robrey50 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

robrey50 on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Herman Saunders

I am trying to find Herman Saunders a descendant of Doctor James Parkinson.

Robert (New Zealand)

2 comment(s), latest 6 years ago

Goldie Family in Australia

Our Daughter Married A Steven Goldie in Queensland and We are wanting to find out more about the Goldie Family.
We know they came from Victoria .



A Book on James Parkinson

There is a Book out on James Parkinson who Parkinson's Disease is Named after .The book is called "The Enlightened Mr. Parkinson" .It tells about His other activities and about his Paleontology and the books he wrote on this subject.

John Parkinson and Dorothy Squires (Both Born about 1700)

I am looking foe any information about John & Dorothy, Who were their Parents and their Children.It seems that they had a Son John born in Shoreditch in 1725.

Did Catherind Cooke (1850-1932) Marry George Henry Mant?

we have been led to believe that George Henry Mant (1836-1913) and Catherine Cooke(1850+1932)Had a Child but were they ever married ?We do know that he married her Sister Emma Blanch Cooke(1836-1899).

Any further information would be helpful

Robert Reynolds (New Zealand)

5 comment(s), latest 9 years, 9 months ago

Is John Parkinson (1657-1650) and John Parkinson(1725-1784) Related?

We are trying to find out if the two John Parkinson are related in any way as the were both apothecary.

Any help would be appreciated

Robert Reynolds (New Zealand)

Who were the Parents of John Knott born about 1796

We have John marrying a Mary Sherry born about 1795 and married 28th January 1828. Also we do not have any date of Death for John and Mary.
any help with these would be appreciated.

Robert Reynolds(New Zealand)

Who did Angas Mackcloud marry and who were his parents?

Hi we know that Angas Mackcloud was my GGGrandfather and his Daughter Marion Married An Isaac Eyers.And Their Daughter Ruth Married my Grandfather Joseph Reynolds In Dunedin in New Zealand.We do not know Who Angas Married and who his parents were,and when he and Marion arrived in Australia and from where?
If anyone could help this would fill on a gap in our Family history.

