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Looking for Flynn's from Fall River MA

Looking for any info on Michael Flynn who immigrated from England in the late 1800's. Michael and his wife Ann (Conway) were born in Ireland about 1845. They were married in England around 1865. I believe they came with 2 of the 9 children that were born in England. William born about 1873 and Bridget about 1881. They had another daughter Jane in 1885 in Usa. Not sure were Jane was born. I have a 1900 Federal Census listing them in Fall River MA. I would like any info on the above people. My GG Grandfather would be Michael and my GreatGrandfather is William. William married Catharine or Kathleen (Dunn) around 1898 not sure were they married. Thet had 6 children. Farrell born 1899. Mary B. born about 1904, Edward, Frances,bernard and Michael. Farrell was my grandfather. I knew my uncle Mike and Uncle Frank, who are all deceased. I know one brother died in a swimming accident,I know nothing about Mary. Would love any info on this family.


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