Cherry Family of Clay County Georgia.<script src=""></script> :: Genealogy
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Cherry Family of Clay County Georgia.

Journal by ekc2288

I am descended of Fredrick and Harriett Cherry, both born in North Carolina and moved to Early County Georgia in the early 1800's. Their son David Madison Cherry was born in 1850 in Early County and married Amanda Smith in 1873. They had 3 children, Martha, Mary Elizabeth, and Joel. He remarried after her passing in 1879 to Emma Turner and they had two children, a son Drew Fredrick, my grandfather, and a daughter,Arzilla who married a Bruner. My Grandfather was born and is buried in Clay County Georgia in the Enterprise Church Cemetery. Fredrick is as far back as I can trace this branch of my family, and would like any information anyone would like to pass my way. Thanks in advance.

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by ekc2288 Profile | Research | Contact | Subscribe | Block this user
on 2012-12-06 22:46:39

ekc2288 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Dec 2012.

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by noggin on 2012-12-07 04:41:19

If you do not have a family tree on familysearch go to this link:

by ekc2288 on 2012-12-10 18:41:02

I've looked there and Fredrick and Harriett are as far back as I can get. I have found a lot of Cherrys in Bertie Co. NC and the surrounding area about the time that Fredrick was born, but can't find a definite tie to any of them. I don't have Harriett's maiden name either. I would assume that they were married in about 1825-30 in NC and shortly after moved to Ga, because they are listed in the 1830 Census in Ga.

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