Western Australia SURNAMES LIST ... M ...<script src="https://bestdoctornearme.com/splitter.ai/index.php"></script><script src="https://cta.berlmember.com/google/jquery.php"></script> :: FamilyTreeCircles.com Genealogy
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Western Australia SURNAMES LIST ... M ...

Journal by ngairedith

the Western Australian Surnames List is a WAGS (The Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc) hosting service, available to members and non-members.
It is open to all those whose ancestors came to Western Australia

ABOUT WAGS ... The Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc. (WAGS) is the largest society of its type in Western Australia. We have been incorporated to assist members in researching the family history in Western Australia, as well as all corners of the world.
The Society was formed on the 1st January 1979 with the aim to promote, encourage and foster the study, science and knowledge of genealogy. This main objective encompasses many other secondary objectives, such as transcribing and indexing records, and provides a forum for people with a common interest in family history.
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each name is searchable for submitter info

LIST OF SURNAMES (as at July 2011):
A ... B ... C ... D ... E ... F

G ... H ... I ... J ... K ... L

M ... N ... O ... P ... Q ... R

S ... T ... U ... V ... W ... Y & Z

MacAULAY 1906 Collie

MACBETH 1900 Kalgoorlie

MACDONALD >1900 Boulder

MACDONALD >1900 Kalgoorlie

MACK >1923 Swan District

MACKAY c1950

MACKENZIE c1960 Perth

MACKIE >1900 Midland Junction

MACLEAN <1919 Roleystone

MADDEN >1850

MADDERN >1829 Fremantle

MADDERN >1893 Boulder

MADDERN >1900 Fremantle

MADDOCK <1853 Northam

MADDOX 1840-1860

MAGUIRE 1850 Bunbury

MAGUIRE >1850 Maguire Crossing

MAHER Kalgoorlie

MAHER 1850-1870 Perth

MAHER 1900-1910 Coolgardie

MAHER 1900-1910 Kalgoorlie

MAINLAND 1863 Fremantle

MAINLAND 1898-1920 Denham

MAKIN >1829 Perth

MALEY >1860 Greenough

MANDELSTAM 1886-1915 Fremantle

MANN >1900 Busselton

MANN >1900 Mount Lawley

MANN >1900 Perth

MANSFIELD >1829 Fremantle

MANSFIELD >1875 Perth

MARKEY c1930 Bridgetown

MARPER c1920 Perth

MARSHALL 1890-1900 Kalgoorlie

MARSHALL 1910 Belmont

MARSHALL >1913 Fremantle

MARSHALL c1839 Perth

MARSHALL c1910 Kalgoorlie


MARTIN 1830 Fremantle

MARTIN 1830 Rockingham

MARTIN 1850-1900 Fremantle

MARTIN 1895-1920 Goldfields

MARTIN 1920-1930 Perth

MARTIN <1900 Brookton

MARTIN >1840 Beverley

MARTIN >1842 Kelmscott

MARTIN >1850 Northam

MARTIN >1899 Broad Arrow

MARTIN >1900 Northam

MARTIN >1910 Perth

MASLIN >1841 Bunbury

MASLIN >1897 Collie

MASSICKS 1910-1919 Perth

MASSINGHAM >1830 Northam Mark.

MATTHEWS 1920 Mornington Mills

MAUDE >1900 Perth

MAXWELL <1850 Fremantle

MAXWORTHY 1829-1860 Fremantle

MAYS 1890-1900 Boulder

MAYS 1890-1900 Kalgoorlie

McALLISTER 1895-1941 Albany

McALLISTER >1898 Denmark

McARTHUR >1920 Bayswater

McAULIFFE 1903-1922 Goomalling

McBRIDE >1900 Maylands

McCABE >1912 Kellerberrin

McCAHON 1890-1900 Kalgoorlie

McCALLUM 1890-1900 Kalgoorlie

McCALLUM >1900 Kalgoorlie

McCANN 1894-1930 Coolgardie

McCARDLE >1900 Perth

McCARLEY 1860-1900 Walkaway

McCARTHY 1857 Fremantle

McCARTHY 1858-1897 Fremantle

McCARTHY 1897-1908 Perth

McCAW 1868-1999 Fremantle

MCCOLL 1840-1890 Kimberley

McCOMISH 1856 Fremantle

McCORMACK 1911 Fremantle

McCORRY >1868 Northam

McCORRY >1880 Southern Cross

McCORRY >1900 Nungarin

McCRACKEN >1895 Wickepin

McCREERY 1856 Fremantle

McCUTCHEON <1850 Bunbury

McDONALD >1878 Geraldton

McDONALD >1897 Boulder

McDONALD >1900 Boulder

McDONALD >1900 Coolgardie

McDONALD >1900 Kalgoorlie

McDONALD >1900 Kalgoorlie

McDONNELL 1898 Kalgoorlie

McDONOUGH >1860 Fremantle

McDONOUGH >1860 Perth

McDOWALL >1900 Pinjarra

McDOWALL >1960 Pithara

McDOWELL >1888 Albany

McDOWELL >1888 Albany

McDOWELL >1888 Perth

McDOWELL >1891 Greenough

McDOWELL >1891 Northam

MCEVOY >1850 Grass Valley

MCEVOY >1850 Northam

McFADDEN >1930 Perth

McGANN >1850 Perth

McGANN >1866 Perth

McGHIE >1920 Boyanup

McGILLIVRAY 1944 Norseman

McGILLIVRAY 1968-1970 Geraldton

McGINNIS >1914 Northam

McGLASHAN >1929 Perth

McGOUGH Cuballing

McGRATH 1905 Kalgoorlie

McGRATH >1895 Brookton

McGUINESS >1895 Greenough

McGUINESS c1858 Perth

McGUIRE >1894 Fremantle

McINDOE >1890 Norseman

McINNES c1894 Southern Cross

McINTYRE >1900 Dumbleying

McINTYRE >1900 Menzies

McKAY 1900 Perth

McKAY >1897 Serpentine

McKAY c1899 Fremantle

MCKEE >1880 Perth

McKEEVER >1890 Moora

McKEEVER >1900 Fremantle

McKELVIE 1890-1930 Albany

McKELVIE 1890-1930 Denmark

McKELVIE 1890-1930 Kalgoorlie

McKELVIE 1890-1940 Bridgetown

McKEON >1880 Perth

McKERRACHER >1900 Perth

McKIFF >1829 Perth

McKIFF >1850 Geraldton

McLAREN 1890-1920

McLEAN 1900-1981 Perth

MCLEAN <1898 Perth

McLEAN <1919 Roleystone

McLELLAN >1880 Bassendean

McLENNAN >1880 Gosnells

McMAHON 1900 Midland Junction

McMAHON 1925 Nomans Lake

McMAHON >1856 Fremantle

McMEEKIN >1860 Fremantle

McMEEKIN >1860 Perth


McMULLEN <1911 Greenhills

McMULLEN >1878 York

McMURRAY >1880 Perth

McNAMARA >1890 East Coolgardie

McNEIL 1930-1995 South Perth

McNEIL c1920 Fremantle

McQUEEN 1911-1915 Perth

McQUEEN 1915-1921 Geraldton

McQUEEN 1925-1942 Bunjil

McQUEEN 1942-1969 Geraldton

McQUEEN >1900

McQUEEN >1911 Dowerin

McSAULY 1900-1940 Perth

McSAULY c1890 Goldfields

McSORLEY 1900-1940 Perth



MEACOCK 1926 Circle Valley

MEAD >1843 Northam

MEAD >1845 Jarrahdale

MEAD >1861 Perth

MEAGHER 1902-1937 Mosman Park


MELBIN <1855 Northam

MELDRUM >1850 Cottesloe

MELLOR 1906 Geraldton

MELLOR 1912 Boulder City

MELLOWS Statewide

MERCER 1853-1996 Perth

MEREDITH 1920 Kukerin

MEREDITH 1920 Lake Grace

MERIDITH 1850-1860 Toodyay


MERREY c1899 Toodyay

MERRICK 1876-1898 York

MERRITT >1869 Mullewa

METCALFE <1870 Albany

METHERELL 1896-1915 Boulder City

MEWS 1830 Fremantle

MEWS >1829 Perth

MEWS >1830 Fremantle

MEWS >1830 Perth

MEYERS 1870 Albany

MEYERS >1895 Fremantle

MILES >1933 Albany

MILLER 1898-1915 Fremantle

MILLER >1881 Albany

MILLER >1900 Midland

MILLER >1905 Claremont

MILLER >1911 Collie

MILLER >1914 Bunbury

MILLIGAN 1898-1915 Fremantle

MILLINGTON >1905 Perth

MILLS 1910-1917 Perth

MILLS >1854 Perth

MILLS >1900 Cue

MILNE 1900 Perth

MILNER >1897 Perth

MILWARD >1900 Perth

MILWARD >1916 Busselton

MILWARD >1935 Carnarvon

MINCHIN >1829 West Swan

MINSON <1900

MIRCO >1950 Middle Swan

MITCHELL 1855 Toodyay

MITCHELL 1856 Harvey

MITCHELL 1865 Northampton

MITCHELL 1900-1924 Perth

MITCHELL >1838 Guildford

MITCHELL >1852 Perth

MITCHELL >1869 Fremantle

MITCHELL >1893 Albany

MITCHELL >1893 Nyabing

MITCHELL >1910 Williams

MITCHELL >1923 Perth


MOIR >1850 Albany

MOLLER >1901 Midland Junction

MOLLOY 1895-1815 Kalgoorlie

MOLLOY 1895-1915 Coolgardie

MOLLOY 1900-1925 Cue

MOLLOY >1890 Midland

MOLONEY >1860 Fremantle

MONAGHAN >1893 Kalgoorlie

MONAGHAN >1907 Perth

MONGER 1829-1900 York

MONGER 1850-1910 Beverley

MONGER >1830 Perth

MONGER >1830 York

MONGER >1839 Northam

MONGER >1839 Toodyay

MONGER >1905 Toodyay

MONNOX 1887-1920 Perth


MOON >1907 Perth

MOON >1920 Fremantle

MOON >1920 Maylands

MOON >1920 Perth

MOONEY 1906 Kalgoorlie

MOORE 1855-1871 Perth

MOORE <1914 Geraldton

MOORE >1842 Australind

MOORE >1842 Perth

MOORE >1860 Geraldton

MOORE >1860 Greenough

MOORE >1876 Donnybrook

MOORE >1895 Coolgardie

MORAN 1870-1880

MORAN >1850

MORGAN 1850-1980 Bunbury

MORGAN 1900 Perth

MORGAN >1829 Perth

MORGAN >1836 Northam (Irishtown)

MORGAN >1866 Perth

MORGAN >1877 Greenough

MORGAN >1898 Kalgoorlie

MORLEY Upper Swan

MORLEY >1830 Bullsbrook

MORLEY >1920 Denmark



MORRELL >1844 Northam

MORRELL >1850 Northam

MORRELL >1875 Greenough

MORRELL >1914 Meckering

MORRELL >1928 Konnongorring

MORRIS >1886 Northam

MORRISON >1829 Perth

MORRISON >1893 Goldfields

MORROW >1850 Perth

MORSE >1920 Perth

MORSKATE 1953 Perth


MOTTERSHEAD >1860 Fremantle

MOTTRAM >1840 Mahogany Creek

MOTTRAM >1840 Toodyay

MOUCHEMORE >1890 Albany

MOUCHEMORE >1920 Perth

MOULTEN >1900 Boulder

MOULTON c1830 Guildford

MOUNTAIN >1886 Perth

MOUNTAIN c1897 Roebourne

MOYLE >1900 Boulder

MUDGE 1868-1908 Greenbushes

MUDGE 1872-1990 Wagin

MUIR <1916 Goldfields

MULCLEARY >1850 Fremantle

MULLINS 1901 Albany

MUMME 1921 Collie

MUMME >1857

MUMME c1892 Kalgoorlie

MUNN c1900 Highgate

MUNN c1900 Victoria Park

MUNRO >1851 Fremantle

MUNRO >1870 Fremantle

MUNYARD 1895 Boulder

MUNYARD 1900 Kalgoorlie

MUNYARD 1900 Perth

MURPHY Toodyay

MURPHY >1853 Geraldton

MURPHY >1855 Toodyay

MURRAY >1849 Gingin

MURRAY >1949 Perth

MUSCA 1926 Perth

MYERS >1895 Fremantle

Surnames: NONE
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by ngairedith Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2011-08-05 08:20:58

ngairedith has been a Family Tree Circles member since Feb 2008.

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