Campbell family of New York and Florida<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Campbell family of New York and Florida

Journal by AmyLynn2374

My name is Amy Campbell, I am the daughter of Donald Campbell SR from Jacksonville Fla, and Joyce M Hanratty of Gouverneur NY. I am on a mission to track my paternal heritage. My father is the son of Charles Albert Campbell, also from Florida and Ollie Lee (Crews). There were 9 boys and 1 girl in his family. Charles Albert was the son of Jerome S. Campbell (born in 1866, but shown in the first two census as being born in 1868.) Jerome's parents were Charles J Campbell (from NY City) and (according to our family Bible,) Mary Stroub. This is where my puzzle starts playing out and I am in need of help.
Somewhere between the 1870 census and the 1880 census, Mary died and Jerome and his father Charles J were residing in the home of Mary and James R Cosgrove. Charles was Born in 1845 to our knowledge, (and the census). What happened to Charles is a pice of the puzzle I am trying to figure out.
I know Jerome ended up in Jacksonville Fla, married Lucy Chase and from there we pretty much know how I got here. Charles on the other hand is our mystery. I found a series of newspaper articles from the New York Times in August of 1886 that I am 99.9% sure are about him. They were about Charles J Campbell general manager of the Steinway and Hunter's Point RR (we did know that he worked for a railroad,) who had a son, Jerome Campbell, (who's age matched the age that they had him on the census') and he and his son had come up missing. To skip all the details apparenty Charles was missing because he had, let's say embezelled some of the RR's money and ran to New Jersey. He was tracked down by the RR, made good on his bad deed and was of course told to get his family and get out. And here's the tricky of the articles mentions he has a wife and 3 children. Up to this point we could only track my great grandfather, Jerome, and knew nothing about any other biological siblings.
Now, my father has always sworn that Jerome had a brother that was in politics and ran for some political office in New York. (We were wondering if his story wasn't a little off...) Now I have to draw the conclusion that sometime between 1880 and 1886 he remarried and they had a couple more children. But who is this second family? I can find no links to my family through any other members on any genealogy site, apparently my sister and I are the only ones from our tree that is curious about our genealogy.
So, if you've made it all the way through my rambling about my family to get this far, and you might have some info that may help or suggestions on where to look or what tools to try, let me know, any help I could get would be greatly appreciated. And if I have any info that might be of use to others, I will glady share!!!!
By the way, I have a bit of information about the Cosgrove family that my ancesters lived with, though as far as I know they weren't related to us.

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by AmyLynn2374 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2009-06-19 12:17:43

AmyLynn2374 , from Gouverneur, NY, has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jun 2009. is researching the following names: CAMPBELL, STROUB, CHASE and 2 other(s).

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by stroub on 2013-07-23 21:33:50

hello amylynn, stroub is my surname, although new york city mary ann stroub and charles j campbell are in my tree. i don't have much on their descendants except a newspaper article and photo of son jerome and his model t school bus, in florida. i'd be glad to share with you.
i do have some very interesting info on mary ann's heritage: her father jacob stroub left new york city for california for gold in 1849, no one in the family saw him since. (i have him on a ship to panama, but havent located him after that).her mother julia hoyt's roots go back to the revolutionary war and beyond. so you i imagine are d.a.r.. mary anns grandmother and grandfather were henry stroub (1770-1863) and margaret sandford (1776-1865) henry was a shoemaker in new york since at least 1801 when they were married . i believe he came from charleston s.c, but am still trying to confirm this.
margaret's father, perigrine sandford (and all of his hiers after his death) including mary ann stroub were in a position to try to sue for the rights to the estate some 50 years after perigrines death. the estate was a farm from the early 1700's in the heart of the future downtown newark commercial/industrial zone! i have newspaper articles i, if you 'd like.
it seems to me that we are both direct descendants of perigrine sandford.,i descend from jacob's brother, john l. stroub (1839-1902). john was a restaurant owner, stroubs oyster bay in new york. among mother things.
nice to meet you cousin!, bob

by AmyLynn2374 on 2014-04-23 18:43:42

Well, Hello!!! How awesome!! I hope that you get this. I am just now seeing this believe it or not 9 months later. I had totally forgotton that I had put a post on here!! If you do see this, feel free to contact me. I'd love to talk!!! My e-mail is!

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