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Looking for BURTON, DAVIES in Tasmania

Any information regarding genealogy of my grandfather, Thomas James BURTON (dec.) born in Hobart, Tasmania, 1914
On my grandmother's (born Joyce Emma DAVIES, in 1915) side, I have a good start -

Her maiden name was DAVIES, and her father and mother were Charles DAVIES (born Hobart 1873), and Gertrude CAIRNS (Born Mt Hope, 1883).

From that couple I have the names of four great-great grandparents -

James DAVIES (born???) and Margaret J. LANAGAN(?)/HANAGAN(?) on my great grandfathers side, and:

William John CAIRNS and Winfred CAIRNS on my great grandmothers side.

I have some questions regarding a possible connection, however slim, between the James DAVIES' residence in Queenstown Tasmania, and the Davies Brothers Publishing Company.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated

1 comment(s), latest 14 years, 1 month ago