Scaramouche on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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Moses Danzig and Luisa Margoluies are my GGrand-Parents late 1800 and early 1900.2 of their children; Rudi and Karl Danzig moved prior to world war II. Rudi moved to England, We do not know where Karl moved.
My Grand Father Hermann (HERSCH) Taub married Sali Margoluies (Danzig?) daughter of Moses and Luisa.
Hermann was also from Brody and died in concentration camp during WWII.I beleive he had brothers and sisters. I do not know the name of his parents. But one brother name was David Taub. He sent his daughter Anita (TAMAR) to Israel before the war. She had 3 children and lived in Nahariya in north Israel.

Would you have any information regarding my ggrand-parentsfamily (Danzig-Margoluies) and grand-father family?( TAUB) Parents, brothers,sisters.

looking for Cote,Riendeau, Dubois from Canada

I am looking for my ancestors and would like to find out>
1: What happened to my grand parents:Cleophas Cote who died between 1909 and 1915 and Marie Riendeau who died between 1910 and 1915 in Montreal Quebec, Canada.
Do I have some relatives still in Montreal? I would love to meet them.

2:My father Arthur Cote was born early 1910 and placed in an orphanage ie. St-Cun?gonde,Montreal( but not for adoption)in 1915.He studied and lived with the nuns until 1923. Then the grey nuns placed him with a farmer in St-Valentin Quebec Canada. The name of the farmer was Mr.Gaudreau. My father had a sister named Yvonne Cote and a half brother named Armand Dubois, son of Marie Riendeau's first marriage w/..Dubois.DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING REGARDIND ARMAND DUBOIS AND HIS FAMILY?

3:I Have cousins in USA probably in the NY State. I would love also to know them.My father's sister Yvonne Cote Left Quebec and went to USA were she died. She was married and I beleive she had 2 sons. Her husband was very sick in 1958 when I visited him in the hospital. I cannot remember his family name consequently I cannot find my cousins without finding someone who knew Yvonne Cote and her family or knows her sons and family. Any help would be appreciated.

Looking for Riendeau, Dubois, Cote from Quebec Canada

Loking for information on Armand Dubois my father half brother who lived in Montreal during the years 1900 to his death. He had a daughter named Therese Dubois and to this date I do not know if she is still alive?

The father was ??? and the mother was Marie Riendeau also from Montreal,Qc, Canada.
Do you have any info regarding them?

1 comment(s), latest 16 years, 6 months ago

Looking for Cote of Canada

Orphan in 1915 Arthur Cote born 1910 was place at St-Cun?gonde orphanage Montreal quebec, Canada.
Mother Marie Riendeau and father Cleophas Cote

would you have any info on this family?