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the WWI names on the ROLL OF HONOUR at DOYLESTON memorial library, Canterbury

DOYLESTON is a small Canterbury township in the South Island of New Zealand. It was named after Joseph Hastings Doyle, a publican from Christchurch who moved to the locality
- Joseph Hastings Doyle was born in Scotland and arrived in Canterbury about 1863

Doyleston as it was, a small township twenty-six miles south-west from Christchurch, on the Christchurch-Southbridge railway, and about one mile from the town of Leeston

Doyleston's name was once changed to Cheddar in recognition of the importance of the dairy industry to the area, however the friends of the township's namesake, Mr Doyle, argued against the change and it reverted to its original name.

the list of names was taken from the site Doyleston memorial library

I have put the names into alphabetical order for easier researching

.. The memorial comprises a small brick library with two large white marble tablets in the entrance porch recording the names of 42 service persons who went to WWI. Of these 6 are recorded as casualties.
Of 32 servicemen who went to WWII from the district, one was killed.

Please visit that link for photos and the names as they were carved -

the names on the ROLL OF HONOUR at Doyleston memorial library;

the * at a name indicates they made the 'supreme sacrifice'

- WWI - 1914 - 1918



BOAL - Frederick John
- Private #6/4204 with NZEF, 11th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was S. Boal (father) Doyleston
- Frederick married Elsie May ADAMS in 1921

BOAL - Hugh Robot
- Private #24129 with NZEF, 13th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Samuel Boal (father) Killinchy, Canterbury
- Hugh married Elsie Maud McKee MILLAR in 1923

the above 2 Boal soldiers were brothers, 2 of the 8 children of Samuel BOAL & Eliza Jane LEMMON

BOWIS - William Frederick
- Private #6/189 with Canterbury Infantry Battalion
- NEXT OF KIN was William Bowis (father) Doyleston, Christchurch
William was a son of William BOWIS & Sarah Ann QUIGLEY

*CARTER - Walter
- Private #32432 with NZEF, 19th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
- son of John CARTER & Margaret McKAY of Leeston, Canterbury
- KILLED IN ACTION Ypres, Belgium 6 August 1917
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs M. Carter (mother) Lakeside, Canterbury


DAWSON - Richard William
- Private #33702 with NZEF, 21st Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
Richard was a son of William DAWSON & Margaret MATTHEWS
- Richard married Rachael Caroline Hopa PAURA in 1924

- Lance Corporal #60915 with the NZEF, 31st Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs E.L. Donaldson (wife) of Lincoln
- Henry married Ellen Louisa TUCKER in 1917

EDDY - Stephen Harvey
- Private #68597 with the NZEF, 35th Reinforcements B Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs Eddy (mother) Doyleston, Canterbury
Stephen was a son of Richard & Elizabeth Ann EDDY
- Stephen married Dora CONSTANCE in 1920

GREEN - Samuel
- Private #78616 with the NZEF, 41st Reinforcements F Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs M.K. Green (wife) c/o W.H. Eddy, Southbridge
- Samuel married Marlborough Kate EDDY in 1917

GREENAN - Patrick
- Priate #62961 with NZEF, 33rd Reinforcements Auckland Infantry Regiment, A Company
- NEXT OF KIN was T. Greenan (father), Doyleston
Patrick was a son of Thomas & Annie GREENAN

HEWITT - Lawrence William
- Lance Corporal #79979 with NZEF, 41st Reinforcements F Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs E.E. Hewitt (wife) Doyleston, Canterbury
- Lawrence married Ethel Eleanor MOODY in 1912

HOSKIN - Albert
- Private #29253 with NZEF, 18th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Sydney Hoskin (father) Doyleston
- Albert married Maud Margaret BISMARK in 1927


*KELLY - William
- Private #40014 with the NZEF, 26th Reinforcements F Company
- son of the late Dennis (1829-1894) & Catherine (1846-1896)
- his parents are buried in Timaru with a brother Dennis (1881-1898)
- KILLED IN ACTION Ypres, Belgium on 3 December 1917 aged 40
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs Mary McWilliams (sister) Wanganui (married Alexander McWilliams in 1901)


MAW - Beilbie (born 1895)
- Private #40228 with the NZEF, 23rd Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs G. Maw (mother) Doyleston, Canterbury
- Belbie married Mary Kathleen QUIGLEY in 1924

MAW - Mark (born 1882)
- Private #55519 with the NZEF, 28th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs. E. H. Maw (wife) c/o G. Maw, Doyleston
- Mark married Elizabeth Henrietta GULLIVER in 1916

MAW - Thomas Charles (born 1890)
- Corporal #60962 with the NZEF, 41st Reinforcements H Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs T.C. Maw (wife) Southbridge, Canterbury
- Thomas married Minnie Amelia TUCKER in 1917

the above 3 Maw soldiers were brothers, 3 of the 12 (known) children of George & Mary Anne MAW

McCABE - Francis
- Private #46962 with the NZEF, 25th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was W. McCabe (brother) Doyleston


*McLACHLAN - Clement Rothery
- Rifleman #53711 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, Reinforcements G Company (part)
- son of Alexander McLACHLAN & Elizabeth ROTHERY
- DIED OF WOUNDS in France on 18 April 1918
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs E. McLachlan (mother) Doyleston, Canterbury

*McLACHLAN - Colin John Alexander
- Sergeant #20931 with the NZEF, 19th Reinforcements Otago Infantry Battalion, D Company
- son of Archibald McLACHLN & Mary LAMONT
- KILLED IN ACTION in Ypres, Belgium on 12 October 1917
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs A. McLachlan (mother) Doyleston, Canterbury



*O'BOYLE - John
- Rifleman #44143 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, Reinforcements G Company
- son of James O'BOYLE & Mary Ann CLARKE of Doyleston, Canterbury
- KILLED IN ACTION Ypres, Belgium on 1 October 1917
- NEXT OF KIN was J. O'Boyle (father) Doyleston, Canterbury

O'BOYLE - Joseph Michael
- Rifleman #25/1006 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 3rd Battalion, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was James O'Boyle (father) Doyleston, Ellesmere

O'BOYLE - Patrick James
- Private #11715 with the NZEF, 12th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was James O'Boyle (father) Doyleston, Canterbury

O'BOYLE - Thomas
- Private #76162 with the NZEF, 40th Reinforcements E Company
- NEXT OF KIN was James O'Boyle (father), Doyleston, Canterbury

... all the above O'Boyle soldiers were 4 of the 8 children (6 of them sons) of James O'BOYLE & Mary Ann CLARKE ...

PEARCE - James
- Private #78622 with the NZEF, 40th Reinforcements A Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs V. Pearce (wife) Doyleston, Canterbury
- James married Violet BOAL in 1916

PRATT - Colonel Frank
- Sergeant #52692 with the NZEF, Miscellaneous Embarkations Details for Special Duty
- NEXT OF KIN was G.W. Pratt (father) 598 Hereford Street, Linwood, Christchurch
Colonel was a son of George William & Sarah PRATT
- he married Hessie McFAUL in 1917

QUIGLEY - Francis
- Corporal #60988 with the NZEF, 38th Reinforcements B Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs M. Quigley (mother) Doyleston, Canterbury



*ROBB - William James
- Private #21737 with the NZEF, 17th Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Battalion, C Company
- son of James ROBB & Letitia RUSHBROOK
- KILLED IN ACTION Ypres, Belgium on 12 October 1917
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs L. Robb (mother) Doyleston, Canterbury

SISTER M. Mc. ??

STAPLETON - Edward (born 1889)
- Private #63052 with the NZEF, 32nd Reinforcements Otago Infantry Regiment, D Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs M. Stapleton (mother) Doyleston
Edward was 1 of 9 children of Michael STAPLETON & Mary MULLAHY

TOD - Charles
- Private #40258 with the NZEF, 23rd Reinforcements Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs Catherine Tod (mother), Doyleston, Canterbury

TOD - J. (not found)

TOD - Robert
- Trooper #7/405 with NZEF, 32nd Reinforcements Mounted Rifles Brigade
- NEXT OF KIN was Mrs Catherine Tod (mother), Doyleston, Canterbury

TOD - William
- Rifleman #44170 with the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, Reinforcements G Company (part)
- NEXT OF KIN was David Tod (brother) Doyleston, Canterbury

the names on the ROLL OF HONOUR for WWII

BLACKLER marriages New Zealand - BRIDES 1864-1928

the known BLACKLER marriages in New Zealand 1864 - 1928

Alice Maud Blackler
- married Frederick Ernest Harris in 1909

Clara Blackler
- married Wilson Lightfoot in 1909

Dora Eva Blackler
- married George Thomas Martin in 1913

Eleanor Blackler
- married Peter Adamson in 1912

Elizabeth Blackler
- married William Andrew Low in 1907

Ellen Blackler
- married John Cliff in 1903

Ellen Timewell Blackler
- married Richard John Hommond in 1914

Elsie Muriel Blackler
- married Arthur Thomas Hughes in 1914

Emily Blackler
- married Alfred Gaine Watson in 1876

Ethel May Blackler
- married Ernest Walter Ralph Davidson in 1902

Harriet Blackler
- married George Landry in 1865

Harriet Eleanor Blackler
- married Frederick Byan Ranger in 1892

Harriett Ellen Blackler
- married Edward James Nichols in 1896

Harriett May Blackler
- married Thomas William Tayler in 1908

Jennie Hastings Blackler
- married Thomas Crooks in 1898

Jessie Elizabeth Mary Blackler
- married Thomas Huston in 1896

Lilian Elsie Blackler
- married Robert Duncan Fraser in 1920

Mabel Harriet Blackler
- married Percy John Carlton in 1922

Marjorie Edna Blackler
- married Ivan Quinton Oliff Manson in 1928

Mary Edith Jane Blackler
- married John William Lamond in 1903

Mary Kathleen Blackler
- married Hugh Lamont Osborne in 1917

Minnie Blackler
- married Frederick George Bevin in 1916

Olive Henrieta Blackler
- married Robert Andrews in 1914

Priscilla Eleanor Blackler
- married Sidney Gilbert Loader in 1920

Rachel Blackler
- married Henry Albert George Watts in 1921

Rhoda Blackler
- married Joseph Henry Morrow in 1902

Sarah Blackler
- married James Bruce in 1883

Sarah Ann Blackler
- married Harry Robert Hawker in 1893

Zeta Winifred Blackler
- married James Webster Bittle in 1928


some FLOCKTON marriages in New Zealand between 1866 - 1924

some of the FLOCKTON marriages in New Zealand between 1866 - 1924:

Cecil Flockton
- married Berenice Evelyn MIDLEHURST in 1924
- Cecil was fned in Wellington Magistrates Court with 2 breaches of censorship in June 1940

Charles Flockton
- married Emma Hobbs in 1866
- a son, Marcus Dilmott Flckton, died aged 13 months on 28-5-1870
- Emma died at Springfield Rd, Christchurch on 23 March 1878 aged 33

Charles Grahame Flockton
- married Emily Myrtle Vincent in 1923

Charles Henry Flockton (1893-1923)
- son of John Hall & Emily Ellen Flockton
- married Ruia Moi KATENE in 1913
- Charles died on 23 Feb 1923 in Sydney Australia

Constance Emily Oliver Flockton
married Alexander Mouet FOSTER in 1889

Cuthbert Flockton
- married Ann Isabella SCOULLAR in 1897

Dorothy Flockton
- married John Richard BYRNE in 1920

Flora Flockton
- married Walter Alfred BOWATER in 1894

John Hall Flockton
- married Emily Ellen BENGE in 1891
- Emily died on 7 June 1908 aged 41
- John remarried to Mary Jane GROOME (1867-1936) in 1914
- lived for a time at 106 Wallace St, Mt Cook, Wellington
- John died in 1944 aged 81

Wilfrid William A. Flockton
- married Minnie FOSTER in 1896
- Wilfred died 25 February 1898 aged 26 at timaru Hospital

some DAINTY deaths NZ 1906 - 2008

some of the DAINTY deaths in NZ 1906 - 2008

Avice Evelyn Dainty
- born 16 January 1923
- died 2008 aged 85

Christopher Dainty
- born 1908
- died 1958 aged 50
cremated Karori, Wellington

Colin Dainty
- born 5 May 1929
- died 2003 aged 74

Cora Evelyn Dainty
- born 4 October 1907
- died 23 Aug 1998 aged 90 at Parkwood Lodge, Belvedere Ave. Waikanae
- ashes returned to Funeral Director

Edward Dainty
- born 1922
- died 1942 aged 20

Elizabeth Dainty
- born 1923
- died 1967 aged 74

Flora Bella Dainty (nee BOYD)
- born 1 October 1890
- married Walter Dainty in 1917
- died 1978 aged 87

George Frederick Dainty
- born 20 October 1887
- died 1974 aged 86

Grace Charlotte Dainty
- born 3 June 1911
- died 10 September 1993 aged 82 at Lake Heights Rest home, Porirua

Jack Dainty
- born 1928
- died 1948 aged 20
cremated Karori, Wellington

Jack Dainty
- born 29 September 1904
- NZ Cricket Umpire & Cricket Chairman at Wellington
- married Josephine Wakeling PERRY in 1929
- died 1972 aged 68
cremated Karori, Wellington

Josephine Wakelam Dainty (nee PERRY)
- born 8 June 1904
- married Jack Dainty in 1929
- died 2001 aged 97

Margaret Beryl Dainty
- born 12 January 1925
- died 1999 aged 74

Mary Frances Stoddart Fargues Dainty
- born 16 October 1909
- died 1990 aged

Merle Olive Dainty
- born 9 June 1929
- died 2000 aged 71

Minna Ethel Grace Dainty
- born 10 August 1907
- died 1900 aged 93

Mona Dainty
- born 9 October 1907
- died 1977 aged 70
cremated Karori, Wellington

Robert Gilbert Dainty
- born 23 December 1923
- died 1984 aged 61

Susannah Dainty
- born 1826
- died 1906 aged 80

Walter Dainty
- born 1888
- died 1958 aged 78

Walter Ernest Dainty
- born 14 January 1909
- died 18 July 1990 aged 81 at Horowhenua Hospital
- ashes taken by Funeral Director

Walter John Dainty
- born 26 December 1919
- died 2004 aged 85

William Dainty
- born 1884
- died October 1945 aged 61
- buried PORIRUA CEMETERY, Kenepuru Drive

William Hector Dainty
- born 19 June 1921
- died 1997 aged 76

Zena Gillespie Dainty
- born 4 April 1923
- died 2006 aged 83

Walter Richard COWARD & Wilhelmina SILVIUS - Marlborough New Zealand

Walter Richard COWARD married Wilhelmina SILVIUS on 27th December 1888 at the home of George MOROOM in Marlborough, by the Rev H. Bull

Walter was from Blenheim, Wilhelmina was from Kekerangu

- the known children of Walter & Wilhelmina were:

1889 - Wilhelmina Theresia Coward
- married Thomas Pope WRIGHT in 1915

1891 - May Coward
- married Samuel McNEICE in 1912

1894 - Adeline Maude Coward
- married Alfred HART in 1921

1897 - Annie Beatrice Coward
- married Jack FISSENDEN in 1918

1899 - George Henry Coward
- George died in 1916 aged 17

1901 - Violet Victoria Coward
- married Frederic FISSENDEN in 1926

1903 - Frederick Walter Coward
- frederick died in 1969 aged 66

1906 - Ernest John Coward
- Ernest died in 1990 aged 84

1909 - Albert Richard Coward
- Albert died in 1982 aged 73

1910 - Daphne Blanche Coward

1 comment(s), latest 13 years, 8 months ago

some FISSENDEN marriages in New Zealand between 1877 - 1930

some of the FISSENDEN marriages in New Zealand between 1900 - 1930:

Annie Emily Fissenden
- born in Wairau Valley, Marlborough
- daughter of Phillip & Elizabeth Emma FISSENDEN
- married Norman James Caltey in 1907

Cora Emma Fissenden
- married Nicholas Stanley Sircombe in 1927

Coralis Gladys Ethel Fissenden
- born in Wairau Valley, Marlborough
- daughter of Phillip & Elizabeth Emma FISSENDEN
- married Gilbert Beach in 1921

Elizabeth Emma Fissenden
- born in Wairau Valley, Marlborough
- daughter of Phillip & Elizabeth Emma FISSENDEN
- married George Alexander Noall Allen in 1921

Ellen Fissenden
- married Richard Adams Junior

Ellen Isabella Fissenden
- born in Wairau Valley, Marlborough
- daughter of Phillip & Elizabeth Emma FISSENDEN
- married Ernest Albert Langridge in 1910

Ernest Raymond Fissenden
- married Gertrude Mary Elizabeth Crooks in 1930

Ethel Annie Fissenden
- married Llewellyn Wibley in 1914

Frederick Fissenden
- born in 1892 Wairau Valley
- son of Phillip & Elizabeth Emma FISSENDEN
- married Violet Victoria Coward in 1926
- daughter of Walter Richard COWARD & Wilhelmina SILVIUS

Jack Fissenden
- married Annie Beatrice Coward in 1918
- daughter of Walter Richard COWARD & Wilhelmina SILVIUS

Lillian Kate Fissenden
- married George Thompson in 1917

Linda Eileen Pearl Fissenden
- married William Merrifield in 1926

Louise Fissenden
- born 1890 in Wairau Valley, Marlborough
- daughter of Phillip & Elizabeth Emma FISSENDEN
- married Cyril Chandler Walker i 1914

Ralph William Lidgate Fissenden
- son of Walter Austin FISSENDEN & Alice Jane BELL
- married Nancy Marion Pedersen in 1927

Roy Fissenden
- married Dorothy Ella Williams in 1919

Sidney Fissenden
- married Edith Emily Oliver in 1900

Walter Austin Fissenden
- married Alice Jane Bell in 1901

some SURMAN marriages in New Zealand between 1869 - 1928

some of the SURMAN marriages in New Zealand between 1869 - 1928:

Ada Surman
- married Francis William Crawford Mussen in 1923

Adelaide Drusilla Surman
- married Herbert Joseph Schofield in 1911

Alfred Stephen Surman (1876-1940)
- married Lenora Chitham (1882-1962) in 1906

Charles Robbins Surman (1873-1941)
- married Elizabeth Ellen Dick (1874-1933) in 1898

Charlotte Annie Surman
- married James Frederick Derrick in 1883

Charlotte Caroline Surman
- married John Lachlan Clark in 1918

Clara Surman
- married David Roche in 1899

Elizabeth Esther Surman
- married George Keighley in 1901

Emily Surman
- married John Joseph Bishop in 1892

Emily Jemmima Surman
- married William Hayward in 1902

Emma Doris Surman
- married Frank Ernest Wooller in 1922

Eva Ella Surman
- married Arthur John Barr in 1917

Frances Granville Surman
- married Thomas Francis Clarke in 1901

George Phillip Surman
- married Georgina Jessie Anderson Runciman (1899-1985) in 1927

Henry Rowland Surman (1897-1993)
- married Doris Vance (1902-1984) in 1928

Ivy Belinda Surman
- married Henry Lancelott Autridge in 1922

Mabel Agnes Surman
- married Max Charles Thorpe in 1925

Mary Ann Surman
- married Charles Cleal Ward in 1894

Maud Surman
- married William Bernard McIlveney in 1909

Melbourne Victorian Surman (1888-1960)
- married Lilly Megson (1888-1967) in 1908
- Melbourne was a Contractor
- he died 25 November 1960 aged 72
- he is buried PROTESTANT BERM A Row 1, Plot 1, Waikumete, Auckland
- lily died on 21 April 1967 aged 79
- she is buried with him

Robert Surman
- married Isabella Ellen Dunne in 1907

Sarah Augusta Surman
- married John Fairley Graham in 1899

Stephen Surman (1850-1931)
- married Clara Alexander in 1885

Thomas Surman (1842-1925)
- married Mary Froggatt in 1869

Thomas Surman
- married Florence Warwick in 1880

Walter Thomas Surman (1899-1997)
- married Fanny Ruby Evans ()1901-1988 in 1927

William Surman
- married Grace Amner in 1924

those that ran the INNS & HOTELS in NELSON, Marlborough 1850s - 1860

some of the Inns, Hotels etc in the country areas of the Nelson Province in 1850s - 1860 were taken from Number One; or, The Way of the World (NZETC)

Further research reveals that some of the publicans mentioned below were actually not the landlord by 1860.
The book, 'Number One; or, The Way of the World' (above) was published in 1862 so the list may hav been compiled in the late 1850s

"Black Horse," in Wakapuaka - William Wastney (1831-1911)
- Robert Aitken had the Freehold in April 1860
- William's wife, Mary Georgina died 19 April 1884 aged 55

"Bridge Inn," in Moutere - Thomas Haynes

"Commercial Hotel," in Collingwood - J. W. Miles
- the hotel was run by John Jarvis by April 1860
- J.W.'s only son, William Edward, married Margaret Hornby in 1879
- his mother Martha died 23 March 1883 at Beachfield aged 82
- his wife died on 28 December 1899 at Collingwood aged 79

"Forest Inn," in Wakefield - Thomas Hunt
- Charles Gentry had the Freehold in April 1860
- the Hotel was moved in 1887 near the Railway station

"Golden Age," in Collingwood - D. Allen

"Golden Age Tavern," in Collingwood - F. T. Berry

"Holly Bush," in Spring Grove - T. Hill

"Motueka Hotel," in Motueka - Joseph Parker

"Plough Inn," in Richmond - Mrs Mary Cleaver
- Mary renewed the license in 1858

"Red Horse," in Richmond - Mrs. Kite
- her husband Thomas Kite got the )new) license for it in April 1860
- he died 20 August 1860 in Richmond

"Retreat Inn," in Motueka - C. Wise

"Riwaka Inn," in Riwaka - Adolphus Dodson (1834-1884)
- he had the Riwaka Hotel for 3 years (1856-1859), which was ssituated opposite the Riwaka Inn, before moving to the Riwaka Inn in July 1859. Hilton Harrison had the Inn prior to him. Adolphus was a 'farmer' in 1868

"Star and Garter," in Richmond - Robert Disher
- Robert still had it in Nov 1859
- Robert Aitken had the Freehold in 1860

"Swan Inn," in Motueka - George Harding
- renewed the license in 1858

"Takaka Inn," in Takaka - J. Spittal

"Travellers' Rest," in Riwaka - J. Fowler

"Turf Hotel," in Stoke - Blaire Beach

"Waimea Hotel," in Hope - M. Coleman

"Waimea Hotel," in Waimea West - A. Devanay

"Waimea Inn," in Waimea West - J. Palmer

"Waitapu Ferry," in Takaka - B. Kemp

"Wakefield Arms," in Wakefield - D. Warnock

"Wanderers' Rest," in Collinwood - W. Shaser ?

"Wheat Sheaf Inn," in Richmond - Mrs. Higgs

HEFFERMAN marrages New Zealand 1870 - 1929

some HEFFERMAN marrages in New Zealand between 1872 - 1929:

Agnes Rose Hefferman
- married Thomas Edward Barnden in 1910

Bridget Mary Hefferman
- married Thomas Hefferman in 1909

Catherine Hefferman
- married George James Adams in 1876

Charles Joseph Hefferman
- married Marion OReilly in 1922

David Hefferman
- married Honora Hogan in 1881

David Hefferman
- married Amy Amelia Grace Richards in 1920

Edmund Francis Hefferman
- married Katherine Dunne in 1922

Elsie May Hefferman
- married William Montrose Jenkins in 1910

Ernest Victor Hefferman
- married Margaret Clark in 1912

Gertrude Alice Hefferman
- married Charles Gordon Montefiore in 1907

James Robert Hefferman
- married Elsie Wilde in 1929

Kate Katherine Hefferman
- married Edwin James King in 1897

Katherine Hefferman
- married John Snodgrass in 1897

Maria Hefferman
- married Patrick McGrath in 1896

Martin Bernard Hefferman
- married May Matilda McLeod in 1816

Mary Hefferman
- marrid John Lynch in 1882

Mary Hefferman
- married Charles Thomas Emery in 1889

Mary Anne Hefferman
- married James McNamara in 1870

Mary Josephine Hefferman
- married William David Laurence Thompson in 1919

Stanley Graham Hefferman
- marriedI Ivy Maud Addison in 1925

Thomas Hefferman
- married Margaret O' Malley in 1872

Thomas Hefferman
- married Bridget Mary Hefferman in 1909

some CHOO QUEE burials in Dunedin, Otago

some of the CHOOQUEE (CHOO QUEE) burials in Dunedin, Otago:

Ernest Albert Chooquee
- born 1871 in New zealand
- Albert was a Fruiterer
- lived at 90 Oxford St, Dunedin
- died 22 July 1940 aged 69 in Dunedin
- buried 25 July 1940 in Block 59. Plot 54 Anderson Bay cemetery

Ernest Hugh Chooquee
- born February 1908 in Dunedin
- son of Hugh & Emily CHOOQUEE
- died 16 October 1908 aged 9 months at his home in King Edward St
- buried Block 110B. Plot 1 at Southern Cemetery

George Chooquee
- born ?
- George was a Fruiterer
- died 28 November 1897 aged ? at his son's residence, 93 George St Dunedin
- brother in law of Frederick AUSTIN, tailor of Dunedin
- buried Block 15P. Plot 83 at Southern cemetery with Susan

George Chooquee
- born 1875 in New Zealand
- George was a Carpenter
- he married Laura Matilda Jane DICKSON in 1896
- he married Kathleen Fleming O'CONNELL in 1929
- lived at Seacliff Asylum
- died 3 February 1940 aged 65
- buried Block 110B. Plot 1 at Southern Cemetery

Hugh Chooquee
- born 1876 in New Zealand
- Hugh was a fruiterer
- he married Emily PRATT in 1904
- lived at 15 Wynyard St Dunedin
- died 23 September 1958 aged 82 in Dunedin
- buried 25 September 1958 Block 59. Plot 54 at Andersons Bay

June Chooquee
- born August 1931
- parents were George & Kathleen Chooquee
- lived at 312 Rattray St,Dunedin
- died 3 October 1931 aged 2 months
- buried Block 110B. Plot 1 at Southern cemetery

Laura Matilda Jane Chooquee (nee DICKSON)
- born 1873 in England
- married George Chooquee in 1896
- lived at 137 Rattray St Dunedin
- died 1 September 1929 aged 56
- buried Block 4. Plot 71C at Southern cemetery

Rebecca Chooquee (nee PAYNE)
- born 1869 in New Zealand
- married Ernest Albert Chooquee in 1894
- lived at 19 Elstow St, South Dunedin
- died 19 December 1932 aged 63
- buried 21 December 1932 Block 59. Plot 54 at Andersons Bay

Susan Ann Chhooquee
- born ? in Victoria Australia
- died 1 August 1890 aged ?
- buried Block 15P. Plot 83 at Southern cemetery with George