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Edward56 on Family Tree Circles

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Relative of Edward James CLARKE 1892 - 1954 Ancestors information required.

Edward James (Ted) CLARKE born 1892 in Port Fairy, Victoria, died 1954 in Melbourne, Victoria and buried in Donald Cemetery, Victoria. He married Margery Eva (Madge)GRINHAM who was born in Sandford in 1909 and died in Ballarat in 1977 and is buried with Ted. His father, Francis CLARKE was born in Sandford, Victoria and married Martha McKEOWN from Heywood, Victoria. Madge's parents were Charles GRINHAM (born 1865 Sandford, Vic. died 1937) and Sarah Jane LOVELL born 1869 Heywood, Vic. died 1946)

Ted was a stationmaster with the Victorian Railways and worked around Victoria, including Donald, Minyip and Trafalgar, where my mother Winifred Margaret DIXON (nee CLARKE) and her brother Francis James (Jim) CLARKE were born.
I do not know where the CLARKE family originated from in England. The GRINHAM family originated mainly around the Charlton Adam, Somerset area.
The GRINHAM (aka GREENHAM, GRINNAM) family tree relating to this family has been well researched.

I have placed all my information on MyHeritage.com under the DIXON FAMILY AUSTRALIA & DIXON TREE MT JEFFCOTT

Any new information, including photographs of ancestors, will be most appreciated

Edward B. DIXON

Descendants of Robert DIXON and Elizabeth Hannah Mary Ann HOARE

The DIXON family tree stems from Joseph DIXON, Penrith, Cumberland, England. His wife is believed to be Sarah at this stage. His son, Robert, born 1821, married Elizabeth Hannah Mary Ann HOARE, (baptised Sep 28, 1828 from Sarrat, Hertfordshire, England).
They had a son, Joseph, born 1854 in London. In 1855 they migrated to Australia, sailing on the barque "Anglia", landing at Botany Bay, New South Wales. From here they moved to Sandhills, Newcastle, New South Wales, where their second son William was born on Dec 12, 1856.
Sometime after this they met up with Elizabeth's family in Portland and had two more children: George and Sarah Jane. The HOARE family migrated in 1855 to Australia, sailing aboard the barque "Balnaguith", and landed at Portland, Victoria (which was then part of New South Wales).
The Hoare family attended a land ballot in Hamilton and were allocated land at Mount Jeffcott, near Donald, Victoria. (320 acres per allotment) The Dixon and Hoare families lived on adjoining land, breeding sheep and growing wheat, oats and barley.
My main aim at this stage is to find out about Robert's ancestors - all relatives prior to 1822 in Cumberland (Cumbria) region of northern England close to the Lake District. If anyone in Australia or relatives especially from Penrith, Cumberland can assist in any way with information or photographs, I would appreciate your help.
Edward B. DIXON

4 comment(s), latest 9 years, 6 months ago