Texas921 on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

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I am looking for marriage records for Johann Manthey to Willemine Mittlestadt around 1883 in Grocloin, Poland.I have looked in exin records I can find them.They had their first child in 1844.

I am tring to find out where the Schmidts came from to get to east prussia.I have the frist Schmidt (Christian B:1721).No parents names
have traced them up to about 1880s'.Two brothers left for Texas in 1884.They left brothers and sister behind.
After W.W.1 and W.W.11 when they had to leave East Prussia.Do not know where they went.I have a note saying so of the info came from a living relative in Germany from Schmidt Family records.I have tried to contact the reseacher put he has not return my emails.