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Looking for information about the CHASE MORRIS family who resided in New Zealand

There is a Col. Charles Chase Morris residing in NZ. His son Robert Chase Morris also resides there and is in many PapersPast articles. Robert's children all have Chase Morris as their surname. I thought this must link to a Chase somewhere in the line but I am unable to find them. Any help greatly appreciated. Morris or Morriss, has been used as middle names for some of my great uncles and cousins, I just can't find the connection. I definitely have an NZ connection re the Chase family. Cheers, Irene Chase.

Chase, Haynes, Burton, Hawthorne

I am particularly interested in Walter Chase, my great grandfather, born in Boston, Massachusetts abt 1853. He married Charlotte Eleanor Haynes, born in England abt 1857.

My grandfather's Victoria, Australia marriage certificate states that they were married in England, 1880 and that his name is Walter George Chase. However, Charlotte's death certificate states they were married in New Zealand, no year given, and his full name is given as Walter Charles Burton Chase.

George Walter Chase is his oldest son and he is born in New Zealand, 1883. The name Burton appears in one of his children's names. George is married in Australia and all of his chn are born in Brunswick, Victoria, Australia.

There is possibly a second son Clarence born in New Zealand in 1885 but no further mention is made of him nor can I find any further information. He is not on Charlotte's death certificate.

The third child is Henry Hawthorn Chase also born in New Zealand, Auckland 1886. He also marries and lives in with his family in Brunswick, Victoria, Australia.

Ernest William Chase, my grandfather was born in NSW Australia, 1890, he marries in Brunswick Victoria Australia.

There is a Walter Burton Chase who dies at the Avondale Lunatic Asylum in New Zealand, but I have not been able to confirm if it is our Walter. I have some patient records but no names of who admitted him or visitors. There is also a Walter Burton Chase who marries an Elizabeth Prime and they have a son Charles Burton Chase, again I am unable to confirm if it is the same Walter. There is a Walter Burton Chase born in Massachusetts, 1867, to a Heman Baker Chase and Martha Crowell but this Walter dies at the age of 2or 3 years. I have spent a lot of time to date researching Walter but I have made no real connections. All help greatly appreciated.