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the LEACH buried in Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand

the LEACH buried in Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand as at 1-1-2011:

Anne Leach
- born 1944
- had been living at Paparamu Rd, R D, Tirau
- died 21 Sept 2005 at home aged 61
- cremated Hamilton Park Cemetery
- ashes returned to Funeral Director

Annie Mabel Leach (nee WILLIAMS)
- born 1883
- married George Henry Leach in 1915
- had been living at Braid Rd Hamilton
- died 9 Aug 1977 aged 94
- ashes buried GARDN-A-78 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

George Henry Leach
- born 1882
- married Annie Mabel WILLIAMS in 1915
- had been living at Braid Rd Hamilton
- died 4 June 1974 aged 92
- ashes buried GARDN-A-78 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

Harry Edward Leach
- born 1917
- had been living at Whittaker St Kihikihi
- died 27 June 1987 aged 70
- cremated Hamilton Park Cemetery
- ashes returned to Funeral Director

Henry John Leach
- born 1928
- had been living at Aberfoyle St Hamilton
- died 11 June 1988 aged 60
- ashes buried GARDN-K-127 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

Irene Lillian Vida Leach (nee LANE)
- born 1902
- married Herbert Edward Leach (1902-1975) in 1926
- was living in Harris St, Huntly West
- died 3 Oct 1982 aged 80
- cremated Hamilton Park Cemetery
- ashes returned to Funeral Director

James Leach
- born 1835
- died 19 Nov 1887 aged 52 at the Hamilton Railway Station
- buried A1A-C-24 at Hamilton West Cemetery

Leslie Henry Leach
- born 1910
- was living at Vercoe Rd Hamilton
- died 27 Feb 1980 aged 70
- ashes buried GARDN-J-090 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

Lewis Moorhouse Leach
- born 1918
- had been living in Clyde St Hamilton
- died 14 April 2001 aged 83 at Rhoda Read Hospital Morrinsville
- cremated Hamilton Park Cemetery
- ashes returned to Funeral Director

Mary Lindsey Leach (nee HANDS)
- born 1903
- married William Leach in 1926
- had been liing at Firth View Rd Te Puru, Thames Coast
- died 7 Dec 1976 aged 73
- ashes spread GARDN-SUNKN-0000 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

Mervyn William Leach
- born 1914
- died 8 July 1988 aged 74
- had been living at Ladies Mile Auckland
- buried MAPLE-27-74 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

Patrick John 'Jas' Leach
- born 1881
- died 13 Jan 1937 aged 56
- buried RC-K-100 at Hamilton East Cemetery

Percy James Leach
- born 1919
- died 7 Feb 1970 aged 51
- buried MAGN-18-50 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

Raymond George Leach
- born 1818
- had been living at Whatawhata Rd R D 5
- died 2 Aug 1991 aged 74
- buried MAPLE-38-48 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

William Leach
- born 1884
- had been living at Waiomu, Thames Coast
- died 28 Oct 1966 aged 82
- cremated Hamilton Park Cemetery
- ashes returned to Funeral Director

Winifred Ellen Leach
- born 1926
- had been living at Tuhikaramea Rd Hamilton
- died 17 June 1990 aged 64
- ashes buried GARDN-K-127 at Hamilton Park Cemetery

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 8 months ago

the site of ALAN WILLIAMS FAMILY HISTORY - settlers UK to NZ

Whilst doing some research for Wairarapa settlers I came across the site of Alan Williams which has many Wairarapa settlers/pioneers
- this is a very large site so it can take a little time to load

some of the places in England they come from:
Blackwater Middlesex, Harby Leicestershire, Chatham Kent, Coity Parish Newcastle, Great Torrington Devon, Kidderminster Worcestershire, Llangwm Pembrokeshire, Bethnal Green. Middlesex, St. Brides Minor, Leighton Buzzard. Bedfordshire, Fosdyke. Lincolnshire, Peckleton. Leicester, Hackney Road London, Harrison St Marylebone, St. Peter's Monks Eleigh, High Littleton Somerset, Staple Cottages Davington Faversham Kent, and in Lincolshire: Algarkirk, Sirbeck, Sutterton

to settle in the south pacific places of:
Australia, Dargaville, Thames, Wairoa, Christchurch, Kawakawa, Wellington, Palmerston North, and some of the Wairarapa places of: Whareama, Greytown, Stratford, Pongaroa, Morrison Bush, Alfredton, Western Lake Featherston, Akitio, Tinui, Te Ore Ore, Masterton, Tiraumea,

Unfortunately the original link to the Alan Williams Family History site no longer works (2018)

Abchurch , Adam , Adams , Adlem , Albinson , Allan , Allen , Allerd , Almond , Amazona , Amees , Amor , Anderson , Andrews , Ann , Annis , AP - Gronow , Apps , Arnold , Arnup , Arone , Arthand , Ashby , Ashford , Ashley , Ashman , Ashton , Ashworth , Askew , Atherdon , Atherton , Atkins , Atkinson , Austin , Avery , Aviea , Ayling , Ayton , Bacon , Badcock , Bagge , Bailey , Baker , Balduck , Baldwin , Ball , Ballard , Bandy , Bangley , Bannister , Barker , Barnes , Barnham , Barnsdale , Baron , Barr , Barrett , Barrow , Barrs , Bartels , Barter , Barton , Baskett , Bass , Bateman , Bates , Baw , Bayliss , Beal , Beare , Beastall , Beaumont , Beavan , Bebbington , Beck , Beer , Bell , Benmore , Bennet , Bennett , Benson , Berry-Potter , Bertie , Berwick , Bessant , Best , Bevan , Beynon , Bidlake , Bigg , Bignell , Bilton , Binks , Bird , Black , Blackborow , Blackley , Bland , Blankestyn , Blasden , Blizzard , Bloore , Blundell , Blunden , Boag , Bockett , Boggis , Bolding , Bolton , Bond , Bonnick , Boon , Boreham , Borley , Bouchard , Bovey , Bowditch , Bowhill , Bowyer , Boyling , Boyman , Bradford , Bradley , Branch , Brasted , Breach , Brett , Brewer , Brewster , Brice , Brickwood , Bridges , Brierley , Briers , Briggs , Britten , Brock , Brodie , Brook , Brooker , Brookman , Brooks , Broomhead , Broughton , Brown , Browning , Browns , Bruse , Buckner , Budd , Budden , Bugg , Buick , Bull , Bullett , Bulley , Bulstrode , Bunn , Bunyan , Burdett , Burford , Burgess , Burkett , Burling , Burls , Burns , Burrell , Burton , Busby , Bushel , Butcher , Butler , Buttler , Buxton , Bygrave , Bysouth , Cabble , Cabezas , Cairns , Callow , Cameron , Campbell , Candelent , Candy , Capewell , Carey , Caroll , Carradice , Carter , Caseley , Cashin , Cassidy , Casson , Cattey , Causton , Cave , Cavell , Cavner , Chadwick , Chalkley , Challoner , Chambers , Chandler , Chaplin , Chapman , Chappell , Charles , Charlton , Chase , Cheeseman , Chesney-Green , Chessell , Chester , Childs , Chiltern , Chinnery , Chisholm , Chittock , Choyce , Churchill , Clack , Clancy , Claridge , Claringbold , Clark , Clarke , Cleare , Clift , Cloude , Clowton , Clutterbuck , Coates , Cobbald , Cock , Cockling , Coe , Cohen , Cole , Coleburn , Colegate , Coles , Collard , Collins , Collis , Collishaw , Compton , Condon , Connor , Constable , Contor , Cook , Cooper , Cope , Copland , Corbin , Corden , Corley , Corr , Cory , Cosens , Cottrell , Coulson , Cousins , Coveney , Cox , Coy , Cozens , Cracknell , Cragen , Crane , Crawley , Creswell , Criddon , Cripes , Crisp , Cross , Crossley , Crouch , Croxson , Cruickshank , Cruickshanks , Crutchlow , Cull , Cummings , Curnall , Curran , Curtis , Cuthbert , Cutter , Dadd , Dakin , Dale , Dales , Daly , Damian , Dando , Daniel , Darling , Davenport , Davey , David , Davidson , Davies , Davis , Dawe , Dawson , Day , Dayment , Dean , Dear , Deary , Death , Demaid , Dempsey , Densley , Dent , Derry , Diamond , Dickens , Dickson , Diesny , Dighton , Dillon , Diprofe , Ditton , Dixon , Dockerty , Dodd , Doel , Donald , Donaldson , Donnelly , Doree , Double , Douch , Dowding , Downer , Downes , Downs , Drake , Drew , Driscoll , Dryer , Duffey , Duffin , Dulieu , Duncan , Dunford , Dunn , Durrant , Earl , East , Eastrick , Edgley , Edmonds , Edmunds , Edward , Edwards , Elfes , Elford , Elliott , Ellis , Emlyn , Emma , Emmett , Ennis , Errington , Esten , Evans , Eve , Everett , Everitt , Excell , Eyres , Fagg , Fairbrass , Falconer , Farley , Farmer , Farrell , Faulkner , Feast , Fender , Fernley , Fewkes , Fidler , Field , Fielden , Fielder , Filtness , Finch , Findley , Fish , Fisher , Fitgerald , Fittal , Fitzsayer , Fleming , Flemming , Fletcher , Florish , Flowers , Foote , Fort , Foster , Foulkes , Fowler , Fox , Foxwell , Frances , Francis , Frazer , Freeman , Friend , Fry , Fryer , Fuller , Funnell , Gaddard , Gaffney , Gage , Gall , Gallott , Gane , Gannard , Gardiner , Gardner , Garland , Garner , Garred , Garrett , Garrod , Gaskell , Gates , Gazzard , Gent , George , Gernon , Gibbs , Gibby , Gibson , Gilbert , Gilchrist , Gilham , Gilmartin , Gilroy , Gilson , Girlie , Gladwell , Goddard , Goddridge , Godfrey , Gognette , Gold , Golding , Gooch , Goodier , Gooding , Goodwin , Gorey , Gorman , Gould , Gower , Graham , Grammer , Grange , Gray , Greeks , Green , Greenbank , Greenfield , Greenham , Greenland , Gregory , Grenon , Greslon , Griffith , Griffiths , Grimes , Grimwood , Gronow , Groom , Gunn , Gurney , Gutteridge , Haggis , Hain , Halfhead , Hall , Halliday , Hammerston , Hammond , Hancock , Handley , Hanford , Hankin , Hanna , Hanney , Hapgood , Happey , Harcourt , Harding , Hardingham , Hardridge , Hardy , Hare , Harkness , Harman , Harmer , Harries , Harris , Harrison , Harrodine , Harry , Hart , Hartwell , Harvey , Hatch , Hatchman , Hatherley , Hatton , Hawes , Hawkins , Hayes , Hayter , Hayward , Heale , Heatheringstone , Heenan , Henham , Henneys , Herbert , Herring , Hewitt , Heycock , Hicks , Higgins , High , Hill , Hilliard , Hills , Hilton , Himbury , Hiscox , Holbrook , Holes , Holliwell , Holloway , Holmes , Holt , Hook , Hooper , Hopkins , Horler , Hornsby , Horton , Howard , Howell , Howes , Howison , Hoy , Hubber , Hughes , Humphrey , Humphreys , Hunt , Hunter , Huntley , Hurst , Huskinson , Hutchins , Hutchinson , Ingram , Irish , Isaac , Israel , Ivory , Jackman , Jackson , James , Jamieson , Jarrett , Jeans , Jeff , Jefferies , Jenkin , Jenkins , Jenner , Jennings , Jestico , Jewess , Jewitt , Jobbins , Joblin , John , Johnson , Jones , Jordan , Joyce , Juniper , Karsten , Kay , Keble , Keen , Kellam , Kelly , Kelsey , Kenchington , Kenny , Kent , Kerr , Ketner , Killingback , Kimble , King , Kingston , Kirk , Kirkpatrick , Kivell , Knapp , Knight , Knock , Knott , Knowles , Kura , Kurby , Laffan , Laflin , Lake , Lamden , Lane , Langdon , Langham , Langley , Langworthy , Larkin , Larsen , Last , Lawrence , Lawrie , Laws , Lawson , Lea , Leach , Leany , Ledwidge , Lee , Leightfield , Leisser , Lemmon , Lenton , Leonard , Lepper , Letch , Lever , Lewis , Lightfoot , Lilly , Limber , Limbury , Linch , Lintott , Litchfield , Little , Littlefield , Llewellyn , Llewhelin , LLiue , Lloyd - Hughes , Lloyd , Locke , Locks , Long , Loose , Lougher , Lucas , Luft , Lunn , Luttman , Lydster , Lyle , Lynch , Lyndon , MacDermott , MacKay , Macmillan , Madden , Maguire , Maher , Maidwell , Mallandain , Manchee , Manning , Mapp , Margaret , Margurite , Marlow , Marok , Marriot , Marriott , Marsh , Marshall , Martell , Martin , Matthews , May , Mc Carthy , McCarthy , McCarty , McCrae , McCrimmon , McDonald , McEwan , McGaffin , McGlashon , McGrath , McKay , McKellow , McKenzie , McParland , McPherson , McQueen , Meach , Meacham , Mead , Meads , Mears , Mellors , Mendes , Mendham , Meredith , Mickelborough , Micklewright , Middleton , Middlewright , Mildren , Miles , Miller , Mills , Mita , Mitam , Momford , Montrell , Moon , Mooney , Moore , Morgan , Morison , Morley , Morphew , Morris , Morrish , Morrison , Mortimore , Morton , Moseley , Moses , Mott , Mouland , Mount , Mountain , Mowbray , Mudd , Mudge , Muir , Mulley , Munt , Murie , Murphy , Napier , Nazeruk , Neale , Neild , Neville , Newman , Newport , Newton , Nice , Nicholls , Nicholson , Nioa , Nisbet , Nix , Norman , Norris , Northam , Norton , Nott , Novack , Nye , Oakley , Obern , O'Brian , Ogden , Ogilivie , O'Keefe , Oliff , Oliphant , Oliver , O'Loughlin , Orme , Orton , Osborne , Ovendon , Over , Overton , Packham , Page , Paget , Pallett , Palmer , Pammenter , Parfitt , Parkins , Parkinson , Partridge , Passfield (Pasterfield) , Passfield , Patient , Patman , Patrick , Paxton , Payn , Payne , Pearce , Pearson , Peckham , Pedersen , Pell , Pemberton , Penson , Pentecost , Perkins , Perrin , Perry , Peters , Pether , Peto , Pettitt , Phelps , Philip , Phillips , Philpott , Pickering , Pickett , Pickford , Picton , Pidding , Pidgley , Piercy , Pike-Barnes , Pilbem , Planting , Pocock , Polglase , Pollock , Pool , Portsmouth , Postlewaight , Potter , Pottle , Poulton , Powell , Powley , Poynter , Pratt , Prew , Price , Priestley , Prince , Pritchard , Proctor , Protheroe , Pull , Pullen , Punchard , Pung , Punge , Purnell , Quinn , Quinnell , Quirolo , Raffin , Raithby , Ramplin , Randall , Rapps , Ratless , Rawlinson , Rayner , Raynor , Rayson , Read , Ready , Reay , Redsull , Reed , Reeder , Rees , Reeve , Rennex , Revil , Reynell , Rhymer , Rice , Rich , Richards , Richardson , Rickards , Rickets , Riddell , Riding , Ridley , Ridmore , Rielly , Rigby , Riley , Ringrose , Risley , Ritchie , Roadnight , Robbins , Roberson , Roberts , Robertson , Robinson , Robson , Rochester , Rodgers , Roediger , Rogers , Rohrs , Rooke , Roper , Rose , Ross , Rossett , Rothwell , Rouarke , Rowe , Rowley , Royal , Ruffell , Rumming , Russell , Sach , Sage , Sago , Sales , Salter , Sandy , Sanger , Sansom , Sargeant , Sargent , Sarson , Saunders , Savage , Saville , Saye , Scanlan , Scarff , Scarlett , Scherer , Schilling , Schmidt , Schmitz , Scotcher , Scott , Scrimshaw , Scrivenor , Searle , Seaton , Seery , Selden , Sewell , Sexton , Seymour , Shailer , Shapter , Sharpe , Sharples , Shawe , Sheen , Sheffield , Shepherd , Sheppard , Sherwood , Shetcliffe , Shewbridge , Shore , Short , Shorter , Shrimpton , Shutler , Silver , Silvester , Simmonds , Simpson , Sims , Sinnock , Skinner , Slade , Smark , Smark-Turner , Smee , Smiles , Smillie , Smith , Smithe , Smithers , Smithson , Snowden , Snuggs , Solley , Solloway , Somerville , Spain , Spanswick , Sparks , Sparshott , Spencer , Spicer , Spiers , Spinks , Spooner , Spreen , Springett , Spry , Spurling , Squires , Squirrell , Stacey , Stagg , Stainer , Stalley , Staneland , Stanley , Stanwell , Stapley , Stark , Starke , Stavrakis , Stay , Stead , Steavenson , Steer , Stemmit , Stenberg , Stephens , Stevens , Steward , Stewart , Stickler , Stiff , Stojanovic , Stokes , Stone , Street , Strivens , Stromeyer , Strongitharm , Stroud , Stubbs , Sullivan , Surrey , Suter , Sutherland , Sutton , Swaby , Swaine , Swan , Sweeney , Swinton , Syer , Symington , Taggart , Tailor , Tandy , Tanner , Tarpey , Taylor , Terrell , Terry , Tew , Thomas , Thompson , Thorn , Thorne , Thornton , Thorpe , Tibboth , Tibbs , Till , Tittle , Tole , Tompkins , Tompsett , Tower , Towle , Tranter , Treharne , Trengove , Tribe , Trickey , Tucker , Tudor , Tudor-Coulson , Tugwell , Turner , Unstead , Upton , Usher , Vaile , Vaines , Vandersteen , Vater , Vaughan , Veazey , Venables , Vennall , Vickers , Vile , Vincent , Vogt , Vowles , Vynall , Wade , Waerea , Waghorn , Waghorne , Wagstaff , Waldie , Walford , Wall , Wallace , Waller , Walwyn , Wanstall , Ward , Ware , Warford , Warman , Warr , Warren , Waterhouse , Waterman , Waterson , Watson , Watt , Watts , Weain , Weaver , Webb , Webber , Websdale , Webster , Weedon , Weeks , Wells , Wenham , Wesley , West , Westlake , Weston , Westwood , Wheat , Wheaton , Whitbread , White , Whitehead , Whiter , Whiting , Whitmore , Whittaker , Wicks , Widdowson , Wiggins , Wilcocke , Wilcox , Wildeblood , Wilkie , Wilkins , Wilkinson , Williams , Willis , Wills , Wilshire , Wilson , Wincels , Windsor , Winstone , Winterford , Winteringham , Winters , Wiskin , Witcomb , Witiker , Witton , Wood , Woodard , Woodcock , Woodhams , Woodman , Woods , Woolley , Worley , Worsley , Wright , Wrintmoor , Wyatt , Wyett , Yarnall , Yeo , Yeoman , Young

Corporal William Joseph BYRNE of Timaru - Killed in Action, Transvaal 1900

The Honourable J. G. WARD received a cable fro Sir Alfred MILNER in June 1900 reporting the following soldiers of the New Zealand Mounted Infantry were wounded or killed in the Boer War:

SERIAL #203 - William Joseph BRYNE
Byrne, William Joseph
Rank Last Held: Corporal
Serial No.: 203
War: Anglo-Boer War (SA), 1899-1902
Date of Death: 28 May 1900
Place of Death: Klipriversburg (or Van Wyk's Vlei), Transvaal
Cause of Death: Hit by a shell in the head
Cemetery Name: Soldiers' Cemetery, Johannesburg, South Africa
Obituary: New Zealand Herald, 5 June 1900
Enlistment Occupation: Miller
First Rank: Trooper
Embarkation Date: 21 October 1899 Wellington, S.S. Waiwera (ship)
Embarkation Unit: 1st New Zealand Mounted Rifles. 2nd Company
Unit Last: 1st New Zealand Mounted Rifles
Military Awards: Imperial South African War Medal

HIS OBITUATRY was taken from the site The ANGLO-BOER WAR (South Cantabrians) ... The very sad news of the death of Corporal Byrne cast quite a gloom over Timaru last night, and his many friends here both among the volunteers and in other circles, expressed the deepest regret and sympathy with his father, mother, and sisters in their irreparable bereavement. Partings are always sad yet we are sure that the hundreds of people here on the departure of Willie Byrne, will often recall as a memory of regret his cheerfulness on bidding them farewell. He was one of the first to volunteer and as a non-commissioned officer had ably assisted his comrades of the First Contingent in the war in South Africa. He was the second son of Mr T. Byrne (his eldest brother, Daniel, is a member of the Fourth Contingent) a very old resident of Timaru, and saw his first service as a volunteer in the old C Battery of Artillery, joining this corps on the 21st February, 1894, when he was 17 years nine months old. On the disbanding of the Battery he joined the City Rifles, and had been in that company for about three years when he was accepted for service in South Africa. He was employed at the Belford mill. On receipt of the news at The Priory the Rev. Father Tubman directed that the bell at the church of the Sacred Heart be tolled, the deceased soldier having been a member of his flock. Born at South Rakaia in 1876, he net his death on the battlefield just on 24 years of age ...

- there is a lot more info on Corpoal Byrne (and MANY other Boer War soldiers) at the above site

#400 - Francis Clissold KNUBLEY of Timaru, severely wounded
- Second Contingent under Major Cradock
- 1 of 7 children of [url=]Miles Jefferson Knubley a Barrister and Solicitor of George St, Timaru (includes his photo) and Harriett Henryetta CLISSOLD

#148 - Alexander HASTIE, slightly wounded
- both near Johannesburg on the 26 May 1900

#360 - Private Edward B. SIGNOLL, slightly wounded
- near Driefontein on 30 May 1900

NZ SOLDIERS returning sick or wounded - Dec 1915

the list New Zealand SOLDIERS returning home on the "Tahiti" sick or wounded at the end of December 1915 was originally taken from
Marlborough Express, Volume XLIX, Issue 296,

put into alphabetical order her for easier search ...

* BASTINGS, Orlando Percival - Private 10/1126
- enlisted from 47 Dee Street, Invercargill
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Mrs F. Bastings, 91 Forbury Road, Caversham, Dunedin

* BREMNER, Gordon Cumming - Private 10/1750
- enlisted from c/o of W. Bremner, Taihape
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: G.D. Bremner (father), Kukapapa, Oio, Raurimu


* CARROLL, Thomas Patrick - Private 10/1434
- enlisted from E. M. Cranstone, Fordell
- embarked from Wellington 14 Feb 1915 with the 3rd Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: James Carroll (father), Fordell

* CHAMBERS, Leonard - Private 10/2099
- enlisted from c/o Mrs Mann. Ashhurst
- embarked from Wellington 13 June 1915 with the 5th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs Charlott Powick (mother), Westport

* COOPER, John Mack - Private 10/320
- enlisted from c/o Mrs Sayers, Wellington Road, Marton
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: W. Cooper, Station Road, Appledoel, Kent, England

* CULLEY, Johnathan Alexander - Corporal 10/1151
- enlisted from Campbell Street, Frankton Junction
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with the Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Mrs Euphemia Culley (mother), Campbell Street, Frankton Junction

* HAGENSON, Frank - Private 10/616
- enlisted from Kotare
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with the Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Anders Hagenson, Frankley Road, New Plymouth

* HAYES, Charles - Private 10/1254
- enlisted from Upper Stout Street, Gisborne
- embarked from Wellington 14 Dec 1914 with the 2nd Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Thomas Hayes (father), Upper Stout Street, Gisborne

* KIRKHAM, Thomas - Private 10/559
- enlisted from c/o G. Wheeler, Taoroa, Utiku
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with the Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Mrs B. Kirkham (mother), 63 Londs Street, North Shore, Blackpool, Lancashire

* LANGE, Norman - Private 10/2202
- enlisted from Matawhero
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with the 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: C. Lange (father), Matawhero, Gisborne

* LANSDOWNE, Albert - Private 10/2669
- enlisted from 306 Tinakori Road, Wellington,
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with the 6th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs F. Lansdowne (wife), 39 Boulcott Street, Wellington

* LEE, Sydney - Private 10/434
- enlisted from 303 Upper Cuba Street, Wellington
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Mrs Nellie Lee (wife), Kihikihi, Te Awamutu

* MASON - Alfred William - Private 10/717
- enlisted from New Plymouth, Taranaki
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Mr Alf Mason, Devon Street, New Plymouth

* MATSEN, Fred - Corporal 10/1291
- enlisted from Waitotara
- embarked from Wellington 14 Dec 1914 with the 2nd Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: E. Matsen, Taumatatahi, Upper Waitotara

* McLEOD, John - Private 10/1898
- enlisted from Queen's Private Hotel, Westport
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs MacKenzie (cousin), Willisford, Green Hills, via Bluff

* McNAUGHT, Cyril Oswald - Private 10/426
- enlisted from 4 Urquhart Street, Wanganui
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: James McNaught (father), 4 Urquhart Street, Wanganui

* MONTEITH, John Hubert - Private 10/829
- enlisted from Joll Road, Hastings
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: John Hodge Monteith, Joll Road, Hastings

* MORRISSY, John William - Corporal 10/100
- enlisted from takapau
- embarked from Wellington 14 Feb 1915 with Wellington Infantry Regiment
- Next of Kin: Mrs Harriet Morissy (mother), 46 Coventry Street, Bethnal Green, London, England
- John DIED AFTER DISCHARGE 20 May 1920 in NZ from his wounds
- buried Section 3. Block 2. Lot 15 Te Henui Cemetery, New Plymouth
- John Morrissy was the son of Mrs. Harriett Morrissy, of 46, Coventry St., Bethnal Green, London, England. Born in London. Served in Egypt, 1914-15, and at Gallipoli

* NAIRN, Nelson - Private 10/1526
- enlisted from Wellington
- embarked from Wellington 14 Feb 1914 with 3rd Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Alexander Nairn (brother), East End Exhibition, Dennistoun, Glasgow, Scotland

* ORR, Alexander - Corporal 10/222A
- enlisted from Greytown
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: D. Orr, Greytown
... Diary & letters written by Alexander are held by the Wairarapa Archive, Masterton

* PERRIN, Charles Frederick Bollen - Private 10/790
- enlisted from Hean's Pharmacy, Wanganui
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Charles Perrin, Masterton,

* STEVENSON, William Alexander - Private 10/259
- enlisted from Te Tui, Wangaui
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: D. Tidswell, Upper Hutt

* WALKER, Leonard Augustus - Private 10/871
- enlisted from Tariki, Inglewood
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: C. J. Walker (father), Tariki, Inglewood


* WHITFIELD, Thomas Ernest - Private 10/1041
- enlisted from Desmond Road, Gisborne
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Infantry Battalion
- Next of Kin: Mrs Margaret Whitfield (mother), White Cross, Hereford, England

* BRASELL, William - Trooper 11/741
- enlisted from Martinborough
- embarked from Wellington 14 Dec 1914 with 3nd Reinforcement
- Next of Kin: George Brasell (brother), Duntroon, New Zealand

* BREMNER, William Gordon - Trooper 11/730, 11/731
- enlisted from Gisborne
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 Wellington Mounted Rifles
- Next of Kin: William Gilbert Booth Bremner, 6 Carnarvon Street, Gisborne

* DUNLOP, Gordon Aitken - Corporal 11/1540
- enlisted from Thames
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with Wellington Mounted Rifles
- Next of Kin: Mrs T. A. Dunlop (mother), Parawai, Thames
... re-enlisted & embarked 13 Nov 1917 with 31st Reinforcements Mounted Rifles

* JUDGE, William Henry - Sergeant 11/780
... served in the South African War; 1914-18 War & 1939-1945 War
- enlisted from Tomoana
- embarked from Wellington 14 Dec 1914 with 2nd Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs Judge (mother), Nithsdale Avenue, Market Harborough, Leicester, England
... died 10 Aug 1943 aged 51 in Auckland

* McDONNELL, William - Trooper 11/1542
- enlisted from Pakurange
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with 6th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: P. McDonnell (father), Pakuranga, Auckland

* McKEENAN, Daniel - Trooper 11/446
- enlisted from Featherston Street, Palmerston North
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Wellington Mounted Rifles
- Next of Kin: Daniel McKeenan (father), Featherston Street, Palmerston North

* PEDDIE, Alexander Dunbar - Trooper 11/912
- enlisted from Taradake
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with 4th Reinforcements
- next of Kin: Mrs M.G. Peddie (wife), Taradale, Hawke's Bay

* SMITH, George - Trooper 11/925
- enlisted from Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with the 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs E. Randle (mother), Balclutha, Otago

* WARD, William Jobson - Trooper 11/1868
- enlisted from Waingaki, Gisborne
- embarked from Wellington 9 Oct 1915 with the 7th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: W. Jobson (uncle), Matawhero, Gisborne

* BERGHAN, Thomas William - Gunner 2/1388
- enlisted from Mangonui, North Auckland
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with the 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs M.J. Berghan (mother), Mangonui

* CLARK, F. G.

* CLEARY, Martin Joseph - Gunner 2/1964
- enlisted from c/o Martin Ford, Chatton, Gore
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with the 6th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: M. M. Cleary (uncle), 56 Bristol Street, Saint Albans, Christchurch

* CRAIG, William Westwood - Corporal 2/1404
- enlisted from Wychbury Street, Spreydon, Christchurch
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with the 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs Ethel Craig (wife), Grimsey's Road, Papanui, Christchurch

* CULHANE, Thomas James - Gunner 2/1854
- enlisted from 31 Spring Street, Ponsonby, Auckland,
- embarked from Wellington 13 June 1915 with 12th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs J. Culhane (mother), 31 Spring Street, Ponsonby, Auckland

* DOBBIE, Francis - Baombardier 2/1318
- enlisted from Anderson's Bay Road, Dunedin
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with the 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: J. Dobbie (father), 623 Anderson's Bay, Dunedin

* GIBBONS, John - Driver 2/171
- enlisted from 16 Seymour Street, Ponsonby, Auckland
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Field Artillery
- Next of Kin: Agnes Gibbons (wife), 16 Seymour Street, Ponsonby, Auckland

* GROOME, Alfred Graham (aka 'Ben' or 'Graham') - Driver 1/534
- enlisted from Otorohanga
- embarked from Wellington Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Field Artillery
- Next of Kin: Mrs Clark (mother), 4 Crowland Road, Stamford Hill, London

* JOHNSTON, Ernest Cecil - Corporal 2/1414
- enlisted from 3 Station Street, Newmarket
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Alexander Johnston (father), 3 Station Street, Newmarket, Auckland

* KNUBLEY, Hugh Mortimer - Gunner 2/1444
- enlisted from c/o G. Pinckney, Glenoray Street, Waikaia
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Miles Jefferson Knubley (father), Solicitor, Timaru

* LOCKHEAD, Lesney Robert - Gunner 2/199
- enlisted from Mornington, Dunedin
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with the Main Body, Field Artillery
- Next of Kin: A. Lockhead, Mornington, Dunedin

* NISBET, Alexander Vivian - Gunner 2/1843
- enlisted from Alec Nisbet (father), Blake Town, Greymouth
- embarked from Wellington 13 June 1915 with the 5th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Alec Nisbet (father), Blake Town, Greymouth

* O'REILLY, William Joseph - Gunner 2/1457
- enlisted from Tolaga Bay
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: James O'Reilly (brother), Clyde Vale Estate, Otago

* POWELL, William - Gunner 2/1998
- enlisted from People's Palace, Wellesley Street, Auckland
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with 6th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Sidney Powell (brother), Quorm, South Australia

* REED - R. G.

* SMITH, David Alexander - Gunner 2/493
- enlisted from c/o Mrs G. Smith, 55 Nairn Street, Wellington
- embarked from Wellington 16 oct 1914 with the Main Body
- Next of Kin: G. S. Smith (father), Prestonpans, Scotland

* SMITH, Sidney Henry - Gunner 2/1719A
- enlisted from Bright Street, Cobden, Greymouth
- embarked from Wellington 14 Feb 1915 with 3rd Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: C. Smith (father), Bright Street, Cobden, Greymouth

* SPIERS, William McNair - Gunner 2/1675
- enlisted from U.S.S. Company, Wellington
- embarked from Wellington 13 June 1915 with 5th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: S. H. Spiers (father), H.M. Prison, Auckland

* WARD, Henry George - Driver 2/693
- enlisted from Railway Buffet, Palmerston North
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with the Main Body
- Next of Kin: Mrs T. Taylor (mother), Kohi, Waverley, Taranaki

* HUGHES, John William - Corporal 17/89
- enlisted from 20 Wharf Road, Herne Bay, Auckland
- embarked from Wellington 14 Dec 1914 2nd Reinforcements, Veterinary Corps
- Next of Kin: G. W. Hughes, 20 Wharf Road, Herne Bay, Auckland

* McDONALD, Reverend Angus - Captain Chaplain 18/2 (see photo)
- born 14 February 1871 in Scotland, he lived at 1 Keose, Isle of Lewic, Western Isles, Scotland. He had also served in the South African war, probably with the Seaforth Highlanders and was Mentioned in Despatches for his gallant conduct by Sir George White and General Kitchener. Left the army and went to Canada, where he was ordained in 1908. He settled in New Zealand in 1912. He organised hospital work and attended to the wounded in the Gallipoli campaign. In 1917 he was promoted to Assistant Chaplain-General with the rank of Major
- enlisted from The Manse, Waipu
- embarked from Wellington 14 Dec 1914 with 3nd Reinforcements, Chaplain Corps
- Next of Kin: Mrs Lucy MacDonald (wife), The Manse, Waipu
- he spent this health furlough at Waipu and Rotorua
- by 1919 he was Lieutenant-Colonel Chaplain McDonald
* Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE)
* Mentioned in Despatches

* McKAY, Donald Richard - Trooper 17/129
- enlisted from York Street, Timaru
- embarked from Wellington 14 Dec 1914 with 2nd Reinforcements, Veterinary Corps
- Next of Kin: Jemima McKay (mother), York Street, Timaru

* ATVEO - F. G.

* BURRELL, Frank Edward - Private 3/654
- enlisted from 45 Weston Road, Saint Albans, Christchurch
- embarked from Wellington 13 June 1915 with the No. 2 Stationary Hospital
- Next of Kin: Mrs G. H. Burrell (mother), 45 Weston Rd, Saint Albans, Christchurch

* CLEMMETT, Harold Scott - Private 3/874
- enlisted from Mount Eden Road, Auckland,
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with the 6th Reinforcements, Medical Corps
- Next of Kin: Elizabeth Clemmett (mother), 4 Regent St, Blackburn, Lancashire, England

* FARIS, Irwin Eric - Captain 3/857
- enlisted from Napier Hospital
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with 6th Reinforcements, Ambulance
- Next of Kin: Irwin Faris (father), Railway Auditor, Railway Dept, Frankton Junction

* FISHER, Geoffrey Jasper St Clair - Private 3/2000
- enlisted from Waltham, St Clair, Dunedin
- embarked from Auckland 16 Oct 1914 with Main Body Ambulance
- Nest of Kin: T. R. Fisher (father), 29 Queen Alexandra St, St Clair, Dunedin

* HELLAWELL, Charles Halle - Private 3/103A
- enlisted from 21 Keith Street, Wanganui
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with the Main Body Medical Corps
- Next of Kin: John Comish, c/o J. McFarlane, Wanganui

* MacCORMICK, Kenneth - Captain (later Brigadier)
- born 13 Jan 1891 in Auckland - died 23 June 1963 in Auckland
- enlisted from Selwyn College, Dunedin
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Main Nody, Medical Corps
- Next of Kin: Judge MacCormick (father), Manukau Road, Parnell, Auckland
MILITARY AWARDS (see link at his name)
* Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath
* Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
* Distinguished Service Order
* 1914-1915 Star
* British War Medal (1914-1920)
* Victory Medal
* 1939-1945 Star
* Africa Star
* Defence Medal
* War Medal 1939-1945
* New Zealand War Service Medal
* Mentioned in Despatches Twice
* Coronation Medal 1953
* Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal
* Efficiency Decoration (ED)
* New Zealand Territorial Service Medal

* McGURK, John Thomas - Lance Sergeant 3/93
- enlisted from c/o Mrs Harnett, Ada Street, Hastings
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with the Medical Corps
- Next of Kin: James McGurk, care of A.E. Price, Tangarewai, Takapau

* MORTON, William John - Sergeant 3/862
- enlisted from Tay Street, Mosgiel
- embarked from Wellington 14 Aug 1915 with the 6th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: A. Morton (father), Tay Street, Mosgiel, Otago

* BROWNE, Thomas Charles - Sapper 4/936
- enlisted from Club Hotel, Waitara
- embarked from Wellington 13 June 1915 with the 5th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs E. Browne (mother), 12 Cannon Street, Brighton, England

* SCOTT - J. D.

* WATT, George - Lance Corporal 4/857
- enlisted from /o Union Steamship Company, New Zealand
- embarked from Wellington 17 April 1915 with the 4th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: J. Watt (father), 115 Queen Street, Westport,

* DUNSTAN, Mark - Driver 5/385
- enlisted from 8 Onepu Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington
- embarked from Wellington 14 Auf 1915 with the 6th Reinforcements
- Next of Kin: Mrs F. Dunstan (wife), 40 Richmond Street, Petone


* BECK, William Thomas - Captain 15/12
- born 7 May 1866 in Castlemain, Victoria, Australia
- embarked from Wellington 16 Oct 1914 with Headquarters
- Next of Kin: Mrs E. Beck (wife), Defence Stores, Defence Dept, Mt Eden, Auckland
- Mentioned in Despatches
- 19 February 1916, died 15 Jan 1947 in Wellington aged 82

no ranks were mentioned as some had been promoted since leaving

Showing the wedding of Captain and Mrs Blake at Cairo during the first world war
Chaplain MacDonald leads the couple from the tent where formalities took place
Captain Blake served in the New Zealand Veterinary Corp
from the Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries

1 comment(s), latest 11 years, 5 months ago

NZ Rugby Union Team of 1893 - won 9 of 10 games in Australia

the New Zealand Rugby Union Team of July 1893 that played in Australia won 9 of their 10 games

Some of the men's information was sourced from newspaper reports

The team was:

BAYLY - Alf, back & 3/4 (& best all rounder) from Taranaki, paid his own expenses for the trip. Shines as centre 3/4

BUTLAND - H. (Henry 1872-1956 ?) half back, Captain of the Hokitika Club. 12st. 2lb. Good defnsie player, passes and collars well

COCKROFT - S. forward from Manawatu, ex Wellington rep. Fairly earned his place on the team

D'ARCY - Archbald Edgar "Archie" (1870-1919) full back, 13st 8lb. For 5 years a Wairarapa Rep. Very fast, good defensie layer and excellent kick

ELLIOT - W. from Auckland. 12st 2lb. Powerful runner and tricky player, passes cleverly. One of 8Warbrick's team

ELLISON - T. R. Captain, from Wellington. 13st. 8lb. Cleverest forward in the colony until he took to playing back. Had unrivalled knowledge of the game. One of *Warbrick's team. received knee injury in Australia

GAGE - D. R. back (David Richmond 1868-1916 ?) rom Wellington. 12st 2lb. An ex member of *Warbrick's native team. Cleverest player in the colony

GARDINER - J. H., South Canterbury forward. 11st 4lb. Fastest runner in Canterbury. Medium height & sturdy build. Very good in the open where he dribbles, passes, collars and kicks well.

GOODE - A. back & three quarters from Taranaki. 12st 5lb. Rep player for 5 years (to 1893). Very fast, strong & fair tackler. Doesn't pass well and often collared with the ball

GRAY - R. forward from Wairarapa

HARPER - George, back from Nelson. 12st. Represented Nelson since 1886. Very fast, cool player, exceptionally good kick

HERROLD - Maurice, back from Hawes Bay. 10st. 2lb. Rep since schoolboy and represented Auckland twice. Very clever with his feet. Passes well

JERVIS - Francis Mahoa (1870-1952) back & three quarters from Auckland. 11st 8lb. Very fast, dodgy runner and excellent kick

LAMBIE - J., foward from Taranaki. 13st 7lb. Best forward in the province. A big, powerful man

McINTOSH - C. N. forward, paid his own expenses for the trip

McKENZIE - R. H. forward from Wairarapa. 13st. Exceedingly fast. His great reach gives him advantage on the line out. One bad fault, playing off-side

MURRAY - F. S. forward from Auckland. 13st. Rep for Auckland a number of years. Fairly fast, good dribbler and place kick

OLIPHANT - Robert (1868-1956)

PRINGLE - W. forward from Petone, Wellington. 12st 2lb. Fastest forward in the district. Good all rounder

SHANNON - G. half back

SPEIGHT - C. forward from Auckland. 11st 10lb. Rep for Auckland in 1892. His height makes him very good on the line, passes well and quick on opposing backs

STUART - A. J. forward from Wellington. 11st. 0lb. Ex English rep forward, a hard grafter and although the oldest man in the team, can outlast any of them

TIOPIRA - Hoeroa/Hiroa (1871-1930) forward from Hawkes Bay. 12st. 7lb. Trickiest & cleverest forwad in the colony. Learned his football at Te Aute College (as did Ellison and Gage). Remarkably good place kick. Has place goals from the touch line, at the 25 flag and even from his own 25. Very fast and cool, a constant scorer

WATSON - W. forward from Wairarapa

WILSON - H. C. full back

WYNYARD - T. "Tab", back & 3/4 from West Coast

MOWLEM of Palmerston North was an emergency forward. 12st. 7lb. A fast athletic forwad, clever with his feet but given to kicking too hard at times

HOWARD - W. R. was an eergency from Hawkes Bay. 12st. 3lb. Follows fast and tackles well. A brilliant man in loose work

* Joe Warbrick was the captain and undisputed leader of the New Zealand Natives' tour of Britain in 1888-89, the first New Zealand representative rugby team to tour beyond Australia

He was born in Rotorua in 1861, the third son of English immigrant Abraham Warbrick and his Maori wife, Nga Karauna Paerau, the daughter of a Ngati Rangithi chief. Four brothers would join him in the team that left New Zealand for Britain in the winter of 1888.

He later became a tour guide in the geyser fields of Rotorua. Geyser tourism had been given a major boost in 1900 when the Waimangu (?black water?) geyser burst into life. It was the largest geyser recorded anywhere in the world between 1900 and 1904. In August 1903 it exploded unexpectedly, killing Warbrick and a party of three tourists.

(read more at link): Joe WARBRICK's Team

the 1888?1889 New Zealand Native football team

In 2008 Warbrick and the 1888?1889 New Zealand Natives were inducted into the IRB Hall of Fame

Please leave a comment if you can add more info to these men

some McGRANE marriages in New Zealand between 1877 - 1930

some of the McGRANE marriages in New Zealand 1877 - 1930:

Adam Rowland McGrane
- married Noreiene Perry in 1910

Bertha McGrane
- married William Harris in 1926

Christopher James Fallon McGrane
- married Evelyn Mona Filmer (1902-1992) in 1927

Francis McGrane
- married Emma Addisson in 1877

Honoreiene Ivy McGrane
- married Edward Charles Ball in 1930

Ivy Gertrude McGrane
- married James Hargreaves in 1905

John Thomas McGrane
- married Gladys Irene Fletcher in 1916

Lizzie McGrane
- married William Arthur Cooper in 1883

Margaret Frances McGrane
- married James Gibson in 1908

Mary Agnes McGrane
- married Clifford Harper Richardson in 1920

Noreiene McGrane
- married Charles Henry Leigh Walter in 1918

Reginald McGrane
- married Isabella Henderson in 1881

Reginald McGrane
- married Phoebe Smith in 1885

Reginald McGrane
- married Bertha Hyde in 1908

Reginald Thomas McGrane
- married Florence McEwen in 1910

William Leonard McGrane
- married i Mary Elizabeth Bevan n 1920

A lot of the above names are Wairarapa settlers names and worth further research ...

some OLNEY marriages in New Zealand between 1862 - 1930

some of the OLNEY marriages in New Zealand between 1862 - 1930:

Ada Esther Olney
- married Arthur SOLOMAN in 1901

Ada Esther Olney
- married Charles Elsley WALKER in 1925

Alfred Henry Olney
- married Lena POULSEN in 1899

Alfred Henry Olney
- married Elizabeth Josephine CASS in 1922

Charles Frederick Olney
- married Anne Elizabeth BAT in 1894

Charlotte Alice Olney
- married Henry HEWLLYN in 1893

Clara Corallie Olney
- married Gerald Aubyn MATHIESON in 1924

Clara Louise Olney
- married Frederick REEVE in 1902

Coralie Victoria Olney
- married Thomas WILLS in 1904

Edith Olney
- married Samuel WOOD in 1899

Eliza Melba Victoria Olney
- married Edgar Joseph William Saundry LEGGOE in 1923

Ellen Helena Olney
- married Rowland WOOD in 1914

Enid Norma Olney
- married Talyeson LEATHART in 1923

Ethel Lydia Olney
- married Thomas Henry MILNER in 1929

Ethel May Olney
- married William MOYES in 1930

Gladys Lena Olney
- married William Charles Davies WOOLIAMS in 1928

Herbert Paterson Olney
- married Annie Gertrude McIntosh MURRAY in 1913

Herbert Thomas Olney
- married Ellen Helena DAVIDGE in 1889

Herbert Thomas Olney
- married Ruby ROBERTS in 1915

Isabella Olney
- married William Scott MACK in 1904

James Edward Olney
- married Anna May BREWSTER in 1927

James Hamilton Olney
- married Margaret Winifred KENNEDY in 1912

Mavis Evelyn Olney
- married James Arthur HODKINSON in 1918

Richard Olney
- married in ? in 1862

Ronald Richard Olney
- married in Julia Clara MENZIES 1928

Selwyn Benjamin Olney (1883-1914)
- born 5 June 1892, died in 1984
- married Alma Gertrude FILMER (1896-1966) in 1921

Sidney Stringer Olney
- married Pearl Casrette PETFORD in 1910

Stanley Stringer Olney (1901-1951)
- married Ida Jane BREWSTER in 1923

Thelma Alice Olney
- married Ian William Charles HASTINGS in 1927

Thomas Charles D'ARCY, Durham to Masterton

Thomas Charles D'ARCY was born 18 June 1828 in Lambton Ward, Durham, England, a son of Ambrose D'Arcy. He arrived in New Zealand sometime between 1849-1855 and became a prominent pioneer/settler at "Airlie" Masterton.

Thomas was a partner with Job Vile in the carrying business and later in the produce business. He was the Secretary to several local institutions

* Thomas married Margaret Mary Dorreen (1845-1909) in St James, Lower Hutt in 1862. Margaret was born 3 July 1845 in the Hutt Valley, 1 of 10 children of Thomas Doreen (1819-1900) & Janette Love (1923-1858), from Scotland, buried Terrace End
NOTE Their names are found spelt Doreen, Dorren, Dorreen ~ Doreen is the spelling on their headstone

their known children
1863 - 1940 William Alexander D'Arcy

born at Oronogorongo Station
William married Amy Beatrice Gould (1868-1945) in 1893
their known children
1894 - 1970 William Selwyn D'Arcy
1898 - 1992 Noel Heathcote D'Arcy
1906 - 1945 Frank Hedworth D'Arcy
1908 - 1945 Douglas Clendon D'Arcy
William died 24 Oct 1940 in Wanganui aged 77
* Amy Beatrice Darcy lived as a widow at "Wharenui" Boarding House in Wanganui. She died 14 May 1945 aged 77
They are buried at Aramoho cemetery

1864 - 1940 Charles Thomas D'Arcy

born at Orongorongo Station
* possible Charles had a sawmill at Waituna West, Feilding, with Thomas Foot, trading as "D'Arcy and Foot". They dissolved their partnership by mutual consent in April 1898
Wairarapa Age, 30 June 1914 PERSONAL Mr Charles D'Arcy, son of the late Mr T. C. D'Arcy and a brother of Mr A. E. D'Arcy, formerly of Masterton, who will be remembered as a prominent footballer, was on a visit to Masterton yesterday
Press, 9 Aug 1933 Broken Ankle Charles D'Arcy, aged 69, suffered a broken ankle as a result of a tunnel at his prospecting claim at Nelson Creek caving in. He was admitted to the Greymouth Hospital.
Charles died 26 Aug 1940 aged 76

.. 3
1866 - 1948 Herbert Henry D'Arcy

born 8 Nov 1866 in Te Ore Ore, Masterton
Herbert married Margaret Ann Whisker (1865-?) in 1891
* born in NZ, 15 July 1865, to William (1835-1911) & Margaret Ann (1841-1909) Whisker
their known children
1893 - 1893 Marguerite Jennie Aileen D'Arcy
- died aged 9 months
1897 - 1980 Claire Victoria D'Arcy
- Claire didn't marry
1901 - Ambrose D'Arcy
- nothing known
In Oct 1901 Henry Herbert D'Arcy was managing a station at Kauangaroa (25km east of Wanganui)
Herbert remarried, to Margherita Paulina 'Lizzie' De Cortando (1877-1957) in 1928
* Margherita was a daughter of Cecil Augustus Victor Hotezzi de Cortando & Elizabeth de Cortando
Herbert died 10 Feb 1948 aged 81 in Hamilton, Waikato
* He is buried Plot 22-R-60 at Hamilton East
* Lizzie died 5 Oct 1947 aged 80 in Hamilton
* She is buried Plot G-Z05-63 at Hamilton East

.. 4
1868 - 1962 Minnie May D'Arcy

born 14 July 1868 in Masterton
* Minnie married Charles BLACKBURN (1870-1949) in 1893
their known children
* 1894 - unnamed Blackburn
- died aged 7 hours
* 1896 - 1979 Trevor D'Arcy Blackburn
- Trevor married Dorothy Retemeyer in 1928
* 1899 - 1984 Charles Archie D'Arey Blackburn
- married Eileen Mary 'Molly' Bindon/Binden in 1923
* 1901 - Edith Bernice D'Arcy Blakcburn
- Edith married Cecil Edward Lees in Gisborne Nov 1923
* 1906 - 1965 Vivian D'Arcy Blackburn
- Vivian qualified as a doctor in 1934. He became a Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Army, serving in Europe in the Medical Corps in WWII. He wrote a book about his experiences. He married Una Letitia Calder & had a daughter Jennifer May 'Jenny' Blackburn (1935-2009) who married Clive Gilbert 'Gib' Crawshaw (1929-2018) (see viviennec's comment below)
* 1911 - Colleen Margaret Blackburn
* Charles died 9 Jan 1949 in Gisborne aged 1 week from 80.
Minnie died 17 Dec 1962 in Gisborne aged 93
* They are buried Plot 364, Block 21 at Taruheru cemetery
Sacred to the memory of CHARLES BLACKBURN, born 16th Jan 1869, died 9th Jan 1949. And his beloved wife, MINNIE MAY, born 14th July 1869, died 17th Dec 1962

.. 5
1870 - 1919 Archibald Edgar "Archie" D'Arcy

born in Masterton Sunday, 18 Sep 1870
* In 1893 he was a well-known runner in the Wairarapa and was a Committee member of the Wairarapa Amateur Athletic & Cycling Club
Archie married Amy Georgina PRATT (1868-1940) of Nelson on 19 March 1895.
His best man was John Mowlem (1870-1951) a fellow NZ All Black during the 1893 tour of Australia
* His early rugby was for the Red Star club and he captained the club's first senior team in 1889. That was the year he became the first player to kick a penalty goal (dropped) in an inter-union game in New Zealand, again in a match against Wellington.
* he was a representative of the Mutual Life Association of Australia in Masterton and was a prominent footballer & athlete (he retired from athletics after his marriage).
* he was a Fullback in the rugby team that won 9 of their 10 games in Australia in the 1890s
* He moved to Auckland in 1897 where he was a member of the Auckland Golf Club and was involved with the Parnell Senior Rugby Club
* he moved to NSW, Australia and lived for a time next door to Premier Charles Gregory WADE at Wahroonga in North Sydney
In 1903 he won the Cadogan Golf Cup at Botany, Sydney.
In 1910 he was the joint manager (with J. A. MINNETT from Auckland) in Sydney of the NZ Insurance Company when he and a number of his NZ countrymen were members of the New Zealand Association which, among other things, looked after visiting NZ sports teams that passed through Sydney
In July 1911 his wife Amy gave a tea party at the Hotel Australia in Sydney for a number of her NZ friends. Among the guests were Mrs J. ANDERSON, & Miss ANDERSON & Mrs Willie D'ARCY
In 1914, J. A. MINNETT retired from the position after 40 years service and Archibald took charge of the whole of the company's business in NSW
In 1916, he was on holiday in NZ and returned to Sydney from Auckland in March that year on the "Makura"
In April 1919 he returned into Auckland from Sydney on the R.M.S. Niagara
Archie died 3 months later, 24 June 1919 in Auckland, aged 49
Free Lance, 9 July 1919
Rugby Football
passed away at Auckland last week, Archibald Edgar D'Arcy, who was well-known in business and insurance circles in New Zealand and Australia. Archie D'Arcy was also, in his younger days - he was 49 when he died - a prominent Rugby footballer and amateur athlete. He was born in Masterton and was a leading member of the Rugby team in the Wairarapa town when they considered they had a fifteen which was the best in New Zealand. They felt so sure of themselves that they undertook a trip to the South island in 1892. Merivale (Christchurch) were first met and the Masterton fellows romped over the Canterbury champions by 21 points to nil. The famous Alhambra team of Dunedin made no race of the Wairarapa boys, defeating them by 18 points to 4.
Archie D'Arcy was a member of the New Zealand tean that toured Australia in 1893 and also was a Dominion representative the following year. He was a fine three-quarter and full-back and made many friends in his playing days. He was a great sprinter on the flat and a good man over hurdles.
Many years ago he was transferred to Sydney to act as manager of the New South Wales branch of the New Zealand Insurance Company, a position which he held until a severe nervous breakdown, which he suffered last September, caused him to come to New Zealand to recruit his health. In Sydney he came into prominence as a golfer, winning many important trophies and for some years he was captain of the Australian Golf Club. He was also a very keen sportsman, and came to the Dominion frequently on fishing and shooting trips.
* Amy died 11 July 1940 aged 72
Press, 12 July 1940 D'ARCY On July 11 1940, at Hanmer Springs, Amy Georgina, widow of A. E. D'Arcy, late of Auckland. Private funeral
* They are buried together Plot 12, Row 24, Block A at Purewa

.. 6
1873 - 1873 Ernest Ambrose D'Arcy

Ernest died aged 3 weeks

.. 7
1874 - 1956 Edith Janet/Jeanette D'Arcy

born 19 May 1875 in Wellington
Edith died 23 March 1956 aged 81 in Wellington
* husband not found

.. 8
1876 - Thomas Lambton D'Arcy

born 11 June 1876 in Wellington
* In 1889 Thomas was in Standard VI & in 1890 he was in Standard VII, at Masterton School & sister Ethel was in Standard III
* In 1893 he was in the Wairarapa Amateur Athletic & Cycling Club, taking part (1 of 4 starters) in the Mile Walk. He was described as a younger brother of Archie D'Arcy, the well-known runner who was acting as handicapper to the club. He came 1st equal in the Mile with H. Astall but Astall was later disqualified for mixing his paces. He came 2nd in the half mile
* In 1897 he was a clerk in the Bank of Australasia in Masterton
* Thomas served in the South African War, 1899-1902, as Private 5204 with the 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, B Squadron, embarking on 1 Feb 1902 on the ship 'Surrey' arriving in Durban on 15 March with 45 Officers & 951 men.
On enlistment he was an Insurance Agent in Masterton. His Next of Kin was listed as his mother, Mrs M. M. D'Arcy of Masterton at the same address

.. 9
1878 - 1878 Percy Frank D'Arcy

Percy died 4 May 1878 aged 1 month
buried in Bolton St, Wellington

.. 10
1880 - 1972 Ethel Gertrude D'Arcy

born 1 Feb 1880 in Masterton
* In Sep 1900 Ethel passed the Trinity College. London Musical Exam with Senior Honors of 69 points. Her teacher was Mr A. von Keisenberg
Ethel married John David SMITH (1874-1938) in 1904
Wairarapa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1904 SMITH-D'ARCY - At St Matthew's Church, Masterton on December 20th 1904, by the Rev P. C. Wyndham Earee, John David Smith of Masterton, to Ethel Gertrude, third daughter of Mrs T. C. D'Arcy of Masterton.
* A wedding of considerable interest was solemnised in St Matthew's Church this morning, when Mr John David Smith, Secretary of the Wairarapa Sawmillers' Association, was married to Miss Ethel D'Arcy, third daughter of the lat Mr T. D'Arcy, of this town. The service was full choral and, at the conclusion, the Wedding March was played by Miss Peterson. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr W. D'Arcy of Wanganui, was dressed in white silk, with customary veil and carried a handsome bouquet. The bridesmaids were Miss Florrie D'Arcy (sister of the bride) and Miss Nettie Smith (sister of the bridegroom). Two little girls, nieces of the bride, carried bouquets of flowers. Mr D. K. Logan was best man. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a gold chain and pendant and the bride's present to the bridegroom, a handsome travelling-case. The wedding presents were both numerous and costly. After the ceremony, wedding breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the bride's mother. Mr and Mrs Smith leave this afternoon for the South island, for the usual honeymoon trip.
their known children
* 1905 - 1987 Newman D'Arcy-Smith
* Barrister & Solicitor in Hamilton. Married Bessie Violet Vickery in Hamilton April 1933 by the Bishop of Waikato.
* 1908 - 1961 Eric Newman Smith
* served as Dr Eric Newman Smith D'Arcy
* 1912 - 2002 Campbell Newman Smith
* House Surgeon at Waikato Hospital. Served with the 28th as Medical Officer Campbell Newman Smith-D'Arcy
* 1920 - 2000 Sheila Margaret Newman Smith
... written c1907 Mr John David Smith Manager of Messrs Booth and Company's Sawmills for the Public Trustee, as administrator of the estate, was born in London, England, in April, 1874, and came to New Zealand, with his parents, who arrived early in the year 1880. After leaving school he gained commercial experience at a printing office in Wellington, and subsequently entered the saw-milling industry with Mr James Stevens at Hufeanui(sic), Forty-Mile Bush, being successively employed as yardman and book-keeper, and latterly as mill-manager. Four years later he was taken in as a partner, and for some time the firm, under the style of Stevens and Smith, successfully conducted a mill at Papawai, near Greytown. Mr Smith then accepted an appointment as managing secretary of the Wairarapa Saw-millers' Co-operative Association, Limited, personally conducted the formation and registration and during his term of office of over three years, was chiefly instrumental in firmly establishing the association, as also in the formation and organisation of the Wairarapa Saw-millers' Accident Insurance Company, the first of its kind in the Dominion. In 1895 he resigned to start business on his own account as a timber merchant in Masterton, but twelve months later sold out to Messrs George Gardner and Sons and immediately afterwards was offered and accepted his present appointment. Mr. Smith is a member of the Wairarapa Employers' Association, of which he acted as its first secretary, the registration of this association also being personally performed by him. In December, 1904, he married Miss Ethel D'Arcy, of “Airlie,” Masterton, and has one child.
John David Smith died suddenly 24 June 1938 in Gisborne aged 64. He underwent a minor operation in Hamilton Hospital in the morning but died unexpectedly in the afternoon .. Former Timber Miller dies
Ethel died 29 Feb 1972 in Hamilton aged 92
* They are buried Mason-O-222 at Hamilton East cemetery (Ethel as D'Arcy-Smith)

.. 11
1883 - 1912 Frederick George D'Arcy

born 22 April 1883 in Masterton
Wairarapa Daily Times, 5 Sep 1912 The death has occurred at Suva of Mr Frederick D'Arcy, youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs T. C. D'Arcy. The deceased, who was formerly a resident of Masterton and a brother of Mrs J. D. Smith of Carterton, died from blood-poisoning.

.. 12
1885 - 1969 Florence Mary 'Florrie' D'Arcy

born 1885 in Masterton
* In 1895 Florrie was in Standard III at Masterton School
* In Sep 1900 she received a Junior Pass with 98 points in the Trinity College, London Musical Exam. Her sister Ethel D'Arcy was her tutor
* She was a pupil teacher in 1902, eligible for future appointments.
* She was a bridesmaid for her sister Ethel in 1904 when she married John David Smith
Florence married Charles Fraser Anderson (1886-1964) in 1923
Poverty Bay Herald, 6 Dec 1923
A wedding of much interest was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church at 2.30 this afternoon, the contracting parties being Mr Charles Anderson of Wellington, youngest son of the late Mr Joseph Anderson, of Lisnahoy, County Tyrone, Ireland and Miss Florence D'Arcy also of Wellington, youngest daughter of the late Mr Thomas D'Arcy, of Wairarapa. The bride, who was given away by her brother-in-law, Mr J. D. Smith of Gisborne, looked charming in a most unusual frock of gold silk morocane, with hat of deeper tone and carried a sheaf of beautiful golden lilies. She was attended by Miss Anne McKenzie, attired in a beautiful frock of hydrangea blue, with a black picture hat and carrying a bouquet of exquisite yellow flowers and Mrs Thos. Caldwell, a very dear friend of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a very handsome frock of grey silk and a black hat, with posy bouquet of pink and heliotrope sweet peas. The wee niece, Sheila Smith, looking like a little pink rosebud, was dressed in palest pink georgette and acted as cushion bearer. Mr C. A. Smith of Gisborne, acted as best man.
The wedding march was played as the bride entered the church, by Mr E. N. Sidebottom, organist of Holy Trinity Church. Mrs C. Blackburn, eldest sister of the bride, was attired in a pretty mole tosca satin with Egyptian trimming, while Mrs J. D. Smith, another sister, was in a dress of soft grey marocain and georgette, with beautiful blue bead trimming.
A reception was held at the home of Mr J. D. Smith, Stout street, where about 80 guests assembled. The outside decorations for the marquee were of beautiful blue delphiniums and gold lilies, whilst to suit the coloring of the reception room were masses of pale pink roses and blue hydrangeas.
The bride's going away costume was of grey, with hat to match, with touches of cornflower blue. The honeymoon is to be spent in the North.
Florence died 31 March 1969 in Wellington aged 83 and was cremated at Karori

Thomas Charles D'Arcy died 17 Sep 1897 in Wellington Hospital
NZ Times, 18 Sep 1897
On 17th September 1897, at the Wellington Hospital, New Zealand, Thomas Charles, only surviving son of the late Ambrose D'Arcy, of Lambton Ward, Durham, England; aged 69 years. Sunderland and Durham papers please copy
Wairarapa Daily Times, 17 Sep 1897
Mr T. C. D'Arcy
The many friends of Mr Thomas Charles D'Arcy, will regret to learn that he died at the Wellington Hospital this morning, where he had been under treatment for the past three weeks, for an internal complaint.
The late Mr D'Arcy came to the colony about the year 1849 and to Masterton some twenty years ago, where he started business as a grain merchant in conjunction with Mr Job Vile. Subsequently he started a commission agency on his own account, which he continued for years. latterly, however, failing health has almost compelled his absolute retirement from business, and he has been seldom seen outside his own home.
As above stated, he went to Wellington Hospital to undergo an operation for tumour, some three weeks ago.
Deceased, who was 69 years of age, leaves a widow and ten children to mourn his loss. He will, we understand, be buried at Wellington
NZ Mail, 23 Sep 1897
Another of New Zealand's old colonists, Thomas Charles D'Arcy of Masterton, Wairarapa, passed away on Friday morning at the Wellington Hospital after a long and painful illness. The deceased was the only surviving son of the late Ambrose D'Arcy, of Lambton Ward, Durham, England and was born on the 18th June 1828. He was educated at the Durham Blue Coat School and on leaving that institution was articled to the law; but, having a decided bent towards a seafaring life, he shortly afterwards gratified it and for some 16 years followed that avocation, finally landing in this colony at Auckland some 42 years ago. During the past 42 years he was a resident of Wellington province, chiefly in the Wairarapa. His first employment in this province was upon one of the late Mr Riddiford's sheepruns as shepherd. After some years spent in gaining experience, he attempted sheepfarming on his own account at the Upper Taueru, but found that fell enemy scab too many for him. From there he took charge of Mr A. W. cave's well-known farm at Te Ore Ore, near Masterton and shortly afterwards was appointed Wellington manager for the Wairarapa Carrying Company, whose depot opposite the Star Chambers on Lambton quay will be remembered by the older Wellington merchants. This position he retained until the opening of the railway to Featherston. Since then he has lived in Masterton with varying success as an accountant and commission agent.
He leaves a widow and family of six sons and four daughters, mostly grown up. The death of Mr D'Arcy will be deeply regretted by all who knew him.
* He is buried in Plot 82 J, Section Ch Eng at Karori
* It says he was an 'accountant'

Margaret Mary D'Arcy died 24 May 1909 aged 65.
Wairarapa Age, 26 May 1909
I regret to have to chronicle the death of Mrs Margaret Mary D'Arcy, relict of the late Mr Thomas Charles D'Arcy, which occurred last evening in Carterton, at the residence of Mr J. D. Smith (daughter Ethel). The deceased lady was on of the early pioneers and was much respected.
Poverty Bay, 26 May 1909
Advice came to hand yesterday of the death at Carterton, Wairarapa, on Monday last, of Mrs D'Arcy, mother of Mrs C. Blackburn of Gisborne, to whom much sympathy will be extended. The deceased lady had been a sufferer for some time and last week grew much worse and passed away on Monday afternoon.
* She is buried at Clareville, Carterton

TIMELINE for Thomas
In May 1873 Thomas was the Agent of the Wellington & Wairarapa Carrying Company which commenced business on the 1 June 1873

In July 1876 he was in the Carrying business in Wellington

23 July 1881 Notice is hereby given that the partnership which has for some time past been carried on by JOHN VILE and THOMAS CHARLES D'ARCY, under the style or firm of Vile & D'Arcy, in the trade or business of Flour, Produce Dealers and Millers, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr Vile is empowered to settle and discharge all debts die to and by the said partnership concern and will from this date carry on the business in his own name and on his own account. Dated at Masterton this 23rd day of June 1881. A. R. Bunny, Solicitor, Masterton

On 9 Feb 1893 his 11 roomed house was destroyed by fire that was caused by sparks alighting on a shingle roof. They managed to save all their furniture

On 24 April 1893 his eldest daughter Minnie May D'Arcy married Charles Blackburn, youngest son of Alfred Blackburn of Rakaia. Two of her sisters, Edith and Ethel, were bridesmaids and A. D'Arcy was Charles's groomsman. They moved to Timaru where Charles held an appointment under the NZ Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. He was formerly a resident of Masterton

George Frederick D'Arcy Lambton, 2nd Earl of Durham (5 Sep 1828 - 27 Nov 1879), known as Viscount Lambton from 1831 to 1845, was a British peer

other D'Arcy burials at Karori
- birth years are approx, based on age at death -
23 May 1894, Mary Ann D'Arcy aged 44
- born 1850
- buried PLOT 120 - SECTION ROM CATH

16 Sep 1902, Agnes Mary D'Arcy aged 28
- born 1874

27 April 1940, Patricia Noleen D'Arcy aged 3
- born 1937
- buried PLOT 303 G - SECTION CH ENG2

12 April 1945, Frank Hedworth D'Arcy aged 38
- born 1906
- son of William Alexander D'ARCY & Amy Beatrice GOULD
- cremated Karori

24 Feb 1964, Marcia Millicent D'Arcy aged 52
- born 1912
- ashes buried PLOT 303 G - SECTION CH ENG2

the D'Arcy buried in Masterton
11 November 1932, Sydney D'Arcy aged 48
- born 1884
- buried PLOT SD - ROW 17 - AREA Plan I

2 June 1950, Adelaide Christina D'Arcy aged 63
- born 1887
- probably wife of Sydney above
- buried PLOT ACD - ROW 17 - AREA: Plan I

2 comment(s), latest 5 years, 5 months ago

the Reverend William Eugene GILLAM - minister Christchurch Cathedral 1884

The following information on the Reverend William Eugene GILLAM was taken from NZETC
- his photo at that link

The Rev. Wllliam Eugene Gillam, vicar of Matthew's, was born in London in 1856 and is the son of Mr George Harry Gillam, architect, of that city. Mr. Gillam was educated at the primary schools and afterwards studied law at Ulverstone, Lancashire, for five years, but finally Rev. W. E. Gillam decided to join the Wesleyan ministry and became a student at Richmond Theological College, where he remained nearly three years

He left London in 1879, arrived at Wellington in the same year, and was appointed minister of the Durham Street Wesleyan Church, Christ-church.

In consequence of severe illness he was compelled to relinquish his ministerial duties for a considerable time and on recovery he joined the Church of England.
He was ordained deacon in 1882 and priest in 1884 at Christchurch Cathedral, by the late Primate, Bishop Harper.

Mr. Gillam was appointed curate of Ross and Okarito in Westland, where he remained two years, when he received the incumbency of St. Matthews, Christchurch, which was greatly enlarged during his cure.

He afterwards succeeded the late Archdeacon B. W. Dudley as incumbent of Rangiora, Canterbury and remained there for about five years, when he became incumbent of Temuka, near Timaru, and held that important post for eighteen months, when he was compelled to resign and leave for Auckland in consequence of a death and severe illness in his family.

On arriving in Auckland he was made vicar of Ellerslie and Epsom and during his incumbency the church at Epsom was enlarged and rebuilt and his parishioners erected a handsome vicarage at Ellerslie.

He became vicar of St. Matthews (Queen St, Auckland) in February 1900.

Mr. Gillam was a member of the standing committee of the Canterbury diocese for two years and also held a similar appointment in the Auckland diocese for one year.

He was a Freemason and was initiated in Ross Lodge in 1882 and afterwards held the office of Senior Warden in Lodge Temuka and chaplain of Royal Arch Chapter, Timaru

William served 3 times in WWI, serial Number 18/5 with:
* Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel, Chaplain Corps - Hospital Ship No. 1, Maheno, 10 July 1915

* Lieutenant Colonel, Hospital Ship No 2 Marama (Second Charter) Chaplains, NZEF, 10 November 1916

* Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel, Hospital Ship Marama (Second Sailing of Second Charter) Staff, Chaplains Corps, NZEF, 22 March 1917

In 1884 William married Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE
- they had 5 known children in New Zealand

1885 - George Gillam
1888 - Floyd Gillam
- in 1912 he was an Officer & Second Engineer on board the Allan liner, Corsican, which collided with an iceberg off Newfoundland
1890 - Eric Harper Gillam
1891 - Geoffrey England Gillam
1892 - Gertrude Lilian Gillam
- Gertrude married Herbert Clinton SAVAGE (1890-1957) in 1900
- Herbert was an architect. One of his earliest Auckland commissions was the Auckland branch of the New Zealand Trained Nurses Association Club Rooms in 1914. He was later known for, amongst other projects, the George Courts building in Karangahape Road and North Shore Hospital. At the time of his death he was Auckland director of the board of management of the State Advances Corporation and a member of the council of the Auckland Acclimatisation Society (read more at his link)

Rev William Eugene Gillam died on 23 July 1929 aged 73
- he was cremated at Waitakere Auckland

Mary Ann died on 2 January 1944 aged 93
- her ashes were buried at Plot: COLUMBARIUM NICHE WALL VLT Row Vlt, Plot 3VL

the MARSH in Palmerston North cemetery

the MARSH buried or cremated in the Palmerston North cemeteries, Terrace End & Kelvin Grove as at December 2910:

ALICE JANE Marsh (nee Dalton)
- died 2 Oct 1934 aged 58
- married Francis WILLIAMSON (1869-1914) in 1902
- married Alfred Hayes MARSH (1878-1953) in 1924
- had been living in Palmerston North
- buried PLOT 025 - BLOCK 005 Terrace End with Francis

- died 20 Feb 1941 aged 4 months
- buried PLOT 054 - BLOCK 002 Kelvin Grove

- died 28 June 1961 aged 88
- had been living in Levin
- cremated Kelvin Grove

- died 12 Jan 1994 aged 77
- had been living in Palmerston North
- cremated Kelvin Grove

BABY Marsh
- died 9 May 1985 aged (possibly born still)
- cremated Kelvin Grove

- died 17 June 2006 aged 82
- had been living in Palmerston North
- cremated Kelvin Grove

- died 24 March 1874 aged ?
- buried PLOT 002 - BLOCK 57 Terrace End

- died 6 Sept 1883 aged 40
- buried PLOT 001 - BLOCK 057 Terrace End

- died 12 Oct 1991 aged 80
- buried PLOT 055 - BLOCK 006 at Kelvin Grove

- died 26 Feb 1984 aged 72
- had been living in Feilding
- cremated at Kelvin Grove

- died 16 Sept 1985 aged 82
- had been living in Levin
- cremated Kelvin Grove

- died 20 June 2002 aged 60
- had been living in Palmerston North
- buried PLOT 115 - BLOCK 022 Kelvin Grove

- died 23 Dec 1977 aged 73
- had been living in Levin
- cremated at Kelvin Grove

- died 6 Oct 1886 aged 45
- buried PLOT 003 - BLOCK 057 Terrace End

- died 14 July 2005 aged 88
- had been living in palmerston North
- cremated at Kelvin Grove

- died 21 May 2004 aged 87
- had been living in Feilding
- cremated at Kelvin Grove

- died 5 Nov 1983 aged 78
- buried PLOT 078 - BLOCK 006 Kelvin Grove

- died 3 March 1983 age 79
- had been living at Kuripuni St, Masterton
- cremated at Kelvin Grove

- died 9 Narch 2008 aged 86
- buried PLOT 097 - BLOCK 010 Kelvin Grove

- died 5 Jan 2010 aged 55
- buried PLOT 017 - BLOCK 01A Kelvin Grove

- died 7 March 1887 aged 79
- buried plot 003 - block 057 Terrace End

- died 25 Aug 1891 aged 50
- buried PLOT 003 - BLOCK 057 Terrace End

- William was a Rail Employee
- his last address was 95 KURIPUNI St MASTERTON
- died 23 Sept 1978 aged 77
- cremated Kelvin Grove