Charles Marlborough BRUNSKILL - Police Constable, Featherston<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Charles Marlborough BRUNSKILL - Police Constable, Featherston

Journal by ngairedith

Charles Marlborough Brunskill (1850-1919)
- was born Castlegregory, Kerry, Ireland
- son of Reverend John BRUNSKILL (1806-1866) & his second wife Eleanor SEYMOUR (1812-1867), who both died in Kerry, Ireland. Rev John's first wife was Elizabeth Sophia BOULGER (1807-1842) with whom he had 2 sons, John and Persse Brunskill

- Charle's known siblings:
? 1847 - 1912 William Samuel Brunksill who married Maria EWEN in 1874 & had 8 children On 8 April 1874, at St Andrew's Church, Cambridge, by the Rev F. C. Lloyd, William Samuel, third son (1st of 2nd wife) of the Rev John Brunskill, late rector of Killiney, county Kerry, Ireland, to Maria, second daughter of Chapman Ewen, Esq, of Walton Farm, Cambridge.
- They farmed on their property "Woodford" in Cambridge, Waikato until his death in 1912 (he previously had 9,000 acres from the (now) Cambridge golf links, known as 'Pah Farm', over to the Maungakawa hills and eastward to Buckland Road)
- Willaim & Maria are buried in Cambridge

? 1854 - 1928 Henry Robert Brunskill who married Emma Beatrice MACKAY (1867-1934) April 1894 in Cambridge
- Henry died 4 March 1928 in Mangere, Auckland aged 74
- Emma remarried 12 Dec 1928 to William Irwin Sydney HUNT (1871-1957)

Charles and his brother William came together to New Zealand from Ireland about 1870 (possibly arriving in Auckland June 1870 on the Schiehallion) and were later followed by their brother Henry

11 September 1876 - FEATHERSTON (aged 26)
... An assault, an arrest, an escape, and a return to custody are reported by Constable Lyster, of the Upper Hutt. The chief performer in these incidents is a man named Bacon, of Masterton, who had, on the evening of the 8th, arrived at Pakuratahi from Wellington. Mr Elliott, of the Golden Fleece Hotel there, on hearing cries of "landlord" went outside, and asked the man making the voice what was the matter. Instantly the man, who proved to be Bacon, threw a large stone at Mr Elliott, striking him in the mouth, knocking out his teeth, and bruising him severely. Bacon was secured, handcuffed and kept in custody for the purpose of being brought to the police at the Upper Hutt. In the night he escaped, got as far as Featherston, and gave himself up to Constable Brunskill, still with the handcuffs on. Constable Brunskill proceeded to Pukaratahi, procured the key of the handcuffs and released Bacon, when an information was laid against him for assault, on which charge he will be brought to Wellington

18 January 1877 - GREENING's COACH ACCIDENT read case at link ...
? Walter COLE, contractor, was called by Mr BARTON ...
? Mr William Robinson HASTWELL's coaches ...
? Michael Thomas BURKE said that on the day of the accident he was coming from Featherston to his hut on the roadside ...
? Mr TOXWARD, stating that they would be glad to entertain any reasonable proposal of compensation for the injuries plaintiff had received ...
? Mr TRAVERS stated that he proposed to give evidence of GREENING's general skill as a driver ...
? The Hon. G. M. WATERHOUSE was then called and gave his opinion as a frequent traveller by coach, that Greening was a careful and skilful driver ...
? Charles M. BRUNSKILL, constable, stationed at Featherston, who had been a passenger on the box seat of the coach, said the speed was nothing remarkable ...
? Thomas M. BATH, civil engineer, who had also been on the box seat, said the coach on the level ground was going at about the rate of seven miles an hour ...
? Richard J. THOMPSON, storekeeper, Greytown, an inside passenger ...

14 May 1877 - PALLISER BAY
... Constable Brunskill, who was sent to Palliser Bay a few days ago to search for traces of the missing schooner 'Kate Brain', which is supposed to have been wrecked, returned to Featherston yesterday. He reports that he went along the beach at Palliser Bay, but that he could find nothing to show definitely that the schoomer in question had been wrecked. He found, however, some pieces of kauri timber in which were imbedded nails of muntz metal. He also picked up the sliding cover of a companion hatch, painted white, and measuring 3? feet in length by 3 feet wide

6 June 1877 - FEATHERSTON
... Inspector Atchison received a telegram from Constable Brunskill to-day, stating that a man named George Potts was sentenced to a month's imprisonment by the Resident Magistrate at that place this morning, for having assaulted a policeman in the execution of his duty

22 April 1879 - RIMUTAKA (aged 29)
... Mr Worsdell, late assistant to Mr T. G. Mason, who recently absconded with his employer's property, was arrested on Saturday by Constable Brunskill as he was making his way on foot over the Rimutaks. He is now lodged in the Featherston lock-up, and will probably be remanded to Masterton. The Wairarapa Daily says that the culprit walked through Carterton, Greytown, and Featherston in full view of their respective constables. But the police system of the district is unfavorable to the capture of a criminal, and had it not been for a private telegram the arrest would not have taken place

13 December 1879 - FEATHERSTON
... Peter Newton, a man whose name is well known at the Resident magistrate's Court in connection with several convictions for vagrancy, larceny, and other offences, has been treating Featherston to a display of his blackguardism. A few days ago he was arrested there on a charge of vagrancy, and it was stated by the officer who brought the charge that he had found him roaming about the country in a semi-nude condition. When locked up Peter shammed being insane, and commenced tearing up his clothes. A medical man examined him, and reported that he was sane, and he was accordingly charged with the offence of vagrancy. In the dock he kept up his idiotic behavior, making grimaces and contortions. These suddenly ceased when he heard the Magistrate sentence him to three months' hard labor, and he made an offensive gesture at the Bench. On going back to the cells, he joked with the police and lamented that his little game had been "no go". This morning he was brought to Wellington by Constable Brunskill to undergo his sentence

12 April 1880 - LAKE WAIRARAPA
... Constable Charles Brunskill is involved with the search for the 3 bodies of Henry Franklin 'Francis' Cross, George Cooley & Edgar Amos Devereux who drowned while duckshooting on the Wairarapa lake

18 May 1880 - KAIWAIWAI
... A man named John Reid has been arrested by Constable Brunskill at Kaiwaiwai, near Featherston, charged with larceny as a bailee of books, &c., the property of M. J. Symes. He was remanded to Wellington, and will be brought before the Bench tomorrow morning

19 May 1880 - FEATHERSTON
... A rather striking example of the precocity of colonial youth has just come under the notice of the police. A boy, a little more than thirteen years of age, son of Mr Gamble, tailor, of this city (Wellington), was entrusted by his father with a ?5 note (2012 equivalent of $790) for the purpose of lodging in the bank, and the youngster left his home ostensibly with that end. He did not return, and after some hours his parents became anxious about him and, in their distress, invoked the aid of the police. Information was sent to the various stations, but no news of the missing youngster was obtained till yesterday, when he was found at Featherston. It seems that in lieu of proceeding to the bank, he went for a trip to the Wairarapa. When at Featherston he went to a livery stable, and said that he wanted a buggy and pair to go to Masterton with, and the proprietor, thinking that he was ordering it for some one else, got it ready. On being about to start, the latter asked who was going with it, when the urchin, with the most perfect coolness, said he was going to drive himself. This was rather too good, and the vehicle was refused, but after further parley, a compromise was effected, the livery stable-keeper agreeing to let a horse for the journey to Masterton. This was brought out and a start made, but the juvenile equestrian's pluck was greater than his riding powers, for after going a hundred yards or so, he was either blown or fell off. This mode of transport was then abandoned, and in the meanwhile Constable Brunskill made his appearance, and having received an accurate description of the run-away, at once recognised him. On being asked what his name was, he promptly replied, "Smith, son of the contractor, at Masterton", but the officer was not to be deceived, took possession of the excursionist, and safely delivered him to his parents this morning. Out of the ?5, he had ?4 remaining, so he was not very extravagant during his three days' trip

26 July 1880 - unknown where
... Charles married Helen EVANS (1861-1885)
- Charles was about 30 & Helen 19

Christmas Day 1880 - WAIRARAPA LETTER
... The inhabitants of Greytown and Featherston, are generally speaking, orderly inclined - at any rate the Government appear to think so. In my last letter I stated that our postmaster had been dismissed. This time I have to inform you that we are no longer to have in our midst a guardian of the peace. As above stated, Government finds no such an orderly class of people - for we do not provide enough genuine cases of "run in", as to warrant them in these time of retrenchment - in keeping a "bobby" stationed in the lower part of the valley. Constable Willoughby, of Greytown, and Constable Brunskill, of Featherston, have just received instructions to pack up and repair to the depot, there to await further orders. This fact speaks volumes for the conduct of the inhabitants. Masterton (fortunately for its people) is still to be supplied with a "limb of the law". Whether the removal of the policemen is a wise step remains to be proved, but I feel doubtful on the matter, still Johnny knows best - at all events thinks he does, which is much the same thing

9 March 1881 - WELLINGTON
... Dr Michael Hanratty, who has been resident in Featherston for a brief period, was brought to town last evening in the custody of Constable Brunskill. He was committed to the Mount View Lunatic Asylum by the Featherston Magistrates. It was shown that he had been drinking heavily of late, and had threatened to commit suicide by cutting himself with a razor

3 May 1881 - FEATHERSTON
... On the 3rd May, at Featherston, the wife of Charles M. Brunskill, of a daughter (Beatrice Amelia Brunskill)
note of interest
Charles's brother William had a daughter 3 weeks later at "Woodford" Cambridge (Elizabeth Dora Brunskill),
*Beatrice Amelia Brunskill (1881-1945)
- married Ernest Robert Klingender (1875-1957) in 1916
*Elizabeth Dora Brunskill (1881-1965)
- married John Reginald Ellison OVERTON (1886-1956) in 1909

15 July 1881 - PALLISER BAY
... A dead body, supposed to be that of a sailor, was washed ashore at Palliser Bay yesterday. Constable Brunskill, the officer in charge of the Featherston station, proceeded to the spot, and is now making enquiries into the matter

27 July 1881 - CARTERTON
... Fritz Von Schluter, who it will be remembered was convicted of illicit distilling about two years ago, and sentenced to twelve months imprisonment, ahs again fallen into his evil ways, and has been cleverly bowled out by Constable Brunskill and Evans early on Saturday morning last, having a still, plant, and a quantity of whisky in a hut on the Taratahi Plains

6 April 1882 - ROYAL HOTEL, Featherston
... to Sportsmen visiting the Wairarapa. Royal Hotel, Featherston. Saddle Horses and buggies for hire to shooting grounds. Excellent Hotel accommodation, &c. - C. M. BRUNSKILL, Proprietor

6 May 1882 - SHOOTING SEASON, Featherston
... ROYAL HOTEL, Featherston. The improvements made in the above old-established Hotel by C. M. Brunskill has ensured the patronage of all sporting gentlemen, the travelling public and the residents of the discrict.
Gentlemen desirous of the best shooting grounds will be driven there by C. M. B. himself.
To establish continuation of the patronage so liberally extended to him, he has made special arrangements for keeping the very best Wines and spirits. As a proof of his earnestness, he begs his patrons to try his very old blended Scotch whiskey, imported by Mr J. Maginnity, Wellington, from Macdougall and Co., of Glasgow
P.S. - On receipt of wire a conveyance will be in readiness at the Featherston Railway Station. horses and buggies always ready for hire. - C. M. BRUNSKILL, Proprietor

12 September 1882 - FEATHERSTON (aged 32)
... The Rev H. V. White, while at Featherston on Sunday morning was prevented from holding the usual service there owing to an accidnet. He was in the act of placing a rug on the seat of the buggy when the horse bolted, throwing Mr White over the back, by which he received a heavy fall. The horse, in passing through, tore the gate off its hinges, breaking the shafts and lamps of the buggy and doing other damage. Nr Brunskill drove Mr White back to Greytown

31 May 1883 - FEATHERSTON
... After hearing the evidence for the defence in the Waihenga arson case to-day, the Bench committed Tolley for trial. Bail was allowed in two sureties of ?200, the bondsmen being Mr Brunskill of the Royal Hotel, Featherston and Mr Charles Harris, settler

24 August 1883 - FEATHERSTON
... The installation of the newly-elected officers of St John's Lodge of Freemasons, No. 1888, Featherston, took place last evening. The following were installed by Bro. H. J. Williams:-
? W.M., Bro. J. G. Cox
? S.W., Bro. J. D. Oakley
? J.W., Bros McLaren
? Secretary, Bro. Donald
? Treasurer, Bro. W. Fry
? S.D., Bro. Reynolds
? J.D., Bro. R. Riddick
? I.G., Bro. Burton
? Tyler, Bros. Keys
The visitors included the following:-
? W.M. Bro. Brown (Masterton Lodge, No 1430, E.C.)
? W.M. Bro. Gray (Greytown Lodge, No 1720, E.C.)
? P.M. Bros Hooper (Thistle Lodge, S.C.)
? P.M.'s Bish, Bailey and Player
There were about 20 visitors from Greytown and Masterton. In the evening a banquet took place at Bro. Brunskill's Hotel

30 August 1884 - FEATHERSTON St John's Lodge
... The annual installation of the W.M. and officers of St John's Lodge, Featherston, No 188, E.C., took place on Thursday, in the Lodge Room, Wakefield-street. There was a full attendance of members and other Lodges in the district were largely represented. Amongst the visitors were the W.M.'s and officers of Greytwon Lodge and St Mark's, Carterton. In the evening a banquet was given in the Royal Hotel, when about 40 brethren sat down and did ample justice to the excellent feast provided by Bro. Brunskill

13 June 1885 - DEATH of HELEN
... Another young native of Wellington has passed away, after a short illness of only two days, which at its commencement was not in the least expected to have a fatal termination. We allude to Mrs C. M. Brunskill, wife of the licensee of the Royal Oak Hotel, Featherston, who died yesterday afternoon at 6 o'clock, from inflammation of the bowels. The deceased lady, who was only 24 years of age, was the daughter of Mr J. Evans, (John & Jessie Evans) saddler, who arrived in Wellington by the ship Adelaide, in the year 1840. Mrs Brunskill was one of a family of 12 children, eleven of whom are alive, and are, with one exception, married and settled in various parts of the colony. Mrs Brunskill, who was highly respected, leaves a family of young children to mourn their loss. The remains of the deceased lady, who was a sister of Mr J. E. Evans, if this city, will be brought to Wellington for interment
... the Friends of Mr C. M. BRUNSKILL are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of his late wife, which will leave his residence, Featherston, on Monday, 15th June, at 2 p.m. - A. DONALD, Undertaker

... are now in use at the following Wellington Hotels:
Mr Isaac's Central Hotel
Mr Smith's Post Office Hotel
Mr Urwin's Branch Hotel
Mr Dones's Pier Hotel
Mr Brunskill, Featherston
Mr Hammerich, Greytown
Mr Hamilton, New Zealand
Mr Williams, Metropolitan

1 December 1885 - OHAUPO, Waikato
... For sale at the Ohaupo Yards, on Tuesday, December 1, 660 head mixed store cattle, amongst which are 30 very choice three-year-old steers, in fresh condition, bred by C. Brunskill, Esq., Taotaorao

9 March 1886 - MAUNGATAWA
... A seam of quartz has been discovered on the farm of C. Brunskill, on the western slope of Maungatawa. It is said to be nice looking stone. Efforts are being made to start a prospecting association to test the value of the stone. Mr Brunskill will offer every facility

13 March 1886 - MAUNGAKAWA
... It is most gratiying to be able to announce that the specimens of the quartz found by Mr C. Brunskill on his property at Maungakawa, have been pronounced by experts to be of very excellent quality. These samples were taken by Mr Soutter, of Cambridge, to Waiorongomai, and were submitted to Mr Adams, the battery manager, for inspection. That gentleman, together with other experts, has declared the stone equal to any found at Te Aroha or on the West Coast

25 March 1886 - the TAOTAOROA GOLDFIELD
... No result has yet been ascertained of the samples of quartz taken from the newly-discovered reefs at Mr Brunskill's at Taotaoroa, which is looked forward to with some anxiety. Our representative paid a personal visit yesterday to the locality, and was very favourably impressed with the appearance and general bearing to the reefs. We must here, by the way, state that the situation of the reef is not in that part of the district knwon as Maungakawa, as has hitherto been stated, but is on the succeeding range of hills known as Taotaoroa, although branching off from the former, and by the distinctive appellation of "Taotaotoa" the reefs must be called.
The road to Mr Brunskill's land, after leaving the main road, passes over several miles up and down of poor, broken country, with stunted scrub and fern, and with extensive high limestone formation in every direction until the downs of Taotaoroa are reached, where the soil, especially near the wooded hills, is of very superior quality. Mr Brunskill has several hundred acres of this land, where he recently put up some new buldings and has a number of sheep and cattle. The reef is about half a mile form his homestead, and is first met with in the deep dip between two portions of high ground. Our representative, with Mr Brunskill, went down to where the reef had been tapped, which is in the bed of a brook, and the face showed a blue look of true stone with fine, large, clear, leads of white quartz running through in various directions. The caisson has a genuine look and the stone itself is very weighty with veins of mundic visible here and there. It is certainly worth while giving the reef a thorough test; and to get into it for about ten feet, from which the stone could be ontained in sufficient quantity for a trial crushing and assay. The stone has precisely the same look as the quartz found at Mount Ida and other Otago fields

... PIAKO COUNTY - TAOTAOROA DISTRICT: Charles M. Brunskill, ?2746, valuation sustained (an April 2012 equivalent of $507,900)

August 1887 - WAIKATO ELECTORAL ROLL (aged 37)
BRUNSKILL, Charles M. Freehold, Taotaoroa, Farmer, Part Hinuera Block, 1375acres
BRUNSKILL, William S. Freehold, Taotaoroa, Farmer, 506acres
BRUNSKILL, Henry, Freehold, Taotaoroa, Farmer, 114acres

... The above board held it usual monthly meeting at the Borough Council Chambers, Hamilton, yesterday, the following members were present: Messrs, W. A. Graham (chairman), A. Primrose, S. T. Seddon, J. K. McDonald, C. M. BRUNSKILL, W. P. Chepmell, James Hally and W. Hunter

... The monthly meeting of the Taotaoroa Road Board was held at the Criterion Hotel Cambridge, on Saturday. Present: Messrs N. I. Hunt (chairman), H. Kallendar, C. M. and H. R. Brunskill

26 July 1905 - OHINEMURI (aged 55)
... Letter to the Editor Ohinemuri Gazette - Sir, Like Rip Van Winkle, Mr Charles Brunskill has awakened from a prolonged sleep and has come to light again, this time as an agitator, certainly not as the working man's friend, as he intended. It is said that "fools rush into print where angels fear to tread" and in this C.M.B. has been very successful. Prompted by the recent eruption in the hitherto peaceful affairs of the County Council regarding retrenchment, Charles M. Brunskill has launched out in your last issue in a washerwoman sort of way with a long and pitiful epistle upholding the workman, which is neither wise or in any way conducive to the best interst of our well-being as a community ... more at link

1 November 1911 - Election of Hospital Board Members (aged 61)
... As the number of candidates nominated for the offices of representatives of the Ohinemuri County on the Thames Hospital and Charitable Aid Board exceeds the number of members required, namely four, I hereby give notice that a poll will be taken on Wednesday, the 8th day of November, 1911, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., under the provisions of "The Local Elections and Polls Act, 1908" and "The Hospitsals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909,"
The following candidates have been duly nominated for Paeroa Riding:-
BRUNSKILL, Charles Marlborough
FRANKLIN, Samuel Jamieson
LLOYD, Charles E.
McWATTERS, William
NATHAN, Joseph
TREANOR, Patrick
... J. BLACK, Returning Officer

26 March 1919 - BOROUGH OF PAEROA (aged 69)
... DOG REGISTRATION FEES - the Registration of dogs for the Borough of Paeroa for the year 1919 is now payable to the Registrar of dogs, Mr C. M. Brunskill, George St., Paeroa

... Charles's letter to the Editor of Ohinemuri Gazette asking that the Borough Council give a few square yards of ground in the Domain for a fitting memorial to the memory of the late Nurse Pennell. "As an old resident I now therefore venture to appeal to the ladies of Paeroa to take the initiative in this matter... "

7 November 1919 - THE DEATH of Charles Marlborough Brunskill (aged 69)
... PAEROA - Charles Brunskill, inspector for the Paeroa Borough Council, was found dead in his bed about 8.30 this morning. Deceased lived by himself. An inquest on the body will be held this afternoon

7 November 1919 - Mr C. M. BRUNSKILL
... This morning Mr C. M. Brunskill, an old resident of the town, was found dead in his bed by Mr C. Hudson, who called at his residence. The deceased came to Paeroa in the stirring times of the goldfields and for a number of years carried on business as a general carrier. This he relinquished a few years ago and latterly has been employed by the Borough Council as Inspector. An inquest is to be held by the coroner, Mr W. M. Wallnutt, this afternoon

8 November 1919 - THE INQUEST of Charles Marlborough Brunskill
... An inquest on the body of Mr C. M. Brunskill, borough sanitary inspector at Paeroa, who was found dead in his bed yesterday morning, was held in the county office yesterday afternoon before Mr W. M. Wallnutt. A verdict was returned in accordance with the doctor's evidence that his death resulted from syncope

10 November 1919 - THE OBITUARY of Charles Marlborough Brunskill
... When an old and respected citizen passes away from our midst, irrespective of age or ailment, the event always leaves a trail of general regret behind it; and when that parting is sudden and unexpected, as was the fate of Charles Marlborough Brunskill, surprise becomes mingled with sorrow, for who would have thought that dignified figure who appeared well and hearty the day before would be found dead in his homestead on the following morning.
Deceased had been in Paeros for upwards of twenty-five years, and had seen its palmy days and played his part in their golden activities in the time of the mining boom.
He came to Paeroa from Cambridge (Waikato) and became associated with a carrying business in which he was as well known as the roads he travelled with his faithful team. He was a man who manifested uncommon interest in most things having for their object the betterment and progress of the town, and was an enthusiastic admirer of all things pertaining to agricultural and horticultural manifestations.
For many years he was honorary secretary to the Paeroa District High School Committee and proved himself a most capable and efficient member of the committee and secretary.
He was a man of a retiring disposition, kind, unselfish, and forbearing in his official duties in connection with the Paeroa Borough Council.
Mr Brunskill came to New Zealand over fifty years ago, and was at one time connected with the Police Department in Wellington, and at different times held other Government positions. After a few years he married, but his wife is long since dead. On coming northwards he joined the Militia in the Waikato and fought with honour for which he received conspicuous recognition. Originally he came from County Kerry (Ireland) and was the son of an Anglican minister. He was educated in his native town, and took an interest in journalism, and his writings under the neading of "C.M.B." will be well remembered in this paper.
He was a mason, and was past Master of the lodge to which he belonged. For a number of years he was an assiduous member of Lodge Ohinemuri, being one of the foundation members and the first Deputy Master of the lodge. Latterly he had taken a keen interest in the Nurse Pennell Memorial Fund, and it was largely due to him that the first public meeting to consider the matter was called.
The deceased was 68 years of age (sic) and has a married daughter, Mrs Klingender, residing at Morrinsville and a brother, Mr Henry Brunskill, farming at Papakura.
The funeral took place on Saturday morning, leaving the Masonic Hall at 10.30 o'clock. There was a large number of brethren of Lodge Ohinemuri present and also friends of the deceased. The Masonic burial service at the grave-side was read by the Worshipful Master, Bro. B. Gwilliam


taken from Cyclopedia of New Zealand

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on 2012-10-27 13:57:43

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