robrey50 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

robrey50 on Family Tree Circles

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Journals and Posts

Where did James Reynolds from Woodnesborough, Kent, England, Die

James Reynolds came to New Zealand on 15tn April 1879 .He came to Dunedin to live. His Wife Sarah Died 10 Apr 1914 in Nightcaps, Southland, New Zealand and Buried at Wreys Bush. There is a 22 year old James Reynolds Buried at Wreys Bush Cemetery and I think that this person has been confused with my Great Grandfather James Reynolds. Can anyone give me Where my Great Grandfather died.


Robert Reynolds

Angas Mackcloud or Mackloud?

We are not sure of the spelling my Great-grandmother was Macloud her Father was Mackcloud or Mackloud.? but we do know My grandmother was a Ruth Eyers born 16th Aug 1867 in Yankalilla South Australia and my Grandfather Joseph Henry Reynolds was born 26 Sep 1868 in Ash by Sandwich in Kent England .
This may help someone work out the correct spelling of my Grandmothers line



4 comment(s), latest 10 years, 10 months ago

Looking for information on Marion Macleod

Marion was my Great-grandmother and we know very little about here than she died 20th May 1877 in Yankella South Australia , She married Isaac Eyers and her Father was Angas Mackloud born about 1810.Any further information about Marion and her Father would be most helpful in our research.


Parkinson and Warren

Has anyone got info on Parkinson and Warren connection, both families were Doctors in the 1700's and 1800's any information would help in our research



Parkinson and Warren

Has anyone got info on Parkinson and Warren connection, both families were Doctors in the 1700's and 1800's any information would help in our research



Thomas Court no sign of him after going to Canada

Thomas Court was born in 1909 Kent Sheldwick He went with his family to Canada. His Mother was Sarah Ann Bailey Friend ,Married a William Reynolds who Died in 1907 and married a William Henry Court in 1908 ,any info on Thomas Court would be of great value

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago

Info on Percy William Reynolds required

I am looking for information on Percy William Reynolds that was bor in 1898 The Brents, Kent, England and went to Canada Died in 1985 and his Wife Edith died 1997.
This is all the information that I have gleaned and hope is correct any further information would be appreciated.


4 comment(s), latest 13 years, 1 month ago

Info on Percy William Reynolds required

I am looking for information on Percy William Reynolds that was bor in 1898 The Brents, Kent, England and went to Canada Died in 1985 and his Wife Edith died 1997.
This is all the information that I have gleaned and hope is correct any further information would be appreciated.


Was Horace Reynolds known as Hank a Seaman?

WE have found a Horace Reynolds born 1901 going to canada but also a Horace Reynolds travelling from New Zealand To Australia, is he the same person?

Does anyone know When H C Reynolds & J S Mackie were married in Canada?

We have found out that their daughter died on the 17th April 1949

2 comment(s), latest 13 years, 2 months ago