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some LEADBETTER marriages in New Zealand between 1879 - 1929

some of the LEADBETTER marriages in New Zealand 1879 - 1929:

Archibald Francis Leadbetter
- married Evelyn Teresa Bradley in 1921

Benjamin Joseph Leadbetter
- married Ethel May Chisnall in 1910

Charles Leadbetter
- married Margaret O'Monaghan in 1879

Hilda May Leadbetter
- married Douglas Goodall Cody in 1916

Isabella Leadbetter
- married William Walton Jones in 1919
- in a double wedding with her sister Margaret Ellen

Jean Leadbetter
- married Robert Park in 1928

Jessie Mary Leadbetter
- married William Matuschka in 1909

Katherine Mary Leadbetter
- married Ernest Hollis in 1916

Lillias Leadbetter
- married Leonard Harry Newell in 1929

Malcolm Leadbetter
- married Marguerite Osborne Halliwell in 1929

Margaret Ellen Leadbetter
- married Thomas Benjamin Proebstel in 1919
- in a double wedding with her sister Isabella

Percy James Leadbetter
- married Margaret Elizabeth Purvis in 1924

Robert Leadbetter
- married Sarah Cowley in 1886

Thomas Leadbetter
- married Sarah McCartney in 1907

Violet Jane Leadbetter
- married Thomas Ignatuis McCarthy in 1917

PROEBSTEL marriages in New Zealand between 1907 - 1929

some of the PROEBSTEL marriages in New Zealand between 1907 - 1929:
Blanche Janet Nora Proebstel (1908-1962)
- married Foma Frank PRICE (1906-1984) in 1929

Harry Proebstel (1898-1968)
- Harry was attending the Petone Main School in at least 1911
- married Thelma Kathleen May GJERSEN in 1926
- they were granted a decree nisi in May 1932

Jess James Proebstel (1885-1934)
- born in Lincoln County, Washington USA in 1885 to Faulteen Adam (1852-1946) and Saloma (1851-1939) Proebstel - they lived at 14 Richmond St, Petone. Saloma died at home aged 78
- Jess arrived in NZ with his parents in 1900
- he lived in Nelson St, Petone and worked for the Gear Meat Company
- he married Elizabeth HAINING (1885-1957) in 1907
- he died in Wellington Hospital on 9 January 1934

Le Roy/Leroy Lewis Proebstel
- married Alice Hannah ARKWRIGHT in 1914

Nora Eliza Proebstel (1891-1984)
- born 26 September 1891 in Washington USA
- daughter of Faulteen Adam & Saloma Proebstel
- married Oscar Randall GREER (1888-1964) 18 July 1918 Wellington
- Oscar was a son of Francis Clarence GREER & Elizbeth PILCHER
- Nora died on 9 November 1984 in Wellington & buried in Karori

Thomas Benjamin Proebstel (1889-1975)
- Thomas was a telegraph linesman
- he enlisted for war on 27 May 1915 from 14 Richmond Street, Petone
- he served in WWI as Gunner #2/2240. His sister Nora of 17 Richmond Street, Petone was listed as next of kin. He served with the Field Artillery 7th Reinforcements, departing for Egypt on 9 Oct 1915
- he married Margaret Ellen 'Nellie' LEADBETTER (1893-1972) on 16 July 1919 in St Augustines Church, Petone in a double wedding with her sister Isabella Leadbetter who married William Walton JONES (1886-1937) of Nelson St Petone

William David Proebstel (1905-1974)
- married Agnes BOWLEY (1912-2002) in 1929

There is a place named PROEBSTEL in Clark County, Washington, 20 miles north of Portland across the Columbia River

A Roy Proebstel of Wellington represented NZ in rugby league in 1913

3 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago

some WALKINSHAW marriages in New Zealand between 1914 - 1927

some of the WALKINSHAW marriages in New Zealand between 1914 - 1927:

Alexander Hamilton Walkinshaw
- married Amelia Barron in 1925

Alexander James Walkinshaw
- married Hermia Florence Morris in 1924

Annie Walkinshaw
- married Adam Cruickshank in 1924

Beatrice May Walkinshaw
- married William James Masson in 1914

Ethel Emily Walkinshaw
- married Frederick William Francis Green in 1916

George Walkinshaw
- married Ida Tily in 1919

George Walkinshaw
- married Margaret McInnes in 1925

John Hamilton Walkinshaw
- married Ileen Muriel Lily Burson in 1924

Mabel Emma Walkinshaw
- married George Dale in 1917

Margaret Walkinshaw
- married Alexander Gourlay in 1927

Mary Richmond Walkinshaw
- married Thomas Robertson Cussan in 1916

some CLEMETT marrages New Zealand 1874 - 1930

some CLEMETT marrages in New Zealand between 1874 - 1930:

Alexander Dougal Clemett (1856-1937)
- born in Geelong, Australia
- married Emma Amelia Cawood in 1881

Alexander Dougal Clemett
- married Margaret Jane McKenzie in 1888

Alice Clemett
- married James Fredrick Morris in 1900

Annie Victoria Marion Clemett
- married Leslie Ashew Roadley in 1930

Catherine Clemett
- married Walter Roberts in 1887

Catherine Emily Clemett (1892-1968)
- married Cedric Clarence George Roadley (1899-1975) in 1920

Catherine Florence Clemett
- married Thomas Woods Gordon in 1909

Catherine Vera Ruth Clemett
- daughter of Arthur Tarbot (1871-1944) & Christina Winifred CLEMETT (1879-1959)
- married Robert Alfred Hatfield in 1927

Charles Emanuel Clemett
- married Annie Amelia in 1903

Cora Evelyn May Clemett
- married Louis Richard Shadbolt (1900-1950) in 1926

Ella Lillian Grace Clemett
- daughter of Arthur Tarbot (1871-1944) & Christina Winifred CLEMETT (1879-1959)
- married Bernard Leonard Peter O'Dwyer in 1916

Evangeline Emma Hinemoa Clemett
- married William Beveridge in 1921

Fanny Clemett
- married James Veitch in 1890

Fanny Ruth Clemett
- married Philip William Hollings in 1920

Florence Myrtle Clemett
- married William Humphrey in 1911

Frances Helen Clemett
- married Carl Larsen in 1901

Frederick Alexander Clemett
- married Esther Ellen Holder in 1909

George Earnest Clemett
- married Elizabeth Elvina May Bounington in 1925

Grace Victoria Clemett
- married John David McKenzie in 1923

Hilda Clemett
- married William Cooper Symons in 1916

Idarene Berneice Euphemia Clemett
- daughter of Arthur Tarbot (1871-1944) & Christina Winifred CLEMETT (1879-1959)
- married Bertie Raymond Keith Andrews in 1914

Idarene Bernice Euphemia Clemett
- married John Lawrence Leask in 1923

James Stanley Fyffe Clemett
- daughter of Arthur Tarbot (1871-1944) & Christina Winifred CLEMETT (1879-1959)
- married Muriel Amy Civil in 1929

John Edward Clemett
- married Eleanor Watson in 1914

John Leslie Percival Clemett
- married Amy Hoggard in 1919

John McInnes Clemett
- married Elizabeth Harmon in 1878

Leonard Stanley Alexander Clemett
- married Dorothy Violet Ward in 1925

Marata Hinemoa Ruihi Clemett
- daughter of Arthur Tarbot (1871-1944) & Christina Winifred CLEMETT (1879-1959)
- married Albert Edward Marfell in 1919

Maude Olive Clemett
- married Frederick Read in 1906

Olive May Clemett
- married Frederick William Gourlay in 1920

Sarah Marcella Clemett
- married Henry Rochester Breckels in 1884

Thomas Clemett
- married Johanna Eliza Frederickson in 1874

William Henry Clemett
- married Martha Eleanor Parker in 1900

William Henry James Clemett
- married Elizabeth Erskine Dick in 1929

2 comment(s), latest 12 years, 9 months ago

passengers of the JESSIE READMAN into Auckland & Tauranga - October 1879

the original list of the steerage passengers of the JESSIE READMAN was taken from the Bay of Plenty Times 2 October 1879 (through Papers Past)

The 'Jessie Readman' left Gravesend on 27 June 1879 and arrived in Auckland on 26 September 1879 with 135 passengers and cargo valued at ?27,400 - in October 2010 this is equivalent to $4,159,000

The heading of the above newspaper is PORT OF TAURANGA so the following passengers may have disembarked in Tauranga or Auckland

- I have grouped them together into same names. This does not mean they were of the same family.

- Spelling of names is being verified - your help would be appreciated

- Please feel free to add info/bios for any of these people

ALREY ? - G. E.

ANDERSON - Margaret

ATKINSON - William

BACH - Edward

BALDWIN - Samuel

BALTITUDE ? - William

BARNETT - Maurice

BARRY - Alexander
BARRY - Annie
BARRY - Catherine
BARRY - Christina
BARRY - Margaret
BARRY - Margaret
BARRY - Mary
BARRY - Robert S
BARRY - Samuel
BARRY - Walter


BEGG - James

BELL - Edward
BELL - Emily
BELL - Franklin
BELL - George
BELL - Maggie

BROC - James
- possibly meant Brock (1860-1949)

BROOKS - Andrew
BROOKS - Andrew
BROOKS - Jemima
BROOKS - Margaret
BROOKS - Margaret
BROOKS - Sarah

BROWN - Thomas

BROYER - Bridget

BULLOCK - Edward

CAIN - William


CHILCOTT - Frederick
- possibly Frederick Verney (1855-1894)




COOKE - George



DANE - John


EDWARDS - Bridget

HAIGH - John

HAMPSON - William Spencer (1859-1920)

- possibly John White Hardie (1839-1895)

HAYES - Hannah
HAYES - Laurance
HAYES - Martha
HAYES - William S

HEDLEY - Edward
HEDLEY - Gabriel
HEDLEY - Hannah
HEDLEY - Joseph Willliam (1871-1948)
HEDLEY - Thomas

HOWARD - Samuel

IRVING - Robert


JONES - Bessie
JONES - Samuel

KAYE - John

LAING - Arthur
LAING - Ernest
LAING - Jack
LAING - Mary
LAING - Polly
LAING - William

LAWS - Arthur W


MALONHOUEY ? - Patrick


McELROY - Frances Mary
McELROY - Sarah Frances (1840-1886)
McELROY - Thomas
McELROY - Thomas
McELROY - William

McNAMARA - William

McSHEFFREY - Michael (1856-1923)

MILLER - Archibald


MITGE ? - S. A.

NELL - John
NELL - Margaret

NIXON - Thomas

NOONAN - Thomas



POTRY ? - Nicholas

PRATT - Frederick G

PRICE - Benjamin Henry

QUIN - Edmund
QUIN - James
QUIN - John
QUIN - Mary

SMITH - Benjamin
SMITH - James
SMITH - Joseph
SMITH - Sugden (1851-1924)

STEED - Catherine (1854-1923)
STEED - Martha
- possibly married Burnett Thomas MURRAY in 1906
STEED - Matthew (1853-1936)
STEED - Sarah
STEED - Thomas (1875-1937)
- married Helen Lawson MELVILLE (1880-1976) in 1911

STEELE - William

- possibly 1857-1928

THOMAS - Charles
THOMAS - Frederick




WIGG - William E

WRIGHT - Baptiste
WRIGHT - Joseph
WRIGHT - Philip

some UNDERDOWN marrages in New Zealand between 1851 - 1921

some of the UNDERDOWN marrages in New Zealand between 1851 - 1921:

Beatrice Underdown
- married Eric Stewart BURGESS in 1919

Martha Underdown
- married Samuel DALE in 1910

Mary Underdown
- married William BENSON in 1882

Nellie Underdown
- married John MALHAM in 1921

Richard Underdown
- married Eileen TATTERSALL in April 1912 at Mrs Tattersall's home Drake St
- their divorce in June 1916
- Richard was still a barman in 1932 when he was charged with bookmaking

Robert James Underdown
- married Wlizabeth Mabel WHEELER in 1909

Thomas Underdown
- married Ruby Muriel SCANLEN in 1917

William Underdown
- married ? in 1851 in Cathedral Church of St Paul Register
- William was one of the early settlers of Wellington
- in 1847 he was a Labourer living in Porirua Rd

William Underdown
- married Harriet MELLON in 1882

In July 1869 there was a William Underdown on the Napier Electoral Roll with a leasehold of subdiisions Nos 11 & 12 of suburban section No 25 with a house

Ruby M. Underdown in October 1925

A Thomas Underdown arrived into Auckland on the 'Jessie Readman' in December 1879

A Thomas Underdown had a 'dating agency' in Wellington in 1927:-
... Th thos shy and bashful young ladies, near-flappers and in fact all spinsters of doubtful vintage who have not yet discovered their beau ideals, there is still hope. The enterprising manager of the N.Z. Progessive Agency, Wellington, Thomas Underdown, will find you a husband

A Hannah Underdown sailed to Canterbury in 1869 or 1879. She was last heard from in 1873 and her brother George was anxious for her to contact him

some of the known UUNDERDOWN deaths in NZ
- some birth dates may be based on age at death -

Alice Miriam Underdown
- born 2 July 1907
- died 1999 aged 92

Frederick Underdown
- born 1848
- died 1894 aged 46

Harriet Underdown
- born 1822
- died 1882 aged 60

Ina Myrtle Underdown (nee PHILLIPS)
- born 1902
- married Thomas Underdown
- died 17 June 1931 aged 28

Joseph Scanlen Underdown
- born 20 April 1918
- died 2008 aged

Kathleen Underdown (nee TUREI)
- born 1911
- married William Thomas Underdown
- had Larry Victor Underdown (1933-2001) in Gisborne
- died 1971 aged 60

Larry Victor Underdown
- born 27 May 1933
- died 3 Feb 2001 aged 67

Leonard Walter Underdown
- born 1899
- died 1961 aged 62

Richard Underdown
- born 1889
- died 11 January 1941 aged 52
- buried Plot 171 E - Section PUBLIC3 at Karori Wellington

Sylvia Megan Underdown
- born 16 January 1920
- died 1978 aged

Thomas Underdown
- born 1892
- died 8 August 1936 aged 44
- buried Plot 77 D - Section PUBLIC3 at Karori Wellington

William Underdown
- born 1822
- died of bronchitis 7 June 1899 aged 77 at Mount View Asylum
- buried Plot 30 U - Section Ch ENG at Karori Wellington

William Thomas Underdown
- born 13 September 1903
- married Kathleen Turei
- died 1983 aged 80

some TRESIDDER marriages in New Zealand between 1866 - 1929

some of the TRESIDDER marriages in New Zealand between 1866 - 1929:

Allan Leslie Tresidder
- married Mary Margaret Gibbons in 1929

Edith Mildred Tresidder
- married Camfort Wood in 1909

Edward John Tresidder
- married Florence Edith Levex Walters in 1910

Elizabeth Jane Tresidder
- married Edward Sings in 1882

Elizabeth Jane Tresidder
- married James Mahon Thomson in 1897

Elizabeth Mary Tresidder
- married Archibald McInnes in 1891

Ernest Tresidder
- married Jane Scott in 1908

Evelyn Grace Tresidder
- married Albert Kemp in 1904

Frances Mary Tresidder
- married Robert Crisp in 1927

Harry Tresidder
- married Iris May Fleming in 1921

James Tresidder
- married Elizabeth Mary Wood in 1911

John James Tresidder
- married Elizabeth Emily Barber in 1914

Martha Tresidder
- married William Henry Leau in 1901

Mary Ann Tresidder
- married John Crawford in 1893

Nicholas Tresidder
- married Elizabeth Jane Barritt in 1869

Nicholas Tresidder
- married Florence Reid in 1906

Vera Mary Tresidder
- married Allan Sylvester Dennison in 1925

William Tresidder
- married Sarah Ann Newsome in 1866

William John Tresidder
- married Elizabeth Hall in 1894

William John Tresidder
- married Elizabeth Holmes Rees in 1922

GOURLAY Brides New Zealand 1867 - 1929

GOURLAY BRIDES in New Zealand 1867 - 1929:

Agnes Anderson Gourlay
- married Samuel Dick in 1882

Avis Louisa Gourlay
- married Thomas James Arthur in 1919

Beulah Gourlay
- married Wilfred Dempster Ramage in 1927

Christian Nesbit Mitchell Gourlay
- married George Grant in 1884

Eleanor Jane Gourlay
- married John Fraser in 1904

Etta May Gourlay
- married Allan William Hooper in 1917

Georgina Gourlay
- married John Jennings in 1929

Grace Gourlay
- married Henry James in 1896

Helen Marco Gourlay
- married Robert Corbet Moore in 1882

Isabella Cockburn Gourlay
- married John Angell in 1885

Jane Gourlay
- married Edward Vaughan in 1867

Lilian Jessie Gourlay
- married James Alexander Fergusson in 1909

Lilian Sarah Gourlay
- married George Ross Godby in 1922

Lillias Gourlay Gourlay
- married James Reid in 1915

Louisa Mabel Gourlay
- married William Hall Raine in 1916

Mabel Margaret Gourlay
- married Alfred Robert Wilkins in 1896

Martha Gourlay
- married John McDowell in 1886

Mary Gourlay
- married John Potiki in 1908

Queenie Alexandra Gourlay
- married Forrest Frederick Hesselin in 1921

Susannah Gourlay
- married Henry Nugent in 1869


GOURLAY marriages NZ 1860-1929 GROOMS

some of the male GOURLAY marriages in New Zealand between 1860 - 1929

Albert John Gourlay
- born in Australia, Albert was a Canvasser in Wellington
- married Emma Randle Portious in 1909
- Private #59358, Served with NZEF 29th Reinforcements Wellington Infantry Regiment, B Company
- Died of wounds, UK to France 1 Nov 1918
- Husband of E. R. Gourlay, 17 Lombard St, Palmerston North ALSO of
8B Boston Terrace, Wellington
- Died of wounds, UK x France 1 Nov 1918

Alexander Gourlay
- married Margaret Walkinshaw in 1927

Arthur Henry Gourlay
- married Margueritte Elsie Wilson in 1929

Arthur Landsdowne Gourlay
- Arthur was a Draper in Christchurch
- married Mary Ann Allison on 11 October 1894 at the home of Mr William & Mary (nee ROBERTSON) Allison, Sydenham, Christchurch

Edwin Thomas Gourlay
- married Ada Jane Perry in 1897

Ernest David George Gourlay
- married Alice Ann Warren in 1900

Frederick William Gourlay
- married Olive May Clemett in 1920

George Gourlay
- married Jane Nelson in 1864

George Gourlay
- married Blanche Foreman in 1890

Henry Thompson Gourlay
- married Louisa Watkins in 1864

Henry William Gourlay
- married Hilda Beatrice Harrison in 1919

Hugh Gourlay (1842-1931)
- married Betsy Elizabeth Dawson (1846-1906) in 1861

Hugh Gourlay (1873-1945)
- married Isabella Douglas Curle (1884-1908) in 1902

James Richott Gourlay (1886-1955)
- married Ada Camellia Hester Silvester (1892-1981) in 1912

John Danson Gourlay
- married Rose Rebecca Crawford in 1907

Leonard Archie Gourlay
- married Dora Agnes Grant Burrell in 1929

Lewis Allan Gourlay
- married Daisy Forsyth in 1904

Percy Alfred George Gourlay (1904-1980)
* son of Ernest David George Gourlay & Alice Ann Warren
- married Mary Melville 'Mona' Grahamslaw (1905-) in Matamata 28 Nov 1928
* daughter of Alexander Grahamslaw & Elizabeth Melville

Robert Gourlay
- married Mary Margaret Reko in 1876

Thomas Gourlay
- married Maggie Jemima Crozier in 1922

Thomas Andrew Gourlay
- married Margaret Warmington in 1911

William Gourlay
- married Mary Russel in 1860

William Crichton Gourlay
- married Elizabeth Jane Paul in 1895


1 comment(s), latest 8 years, 3 months ago

TINGEY marriages New Zealand BRIDES 1865 - 1927

the known TINGEY marriages in New Zealand between 1865-1927

Agnes Tingey
- married William Douglas St George Shaw in 1872

Clarice Netty Tingey
- married Thomas Hawdon Davison in 1918

Edith Emma Tingey
- married William Albert Wellings in 1905

Edna Dalgleish Tingey
- married William Henry John Watson in 1927

Ellen Tingey
- married Joseph James Bailey in 1899

Ellen Jane Tingey
- married Willie Waters in 1897

Evelyn Sylvia Tingey
- married Ernest Cecil Cording in 1915

Florence Tingey
- married Francis Chalmers Brookie in 1895

Florence Candace Tingey
- married Alfred Ernest Lammas in 1905

Gladys Isabel Tingey
- arried Archie Henry Grant in 1911

Jane Tingey
- married John Robert Lambert in 1889

Louisa Adella Tingey
- married Miles Varley in 1912

Mabel Sarah Tingey
- married Harold Wellington Pilcher in 1902

Mary Pauline Tingey
- married Frank Manttan in 1901

Mary Sophia Tingey
- married George Pemberton Kitchen in 1878

Minnie Vida Tingey
- married William Edward Power in 1914

Sarah Tingey
- married William Warwick in 1872

Sarah Maria Tingey
- married James Thomas Goodfellow in 1865