 193

Gwendolyn Margaret Bowring (1904-1991)
married Tom MacLaren Archer in 1930

Gwyneth Phyllis Marjorie Bowring
married Thomas Henry Brown in 1940

Henry 'Harry' Bowring (1896-1963)
. 9th of 11 children of James Bowring & Cassandra Jury
married Ilena Finnetta Stuart (1896-1964) in 1915 & had 11 children (7 sons)

Henry Moana Bowring (1924-1995)
. 8th of 11 children of Harry Bowring & Ilena Fennetta Stuart
married Violet Agnes Harvey in 1948

Helen Bowring (1895-1979)
. 8th of 11 children of James Bowring & Cassandra Jury
married Lancelot Giles in 1914

Hilda Beatrice Bowring (1893-1980)
married Norman McAndrew in 1916

Horace Cattermole Bowring (1905-1970)
born 20 Aug 1905 in Kaiapoi
married Mavis Johnson 26 Jan 1929 in Masterton
. daughter of Henry Johnson and Harriet Ann Bullock
Horace died 4 Aug 1970 in New Plymouth

Hinemare Ropina Bowring
. 5th of 11 children of Henry Bowring & Olena Phanetta Stuart
married Ernest Albert Papps in 1941

Ina Elizabeth Bowring (1905-1984)
married George Johnson in 1922

Isabel Bowring (1877-1960)
daughter of Alfred Bowring & Elizabeth Armiger
married Edwin Blyth-Buckhurst in 1905

James Bowring (1850-1927)
born 24 Nov 1850 in Dorset, England
married Cassandra Jury (1853-1916) in Kaiapoi in 1879
written 1903 BOWRING, JAMES, Farmer, Clarkville Road, Kaiapoi. Mr Bowring was born in 1850 in Dorsetshire, England, where he was brought up to country life. He came to Lyttelton by the ship 'Eastern Monarch' in 1874, when the settled at Kaiapoi, where for some time he had a market garden. In 1899 he leased the forty acre farm on which he has since resided. Mr Bowring was married in 1879 to a daughter of Mr R. Jury, of Kaiapoi and has two daughters and six sons
. they are buried Kaiapoi

James Bowring (1880-1964)
born 8 July 1880 in Kaiapoi
married Elizabeth Wilson in 1904 in Kaiapoi
* James died 9 Nov 1964 in Te Aroha

John 'Jack' Bowring (1896-1942)
married Christina Grainger Marshall (1890-1974) in Auckland in 1924
. in 1925 they were living at 48 School Road, Kindsland, Auckland. They died in Victoria, Australia

Louis Bowring
married May Ella Bellshaw in 1937

Mary Jane Bowring (1888-1973)
. 6th of 11 children of James Bowring & Cassandra Jury
married Michael Quinlivan in 1912

Nettie Margart Bowring (1922-2008)
. 3rd of 11 children of Harry Bowring & Ilena Fennetta Stuart
married Roy Francis Kerr in 1947

Norman Clive Bowring (1904-1981)
married Gladys Margaret Bullivant (1905-1987) in Mt Eden Methodist Church, Auckland in 1930
. they are buried in Purewa

Olive Lilia Bowring
married Amos Thompson in 1938

Oswald Bowring
married Annie Stuart McKay in 1942

Peter William Bowring (1929-2003)
. 10th of 11 children of Harry Bowring & Ilena Fennetta Stuart
married Gertrude Taylor in 1951

Rachel Bowring
married Charles Boyd in 1866

Reginald Claude Bowring (1896-1966)
married Eleanor Gertrude Willmott Levick (1901-1994) in St Mary's Anglican Cathedral, Parnell, Auckland in 1927
. they are buried in Purewa

Rita Cresendrew Bowring (1909-1989)
married Owen Clifford Body (1903-1981) in St Mark's Church, Te Aroha in 1929
. Rita is buried Katikati
. Owen is buried Avenue cemetery, Levin
* thank you to Grannab's comment below on 20 May 2016 . Rita Cresendrew Bowring was named after her grandmother. The Cresendrew is in fact Cassandra. Seems people misheard the name a guessed at the spelling
* thank you to ThomasWonderful's comment below on 11 Feb 2023 . Rita Bowring was registered at birth as Rita Cassandra Bowring. For some reason Rita absolutely hated that name and so it is believed that at some stage she had the name legally changed to Cressandrew. The fact is that both names were heard, Cassandra in the earlier years of her life and then in the later years of her life according to her preference, Cressandrew. Not many people know that she actually changed the name.
Posted by Alan Bowring, Nephew of Rita Bowring / Body (married name).

Robert Daniel Bowring (1884-1961)
. 4th of 11 children of James Bowring & Cassandra Jury
married Martha Cattermole (1885-1930) in 1908
. Martha is buried Masterton
next married Isabel Victoria Maxwell in 1934
. Robert is buried Waikumete

Sarah Ann Bowring
married William Charles Evans in 1930

Sydney Bowring (1859-1898)
son of Alfred Bowring & Elizabeth Armiger
married Margaret Esther McEwin (1859-) at the residence of Mr T. McEwin, Auckland in 1883
. they died in Victoria, Australia, Sydney of typhoid aged 39

Vivian Mary Bowring (1901-1987)
daughter of Alfred Bowring & Edith Mary Testa
. in 1925 she was a spinster at 34 Esplanade road, Grey Lynn
married Wilfred Jowsey (1902-1968) in St Barnabas' Church, Auckland in 1929
. they are buried Mangere

Walter Armiger Bowring (1874-1931)
. Walter was born in Auckland, the 5th of 12 known children (6 sons) of Alfred Bowring (1829-1898) & Elizabeth Armiger (1832-1923), who arrived in Auckland 18 Oct 1856 on the ship 'Gipsy'. His father Alfred Bowring manufactured the first pianos in New Zealand
Walter married Millicent Maria McOwen (1877-1933) in 1901
. they had 2 children .
* 1901 - 1969 Phyllis Marjorie Bowring
. Phyllis married Frederick Laws in 1955
* 1904 - 1934 Marlowe Reginald Bowring
. Walter & Millicent divorced in Nov 1924
Evening Post, 12 Nov 1924
Divorce Court, alleged desertion. The ground of the proceedings between Walter Bowring and Marie Millicent Bowring was failure to comply with an order for restitution of conjugal rights. The parties were married in Christchurch. A decree nisi was granted, alimony being allowed at the rate of 30s weekly by consent.
Walter next married Violet Nelson (1890-1980), a Christchurch artist (pdf) in April 1925 moving with her to Sydney that year. Both were actively involved in the Sydney art scene, including attending events held by the Josef Kretschmann Club..
. Walter was educated at Auckland Grammar School. He was an artist, working in the realist tradition. His subjects included portraits and landscapes as well as cartoons and caricatures. He was best known for commissioned portraits. He exhibited in the NZ Academy of Fine Arts in 1894 and 1898 and at times throughout the period up to 1925. In Dec 1899, some of his work was reproduced in the "New Zealand illustrated magazine". First work was black and white sketches for the Auckland Observer, after which he became cartoonist for the Spectator (Christchurch) and the Weekly Press. In 1905 he went to London and studied under Sir William Orpen and Augustus John. Returning from England he painted many portraits, some of politicians and one of Sir Harold Beauchamp. In 1907 he sued the 'New Zealand times' over a contract to do sketches for the paper. On a visit to England in 1921-23 he was elected a member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and exhibited a figure painting in the Royal Academy Exhibition in 1922. He was also vice-president of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts for eight years, resigning in 1925, when he moved to Sydney. He exhibited with the Royal Art Society of New South Wales from 1926. He & Violet died in Sydney.

William Bowring (1886-1959)
. 5th of 11 children of James Bowring & Cassandra Jury
married Lilly Myrtle Cranch (1886-1971) in 1912
. William was born in Kaiapoi to James Bowring & Cassandra Jury
. Lilly was born in Carterton, a daughter of Samuel Cranch & Elizabeth Webb
. they are buried at Waihi

William Stuart Bowring (1931-1987)
. 11th of 11 children of Harry Bowring & Ilena Fennetta Stuart
married Rose Haitana in 1955

William Joseph Bowring (1922-1974)
married Joyce Mary Shannon in 1942

PHOTO Walter Armiger Bowring in 1920

2 comment(s), latest 1 year, 7 months ago

WELLINGTON 1858 - Electoral Roll - D

the Electoral Roll for the year 1858
- City of Wellington -

the original list was taken from the site
Electoral Roll for the year 1858 from
but unfortunately do not know the compiler

A names .. B names .. C names .. D names .. E names .. F names

G names .. H names .. I & J names .. K names .. L names

M names .. N & O names .. P names .. Q & U & V & Y names

R names .. S names .. T names .. W names

.. Name .. Place of Abode .. Calling of Business


Daly, Owen - Wellington - Bricklayer

Daniell, Edward - Hutt Valley - Esquire J.P

D'Arcy, Oliver Barker - Wellington

Darkes, George Mathias - Wellington - Bricklayer

Davidson, James - Courtenay Pl - Fellmonger

Davidson, William - Manners St - Whitesmith

Davies, James - Molesworth St - Master Mariner

Davies, Thomas - Tinakori Rd - Blacksmith

Davis, Thomas - Wellington - Labourer

Davison, John William - Ghuznee St - Storekeeper

Daymond, James - Lambton Quay - Cooper

Dean, Jabez - Pipitea St - Plumber

Death, Charles - Herbert St - Farmer

De'Castro, Charles Daniel - Porirua - Settler

Deihl, Conrad - Pipitea St - Carpenter

Dempsey, George Andrew - Molesworth St - Tailor

Desmond, John - Tinakori Rd - Labourer

Devenport, Thomas - Pipitea St - Smith

Dimond, John - Karori - Farmer

Dixon, Edward - Cuba St - Ginger Beer manufacturer

Dixon, John - Town Belt - Labourer

Dixon, Joseph - Cuba St - Brewer

Dixon, George - Wellington - Labourer

Dobbell, Philip - Dickson St - Carpenter

Dodds, James - Dickson St - Carpenter

Donnelly, Patrick - Wellington Tce - Labourer

Dorset, William - Tinakori Rd - Settler

Douglas, Hugh - Lutton Pl - Waterman

Dowsat, Abraham - Molesworth St - Gardener

Drake, Thomas John - Porirua Rd - Farmer

Dryden, Symon - Cuba St - Shipwright

Duck, John - Quin St - Carpenter

Dunn, William - Tinakori Rd - Dyer

Duncan, Charles - Golders Hill - Gardener

Duncan, Frederick Abbott - Lambton Quay - Storekeeper

Duncan, Richard John - Pipitea- Merchant

Dutton, John - Tinakori Rd - Gardener