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Looking for Thomas Philbrick ,Coggeshall ,Essex,England 1665

Thomas Philbrick / Philbrook born 1665 .Father of John born 1687 who married to Martha Hooper . Son John born 1712 married to Amy Spurgin who was Father of Egerton 1740.


Looking for info on Thomas Gillis of Galashiels,Scotland

Thomas W. Gillis born 1876 to Thomas W Gillis Of Peebles,Scotland and Margaret Stewart. Came to Canada age 9 . In 1896 joined Scottish army , Fought Boer War , 6 medals. 1902 joined NWMP in Regina ,Listed an Uncle John Gillis, and in 1906 joined US army in San Fransisco for the Spanish American war in Cuba. Married in Lyons New York Meara Beatrice Katterman. Moved back to Canada.Have all sort of printed info ,but cannot fine a trace of him in Scotland.Looking for help

10 comment(s), latest 9 years, 2 months ago

Looking for Elizabeth Smith of Great coggeshall ,Essex England married...

Looking for Elizabeth Smith of Great coggeshall ,Essex England married Jan 20 1771 to Thomas Philbrick born 1747. Also looking for Mary Smith married to James Philbrick July 24 1771 . James and Thomas were brothers and Mary and Eluizabeth possible sisters.